Tables :: Missing NumberID 8 In Table With 22 Entries

Dec 30, 2012

I have a table with 22 entries and some how numberID 8 is missing . How can I get the numbers back in order without redoing the whole thing?

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Replicate Missing Data Into Null Entries

Nov 15, 2005

Hi there

I have some a little programing in microsoft access vb and so I am here asking for advice.

I need to copy a data value from one field down the list of null entries till it reaches the next value and then use that an so on in a loop.

[Area Code]



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Queries :: Show Missing Entries In Database

Oct 16, 2013

I am trying to create a query which show me which of my customers in my database does not also contact a contact to go with it.

I have two tables; Customers and Contacts.

When I create a query I add the fields Company Name from the Customers Table and First Name from the Contacts Table. There are obviously other fields in both tables.

However when I run the query it does not not show me all the results. It only shows me customers if something has been entered into any of the fields in the contacts table for that Customer. I suppose this triggers a contact ID entry for that customer even if no Name has been entered.

However, how do I run a query to show me customer entries which have no contacts to go with them because no contact entry has been made for that customer?

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Tables :: Missing Criteria In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

I was wondering if there was a special character you entered into the column area if you have missing data.

For example,

I am trying to run some statistical analyses using a pivot chart. I want to make sure that every box in a specific column is filled. For some of rows I am missing numbers for some of there columns. If there is missing data do I put a wild card?


First Last Middle Average

John Smith Adam 100

Smith John Peter (Blank) <--- no data

(Now if I were to find the average of both it wont run)

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Tables :: Create One To Many Table Entries?

May 8, 2013

I'm new to MS Access, indeed database design as a whole.

I have been tasked with creating an issues logging database and am having some issues...

I have a table/form that has all the fields I want, including a unique ID, called "Issues". I want to be able to log multiple entries in another table called "emails". The trouble is I am not having much luck. I can create an entry in the issues Form which then shows in the emails but I can't then add another email under the same ID in the "Issues" table.

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Queries :: Show Entries From 2 Tables Not In Third Table

Jun 22, 2013

I have 3 tables;

tblEmployees - Stores employee data
tblProcess - Stores process data
tblTraining - Stores data on which employees have trained on which process

tblEmployees has a 1 to many relationship to tblTraining through empID
tblProcess has a 1 to many relationship to tblTraining through pcsID

When a new Process is added, a query auto populates tblTraining with 1 record for each employee in tblEmployees. Equally when a new Employee is added, a query auto populates tblTraining with 1 record for each Process in tblProcess.

In theory this should ensure that every employee has a training record for every process (and vice versa). However, as many of us know, never assume the user wont find a way to mess things up!

So i want to have a query that can show me Employee and Process without a training record. I have been manipulating a SELECT (SELECT) query to pull this together, but i just keep coming up blank.

I have attached a copy of the relevant tables and query. I have deliberately deleted a training record for empID 6 on pcsID 1 AND empID102 on pcsID 2 (qryCheckTrainingRecordsBalance will show the processes these 2 DO have a training record for).

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Tables :: Linked Table - Adding Entries To Each Row Of Data

Jul 2, 2014

I have a table that is linked to a survey and pulls data from the limesurvey backend.

The user would like to add a local field, so they can add entries to each row of data.

Is that possible ?

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Creating Two Tables - Old Entries And Weekly New Entries?

Mar 13, 2014

I have a table in access which is updated weekly; I need to create two tables from this updated table.

1st table will consist of all the new entries for the current week

2nd table will consist of all the entries from the previous week - an amalgamation of all the entries which are not from the "current week" (table) For example; the table below shows the two entries from last week.




This week I have three new entries New entries




So when I run the same query next week I will get something like this.

Old Entries






How do I get a query /queries which divides up the weeks new entries and also all the old entries.

