Can't Connect With Visual Web Developer Express

Mar 17, 2006

When attempting to use VWD Express' built-in web server I recieve the following error in browser window:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I've done the following:

Followed advise on How to: Configure Express to accept remote connections

Retrieved port_address from SQL Server Configuration Manager (i.e. SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration > Protocols for SQLEXPRESS > Select TCP/IP Protocol name > RT click on Properties > IPALL - TCP Dynamic Ports port_address

netstat -ano | findstr "port_address" shows the following

TCP<-port_address LISTENING 1620

Attempted to connect to SQLEXPRESS service using dynamically assigned port_address with this command

F:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn>SQLCMD -S .sqlexpress,2247

HResult 0x2AF9, Level 16, State 1
TCP Provider: No such host is known.
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.

I can successfully connect to SQLEXPRESS using SQLCMD with flags
- S .sqlexpress
-S np:\:\.pipeMSSQL$SQLEXPRESSsqlquery (named pipes)

Using VWD Database Explorer I have connected to my SQL Server 2005 Express databases and the Test Connection button on the Modify Connection form reports the connection strings are good. Lastly SQL connection string property field User Instance = True and neither database resides in "My Documents" folder.


Does VWD local web server require configuration?

Is this a Named Pipe or TCP/IP configuration problem? Should Shared Memory be disabled?

Should I give up on VWD local webserver and install IIS instead?

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Getting Up And Running With Visual SQL Server 2005 Express And Visual Web Developer 2005 Express

Apr 11, 2006

I've downloaded and installed both of these (VWD installs both) and have been trying to run through the walkthrough of setting up a web application which supports membership. However, no matter what I do I invariably get errors like the following:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)
I'm concerned why VWD and VSQL express versions don't run correctly out of the box (so to speak). I'm not an expert on configuring these services -- but that's the point of offering these tools to hobbyists: So we can learn about how to make some of these great applications using MS tools.
My configuration::

Windows XP SP2 -- clean machine as of about a month ago, never had any dev tools, web servers, or the like on it.

IIS is installed and the service says its running

VSQL and VWD express versions installed (no errors on installation)

SQL server service indicates it is running

.Net 2.0 framework installed (no errors on installation)

Note: I've tried installing on two separate machines. Obviously I'm missing something fundamental.

Would someone please help me go through the million things I [apparently] need to do to configure all these tools so I can get on to actually coding up my first web application? If this is documented somewhere, all I can say is I tried to find it but it certainly wasn't obvious.

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SQL Server Management Studio Express, Database Explorer In Visual Web Developer Express...which To Use???

Apr 16, 2007

When I downloaded/started using Visual Web Developer I was under the impression that I needed to install SQL Server Management Studio Express in order to create/manage databases, and to provide the engine to access the data.
 Since then I have found tutorials and have successfully created/used databases solely from within Visual Web Developer. I'm assuming that Visual Web Developer includes a database engine, much like the webserver that is included. (This is an awesome thing).
 When I tried to upload my web application with database to my production server, the database would not work, it started working after I installed SQL Server Management Studio Express on the server.
 Is it my understanding that you need SQL Server Management Studio Express if you do not have Visual Web Developer Express installed in order to provide the data access engine?
Also, I am unable to "attach" my Visual Web Developer Express created database to SQL Server Management Studio Express. Are there any posts that provide more information about this topic?
The only reason I'm asking is that I have extra whitespace on the end of my text fields, and I thought ANSI_PADDING was turned on. I do not see the option in Visual Web Developer Express, but have found it in SQL Server Management Studio Express.

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Problem Connecting To Sql Express Database From Visual Web Developer Express

Apr 7, 2006

Here is the error message I get: have just installed both packages and havent done much in the way of configuration...  What do i need to do?  Thanks!

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Using SQL Server 2005 Express In Visual Web Developer Express

May 20, 2006

I have installed Visual Web Developer Express and its companion SQL Server 2005 Express in my Windows XP Professional box.

Now I want to create a database using Visual Web Developer. I opened the Database Explorer and right clicked on Data Connections icon but what I am seeing is an inactive "Create new database" command.

