Concatenate All Binary Columns Into Single Binary Column?

May 22, 2014

Server is SQL 2000

I have a table with 10 rows with a varbinary column

I wish to concatenate all the binary column into a single binary column and then write that to another table within the database. This application splits a binary file (Word or PDF document) into multiple segments (this is Column2 as below)

example as follows


Column1 Column2 Column3
aaa 001 <some binary value>
aaa 002 <some binary value>
aaa 003 <some binary value>
aaa 004 <some binary value>
aaa 005 <some binary value>

desired results in TableB

Column1 Column2
aaa <concatenated value of above binary columns>

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Reporting Services :: Concatenate 24 Columns With Semicolon Delimited Into Single Column

Sep 17, 2015

How do i concatenate 24 columns with semicolon delimited into a single column without getting data conversion error ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Store Binary Data Rather Than Int Or Binary?

May 7, 2015

I'm using a bit-wise comparison to effectively store multiple values in one column. However once the number of values increases it starts to become too big for a int data also cannot perform a bitwise & on two binary datatypes. Is there a better way to store the binary data rather than int or binary?

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Binary(8) Columns Skipped When Querying

Sep 5, 2013

I have a serious issue with transferring binary(8) data from SQL Server 2008 R2 to Excel 2010.

A standard query is made in Excel (Data -> From Other Sources -> From SQL Server) and it works... almost perfect.Almost, because in the query result I have almost all columns in destination spreadsheet, except of those columns which are binary(8) format in my table in SQL Server.

So, in SQL there are columns - let's say:

Start time
End time
User ID (as binary(8) format)
Memo (as string)

After Excel's query is done, in Excel there are only columns:

Start time
End time
Memo (as string)

All columns with types = binary(8) are skipped.

I tried:

1. Export from SQL Server to CSV file and then from CSV file to Excel (all columns as string) and it works, but it has to be automated so CSV is not a good idea.

2. Adding to ConnectionString additional parameters NO_BINARY_RESULT=1 - does not work.

3. Adding to ConnectionString additional parameter IMEX=1 - does not work.

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Binary Column Always Returns 0 For ISNULL

Jan 29, 2007

Why don't i ever get return value of 1 when the following binary column (profSignature) is null? 
RETURN SELECT ISNULL(profSignature, profSignature) FROM mpProfiles WHERE ApplicantID = CAST(@CID AS INT) AND ProfileID = CAST(@PID AS INT)

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Get Binary Data From Image Column

May 13, 2008

Hi I have an image column (Spectrum) in a Table (ParticleEDS) which is populated with an array of a bunch of INT32's (4 bytes each)

Using TSQL is there any way that I can read each 4 bytes (convert this to an INT) and return this data for a given record (based on ParticleEDSID).

I know that there are 2048 x 4 bytes that make up the image column.

I would like the output of the query/stored procedure to be:

1 2342
2 2334
3 3343
2048 1001


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Create A Column With Binary Data Type

Feb 13, 2005

Hi, in reference to the article:

I would like to know how to create a 'password' column where the data type is a binary type of length 16
This is my table:

Namevarchar (50)PRIMARYKEY,
Password ???? NOT NULL,
Role varchar (50)NOT NULL

Please review my code. Thanks in advance for helping me out here!

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How Can I Copy Data From A Table Containing A Binary Column?

May 14, 2005

I have a table called 'Articles' whose columns are articleId (int), authorName (varchar) and article (binary). The primary key is articleId. I tried using DTS wizard available in Enterprise Manager 2000,  to import the data from this table into a remote database table, but the data copy failed. I am thinking the binary column is causing the DTS data copy to fail.
If someone could tell me what else  I could do to transfer binary data  to remote database(like an example of a data transfer query),  then that would help me greatly.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Update Binary Column

Mar 25, 2015

The last two columns in one table is [StarText](varchar(20)) and [Star] (binary). It stored data like below:


How to write a update code to insert star image at column [Star]?

For example, at column [Star]
row1 insert 3 stars
row2 insert 2 stars
row3 keep null
row4 insert 5 stars

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Binary Column Or Flat File Best Practices?

Jul 17, 2007

I have a design oriented question for a system I am developing. Because of various business concerns and issues we have been moving towards as desing that brings files into the SQL 2005 system as binary columns in a database. These files will then be processed at a later time using SSIS into relation model tables.

Normally I would just have the process be files are placed on a FTP location (or other drive path) and a location is stored in the database versus the storing of them as binary rows in the database. Then later the SSIS package runs using the path information for the conneciton manager.

Based on the proposed binary design I have two questions.

1. Can anyone speak to the advantages, disadvantages, issues they have had, etc to the binary storage method?

2. Can anyone make a suggestion on how they would handle the pulling of the file out of SQL when the file is ready to process? Do you stream it to a file and rebuild it on the physical disk, to then just import it with a connection manager for the flat file structure.... or can you stream it directly into a conneciton manager that reads it like a flat file and parses the file without ever going to disk? Any information on suggested implementations would be helpful.


