Column Naming Rules

May 11, 2007

Hi All,

Can someone plz let me know what are the column naming rules in sql2000?

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Transact SQL :: Column Length Restriction When Naming CTE Column?

Jun 22, 2015

My CTE is failing and I don't know why...Is there a Common Table Expression column name length restriction???

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DB Column Naming

Jun 18, 2006

What does everyone think of this method?I have a ton of tables like User, Project etc. I use the SAME column names for each table. For an example, ID, Name, Status etc instead of UserID etc.Only for relationship naming will I use UserID.The reason I do this is from a OOP perspective.My dad often said that a table was a entitiy of an object and each record in the table was a instance of that object.

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Naming Column Names

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am learning Ms Sql and I found that a lot of the tables I am finding( in different tutorials ) are using special names for their columnnames such like au_username, au_salery ...Is the any naming convention for column names, or just at all is thereany reason for naming the table columns in specific way.Thanks in advance.

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Column Naming/spacing

Apr 19, 2007

Is it possible to have spacing within a column name? Something like"column name." I can do it from EM but won't let me do it in queryanalyzer. Can someone tell me the command to do this in queryanalyzer? Thanks!

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Naming Query Column Name Of Resulting Table Name From Query

Oct 23, 2014

I need to name make the name of a column the same as the name of a table from the result of a sql query.. here is the assignment question below..I can't figure out how to get the name of the table to be inputed as the column name..

Write a script that uses dynamic SQL to return a single column that represents the number of rows in the first table in the current database. The script should automatically choose the table that appears first alphabetically, and it should exclude tables named dtproperties and sysdiagrams. [highlight=#ffff11]Name the column CountOfTable, where Table is the chosen table name.[/highlight]
Hint: Use the sys.tables catalog view.

I can figure out the rest. and actually have alredy done it, but i cannot figure out how to do the part that is highlighted above. I looked at lots of things on google to figure it out but no luck..Can some just give me some directlon or an example..

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Sql Rules And Udt

Sep 6, 2007

hello, i've just started playing around with rules and udtis it possible to alter rule?are rules 'slower' compared to check constraint?

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User Rules

Feb 22, 2001

Please forgive my ignorance, however I am 2 months new to SQL-Server 2000.

Is there a way to create a rule specific to a user such that he can only SELECT from a table where a field equals a specific value.

In other words user Joe types in: SELECT * FROM SALES_BY_LOCATION. Because Joe's territory is Los Angeles, I want a rule that only retrieves sales data from Los Angeles.

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Rules On A Table

Jun 11, 2004

In My table i'm collecting information about our customers.In that i have fields zip and phone.So i wanted to implemement a rule that zip should be atlaest of of 5 characters and phone should be 13 characters Including '-'s(333-333-3333).How can i implement these two rules on my table.

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Do You Like To Break The Rules ?

Oct 6, 2004

Not long ago I accountered this situation: I had two databases on "MS SQL Server". In one of the databases there was a nomenclature with very large primary key.
I had to transport that nomenclature and transform the wide PK into single identity column into the other database.

I decided to use a function for that transformation. BUT that function had to mark somewhere which combination of the PK columns is relative to which identity value. BUT functions CAN'T WRITE under MSSQL.
So I took the challenge and mine all sources of information. The result was a function "Exec4Fun" that breaks the rule.
I suppose that with this function it's possible to avoid the restriction for triggers, which prevents writing in the triggering table? (not tested yet)

If someone needs such tools, just write back your e-mail and I'll send some code.

All the best and have fun :)

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Rules Vs Checks?

Jan 23, 2007

Hi experts,

What is the difference between, Creating rules and creating checks on a field?

They both look the same.


Don't sit back because of failure. It will come back to check if you still available. -- Binu

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HELP!!:about The MS Association Rules

May 14, 2006

When i use the MS association rules ,i don't know how it is worked on the background .I stuy the Fp-Growth algorithm , but there're some questions , I don't kown what's the meaning of transcation database. who can give me one example ? thanks .I know we can store the data in relation database,but in basket Analysis ,how a transaction stroed in relation database?

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Association Rules

Dec 3, 2006

1) I use the identifier of transaction and attribute in one table.

Do I can to build a association rules structure without the use of the nested tables?

I tried - did not turn out...

2) As it is necessary to use a main and child table, can not build a prediction query.

When I try to add the predict column in a criteria/argument (Field=PredictSupport), i'll given message:

"Nested table column cannot be used as an argument in a data mining function."

I can not use other columns, because they are not predicable.

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Applying Rules

Apr 18, 2008

In my package i have column called "optinout" coming from source file which has the value "start" and "stop", now in my destination table i have a column called "contact permission code" to which i need to apply a business rule based on the value in column "optinout" the rule is as stated "Contact Permission Code" is OptOut if "OptInOut" value is "STOP" else OptIn.

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Association Rules: Discretization

Aug 8, 2007

Hi there,
it has been a long i'm trying to execute Microsoft Association Rules on my database.

I solved memory leak problem now, but i still can't understand output rules.

