Execution Of END CONVERSATION Statement

Mar 21, 2007

When I try to execute the following statement:

END CONVERSATION DIALOG CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, '58C1A7AA-C0D7-DB11-B4C6-005056C00008')

using ICommand.Execute method, I got an error:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'END'.

I use SQL Native Client as OLE DB Provider.

In profiler I can see that my statement becomes like this:

exec END CONVERSATION CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, '903586ED-C0D7-DB11-B4C6-005056C00008')

So provider add 'exec' before my statement, maybe because NCLI don't know such statetment and thinks that it is a stored procedure call with the name 'END'?

Is there is a way to avoid it except of using following construction:

exec sp_executesql N''END CONVERSATION ...


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Error Log Peppered With --&&> 'The Conversation Handle Is Missing. Specify A Conversation Handle.'

Dec 3, 2007


I'm using service broker and keep getting errors in the log even though everythig is working as expected

SQL Server 2005
Two databases
Two end points - 1 in each database
Two stored procedures:
SP1 is activated when a message enters the sending queue. it insert a new row in a table
SP2 is activated when a response is sent from the receiving queue. it cleans up the sending queue.

I have a table with an update trigger
In that trigger, if the updted row meets a certain condition a dialogue is created and a message is sent to the sending queue.
I know that SP1 and SP2 are behaving properly because i get the expected result.
Sp1 is inserteding the expected data in the table
SP2 is cleaning up the sending queue.

In the Sql Server log however i'm getting errors on both of the stored procs.
error #1
The activated proc <SP 1 Name> running on queue Applications.dbo.ffreceiverQueue output the following: 'The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle.'

error #2
The activated proc <SP 2 Name> running on queue ADAPT_APP.dbo.ffsenderQueue output the following: 'The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle.'

I would appreceiate anybody's help into why i'm getting this. have i set up the stored procs in correctly?

i can provide code of the stored procs if that helps.


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Conversation ID Cannot Be Associated With An Active Conversation

Apr 19, 2006


My service broker was working perfectly fine earlier. As I was testing...I recreated the whole service broker once again.

Now I am able to get the message at the server end from intiator. When trying to send message from my server to the intiator it gives this error in sql profiler.

broker:message undeliverable: This message could not be delivered because the Conversation ID cannot be associated with an active conversation. The message origin is: 'Transport'.

broker:message undeliverable This message could not be delivered because the 'receive sequenced message' action cannot be performed in the 'ERROR' state.

How do I proceed now ?



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Conversation Handle Reuse And Conversation Handle XXX Not Found

Jan 18, 2008

We have implemented our service broker architecture using conversation handle reuse per MS/Remus's recommendations. We have all of the sudden started receiving the conversation handle not found errors in the sql log every hour or so (which makes perfect sense considering the dialog timer is set for 1 hour). My question is...is this expected behavior when you have employed conversation recycling? Should you expect to see these messages pop up every hour, but the logic in the queuing proc says to retry after deleting from your conversation handle table so the messages is enqueued as expected?

Second question...i think i know why we were not receiving these errors before and wanted to confirm this theory as well. In the queuing proc I was not initializing the variable @Counter to 0 so when it came down to the retry logic it could not add 1 to null so was never entering that part of the code...I am guessing with this set up it would actually output the error to the application calling the queueing proc and NOT into the SQL error logs...is this a correct assumption?

I have attached an example of one of the queuing procs below:

Code Block
@err int,
@counter int,
@DialogTimeOut int,
@Message nvarchar(max),
@SendType int,
@ConversationID uniqueidentifier
select @Counter = 0 -- THIS PART VERY IMPORTANT LOL :)
select @DialogTimeOut = Value
from dbo.tConfiguration with (nolock)
where keyvalue = 'ConversationEndpoints' and subvalue = 'DeleteAfterSec'
WHILE (1=1)
-- Lookup the current SPIDs handle
SELECT @conversationHandle = [handle] FROM tConversationSPID with (nolock)
WHERE spid = @@SPID and messagetype = 'TestQueueMsg';
IF @conversationHandle IS NULL
FROM SERVICE [InitiatorQueue_SER]
TO SERVICE 'ReceiveTestQueue_SER'
BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER ( @conversationHandle )
TIMEOUT = @DialogTimeOut
-- insert the conversation in the association table
([spid], MessageType,[handle])
(@@SPID, 'TestQueueMsg', @conversationHandle);

SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle
MESSAGE TYPE [TestQueueMsg] (@Message)

ELSE IF @conversationHandle IS NOT NULL
SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle
MESSAGE TYPE [TestQueueMsg] (@Message)
SELECT @err = @@ERROR;
-- if succeeded, exit the loop now
IF (@err = 0)
SELECT @counter = @counter + 1;
IF @counter > 10
-- Refer to http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms164086.aspx for severity levels
EXEC spLogMessageQueue 20002, 8, 'Failed to SEND on a conversation for more than 10 times. Error %i.'
-- We tried on the said conversation, but failed
-- remove the record from the association table, then
-- let the loop try again
WHERE [spid] = @@SPID;
SELECT @conversationHandle = NULL;

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Selecting Statement Execution

Jul 27, 2006

hi all, this morning i went mad trying to understand how to do something like this:

WHERE        CASE @Variable1                 WHEN 0 THEN T1.Field1 <= Value1 AND                 WHEN 1 THEN T1.Field1 >= Value2 AND                WHEN NULL THEN T1.Field1 >= Value3 AND        END         T2.Field2=@Variable2 AND
so on

Can i select the statement that should be executed? i tried even inserting all the WHERE clausoles into 3 different IF, but he continues showing me errors...

Honestly i have to say that i'm pretti noob at SQL...

Thank U.

EDIT: I'm using SQL Server 2000

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SQL Server 2012 :: Order Of Execution Of Statement With GO Statements?

Jan 16, 2014

Curious if I have the code below as an example and I execute this code does sql execute from top to bottom? And does the Update run and complete before the delete occurs? Or does SQL execute the update and delete in parallel?

UPDATE tbl1 SET col1 = 1


DELETE FROM tbl1 where col2 = 2

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Trigger With Exec Statement Blocking Execution Of Triggering Cmd?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a trigger on a table. I am trying to dynamically log thechanged fields on the table to another table, so I am iteratingthrough the bits in COLUMNS_UPDATED() to find what's changed, andgetting the column name programatically. This is all working fine.If I do a regular insert command in my trigger then everything worksfine. However, since I want to retrieve data from the column namewhich I got programatically from the inserted and deleted tables (toget the old and new values) I wanted to do something like this:insert into auditTransactionLog (TableName,PrimaryKeyId,ColumnName,OldValue, NewValue, ActionType) EXEC( 'SELECT(''cmContactInfo''), I.contactID,'''+ @colname+''', D.'+@colname+',I.'+@colname+', '+@action+' FROM inserted I INNER JOIN Deleted D onI.ContactId = D.ContactId')The presence of this line of code appears to be preventing theupdating of the table with the trigger. Is there some reason why Ican't do the EXEC in the trigger? If I did it without EXEC it worksfine but I have no idea of getting at the D. and I. @colname columnsotherwise.Thanks for any help!Rebecca

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Prolonged Execution For Table UPDATE Statement - Not Sure It Finishes

Jul 27, 2006

I am cleaning up a large database table that has Date keys instead of real DateTimes. To do this, I am running the following query...





where Actual_Date is what is being stored, and the Date_Key is to be dropped.

The particulars are this -

Date_D table - 92,000 rows - 40 MB

Observation_F - 2,000,000 rows - 3.2 GB

This is being run on a remotedly hosted rack server with an AMD processor, 1 GB RAM, 60 GB harddisk space, 20 GB used.

SQL-Server 2005 Express - SP1

If I do the same query as a SELECT Statement,





it runs to completion in about 15 min - during the entire time there is extensive used of CPU from Task Manager.

If I do the above statement, it seems to use lots of resources (50% +) for about 5 min, then falls to 5%. It just seems to sit there, for an hour + at which time I've killed the query.