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Aggregate Function To Concatenate Columns Data Into A Single Row

Aug 9, 2007

Hi all,

I have a scenario which I am not able to figure out how to do it better for quite some time.

Assume I have a few rows of data :
RunningID Date WOid
1234 1/23/2007 23
1236 1/24/2007 23
1239 1/2/2007 24
1222 1/4/2007 23
1321 2/4/2007 22

My objective is to merge all RunningID into a single cell when WOid is the same (this will most probably use a "group by" to get the different WOid out). Maybe some aggregate function that can do it as:
select ReturnConca(RunningID, "#") as RunningID_str, max(Date) as MaxDate, max(WOid) as WO from tableXXX
group by WOid

RunningID_str MaxDate WO
1234#1236#1222 1/24/2007 23
1239 1/2/2007 24
1321 2/4/2007 22

Any advise would be much appreciated.

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Updating Column With Info - String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Jan 29, 2015

I wrote this query to pull some information involving 3 tables dbo.NewFamNbrs$, dbo.CGIItemMaster and dbo.CGIFamilyMaster. In addition I want to perform an update statement to update column dbo.CGIItemMaster.FamilyIDX with the information of dbo.CGIFamilyMaster.IDX. I also know that truncation is indicating that I'm trying to insert data into a field not large enough. So I performed a len() function on the both columns and order by desc and they both came up with 4 as being the max.


SELECT a.PART, a.Family, b.FamilyIDX, c.FamilyID, c.IDX
FROM dbo.NewFamNbrs$ a LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CGIFamilyMaster c ON a.Family = c.FamilyID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CGIItemMaster b ON a.PART = b.PART

Results of query:

PART Family FamilyIDX FamilyID IDX
000127233TF011468 TF01 506
000129880TF011468 TF01 506
003110 MET061468 MET06 1915


begin tran
update dbo.CGIItemMaster
set FamilyIDX=c.IDX
CGIFamilyMaster c ON a.Family = c.FamilyID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.CGIItemMaster b ON a.PART = b.PART

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated When Using Default Column Definition

Nov 22, 2007

When I set a column to have a default definition that uses a UDF, I am receiving the "String or binary data would be truncated" error.

The UDF:

Code BlockALTER FUNCTION GetDefaultClientTier
@ClientAssets decimal(15,2)
RETURNS char(1)
DECLARE @Result char(1)
-- Get the first result in case of overlaps.
SET @Result = CAST((SELECT TOP 1 ClientTier FROM ClientTiers WHERE @ClientAssets BETWEEN ClientAssetsFloor AND ClientAssetsCeiling) AS char(1))
RETURN @Result

ClientTier is defined as char(1) in the table. I simply have (isnull([dbo].[GetDefaultClientTier]([ClientAssets])),(null))) as the definition. I can't use a computed column because I the values need to be editable. When inserting with SSIS, the insert works fine but the column has a value of null for each row.

When putting a character as the default (like 'A') the insert works fine.

The cast is there only because I have tried everything I can think of to get around this.

Is there something simple I am overlooking?

(SQL2005 SP2)


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Concatenate Column Value From Multiple Rows Into A Single Column

Feb 27, 2008


I need to concatenate a column from multiple rows into a single column in a new table.

How can I do this?


Need to have



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Concatenate Query From Single Column

Feb 22, 2007

I have a query that I'm stumped on. The data has about 6000 records, of which about 460 of those have distinct dealer names and ids.

I am trying to condense this data so that there is only one record for each dealer, but my 3rd column has different values which is why some dealers have only 2 records, and others may have 10.

I know how to select distinct values, but what I want is to return a list of comma separated values for my 3rd column which consists of all the unique values from that 3rd column for that dealer.

For instance, say I have a dealer with 8 records. They have a unique ID and Dealer Name, but the 8 records appear because the dealer has 8 entries for its activity. The activities may or may not be unique.

So for example I have dealer ABC who has an id of 54, their name is ABC, but for their activites they have 8 entries (apple, orange, banana, pear, apple, banana, mango, peach).

I wnt to be able to select the distinct id, name, and distinct activities so that when my query is returned and displayed the record appears as such:

"54","ABC","apple, orange, banana, pear, mango, peach"

Does that make sense?

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Concatenate Values From Same Column But Different Record In Single Row

Mar 26, 2008

Hi, I have a difficult case that I need to solve. I will try to be the very clear explaining my problem:

I have a sql query which brings me many records.
This records have a column in common which have the same value (COL1)

There is a second column (COL2) which has different values bewteen these records.
I need to concatenate values from the second column in records with same value in COL1. And I need only one record of the ones that have the same values. If two records have the same COL1 value, only one row should be in my result.

