Can I Write Code To Update The Tables On The Be?

Aug 2, 2007


On the OnLoad event of a form, is it possible for the program to traverse or go through every single record (maybe with a while loop)?? If so, please send me the exact syntax.

Also, I want to update the tables on the back end. Is it possible to this in the be file? Where specifically would I have to put the code?


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How Would I Write This Email Code

Feb 22, 2007

Not being good at codes.

What I attemping to do is edit a email address, upon entering that field.

As of now I right click in the field and then edit the email address.

any ideas

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How To Write Code For A Report

Oct 28, 2004

I have a report rptEnvelopes to print envelopes. In the report I have text box called txtRecipientName .
I have a qryAddress with fields notNo, IDCard, Fname, Lname where notNo is a field that takes its value from a combo box called cboSelectEnvelope from a form frmPrinting. I then wrote the following code:

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim dbLet As Database
Dim rsLet As Recordset
Dim sqlLet, criteriaLet, txtRecipientName As String
Dim stLet as String

Set dbLet = CurrentDb
sqlLet = " Select DISTINCT IDCard FROM qryAddress " & _
"WHERE notNo = " & Forms!frmPrinting!cboSelectEnvelope
Set rsLet = dbLet.OpenRecordset(sqlLet, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rsLet.EOF Then
stLet = "rptEnvelope"
criteriaLet = "notNo=" & Forms!frmPrinting!cboSelectEnvelopeReports
'This is where I go wrong:
'How to I declare txtRecipientName, on rptEnvelope, to get the value rsLet!Fname&" "& rsLet!Lname
DoCmd.OpenReport stLet, acViewPreview, , criteriaLet
End If

NOTE: Private Sub Report_Open is called from the On Open Event of rptEnvelope

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How Would I Write This Code For Check Boxes

Mar 15, 2006

Here is my problem. I have several fields located on a form. The user has a problem finding the curser on what field its on. I did ok with the text fields, but I need to come up with something for the check boxes. Any Ideas

The code below works good for text fields. But I need to do the same for Check Boxes or the Check Box Label that is associated with the check Box.

Private Sub Ctl4bCode_Enter()
Me.Ctl4bCode.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)

End Sub

Private Sub Ctl4bCode_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Ctl4bCode.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)

End Sub


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General :: Code Which Write Changes In Form

Jul 11, 2013

I have form "frmOrders" (Datasheet), columns: "id_order", "nameOfOrder", "worker", "term", "changes"I don't know it's possible or not.

e.g. I have in some record values like this
Id_order - 2
NameOfOrder - folder
Worker - John
term (this field is empty)

some day I will change e.g. nameOfOrder from "folder" to "business card" and term from empty to 2013-07-13. So two records was changed. After changes, record "changes" should has value like this "folder; term" - because I changed these columns.

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General :: How To Write Sample Code To Retrieve Current User Name

Sep 25, 2013

How to write Sample Code to Retrieve the Current User Name?I have done for short name only and I need it full

Private Declare Function apiGetUserNameWindows Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Function fOSUserName() As String
Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String


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Update (write) Current Record

Jun 27, 2006

I have a small problem: I just want my form to update the current record because I'm opening (with a button) a second form which uses the values of some of its table fields.
If I open 2nd form without updating, it will use old values, and if the record I was worknig with is a NEW record, 2nd form simply can't find it because it's not been written!
1. I want to tell the button to UPDATE record before opening the 2nd form.
2. In addition, I could want to go to 2nd form DIRECTLY from the same field I want to update and use in 2nd form (through a Keypress event instead of a button), but this is more difficuolt because I still didn't EXIT from the field but I already want to use the text manually updated in the field... any idea?


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Write/update Multiple Lines Belongs To A PO?

Apr 18, 2008

Hello all,

How are you? Hope everything is well!

I have a question. If I have a form, which has underlying source is the table LineItem. The table has these fields PO#, Line Item, Cancel check box, and Cancel Reason list box. Each PO can have 1 to multiple line items. Once in a while, the users need to cancel certain line items and type a reason in the Cancel Reason box. When the users click the Cancel check box, it force the user to enter a reason.

