Asynchronous Script - Running Through Buffer Multiple Times?

Mar 26, 2008

Is it possible to run through a buffer multiple times in an asynchronous script?

Let say I have a data set and I want to get the max value and then compare/subtract each row in the data set to that max value and add that as a new column - is that possible in the asynchronous script?

Basically I would need to run through the buffer once and pull out the value for the max, and then go through the buffer again pushing to the output buffer the row with the new column "DiffFromMax".

I already tried adding an asynchronous script to pull the max and put into a variable and downstream add a derived column which subtract from the variable but it doesn't work as the variable cannot be assigned till the postexecute() so its always too late.

I've tried having an asynchronous script that has 2 output, one containing the max and the other the rest of the data, however there is no way to subtract without spoofing a cross join which is really slow becuase of the sort required (I still can't believe msft rejected my request for adding a cross join, it had lots of votes and it should be easy to add... I'd code it myself if they let me have a script transformation with multiple inputs)

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Running The Same Subquery Multiple Times

Mar 2, 2005


I was wondering if this can be done...

I have a complex query which has to do a few calculations. I'm using subqueries to do the calcs, but most of the calcs have to use a value gotten from the first subquery. I don't want to have to type the subquery out each time, so is there a way of assigning it to a variable or putting it in a UDF or SP?

I have a table with 2 cols - amount, date.

SELECT total_amount, closing_amount,
FROM table1
GROUP BY month(date)

Total amount is the SUM(amount) for the month.
Closing amount is the Total Amount plus the amounts for the current month with a few extra calcs.

As I have to use SUM(amount) in the second subquery, is there a way I can do it without having to type hte subquery out again?

This is only a basic example, what I'm trying to do will invovle a lot more calcultions.

Hope someone can help,

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Running Stored Procedure Multiple Times

Jun 25, 2007

I’m binding the distinct values from each of 9 columns to 9 drop-down-lists using a stored procedure. The SP accepts two parameters, one of which is the column name. I’m using the code below, which is opening and closing the database connection 9 times. Is there a more efficient way of doing this?
newSqlCommand = New SqlCommand("getDistinctValues", newConn)newSqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim ownrParam As New SqlParameter("@owner_id", SqlDbType.Int)Dim colParam As New SqlParameter("@column_name", SqlDbType.VarChar)newSqlCommand.Parameters.Add(ownrParam)newSqlCommand.Parameters.Add(colParam)
ownrParam.Value = OwnerID
colParam.Value = "Make"newConn.Open()ddlMake.DataSource = newSqlCommand.ExecuteReader()ddlMake.DataTextField = "distinct_result"ddlMake.DataBind()newConn.Close()
colParam.Value = "Model"newConn.Open()ddlModel.DataSource = newSqlCommand.ExecuteReader()ddlModel.DataTextField = "distinct_result"ddlModel.DataBind()newConn.Close()
and so on for 9 columns…

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Transact SQL :: Running Query For Multiple Times Through The Day?

Jun 12, 2015

I want  the below query to run 24 hours ..once the insert is complete, run again , so on for 24 hours .

there is a way to run every second in as job but i want to run only after run complete there a way to run the query after every complete run ? and keep in job 
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Audit_Active]

[Code] ....

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How Do I Write Multiple Pipeline Buffer To Multiple Targets Based On A Calculated Value In The Pipeline Buffer

Apr 6, 2007

The scenario is as follows: I have a source with many rows. Each row has a column called max_qty_value. I need to perform a calculation using another column called qty. This calculation is something similar to dividing qty/(ceiling) max_qty_value. Once I have that number I need to write an additional duplicate row for each value from the prior calculation performed. For example, 15/4 = 4. I need to write 4 rows to the same target table as in line information for a purchase order.

The multicast transform appears to only support fixed and/or predetermined outputs. How do I design this logic in SSIS to write out dynamic number of rows to a target table.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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DTS Buffer Times Out When Inserting To Sql Destination

Jun 6, 2007

I have a lookup component which determines if a record is to be updated or inserted. If it does not find match for a particular row that row is sent to the error output of the lookup component from where it is bulk inserted into the database using sql server destination.

Now the problem is when there are no rows to be inserted, the DTS buffer times out throwing an error. However if i increase the timeout or set it to 0, it hangs on indefinitely.