Database contain all the italian student who took a degree last year. Here in Italy, they have to compile a summary where they speak about universitary experience. ie: they talk about experience with teachers (pointage from 1 to 5); they says if they want to continue in the universitary field or not, and so on.

Most of the rules, says:
Int_Stud=1-2, RapDoc>4

Int_Stud is the column where i store student intention to continue university. 1 means they want to go on, 2 means they do not want to continue to study. So, this rules has no sense, because it relates all the student (in my mind): the one who wants to continue university and the one who do not want to.

I think problem is that visual studio 2005 and analysis service has no understanding of Int_Stud world, they've no idea that Int_Stud can have just 2 values and that they're opposite each other. Is there a solution to this problem? Can i discretize this column?

Even if I know not to have perfect english, I hope to be understandable

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Where To Find The MS Clustering Rules

Jul 16, 2007

Hey all,

I used the MS clustering method to run on my sample data, and I would like to apply the rules built to score/predict on another data set. But I am not able to find out where the rules are. I am wondering whether there are sql codes available that can be directly applied on the new data set. cheers

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Association Rules Web Viewers

Jan 28, 2008

I note that there exist three web viewers for data mining algorithms, namely, DMNaiveBayesViewer, DMDecisionTreeViewer and DMClusterViewer. How come there are no viewers for association rules (itemsets, rules, dependency network)? Can you suggest any alternative way of showing such valuable information in a web application?

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Association Rules - Importance

Feb 14, 2008

I understand Mr. MacLennan's explanation provided at and appreciate the time he took to explain how importance works. However, like the user with username "sang", I also ran the data in BI 2005 and got the same results listed by the aforementioned user. I did this using the following data:























The rule muffin -> donut has an importance of -0.105302438, which is not the same as Mr. MacLennan's results. I tried switching the roles of a and b in a -> b and using different bases on the logarithms. I don't get the result of -0.105302438 with any of these. I also tried to calculate importance with a small data set I have and can't get the results using Mr. MacLennan's explanation with that data set either. Any thoughts on the descrepancy?

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A Question About Association Rules

Jul 17, 2007


I am doing the Market basket analysis for a retailer using association rule. The whole data set is huge which contains grocery, clothes and books etc. If I want to check out the relationship between several different clothes brands, (e.g. LEVI'S and adidas), should I just remove all the grocery and books transactions, use the subset which only contains clothes transactions to re-run the association rules? Is this gonna work?

Thanks in advance!

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The Data For Association Rules

Jun 20, 2007


I got a question about the data preparation of market basket analysis.

There are always some transactions with only one single SKU product. It seems that these kind of transactions have nothing to do with association. Shall I just exclude them or what?

Thanks in advance.

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Usage Of Association Rules

Aug 15, 2006


I want to score my data by only the assoziation rules I filtered in Mining-Model-Viewer.

Is this possible?

I recognized that MiningModel Predictionquery uses the generated Model (all rules).

Is there any way to influence the model at generating time.

Thanks a lot.



I specified the point to solve my problem but I did not understand why MS SQL Server didn't recognize the Association parameters I but in. It uses the Minimum_Probability I put in, but the Minimum_Importance i wrote didn't care it, it use the default value.

I want to paste a screenshot here but it isn't possible. By the way I'm using the evaluation version, which should be same as the enterprise edition.

Hope for a soon answer.

Best Regard

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X64 DB Mirroring - Any Rules Of Thumb?

Aug 28, 2007

Hi All,

I'm looking to mirror 17 servers from geographically dispersed locations around the UK to one central location.

Is there any rule of thumb to take into account server spec, memory requirements, DB Size

E.G. an x64 server can be the mirror for 30 databases provided it has x GB Memory ?



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Business Rules Table

Aug 8, 2007

Which is the best practice for Business Rules

a. Hardcoded Column Names

b. Rowwise values RuleName, Criteria
Please suggest the best method

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Mining Association Rules Using SQL

Nov 26, 2006

Hello everybody,

I am interested in mining association rules field

I have found some posted statements but I didn't undertand them. I need your help badly.

Just tell from where should I start?

Thanks alot

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Association Rules Algorithm, Help?

Nov 22, 2007

I need to create a set of cases for a project that uses the Microsoft Association Rules algorithm to make recommendations for products to customers. My question is: the set of scenarios must include all transactions of customers for training?. or is it sufficient some percentage of total transactions? If i do not use all transactions of customers, could be that the algorithm does not consider some products in their groups or rules and could not make recommendations about these?

Diego B.

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SQL 2012 :: Query Execution With Rules

Jul 24, 2015

I need to implement one logic similar to rule engine. Below is the to execute all queries in second table order?? what is the best way to implements this

declare @tblRules AS Table (RuleNo INT, RuleDesc NVARCHAR(500), RuleQuery NVARCHAR(MAX), QueryExecutionInterval NVARCHAR(50))
declare @tblRuleResults AS Table (RuleResultID INT, RuleNo INT, ExecuteTime DateTime, NextExecutionTime DateTime, Result NVARCHAR(10))
INSERT INTO @tblRules VALUES ('1','Fail - 2 times within 1 Hour','XXX','Every 15 Minutes')
INSERT INTO @tblRules VALUES ('2','Fail- 2 times within 2 Hour','YYY','Every 30 Minutes')


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Trouble Filtering Association Rules

Jan 7, 2008

I've set up an association rules mining model on SQL Server 2005.