Let me give you an example:

Me result should be:


It is clear what I need? I dont know if I can solve it through sql or any function inside SSIS.
Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Stored Procedure To Concatenate Column Value Sin A Single Cell?

Jan 8, 2007

HiI want to achieve the following transformation of data using a storedprocedure.Sourcecol1 col2(varchar)-------------------------1 1.11 1.22 2.12 2.22 2.3=================Desired Resultcol1 col2(varchar)--------------------------1 1.1 | 1.22 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3=====================Thanks in advance. :)- Parth

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Sync Of Binary Columns In SQL 2005 EV And SQL 2005 EX

Jul 5, 2006


I'm working on an application that will use SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition for single user installations (i.e. notebooks) and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for network installations. The single user databases will synchronize with the network databases.

The databases will have to store a large number of documents of different kinds, most of them will be less than 200 KB in size. According to the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition documentation, I should avoid using the IMAGE data type and opt for VARBINARY(MAX) instead. The current version CTP of SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition does not support VARBINARY(MAX) (the maximum size is 8000 bytes).

Will the final version of SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition support VARBINARY(MAX)? Or should I use the IMAGE data type in both schemas or IMAGE in the SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition database and VARBINARY(MAX) in the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database?

Do I have to consider anything special when the databases are synchronized via replication because of the large number of rows with binary fields?



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Problem In Converting MS Access OLE Object[Image] Column To BLOB (binary Large Object Bitmap)

May 27, 2008

Hi All,
i have a table in MS Access with CandidateId and Image column. Image column is in OLE object  format. i need to move this to SQL server 2005 with CandidateId column with integer and candidate Image column to Image datatype.
its very udgent, i need any tool to move this to SQL server 2005 or i need a code to move this table from MS Access to SQL server 2005 in C#.
please do the needfull ASAP. waiting for your reply
with regards

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Dec 31, 2007

i am using 2.0 with c#.
i have database - mssql server.
in that i have tuser table in that table i have password feild which datatype is Binary.
when i am entered password in application that time runtime error is convert the string to binary.
my code is---string myByte = Stingtest;
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();Byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(myByte);myByte = "";
myByte = encoding.GetString(bytes);
objClsDllSql.sqlCon = objReadIniFile.funReadIniSql();
objClsDllSql.sqlCon.Open();objVarIni.sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from tUser ", objClsDllSql.sqlCon);
objVarIni.sqlDA.Fill(objVarIni.sqlDS, "tUser");
objVarIni.sqlDT = objVarIni.sqlDS.Tables["tUser"];
 strSqlCmdText = "insert into tUser values( " + Convert.ToInt32(txtUserCode.Text) + " , "+
" " + " ' " + txtUserID.Text + " ' " + ", "+" " + " ' " +txtFirstName.Text + " ' " + ", "+
" " + " '" + txtLastName.Text + "'" + ", "+" " + myByte + ", "+
" " + "'" + txtUserType.Text + "'" + ", "+ " " + "'" + dtpWarningDate.SelectedDate + "'" + " , "+
" " + "'" + dtpExpireDate.SelectedDate + "'" + ", "+" " + "'" + drpdwnStatus.SelectedItem.Text + "'" + ", "+
" " + "'" + Session["LoginName"].ToString() + "'" + ", "+" " + "'" + dtpCreateDate.SelectedDate.ToString() + "'" + ", "+
" " + "'" + txtUpDatedBy.Text + "'" + ", "+
" " + "'" + dtpUpdateDate.SelectedDate.ToString() + "'" + ")";
pls help me .
its really urgent.

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Binary Serialization

Mar 9, 2007

Hello,I am trying to serialize (binary) a class and save it in a database. I followed a few examples I found in internet and this is what I came up with: 1 ' Rows
2 <Serializable()> _
3 Public Class Rows
4 Implements ISerializable
6 Private _Rows As New Generic.List(Of Row)
7 Public Property Rows() As Generic.List(Of Row)
8 Get
9 Return _Rows
10 End Get
11 Set(ByVal value As Generic.List(Of Row))
12 _Rows = value
13 End Set
14 End Property ' Rows
16 ' New
17 Public Sub New()
18 End Sub ' New
20 ' New
21 Public Sub New(ByVal siRows As SerializationInfo, ByVal scRows As StreamingContext)
22 End Sub ' New
24 ' GetObjectData
25 Public Sub GetObjectData(ByVal siRows As SerializationInfo, ByVal scRows As StreamingContext) Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData
27 siRows.AddValue("Rows", Me.Rows)
29 End Sub ' GetObjectData
31 Public Sub Serialize(ByVal filename As String)
33 Dim sRows As Stream = Stream.Null
34 Try
35 sRows = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
36 Dim bfRows As New BinaryFormatter
37 bfRows.Serialize(sRows, Me)
38 Finally
39 sRows.Close()
40 End Try
42 End Sub ' Serialize
44 Public Shared Function Deserialize(ByVal filename As String) As Rows
46 Dim sRows As Stream = Stream.Null
47 Try
48 sRows = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
49 Dim bfRows As New BinaryFormatter
50 Return CType(bfRows.Deserialize(sRows), Rows)
51 Finally
52 sRows.Close()
53 End Try
55 End Function ' Deserialize
57 End Class ' Rows
 After serializing the class I need to save it in an a SQL 2005 database.But all the examples I followed use the filename ... Anyway, do I need to do something to save this into an SQL 2005 database or can I use it as follows? And how can I use this?This is the first time I do something like this so I am a little bit confused.Thanks,Miguel    