However, in cases, some POs have 10-100 line items, and the reason are the same for all line items, and it is time-consuming and tedious to do one by one. I would like to find a way to enter reason in line 1, for example, and copy/update the rest of line items in that same PO with that.

Please advise HOW and WHAT COMMAND should I use to update the text in one field of one record (line item) to ALL other records (line items) in the same PO.

Please help! Thanks so much.

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Sync CheckBox To Update/Write To Text Field

Jul 14, 2006

Hey Guys,

I'm looking to create a "Same As Billing Address" check box that would automatically udpate the address in an order to reflect the customer's billing address.

I understand how to sync a combo box to an option group ( -- great article by the way)

I Guess what I'm looking to do is:

1. Sync a "Same As" Checkbox to multiple text boxes in the form (Unit, StreetAddress, City, Province, Postal) such that these fields are UPDATED (writen to) with the same information as the billing address

2. [U]IF the "Same As" Option is selected, I need the updated fields to lock, allowing no further update... but must by unlocked if the "Same As" option is NOT selected.

Please help me out with this one guys.. I really need it.

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Correct Syntax To Write Command Line Able To UPDATE More Than One Field In Table

Nov 24, 2014

what is the correct syntax to write a command line able to UPDATE more than one field in the table records having multiple WHERE criteria.

Here is my challenge:My TableI has the columns A, B, C and D which are populated, for example, as follows:

1 2
2 6 4 3

1 7 5 9
1 2
2 5 8 5

I also have a FormII which updates TableII. Among the existing fields of TableII there are the fields C and D (same as above). When saving data entry thru the save button of the FormII, fields C and D will be naturally saved on the TableII. Well, I also want C and D info updated into Table I as well, but only when field A=1 and B=2.So what I need (for the click event of the button save in the FormII) is to open TableI and either insert or update it with the values of the fields C and D in every record WHERE A=1 AND B=2.For instance, assuming C=& and D=%, the desired result should be as follows:

1 2 & %
2 6 4 3
1 7 5 9
1 2 & %
2 5 8 5

I did not find any examples in the net including multiple criteria..Here is what I wrote unsuccesfully:

Private Sub BtSalvarFrmII_Click()
CurrentDb.execute "UPDATE TableI"
Set FieldC = Forms!FrmII!FieldC.value AND Set FieldD = Forms!FrmII!FieldD.value WHERE FieldA = 1 AND FieldB = 2
End Sub

What would be the correct syntax?

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Write To 2 Tables?

Oct 23, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible for one field on a form to write to 2 tables?

e.g. i type in field "Owner" on my form which is sourced to "Owner" in table A but i would also like it to populate "Owner" in Table B.

Hope that makes sense.



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Write Data To Two Tables From One Form

Apr 14, 2006

Can anyone help? I need to write data from a single form to two separate tables simultaneously.
The data will need to overwrite existing data in the first table & add a new entry in the second.
Any help would be much appreciated.

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Write A Query That Will Return Records From Multiple Tables

Dec 19, 2012

I am trying to write a query that will return records from multiple tables. I currently get an error suggesting I create a subquery or else I get far too many records.

The query is EditAttendanceQuery (I left it in a bit of a state). The fields I need are shown in the query. The records I need are based on the Edit AttendanceQuery (Form). I can get the records I need without the CourseNumber and Section, but it all goes downhill when I include them.

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Update/insert How To Determine Which In Code

Jul 13, 2005

Queries are run on a webpage:
The queries would be a little bit different – instead of just one operator, it would get all operators for each category and then either create a record in Access (if it didn’t already exist) or update a record (if it already existed). For example, the first query might get

Since these records don’t exist yet, we’d do an insert for each. If the next query (for a different entry/verify category) got

we would update JSMITH (since already inserted after first query) and insert VJONES. This has to be done since not everyone works in every category. Not sure if you can import different spreadsheets into Access and have it determine automatically for each row whether to do an insert or update (of course, we can do this in code in the web page).

