Enter Default Values For All Columns In All Tables Except Primary Keys

Jul 23, 2005

How can i enter Default Values of " " to all the columns of type character
of all the tables (excluding system tables) and Default Values of 0
of all columns of type numbers. Excluding all primary key columns.

Thank you

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Creating Indexes On Columns That Are Foreign Keys To Primary Keys Of Other Tables

Jul 16, 2014

what the best practice is for creating indexes on columns that are foreign keys to the primary keys of other tables. For example:

[Schools] [Students]
---------------- -----------------
| SchoolId PK|<-. | StudentId PK|
| SchoolName | '--| SchoolId |
---------------- | StudentName |

The foreign key above is as:

FOREIGN KEY([SchoolId]) REFERENCES [Schools] ([SchoolId])

What kind of index would ensure best performance for INSERTs/UPDATEs, so that SQL Server can most efficiently check the FK constraints? Would it be simply:

CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId)
CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId, StudentId)

In other words, what's best practice for adding an index which best supports a Foreign Key constraint?

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How Do I Enter In A Default Values For A Report Parameter That Accepts Multi Values

Apr 11, 2008

I have my stored procedure set to
Territory_code IN (@Territory)

, now , how do i enter in more then one value. When i select the multi value check box, it gives me more spaces. But then doesnt recognize the values when i put in more then one. am i doing something wrong?

The field is a Varchar 20

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Choosing Values For Primary Keys

Jul 20, 2005

Hello group:I've done alot of reading on this subject somewhat and have found thatmany people have many different opinions on this subject. My questioncenters mainly around using a lookup table to enable users to select apre-defined list of values.I have developed a practice myself of avoiding AutoNumber type datafields for primary keys where the primary key will be related to achild table. Nevertheless, what do most users do with lookup tables?My thoughts are to create a small key value for each value in thelookup table. For example:I might have a Carriers table which shows a list of carriers that Imight ship an order by. One of the entries may be 'Air Freight -Overnight', or 'Air Freight - 2nd Day Air'. I've seen a few exampleswhere the primary key field for each entry like these would beautonumber, or at least, a numeric value. What I like to do is createmy own key, like for 'Air Freight - Overnight', I might use 'AFO' forthe key, and for 'Air Freight - 2nd Day Air', I might use 'AF2'. Anythoughts on this? Mine are that even tho the users may never see thisvalue - I, as the developer will see it and I tend to prefer a keyvalue based on real data that means something other than anauto-incremented number. In referencing the well-known Northwind.mdbdatabase, I noticed their Categories table used a number field value,like 1, 2, 3....etc, but their customers table used values like'ALFKI' to represent their key values.What are some other thoughts out there? I'm working with Accesscurrently, but this project is about to move to SQL Server.James

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Missing Identity Values In Primary Keys

May 29, 2012

We are facing the following issue, several machines/users that are executing very often a command similar to :

INSERT INTO TableName (FieldOne,FieldTwo) VALUES ('ValueOne','ValueTwo');

Where TableName has a primary key defined as identity(1,1).and that Table_ID is being used as reference in others tables

These queries are executed using different dababase users and among several diffrent apps..The Problem is that we are detecting lost block of "Table_ID's" as the other tables shows the InsertedID as a reference, but the TableName table lacks of this ID record. In other words, the INSERT seems to work, the SCOPE_Identity returns an InsertedID, and the other tables are populated using this number. However, when we query the TableName table the mentioned record does not exist. We are profiling the server and we're sure that there are no DELETE statement on the TableName table. This seems to be happening when the are either deadlocks or blocked processes. Whenever the deadlocks and locks disappear/solved, everything works as expected.why the Scope_Identity returns the Inserted ID if the INSERT action had failed.

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Assigning Automatic Values To Primary Keys

Aug 10, 2007

what other method can you use to generate primary keys automatically. My boss disagrees with me using identity for the primary keys. He says it is not professional. I am working on SQL Server 2005 platform. Can anybody advice me?

