Empty Field Query

Mar 9, 2004

Hi Friends,

I have one query that i have to Replace the Empty Value of a filed with some other value how can i do in SQL??

ID Phone Name

1 122 abc

2 xyz

3 444 mmm

4 525 ccc

5 nvb

Now i want replace the blank (Empty) filed with some charaters Numbers how can i do that?? any Help


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Checking If A Field Is Empty

Oct 19, 2007

i want to check if one of the fields is empty. however i cant seem to get it working
string strSQL = "select * from 15Course_Listing where
Package_listingNo =''";

it does not return anything, however i have empty fields in package_listingNo

i have been trying to get around this for some time and its killing me. need help please

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Required Field Empty - How Could This Happen?

Feb 21, 2008

Hello! I have a web form in VB.NET & ASP.NET 1.1, with data being saved to a SQL 2005 database with multiple tables. The primary key on all these tables is a unique identifying number that the user enters. However, one record in this database (across all tables) has no identifier. All other information seems to have saved without problem, but there's no identifier, which is very wierd for several reasons: 1) the form should not allow the user to proceed without it; 2) all the tables in the database do not allow nulls for the column, and 3) it's the primary key!
Any thoughts on how this might have happened?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Field Has No Value But Is Not NULL Or Empty?

Aug 13, 2015

I added a new field to an existing ETL process which uses SSIS to ingest a CSV file. The new field in the file, Call_Transaction_ID, will not always be populated for every record and so can be NULL or empty for certain records.

Here's the problem:After the file is extracted into a staging table, the Call_Transaction_ID field is showing blank or empty when it has no ID for that particular record. The problem is when I try to then ETL this data into a fact table - I'm trying to set the Call_Transaction_ID field to -1 if it is NULL or empty, however SQL Server doesn't see the field as empty even though there is no value in the field so -1 will NEVER return.

Using a WHERE DATALENGTH(Call_Transaction_ID) = 0 returns 0 records, again because SQL Server doesn't see the field as empty or NULL.

What do I do now to get around this? How do I fix it?

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Empty Form Field Validation?

Dec 24, 2013

I have created a form with basic validation :

if($formValue['forename']=="" || $formValue['surname']=="" || $formValue['username']=="" || $formValue['password']=="" || $formValue['email']=="" ){
$message = "Missing data - please try again" ;
header("Location: registration.php?message=$message");

I want to validate each field individually.

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How To Update An Empty Date-type Field

May 23, 2006

I have update function that updating sql database table.
In the table I have fields like: name, address, phone, …, install_date
updateScreen(txtSName.text, txtSLocation.text, txtSPhone.text, txtSAddress.text, txtSPostal.text, ddSCity.SelectedItem.text, ddSCountry.SelectedItem.text, txtSOwner.text, txtSInstall.text )
The function work fine except the part whent install_date field is empty then I have the following message:
System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid.
Ii would like to use the same update function to make an updates even when date field is empty.
If someone has any idea how make it work, I would appreciate that

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SQL - Updating Empty Text Field Is Enterring -1

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to do a simple update like I have done countless timesbefore.However, when I update the empty fields in this table it places a -1into the field rather than the enterred value.It is indexed with duplicates allowed. It says that zero lenght isset to yes.What can I do about this?if Request.form("ouserid") <> "" Thenvar2 = " and userid = '" & Request.form("ouserid") & "' "Elsevar2 = " and userid is null "End ifif Request.form("orepid") <> "" Thenvar1 = " repid = '" & Request.form("orepid") & "'"Elsevar1 = " repid is null "End if"Update [Website Settings] set userid = '" & REquest.form("userid") &"' and repid = '" & Request.form("repid") & "' where " & var1 & var2& var3Thanks!