How can I make it active ? How to create a database using my Visual Web Developer?

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Using SQL Express With Visual Web Developer

Apr 12, 2007

Hi,    Can I use Sql Express Edition with Visual Web Developer at the same time? I tried but I always get a permission error. Also, when I try to attach a database (that I created in Visual Web Developer) to the SQL Express i cant find the .mdf file, I don't know why? Is there is a way where I can specify a folder where I can keep the mdf and allow both applications to access it? 

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SQL Express Connection String (via Visual Web Developer) .. V2.0

Apr 20, 2007

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Visual Web Developer 2005 Express -- With SQL Server Developer 2005?

May 4, 2006

Can someone here confirm or deny that Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition doesn't work with SQL Server Developer Edition 2005?

was about to order SQL Server Developer Edition 2005 on Amazon, to use
with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, when I read a user comment that
the two are incompatible with each other. Does anyone know for sure if
that is true?

What I'm wanting to do is develop an ASP.NET web
application on a web host using a SQL Server database. I use VS2003 and SQL
Server Enterprise 2000 at work, but I'd like to learn the 2005 editions
for this side project. I don't own any of the developer tools/IDEs
personally, so I'm trying to find the most affordable way to do this
for my home business.

Thanks for any advice,


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Import SQL Server Express Database Into Visual Web Developer

Dec 16, 2006

I can access an SQL Server 2005 database from VWD, but for ease of uploading to a server and to maintain the database within just VWD environment would like to import it directly into VWD and its App_Data folder from the local machine SQL Server.
I guess this is more than copy and paste ('especially since this is not allowed becase the database is being used by another program').
I've seen posts about the reverse process but not this way. Any simple pointers please?

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How Do Add A DB Connection To A Table In SQL Server Express Using Visual Web Developer?

Mar 22, 2007

I'm developing using Visual Web Developer and want to have a web page that shows the contents of a table.  I get the error message when testing the connection through database explorer "Login failed for user ''.  The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection". 
The database is located on a server running IIS and has SQL Server Express installed.

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How Do Add A DB Connection To A Table In SQL Server Express Using Visual Web Developer?

Mar 22, 2007

I'm developing using Visual Web Developer and want to have a web page that shows the contents of a table.  I get the error message when testing the connection through database explorer "Login failed for user ''.  The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection". 
The database is located on a server running IIS and has SQL Server Express installed.

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Microsft SQL Server && Visual Web Developer 2005 Express

Jan 18, 2008

Hello Everyone,
I have just installed then above softwares and I am trying to work on a very simple application.On my Default.aspx I created a Gridview and connected it to the dabase.Everything works fine?When I try to work on the Security under Website->ASP.NET_Configuration I get the error:
There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store. The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Unable to connect to SQL Server database. I see that a lot of people get this problem. Can someone sugest a way out?Thnaks in advancePati2005

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Help Me! How Can I Use SQL Server Subreports In Visual Web Developer Express Edition

Jan 30, 2007


I use Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. Anybody help me how can i use reports and subreports with parameters in it. I am new to ASP.NET. Please give me a sample. Thanks in advance.

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Creating A Calculated Field From Within VWD? (Visual Web Developer Express)

Feb 27, 2008

I'm trying to create a calculated field using SQL Server Express, from within the Visual Web Developer Express 2008 IED. The field I am trying to create is called "total" and is supposed to be the sum of the subtotal, salestax, and shipping fields.

Is this possible from within VWD 2008? How?

Thank you!!!

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How Does One Install A Express Sql Server To Run With Visual Web Developer 2008?

Sep 10, 2007

I successfully installed .NET framework v 3.5 and VWD 2008 on a new Vista laptop. When I want to add a Sql Server database to a website, errors tell me to install SS 2005 Express. MSDN SS 2005 Express download tells me I MUST first install .NET framework v 2.0 before SS 2005. When I try to install framework v 2.0, I'm sent to v. 3.5 and no way to download SS 2005.

How does one install a express sql server to run with Visual Web Developer 2008?

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Does Visual Web Developer Express Edition Works With Ms 2000 Database Service?