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Auto Incremented Integer Primary Keys Vs Varchar Primary Keys

Aug 13, 2007


I have recently been looking at a database and wondered if anyone can tell me what the advantages are supporting a unique collumn, which can essentially be seen as the primary key, with an identity seed integer primary key.

For example:

id [unique integer auto incremented primary key - not null],
ClientCode [unique index varchar - not null],
name [varchar null],
surname [varchar null]

isn't it just better to use ClientCode as the primary key straight of because when one references the above table, it can be done easier with the ClientCode since you dont have to do a lookup on the ClientCode everytime.


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Determining What Tables Do Not Have Primary Keys

Aug 14, 2001

Does anyone have a script that will roll through the tables in a database and identify tables without primary keys defined? I did not see any in the online script database.


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How To List Tables With Primary Keys

Jun 9, 2007

Hello,We imported a bunch of tables from a database and realized that theprimary keys weren't copied to the destination db. In order to re-create the keys, we need to know which tables have them. Is there acommand that I can use (on the source db) to find out which tablescontain primary keys? The db has hundreds of tables and I'd rather notgo through each one to see which has a primary key.Also, for future reference, is there a way to include the primary keyon an import?Thanks,Peps

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Primary Keys And Joining Tables

Aug 24, 2015

I've created a table called Employees with a primary key called EmployeeID.  The table contains EmployeeID, FirstName and LastName columns.  I now want to create a table called Team which will contain the columns TeamID, EmployeeID (to reference the column EmployeeID from the Employee table) and a column called TeamName.  Sql won't let me create multiple primary keys in one table (I did think that was the case ) key but yet if I look at the Adventure Works database in the Person.PersonPhone table, I can see three primary keys defined.

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Script: Find Tables Without Primary Keys

Aug 3, 2002

...got tired of looking at them by hand.


DECLARE @vcDB varchar(20),@vcSchema varchar(20),@vcTable varchar(200)

Select @vcDB='mydb',@vcSchema='dbo'

DECLARE cLoop cursor for
and TABLE_SCHEMA=@vcSchema

open cLoop

if not exists (SELECT *
print @vcTable + ' does not have a primary key'

Close cLoop

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Correct Way Of Finding A Tables Primary Keys??

Aug 7, 2007

Hope this is in the right thread, sorry if not!

I have run into a problem, i need to find out that column(s) in a table that makes the primary key.
I thought that this code did the trick.
DECLARE @c varchar(4000), @t varchar(128)
SET @c = ''
SET @t='contact_pmc_contact_relations'
Select @c = @c + c.name + ',' FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON o.id = c.id inner join sysindexkeys k on o.id = k.id WHERE o.name = @t and k.colid = c.colid ORDER BY c.colid
SELECT Substring(@c, 1, Datalength(@c) - 1)

This works in most of my cases. But i have encounterd tabels where this code doesn't work.
Here is a dump from one of the tabels where it doesn't work.
FROM sysindexkeys
WHERE (id = 933578364) <--id of the table
id indid colid keyno
933578364 1 1 1
933578364 1 2 2
933578364 2 1 1
933578364 3 2 1
933578364 4 3 1
933578364 5 4 1
933578364 6 5 1
933578364 7 6 1
933578364 8 7 1

Not sure if that dump made any sense, but i hope it did.
If i look at the table in SQL Enterprise manager there is no relations, no indexes only my primarykey made up with 2 columns (column id 1 and 2).

So, anyone know how i could solve this problem?


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DTS - Primary Keys Drop When Transferring Tables Between Servers

Sep 7, 2000

Hello All,

Has any1 noticed that when they are transferring SQL tables from one server (or machine) to another that the primary keys drop from the table (or is it just me). If so, has someone figured out why? and how to rectify this (apparent) error.

Many thanks in advance for any and all help,


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Exporting Tables Along With Their Primary And Forgen Keys And Records

Jun 27, 2007

Hi all,

I’m trying to export 120 tables from SQL server 2000 to SQL server 2005 with their Primary and corresponding records.
Is there way to do this?