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Concatination Of Empty Field And Removal Of Symbols

Mar 21, 2006


I am going crazy trying to figure out how to do this. I have a flat file which I am massaging the data and loading into a table here is an example of a line out of the flat file:

"ABC NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS","550","","","N","FAIR OAKS","","","COLORADO SPRINGS","C0","","","","","","","","A","","",""

My problem is that I have one field which is this address in a concatinated form. The fields that do not apply to this entry are suite#, floor# and other columns which are designated by the "" characters. The final concatinated addres field looks like this:

"550""""N""FAIR OAKS"""

I would like to remove the "" characters in the concatinated string. I just don't know the best way to do this? I was told DTS had a way of removing the "" from the flat file source. Since I have not used DTS extensively I am not sure if this is true. I was wondering how in SSIS I could go about removing the "" marks without removing the "" say if someone is quoted eg. John said "This is only a test". Removing the quotation marks in this instance would be changing the data. I am not sure how to do this and any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

Thank you...

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CeWriteRecordProps Failling With A Empty FILETIME Field..

May 11, 2006

Hi All,

Does anyone have already made an application that writes some data into the EDB Pocket database ?
I´m trying to insert a record with a empty FILETIME field and I´m getting
the Error 87 (INVALID_PARAMETER), I´ve tested with some date in the field and the record is added sucessfull, it seems that the database doesn´t accept anymore empty FILETIME fields? Is it true? I didn't find anything in the docs.thanx in advance.

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How To Pass Null Value To The Database If A Form Field Is Empty?

May 31, 2004

How can I pass into the database (@User_fax = null) if the fax form field is empty, from a command type Stored Procedure? For example:

Dim CmdUpdate As New SqlCommand("Form2_NewUser", strConnection)
CmdUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

CmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@User_fax", SqlDbType.char, 9)
CmdUpdate.Parameters("@User_fax").Value = fax.Text()



And, the stored procedure inside Sql server:

USE market1
ALTER PROC Form2_NewUser
@User_id bigint, @User_fax char(9),...


SET User_fax = @User_fax, ...

WHERE User_id = @User_id

Thank you,

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Field Names Missing In MDX Data Set When Using NON EMPTY Clause

Sep 25, 2007

So I have an MDX query in an SSRS data set. Here is my MDX query:

Code SnippetSELECT { [Measures].[Gross Sales Amount USD], [Measures].[Net Sales Amount USD] } ON COLUMNS, { ([Promotion].[Media Property].[Promo Code Description].ALLMEMBERS) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@BeginDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@EndDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@PromotionMediaProperty, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Net Sales]))))) WHERE ( [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40], [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise], [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS

This query returns 4 fields. Media Property, Promo Code Description, Gross Sales, and Net Sales. For the given query the measures are empty or null. I do not want any data to show up when the measures are null so I put in NON EMPTY clauses before the COLUMNS and before the ROWS. So now my query looks like this: (I only added the NON EMPTY clauses)

Code Snippet
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Gross Sales Amount USD], [Measures].[Net Sales Amount USD] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY{ ([Promotion].[Media Property].[Promo Code Description].ALLMEMBERS) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@BeginDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@EndDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@PromotionMediaProperty, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Net Sales]))))) WHERE ( [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40], [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise], [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS

Adding the NON EMPTY returns nothing... not even field names. This is a problem because, I have a table in the report that looks at this data set and when there are no fields, the report can't run.

How can I still have NON EMPTY functionality and still show the fields? Is this a problem in SSRS?

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Possible To Create An OPTIONAL Multi-value Field That Can Be Left Empty?

Mar 20, 2007


I have several reports for which the user has asked to have an optional muti-value parameter. They want to be able to select zero, one, many, or all values in the parameter list. The parm list is created through a query and the values are not static.

I would like to allow the user to leave the muti-value field empty if they want to allow all values to appear on the report. I've read some discussion about populating a multi-value default with the same query that produces the multi-value list values - presto, everything is selected. However, this is not a desirable solution for me because I "echo" the users parameter selections in the report heading. Selecting all values (and some parms have a lot of values) would cause the "parm feedback" section to grow large and unreadable.

In short, I don't want to tell the user they have to select everything when they really want to select nothing.

Is there any way to have a muti-value parm that won't insist the user select one or more values?



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Anyway To Check If A Text Field Is Blank (not Null But Just A Empty String '') ?