Jul 5, 2007

I have made my website using SQL Server Express edition. It is totally database driven and manypages use databases to display data. My problem is that after paying for webhosting fees my web host told me that they do not support SQL Server express edition. Instead they have support for MySQL and Ms Access. Except that there is this MS 2000 Database service for an additional cost. Any recommendations what I should do except changing the host? If I pay for MS 2000 Database servicem, will my website work? My user management(i.e ASPNETDB database) was created by Visual Web developer and I don't want to do user management myself. Any advice?

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Error Connecting To The Sqlserver Express Edition From Visual Web Developer 2005

Dec 19, 2007

hello eveyone..i have just downloaded and installed the visaul web developer 2005 express edition and sqlserver 2005 express edition.On top of that i even downloaded and installed the northwind database.But my problem is when i am connecting to the northwind database by clicking toos menu>connect to the database>choose datasource>new connection>..i have provided it with the required information..but as soon as i press "Test Connection" button the following error box displays.. "an error has occured while establishing a connection to the server.when connecting to the sql server2005,this failure may be caused by the fact that under default settings sql server doestnot allow remote connections.(provider:Named piped providers,error:40-couldnot open a connection to sqlserver.)" i have no idea whats is all about..can anyone get me pass this error..    

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Error - SQL Server Default Settings / Visual Web Developer Express 2008

May 28, 2008

I would occasionally get the error below when trying to access a database in my project/App_Data folder using Visual Web Developer Express 2008.

I would re-boot and the problem would go away.

I now have the problem all the time and am unable to access my database file in the App_Data folder nor ASPNETDB.mdf.

I am not trying to access a remote database. I have not knowingly changed any settings.

Has anyone seen this problem?

Can anyone help?

Charles Smith

€¦ under the default settings SQL Server doesn't allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error 26 €“ Error locating Server/Instance specified)

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Trouble Installing Reporting Add-In For Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express

Jul 25, 2007

Hi Folks

I've downloaded & installed Visual Web developer Express and SQL Server Express and now I'm trying to install the Reporting Add-In available here:

It downloads just fine and, just as the installation progress bar is almost done and the status text says 'Registering Product', I get the following error message:

"There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personell or package vendor"

Running VWD shows the ReportViewer control now appears in the 'data' group. I can add it to a form, but I cannot create a new report, as clicking on 'Design a new report' under the ReportView Tasks popup menu does nothing.

Any ideas, please?



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Problem Installing SQL 2005 Developer + Express And Visual Studio 2008

Jan 16, 2008

I installed both SQL 2005 developer and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit.

In every version "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" was missing. I uninstalled and reinstalled both version but always "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" was not available and the computer could not find devenv.exe file.

I installed visual studio 2008 as well. For some reason the start menu link for "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" is ""C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe"" and devenv.exe is not there or anywhere

Pleas advise.

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Connect Vb Express To SQL2005 Developer Ed?

Jan 25, 2007

Excuse the cross post (to VBexpress fourum) but maybe someone here will have a different take?

have searched all around can't seem to see how to configure a SQL2005 developer ed so I can use vb express to develop a local front end. keep getting "the user instance login flag is not supported on this version of sql server" I have configured the .net framework via aspnet_regsql.exe. Also I configured the "Machine.config" file. but so far no luck.

Selecting sql2005 as the server thru the add new database connection in advanced area yields the error message

surely there is away.

So far still no joy,

While Scotty indicates that the connection to SQL2005 is intentionally hampered other posters indicate that the user instance problem can be solved by running the .net config tool to add the asp database to sql server, which I have done.

However this does not yet work.

I cannot get the code to spark yet.

Again my configuration cannot be any simpler. sql express sp1 and sqldeveloper on the same machine using windows security (all installed with default cofigurations)

In the absence of other ideas I may try to get sql express downloaded and going, I'm not sure what issues that will present re: what I'm trying to develop.

I'm trying to develop the skills to replace some fairly involved reporting and some user table interface that I had going in access2003, I hate to pruchace a big piece of sw when I don't know if it will remove the current roadblocks...