Thanks for any help.


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How To Publish Tables Without Primary Keys In Transactional Replication

May 16, 2007

Hi All

I am a newbie to replication. I just want to know Is there any way to publish tables (articles) without primary keys in transactional replication.

Early Thanks,

Salman Shehbaz.

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How To Find Missing Records From Tables Involving Composite Primary Keys

Nov 23, 2006

Table 1








Table 2





I have these two identical tables with the columns CODE & Qtr being COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEYS

Can anybody help me with how to compare the two tables to find the records not present in Table 2

That is i need this result





I have come up with this solution

select scrip_cd,Qtr,scrip_cd+Qtr from Table1 where
scrip_cd+Qtr not in (select scrip_cd+qtr as 'con' from Table2)

i need to know if there is some other way of doing the same

Thanks in Advance


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Import Csv Data To Dbo.Tables Via CREATE TABLE &&amp; BUKL INSERT:How To Designate The Primary-Foreign Keys &&amp; Set Up Relationship?

Jan 28, 2008

Hi all,

I use the following 3 sets of sql code in SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to import the csv data/files to 3 dbo.Tables via CREATE TABLE & BUKL INSERT operations:

-- ImportCSVprojects.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




ProjectID int,

ProjectName nvarchar(25),

LabName nvarchar(25)


BULK INSERT dbo.Projects

FROM 'c:myfileProjects.csv'






-- ImportCSVsamples.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




SampleID int,

SampleName nvarchar(25),

Matrix nvarchar(25),

SampleType nvarchar(25),

ChemGroup nvarchar(25),

ProjectID int


BULK INSERT dbo.Samples

FROM 'c:myfileSamples.csv'






-- ImportCSVtestResult.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




AnalyteID int,

AnalyteName nvarchar(25),

Result decimal(9,3),

UnitForConc nvarchar(25),

SampleID int


BULK INSERT dbo.TestResults

FROM 'c:myfileLabTests.csv'







The 3 csv files were successfully imported into the ChemDatabase of my SSMSE.

2 questions to ask:
(1) How can I designate the Primary and Foreign Keys to these 3 dbo Tables?
Should I do this "designate" thing after the 3 dbo Tables are done or during the "Importing" period?
(2) How can I set up the relationships among these 3 dbo Tables?

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Creating Inter-table Relationships Using Primary Keys/Foreign Keys Problem

Apr 11, 2006

Hello again,

I'm going through my tables and rewriting them so that I can create relationship-based constraints and create foreign keys among my tables. I didn't have a problem with a few of the tables but I seem to have come across a slightly confusing hiccup.

Here's the query for my Classes table:








CONSTRAINT Teacher_instructs_ClassFKIndex1 FOREIGN KEY (teacher_id)
REFERENCES Users (user_id)

This statement runs without problems and I Create the relationship with my Users table just fine, having renamed it to teacher_id. I have a 1:n relationship between users and tables AND an n:m relationship because a user can be a student or a teacher, the difference is one field, user_type, which denotes what type of user a person is. In any case, the relationship that's 1:n from users to classes is that of the teacher instructing the class. The problem exists when I run my query for the intermediary table between the class and the gradebook:


CREATE TABLE Classes_have_Grades



CONSTRAINT Grades_for_ClassesFKIndex1 FOREIGN KEY (grade_id)
REFERENCES Grades (grade_id),

CONSTRAINT Classes_have_gradesFKIndex2 FOREIGN KEY (class_id, teacher_id)
REFERENCES Classes (class_id, teacher_id)

Query Analyzer spits out: Quote: Originally Posted by Query Analyzer There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'Classes' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'Classes_have_gradesFKIndex2'. Now, I know in SQL Server 2000 you can only have one primary key. Does that mean I can have a multi-columned Primary key (which is in fact what I would like) or does that mean that just one field can be a primary key and that a table can have only the one primary key?

In addition, what is a "candidate" key? Will making the other fields "Candidate" keys solve my problem?

