In Case Of Missing Record

Mar 10, 2006

Hi All!

I made a query that calculates the sum of from a table that contains defect types and numbers.

The problem is when after the inspection there's no defect no values will be entered in the mentioned table. And running the query the result is 'NOTHING'.

I tried to deal with this 'nothing' putting this in another query:

result: IIf(IsEmpty([QF_VISUAL_INSPECTION_sumdefect!SumOfdefect_no]);0;[QF_VISUAL_INSPECTION_sumdefect!SumOfdefect_no])

but it didn't succeeded in gaining '0' instead of the 'nothing'.

How could I cope with this problem?

Any help would be appreciated.


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General :: Input Data In Lower Case And Automatically Change First Letter Of Word To Upper Case

Mar 16, 2013

Is there any way of making data that is inputted in lower case to automatically change to the first letter of each word being a capital ...

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AutoNumber Generated In Case Of Record Not Entered.

Dec 13, 2005

I m using autonumber in my ID field.My other table fields are mandatory.
There is no problem when I enetered Record completely.
Now if I have 20 records. automuber is also 20. Now I want to eneter new record. 21 autonumber generated. But I have not completed the form/table.or I didnt want now that record.So I didnt save it.

But next time I come autonumber 22 is generated for my new record.
Now I have 1,2,3,......19,20,22,23....

here 21 has lost.Now is there any option to recover or restict that without completing the full table if the record had not saved autonumber again generated.

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Record Missing

Feb 7, 2008

I have a weird situation and I was wondering if anyone has had an issue with this. I have a record missing from a table. Normal Users are not allowed to delete records from the Form view. There is a blank record where the record should be. The auto number counts from 37, 38, 40. Record 39 is missing and there are blanks where it should be. The autonumber field is my Primary Key and it is blank just like the rest of the fields in the record. I know that the record existed at one time because one of the DB users has a report referencing that record. Any Ideas?

Thanks for the help,


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Cannot Go To Next Record Or Exit If There Is Missing Value

Jan 8, 2006


In MS Access, Form

I want to set up that if there is missing value of the fields, then we cannot go to next record or exit the form when we click to do next action.

I tried to add the code in the After update event, or Exit event,

Example Code:
if (isnull([Zip]) or len([zip]) = 0) then
msgbox "missing"
end if

when I click to go to next record, or exit the form,
it give out message "missing", it work fines,
but, it still go to next record, or exit the form after the message.

How do I fix it? Thanks.

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Change Case To Title Case

Aug 24, 2004


help is needed yet again :-)

I know when creating a text field in the format option
you can use the > or < sign so that when text
is entered it automatically changes it to uppercase or
lowercase - but i need it to be Title Case, any one know
how I can do this....

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Record Missing From Query Report

Feb 17, 2006

i have made a query.. when executed it returns 4 results..when i view the report however (made using the wizard based on that query) only 3 results are displayed..i then add a record to the database... the query returns 5 results.. and again the report only displays 4 results...i believe that the first record entered into the database is missing from the report.. but it is present in the query.. could i have accidentally deleted the first record from the report when i was altering the layout in design view??anyone come across this before?is there a general rule with reports based on queries that only display results with certain criteria or something??

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Record Missing Using Work Week Query

Feb 25, 2007

I got a problem regarding query work week in database.
The database contain data of year 2006 and 2007. When i query about work week, some record is missing.

i wrote the sql statement as

There is one record missing... which is 31/12/2006 record.

So any idea to eliminate this??

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Missing Record - 325 In The Table, 324 Showing On The Form???

Sep 19, 2005

I have a database which has one main form linked to a table which has 325 records in it. The problem is when you open the form it says there are only 324 records :confused:
I have gone through the table comparing the records with the form records, I found what I thought was the 'missing' record. But when I did a find on the form I managed to retrieve the record.
Can anyone help as I'm a bit baffled.


