Error Message Occurs When Closing IE7 Tabs

Feb 18, 2007

Ever since I installed Internet Explorer 7 I have recieved an error message when closing the browser tabs. It doesn't matter if I am closing one or all of the open tabs. Here is the message I recieve,

"Access violation at address 02050200 in module iesdsg.dll Read of address 25202E67"

This message didn't occur until I installed IE7. When I uninstall IE7 the message does not show up. Any insight would be appreciated.

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Closing And Reopening Tabs In Management Studio...

Nov 6, 2007

is there a way to avoid closing and reopening tabs in mgt studio when one task conflicts with another? For instance, I sometime look at a stored proc by scripting it as a create to a new query window. If I need to alter the db it is on, in a way that conflicts with a separate connection that is looking at a stored proc, I have to close the tab in which I was viewing the sp, run the alter, close that tab and then rescript the sp as a create in a new window.

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Message And Results Tabs Have Disapeared

Jan 12, 2008

I know this is an easy one. I have some how made the message and results tabs disapear. Now when i run somethinbg in the query window i don't see my results or errors.

Where do i click to bring those back?

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E- Mailing When An Error Occurs

Oct 11, 2001

I am trying to set up the SQL Server Agent so that when ever a error occurs
the DBA is notified.I created a operator name and when i tested to make sure
it was working it was giving me an error.The error is

Error 22022: SQLServerAgent mail session is not working; check the mail
profile and/or the SQLServerAgent service startup account in the SQLServerAgent properties dialog.

I am new to SQLServer and would like to know how to get this working.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Move Flat File When Error Occurs

Mar 12, 2008

I Have a data flow task inside ForEachLoop.

Inside that dataflow, I was transfering data from a flat file to SQL Server. Now, When error occurs, I want to move that particular file to another location and proceed with the next file. I can't use file system task inside data flow . How can i achieve this ? Is there any other way other than Script-Task (Here script task will be complex thing as of my understanding).

Any solutions ?

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DTS Execute SQL Task Terminates Without Failing When Error Occurs (SP3)

Mar 21, 2001

I'm running SQL Server 7.0 SP3 and having trouble with DTS.

I have an Execute SQL Task that runs several stored procedures. When one of the stored procedures fails, the Execute SQL Task just terminates without failing.

I found a knowledge base article (Q238523) dealing with this situation but it was supposedly fixed in SP2 - I have SP3! The other work around suggested, issuing a SET NOCOUNT ON, does not always work.

Has anyone else run into this or have any other suggestions.

I hate the thought of spending days doing another work around in order get basic DTS functionalty to work as it should!


Jerry Dunn

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Object Required Jave Script Error Occurs

Aug 10, 2006


I have designed a report in sql server reporting services using SQL Server Bussiness Intelligence Studio tool. I have applied sorting feature for a column. Sorting facility is working fine when there is one or more records.

Its giving "object required" Java Script error When there is no record. Kindly help me how to fix this issue.


Sagayaraj R

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Copy(paste) 'serialize' Error Always Occurs With Task, Never With Components

Aug 15, 2007

Some more insight into the error I am getting.

It always occurs at the task (control flow) level and never at the component (data flow) level

It always occurs on the 'copy' action.

I have tried all the msxml/registry recommendations to no avail.

once again here are the error details


An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize the SSIS runtime objects. (Microsoft Visual Studio)


Could not copy object 'SQT Drop Create RAWMigDeal RAWBarrier table' to the clipboard.

For help, click:

Program Location:

at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsClipboardCommandHelper.SerializeRuntimeObjects(ICollection logicalObjects)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.ControlFlowClipboardCommandHelper.InternalMenuCopy(MenuCommand sender, CommandHandlingArgs args)


Invalid access to memory location. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800703E6) (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.PersistImpl.SaveToXML(XmlDocument& doc, XmlNode node, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsContainer.SaveToXML(XmlDocument& doc, XmlNode node, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsClipboardCommandHelper.SerializeRuntimeObjects(ICollection logicalObjects)

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Error Access Is Denied.. Occurs After Package Successfully Completes.

Jun 4, 2007

I am getting an 'Access is denied' error:

Error 0x80070005 while loading package file "E:SSISPackagesPackage1.dtsx". Access is denied. .