Is there a way that i can ignore the sql server destination when there are no rows to be inserted.


[SQL Server Destination [590]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Reading from DTS buffer timed out.".

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1 Row In, Multiple Rows Out: Synchronous Or Asynchronous?

Jan 15, 2008

I'm creating a script component that reads from an OLEDB source and writes to an OLEDB destination.

For every input row, I need to output several rows.I tried using the Row.DirectRowToOutput0() method inside a loop in the

Input0_ProcessInputRow routine but that's not working. Should I be using Addrow() instead? If I use Addrow() does this mean it needs to be an asynchronous transformation?

I remember seeing a blog entry (Jamie's?) that did almost exactly what I wanted, but I can't find it now.

Any pointers appreciated

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Function Running Many Times

May 28, 2008


I see the following problem regarding a SQL function that returns a value.

We have the following query

SELECT c.Id_Customer, c.Name
FROM t_Customers c
WHERE c.Id_Status = fn_GetParameter('ID_Status.Active')

The idea is not hardcoding the status and other values on each query, and, since SQL Server does not support the definition of constants, we have a table with many parameters and we search them.

We defined the function "WITH SCHEMABINDING" and the SQL Server recognizes it as DETERMINISTIC, so I do not understand why it executes the function as many times as records in the t_Customers table, since every time it is executed it returns the same value.

We could define a variable, assign the value returned by this function to this variable and then use it on the SELECT, but this approach is useless if we use SQL instead of stored procedures (for example, in reports from reporting / BI tools).

Any explanation about why SQL chooses to execute the function many times, and any hint regarding how to make SQL Server execute only once the function will be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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Querying Multiple Tables Multiple Times

May 31, 2007

I am trying to query the Topics in my discussion forum...The Topic contains a "last_poster_id" and a "author_id" I need the username and userid for both "last_poster_id" and "author_id" in the table "aspnet_Users"How do I do this?I would guess I need to use sub select statements. Can someone help me? 

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SQL Datasource Running The Same Query Mutliple Times

Jan 22, 2008

I have multiple SQLDatasources on multiple pages. When I call the Select command for the datasource the query is run multiple times. I was wondering if anyone had any problems like this. The data is being read into listboxes. If you need any more info or have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

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SSIS Package Running More Times Then Requestd

Jul 26, 2007

I created an SSIS Package and once complete there is 4 instances of the same data. I checked the source and it only has 1 instance. Why is it pulling the data 4 times? It will first show 3 instances and then another will show up before the package finishes running. Is there a bug in the program or is there a place I'm not aware of where it sets how many times the package should run.

Thank you,

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Difficult Times Deploying A Few Packages To SQL Server And Running As A Job

Jan 4, 2007

Hi Guys!

I have created a big list of packages, some calling others. They all work fine from my computer using Visual Studio.

When I try to deploy them (building them with deployment turned on and running them either directly from Management Studio or as a job) I get the errors with the password of connection strings. From what I read so far its the encryption process that kills it.

I have tried to add a password to some packages, but it still didnt work (only when run directly on my computer in management studio after deploying to SQL Server, but not as a job).

I have tried to change ProtectionLevel to SecurityStorage, wouldnt let me save in Visual Studio (I understand it is ot allowed in VS because you are saving to File System, how the hell am I supposed to save it to anything else? why is it showing there if its not even valid?).

If anyone can please give me the steps to doing it properly, that would be awesome. I simply need to run the packages from SQL Server! thats all! I have no idea why it has to be soooo difficult :/

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Run A Task Multiple Times

Oct 20, 2006

I have a situation where I run the same taks multiple times during the execution. I would like to have one task which runs every time, instead of duplicating the task over and over 14 times in my script.

Basically, it is an audit log, which I set variables and then insert into a SQL table the variables.

I would like to do this:

Task1 ------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success--> Log
Task2 ------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success-| (do the Log task again)
Task3 -------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success-| (do the Log task again)

This works, however, I have to duplicate Log over and over and over. No OR does not work, because it still only executes the Log task once.

Another option I thought of, but cannot find a way to implement is: Make the Log task "disabled" with no dependencies, then in the Set Vars script, enable and execute Log and disable again.

Any ideas?

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Rda.push Multiple Times?

Oct 14, 2007


After doing some research it seems like you can only push the same table once using rda.push -- is this correct? If yes, are there any other alternatives for saving changes to the table back to SQL Server aside from merge replication?