Thank you for your assistance.

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Generate Script For Primary Keys And Foreing Keys

May 16, 2008

Pls let me know How I generate script for All primary keys and foreign keys in a table. Thereafter that can be used to add primary keys and foreign keys in another databse with same structure.

Also how I script default and other constraints of a table?

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Urgent !!!!! Nee Explanation On Primary Keys And FK Keys

Jul 15, 2002

Can somebody explain to me how to best do inserts where you have primary keys and foreign keys.l'm battling.

Is there an article on primary keys/Pk ?

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Default Values In Tables

Oct 26, 2000

Does anyone know if or how I can insert a default value of the (+) character into a column? when I try to save it I get an error message saying it has a problem with ')'.

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Default Values Of Columns Not Transferred In SSIS Transfer Objects Task

Sep 6, 2006

I am working on a project that is creating a new application, my area of the project being the migration of data from the old application database, transforming it, and populating the new database.

The transformations to the old data are done in a staging database.

At the end of the process, the staging database ends up with a lot of new applications tables, populated with the migrated legacy data.

We need to move these tables from the staging database to (initially) our test databases, but ultimately what will be the live database.

We have tried using the "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" in SSIS, but have ran into a problem that a lot of the database tables have default values for columns.

These default values are not brought over.

Example. Tables contain a "GUID" field, which has a default of value of newid()

Right clicking and the table generating the CREATE script generates

[GUID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbCRM_Client_GUID] DEFAULT (newid()),

However, the Transfer objects task does not create this default of newid()

Examining the SQL generated by the Import / Export Wizard when investigating this shows that the wizard generates this column as

[GUID] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL

and the column default value is lost.

Is there something i should be setting somewhere to force SSIS to bring these column definitions over correctly?

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Enter Date Into Default Value Or Binding

May 18, 2006

I just moved from Access to SQL 2005 Express. I have a table with contains a Column contactDate datetime. Under the properties tab ( in SQL Manager ), I see a field "Default Value or Binding".

I would like to have a default date/time entered into this field when a new record is created. In Access I used the Now() to get this done. Any sites that list some of the values that can be entered into this field?


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Replicate Tables With Default Values

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to replicate some of my production tables into development tables in an automated way. Decided to use the Select INTO command because it seemed to be the easiest way. This command does copy all the col sizes, but does not copy over the "default value or binding" fields. How do I do this? I saw that in create table you can use "INCLUDING COLUMN DEFAULTS "

But this doesn't seem to work for the select into command. Can you tell me how I can do this? Currently the command I am using is:

SELECT * INTO " + DevTableName + " From " + ProdTableName

However, this won't copy over the default column values that I have specified inside the table ProdTableName. Can you tell me how I can do this?


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How To Find All Primary And Foreign Key Columns In All Database Tables

Apr 17, 2014

how to find all primary key columns & foreign key columns in all database tables?

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Ug! Replicated Tables Missing Default Values And Identities.

Feb 8, 2007

Ok, so I must have screwed something up.

I have several databases set up for transactional replication to another instance of SQL Server 2005 for fail over purposes. Today, I restored one of those replicated databases to my development machine and discovered two surprising problems:

1) The Default Values settings in the replicated tables are missing. They are there in the publishing tables, just as they were before I set up replication. However, they are not in the subscribing tables. Now, this is not such a big issue, since I tend to send all default values in insert queries as necessary.

2) The second problem is a more of an issue, since I use auto-numbered Identity columns in my tables (yes, I know that's just plain lazy...). Anyway, in the replicated tables, €œIs Identity€? is indeed set to yes, but despite that fact that there are thousands of records with incrementally unique IDs, SQL server is trying to insert a record starting with 1. This, of course, throws a PK constraint error.

Obviously, if I am use them for failover purposes, these replicated databases need to be identical in every way.

So, what did I do to cause this situation, and how to I fix it?

Thanks a bunch!