The package is executed from the main package via an 'Execute Package Task' that is within a 'For Each Loop' container. The 'For each loop' goes through a single iteration as expected. The strange thing is that the error comes after 'Package1' has run successfully. I am logging the PackageStart/PackageEnd and error events and I see that Package1 ends successfully and then the "Access is denied" error occurs. The main package is launched by executing dtsexec via Process.Start() from a web page. The packages have 'SaveCheckpoints' set to True. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.

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Microsoft Visual Studio Error, Keeps Closing My Package

Apr 3, 2008

I'm in a SSIS Package Design tab working on a data flow. It was working fine up to now, but all of a sudden I keep getting this error that says, "Microsoft Visual Studio has encountered a problem and needs to close." And it has that "Send Error Report" and "Don't Send" button at the bottom. This started happening when I tried to add a Data Viewer on a Data Flow Path. And now every time I do this to try to debug my data flow, it gives me this message and closes my project.

However, the package executes without any package errors, but I as I described above, I can't add a Data Viewer because it keeps giving me this message and closing my package.

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How To Stop Execution Of Stored Procedure If Error Occurs In Try/catch Block

Mar 3, 2008

Hello, I have stored procedure that when executed it will check to see if a given name is found in the database, if the name is found, I would like to have it continue on to do its work, however if the name is not found, I would like it to raise an error and then stop execution at that point, however, the way it is currently working is, if the name is not found, it catches the error, raises it and then continues on and tries to do its work, which then it bombs out because it can't. I wasn't sure if there was a way to stop the execution of the procedure in the catch statement. I don't think I want to raise the error level to 20-25 because I don't want to drop the connection to the database per say, I just want to halt execution.

Here is a simple example of what I have:

Code Snippet
begin try

if not exists (select * from sys.database_principals where [name] = 'flea')

raiserror('flea not found', 16, 1)
end try
begin catch

declare @ErrorMessage nvarchar(4000);
declare @ErrorSeverity int;

@ErrorMessage = error_message(),
@ErrorSeverity = error_severity();
raiserror(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, 1);
end catch


print 'hello world'

At this point, if the user name (flea) is not found, I don't want it ever to get to the point of 'Hello World', I would like the error raised and the procedure to exit at this point. Any advice would be appreciated on how to best handle my situation!


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Flat File Source - If An Error Occurs, Continue Parsing The Remaining Columns In The Row Before Failing

Jan 14, 2008

Hello everyone,

I have a package that extracts data from a Flat File. If any errors or truncation occur during the extraction of the input data, the package should fail. All fields that have erroneous values should be reported in the log file.

My Solution:
- I have created a Data Flow Task that contains a Flat File Source Adapter and a dummy destination.

- I have left the default "Error Output" configuration of the Flat File Source adapter, namely if a truncation or an error occur for a certain column, then the reaction is "Fail Component".

This configuration gives me only the first erroneous column in the row being processed.

Is it possible to make the Flat File Source adapter continue parsing the current row before it fails? This way, I would be able to get all the erroneous columns in the row in one shot.

Thanks in advance...

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Analysis :: Change Dimension Storage Type As Real-time Rolap But Error Occurs?

Jul 7, 2015

I Create a measure group and two dimensions using  [AdventureWorksDW2012], I try to change one dimension's storage mode with setting property proactive caching as Real-Time ROlap. There is no any warning message when deploying and processing, but error occurs when I query in sql server analysis services, see below for the error messages and the screen capture.

Error occurred retrieving child nodes: the current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.

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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (send()).] General Network Error. Occurs When SQL Times Out On New Windows 2003 Sp2 Server

Jul 12, 2007

We just replaced an older Windows 2000 sp4 server with a new Window 2003 Standard Edition sp2 server to run our batch processing. We noticed that when the SQL command times out we now get the following error in the ADO command object error collection.

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (send()).] General network error. Check you network documentation.

Native Error: 11

SQL State: HY018

msado15.dll version 2.82.3959 is on this server.

On other servers running Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition sp1 the error on the ADO command object is normal with.

Timeout expired

Native Error: 0

SQL State: HYT00

msado15.dll version 2.82.1830 is on this server.

