Error While Uninstalling SQL Server In A Cluster

Dec 10, 2007

I am following the 2005 BOL article "How to: Remove a SQL Server 2005 Failover Clustered Instance (Setup)". The process is very simple, but perhaps the documentation is missing some steps. I am receiving the following errors during the uninstall.

The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Completing Commit. The error is: The cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it.

If I click OK I receive the error below.

Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetShilohRoot. The error is 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.)

Am I supposed to do something to the cluster prior to performing the uninstall?

Thanks, Dave

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Error While Uninstalling SQL Server In A Cluster

Dec 10, 2007

I am following the 2005 BOL article "How to: Remove a SQL Server 2005 Failover Clustered Instance (Setup)". The process is very simple, but perhaps the documentation is missing some steps. I am receiving the following errors during the uninstall.

The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Completing Commit. The error is: The cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it.

If I click OK I receive the error below.

Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetShilohRoot. The error is 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.)

Am I supposed to do something to the cluster prior to performing the uninstall?

Thanks, Dave

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Error Uninstalling CTP

Nov 15, 2005

I am trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 CTP version before installing Beta version and keep getting an ARP Wrapper Error message that states "Registry Enumeration Failed".  I ran Registry Mechanic, etc, but there are no indications of a problem.

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WMI Error When Uninstalling

Nov 9, 2005

I'm trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 CTP.  When I remove it through control panel/add remove programs, I get this error
The SQL Server System Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine <my machine name>  Error:214779896 (0x80041008)
I've tried this with both the WMI service running and not running.

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Uninstalling SQL Server

May 22, 2001

I'm trying to uninstall SQL Server 7.0 going through Add/Remove Program and getting message "sqlserver.exe in use".
All my applications are closed, SQL Server service is stopped and Agent is stopped also.
What else should I check to be able to uninstall it?



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Linked Server On A Cluster Error

May 7, 2015

We are currently having the following problem. When trying to connect using "Be made using the login's current security context" I am getting the following error message "Login Failed for NTAuthorityAnonLogin". Yesterday this worked. The setup is as follows

SQL2008R2, nine instances on a cluster. The instance can use "current security context" when both instances are on the same node ie instance 1 node a to instance 2 node a , but when one is on node a and the other is on node b, i.e., instance 1 node 1 to instance 2 node b, we get the error above.

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SQL Server Cluster Installation Error

Oct 15, 2007

I am installing SQL 2005 on a 2-node cluster running on Windows 2003 R2. When I try to install SQL 2005 on my cluster, I get an installation error. The error stops the installation while checking system configuration after installing prerequisites. The log file entry is as follows:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__3608" returned false.
Action "BeginBootstrapLogicStage" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "Setup is running locally." returned true.
Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42, returned true
Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/9/12 16:6:42
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlspars.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
<Func Name='DwLaunchMsiExec'>
Examining 'sqlspars' globals to initialize 'SetupStateScope'
Opening 'MachineConfigScope' for [OAKLRRDSDBA]
Trying to find Product Code from command line or passed transform
If possible, determine install id and type
Trying to find Instance Name from command line.
No Instance Name provided on the command line
If possible, determine action
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = WMIServiceWin32OSWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = WMIServiceReadRegWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = WMIServiceCIMDataWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = XMLDomDocument, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = Processor, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = PhysicalMemory, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = DiskFreeSpace, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = OSVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = OSServicePack, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = OSType, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = iisDep, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = AdminShare, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = PendingReboot, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = PerfMon, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = IEVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = DriveWriteAccess, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = COMPlus, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = ASPNETVersionRegistration, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = OAKLRRDSDBA, Article = MDAC25Version, Result = 0 (0x0)
Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: OAKLRRDSDBA
Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: IIS Feature Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Performance Monitor Counter Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed
Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
<Func Name='PerformDetections'>
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
Error: Action "InvokeSqlSetupDllAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "ComputerList" {"SqlComputers", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastoreclusterinfocollector.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Sep 16 13:20:12 2005
Function Name: ClusterInfoCollector::collectClusterVSInfo
Source Line Number: 883
Failed to detect VS info due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "InstallIds" {"MachineConfiguration", "", "OAKLRRDSDBB"} in cache
Source File Name: datastoresqldiscoverycollector.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SqlDiscoveryCollector::collectProperty
Source Line Number: 132
Failed to open discovery on machine: OAKLRRDSDBB
WinException : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: datastoresqldiscoverycollector.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SqlDiscoveryCollector::collectProperty
Source Line Number: 132

Any help will be appreciated.