This is actually the second time I tried this. The first time was on a different machine, with the P4, 3GB RAM, plenty of disk space, and using SQL-Server 2005 Standard - SP1. Exactly the same decrease in resources happened, and even though it ran several hours, no results.

Any thoughts here - not waiting long enough, memory leaks, etc.?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Sort In Execution Plan - Delete Statement?

Nov 11, 2014

I'm new to using SQL Server. I've been asked to optimize a series of scripts that queries over 4 millions records. I've managed to add indexes and remove a cursor, which increased performance. Now when I run the execution plan, the only query that cost is a DELETE statement from the main table. It shows a SORT which cost 71%. The table has 2 columns and a unique index. Here is the current index:

[QryNum] ASC,

Question: Will the SORT affect the overall performance? If so, is there anything I should change within the index that would speed up my query?

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SQL Statement Execution On Standard Edition Vs Developer Edition

Sep 25, 2007

We have a performance problem with a SQL statement (never completes) on one of our customer€™s sites. They are running SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP2. The server is dual core with 3GB or RAM.

We requested a backup of the database and restored it to a SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Server with SP2. The server has a single CPU with 2GB or RAM. However the exact same SQL (cut and paste) executes in approx 35 seconds.

We restored the backup of the customers database SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP2. The server is dual core with 2GB or RAM. However as on eth customer site the SQL never completes.

So our question is why is this happening and is there a solution?

Our understanding is that the SQL Server 2005 engine is the same but Developer Edition (aka Enterprise Edition) has additional options.

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Static Variables In A SQLCLR Stored Proc Seem To Get Reused From Execution To Execution Of The Sp

Aug 23, 2007

after moving off VS debugger and into management studio to exercise our SQLCLR sp, we notice that the 2nd execution gets an error suggesting that our static SqlCommand object is getting reused from the 1st execution (of the sp under mgt studio). If this is expected behavior, we have no problem limiting our statics to only completely reusable objects but would first like to know if this is expected? Is the fact that debugger doesnt show this behavior also expected?

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Appropriate Use Of End Conversation

Sep 25, 2006

I have a system that will post a message to a queue, but does not need to wait for a response - just needs to make sure the message arrived properly in the queue, not that is was processed at the receiving end. A second service will poll the queue to retrieve outstanding messages and will then move the message to an outside system. The movement of the message to the outside system will be wrapped in a transaction and if the process is successful, then the transaction will be commited otherwise it will be rolled back.

1) is it appropriate for the service that posts the message to send an END CONVERSATION ? This way the sending service will not be waiting for a response.

2) in the data movement phase, is it appropriate to issue and END CONVERSATION when commiting and not issue when ROLLBACK occurs. Or should ROLLBACK occur with a following END CONVERSATION with error message?

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Ending A Conversation

Jul 30, 2006

I am attempting to learn Service Broker from Bob Beauchemin's book "A Developer's Guide to SQL Server" - Chapter 11. I'm finding it to be very good but I'm confused over the concept of closing a conversation. Could someone answer the following questions for me?

When a conversation is ended, can the conversation handle that was created when the conversation was created still be used? (I assume not)
Beauchemin says, on page 511, that when a conversation ends, "Any messages still in the queue from the other end of the conversation are deleted with no warning." Does this mean that if I send a message that expects a reply, but I end the conversation, the message is still sent, it is still received by the other endpoint, the other endpoint processes it, but I'll never receive the reply?
Beauchemin says that if no lifetime is specified, the conversation is active for the number of seconds which can be represented by the maximum size of an integer. Does this mean that if I don't specify a lifetime, a conversation is active for many, many years?

Thanks very much.


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Quiesce Then End Conversation

Sep 6, 2007

I want to reuse conversations to minimize overhead during bursts of activity. Remus' article on reusing conversations (http://blogs.msdn.com/remusrusanu/archive/2007/05/02/recycling-conversations.aspx) is great. (I know you are reading this Remus, thanks.)

I was wondering if there is a simpler way of ending a cached conversation - Quiesce the conversation (Stop using it), then after some period of time, end it.

I create a conversation, cache it in RLY_Conversations, and use it for 50 seconds. After 1 minute, the dialog timer servicing proc ends the conversation. There will be no messages sent around the time the End Conversation takes place, thus no race conditions.