One idea I am toying with is to pull the tracked table with 0 records, save changes to the tracked table, push, drop table and pull, repeating this process everytime I push the data. Wondering is somebody has any advice?


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SSDT Error - Size Necessary To Buffer XML Content Exceeded Buffer Quota

Apr 18, 2012

I encountered the following error while attempting to preview an RDL report I was developing in VS2010 using SSDT:"The size necessary to buffer the XML content exceeded the buffer quota"

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Reporting Services :: Size Necessary To Buffer XML Content Exceeded Buffer Quota

Oct 7, 2015

We have a set of reports with same header section in all the reports. So while developing a new report i used to copy that header section to the new report with same dataset names (without any change) , but while rendering the report it is throwing error " The size necessary to buffer the XML content exceeded the buffer quota".

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How To Connect To A DB Multiple Times Through Page

Dec 21, 2007

Hey all,
I am still pretty new to all of this and I am having problems accessing a the same DB twice in my page.  I want to pull information once in one spot, but then pull different information in a different spot on the page.  Anyway, in the first spot, I have the following code:
Dim conString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DataConn").ConnectionString
Dim con As New SqlConnection(conString)Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Select Team1.TeamID as Team1ID, Team1.TeamName as HomeTeam, Team2.TeamID as Team2ID, Team2.TeamName as AwayTeam, Football_Schedule.ScheduleID as ScheduleID from (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team1, (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team2, Football_Schedule where Football_schedule.team1 = Team1.teamid AND Football_Schedule.team2 = Team2.teamid order by Football_Schedule.WeekNum, Team1.TeamName, Team2.Teamname", con)Using con
Dim RS As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While RS.Read()
blah blah blah
End While
End Using
Then in my other spot on the page I have the following:
Dim cmdresults As New SqlCommand("Select Users.Firstname, sum(PointsID) as TotalPoints from Football_Input, Football_Schedule, Users where Football_Input.TeamID = Football_Schedule.winID and users.userid = Football_Input.UserID Group by Users.firstname")
Using con
con.Open()Dim RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader()
While RD.Read()%>
<%End While
End Using
 When I try to execute I get this error, "ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized." on the following line, "
RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader()"  Any ideas?  If possible a little explanation on how multiple connections to the same database work would be nice just for future reference.
Thanks in advance!!,

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Linked Server Multiple Times

May 15, 2000

I need to create a linked server that can access more than one database.
I assume, the only wat this can be done by creating two separate links from the local server using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL server. But the
problem is the Server Name. I cannot use the same servername twice and
if I use a name that is not an exisiting SQL server name I get an error
that "server not found".

So, how do I addlink the same server a mulitple times to access different databases in the server?



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Alaising The Same Table Multiple Times

Oct 18, 2004

To All--

First off, I'm new to SQL Server and apologize if this is a trivial question.

What I'm trying to do is alias the same table with 2 different names so that I may join them on two different fields.


Table2 (Contains a list of codes and their related descriptions)

I'm trying to query Table1 for the Emp_Number but I want to get the Short_Desc from Table2 for both Emp_Code1 and Emp_Code2. I'm using Microsoft Access as the front end (using Pass Through Queries) and SQL Server on the back end.

Hope this makes sense.


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Same Field On Same Line Multiple Times

Apr 4, 2008

I'm new to SQL Reporting Services but have made some decent headway. I'm stumped by one issue though: How do I repeat a field over and over on a single line?

To elaborate:

I have a table of backup job failures, with a reason and the time it failed.
ID | Reason | Time
1 | No tape | 3/13/3008
2 | Bad drive | 3/14/2008

I'm trying to create a summary, and I want to list the information as follows:

There were 2 failed backup jobs on 3/13/2008, 3/14/2008

My SQL query is as follows:
SELECT Time, COUNT(*) AS NumFailures FROM FailedBackups GROUP BY Time ORDER BY Time ASC

How do I "loop" the Time field on a single line in Reporting Services?

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Transact SQL :: Update Same Row Multiple Times

Nov 9, 2015

I am trying to update the same row of the table multiple times. in other words, i am trying to replace the two stings on same row with two different values.