Oct 27, 2004

i have a trigger on a table right now... when fields are inserted, theres a text field inserted and i want to check if that text field = '' (the empty string, not NULL) and if it doesn't equal that, then perform some row updates on other tables, but if it is empty, to not do anything else in the trigger... right now i have this:


IF ((SELECT Note FROM XATPoDetail WHERE ReqNbr = (SELECT ReqNbr FROM Inserted)) LIKE(''))

Note is the text field, XATPoDetail is the table where its being inserted into. I had to do the select FROM the table because it wouldn't let me select a text data type from the "Inserted" virtual table

but it tells me me "Error 279: The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression"


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Anyway To Check If A Text Field Is Blank (not Null But Just A Empty String '') ?

Oct 27, 2004

i have a trigger on a table right now... when fields are inserted, theres a text field inserted and i want to check if that text field = '' (the empty string, not NULL) and if it doesn't equal that, then perform some row updates on other tables, but if it is empty, to not do anything else in the trigger... right now i have this:

IF ((SELECT Note FROM XATPoDetail WHERE ReqNbr = (SELECT ReqNbr FROM Inserted)) LIKE(''))

Note is the text field, XATPoDetail is the table where its being inserted into. I had to do the select FROM the table because it wouldn't let me select a text data type from the "Inserted" virtual table

but it tells me me "Error 279: The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression"


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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Empty String In A Decimal Field?

Jul 13, 2015

I have a requirement where i have to insert empty string in column whose datatype is decimal.

I have to replace the column value if it is null then insert it as ' '.

Obviously its generate error msg for conversion, is there any workaround for this. I cannot add 0 or other value as this column is used to generate some output value.

IIF(Column1 IS NULL, ' ', Column1))

I used TRY_PARSE but it insert null value if there is conversion error.

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What Is The Difference Between Updating Null Value Vs Empty String To Varchar/char Field?

Aug 29, 2007

What is the difference updating a null value to char/varchar type column

versus empty string to char/varchar type column?Which is the best to do and why?
Could anyone explain about this?


Table 1 : tCountry - Name varchar(80) nullable
Table 2 :tState - Name char(2) nullable
Table 3 :tCountryDetails - countryid,state (char(2) nullable) - May the country contain state or no state
So,when the state is not present for the country ,i have two options may be - null,''
tCountryDetails.State = '' or tCountryDetails.State = null?

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Query Help, What Columns For All Records Are Empty

Aug 30, 2004

I am wanting to make a query to find out if there are any columns in a table that are null for all records.

So far I am using a cursor that holds all the column names of that table and then a stored procedure that would use a loop to cycle through all the column names in a query to essentially count the number of nulls for each column and then an If statement to check to see if the #of nulls = to the number of records.

What isn't working is my query to count the number of nulls...Here is my query

select count(*)
from XYZ
where @cName is null

Ive tried declaring cName as a sysname, and varchar, neither work.

Also, I've tried using COL_NAME(OBJECT_ID('XYZ'), someColumnIndx)...I think this would be the better choice just because I wouldn't need to use a cursor, but both aren't working.
I am a bit new to MSSQL and don't know my way around the system tables. Is there a sys table that would give me this info so I wouldn't need to perform a query?

Any info would be great.

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Query On Empty Strings In A Table

Oct 25, 2007


Is it possible to search for a column without a value?

$query="select id from table1 where col2=''"; (this didnt work, but how do I do it??)

I need the id for the row that has the col2 empty.


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MDX Query To Display No Records For Empty Rows

Jan 9, 2007


I am facing with the following problem.

I am using bar chart to display my report.

My MDX query is as follows:

TopCount ( Filter ( {[DIM].[NAME].[NAME]}, [Measures].[SUM_COUNT] <> 0 ) , 10, [Measures].[SUM_COUNT] ) ON ROWS

where <criteria>

I want to show the topmost 10 records. For some criteria I get the results in the chart.