The SQL server they are talking to is on the other side of a firewall. It is SQL 2005 sp2 running on Windows 2000 sp4.

I have also tested this on a Windows 2003 sp2 server that doesn't have to cross a firewall and get the correct Timeout error. It also has the same version of msado15.dll as problem server.

The application is a collection of VB6 Components that are running in COM+ applications. I have isolated the test application to our one SQL interface component and have build a test vbs that can reproduce this on demand. The VB6 Components were not modified in any way for this change and have been working fine for many years prior to this.

All other aspects of our batch processing works as expected. Transactions are working fine. As long as the SQL doesn't timeout everything is normal. DTCPing was used to ensure both servers have correct ports open to allow DTC traffic. Checked the SynAttackProtect setting on SQL and this is not an issue since other clients have no problems.

One point I would like to add is that this new server was initially setup with a temporary server name and then was changed to use the name of the original server on move day. Don't know if this has any impact or not.

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[File System Task] Error: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: Access To The Path Is Denied

Sep 7, 2007

Hi -

I have an File System Task that copies a file from one directory ot another. When I hard code the target directory (c:dirfile.txt) it works fine. When I change it to a virtual directory (\serverdirfile.txt) I get a security error:

[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path '\gracehbtest oS2TMM_Live_Title_000002.xml' is denied.".

Where do I change the security settings?

Thanks - Grace

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[XML Task] Error: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: There Are Multiple Root Elements.

Aug 18, 2006

I'm trying to use an XML Task to do a simple XSLT operation, but it fails with this error message:

[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "There are multiple root elements. Line 5, position 2.".

The source XML file validates fine and I've successfully used it as the XML Source in a data flow task to load some SQL Server tables. It has very few line breaks, so the first 5 lines are pretty long: almost 4000 characters, including 34 start-tags, 19 end-tags, and 2 empty element tags. Here's the very beginning of it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ESDU releaselevel="2006-02" createdate="26 May 2006"><package id="1" title="_standard" shorttitle="_standard" filename="pk_stan" supplementdate="01/05/2005" supplementlevel="1"><abstract><![CDATA[This package contains the standard ESDU Series.]]></abstract>

There is only 1 ESDU root element and only 1 package element.

Of course, the XSLT stylesheet is also an XML document in its own right. I specify it directly in the XML Task:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""/>

<xsl:template name="identity" match="@*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

<xsl:template match="kw">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
<xsl:attribute name="ihs_cats_seq" select="position()"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>


Its 5th line is the first xsl:template element.

What is going on here? I do not see multiple root elements in either the XML document or the XSLT stylesheet.


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I Am Getting An Error Message When I Try To Print Using Reporting Services: An Error Occurred During Printing (0x80004005)

May 22, 2007

I am getting an error message when I try to print using reporting services: "an error occurred during printing (0x80004005)"

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SQL Server Error Message - Operating System Error 10038: An Operation Was Attempted On Something That Is Not A Socket...

Nov 20, 2006

My apologies...I wasn't for sure where to post an error like this...

Over the last 2 months I have gotten this SQL Server error (twice). All existing processes will continue to work, however no new processes can be created and users cannot connect to the server. This is the exact text of the message in the SQL Server error log.

Operating system error 10038: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket...

Error: 17059, Severity: 18, State: 0

Error accepting connection request via Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'. Execution continuing.

Error: 17882, Severity: 18, State:

While we can typically just stop SQL Server Service and restart the services...I have found it is best to restart the machine during non-production times to take care of any 'residual' effects of this error.

The SQL Server 2000 SP4 box with Windows 2003 Standard SP1 is well maintained by our I.T. team and it typically will run 4 or 5 months without a reboot.

Thank you...


