Centering A Matrix Automatically?

Oct 25, 2007

Since matrices are dynamic in width and/or height, just wondering if there's any good way to center the automatically, since obviously you can't center them effectively manually. Thanks!

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Matrix - Centering Higher Level Column Group Values In Viewing Area Instead Of Entire Cell Band Width

Dec 28, 2007

I have 2 higher level column groupings of month name and year above my actual date groups. It looks a little weird aligning them left but there is no guarantee that centering them will even allow them to show until I've scrolled right to the middle of the cell width that they occupy.

Is there a feature that comes with, or a well known trick for making them center in the area that is being viewed instead of the potentially very wide cell that they occupy?

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Table Not Centering After Hiding Two Of Its Columns

Dec 31, 2007

I have a table with 7 columns and it centers perfectly on my report. However, based on what the user selects when running this report, two of the columns can end up hiding. When I hide these two columns, which happen to be in the middle of the table, the table then appears to be left aligned because two of the columns are now gone so everything shifts.

The only reason its centered with 7 columns is because I have streteched all the columns out to certain sizes to make everything fit on the page and this is what is lost when 2 of those columns are dynamically removed.

Is there a way to keep everything centered even with these two columns gone? Is there a better way to ensure centering now matter how many columns exist in a table?


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Matrix - Add A Column In A Matrix With A Variance

Aug 6, 2015

I got the following code to add a column in a matrix with a variance:

IIF(IsNothing(Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))) or Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") or Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))=0,nothing,

This code works fine, except that the first row of the matrix shows an #error

This happens with each matrix where I use this expression. A warning emerges:

rsruntimeerrorinexpression the value expression for the textrun Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error.

Attempted to divide by zero.

The strange thing is that the part

should prevent an error and I expect it to show 'nothing'

An screenshot of the table. (each color is a different category. Each row stands for 2013, 2014, 2015)

As you can see, all other 2013 rows show a blank cell, except the first row.

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A Matrix Above Two Charts. Right Chart Moves Depending On Matrix Growth ... ???

Jan 10, 2008

I have a Matrix table that expands to the right when choosing an amount of months to be shown. Under this matrix I have to Charts. The two charts are situated together, that is no space between them, and to the left of the report.

Now, if I choose a lot of months, say three years the matrix diagram will be huge to the right. The problem I have is that the second diagram, the one on the right, moves to the right depending on how big the report gets, and this is not good at all. The two charts are supposed to be all the way to the left.

How? Why does the right chart move?

Thanks in advanced
Kind Regards

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Matrix - Create Two Rows In A Matrix

Nov 26, 2007

I hope to explain myself well - I want to make a matrix with two rows.
Lats say my data is this:
I hava a list of months and in every month I have a number of pepole and there age.
How can I show this in a matrix?
It need to be in a matrix since I need the columns to expand acording to the month but I don't know how to create two diffrent rows in my matrix.

The data should look like this:

10/06 11/06 12/06 01/07 02/07 03/7 04/07 .....
num 5 1 2 5 4 5 7 .....
age 16.1 25 18.5 14.8 25.5 20.5 18.5 .....

Thanks for any help.

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Filtering Through Matrix Or Groups In Matrix

Aug 21, 2007

I have a report thats fully functional. I just want to add a filter so that my "Visits" field only displays the Visits per day that are less then 6. When i try to filter out the matrix or the group, it tells me the datatypes are different . Something about int32. Its in a matrix, but i have seen this happen in a table too, so i guessing thats not the problem. I just want to be able to display the information for Sales Reps with less then 6 Visits. Any help, will be greatlly appreciated.

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Adding Columns To A Matrix Report That Don't Belong To The Matrix Columns Groups

Jan 2, 2007

Can we do this?

Adding more columns in a matrix report that don€™t
belong to the columns drilldown dimensions€¦

That is, for example, having the following report:

Product Family


Country City Number of units sold

Then I
would add some ratios, that is, Units Sold/Months (sold per month) and other that
is the average for Product Family (Units Sold/Number of Product Family), for putting an example€¦ some
columns should be precalculated prior to the report so do not get into it, the
real problem I don€™t see how to solve is adding one or two columns for showing
these calculated column that doesn€™t depend on the column groups but they do
for the rows groups€¦

Any guidance
on that?