Example: if the column has a string "b" then replace with "B" and  if the column has a string "d" then replace with "D" . I can  write multiple updates to update it but i was just wondering if it can be done with single UPDATE statement

column before the update : bcdxyz
after the update: BcDxyz

Following is the sample data

declare @t1 table
    c1 varchar(5),
    c2 varchar(10),
    c3 varchar(5)
insert into @t1 values ('a','bcdxyz','efg')

[Code] ....

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Error: The Buffer Manager Failed To Create A New Buffer Type

Apr 28, 2006


I have a master package that executes a series of sub packages run from a SQL Agent job. One of those sub packages has been stable for a week, running at least once per day, but it just failed despite having been run once already today with the same set of input data.

There were a series of errors showing in the event log for the Execute Package Task starting with "Buffer Type 15 had a size of 0 bytes.", then "The buffer manager failed to create a new buffer type.", then "The Data Flow task cannot register a buffer type. The type had 32 columns and was for execution tree 3.", then "The layout failed validation." and finally "Error 0xC0012050 while loading package file "C:[Package].dtsx". Package failed validation from the ExecutePackage task. The package cannot run.". reports the constant for the error code as DTS_E_REMOTEPACKAGEVALIDATION ( ).

I then ran the package on my dev machine in BIDS and it worked fine, so I re-ran the job on the server and this time that package executed ok, but another one fell over but did not put anything in the event log.

Does any one have any idea what happened?

TIA . . . Ed

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Calling A Single UDF Multiple Times Within 1 View

Sep 27, 2005

Lets say I have a User Defined Function. I need to call the UDF a number of times within the same View. However, the results are not as expected. The only way (I know of) is to have seperate instances on the same function saved under different names. Is there a way to call a single UDF multiple times within a View without the returned values being messed-up?

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Calling Stored Proc. Multiple Times...

Feb 1, 2008

I have basic SQL query that returns a one column result set. For each row returned in this result set, I need to pass the value in the column to a stored procedure and get back a result set.

I have 2 solutions, neither of which are very elegant. I'm hoping someone can point me in a better direction.

Solution 1:
Use a cursor. The cons here, are the SP returns a result set on each pass which generates multiple result sets overall. If there is a way to combine these result sets, I think this solution might work.

Solution 2:
Use a temp table or table variable.
The cons here are, if the schema of the result set returned from the stored procedure changes, the table variable will have to change to accommodate it. This is a dependency I'd rather not create.

Any help is very much appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS XML Import Multiple Times A Day

Aug 1, 2014

I am importing xml multiple times a day from a vendor. However when SSIS created the ID's for nested XML data it is not unique. So importing the first time and I get 3-4 records it looks fine. However subsequent imports all use the same ID's so it isn't unique, how do I go about changing this as I cant find anything about it.

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DB Engine :: Trigger Is Firing Multiple Times

Apr 23, 2015

we have a table in database , which has multiple triggers defined by Vendor. I have created our own custom trigger on this table also , which fires last. Goal of this custom trigger is to send an email, when ever update happens on table. But somehow trigger is firing multiple times for same update, so it is sending multiple email for same update also

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Report Performance Slows Down As SP Is Run Multiple Times.

Oct 26, 2007

Hi all,
In my project, I have a website and through that, I run my reports. But the reports take a lot of time to render. When I checked the profiler, it showed that the SP for the report is run around 4-5 times. Due to this, the report rendering takes a lot of time.

When, I ran the SP with the same set of Parameters in Query Analyser, it ran in around 18 seconds. But when I ran the report from web interface, it took around 3 minutes to completely show the data. And the SP has been run 5 times.

I am having serious problems with Report's performance because of this. Many a times, report just times out. I have set the timeout as 10 minutes. And because the Sp is run 5 times, the report times out, if there is huge amount of data.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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OnError Event Firing Multiple Times

Oct 22, 2007

I have an SSIS package that contains a For Each Loop Container. I have three Data Flow tasks within the container. I have an OnError event handler associated with the encapsulating container. When one of the Data Flow tasks within the For Each Loop Container fails, the OnError for the Loop Container gets called 5 times. The OnError handler is just a script task that sends a notification email. I am not explicitly Dts.taskresult = failure, nor am I calling FireError.

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Analysis :: Cube Is Getting Offline Multiple Times In A Day

Apr 14, 2015

I am recently encountering proble with SSAS cube,In a day cube is going to offline for several time and unable to browse it and after some time automatically cube is getting online.I am unable to figure it out what is happening.

