Protecting Access Files?

Feb 2, 2006

:confused: is ther anyway to lock ms access files , so that people would not be able to modify then and only view them, would not get to vbs screen etc, and give a limited password that will expire in given ammount of time.

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MS Access Password Protecting

Jan 30, 2008


I have a MS access 2003 database (in MDB format) which I use as a basic accounts system for our company (15 user). I have certain tables password protected depending on user using the old workgroup information file. This presents a problem as anyone can copy the database without linking the Information file and effectively get full admin access. I was looking to upgrade to Access 2007 but I gather that there is a different security engine and also a new file format (accdb file). I know that you can keep the same user security settings when upgrading to 2007 (while keerping the mdp file extension) but would be interested to know if I can improve security using 2007 while also being able to retain user-level access to certain tables like in access 2003? The major weakness in my system at the moment is anybody can copy the MDB file to another PC and access seems too easy a system to crack. Do I need to completely reprogram my database using MySql on MSSql? Any advice would be appreciated?

Thanks in advance,


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Password Protecting A Table Or Restricting Access?

Aug 17, 2006


Basically i have a single database with several tables in it. I want certain tables such as Ireland, UK, US etc to only be accessable by employees from those countries. Is this possible and if so, how?

I have looked at user/group permissions but can't figure out how to assign passwords to users etc.

Any help is much appreciated


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URGENT: Protecting Access Databases Online

Sep 20, 2006

Hi All,

What's the best way to go about protecting an MS Access database online? Hoping to launch tomorrow, but no can do without protecting the DB first

Basically, I have a database containing some personal information and I need to block people from downloading it, while still allowing my ASP pages to read/write/modify its data.

Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Any relative links, methods, tutorials, etc, would be a fantastic.

I've looked into User-Level Security Passwords, but am not sure if there's a better way to achieve what i'm trying to do (i.e. setting up specific access rights to the folder in which the MDB file is contained).

Thanks in advance...

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Protecting And Allowing Access To Specific Records

Apr 18, 2013

I just created a huge database using access 2010. How do i setup security level to allow access by groups to specific records?

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Using Files Created In Access 2003 In Access 2000

Nov 30, 2004


The company I am consulting with uses Access 2000 and has no intentions of upgrading. I currently do not own Access on my laptop.

I was planning to purchase Access 2003 for my laptop but am concerned that files I create in 2003 might not be "editable" in 2000 even if I choose the 2000 format when creating new databases.

I'm just wondering if anyone has tried creating a file in 2003 (using the 2000 format - as I'm told you can choose what format you want to use) and then edited it in 2000. I want my client to be able to edit the files in 2000 once I've moved on. (I can get 2003 for about the same price as 2000 - so my preference would be to get 2003.) The other obvious reason for going for 2003 is that I could run into the reverse challenge if I own 2000 and my next client uses 2003. At that point, I'd be forced to upgrade to 2003.

My databases are not complex - but do include some customized macros.

Any help, comments... appreciated.



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Access DLL Files

Jun 13, 2006

Does anyone know that path to the folder that the dll files are stored in that Access uses?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Files And Then Compare With Files In Database Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have to write a code for my database,i have folder with files "pending Review" and a table with column "tblExcelLocation". when i run my database all the files from pending review folder goes to "tblExcelLocation" on a click of button.But,if the files already exists it should not insert those files and insert the rest.For this i tried to write a code but i think i m unable to do that .

Loop through files in folder
folderspec = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingPending Review"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.files


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Importing CSV Files Into Access

May 12, 2006

Hi, I’m trying to Import an external CSV file in to Access and then Update/Add the record into a table. I need to be able to do it using SQL and I’m not allowed to touch RecordSet!
Does anyone know How I could do this or where I would be able to find help on this.