Do you see any problems with this method?

Select @DialogHandle = [conversation_handle]
From RLY_Conversations
Where TableName = @TableName and IsActive = 1 And

CreatedTmstp > dateadd(ss, -50, getdate())

if @DialogHandle is null
-- initialize a conversation and record it in our reuse table
FROM SERVICE FirstHostRelayService
TO SERVICE 'SecondHostRelayService'
ON CONTRACT RelayContractSentByAny

-- cache the dialog handle to minimize dialog creation overhead.
Insert into RLY_Conversations (
TableName, conversation_handle, conversation_id, is_initiator, service_contract_id,
conversation_group_id, service_id, lifetime, state, state_desc, IsActive, CreatedBy, CreatedTmstp
Select @TableName, conversation_handle, conversation_id, is_initiator, service_contract_id,
conversation_group_id, service_id, lifetime, state, state_desc, 1, 'Setup', getdate()
From sys.conversation_endpoints
Where conversation_handle = @DialogHandle;

-- initiate housekeeping process

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Move Conversation

Feb 16, 2006

when you move a conversation to a conversation group, that conversation_group has to have been created previously, ie, you cant specify a non-existing conversation_group, right?

I ask because I am trying to develop an application where I use optimally one conversation related to many given conversation_groups, so that when I receive, I lock only a small determined subset of messages. What I could have used was a way to send messages on a conversation, specifying a conversation_group_id.

Any suggestions?

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Conversation That Dont End.

Oct 16, 2006

Hi There

Message ordering is of utmost importance in our application.

As i found in testing the only way to ensure message ordering is if they are in the same conversation.If you send multiple messages in different conversations there is no garantee which will be processed first.

Therefore i will be creating conversations that last "forever", that is using a single conversation.

I plan on doing a BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION when an inititator site is setup and writing the conversation handle guid to a table.

I will them simply SEND ON SONVERSATION using the guid, i will never issue a end conversation from target or initiator.

Is this theory solid, ie: is there a better way or best practice to do this?

I know that conversatons persist with sql server restarts, however what happens if an initiator site db is restored ?

I was thinking of adding logic to first check if a conversation endpoint exists with the specified guid if not , then start another conversation. But is this the best way?


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Conversation Groups

Jun 28, 2006

I am thinking of updating my SQL monitoring application to use Service Broker.

Right now I loop through my list of servers performing various checks on each server. Things like 'check last database backup', 'check for new databases', 'check for server restart'. I loop through, one server at a time, doing one check at a time. The more servers I have the longer it is taking.

So, I want to multi-thread the servers, but single-thread the checks on each individual server. This way I can check say, 5 servers at a time, but on each server I will only do one check at a time. This way I won't flood an individual server with multiple checks.

Is this possible? It looks like Conversation groups might be the way to go but I'm not sure.

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Conversation Groups

Dec 20, 2005

I'm having some troubles with conversation groups.  I need to send two  messages on the same conversation group so I have the following in my SP....

BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @providerConversationHandle
 FROM SERVICE [ProviderDataService]
 TO SERVICE 'CalculatedDataService'
 ON CONTRACT [ProviderDataContract]
 ,  LIFETIME = 600;

BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @curveConversationHandle
 FROM SERVICE [ProviderDataService]
 TO SERVICE 'CalculatedDataService'
 ON CONTRACT [ProviderDataContract]
 WITH RELATED_CONVERSATION = @providerConversationHandle
 ,  LIFETIME = 600;

SEND ON CONVERSATION @providerConversationHandle
 MESSAGE TYPE [ProviderDataMessage] ( @providerMessage );

SEND ON CONVERSATION @curveConversationHandle
 MESSAGE TYPE [ProviderCurveMessage] ( @curveMessage );

When I query the queue I see two messages, but they don't have the same conversation_group_id.

Any ideas?




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Conversation Group

Jul 26, 2006

I have not been successfull in getting conversation group to work. My understanding is that I can specify a 'guid' for a conversation group id in the create dialog and when I send a message on this conversation it will have that specific guid for its conversation group. When I do this it does not appear this way in the "target" queue.

