Dts Package To Run Every 10 Seconds

Oct 6, 2006

Does anyone know if you can shedule a dts package to run every 10 seconds ?
I can see that you can create a job but this only has the option for the earliest run set to 1 minute.

Any advice


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Package Dies After About 10000 Seconds.

Apr 24, 2006

I have written a package that archives off old orders over night, it appears that this package is failing after about 10000 second every time it is run. I don't think it is memory as I am running it and checking for memory leaks.

Basic run down of package is

EXEcute SQL task to get orders to delete

If a for loop, loop each ordernumber

within the for loop there are 2 dataflow

dataflow 1

find related records in child tables (oldb connection using query)

using a mutli split first

check (with lookup) for records already in archive database

only copy on a fail from the look up


delete related records

dataflow 2

do the same but for the parent table

SP1 CTP is installed on server.

Any ideas?

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Convert Seconds To Hours:minutes:seconds

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.If I've got a query which has a field with seconds in it... how will I usethe Convert function to get my field converted to the format: HH:MM:SS ?The field with the seconds in is called: "Diff"Thanks alotRudi

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Why Query Takes 0 Seconds And Stored Procedure Takes 16 Seconds Sql Server 2000

Sep 21, 2007

I have a Stored Procedure that has a query in it and it take 0 second and then a stored procedure that takes 16 seconds. From what I can tell they shoul be the same.

It doesn't recompile when i run the stored procedure, I checked that.

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Jun 10, 2008

I am really confused and I can’t concentrate. Please help me with this easy question:
I have a field which contains seconds for example 128460 I need to have how much hours is that in my Query.
Please Help me.


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Seconds To HH:MM:SS

Mar 6, 2007

I'm using a stored procedure that outputs a field of duration in seconds... I'm limited in that I cannot edit the stored procedure to alter the output but I need to convert this duration to hh:mm:ss. Is there a way to do this using the expression editor in RS 2000?

Many thanks.

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Convert HH:MM:SS Into Seconds

Nov 2, 2007


I have an user input variable called @stop_time which takes input in the format of HH:MM:SS.

I need to convert it into seconds only.

declare @start_time datetime
set @start_time ='02:15:00'

How can I do that?

Can anyone help please?

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How To Convert Seconds To DD:HH:MM:SS

Sep 21, 2005

Hello every one I have a column in my table which stores seconds.
I want to convert the value into Days:Hours:Minutes:Secons(DD:HH:MM:SS) format.
Can anybody please tell me how to do that.

The value of seconds wil be large (eg. 16798563,..and so on) SO how to I convert this value to the format I need.

Mohsin Iqbal

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Got Seconds But Need Minutes

Apr 16, 2004

I have a result that comes out in number of seconds, but need to see it converted to minutes and hours and seconds. Is there a convert function that would do this?


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Convert Seconds To Hh:mm:ss

Apr 28, 2008

How to Convert Seconds (i.e., 114) to hh:mm:ss format,

is there any way.. i've a column (DURATION) which is recorded in Seconds
AND USER wants to see the seconds in hh:mm:ss 00:14:28



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Convert Seconds To Hh:mm:ss

Jun 19, 2008

Hi, I have a field with seconds in it, and I need to convert this so that it shows in the format hh:mm:ss. Is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks in advance,


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Adding Seconds

Jul 25, 2006


i have a huge table.One of the columns of the table is fTime, which is datetime data type. But there is NO seconds in the fTime column. What i wanna do is to add seconds to this column according to the example below;

2006-07-24 18:10:00----> 2006-07-24 18:10:00
2006-07-24 18:10:00----> 2006-07-24 18:10:59

2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:00
2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:15
2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:30
2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:45
2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:59

2006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:00
2006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:30
2006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:59

Shortly, as you can understand from above, the first second should be 00, the last second should be 59 and the rest will be calculated by, 60/count of same fTime rows - except the last row. There is one important thing to consider, which is the speed of the statements which include those calculations because of the huge number of rows i my table.


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Convert HH:MM:SS To Seconds?

Sep 24, 2007


How would one convert HH:MM:SS to Seconds?

Thanks in advance!



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Convert HH:MM:SS Into Seconds

Nov 2, 2007


I have an user input variable called @stop_time which takes input in the format of HH:MM:SS.

I need to convert it into seconds only.

declare @start_time datetime
set @start_time ='02:15:00'

How can I do that?

Can anyone help please?