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MS Access- Workgroup Files

Jul 18, 2006

We are running two versions of Access (97 and 2003) on some of our machines. We recently set up a new workgroup file, but it seems that on the machines that have the two versions of Access the workgroup file reverts back to the old setting everytime the user logs in again.
What do we need to do to prevent the workgroup file from switching back?


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Add Files To An Access Record

Jan 24, 2007


Complete Access Newbie here. I am trying to create a Customer Complaints / Quality Assurance database and I am pretty much sorted except for one final thing that I wouldn't mind doing.

Because there is often a lot of support evidence with a complaint I wish to add this electronically to a record (it could be a Word Doc, Excel, jpg...etc..etc). So that whenever there is a link to the document to the supporting document on the record.

So really looking for an Add (and Browse for button) on the Form for each record.

Hope I have my dilema clear. Thanks. :)

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HELP! Can Not Open Access Files

Feb 6, 2007


For some reason Access will not allow me to open any mdb files. When i click on the file to open Microsoft opens the install wizard for office 2000 and asks for disc 2. If i press ok its says DATA2.msi is missing.

However if i open access through the Programs menu and then go and search for the mdb file i can open it with no problems.

My question is how to solve this problem as i have to copy give someone a copy of one of my databases and i don't want to pass on any bugs etc... ???


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MDE Files In Access 2002-03

Feb 20, 2007

I have no problems creating an MDE file from a newly created database but the system hangs when I try to do the same with a former Access 2000 database that I converted.

Any ideas?

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Pcx Files And Access 2003

Jul 9, 2007

Hello all

This morning I converted an Access 97 db to Access 2003. Unfortunately the db will not now open any .pcx files. Does anybody know if there is there an issue with .pcx files. According to MSDN Access should (and you would expect it to) open .pcx files. I did notice that when office 2003 is installed it does not install the pcx graphics filter PCXIMP32.FLT and it does not appear in the graphics conversion tools download for 2003.


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Holding Files In An Access Mdb?

Nov 21, 2007

Hi all.
I have been asked to develop two DB apps in Lotus Notes which filled me with despair since I would rather do this in Access 2003 but aparantly Notes can hold files. I know Access can link to files stored on a network but can Access match up to Notes in this feature and actually hold files the ame way as Notes ?

Any advice on this is greatly appreciated.


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Betrieve Files With Access

Apr 7, 2005

I am trying to link a table from an admin system in Access. I'm not real confident that I will be using the correct terms here, so please bear with me. We recently migrated our admin system from Unix to NT. When we did that, the ODBC driver that we used to use to link to a table through Access changed to something that is called file.ddf. I have been able to run a Crystal Report by going through various steps:

Database file path:

Then I have to Set Location in Crystal:
cin***filelocation (example)

However, I can only seem to run a report against one table at a time.

I like working with Access a whole lot better than Crystal but nobody here knows how to set it up in Access.

Is there a way to do this?

I know I probably didn't give all the information needed, and maybe it's not even possible, but any help would be appreciated.


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Importing Txt Files Into Access

Feb 5, 2008

how do i Import the data from text files so that i can create the database structure?

for example i have 3 files called - data.txt, booking.txt and, other.txt and want them imported into access?

this is because these tables will be holding all the entities etc

Thanks in advance

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Viewing PDF Files From Within Access

Jun 30, 2005

I've been reading everywhere on this site trying to find out how
to do this, but just can't seem to grasp it. I see people saying it can
be done, but can't find more specific details on how to go about it. I
just want to view a pdf file from within the access environment. I need
to be able to view contracts from my app, and joy oh joy they are all
in PDF form.

Any help is greatly appreciated to get me started on this. I've
tried using the Active X Adobe Acrobate Control but to no avail.