Below is the output for the "rules" tab in the model viewer:

0.457 0.480925197502775 BAKERS BASKET = Existing -> FR ORANGE JUICE = Existing
0.423 0.467835626151174 ONE EGG = Existing -> FR ORANGE JUICE = Existing
0.416 0.42489020548496 GRANOLA PARFAIT = Existing -> FR ORANGE JUICE = Existing
0.416 0.344523279228151 CROISSANT = Existing -> REG CAPPUCCINO = Existing
0.430 0.338244068974039 PAIN AU CHOC = Existing -> REG CAPPUCCINO = Existing
0.424 0.332652863071932 FR ORANGE JUICE = Existing, REG LATTE = Existing -> REG CAPPUCCINO = Existing

The problem is that I can't seem to reduce the minimum probability below .42 to view more rules.

I've considered that it might be becuase these are the only rules discovered, however I know quite a bit about the data and I would excpect many more associations.

The data is transactional in the format

TransactionID, ItemID

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Quick Question Regarding Association Rules...

May 28, 2007


I'm new to analysis services and hopefully this is a quick & easy question. I have a couple of quite large (163,000 tuple) tables with columns essentially representing a bit vector. I would like to mine for association rules but the number of '1' values are very, very sparse and they are the only objects of interest. How can I get more control over the algorithm---that is, how can I stipulate that the state of the column must be '1' to be considered? Any help or direction to the proper documentation would be great.

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Prediction Query In MS Association Rules

May 22, 2006


I'm building a mining model wiht MS Association Rules. After processing this model, the result includes some rules(example):

E = Existing, C = Existing -> B = Existing
F = Existing -> E = Existing
C = Existing, B = Existing -> E = Existing
F = Existing -> B = Existing
B = Existing, A = Existing -> C = Existing
F = Existing, B = Existing -> E = Existing
F = Existing, E = Existing -> B = Existing
D = Existing -> A = Existing
C = Existing -> A = Existing
E = Existing, A = Existing -> B = Existing

I want to buid a query that has two or more items on the left of the rules, example: E = Existing, C = Existing -> B = Existing
->I want to buid a query to predict that: when a customer buy 'E' and 'C' then he likely buys 'B'

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Sequence Clustering And Association Rules

Jul 13, 2006


I read the paper of sequence clustering. It seems that the major application of the algorithm is for the web site. I was just thinking that can I apply this algorithm on the purchase sequences of credit card data?

If so,please also tell me the difference between sequence clustering and association rules on credit card data application. Although I realize that sequence clustering is a fully probabilistic model and it has the capability of prediction, association rules also give the probabilities of purchasing the other products.

Thanks in advance.

To Wong

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Creating A Taxonomy For Association Rules

Nov 23, 2007


I would really appreciate if you could help me out. I am trying to create a taxonomy to be taken into account into the association rules algorithm. For example, if my data is a group of purchases from a supermarket I could have one client who bought milk, cookies and shampoo, and another who bough cheese, cookies and soap.

I would like to specify that milk and cheese belong to the category "dairy" and shampoo and soap belong to "personal hygene". If there are interesting rules regarding the categories I would like them to be taken into account. Additionally, I would not like to have rules like "milk -> dairy". If one specific object appers in a rule, its corresponding category should not.
In this scenario I could have milk and "personal hygene" in the same rule, but not shampoo and "personal hygene".

I have seen this done by other mining tools but I've been having trouble finding a way to make this possible in Analysis Services.

Thank you very much.

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Organizing Business Rules In SSIS

May 30, 2006

Hi All,

I'm pretty new to SQL Server 2005 and I'm wondering how to organize my
business rules efficiently.

I'm willing to create a Package with several Data Flow Task in my
Control Flow, each Business Rule will be encapsulated in a Data Flow
task. I guess this is possible in SSIS but I can't find how my data can
be send from one data flow to another one. I definitly don't want my
dataset to be parsed completly for each business rule.

Does anyone have an idea how to implement this in SSIS?

Kind regards,


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Error On Associative Rules Viewer

Dec 18, 2006


I don't know if this is the correct forum or if it would perhaps be the server setup & upgrade, however, I'll ask here first. I am going through the SQL 2005 data mining tutorials and have encountered an error that states:

Query (1,6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[AssociationRules].[GetStatistics]' function does not exist.

After looking around for a bit it appeared that this function is generally used in a stored procedure run from the server. Is this correct? What do I need to do to either correctly import the function into the project or to make sure that it is installed on the server?

We are running the Ent Ed. now, however, we just upgraded to this after I had already started on this project. Could that be a problem?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
Eric Wisdahl

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