I am looking for an example to help me understand how to use a conversation group. The MSDN has not really provided that run able example that I can run and verify and tweak.

The idea that I would like to try is that the initiator must send 5 different XML messages to a target. These 5 messages are all related and must exist together. What I assume is that if I want the target to get all 5 messages together out of the queue all messages must be sent in their own conversation but all linked with the same conversation group Id. I have not been able to get this to work.

The communication is really a one way where the initiator sends the data to the target and does not process or need a message sent back from the target.

Thank you for your time.

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Conversation LIFETIME

Jul 13, 2006

I have a conversation that I want to know has not ended so I am using LIFETIME.

When the conversation times out I then have three records in the queue.

1. The original conversation record that has not been received.

2. Error message to the initiator.

3. Error message to the target.

Both message bodies on the error records say that it was a lifetime error.

If I end the conversation on the initiator side after it is sent, I still get the target error record but the message_body field is null.

So say I don't end the conversation on the initator side. My next receive on the target side will pull the original record. Then it will pull the initator record and then it will pull the target record. Nothing on that record says that it had timed out.

What is the best practice for handling lifetime errors?

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Execution Plans &<&> Proportionate Execution Times

Dec 7, 2005

Hi I am slowly getting to grips with SQL Server. As a part of this, I have been attempting to work on producing more efficient queries. This post is regarding what appears to be a discrepancy between the SQL Server execution plan and the actual time taken by a query to run. My brief is to produce an attendance system for an education establishment (I presume you know I'm not an A-Level student completing a project :p ). Circa 1.5m rows per annum, testing with ~3m rows currently. College_Year could strictly be inferred from the AttDateTime however it is included as a field because it a part of just about every PK this table is ever likely to be linked to. Indexes are not fully optimised yet. Table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AttendanceDets] ([College_Year] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[Group_Code] [char] (12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[Student_ID] [char] (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[Session_Date] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[Start_Time] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[Att_Code] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_AltPK_Clust_AttendanceDets] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([College_Year], [Group_Code], [Student_ID], [Session_Date], [Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE INDEX [All] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([College_Year], [Group_Code], [Student_ID], [Session_Date], [Start_Time], [Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE INDEX [IX_AttendanceDets] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALL inserts are via an overnight sproc - data comes from a third party system. Group_Code is 12 chars (no more no less), student_ID 8 chars (no more no less). I have created a simple sproc. I am using this as a benchmark against which I am testing my options. I appreciate that this sproc is an inefficient jack of all trades - it has been designed as such so I can compare its performance to more specific sprocs and possibly some dynamic SQL. Sproc:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CAMsp_Att] @College_Year AS SmallInt,@Student_ID AS VarChar(8) = '________', @Group_Code AS VarChar(12) = '____________', @Start_Date AS DateTime = '1950/01/01', @End_Date as DateTime = '2020/01/01', @Att_Code AS VarChar(1) = '_' AS IF @Start_Date = '1950/01/01'SET @Start_Date = CAST(CAST(@College_Year AS Char(4)) + '/08/31' AS DateTime) IF @End_Date = '2020/01/01'SET @End_Date = CAST(CAST(@College_Year +1 AS Char(4)) + '/07/31' AS DateTime) SELECT College_Year, Group_Code, Student_ID, Session_Date, Start_Time, Att_Code FROM dbo.AttendanceDets WHERE College_Year = @College_YearAND Group_Code LIKE @Group_CodeAND Student_ID LIKE @Student_IDAND Session_Date <= @End_DateAND Session_Date >=@Start_DateAND Att_Code LIKE @Att_CodeGOMy confusion lies with running the below script with Show Execution Plan:--SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON--Go DECLARE @Time as DateTime Set @Time = GetDate() select College_Year, group_code, Student_ID, Session_Date, Start_Time, Att_Code from attendanceDetswhere College_Year = 2005 AND group_code LIKE '____________' AND Student_ID LIKE '________'AND Session_Date <= '2005-11-16' AND Session_Date >= '2005-11-16' AND Att_Code LIKE '_' Print 'First query took: ' + CAST(DATEDIFF(ms, @Time, GETDATE()) AS VarCHar(5)) + ' milli-Seconds' Set @Time = GetDate() EXEC CAMsp_Att @College_Year = 2005, @Start_Date = '2005-11-16', @End_Date = '2005-11-16' Print 'Second query took: ' + CAST(DATEDIFF(ms, @Time, GETDATE()) AS VarCHar(5)) + ' milli-Seconds'GO --SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT OFF--GOThe execution plan for the first query appears miles more costly than the sproc yet it is effectively the same query with no parameters. However, my understanding is the cached plan substitutes literals for parameters anyway. In any case - the first query cost is listed as 99.52% of the batch, the sproc 0.48% (comparing the IO, cpu costs etc support this). BUT the text output is:(10639 row(s) affected) First query took: 596 milli-Seconds (10639 row(s) affected) Second query took: 2856 milli-SecondsI appreciate that logical and physical performance are not one and the same but can why is there such a huge discrepancy between the two? They are tested on a dedicated test server, and repeated running and switching the order of the queries elicits the same results. Sample data can be provided if requested but I assumed it would not shed much light. BTW - I know that additional indexes can bring the plans and execution time closer together - my question is more about the concept. If you've made it this far - many thanks.If you can enlighten me - infinite thanks.