FYIP..For every 15 Min cube will be Proccessed Full.

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OLE DB Source Executing SQL Command Multiple Times

Jan 2, 2008

Happy new year everyone!!!

Ok, now for my not so happy new year problem ... here's the scenario:

I have a simple task of exporting data retrieved by a parameterized stored procedure to a delimited text file ... task done in 30 mins max using dataflow task from OLE DB Source with SQL Command to Text File Destination ... thank you very much SSIS!

But the problem is the OLE DB Source executed the SP MULTIPLE TIMES (3 to be exact)
Actually configuration is:

1. OLE DB Source
2. SQL Command access mode
3. The following command written in the command text box:

exec sp_SampleSP @param1=?, @param2=?
4. Configured parameter mapping.

The stored procedure logs to a database table everytime it is executed to report how many rows were selected (please don't crucify me with this method, i'm re-using procs from old system). The log shows that during execution of this package the SP was executed on 3 times.

Help anyone? Please ...

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Update Statement - Correlation Name Is Specified Multiple Times In FROM Clause

Jun 11, 2014

I have this update statement that I need to have joined by MSA and spec.

I keep getting an error.
Msg 1011, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The correlation name 't1' is specified multiple times in a FROM clause.

Here is my statement below. How can I change this?

SET [Count on Billed Charges] = (Select Count(distinct[PCS Number])
From MonthEnds.dbo.vw_All_Products t1
Inner Join MonthEnds.dbo.vw_All_Products t1 on t1.[MSA Group] = t2.[MSA Group] and t1.[Spec 1] = t2.[Spec 1])

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Updating The Same Column Multiple Times In One Update Statement

Jul 23, 2005

I have a single update statement that updates the same column multipletimes in the same update statement. Basically i have a column thatlooks like . which are id references that need to be updatedwhen a group of items is copied. I can successfully do this withcursors, but am experimenting with a way to do it with a single updatestatement.I have verified that each row being returned to the Update statement(in an Update..From) is correct, but that after the first update to acolumn, the next row that does an update to that same row/column combois not using the updated data from the first update to that column.Does anybody know of a switch or setting that can make this work, or doI need to stick with the cursors?Schema detail:if exists( select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.ScheduleTask') and type = 'U')drop table dbo.ScheduleTaskgocreate table dbo.ScheduleTask (Id int not null identity(1,1),IdHierarchy varchar(200) not null,CopyTaskId int null,constraint PK_ScheduleTask primary key nonclustered (Id))goUpdate query:Update ScheduleTask SetScheduleTask.IdHierarchy = Replace(ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy, '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.', '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.Id as varchar) + '.')FromScheduleTaskINNER JOIN ScheduleTask as TaskCopyData ONScheduleTask.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDTaskCopyData.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDcharindex('.' + CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.',ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy) > 0Query used to verify that data going into update is correct:selectScheduleTask.Id, TaskCopyData.Id, ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy, '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.', '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.Id as varchar) + '.'FromScheduleTaskINNER JOIN ScheduleTask as TaskCopyData ONScheduleTask.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDTaskCopyData.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDcharindex('.' + CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.',ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy) > 0

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Nested Joins - Joining One Table To Another Multiple Times

Jan 9, 2006

Hi,I'm having problems constructing a nested join. It's quite complex, sohere's a simplfied example of the problem. Any thoughts on what I'mdoig wrong - or if I've got the whole approach wrong are welcome.I've two tables :-one is a contact table contacting name, addresses etc. Three of thefields represent users - 'created by', 'last modified by' and 'owner'.They contain usernames - eg. JDOE, BSMITH etc.The other table contants usernames and new ID codes.What I want to do is create a new dataset by joining the contacts tablewith the user table on all three fields - so the new dataset containsthe ids for the creator, last modifier and owner.I've tried things similar to:select c.*,, u2,id, u3.idfrom contact cleft outer join users u1left outer join users u2left outer join users u3on (u3.username = c.owner)on (u2.username = c.modified)on (u1.username = c.creator )But it compains that"The column prefix 'c' does not match with a table name or alias nameused in the query."The problem is referencing c (contact) through the whole set of joins.I would like to do this in some similar format as the query is within acursor and post-processing would be very long-winded.Thanks

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