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Error While Calling The Roles.AddUserToRole (error Message: Cannot Resolve Collation Conflict For Equal To Operation)

Feb 5, 2006

Hi, I have developed a website in 2. I have tester it and it is working fine on my computer but when I have uploaded it to my server I'm getting an error message when the user signup. The error occurs when I'm setting the user role to 'members'.
Error line > Roles.AddUserToRole(user.UserName, "members")
The strage thig is that it is working on my computer but not on the server. My home computer and the server are running the same software versions and the website database is the same as well.
To double check that my code is not generating the error I have lonched 'SQL Query Analizer' and executed the folowing code on my database:
NOTE: In my database I have create the user “teeluk12� and a role “members�
aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles "/", "teeluk12", "members", "5/02/2006 4:44:33 pm"
Once again the code is working on my home computer but not on the server. On the server I'm getting the following error:
Server: Msg 446, Level 16, State 9, Procedure aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles, Line 76
Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation.
Does anybody know what could cause the error?
Could it be some permissions that I didn't set on my server?
Thanks for my help and suggestions...

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Famous Named Pipes Provider, Error 40 Error Message

Oct 18, 2007

Trying to connect to remote server
I have SQL 2005 Developer on XP SP2 , I have disabled my windows firewall. I can ping to my server ( and i get no error message. My remote connection using both TCP/IP and named pipes are checkeed. My SQL Server Browser is running as well.

However when I try to connect using Managment Studio or running SQLCMD /Scroaktoad. /E I get the following error message

C:sqlcmd / /E
HResult 0x52E, Level 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [1326].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired

So I've read all the forums for past 2 days and tried everything, nothing changed Any ideas?

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Error List With Appropriate Error Number And Error Message

Oct 10, 2007

where can i find it?


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Error Message: Error 0x800706BE While Loading Package File D:PackagesToradSales.dtsx. The Remote Procedure Call Failed.

Dec 20, 2006


I have a bundling package that runs about 20 other packages. It has been working fine for a while but a couple of days ago it fail with the following message,

Error 0x800706BE while loading package file "D:PackagesToradSales.dtsx". The remote procedure call failed.

I´m running the SSIS packages in an 64-bit environment.

Thankful for help with this!


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SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7391) Error Message

Nov 5, 2007

I'm not sure if this is the correct group for this messages, but here it is anyway.

I have a job that has 3 steps to, periodicly the job errors out on Step 1. Following is the message (from Job History).


Executed as user: SMIsqladmin. The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7391) [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 7312) OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a]. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 7300). The step failed.

Can someone please explain this message, I have no idea how to fix it or what the cause is.


David Davis

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Records That Occurs Again

Jun 12, 2005


ID User BirthYear Where
1 Tom 1975 USA
2 Alex 1975 UK
3 Ben 1980 UK
4 Tom 1976 UK
5 Tom 1977 Unknown
6 Cindy 1985 USA
7 Tom 1975 UK

I want to print it like below


I dont want


7 Tom 1975 UK

becasuse there is another record that User field is Tom and BirthDate is 1975
I tried "group by User,year" , it didn't work.

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Exception Occurs If Using Clr Sql

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all:
We are using a simple clr function in sql server, which splits input strings by a given delimiter. The code is in €œclr_sql.cs€?. And I wrote a simple stored proc in SQL Server 2005 which calls this function(storedproc.slq). Then I used a test application, which creates 80 threads to call this stored proc continuously. The client code is in client.cs. The TPS can reach to 2000+ in my test. Unfortunately, exception occurs sometimes (about 0.01%). Most of the exceptions are:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
And there are a few others:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The semaphore timeout period has expired.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding
I wrote a dummy T-Sql stored proc, which returns all the rows from an existing table (60 rows, the same dataset as the test above) directly. It€™s much faster than the clr one, and no exception occurs. And I also wrote a T-Sql stored proc which doing the same task as the clr one and is slower. It doesn€™t fail, neither.
To summarize my problem: exception occurs when using clr sql, but it vanish when using T-SQL. But we need CLR SQL because of the performance is better.
I€™m looking forward to hear from you. Thanks in advanceJ

/* clr sql.cs */

public class KspSplitString


[SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "FillRow")]

public static IEnumerable InitMethod(String input, char delimiter)


if (null == input)

return new string[] { };

return input.Split(new char[] { delimiter });


public static void FillRow(Object obj, out SqlString Term)


Term = (obj as string).Trim();



/* storedproc.sql */

ALTER proc [dbo].[spSplitString2] (@keywords nvarchar(max), @delimiter nchar)


set nocount on

select * from dbo.fnKspSplitString(@keywords, @delimiter)