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Uninstalling SQL Server 2005

Apr 23, 2008

can someone show me how to uninstall Mirosoft SQL Server 2005 from my machine....

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Uninstalling SQl Server 2005, It Won't!

May 7, 2007

I have a server with a fresh install of SQL Server 2000. I accidentilly installed the Sql server 2005 SP1 disk (instead of the actual software). And what it did was a nightmare. It installed the client tools and link them to the 2000 instance. I went back and attempted to install the actual 2005 copy. Ever since I have items in my add/remove that will not uninstall. I removed everything except the 2005 Engine and Analysis services. I've followed the MS article ( with removal, trying everything. All got removed except the Engine and Analysis services!!!!

I've gone into the registry and reviewed the keys, etc! I've run removal attempts fof both command prompt and add/remove, does not work. I've tried reapplying SP's, etc no luck.

Unless I get these services off I can not install 2005 and 2000 again.

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UnInstalling SQL Server Beta

May 21, 2006

When I installed Visual Studi C# Express, SQL Server Express was not installed because SQL Server Beta was already there. I tried to uninstall SQL Server Beta several times and failed to do so through Add/Remove Programs. Accidentally, I uninstalled SQL Server Set-up programs from Add/Remove and consequently, I am unable to uninstall SQL Server Beta through Add/Remove anymore.

Is there a utility to download that enable me to uninstall SQL Server Beta? I have no way to install SQL Server Express without removing the previous version. It seems to be a real problem from the many questions I found on MSDN.

Please help.

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Uninstalling Sql Server Express

Dec 7, 2006

i installed sql server 2005 express by running i can not uninstall it because the exe created a temp file to unpack the install files....of course those files are cleaned up after install or whenever i cleaned up the temp files on my how do i uninstall?

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Problem With Uninstalling SQL Server 2005

May 8, 2006

Hi all,

I had installed Sql Server 2005 Express Edition Beta 2 on my computer.

Now i would like to upgrade with SQL Server 2005 Express édition. It is noticed

( ) that i have

to uninstall all previous version following a specific order.

In my Add/Remove program i have :

1 -Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Beta

2 -SQL Server 2005 Express Edtion Beta 2

3 -SQL Server 2005 Tools Express Edtion Beta 2

4 -Microsoft SQL Server Setup support files

The problem is :

2 & 3 can't be uninstalled from my computer: the uninstalling program is blocked

Can somebody have a solution forme?

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Problem Uninstalling SQL Server Beta 2

Jun 3, 2006

I had SQL Express 2005

then I uninstalled it and installed SQL Server 2005 Beta 2

No i want to totally remove the Beta 2 but it's removing the items from Add/Remove Programs but the applications is not removed!!

I tried the installer Cleanup utility but I am getting this error:

Run-time error '-2147024882 (8007000e)'
System Error &H80004005 (-2147467259)

what should i do plz?

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Uninstalling MS Sql Server Management Studio

Apr 24, 2008

Hi there, I've been having a problem of being unable to connect to my DBs when I open them up in Sql Management Studio Express. First I thought that the DBs were corrupted however, I picked up signs that this may not be the case. There is a chance that it is a problem with the Management Studio. Thus instead of uninstalling SqlExpress I want now to uninstall only the management studio.

My problem started after I attempted to connect my Sqlxpress DBs with my VS2008. In the Server Explorer window there is an option to display Sql Express DBs, so I made an attempt. After that when i tried open the same DBs in the management studio I began getting numerous errors.

