High Level && Detail Level Design Documents

Nov 19, 2007

AM in need of SSRS 2005 design documents for a project purpose. Can somebody let me know where can i find these documents? Thanks in advance

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What Is Low Level And High Level Locking

May 3, 2007

Hi, Can anybody please explain me, what is low level and high level locking in SQL Server 2005 database.
Also what is the name of process which converts low level locking into high level locking and vise versa.

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The SSE Provider Did Not Find The Database File Specified In The Connection String. At The Configured Trust Level (below High Trust Level), The SSE Provider Can Not Automatically Create The Database File.

Aug 31, 2007

The problem that I am having is that with Visual Web Developer I am creating a webpage and having it directly put online, so for example when I start a new ASP.NET page, I select the location to be HTTP, with the location http://MYWEBSERVER/Website   and for the language and Visual BasicI notice a couple of things, first that there is no longer a a link under the Main toolbar "Website" selection called the ASP.NET configuration.  So how can I configure what I want to have users be able to do?  It seems that this choice is only available if I am building the ASP.NET page on my "localhost".  So that is the first problem.  So I am able to get the pages to work, atleast the things such as the textboxes to show up etc, (Even things as advanced as the "Login" box).  How ever when I try to get someone to try to login  I am taken to a page that has an server error.  The error is:
"The SSE Provider did not find the database file specified in the connection string. At the configured trust level (below High trust level), the SSE provider can not automatically create the database file. "
The Stack Trace Errors are at the bottom.  I think this is happening because the automatically generated databases are not getting built online as they are on my computer.  On my computer I have MSSQL express.  So either the databases are not getting built for some reason, (and I think that is the case as I don't see any in the folder).  So I think that somehow I have to create a database on my server, and then somehow configure the ASP.NET file, perhaps in the Web.Config file to look for that new database.  Is this the correct methodology?   Is there some simpler way that I can just somehow upload things as they are and have them work correctly on my server?   The error says that either the Server did not find the database or that the trust level was insufficient.  I don't think that is it as I just looked again and I don't see any .MDF files.  So how would I go about getting this to work right? Is there a way to do this with MySQL also?  So that I don't have to use MSSQL?  My server only allows 1 DataBase for that.
Thanks and I hope my question makes sense.  It is basically how can I get it to be able to create and check users etc. online?
[ProviderException: The SSE Provider did not find the database file specified in the connection string. At the configured trust level (below High trust level), the SSE provider can not automatically create the database file.]   System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper.EnsureSqlExpressDBFile(String connectionString) +2555237   System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper.GetConnection(String connectionString, Boolean revertImpersonation) +87   System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.GetPasswordWithFormat(String username, Boolean updateLastLoginActivityDate, Int32& status, String& password, Int32& passwordFormat, String& passwordSalt, Int32& failedPasswordAttemptCount, Int32& failedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, Boolean& isApproved, DateTime& lastLoginDate, DateTime& lastActivityDate) +1121   System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.CheckPassword(String username, String password, Boolean updateLastLoginActivityDate, Boolean failIfNotApproved, String& salt, Int32& passwordFormat) +105   System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.CheckPassword(String username, String password, Boolean updateLastLoginActivityDate, Boolean failIfNotApproved) +42   System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.ValidateUser(String username, String password) +83   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.OnAuthenticate(AuthenticateEventArgs e) +160   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.AttemptLogin() +105   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +99   System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +35   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) +115   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +163   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +5102

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High Level Of Login/sec

Jun 22, 2006

Hi All

Perfmon shows max 3900 login/sec and avg is 1500.

ASP.NET v 2.0 application uses this SQL 2005 server consists of 10 webservers. Max Pool Size on each was changed today to 300 (was default so I suppose - 100) and it didnt change logins/sec graph at all. Application uses SqlConnection object from ADO.NET v 2.0 obviously.

Can someone explain - what could be reasonable explanation - is load that high? Do we need 3000 as Max Pool Size? (I cant imagine what could be maximum recommended size of pool for W2003 32-bit server)

Thank you

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What Are The High Level Considerations For 24x7 Installations?

Feb 13, 2008

in a prior "legacy" life we couldn't imagine 24x7 implementations because it was important to 1) reorganize databases periodically to remove fragmentation that adversely affected performance and 2) back up databases just in case.

In a 24x7 SQL Server 2005 implementation, high level only, how are these and other maintenance related things accomplished with confidence?

I dont think SQL cleanses its own page splits unsolicited. Are DBAs totally reliant on logs in full recovery installations where db must be up 24x7? What if the devices those logs sit on fail? What if the logs become too large? Is it likely that if you want 24x7 you're looking at Enterrise Edition only?