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Queries :: Count How Many Fields Are Missing For Each Record

Jun 27, 2013

I have a fairly simple query to weed out all the records in our database that are missing vital pieces of infomation :

SELECT Contacts.Name, Contacts.Address1, Contacts.Address2, Contacts.Town, Contacts.County, Contacts.Country, Contacts.PostCode, Contacts.Telephone, Contacts.Code
FROM Contacts
WHERE (((Contacts.Address1) Is Null) OR ((Contacts.Address2) Is Null) OR ((Contacts.Town) Is Null) OR ((Contacts.County) Is Null));

Is there anyway to count how many fields are missing for each record ?

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Missing First Record In Table

Sep 23, 2014

I am having an issue with DLookup, which, for some reason which I do not understand appears to missing the first record in the table.

What I am trying to do is to extract the e-mail address of all users who have 'Admin' status to the database. In the table ('LogIn') there are 3 users who have 'Admin' status and this is confirmed by the DCount function in the following code. There respective ID values in the table are 1, 49 and 51.

Yet when I run the Loop to get all e-mail addresses it misses ID 1 and just returns records for ID 49 and 51.

I have tried changing other users status to 'Admin' and it finds them but always misses the first record.

Here is the code I am using:-

LastIDRef = 0
strToEmail = Null
strMailToAddress = Null
AdminCount = DCount("[ID]", "[LogIn]", "[LogIn].[Security Level] = 'Admin'")
strLinkCriteria = "[LogIn].[Security Level] = 'Admin' And [LogIn].[ID] > " & LastIDRef

[Code] ....

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One Page Report With Subreport - Last Record Missing

Nov 9, 2011

I have a report that is fixed at one page for one record. However, there is a subreport with many transactions ("CanGrow"=No). If this goes to a new page I have to close the report and start a new one. This all works fine, except for the last transaction - if the second-to-last transaction record is at the bottom of a page then the last one does not print.

Access seems to format the data, then it realizes that it won't fit on the page so doesn't print it. I am using record id number to know which transaction record to start the next report on, so when it gets to the end my logic thinks it has reached the end as the id number is the last one in the set.

How can I know if the last record has printed or not?

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Using Two Outer Joins To Get A Record Count With Missing Records

Feb 5, 2008

Hello All,

I have three tables: Employees, Gender, Diversity. Both the Gender and Diversity tables are one to many relationships with the Employees Table. I am trying to run a query that will output a count of all diversities and genders. For example:

Diversity-----Gender-----Employee Count



I am trying to get all counts, even if the combination of diversity/gender is not in the employees table. I am going to use that information in a Crosstab query.

What I thought would work was do a Left Join For Diversity and Employee such as:

SELECT Diversity.[Diversity Description], Count(Employee.ID) AS CountOfID FROM Diversity LEFT JOIN Employee ON Diversity.ID = Employee.Diversity GROUP BY Diversity.[Diversity Description];

Then, do a Left Join for Gender and Employee such as:

SELECT Gender.[Gender Description], Count(Employee.ID) AS CountOfID
FROM Gender LEFT JOIN Employee ON Gender.[Gender ID] = Employee.Gender GROUP BY Gender.[Gender Description];

And then do a Union. But that doesn't work.

Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated!



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General :: Fill In Missing Number When Adding A Record

Jul 5, 2013

I am working on a database where the records are numbered sequentially. On a regularly basis, records will be deleted leaving a gap in the record number sequence. I would like to have my db recognize that a number(s) is number in the sequence and use the missing number (filling in the gaps) when a new record(s) is added until all spaces are filling and then to continue from the largest number sequentially.

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Forms :: Prevent Record Entry With Information Missing

Feb 18, 2014

I have a form and was wondering if it was possible to set it so that a user is not able to click the submit [Submitcmd] unless certain text boxes are filled (however SampleOuttxt needs to be able to remain blank).

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Missing Records (and Missing Updates)

Oct 7, 2005

Hi all

This is an ongoing problem I have had for 4 weeks now.