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Link And Autofill A Name Based On NumberID

Apr 29, 2006

I have a main form for a tblCommittee and a subForm 'sfCommitteeOfficer' that will eventually take an entry or show -if its existing, a list of Committee officials. The officials come from a 'tblMembers'. There are too many members to use a drop down list box to select the MembNumber. What I wanted to do was be able to enter the MemberNumber in a txtBox 'MembID' on the form in the row containing Memb#, MembName, Position i.e chairman, Date elected Date retired, and have the members name automaticlly entered into the field MembName of the subform to limit the amount of entering the user has to do!
Is this possible? I have a tblCommiteeType with key field CommitteeID, and foreign Key MembId, so I dont think I need a tblCommitteeMember because names are already stored in tblMembers.

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Tables Missing

Sep 15, 2006

I have a database that has just been split. In the back end, I don't see the tables. I have gone to Tools>Options>View and found that Show Hidden Objects is checked. When I go to the front end, the links to the tables show up and I can open them and see the data. When I check the Linked Table Manager, I see that the path for the links is leading to the back end database.

I also noticed that on the bottom of the screen, the buttons for the front end show the name of the front end database and have blue page-like icons, but the button for the back end has only the pink key icon. Also, when I try to link another mdb to these tables, the window for selecting the table for linking is empty. I also notice that suddenly, any time I close an Access database, it goes through a compact and repair cycle. This just started happening today. I'm fairly sure that yesterday I could see the tables in the back end.

Oh, yes. Just remembered one other thing. Not everyone here has that location on the network mapped to the same drive. In order to accomodate everyone, the linked table manager was set up with the complete path to the folder:

\companyname.comfolderlevel1folderlevel2folder level3...ackend.mdb instead of

Using Windows XP and Office 2003

There is no verticle scroll bar as was mentioned in another post I found when doing a search on "Hidden Objects".

Any ideas where I should try next?

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Updating Tables With Missing Keys

Jul 25, 2005


I'm designing a database that is used both in the office and field and it has two tables - an "office" table and a "field" table. The office table is a list of addresses, cities, and counties, each with a custom-designed key field. The field table contains equipment information at each location specified in the office table.

What I want to do is set up the database so that field personnel can copy an updated office table (with new locations added or old locations removed) into their databse and click something and have the tables "resync" with each other - the field table automatically adding new records to match those in the office table or delete records it has that it doesn't find in the office table...

Any thoughts or helpful links?

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Tables :: Autonumber Field Missing Numbers?

Dec 12, 2012

I got a table with "ID" as autonumber field. However when I have ID numbers:


And I remove record 4, then I got


How can I make it fill up the missing "4"?

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Queries :: Joining Tables - Missing Data

Jun 4, 2014

I have 2 tables: one for repairs and the other for the billing for those repairs. There is a foreign key(record_num) in the billing table to match the primary key(prikey) in the repairs table. This works fine as long as the unit repair has been completed.

Now an employee wants to see records even if they are not completed and wants the rate to be $0.00 if the unit has not been completed. But by this method there is no record in the billing table.

My problem is if I have the 2 tables joined then I only see records that match both tables. Here is my SQL for the query:

SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_module_repairs.end_user, tbl_module_repairs.pickup_date, tbl_module_repairs.complete_date, IIf([pickup_entity]="Storm","APS Storm","APS Field Tech") AS [Repair Pickup], tbl_module_repairs.mfg_part_num, tbl_module_repairs.manufacturer, tbl_module_repairs.module_type, tbl_module_repairs.incoming_module_sn,

[Code] ....

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Tables :: Accounting For Missing Values In A Calculated Field

Mar 24, 2014

I have a table that stores information for multiple behavioral surveys (numerical values). My goal is to add the proper fields that compose total scores value for each respective survey (do a summation of scores). Now, under design view for my table, I see that I can add a calculated field. When I create this calculated field, I can use the Expression Builder to do a sum of the proper fields (the fields that compose a total score for a survey). The only problem that I'm encountering is that if a field that is part of a survey is missing information, the summation disregards the rest of the values for that survey.