I'm totally aware of and confident in the sliding window partitioning thing but it seems to me there must be more out there in terms of periodic, more frequent maintenance activity.

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High-level Reporting Services Questions.

Mar 11, 2008

Hello, we have a customer-facing ASP.NET web reporting application that allows the user to a). select a report b). make report settings (filter, sort, include/exclude columns), and c). run the report. An Oracle stored proc is used to return the data into a DataSet. Today the output is displayed in a bound, paginated DataGrid.

We€™d like to €˜plug-in€™ Reporting Services for improved formatting, grouping, matrix reporting, drilldown, graphics, etc.. I have read through the online docs, examples, and tutorials but have not found the exact (high-level) information I€™m looking for.

We need to keep our report settings page, Oracle SP architecture, etc... Is there a way to simply hand off a dynamically created DataSet to a report for display €“ like binding to the DataGrid? The data (query) would be specific to a report but columns can be selected/unselected for display.
In terms of deployment, is it necessary to install SQL Server in each environment (DEV-Integration, QA, PROD) to support Reporting Services? Since we are essentially an Oracle shop, this could be a tough sell. Is it possible to develop the report on a dev workstation (perhaps with SQL Server), and then publish to a web server where SQL Server is not installed?

These are obviously high-level questions - any help will be appreciated (examples, how-to's, etc..) €“ thanks in advance.

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Errors In The High-level Relational Engine. A Connection Could Not Be Made To The Data Source With The DataSourceID Of '

Feb 7, 2006

When I deploy the cube which is sitting on my PC (local) the following 4 errors come up:

Error 1 The datasource , 'AdventureWorksDW', contains an ImpersonationMode that that is not supported for processing operations. 0 0
Error 2 Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Adventure Works DW', Name of 'AdventureWorksDW'. 0 0
Error 3 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Customer', Name of 'Customer' was being processed. 0 0
Error 4 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Customer Alternate Key' attribute of the 'Customer' dimension from the 'Analysis Services Tutorial' database was being processed. 0 0

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Column Level Or Database Level Encryption/decryption....

Jan 16, 2008

I want to perform column level and database level encryption/decryption....
Does any body have that code written in C# or VB.NET for AES-128, AES-192, AES-256  algorithms...
I have got code for single string... but i want to encrypt/decrypt columns and sometimes the whole database...
Can anybody help me out...
If you have Store procedure in SQL for the same then also it ll do...
Thanks in advance

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Stuck On 2nd And 3rd Level Design

Dec 21, 2007

So, the main objective for this database/web application is reporting.
The issue/situation is:1.  The customer has 10 goals2.  Each goal has at least some detail shown in bullet points via a word document...this is how we'll get the data at first.  we're going to develop the UI of the web application after the customer has more specs...main objective, get web reporting!3.  Each detail could be broken down into a further / 2nd level of detail4.  The 2nd level of detail could be further detailed by a 3rd level
...and, not knowing how in depth they'll provide the detail, there will be activities associated to points 2, 3, or 4...depending on how deep/specific the detail.
So, you might have one goal of "build a fence".  And this goal only goes to the first detail level of say, "make it stucco" and that's it...no other detail.
A second goal might be, "landscape the front yard", and it's broken down into further levels of 2nd and 3rd:1.  Make stepping stones**Three 2nd levels of:--1.  Make path curvy--2.  Use flagstone--3.  Lead up to front door2.  Plant trees**Three 2nd levels of:--1.  Use 5 Aspens--2.  Use 2 dogwoods--3.  Use 1 maple3.  Fill in bare spots**Two 2nd levels of:--1.  Use bermuda*****example of 3rd level--2.  Ensure dirt is fertilized----1.  Use Miracle grow----2.  Must be via hose, not granular
Now the tricky thing I'm stuck on is that be it the 1st level of detail, the 2nd, or the 3rd level, each could have activities.  So, if the detail stops at the 1st level, activities will be tied to the 1st level.  If detail stops at the 2nd level, activities will be tied to the 2nd level...and so on.
I was wondering about a detail table coming off the 10 goal/master table which would have columns of:1.  Goal_ID2.  Detail_Level_ID3.  Detail_Level_Desc4.  2ndLvlDetail_ID5.  2ndLvlDetail_Desc6.  3rdLvlDetail_ID7.  3rdLvlDetail_Desc
What I'm wondering is how do I link the activities?  Should I just have a 3rd table, "activities", and it would have:1.  ActivityID2.  ActivityDesc3.  LinkID...and LinkID could be either tied to Detail_Level_ID, 2ndLvlDetail_ID, or 3rdLvlDetail_ID
This way I'm not too sure about referential integrity via the DB diagram to cascade deletes & updates because Detail_Lvl_ID could be non-unique.
Another option would be to have 4 tables:1.  10 goal main table2.  1st level of detail table3.  2nd level of detail table (links to 1st level)4.  3rd level of detail table (links to 2nd level)
..and the activites table would now have to be split into three different, i.e. DetailAct, 2ndDetailAct, 3rdDetailAct.
Right?  Any suggestions are welcome.
Like I said, reporting is the main concern at first, and the customer wants to be able to either show/hide activities, so sub-reporting to the detail, 2nd lvl, 3rd level for the activities shouldn't be too bad.