The only
way I am seeing by now is to set it as two different reports, and that is not
what my client wants€¦


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Second Matrix Blanks Out First Matrix

Jun 8, 2007


I have a matrix in my report that is based on an MDX query. I copy-paste the matrix and then see the two matrices in the report and all is fine.

I then insert a group into the second matrix. When I run the report the second matrix appears as I would expect, but the cells are blank in the first matrix. Sometime all the data cells are blank, but not the totals.

I tried a similair thing with a table. I added a table based on the same MDX dataset and the cells in the matrix were also then blanked out.

I made sure that the matrices were not sitting on top of each or even in the same space.

The goal here is to show the same dataset but with different groupings. I thought of doing drilldowns, drillthroughs, etc. but this is the way they want to see the data.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thank you for the help.


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How To Add Automatically Value

Mar 15, 2007

In my table have two field

TableName===> Details
No ===========>int primary key

Name =========>Char(50)

i need automatically add value in first field(No)..

Once execute insert command using only second field

after automatically generated first field value

No Name
1 dfgd
2 dgdg

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Mar 28, 2006

Hi Guys,
I have a website with multiple pages and when a user signs in it puts a 1 in the database and their online status is shown to the rest of the members, if they use my signout button which I have on each page, it signs them out and updates the database with a 0 in the process, so shows them as then offline, my problem is some people forget to sign out and just close the browser window or begin surfing elsewhere.
Is there a way to have sql server 2000 automatically change the field in the database after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Or is there a way to automatically sign users out as they either click on the X in the browser window, or as they leave my site.
Any help would be appreciated.

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How To Know Automatically If The Job Hangs?

Sep 28, 2001

Some of my jobs hang at FTP step for several hours until some one kills the FTP (it's a perl process) on the box. Is there a way to find how much time a particular step of the job is executing? and know it by somehow if it's hanging at that step?? If we know this,I want to kill the perl process(FTP) on the box in an automated way whenever the job hangs! Any ideas welcome!! Thanks. :-)


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Run SSIS In Automatically

May 7, 2007


This is Elangovan. How to automatically run the SSIS (SQl SERVER2005 )

plz help me



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Rendering To PDF Automatically

Mar 17, 2008

Hi All,

Is there a way to modify the configuration file to allow the Report manager to rendering the report to PDF file automatically?



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Delete Tables Automatically

Nov 12, 2006

How can I delete tables in a SQLServer Database automatically (at the moment I just do it using Micorosft SQl Management Studio Express manually) But its important that I can do that automatically, the best thing would be if I can do that from a .NET programm.  thanks in advance,mulata 

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Set Update Field Automatically

Feb 11, 2007

in sql server I want to update the "UpdatedDate" field automatically when I change ANY other field in that specific has to be set to the current server time.

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Mar 8, 2007

i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL Express 2005 with VB as the code behindi have a button and in the button click event i have written codes to INSERT to a database table - it has one primary keyso when i click the button, if there is already a row with primary key fields value as 10 and if i try to INSERT with the same value in the primary key field there will occur primary key constraintso , if i try to INSERT with the already existing primary key fields value, instead of  INSERTing it should be UPDATEd without generating any errorplease help me 

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How Can I Generate Variables Automatically?

Dec 20, 2007

Hi there
I need to generate some variables , like var1, var2, var3 ....
It's determined by how many records in my database.
I want to write a for() to do this. But how?
For example
for(int i=0; i<datatable.rows.count; i++){    String vari = new String;}
This is not a right way in C#, does anyone know how to?

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Automatically Generate SQL Script

Feb 21, 2008

I generate SQL scripts on a regular basis for my database and it's objects.
Is it possible to run a job in SQL or make windows do this automatically on a periodic basis?
Anyone done this before?

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Delete Files Automatically? Help!!

Jul 31, 2002

I need to setup an automated process to delete all the files older than a month in a particular directory on a network drive, how is that possible? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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SQL Agent Does Start Automatically

Aug 23, 2001

I have a problem with a server where for some reason when it is rebooted the SQLAgent service does not start automatically. You have to go into control panel, services and start it, even the it is set to Automatic.