How can I account for these missing values so that, if 1 out of my 9 fields have information, I will still get a summation score for the 9 fields? I want to be able to do this without having to change the value of the missing field to 0.

In SPSS I can easily do this by computing a variable and using a code like this:
SUM.2(field1, field2, field3, etc.)

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Update Tables With Missing Data Without Using Unmatched Query?

Aug 13, 2013

I have an access database with several linked tables (linked to MySQL database) and several local tables. The theory is that if there's ever a connection issue, the device connected to the computer will continue logging data to the local tables. Once a connection is re-established, the linked tables should be updated with all the missing records which appear on the local tables.

I found several possibilities which I outlined below, but I've been asked to investigate whether there's a built in function in access that does this for you and use the other options as a last resort. Does access have any program feature that updates one table with missing data from another table, or will I have to write VBA code to do that? Options I've discovered:

1) Write unmatched query and insert missing data into table.

2) Create a linked table on MySQL that will link to the local tables on access, then compare the records there.The boss isn't happy with those options because he wants to keep the amount of code we add to a minimum. Ultimately, we hope that a program feature that does this is built in to access. If not, I have no problem adding code to do this instead.

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Find Matching Entries In Other Tables?

Dec 10, 2007

Im using Access 2000.

Essentially I want to find out which of the entries in my master table have matching entries in my other tables, and list the ones that do.

So if I have an entry in the master table for “productA”, and there are also matching entries for “productA” in tables “SupplierC” and “SupplierD”. I want to perform a query that will output a list showing “SupplierC” and “SupplierD” (I have A & B tables but if there isn’t an entry in them for “ProductA” I don’t want them on the list.)

I intend to use the results to populate the values of a combo box in future so I require the list to be in a single column, rather than across many columns. Does anyone know if this is possible?

My master table is called “OurProductsTable” and the four supplier tables are called “SupplierA”, “SupplierB”, “SupplierC”, and “SupplierD”.

Each Table has a primary key called “ProductID” and I have linked them together on the relationships screen.

I’m not sure if this is the proper method but I also made another field in each of the supplier tables called “CompanyName” and set the default value as the name of each supplier, so if the entry for supplierC matches the master table entry I can return the “CompanyName” value of “SupplierC”.

Here’s what I thought the code should kind of look like but I don’t know how to apply it properly in a query:

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Tables :: Lock Historical Entries?

Oct 1, 2012

I have a table of Dealers. Each dealer has a REP. I want to CHANGE the rep of the Dealer going forward but RETAIN the historical.

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Tables :: Multiple Entries In One Field?

Feb 19, 2013

Let's say if I am building a database for a library and in a table the book titles are the primary key and there is a field "authors" to record the authors' names.

But sometimes a book may have several writers and if I type all of them into one field, Access only recognise as one person. So how can I format/set up so that when I use query or filter, each one of names can be identified?

If multiple entries are not feasible, how else should I design my tables?

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Tables :: Random Missing Data After Importing From Excel To Access

Mar 8, 2014

I've got an Excel sheet with +700k rows and 20 columns that I wanted to import to Access. All fields are text except the field that I want to use as a primary key, but I planned to import that as a text as well.

When I used the import wizard, I set all fields to import as text except for three that I set to memo. The wizard didn't say there was any error after importing the data, but when I checked the table, I noticed there were *a lot* of records where many fields where blank. Some fields where completely unaffected by this problem throughout the entire table, but in the rest of them, there is data missing in many records, and when there is data missing, it is not always the same fields that are missing. I have been unable to find any pattern that explains why sometimes the records were imported correctly, and why sometimes they were not.

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Tables :: Total Of Entries In Date Field

Jan 29, 2014

I have a simple table named [Groups] containing a Primary key ID, a Group name, a Group Leaders name and a date field. The date field merely lists the date of a particular Group related occurrence.

I need to know how many records have dates entered and assumed a simple total would achieve this. The Total is correctly shown in the appropriate row but most, but not all, of the date records are converted to show the same 'total' the date 28/01/2014 is changed to !4. Quite a weird occurrence.