/* client.cs */

SqlConnection conn;

public override void Setup()


conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);



public override void Cleanup()




public override void Run()




using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(storedproc, conn))


command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

command.CommandTimeout = sqlCommandTimeout;

SqlParameter sqlParameter = command.Parameters.Add("@Keywords", SqlDbType.NVarChar);

sqlParameter.Value = keywords;

sqlParameter = command.Parameters.Add("@Delimiter", SqlDbType.NChar);

sqlParameter.Value = delimiter;

using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())


tblResult = new DataTable("RESULT");





catch (Exception ex)






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Occurs In A Field

Nov 21, 2006


How do find out how many times a character occurs in a field thru an expression? Like the occurs() function in FoxPro


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Locking Occurs When Trying To Insert - HELP

Nov 11, 2001

I am trying to insert data using the select * command from one table into another, but query analyzer just seems to run and run (over one hour before I stopped it). The current activity shows a huge number of extent locks. The table itself has approx 90,000 rows. What is causing this insert not to finish, and how do I sort it?

I am a little confused over LE thresholds etc. At present the server has the following settings:
LE threshold max - 10000
LE threshold min - 20
LE threshold % - 0
locks - 60000

Will changing these values help??


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Closing ADO Objects

Apr 4, 2007

I know it's "best practice" to dispose objects, but does it make a big difference if just the connection is closed? In other words, is the code below good enough or should the DataAdapter & Command be explicitly closed?using (SqlConneciton  cn = new SqlConnection(connstr)){ SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql,cn);DataSet ds = new DataSet();da.Fill(ds); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(someOtherSql,cn);cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  } 

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Closing SQL Connection

Sep 24, 2007

hello to alli am finding my self in confusing problem.
everyay log file of my application increase by 10 GB.every time i found more than 100 connections open in SDQL Server 2005 under my database.
i an using SQLHELPER Class by microsoft.i ma not putting my code in try-catch block. example
of one of my frequently used function is as follows:
        protected Int64 GetMemberID()        {            String SqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM MemberMaster WHERE MemberUserName= '" +
Session["UserName"].ToString() + "'";            SqlDataReader dr1 =
oString(), CommandType.Text, SqlSelect);            while (dr1.Read())            {                CurrentMemberID = Int64.Parse(dr1["MemberID"].ToString().Trim());            }            return CurrentMemberID;        }
well i doubt i am opening connection and do not closing it. moreover i do not know how to close connection in above code when i am using sql helper class.please give me yours suggestion regarding my code even if it is not solving above two problems.

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Closing All Connections

Nov 15, 2004

How do I set up a job so that I close all open database connections? I think we have a leak in our code which causes our DB to go down (max connections used) roughly once every month, so we just restart the SQL server. Until we can find the exact problem I'd like to do this.

For simplicities sake let's say my database name is just "test."

Thank you.

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Connections Not Closing

Feb 23, 1999

I have an app that people frequently disconnect without a logout and the connection remains open in SQL Server. Does anyone know of a script or program that will go through and kill inactive connections?

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Closing The Sessions In SQL CE

Feb 27, 2008

Hi Friends,

We need a small suggestion regarding releasing the resources utilized before closing the session we established with the SQL CE database. To the best of our knowledge we are releasing the resources properly but still some how some resources get locked and we were not able to open a new session after closing the existing session.

Are there any functions or methods available to identify the existing resources, rowsets and other components who have connection with the existing session, kindly help us in this regard since we struck up mainly with this issue.
We work with EVC++ 3.0 and SQL CE 2.0

Thanks in advance.


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Closing Dts.Connections

Mar 7, 2008


I have the following script wrtten in VB that opens a connection to an Analysis Services db in a script task within my control flow:

Dim oConnectionSR As ConnectionManager

oConnectionSR = Dts.Connections("OLAPServer.Sales")

This script is used by a script task within each of three child packages that are called by a parent package. Each call is made to a different OLAP cube. The first package makes the connection and runs fine. When the second package runs, it still sees the connection value from the first package and fails.

What is the best way to close the connection once it is no longer needed? I have tried the dispose() method, and that did not work.

Thanks for your help!


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