Appreciate the help here, but doesn't someone have a "simpler" complete answer? I.e. one that would get the developer database to accept the connection wizard? (user instance issue)

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Cannot Connect To SQL Express Db With Visual C++

Mar 22, 2007

I've installed both SQL Server Express and Visual C++. I'm trying to connect to a SQL database, but keep receiving various errors. This is what I've done so far.

1. Eventually, I used the surface area manager to allow a remote connect.

2. The server and my development environment exist on the same virtual machine, I created with Virtual Pc.

3. I'm running Vista as my operating system.

4. My Data Source wizard looks like this:

Data Source: MS SQL Database File

Database file name: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataETS.mdf

If I use Windows Authen I get the following error:

Unable to open physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataETS_log.ldf" Operating System Error 5: (Access is Denied). An attempt to attach to an auto-named database for file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataETS.mdf failed. A database with the same name exist , or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on a UNC share.

If I use SQL Server Authen I get the following error:

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.

I'm new to this. I really would like help in knowing what these errors mean and how to get pass them. But this is very, very, very, frustrating. First off, there was no instructions on allowing remote connections. I stumble upon it myself. Giving permission to the file, stumble upon myself. I spent 4 days with a You do not have permission to open file error. Didn't realize I didn't have permission.

I need a step by step on what to do. I can be emailed at if need be.

If this is in the wrong place, moderator please move to the correct area.

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Letting Users Who Visit A Website Add Records To A Sql Server Database Using Visual Studio Web Developer Express Edition 2008

May 5, 2008

in visual studio web developer express edition 2008 i added a new item this was a sql server database which i called test2. I added a table called comments, and the fields name, email, comments, IPAddress, and Date and in my comments.aspx page i added a name textbox, a texbox for email, a textbox for comments and the submit button i double clicked on the submit button and added the following code
 Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click        Dim mydS As New SqlDataSource        mydS.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("testConnectionString1").ToString         mydS.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text         mydS.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO comments(Name,Email,Comments,IPAddress,Date) VALUES (@Name,@Email,@Comments,@IPAddress,@Date)"         mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Name", TextBox1.Text)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Email", TextBox2.Text)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Comments", TextBox3.Text)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Date", Date.Now)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("IPAddress", Request.Params("REMOTE_ADDR"))         Dim rowsaffected As Int16 = 0        Try            rowsaffected = mydS.Insert        Catch ex As Exception            Server.Transfer("errors.aspx")        Finally            mydS = Nothing        End Try        If rowsaffected <> 1 Then            Server.Transfer("errors.aspx")        Else            Server.Transfer("confirm.aspx")        End If    End Sub     Protected Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged     End Sub but when i run it it gives me a problem with this line mydS.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("testConnectionString2).ToString and says something abt unidentified object and I want to know how do i set the connection string or alternatively where?????? and my table does not update with the corresponding values i enter on the webpage. i also changed the authentication mode to forms instead of windows as i was advised but i'm still having a problem

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Visual C# Cannot Connect To SQL 2005 Express

May 2, 2006


In Visual C# Express, I right click on my solution and select Add, new item, and then choose an SQL database. I get the error:

Connections to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:

I completely uninstalled all of the beta Express products I had and reinstalled SQL Server 2005 Express first, which seems to have installed ok. Then I reinstalled Visual C# Express, but still have the same problem.

This is happening on my home pc running Windows XP Home sp2. I successfully got sql working with VC# Express at work on my WinXP Pro system.

Thanks a bunch!


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Can't Connect To SQL Server 2005 Express Through Visual C# App

Jun 11, 2006

I've installed SQL server 2005 Express and set up a database called StockData. I'm running the following code in a visual C# windows app to test the connection:

System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator instance = System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance;

DataTable tblSource = instance.GetDataSources();

string strSource = tblSource.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "/" + tblSource.Rows[0][1].ToString();

SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection();

sqlConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=StockData;Integrated Security=true";


I have verified that the SQLEXPRESS service is up and running. The strSource variable shows the machine and SQLEXPRESS instance name when I step through, so I know that the application is recognizing the service. But when I get to the "sqlConn.Open()" line, I get the following error message:

Message="An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"
Source=".Net SqlClient Data Provider"

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? This is driving me nuts. Thanks.