But for some criteria or say for wrong criteria, there are no records. In such a case the X-axis contains all values for {[DIM].[NAME].[NAME] and value for the Y-axis is all 0. Its kind of blank report it will restrict to 10 records.

In such a scenario I want to show a message to the user saying "No records found", which I have set in the No Rows property of the chart.

If I remove the TopCount clause then I get the above message, which is obvious.

So how do I acheive the same message but at the same time limiting the records to 10?

How can I acheive this in my scenario? Can something be done at the query end?

any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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Aggregate Task When Query Returns Empty.

Jan 13, 2008

To create a strike file for a text file output, I piped the output of a query throught a mulitcast. One output is the actual flat file, the other output is the strike file. The next task for the strike output is an aggregate count and sum functions. If the original query returns no records, the count shows zero, but the sum shows NULL. Further down the process I have to pad out the values with zero's, but that NULL is causing problems. How do I convert the Null to either an empty string, or a value of zero?

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How To Check If A Table Is Empty Using Query Code

Aug 9, 2013

I want to check if a table is empty using query code?

How to do this?

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Dataset Becomes Empty After Adding Query Parameter

Mar 13, 2008

Hi all,

hope anyone can help me on this one.

I have a parameterized report based on a MDX query (so no drag and drop of filters and fields).
Now i have to ad a parameter. So i open the query parameter dialog box and i ad my parameter.
when i click ok , my dataset becomes empty , resulting in an error on my report saying that the fields on the report cannot by found and should be in the scope of the dataset.

Has anyone experienced this problem before, or am i forgetting something here?

thanks in advance

Steven J

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Select Query Remove Empty Cells?

Jun 21, 2014

,ET.Descriptions AS EventName
,SA.Name AS AttendStudent
,'' AS AttendFaculty
FROM StudentEvent SE
INNER JOIN SStudent S ON SE.PresentatorID = S.StudentID


Expected OutPut

EnrollNo NameEventName AttendStudentAttendFaculty
PH1201ASHKARALIPresentationKUMARA Sawadkar

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To Catch The Event When There Is Empty Dataset As A Result Of A Query In Sqldatasource

Aug 1, 2007

i want to execute a finctionX() based on the returned resultset of SQLDataSource. For example, if the SELECT command returns nothing based on a specific search criteria then I want to execute functionX(). Currently, I have a string that displays "No Result" in the GridView in such case.
How to catch the  resultset of SQLDataSource?

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Insert Query Fails (if Form Fields Left Empty)

Aug 13, 2007

Dear All,
I have created a table in my SQL server database, the problem i am facing is my insert query fails if i leave any form field empty (leave it blank). On my back-end table, only one field is mandatory, and others have been set with the constraint "allow null".
As per our business requirement, except one value is complusory while others are optional. If I enter all values in the form it works perfectly fine. Can you see in the code below - where am i possibly going wrong ?
<script language="VB" runat="server" >      Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, e As EventArgs)                      If Page.IsPostBack Then                        Dim ConLath As SqlConnection            Dim comLath As SqlCommand            Dim insertcmd                        conLath = New SqlConnection("Data Source=SQLas;Initial Catalog=settle;User ID=sa;Password=password")            ConLath.Open()            insertcmd = "Insert into His_set values (@t_d,@s_p,@p_s,@v_oq,@i_oq,@v_qn,@i_qn,@v_qw,@i_qw)"                        comLath = New SqlCommand(insertcmd, ConLath)                                    comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@t_d", SqlDbType.DateTime, 12))            comLath.Parameters("@t_d").Value = trade_date.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@s_p", SqlDbType.Decimal, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@s_p").Value = sett_price.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@p_s", SqlDbType.Decimal, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@p_s").Value = post_close.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_oq", SqlDbType.Int, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@v_oq").Value = vol_oq.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_oq", SqlDbType.Int, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@i_oq").Value = oi_oq.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_qn", SqlDbType.Int, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@v_qn").Value = vol_qn.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@v_qw", SqlDbType.Int, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@v_qw").Value = vol_qw.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_qn", SqlDbType.Int, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@i_qn").Value = oi_qn.Text            comLath.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@i_qw", SqlDbType.Int, 8))            comLath.Parameters("@i_qw").Value = oi_qw.Text
                        Try                comLath.ExecuteNonQuery()                            Catch ex As SqlException                If ex.Number = 2627 Then                    Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: A record already exists with " _                       & "the same primary key"                Else                    Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: Could not add record, please " _                       & "ensure the fields are correctly filled out"                    Message.Style("color") = "red"                End If            End Try
            comLath.Dispose()            ConLath.Close()                                                        End If   End Sub