I ran a thread to resolve it but nothing helpful transpired.
Now, I attempted to uninstall the Management Studio via Start==>Control Panel==>Programs==>Uninstall Programs. Iam running Vista Ultimate. The problem is that when I attempted to uninstall it the system said that I do not have the administrative rights. There is no way to right click on the menu item and confirm the administrative rights.

I have two options:

(1) To find out the uninstall exec for the Management Studio and run it thru cmd cmd prompt as administrator.

(2) To invoke the window GUI for Uninstall programs thru cmd prompt and do the same. For that I need to find the exec or msc file that generates the GUI. I am now going to try to find this out.
In the meantime, if anybody knows the name of the file that uninstalls Sql Management Studio Express, please let me know.


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Uninstalling Sql Server 2005 From My Computer?????

May 7, 2008

i am having some issues..hopefully someone can help me..i just finished my database class...we had to install sql server 2005...i am running windows xp home...when i went to install sql...there was one error that i was was about the iis function, which i know that it won't work with the home edition...i finished the install, without the iis, so i can try to work on some things for class...i also had to install northwinds and that the class is over, i want to get rid of it all...i tried to follow somewhat of the uninstall process but now i am getting problems...i can't figure out how to uninstall the northwinds and keeps saying that it is being used by another person or program and it won't let me uninstall....can someone what me through the uninstall process of both the northwinds, pubs, and all of sql server 2005...i don't know much about computers....thanks you so much for helping in advanced...

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Installing &&amp; Uninstalling SQL Server Express With Installshield

Dec 10, 2007


I am trying to install SQL Server Express from command line, without much success. For install, I am using:


This installs, but SA does not seem to have SA privileges.

I try to uninstall,


This does not uninstall, even with a reboot.

I have 2005 client tools installed on my machine as well.

Any suggestions?

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Uninstalling SQL Server 2005 64-bit In Clustered Environment

May 20, 2008

I am running into an issue trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 64-bit. It hangs at the same point: Removing backup files. I then get a message that, "The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Completing Commit. The error is: The cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it." The instance that I am trying to uninstall is in a cluster hosting two other SQL Server installations. I have tried a few combinations when attempting to uninstall: running the cluster group containing the server I am uninstalling on a different cluster node than all the other cluster groups; running them all on the same node. The only one I haven't tried is moving the Cluster Group containing the IP address of the cluster, cluster name, etc to another node while running the other groups on the other node. Has anyone run into this issue? Each of the nodes has been rebooted several times during these attempts and we are using Windows Server 2003 Clustering. Again, the hang happens at the same point every time. The exact error(s) from the even log are as follows:

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Completing Commit. The error is: The cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it.

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 29530. Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetShilohRoot. The error is 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.




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Uninstalling SQL Server Comapct Edition And Installing Sql Server 2005

May 16, 2008


Recently I have installed Visual Studion Team System 2008 Development Edition in my sytem. Along with this, MS-SQL Server aand MSSQL Server Compact Edition is also installed. I need to install the SQL Server 2005 in my system.

In such a scenario, does the Compact Edition is required? Can I uninstall them and install Sql Server 2005 only? If I uninstall anything, would it cause any problems for the .Net programs to work?

Please respond asap.

Thanks for any help.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Failover Cluster Setup Error

Aug 10, 2015

I have been facing following Error in Failover cluster setup as below. I have prepared 2 node and 2 instance sql server failover cluster on top of windows failover.I have deleted MTCBJINS07 in AD and recreated even after, problem is not solved. MTCBJINS07 is my 2nd sql instance sql server network name.

Cluster network name resource 'SQL Network Name (MTCBJINS07)' failed registration of one or more associated DNS name(s) for the following reason:

DNS bad key.Ensure that the network adapters associated with dependent IP address resources are configured with at least one accessible DNS server.