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URGENT! Need To Extract Default Values And Update Similar Tables

May 19, 2008

I am using SQL 2005 merge replication with a publisher managing about 45 articles(tables) with about 10 subscribers (remote servers). The problem is that we had to re-start replication from scratch and noticed that, although the publisher's tables have the default values, the subscribers did not get the default values with the initial snap shot, schema building..?!?

I now have to go over 450 tables (10 remotes SQl servers at 45 tables each) and 'reset or set' over 1,000 default values. Meanwhile, the system is down...omg...so not good.

Is there a script out there that automatically extracts the default values from a table and set it to another exact table with the same structure? any ideas?


btw, i'm no scripting wizard....help!.

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Values Of Two Columns In Two Different Tables--presentation Using Select

Mar 14, 2006

Values of two columns in two different tables--presentation usingselectHi Everyone,i have two tables in the database . One is called address tableand one is adressPhone Table. Below is the sample of those two tablesAddresscol1 col2 col3X 12 13y 15 19z 18 10create table address(col1 varchar(20),col2 int, col3 int)insert into address values ('x',12,13)insert into address values ('y',15,19)insert into address values ('z',18,10)AddressPhoneCol4 Col5 Col613 213-455-9876 113 415-564-6546 213 543-987-5677 319 678-555-2222 1create table addressphone(col4 int, col5 varchar(50),col6 int)insert into addressphone values(13,'213-455-9876',1)insert into addressphone values(13,'415-564-6546',2)insert into addressphone values(13,'543-987-5677',3)insert into addressphone values(19,'678-555-2222',1)I have to display something like thisx 12 13 213-455-9876 415-564-6546 543-987-5677y 15 19 678-555-2222 NULL NULLSo there is one to many relationship between address andaddressPhone table where address.col3 = addressphone.col4I don't know how to write the query to get the phone numbers thathas he same id in the same row like I displyed above.I did something like this, but this is not workingselect col1,col2,col3, (select col5 from addressPhone where col6=1),(select col5 from addressPhone where col6=2), (select col5 fromaddressPhone where col6=3),from address table inner join addressPhoneon address.col3=addressphone.col4above is not working because it is complaining that a subquerycannot return multiple results. Col6 in the addressphone table isthe phone type ike business phone,mobile phone or home phone. It is possible that there are two phonenumbers for business phone.Please let me know how can I write this query.Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thanks

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Integration Services :: Updating List Of Tables From CSV File Based On Values In Columns

Jun 16, 2015

Here is a requirement. Need to update the columns in the tables with the latest values available in CSV.

The file is based on department so the list of tables which is under this department all the corresponding tables needs to updated.

The CSV file which is dynamic in nature the number of columns changes it has header of the columns that needs to be updated.

The destination tables are listed under department table for each department. So I have to update the columns in the tables with the values in csv.

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Primary Keys

Nov 15, 2006

"Violation of PRIMARY KEY of restriction 'PK_Approve_Overtime'. The overlapping key cannot be inserted in object 'Dbo.Approve_Overtime'. The statement was ended." 
can soemone explain to me why i have this kind of error?
i have this two tables. approve_overtime table has a primary key id_no and application_input table with a primary key of id_no!
all the values from of application_input will be stored also in approve_overtime.
sometimes the datas can be stored.sometimes it cannot and produces an error!  
what do u think?
hmmm pls help!

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Primary Keys

May 16, 2002

Using SQL Svr 7.0. It appears that primary keys are created as nonclustered
unique indexes. Is there a configuration setting I can use to make them be
created as clustered unique indexes?

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Primary Keys

Apr 4, 2001

If a table has a column defined as Int, Identity(1,1) which is to be used as the primary key, should that index be defined as clustered or non-clustered? In Enterprise manager when you create a PK on a table it defaults to being a clustered index. I am sure the answer depends on the other index requirements and columns in the table but I'd like to see what other ppl think about this.


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Two Primary Keys???

Mar 14, 2000

I have read that SQL Server tables can't have more than one primary key. I know in Access two keys are allowed. Why can't there be two primary keys in a single table in SQL Server 7.


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