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Execution Procedure Stored During Execution Of The Report .

Aug 3, 2007

Hello :

How to execute a procedure stored during execution of the report, that is before the poster the data.

Thnak you.

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Service Broker End Conversation

Jan 17, 2007

Hello people

I am new to service broker and would like a little help please. I have a SP which gathers information from a collection of tables. Depending on the data gathered it may or may not begin a dialog conversation with a service broker queue. What i'm needing to know is should at the end of the SP once the required message has been sent should i end the conversation or not?

Many thanks in advance, Michael

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Conversation Lifetime After Close

Oct 18, 2006

Given that the conversation states are as follows: (Thanks Rushi!)

Event Initiator Endpoint state Target Endpoint state

from Initiator
to Target

SEND message(s) CO --
from Initiator
to Target

Target receives a fragment CO SI
of the first message sent
or receives out of order

Target received entire CO CO
first message

END conversation at CO DO

Initiator receives EndDialog DI DO
message from target

Target receives ACK for the DI CD
EndDialog message sent

END conversation at CD CD

When does the 30 minute timer start for clearing the conversation from the sys.conversation_handles table? Is it the same for both sides (initiator and Target) ie, the end conversation at the Initiator. I guess it must be just in case a resend is necessary.


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End Conversation Causing Blocks

Apr 9, 2007


I was trying to clean up some conversation in Service Broker and caused alot of blocking that I seem to unable to kill. there was 1 conversation that I was not able to end, so I wanted to restart sql service, But I can't even restart the SQL service. I get the following in Event Viewer

Timeout occurred while waiting for latch: class 'SERVICE_BROKER_TRANSMISSION_INIT', id 00000001A2B03540, type 2, Task 0x0000000000C2EDA8 : 0, waittime 5400, flags 0xa, owning task 0x00000002DEBCA5C8. Continuing to wait.

Has anyone come across this



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How Can I Determine The Queuing_order Of A Conversation?

Jan 9, 2007

Hi There

Is there a DMV or something in the system that can tell me what the current queue message number is for a conversation.

I would like to determine what the message queue_order number for a message is before or after i send the message, as i would like to log this information?

Thank You

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Reuse Of Conversation Handles

Nov 26, 2007

I have read the articles posted online concerning different dialog reuse strategies. Most of them create a new table in the sender to hold dialog ids. I was wondering what is wrong, if anything, with the following approach:

Code Block
declare @dlg uniqueidentifier
select top 1 @dlg = conversation_handle from sys.conversation_endpoints where state IN ('CO')
if @dlg is null
begin dialog conversation @dlg
from service [tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender]
to service '//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter','386DDD04-7E55-466A-BE83-37EFC20910B9'
on contract [//TyMetrix360Audit/Contract] with encryption = off;
;send on conversation @dlg
message type [//TyMetrix360Audit/Message] (@msg)

Here I simply select a conversation handle directly from the sys.conversation_endpoints table. Can anyone see any issues with this approach?