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Can't Connect To LocalDB Using Visual Studio For Web Express 2012

Jan 27, 2013

I can't connect to LocalDB using Visual Studio for Web Express 2012 or SMSS 2012 in a Windows 8 environment. LocalDB is installed and some things do work, however. The basic error is the very common:

Cannot connect to (LocalDB)v11.0.


A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.

(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - Local Database Runtime error occurred. Error occurred during LocalDB instance startup: SQL Server process failed to start.

In a command window, I can query the state of LocalDB an "info" parameter:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110ToolsBinn>sqlLocalDB info

The first two are tests created at the command line using sqlLocalDB.I have reinstalled and repaired LocalDB several times with no errors reported.

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Unable To Connect To Sql Server From A Visual C++ Express Editon

Mar 19, 2007


I am trying to connect to sql server from a small c++ program , I am getting the following error

An error has occured when establishing connection to server. The failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings does not allow remote connections.(Sql network interfaces error no 26
error locating server instance specified )

I chkd the default settings and it allowed remote connections. I also have default instance for the sql server

Please enlighten


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Can I Use SQL Server 2005 Developer With Visual Web Developer?

Nov 24, 2007

There are conflicting postings everywhere about this. I built a small site using VWD and SQL Server Express, but need to convert to Sql Server 2005 Developer because the DB will exceed 4Gb. Tried to install and could not connect or use from VWD. Tried to uninstall, got into large mess with the byzantine uninstall process, and have now started with a clean machine.

I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer first, then installed VWD Express 2008 without installing SQL Server Express. VWD won't let me connect to an existing database, won't let me add a new database and doesn't even show the Database Tools option under the Tools menu.

Is there someone with specific knowledge that can provide any enlightenment? Would be much appreciated.

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How Can I Connect A Sql Server Database To Visual Basic 2005 Express

Oct 8, 2007

Hi, i am new to sql server and visual basic, i need to connect my sql server database to a new application i've developed in visual basic 2005 express. Can any one tell me the steps to do this. Many Thanks.

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Can I Install Visual Studio 2008 Without The SQL Server 2005 Express And Use Instead My SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition?

Feb 22, 2008

(1) I have already installed of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition first.

(1) Can I install visual studio 2008 without the 2005 express edition of SQL server? Will be any problems because I don't have express edition of SQL server? Do I need to install the express edition of SQL server as well?

(3) How to use SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition instance on visual studio 2008?

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Visual Studio 2005 Unable To Connect To SQL Server Express 2005

May 26, 2008

I have VS Pro 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005 installed on an XP Pro machine. When using VS 2005, in the 'Server Explorer' window I can see and attach to two SQL Server databases that I have set-up. But if I attempt to access the same databases from withn the 'Solution Explorer' window I get the following dialog box message,

Required Component Missing (Dialog box heading)

Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:

I have uninstalled and then reinstalled both VS 2005 and SQL Server Express twice but it has helped.

I don't understand why I'm getting this error because all of the server configuration tools and connection utilities seem to work fine but VS say's that SQL Server Express is not installed.



I had another application that required MSDE 2000A to be installed. When I removed the other application I also removed MSDE 2000A and that's when the problem began.

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Started With Express, But Installed Developer And Don't See Developer Instance...

Jun 19, 2006

I can't tell if the SQL Developer install upgraded the service, but left the SqlExpress version information, or if I'm still really only using SqlExpress.

Also, my intended target is SQL Enterprise, so if I am using SQL Express am I asking for trouble when I go to move the database over? Are the database formats compatible?

I've poked around trying to search for this answer for a while and haven't turned anything up. Maybe I'm searching on the wrong terms...


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Using Sql Server With Visual Web Developer

Nov 14, 2007

Im trying to make a website that I can enter information on the website and have it transfered to the database the problem is the website and database are on two different computers , how do I copy the data base onto the other computer and have it will be ready to take information from the website and store it in the database?

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