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Install SQL Server 2005 Cluster Error - ParseBootstrapOptionsAction Failed

Apr 24, 2007


When I tried to SQL Server 2005 (Standard) to two-node Windows 2003 servers, the Remote Setup task on the 2nd node hang. Here is the SQL Setup log. Please help figure out the cause of the problem. Thanks in advance.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Tue Apr 24 16:17:14 2007
Process ID : 2864
\irv144C$SQL2005Std-x64disc1setup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14
Loaded DLL:\irv144C$SQL2005Std-x64disc1xmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14, returned false
Error: Action "ParseBootstrapOptionsAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Could not parse command line due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 124
writeEncryptedString() failed
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 123
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.

Source File Name: cryptohelpercryptsameusersamemachine.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Mon Jun 13 14:30:00 2005
Function Name: sqls::CryptSameUserSameMachine:rotectData
Source Line Number: 50

Could not skip Component update due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "InstallMediaPath" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "2864"} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope"
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/3/24 16:17:14
Error: Action "ActivateLoggingAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Datastore exception while trying to write logging properties.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "primaryLogFiles" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupStateScope.primaryLogFiles
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope"
0000000000EDAF90Unable to proceed with setup, there was a command line parsing error. : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.

Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44

Class not registered.

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How To Upgrade SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster(Database)

May 8, 2007


We are planning to upgrade the SQL Server in our production environment from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. This is a 4 Node cluster environment with 3 Databases on 3 Virtual instances. The main requirement is to achieve this with no/minimal downtime.

Could you please suggest or direct me to any documentation for the best practices used to upgrade such an environment?



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Restoring SQL Server Databases After Uninstalling And Reinstalling SQL Server.

Mar 11, 2004


I have another question : 1) Restoring SQL Server Databases after uninstalling and reinstalling SQL Server.

Two days ago there was some problem with Norton Antivirus, so Windows 98 restored itself to a previous state. The SQL Server name was not available when I tried to start again, so I had to uninstall and reinstall SQL Server. I started a new Database just a week before this happened (the change from Access to SQL Server as I stated in the other thread and after reinstallation I could not access the Database any more - even while it is in the Data directory. I did not have any backup to restore from - I just started creating tables, so there was only the Log file created and the MDF database file. I tried to import it for a while to the new server, but as the database is not shown in the new server, it was unable to import like I hoped. So how do you restore it back to SQL Server when you have no backup and only the (undamaged) MDF database file if you only have one server? I had to recreate the Database from scratch again - I don't want it to happen again.



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Setup And Upgrade :: Error During Remove Node From Server Failover Cluster

Jun 24, 2015

I have destroyed the cluster in failover cluster manager and then i am trying to remove node from the sql server installation centre.I am facing the cluster node and cluster service verification errors.I am not able to start the cluster service in services as well.

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SQL Server Enterprise 2005 Cluster Installation. Error: The Specified Module Could Not Be Found.

May 29, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have problem when installing SQL 2005 Enterprise to my Windows 2003 R2 cluster. I install the SQL instance on the first node in my cluster, it analyses the cluster and comes up with no errors or warnings, i answer all the installation questions and proceed with the installation. When installing the SQL engine I see the status changing as the instance is started and then stopped again etc, finally the status changes to "removing backup files" when it get an error that reports:

"The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Completing Commit. The error is: The specified module could not be found."

Unfortunately there isnt any more information to go on. Any help would be appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Server Cluster Without Windows Failover Cluster

Feb 18, 2014

I´ve been reading that SQL Server 2012 Always On is dependent on having a Windows Failover Cluster setup. Is that correct ?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Using Machine Name Already Exists Error After Cluster Installation Failure

Sep 10, 2015

Due to a SQL 2014 cluster installation failure related to security while setting up the primary node, I had to remove the node and any related installation programs from the node and redo the installation again. However I am unable to use the machine name as the SQL network name during the instance configuration, I get the following:

Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.InputSettingValidationException: The SQL Server failover cluster instance name "MachineName" already exists as a server on the network. Specify a different failover cluster instance name.I am still getting the same name since the node name "MachineName" is listed under the cluster name. I have used machine name as SQL network name without an issue. I do not have any existing SQL machine name in network using same machinename which I want to use for this installation.