Can you help?

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Modules & VBA :: Run Two Sets Of Code On (Before Update)

Aug 30, 2013

I have a set of code to keep an audit trail that calls a module:


Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Call AuditTrail(Me, CurrentCYIDPK)
End Sub



Option Compare Database

Const cDQ As String = """"
Sub AuditTrail(frm As Form, recordid As Control)
'Track changes to data.
'recordid identifies the pk field's corresponding
'control in frm, in order to id record.
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varBefore As Variant


how to run both of these events on Form_BeforeUpdate.

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VBA Code To Update Field In Table

Jun 23, 2012

I am currently trying to add a last updated field for each field on my table. I figure I would have to add a before update code for each field on my form. However, the field that I want to have updated is not located on my form, but just on the table. I would like to have the field on the table updated with the last user and time the field was updated.

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Table Locked When Trying To Update Via Code Called By A Form

Oct 19, 2005

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I am trying to update a database table via a command button on the main form, that uses tabbed sub forms.

The database gets its data from paradox data tables copied our company's
third-party software. These table files are copied from one location to another to stop the paradox database from locking up and giving me errors during the import process of this database. I then link to these files at a pre-determined location on a local computer hard drive.

When I try to run the code below I get the error about the table being
locked by a user or process. As you can see I have tried adding a pause
incase the files are still being copied but this does not seem to be the

I have used a msg box to confirm that the copying process has completed before starting the make query, but the same error comes up after I click ok.

Can anyone suggest anything else.

As you can see from the simplicity of the code below I am a beginner so take it easy on me, by not taking knowledge for granted. :)


Dim response
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

response = MsgBox("Are you sure that you want to update xxx with Customer
data from xxx?", vbYesNo, "Perform Update")
If response = vbYes Then

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (5000)

‘close active form

‘close all active forms
Do While Forms.Count > 0
DoCmd.Close acForm, Forms(0).Name

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (30000)

‘delete existing file
Kill "c:folderfile DATA.DB"

‘replace with new file
FileCopy "J:Folderew_DATA.DB", " c:folderfile DATA.DB "

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (40000)

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

stDocName = "Make_DATA"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

stDocName = "Make_DATA_SUMMARY"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

stDocName = "qry_Update_ Status"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

‘open up main form when finsihed
stDocName = "main-form"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End If

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Forms :: Update And Save Button Code Is Getting Error

Aug 24, 2014


Private Sub Save_Click()
If IsNull(cboEmpName) Then
MsgBox "Please Select Employee Name"
End If
If Me.txtNoofDaysWorked.Value = "0" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter No of Worked Days"


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Forms :: Label On Form Will Not Update As The Code Runs In The Background

Mar 17, 2014

I have a userform that pops up when I am implementing a VBA subroutine. The nature of the form is simply to update the user what progress through the operation the code is using a label called lblProgressText.

So, I have a form called frmProgress and in my loop I use:

Form_frmProgress.lblProgressText.Caption = Format(rsLongItems.PercentPosition / 100, "0.00%") & " - Long items"
Form_frmProgress.pbProgressBar = rsLongItems.PercentPosition

I know I don't need the .requery, .repaint and .refresh lines but I put in there just to check it wasn't that causing the issue.

When my code runs, the form is opened using:

Form_frmProgress.Modal = False
DoCmd.OpenForm Form_frmProgress.Name, acNormal, , , , acWindowNormal

The form Popup property is set to Yes.

The lblProgressText control just wont update (but earlier today it was so maybe I have broken something).Btw, all this code is run from a Module, not in the form object.

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Can I Get An Update Query To Not Add Records To Tables Only Update?

Jun 28, 2005

Hi Guys,

I have got a query that updates details from one table2 to table1, "Reference" is the primary key and this is what the query uses to determine which need updating.