I have made a a system thats acts like a clock In/clock out Out system.

the structure is somthing like this

All fields apart from ID (autonumber) and username (String*255) are Date field (there are a few others like DateOfTimesheet etc but they arnt important here)

When a user arrives in the morning they make a record which they use for the day

They then have a form with a whole bunch of buttons which simply updates the correct field. For example they click the "Sign in for the Day" button and it updates the correct field with the current time.

Everything was going fine until people noticed that every now and again a sign in time dissapeared.

I have hacked myself to death trying to solve this problem but still the updates go Astray.

Now each time a time is updated the process goes somthing like this

1. the user opens their timesheet for the day (the RS is SNAPSHOT and no locks)

2. User Hits a sign in/out button
3. The record source is changed to "" and all buttons hidden (to ensure the record isnt locked and to make sure you dont do two things at once)
3. The table is updated with the new time (using some dynamic SQL)
4. The table is repeatadly checked using a DO loop to make sure the the correct time went in.
5. when the returned time value of the field matches the varaible used to update it, the form is returned to normal and the user carries on his/her merry way (if it never matches the screen should crash but this never happens).
6. A New record is added to another table called "tblbugfixinglog" which records which field was updated and when. This is so that I have two records in two different ways (figured if one went astray I could pull it back off the other)
7. Another new record is added to yet another table called tblSQLRecord, which simply logs all .RUNSQL statements that are executed.

I thought that the two extra tables (and the check that the record had been updated) would help me track down where the records are going missing, but this isnt the case.

Now it appears that some records arnt being added to tblBugFixingLog and to tblSQLRecord either and some of these tables are getting quite a few #ERROR's in them..

None of the tables are related to any other and i've no idea how #ERROR lines are appearing in a table that has 1 function... to recieve new records ... no editing, no viewing, no deleting.

Does anyone have any idea how these updates/inserts can go missing or create #ERRORs.
I've built plenty of Databases in my time and have never come across this.
__________________________________________________ ______________

This is the function I use to add a record to tblBugfixingLog and tblSQLRecord

Private Sub AddBugLog(ByVal TimesheetNumber As Long, ByVal FieldUpdating As String, ByVal NewFieldValue)
Dim TempSQL As String
TempSQL = "INSERT INTO tblBugFixingLog (TimeAndDateOfEntrySERVER,TimeAndDateOfEntryPC,Fie ldUpdated,NewEntry,UserID,TimesheetNumber,Computer AssetNo) VALUES (" & _
"#" & Format(ServerGetTime(Environ$("LOGONSERVER"))) & "#," & _
"#" & Now & "#," & _
"'" & FieldUpdating & "'," & _
"'" & NewFieldValue & "'," & _
"'" & GetNTUser & "'," & _
"'" & TimesheetNumber & "'," & _
"'" & fOSMachineName & "')"
' MsgBox TempSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblSQLRecord (Username,DateAndTime,Screen,TheSQL) VALUES('" & LoginInfo.sUsername & "','" & CStr(Now) & "','Add Bug Log function','" & CleanData(TempSQL) & "')", False
'CleanData is a function that removes ' and " from the SQL string so i can easily add the SQL string into the table
DoCmd.RunSQL TempSQL, False
End Sub

Public Function CleanData(ByVal DataToClean As String)
Dim TempData As String
Dim i As Integer
TempData = ""
For i = 1 To Len(DataToClean)
Select Case Mid(DataToClean, i, 1)
Case "'"
TempData = TempData & "`"
Case """"
TempData = TempData & "`"
Case Else
TempData = TempData & Mid(DataToClean, i, 1)
End Select
Next i
CleanData = TempData
End Function

__________________________________________________ ____

I have no idea how this can create #ERROR lines in the table when it is just added to and nothing else.

Does anyone have any clue to what may be happening here.

(Oh yeah and no matter how hard I try, I can't replicate the problem.... works for me every time no matter how harse I am to it!)