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Binary Problem

Aug 1, 2007

Hy friends!I'm new in WebApplications that have SQL SERVER DB.My problem is that...In the DataBase I have a table with varbinary column and in the program I want save in this column a value of binary[] variable! How I can make it?Another question.... If I want select (by a query in the application) the value of the binary column, where I store it? because if I want select an integer value I take this in a int variable, and if I want select an string value from a DataBase I take this in a string variable..but How I can make it with binary column?Thanks in advance!! 

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Binary Data

Dec 28, 2007

I have a table which uses binary data to store passwords.  How do I view the contents of the "binary data" column, ie. the passwords?  It just shows it as <binary data>?

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SQL Binary To C# Byte[]

Apr 6, 2004

I have a binary column with length 20 in SQL server table. I store dynamically C# byte[] value range from 0 to 19. So for example, If I store length of 16 and when I try to retrive it back into byte [] in C# it returns whole length 20. When I see in debug it has value from 0 to 15 which I want to use but from 16 to 19 is zero. How can I get just length value which I stored.

I use DataRow to get whole row and from the row object I extract byte [] based on column name.

Thank you in advance....

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Binary File

Aug 5, 2004

Can someone firecct me to instructions on how to download a Binary file in a application.

I have a sql 2000 db that has a field that contains files and my users need access to them via my web app.

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Bit To Binary Problem

Nov 15, 2004

I have a field in my database defined as a bit. I need to bind this field to a checkbox I have stored in a datgrid on my webform. I'm having problmes finding the right call in the html

<asp:CheckBox id="chkComplexity" runat="server" Width="125px" Text="Complexity">



Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Binary Vs. TimeStamp

Jan 12, 2002

Can I use "timestamp" datatype in SQL Server as the equivalent datatype for "binary" in ACCESS 2000?

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Binary Data

Feb 8, 2001

We have a dll that sends a hexadecimal data (const. length) to MS SQL Server database. It's declared as String in VB, the db column data type is binary.

Here is the SQL String that has been executed successfully in Query Analyzer:

"declare @MyHAX varchar(32)
select @MyHAX='0x3236374535454337363145313430463742394545 413443473230343544320000'
values (convert (binary(32),@MyHAX))"

When I am trying to do the same thing in the insert stored procedure, I get an error message: "Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type binary, table 'MyDB.dbo.MyTABLE', column 'MyCOLUMN'. Use the convert function to run this query."

Does anyone know how can I insert my binary data?

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Binary Data Into SQL 6.5

Oct 21, 1998

How does one go about getting a graphic image into SQL Server 6.5. For example, let`s say I have a company logo that I want to include in a company profile table to be used on some reports. The graphic is now a .BMP or .GIF or .JPG file.

I just do not have a clue how this works.


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Binary Checksum

Feb 6, 2004


Can anyone provide me with the syntax for comparing rows of two tables using binary checksum? The tables A and B have 8 & 9 columns respectively. The PK in both cases is Col1 & Col2. I want checksum on Columns 1 to 8.


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Binary Data

Apr 1, 2008

Hi there,
Am working on an archiving system that stores files/images in a column of type Binary. we want to change the front end of this archiving system it was done using we dont have access to the source code
what is the way to retrieve the files from the binary columns?
how they store or retrieve the files?
Thanx best site for sql,,,

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Binary Datatype

Jun 14, 2006

Quick question here. I am working with a database which uses Binary(8) as an id(ie, contact_id is binary(8), and connects 2 tables). I can already extract the binary data (in the form 00-00-00-00-00-00-ab-cd). I know that there exists a contact_id 0x0000000000001989 (hex) however, when I attempt this query...

"SELECT * FROM Support_Incident where Contact_Id = '0x0000000000001989'". I get no results. What have I done wrong?

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Binary Value Manipulation

May 1, 2007

I would like to drop the leading 0x on a binary value so I can do abitwise operation.Here is simplified code:select right(0x88186000,8)I expected to get back 88186000, this was not the case. The commandreturned some wierd characters.Am I missing something?

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