Thanks in advance....

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Where Are Conversation Timers Stored?

Oct 8, 2006

I've looked in transmission_queue and the actual queues, but can't find them anywhere

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Conversation Timers In ServiceBrokerInterface

Oct 31, 2006

Using conversation timers, I would like to send a message to myself. I could then use the self-addressed message to check on the availability of a provider. What would be the recommended approach for doing this using the ServiceBrokerInterface? It seems that I might need to add a method to the Service class. Is it correct? Thanks,

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Conversation Group Question

Jan 24, 2006

I'm trying to use Service Broker to relate a set of messages together and was trying to use a related conversation group id. From what I can gather (looking at other threads) I can't use this.....

Basically, my ideas was.... I have several tables being updated within a database transaction. These tables will have triggers associated with them which send a message to a SB queue detailing the table that has been affected and the key information.

After the database transaction commits, I wanted to retrieve the group of messages in order to identify exactly what happened to the database during the transaction (for business reasons). I don't need necessarily need them in the same order, but do need them grouped by database transaction.

Service Broker seemed to be ideal i.e. the messages wouldn't commit if the database transaction rolled back and I wouldn't be able to access them until the entire transaction was committed........ My only problem is that I don't seem to be able to associate them with each other!!!!

Can anyone help with a way I can do this with Service Broker, or am I just trying to use the wrong technology???

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Conversation Group Id Question

Aug 3, 2006


I have an example ( see below ).

I expect to have all messages sent using this code to have the same group id but they are all different. what I am doing wrong?


DECLARE @conversationHandle uniqueidentifier

DECLARE @usergroup uniqueidentifier

select @usergroup = uid from bvuser where userid = 1

select @usergroup

Begin Transaction

BEGIN DIALOG @conversationHandle

FROM SERVICE [BvMainResponseService]

TO SERVICE 'BvMainService'

ON CONTRACT [BvMainContract]


-- Send a message on the dialog

SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle




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String &> Datetime Conversation Problem

Mar 22, 2008

i have a simple code here but i always get same error.
my code is :

declare @date datetime
declare @dates varchar(30)
declare @day varchar(2)
declare @month varchar(2)
declare @year varchar(4)

set @date = (select dateadd(day,0,getdate()))
set @day = (select datepart(day,@date))
set @month = (select datepart(month,@date))
set @year = (select datepart(year,@date))
set @tarih = (select '''' + @year + '-' + @month + '-' + @day + ' 00:00:00.000''' )

if @month < 10
set @month = '0' + @month
if @day < 10
set @day = '0' + @day
-------------IT GIVES ERROR HERE
set @dateS = (select '''' + @year + '-' + @month + '-' + @day + ' 00:00:00.000''' )

well ,
when i try this >
set @date (which is datetime format ) = '2008-03-22 00:00:00.000'
it works(manually),
but i cant dynamically bind my string to datetime formatted field.

then i tried,
set @dates = (select '''' + @year + @month + @day + '''' )
set @date = (select convert(datetime,@dates)

and it DOESNT work too,
what to do ?


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Reusing A Single Conversation Handle

Aug 30, 2007


I have a replicated table that has a trigger attached to the it. The trigger fires off a service broker message for inserts. Originally for every insert, I would begin a conversation, send, and end the conversation when target send an end conversation. Since replication process is only using a single spid, I would like to reuse 1 conversation. the following is what I have for the send procedure in the initiator. I check the conversation_endpoints for any open conversation, if it's null, I start a new conversation and send else just send with the existing conversation. Is there anything wrong with this code? What could cause the conversation on the initiator to be null if I never end the conversation on the initiator side? thanks

DECLARE @dialog_handle uniqueidentifier

select @dialog_handle = conversation_handle from sys.conversation_endpoints where state = 'CO'

IF @dialog_handle is NULL


FROM SERVICE [initiator]

TO SERVICE 'target'

ON CONTRACT [portcontract];


MESSAGE TYPE [Port] (@msg)

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