It all works great but if table2 contains a record in "Reference" that is not in table1 i just want it to ignore it, currently it just seeems to add them.

Any suggestion guys & gals?

Many thanks

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General :: MS Access Code To Update (add / Subtract) Value (quantity) On Table / Form

May 15, 2015

I have a 'tblStock' with fields 'ProductID', 'InitialStock', 'Buy', 'Sell' and 'UpdatedStock'. I also have a form 'StockUpdate' add values and also add new records to 'tblStock' .

If I have value [100] for IntialStock quantity, Buy [0] and sell [10], UpdatedStock will be [90] (that's done and fine!).

The problem is, I would like to make the UpdatedStock value [90] to be the NEW InitialStock, so that any BUY or SELL will keep updating the UpdatedStock and making it the NEW InitialStock for the next transactions and so on....

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Forms :: Create A Message Box To Flash On Screen To Tell User That Update Code Is Running

Mar 6, 2014

I need to create a message box or a form or something to flash on the screen to tell the user that a piece of "Update" code is running. the update code will be updated reports from marketing returns, but the 3 branches who use the information are separate so I am creating an update form to download and update the table.

The code for the update is already working, but can take a while, so I thought a message or splash screen would be useful as the update runs on start up.

It would have another use, I have a report which is made mainly of calculated fields on an onPrint event and also takes a while to work it out, so a similar screen would be more useful than my current spinning circle and blank screen.

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Update Query Using 3 Tables: Source, Joining, Destination Tables

Apr 19, 2007

I have some experience doing 'Update Query' using two different tables but I'm having a hard time doing an 'Update Query' using 3 tables.

I have my source table TP05XY with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' 'UTM_Edig' and 'UTM_Ndig'. Mark and Date are my primary keys (they together uniquely ID each record). I have my Observations table with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' and 'Obs_ID'. The last table is Locations with 'Obs_ID' 'UTM_E' and 'UTM_N'.

I want to update my fields UTM_E and UTM_N from UTM_Edig and UTM_Ndig. However, to do so, I have to go from my TP05XY table, through Observations table to update Locations table. Table TP05XY is joined to Observations through 'Mark' and 'Date' and Observations table is linked to Locations through 'Obs_ID' field.

I have tried a few options without success ... anyone knows how to do it?



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Modules & VBA :: Modify Working Code - Export Query And Update Worksheets In Excel Template

Mar 12, 2014

What I want to do instead is open an existing .XLSM wokrbook delete or update the 7 sheets it creates and replace them with the new query results from access.

I love this code below because it works really well but now I have a new requirement. I have a workbook that has a "dashboard" sheet that looks at the sheets from acccess and summerizes the data. So, I'd like Access to open that "template" excel workbook and delete the old sheets and put in the new ones..The required sheets to keep are called "Metrics", "Validation" and "Mara"

What I was trying to do for the past few hours was another work around which was to have Access run this code, then excel run some code to import the "dashboard" formulas but I can't get it to copy to another workbook because it links to the OLD workbook..Here is the working code that needs modding:


Option Compare Database
Public Function ExportAdvanced()
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strWorkSheetPath As String
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim Rng As Excel.Range
Dim strTable As String
Dim strRange As String
Dim strSaveName As String
Dim strPrompt As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strDefault As String


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Tables :: Update ODBC Linked Tables On MS Access?

Apr 30, 2015

How to Update ODBC linked tables on ms access?

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ReLinking Tables Through The Use Of Code

Apr 13, 2006

Credit goes to FoFa for posting this code on this form.

Attached you will find code to relink tables. I manage I am doing to wrong, and need help in order for it to execute correctly. I would appreciate direction.

What I am doing:
Copying the modules over to my unsplit database.
Creating a form called ReLink.
Setting a macro (AutoExec) to open the the form.
On the form's On Open event placing the function =TestIt
Splitting the database.
Verifying by opening FE that connection exists
Moving BE and reopen FE.
All I get is unable to connect the BE message. Form continues to open.

Thanks for insight.

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