Thanking in advance for any ideas??

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Database Shutsdown Automatically

Aug 30, 2001


My database shutsdown automatically after 2 hours , when i start to run a jobs from a queue.

Can someone suggest me a way for monitoring it, so that i can find the possible causes.


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Automatically Add Records In Sql Server 7.0

Sep 13, 2001

I have table A and table B. i want if table A add records, automatically table b add records too.


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How To Kill All Connections Automatically

Jul 21, 2000

I have an sql 7.0 database with an Access 97 front end. We need to run a
process every night to update the database. However, not all users disconnect
from the front end and we get lock conflicts. It is not acceptable to have a
person stay till the evening to manually kill all the spid's and i can't find
any way to force all users off the database as you can in DB2. Also,
we can't change the front end. Any idea how to force all users off of
an sql server database (kill all spid's?) in an automated way. Thanks

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Automatically Deleting Tables

Aug 2, 2000

Is there a way to automatically delete tables in a database? I want to delete tables with a specific prefix in their names (that I assign to them) based on their age. Is there a way to do this automatically while keeping the tables that I don't want to touch?


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Automatically Growing The Database

Apr 10, 2000

Does anyone know at what point SQL Server 7.0 decides to grow the database when the autogrow option is set? Our site just went down for 45 minutes because the growing process was taking too long as compared to the data coming in, so the device filled up.

Ray? Craig? You guys seem to know all, so appreciates your input...

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Get Server Name Automatically In DTS ActiveX

Nov 2, 2000

I'm looking for a way to get the name of the server on which the DTS package lives.

I copy packages between servers. The problem is that everytime a package is copied
to different server, I have to change the reference in the connection strings to point
to the new server name. I'd like to find an automatic way to interrogate the server
name where the package currently lives and dynamically change connection strings
from within an ActiveX task. That would cut maintenance way down.

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Automatically Grow File

Jan 8, 2004

Hello everyone,
I have 45 GB db with
-Automatically grow file by 10 %
- full recovery
-log shipping every 5 minutes.
-full backup every 24 hrs

database grown from 33GB to 45 GB for 1 year period
4-5 times a year massive insert
done to database(no specific dates)

if I change autogrow to by 300MB or 4% would it affect insert process ? it affect daily performance ?

Thank you

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SQL Server Will Not Start Automatically

May 7, 2002

I installed SQL Sp2 and at the same time took Carbon Copy off. No when the machine comes up neither SQL Server or the Agent will not come up. If I go to Service manager I can start both just fine. Nothing in either log to show why. Anyplace or any thoughts

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Database Shutsdown Automatically.....

Aug 30, 2001

when i start to run a jobs from a queue to the database, after 2 hours the database shutsdown automatically.

This problem is reproducable, Running a trace on it from profiler is what comes to my mind. Is there any other suggestion.....


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Automatically Add Missing Records With SQL

Dec 27, 2004


I have a table that contains 2 columns. The first column has the datetime, and the second has a value (see the "Before" table). In my SELECT query I want to select all records like 0:00:00 <= Date <= 0:40:00. However the missing 10-minutes value 0:30:00 should be automatically inserted with value = NULL.



Date Value
------------------- -------------------
13/12/2004 0:00:00 15
13/12/2004 0:10:00 17
13/12/2004 0:20:00 21
13/12/2004 0:40:00 12
13/12/2004 0:50:00 13



Date Value
------------------- -------------------
13/12/2004 0:00:00 15
13/12/2004 0:10:00 17
13/12/2004 0:20:00 21
13/12/2004 0:30:00 NULL
13/12/2004 0:40:00 12

Can anyone help me? Thanks.

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Automatically Truncate Data To Fit

Jul 5, 2005

When writing an INSERT statement, what code do I pass to the SQL database to automatically truncate a value to fit in to the database if it contains more characters than the field the data is being entered into?

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Sa Password Keep Changing Automatically

Aug 17, 2004

I am working with MSDE, but some how the password for sa keep changing by itself. I can reset it by logging in windows authentication mode using osql, but the next day the password does not work again.
Please give me some suggestions


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