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Data Columns Empty In Management Studio But Not Query Analyzer

Jan 3, 2008

we have a database hosted online on sql server 05. at work, we have a sql 2000 query analyzer on a machine, and sql 2005 management studio on a machine. both machines can connect to the database, both can pull up the data from a certain table. but there are two columns that display info in query analyzer that show up as empty on management studio. not null, just empty.
any ideas why?

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Values In LEFT JOIN Need To Be Empty Strings (was SQL Query Question)

Sep 26, 2006


I have a SQL database where I am attempting to perform a complicated query that I cannot seem to figure out. I am using SQL Server.

I have 4 tables (TableA, TableB, TableC, and TableD). TableA and TableB are guaranteed to have a relationship.

TableC and TableD are guaranteed to have a relationship.

The trick is, I need to link between TableA and TableC essentially using a LEFT JOIN. I need to retrieve all of the values from TableA regardless and the information from TableC and TableD if there is a link, if there isn't a link, then the values from TableC and TableD need to be empty strings.

Does anyone know how I can do this? I've been trying for the last 5 hours without any luck. I feel I'm close, but there is something I feel I'm overlooking.

Thank you SO much for your help!

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Append Query To Insert 80000 From One Table To Empty Table

Jul 22, 2012

All, Using access 2003 frontend and sql server 2008 backend. I have an append query to insert 80000 from one table to an empty table. I get an error:

"Microsoft Office Access set 0 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and didn't add 36000 record(s) to the table due to key violations, 0 record(s) due to lock violations, and 0 record(s) due to validation rule violations."

I know this error normally comes if there are dups in a field that doesnt allow.

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How To Split The Field In The Sql Query?

Mar 23, 2007

      I have the field LocationID (string)which has values  like
          "AZ001","AZ002","IN002","IN004"  first 2 will be always alphabets and remaining 3 will be numbers,
I want to split it  like "AZ" ," 001"
                              "IN" "002"
                              "IN" "004"
now i will populate dropdownlist with  unique values of "AZ" "IN"
according to  first dropdownlist how i will populate second dropdownlist?
So how to write sql query for splitting? and then populating the dropdownlist ?

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Max Of Date Field In Query

Mar 15, 2008

I have a table with date fielde.g.  SrNo         Date 1            1-MAR-2008 2            3-Mar-2008 3            7-Mar-2008 4            10-Mar-2008 5            15-Mar-2008 I need a query to find out Max date which is less than '8-Mar-2008' .  i.e i need single output '7-Mar-2008'anybody helpThanks 

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SQL DateTime Field Query

May 30, 2006

I was wondering if someone could help me here with some reporting I'm trying to do. For website visits, I currently use getdate() to have SQL insert the date and time of the visit in the table. I was wondering, is there a way to grab just the month from the field? I would like to chart this and I need to group the visits by month. I'm not sure how I would go about filtering just the month out of the entire date and time fields.

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Use Calculated Field In Same Query

Jun 25, 2004

Right now I have one view that grabs records and sums up related records etc.... and returns a result. So basically it has the ID number and the number I calculated. THen I have another view that takes that number and performs calculations on it into three different columns. Is there any way to make these two view into one without a lot of repetative statements? Here is an example:

SELECT (tblTest.Quantity * tblTest.Price) as SubTotal, SubTotal * 1.06 as Total

Obviously that doesn't work, but what could I do to get that basic thing to work?


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Identity Field With A Query ?

Sep 14, 2006

I want to kown if a field is an identity (counter) using a query or a stored procedure ?


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