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MS Access 97: Printing PDF Files

Sep 14, 2004

I would like to be able to print PDF Files from MS Access 97. I have a table with records containing all the information necessary to create full pathname of the file (i.e. strPathName). But how do I get it to print (not view) the file once the record is selected from a drop-down box. Do I have to create a module to do this? Or is there some simple trick? If anyone has come code for doing this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Tulsa, OK

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Open DBF Files In Access

Oct 24, 2004

Hi All,

I am trying to open a DBF file in VBA, I get the an error:
Run-Time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set

here is my code:
Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro" & _ "Driver};SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=c:Mine01;Exclus ive=No"
I tried the following code as well, but it gave the same error :
Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection
With oConn
.Provider = "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver}"
.ConnectionString = "SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=c:ME01;Exclusive=No"
End With

Any ideas?

I need to open the DBF Files in the code using a connection string or any other method available through code.



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.DBX Files Linked To ACCESS DB

Jan 23, 2004

I'm trying to link .DBX files to an ACCESS database. My problem is that the Dates are in this format. "20040123" and times are in "730" or "1630" and, all fields are TEXT. The Database is being used to help analyze production times and employee dates worked, so you can see I need to be able to perform calculations on these fields. Is there any way to translate them to Dates and times that ACCESS understands?



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MP3 Files In Access DB: Accessing In ASP

Apr 12, 2006

I have an access database with MP3 music stored in it.

This works file in access if I double click the access cell the the tune O want to here it works, so it looks like I can store MP3 sounds in an access database.

Not I have it in the database how can I extract it in ASP so the my new web-page will play the tune when the item is double clicked?

To play MP3 hard coded I put an embed this works with a file-name "mytune.mp3" but I want get those on the d/b.

I made this ASP:
[code]<p><%=RS("Tunename")%> <br>
<embed src= "<%=RS("MUSIC")%>"
width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

where Music is the name of the cell containing the MP3 file.

This gave me:
[code]<p>mytune &nbsp;<br>
<embed src= "?$" width="252" height="36"></embed></p>

Any ideas what I need to do to get this to play?

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Running .bat Files From Access

Mar 1, 2007

Anyone know how to run a bat file from Access.

This is what I am trying....I see the DOS window pop up and then its gone...the .bat does not appear to be running.

Call Shell(Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c F:BAT_File_Storagedir_list.bat", vbNormalFocus)

ADDITIONALLY I want to replace "F:BAT_File_Storagedir_list.bat" with variable. What woudl be the correct syntax for that?


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Importing CSV And XLS Files To Access

Feb 16, 2012

I'm importing .csv and .xls files into access using docmd.transferspreadsheet and it's simple enough except for a couple of issues I'm having:

1. The .csv file has leading ' and if I converti it .txt if has leading " in some of the columns .....what's the best way to get rid of these and is it better before or after the importing process.

2. a .xls file has a few rows of totals at the top so I need the importing to start at row A7 instead of there a way to control where it starts rather than manipulating the file prior to importing because it's all going to done by clicking a button on a form by user.

And there's a 3. one of the .xls has additional blank rows that it seems to import into the access table....what's th solution for that.

All the files will vary in number of records on a daily basis so I can't specify range like the DoCmd.

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Protecting A Table.

Apr 28, 2005

Hello all,

I have got two questions i would like to ask y'all.

1. I have created a data input form that feeds directly into a table is there any way i can protect that table so it can only be viewed by me but the form will still be able to feed in it. Something like a password system would be excellent, i know you can hide the database window and stuff like that but its not to hard to get round.

2. What are the chances of me being able to convert my form into a web page? i know you can create pretty decent web pages with it as it is but i would just love to drag my form onto a web page (Very unlikely but worth a try).

Any help with either of the above will be greatly apreciated.


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Protecting A Table

Jan 10, 2007

Hi There,

We have a fairly basic contact db at work which we use for incoming enquiries. Users need to be able to make ammendments to one particular field "Comments" after they have spoke to or received a call from someone. What I want to do is protect all the other fields in the table so a user cannot change any data by accident but can still input data into the "Comments" field. Is there a simple means of protecting the other fields, leaving "Comments" avilable for edit???


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