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Sleep For N Seconds

Jul 20, 2005

HiI am trying to use the WAITFOR function to make each loop in a cursoroccur every 4 seconds until the curdb is emptythe prtocedure is as follows---------------- startcreate procedure q_additionalrabatt@additionalrabatt float,@ordernr intASdeclare @ordradnr intdeclare curdb cursor for select ordernr, ordradnr from orp whereordernr = @ordernrfor read onlyopen curdbfetch curdb into @ordernr, @ordradnrwhile @@fetch_status = 0beginupdateorpsetorp.rabatt1 = (orp.rabatt1 + @additionalrabatt)whereorp.ordernr = @ordernr andorp.ordradnr = @ordradnrfetch curdb into @ordernr, @ordradnrendclose curdbdeallocate curdb------------------- endI need to make sure, that before it fetches the next row it waits 4seconds before executing the next loop.Matt

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How Can I Use Format As HH:MM:SS From Seconds Within The SQL Query

Nov 8, 2007

I have the following SQL query where i want thease to be populate to GridView, but the Duration field is in Second format, I want it would be in HH:MM:SS format.
cmd = "select subscriber_id as Subscriber_no,,amount,duration from MyTable" ;
Please help me how to format this within the Query to display in GridView.

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Convert Seconds To DateTime

Jan 28, 2008

I have values in seconds (integers) in a database column and I want to convert those values to datetime. For example: 102 into 1:42(60 seconds = 1 minute + 42 seconds = 1:42), 150 into 2:30, etc.

I've been working for hours today on this, but haven't been able to come up with a solution.

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Help.. Simple Query Took 20+ Seconds

Mar 26, 2004

Hi all,

can someone give me some advise on how to troubleshoot this.... thanks.

Here is the situation:

We have a server running nicely for the past 1 years. And just yesterday, things started to acting very slow.
A simple query that will return one row:

"select * from product where itemno = 1234 and visible =1"

will take 20 second sometime 30! The weird thing is.. it only happens intermittently. The table also only contain 4000 rows. so its not even a big table. I am not sure if this is caused by lack of memory or what (256mb ram, p4 1ghz on this server).

The system cpu usage % avg around 3-8%. but when that weird behavior started. All the other queries will wait for it to finished and then burst the cpu usage up to 100%. Afterward, it will level off and then the cycle repeat again.

I'm just hoping if anyone can give me a few pointers as of where to troubleshoot. I've tried rebuild the index on that table but it didn't help. This weird behavior not only happen on this particular table, but also on different db within the same server. (note: they are small dbs only)

p.s. here is the site that is running on this db, you'll see this weird delay after a few click on the pages.

Thanks you for your time,

forgot to mentioned, the sql server is 7.0

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Value To Seconds?

Jun 3, 2014

I want to calculate total sum of column.

I have a table with many values of column:

declare @time table
(times nvarchar(255))
INSERT INTO @time (times)
Select ('05:01')
Select ('00:01')
Select ('170:01')
Select ('2543:01')
Select * from @time

How can I get seconds value for every row?

05:01 - 301
00:01 - 1
170:01 - 10201

P.s. Finally I use - Select convert(char,dateadd(second,152581,60),108) as sumtime

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Convert Seconds To Minutes

Oct 28, 2005

I need to convert 300.876 to 5:00.876 in classic asp. Can anyone help?

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Grouping A Query In 30 Seconds

Apr 13, 2006


How can I make a query and group the registries in a interval of 30 seconds...like

for each line I have a datetime field that have all the day, and I need it to return just like

TIME Contador_type1 Contador_type2 Total

01-01-2006 00:00:30.000 2 5 7

01-01-2006 00:01:00.000 3 7 10

It's just an example...but that's the result that I need and my table is

data_hora -- datetime field

tipo - 1 or 2 -- count

nrtelefone - that's is the number dialed.


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How To Reload Report Every X Seconds?

Feb 28, 2008

Is there anyway of including/excluding some javascript to reload the report (with the parameters the user has chosen) on an automatic basis?

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CommandTimeout Shorter Than 30 Seconds?

Jan 16, 2008


Today I ran a query from my ASP page that returned with an error message stating my command had timed out. Fine. I searched the forums (thank god for the internet), and added cmd.CommandTimeout = 120. Great! That solved my problem.

My question is that from everything I read, the command timeout is set to 30 seconds by default. Yet my query runs in 5 seconds or so with the property set, but wouldn't run at all without it. Is it possible my command timeout was set somewhere else to less than 30 seconds? It's almost as if the server THOUGHT it would take longer than 30 seconds, and gave up, before actually running the query (which has all needed indexes to make the query fast). I just don't understand why I was getting this error for what turns out to be a 5 second query. When I shorted the query to 4 seconds or so (reducing the date range for the report), it ran fine in 4 seconds without the timeout error. So basically, going to 5 seconds or more caused this error. Where are the other places that the CommandTimeout property might be set? On the SQL Express database itself? I didn't see any ASP.NET config properties addressing it. Is there somewhere else I can look?



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Converting Nvarchar To Minutes:Seconds In MS SQL?