Is it the case that date records cannot be totaled, in which case, why not all?

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Tables :: Posting Multi-entries From Drop Down

Nov 1, 2012

I have a field in which I wish to post several contacts. The contacts are listed in a table and populate the specific field via a drop down. In this specific field I want to select "mary" "bob" and "fred" (all three to display) however only one is displayed.....

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Forms :: Assigning Multiple Entries In One Table To A Single Entry In Another Table

Jul 24, 2013

I've got a table tblPatienten, a table tblRechnung and a form frmRechnung.

The primary key in tblPatienten is KundenNummer, the primary key in tblRechnung is RechnungsNummer. The relationship between tblPatienten and tblRechnung is one to many.

Now, every patient (stored in tblPatienten) is allowed to make multiple orders (stored in tblRechnung).

How can I assign each new order entry in frmRechnung to an existing patient in tblPatienten?

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How To Make Two Table Entries Correspond To Single Entry Of Different Table

Nov 18, 2013

I have one main table with a list of equipment. I have a second table where there will be a form for damage reports.

What is the easiest way to make multiple entries from the second table correspond with a single entry on the main table?

Some equipment pieces might have dozens of damage reports, while some might not have any.

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Tables :: Database With Multiple Entries For A Single Date?

May 17, 2013

We have two facilities that receive four different types of shipments. I wanted to set up a database to track these shipments. Is there a way for me to set up tables such that the person entering the information can leverage the same date and location field for each entry type? For example, we may only receive two types of shipments today and four tomorrow. I want to avoid having the clerk enter the date and location two times today and four times tomorrow for each data entry.

Here's an example of what I mean above:

Date Location Type Qty
5/16 1 A 10
5/16 1 B 1
5/17 1 A 1,000
5/17 1 B 100
5/17 1 C 1
5/17 1 D 11

I'd like for the clerk to select from a fixed number of locations (1 and 2) and a fixed number of types (A, B, C, or D) and provide the date and quantity received.

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Removing Duplicate Entries From Joined Tables In CrossTab Query?

Jun 19, 2007

Hello all,

I have made a crosstab query that is sporatically making duplicate counts. I'd like to know how to fix the problem, but more importantly - I'd like to know why and how my query is giving me these results so I can avoid making this same mistake again.

The relationship is set up so that all records from one table are returned, with only matching records from the other - so no problems that way as far as I can see. This is my crosstab query that is giving some counts of the same record as being matched sometimes two, three, or even four times:

Count([Testing DB].[DB_ID]) AS [CountOfDB_ID]

[Testing DB].State, [Location].[North], Count([Testing DB].[DB_ID])
AS [Total Of DB_ID]

FROM [Testing DB] LEFT JOIN [Location] ON [Testing DB].[Address] = [Location].Address

WHERE (([Testing DB].[Window Length]) Is Not Null))

GROUP BY [Testing DB].State, [Location].[Size]

ORDER BY [Testing DB].State, [Location].[Size]

PIVOT Format([Date],"mmm-yyyy");

When I do a simple query for a list of the records being counted by this query, I can see the duplicate entries and can eliminate them simply by adding "Distinct" to the select statement - but I haven't had any luck adding any kind of distinction with this crosstab that will do the same.

How can I eliminate duplicate counts of records in my crosstab? If anyone has a suggestion, it would be much appreciated.

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Tables :: Queue With Several Concurrent Entries - Reduce Duplicate Orders

Jan 24, 2013

I'm trying to create a database that is going to be used to deliver some work to several of our users. Each time they open a specific form they'll be delivered a job.

The tables are organized somewhat like this



Now it works like this, the user gets an ID_JOB from queue

In the form they get all the all the work orders with that ID_JOB, the thing is i'm getting users with same duplicate orders cause i can't update the locked efficiently.

Regarding the users, the database is split, multi-user, with >30 simultaneously

I'm been trying to use dao.recordset, with transactions to try and reduce the duplicate orders.

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