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SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Cluster Installation Fail (Error 29503 &&amp; 17058)

Jan 10, 2007

When the setup program tries to start the database service (the last step of installation), it indicates an error 29503.

The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (17058)

Any help would be appreciated.

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Upgrading A SQL Server 2000 Cluster To A SQL Server 2005 Cluster

Dec 28, 2007

We're upgrading a SQL Server 2000 cluster (Active/Passive) running on Windows 2000 Server to a SQL Server 2005 Cluster running on Windows Server 2003. We can't purchase new hardware and we have no spare hardware. We also need to move from Windows 2000 Server to Windows 2003 Server at the same time. We want to keep downtime to a bare minimum.

What we were thinking was the following steps... Anyone try this?

1. Break the link between the servers.

2. Install a fresh copy of windows 2003 server on one side along with SQL Server 2005. While this step is running, the active node would still be live on Windows 2000 Server and SQL Server 2000 serving our customers.

3. Restore a copy of a backup from the active production side to the node we're upgrading and at that point we would bring the active node down, switching the active node to be the newly upgraded server.

4. As a final step, the old active node would now have the link to it broken, we would install a fresh copy of windows 2003 server on it and sql server 2005. At this point we would bring it back into the cluster and the cluster would be complete again.


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Upgrading SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster

May 14, 2008

Friends -

Need your help and guidence for doing upgrading SQL Server 2000 Cluster to SQL Server 2005 Cluster.

Let me explain my current environment.

1. Currently SQL Server 2000 Cluster environment is running on Windows 2000 Server we need to upgrade this to SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 Server. >>> Production environment.

My Plans:

1. On Testing Environment Install SQL Server 2000 cluster on Windows 2003 Server and do a restore of databases from the produciton environment.

2. Upgrade In-Place from SQL Server 2000 Cluster to SQL Server 2005 Cluster.

My doubts

1. Can i install SQL Server 2000 Cluster on Windows 2003 Server. Is it possible or not.

Please advise me and correct my steps.


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SQL 6.5 Cluster Upgrade To SQL Server 7.0 Cluster

Jul 17, 2000

I am trying to upgrade a SQL Server 6.5(Cluster) to SQL Serevr 7.0 (Cluster)..I already have an intsllation of 7.0(On a Cluster),so this means that 6.5 and sql 7 are on seperate cluster's ,if i try to upgrade from 6.5 Cluster to 7.0 Cluster is asks me to uncluster 6.5 and 7.0 is this correct ,assume i cannot break the cluster then what???.. what is the best way i can achieve this functinality.....

thanks in advance


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Step By Step For Upgrading SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster

May 15, 2008

Friends -

Could any one of you provide steps for upgrading SQL Server 2000 cluster to SQL server 2005 cluster.

My environment is Windows 2003 server.

Appreciate your support.


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Cluster Error

Aug 29, 2000

I keep getting a cluster error I have no clue why it is happing.
The error is
"No Checkpoint record was found in log file Z:logschk1431.tmp the checkpoint file is invalid or was deleted." any help will be welcome.

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Cluster Error

Jun 12, 2007

We have a one node cluster that is receiving the below error messages in the cluster.log and the Event Viewer. In the SQL Server 2005 SP2 job that fails we receive a slighlty different message. The OS is Windows 2003 SP1. This is not a 64-bit box. We have checked the permissions of the cluster service account in SQL Server to be sure they are correct. Can anyone please help with this issue.

00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect failed
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 2746; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 2746; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] OnlineThread: QP is not online.
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect failed
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect failed
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect failed
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect failed
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect failed
00000a0c.0000089c::2007/06/12-12:51:27.459 ERR SQL Server <SQL Server>: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure

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