Oct 18, 2006

I have a field in nvarchar type. It contains data like 0, :23, 1:57, ... all in minutes and seconds. Now, I need to convert it to MM:SS using query and get the Average of this column. How can I do it? I have tried Avg(Convert(nvarchar(20), [Calling Time], 108)) .. but I got error : The average aggregate operation cannot take a nvarchar data type as an argument.Help!!!! :( 

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Rounding Seconds Up To The Nearest 15 Minutes

Dec 6, 2007

I have a field with seconds in it and I need to disply it in hours which I can do by dividing it by 3600, but I am trying to figure out how to round it up to the nearest 15 minutes.  I have tried a couple of things with ROUND and CEILING, but am not getting the right numbers back.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Slow Query; Timeout After 30 Seconds

Aug 17, 2004

Hello there,

I am programming with visual basic and I have a large query wich takes too long for execution. After 30 seconds I get a timeout error.

Is there any way to raise the timeout to 90 seconds or something.

I'm using the following connection string to connect to the database.

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Connect Timeout=2;Password=****;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=test;Data Source=sqlserver

thank you

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IO Requests Taking &> 15 Seconds To Complete (was Hi, I'm New, And I Need Help)

Nov 28, 2006

i have an aplication with any problems, the aplication is hang and in the log is

SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of IO requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [d:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdata empdb.mdf] in database [tempdb] (2). The OS file handle is 0x000003DC. The offset of the latest long IO is: 0x00000016930000 and the aplication log is

E R R: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionWrite (WrapperWrite()). NUMERO -2147467259 FUENTE Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

can yu help me

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SQL Server 2012 :: Seconds To AM / PM Time

Jun 15, 2015

I have a column that is an int field and it holds the number of seconds that corresponds to a time during the day. Example being that 24331 will be 6:45:31 AM and 67531 will be 6:45:31 PM. I'm looking for code that will show the time in AM/PM format and with the AM and PM at the end of time.

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Convert Number (seconds To Datetime)

Nov 26, 2007

I have a field (int) thats a value in seconds.

I need to add it to a datetime value to get a finish time ..

how can i convert it to datetime (baring in mind its seconds)
so far any conversion i do converts it to days...

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Finding Values Containing Milli Seconds!

May 23, 2007

Hi all...I've got a group of tables and I wanted to first see which tablescontained a fields containing the "Date/Time" data type. And I wassuccessful in doing so...here's the query:(select a.name tablename, b.name colnamefrom sysobjects a, syscolumns bwhere a.name = object_name(b.id)AND B.TYPE = 61 AND A.XTYPE = 'U')Now...my only issue is find which query I can run (On each table)which returns to me ONLY the values containing the date/time stampwith milli seconds (Ex: 01/01/2007 10:10:50:987)I require this since we are planning on shifting those tables to theOracle platform, and we've had issues doing this while loading theextracted information, since it was not taking the values containingthe "milliseconds".Is there a way to do this? Or is it better to simply remove themilliseconds all togeather? I wouldn't mind doing so provided that itdoesn't includes changes to the actual data type.

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Find Rows Within Seconds Of Top Of Hour

Oct 24, 2007

I have rows of data that have a datetime stamp. I need to find rowsthat have a datetime stamp within 10 seconds of the top of each hour.I started with datediff(s,getdate(),LeadDate) but I am stumped on howto process for each hour.I.E. records between 9:00:00 and 9:00:10 , 10:00:00 10:00:10, and soforth for each hour.Ideas?

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Update Query Taking 23 Seconds

Jan 26, 2007

I am not sure if I am in the correct location or if I should be in the SQL forum but here is my question:

I have an update statement that goes out through SQL 2000 through a local linked server to another SQL 2000 server on my machine. When I run the update in Query Analyzer it takes less than a second. When I run it in my C# code using the SqlCommand object and parameters it takes me ~23 seconds. If I remove one of the parameters it goes down to ~15 milliseconds. Has anyone heard of this happening?

The parameter that I remove is a simple char(10) column that isn't the primary key and is used in the WHERE statement. There isn't an index on the field.

23 Seconds
Update table Set column = @val WHERE field = @field AND other = @other
15 milliseconds
Update table Set column = @val WHERE field = 'values' AND other = @other

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Novice Question. This Should Take About 5 Seconds For A DB Professional.

Jun 4, 2007

I'm sure this problem borders on retarded for most readers of this form, but here it is:

I have table with contest and another table with user ratings on those contests.

Contests: ContestID, CreatorUserID, Title
Ratings: ContestID, UserID, Rating

If I

SELECT Contests.*, Ratings.*
FROM Contests INNER JOIN Ratings ON Contests.ContestID = Ratings.ContestID
WHERE (Ratings.UserID = '1')

This only returns the contests that User 1 has rated. But I need all contests. If the user hasn't rated one, I want the result set to show Rating = NULL. The problem is that if a user hasn't rated a contest, that ContestID does not exist in the Ratings table.

Can someone please show me how to solve this?


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