Please save what little hair I have left and give me some hope


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IF OK, Case Not OK

Apr 7, 2006

I have an Option Box that contains three Report Choices, Report1, Report2 and Report3. I want to run the Reports. I coded using If-Then and it worked out fine. See code below:

Private Sub Frame0_Click()
If Me.Frame0 = 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview
ElseIf Me.Frame0 = 2 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2", acViewPreview
Me.Frame0 = 3
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report3", acViewPreview
End If
End Sub

I would like to get the same result using "Case." However, when I use the Case format, it does not show all the reports as it does in the IF -Then format. See Case format below:

Private Sub Frame1_Click()
Dim Test As Integer

Select Case Test

Case Me.Frame1 = 1
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview

Case Me.Frame1 = 2
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2", acViewPreview

Case Me.Frame1 = 3
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report3", acViewPreview
End Select
End Sub

Something simple is missing at the top. Please advise as to how to correct this?

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Case To Iif

Sep 28, 2004

Someone was helping me out and sent me the attached code to connect to a SQL server from Access2000 in a query. Access doesn't use the CASE statement, but the IIF statement instead. Can any of you help in deciphering the below CASE statement into an IIF statement?....

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Using Select Case

Jul 24, 2005

Can I use a [system number] value stored in a table in a select case?

Select Case [system number] "Tble system numbers"

Case 42144
do this

Case 88754
do this



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Need A Little More Help With A Select Case

Jul 26, 2005

I have this code in an event property on a report and it is working great. However, I now need to do a second case based on which modules are down. Is it possible to have a select case within a select case? I have the select case for the systems now with in each system I need a select case based on modules?

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst AS DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select * From YourTable")
While Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF
Select Case rst![System Number]
Case 42144
' do this
Case 88754
' do this
Case Else
' do this
End Select
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing

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Case AutoNumber

Jan 1, 2007

How can I set up a table so that as we assign a case it generates a new number with the year in front of it. I would like for the case number to be generated by the program and when someone enter a new case the program generates the next case number and assignes it to that case. The format we use for our file numbers are year-XXXX (ex: 07-0001). With the new year I'm trying to set this up so that as we start the year the computer will generate the new number.

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Upper Case

May 2, 2007

Any ideas how to Capitalise data in a table.

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Case Statement

May 23, 2005


I am trying to run the following query and getting an error. It looks like its because of the Case Statement.

SELECT Role.RoleID, Objects.ObjectID,
CASE MID(Objects.ObjectName, 4, 2)
END AS AccessType
FROM Role, Objects
WHERE (Role.RoleID > 2115)

Can you give me suggestions plzzz


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CASE Instruction

Jun 28, 2005

Hi everybody,
I'm having quiete a problem with the case instruction. I have the folowing query:

Select station, count(case poc_1 when 1 then 1 end), count(case poc_1 when 2 then 1 end)
From poc
group by station

Well Acces tells me there is a syntax error in the case instruction???Can't find!!!Can anybody help? Tanx

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Case Keyword

Jun 29, 2005


I'd like to know if the keyword CASE, or IF... is recognized in Access (sql) queries.

If not, wat should I do to implement a condition, in a query or in the source of a textbox in a report ?

The problem : I have a report that use this query in a calculated field, and I want to avoid results that are equal to zero (i.e.divising by zero).

Thanks :)


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Converting Iif To Case

Oct 10, 2006

Hi here is the original code

MAX(IIf([Book]='C',[Score]," ")) AS CScore,
Max(IIf([Book]='C',[PercentileScore]," ")) AS CPercent,
Max(IIf([Book]='C',[PassFail]," ")) AS C,
Max(IIf([Book]='D',[Score]," ")) AS DScore,
Max(IIf([Book]='D',[PercentileScore]," ")) AS DPercent,
Here is what I thought may work, but it seems like there should be an easier way
Case when Max ([Book]) = 'C' then [Score] else null as CScore,
Case when Max([Book]) = 'C' then [PercentileScore] else Null as CPercent,
Case when Max ([Book]) = 'C' then [Passfail] else Null as C,
Case when Max([Book]) = 'D' then [Score] else Null as Dscore,
Case when Max ([book]) = 'D' then [PercentileScore] eslse Null as DPercent,


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