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Transactions = Table Level Or Row Level ?

Nov 29, 2006

When you utilize transactions in ADO.NET are the locks put on the entire TABLE used or at the row level?
For instance if you do a SELECT within a transaction if you only pull 5 rows out of a 1000 row table can you just make it lock the rows that have been pulled?  It seems like it locks the entire table?

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Statement Level Vs. Row Level Triggers

Jul 20, 2005

Hi..I'd very much appreciate it if someone would tell me how to translatea statement level trigger written in Oracle to its equivalent (if there isone)in MS SQL Server. Ditto for a row level trigger.If this is an old topic, I apologize. I'm very much a newbie to SQL Server.Regards,Allan M. Hart

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Analysis :: Calculate Members At Certain Level In One Hierarchy As Sum Of Corresponding Members At A Certain Level

Jun 4, 2015

Problem setting is a geography dimension with multiple user defined hierarchies in SSAS 2008. 

Hierarchy 1 (political territory): level 6 --> level 5 --> level 4 --> level 3 (state) --> level 2 --> level 1
Hierarchy 2 (sales territory): level 4 --> level 3 --> level 2 (sales region) --> level 1
Hierarchy 9

The relationship between state and sales region is n:1, i.e. one state belongs to exactly one sales region, and one sales region can consists of one or multiple states.  Unfortunatly I can't define this attribute relationsship in the dimension because it would lead to a diamond-shaped relationsship without a user-defined-hierarchy to back it up. So far that isn't much of a problem, user don't drill down from sales region to state. But now I want to define a calculated member that multiplies a measure from the main measure group with another measure from a weighting factor measure group at the state level and above. The granularity attribute of the geography dimension in the dimension usage tab of the weighting factor measuregroup is the state. 

So far what I've got is:

CREATE MEMBER Currentcube.Measures.[weighted measure state and above] AS NULL;
SCOPE (Measures.[weighted measure state and above],
Descendants(geography.[political territory].[all member],3,SELF_AND_BEFORE),
Descendants(geography.[salesterritory].[all member],2,SELF_AND_BEFORE),
... Descendants(geography.[hierarchy 9].[all member],1,SELF_AND_BEFORE)); this = sum(existing(geography.[political territory].state.members), measures.[main measure group measure] * measures.[weighting measure group measure]);END SCOPE;

This works from a functional point of view, but is rather slow when querying any other hierarchy than the political territory hierarchy, because SSAS first goes down from the state level to the key attribute of the geography dimension, and then aggregates from there to the sales region.In other words, I want SSAS to resolve the relationsship (which state belongs to which sales region) through the dimension, and not through the fact, and apply the calculation afterwards. Like some kind of currency conversion, but only from a certain level upwards.

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(Revised)Database Design Question, Header With Two Detail.. Pls Help

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,There is some additional info I forget on this same topic I just posted.I have a database design question, pls give me some help..I want to define tables for salesman's sales target commission . Thecommission could be given per EITHER sales amount of : Group of Products ORGroup of Brand. e.g : the data example :For one salesman_A :product_1, product_2, product_3 etc.. => sales = $100 - $200 =>commission = 5%product_1, product_2, product_3 etc.. => sales = $201 - $400 =>commission = 10%Brand_A, Brand_B, Brand_C .. etc => sales = $100 - $200 =>commission = 2.5%Brand_A, Brand_B, Brand_C .. etc => sales = $201 - $400 =>commission = 5%Below is my table design, is this a good design or something is wrong here ?Thank you for your help.CREATE TABLE Sales_Commission_Header (Sales_ID Char(4) ,Sales_Commission_Group Char(4),Note Varchar(30),Constraint Sales_Commission_Header_PK Primary Key(Sales_ID,Sales_Commission_Group))Alter Table Sales_Commission_Header Add ConstraintFK_Sales_Commission_Header Foreign Key (Sales_Commission_Group)References Commission_Group_Header(Sales_Commission_Group)CREATE TABLE Sales_Commission_Detail (Sales_ID Char(4) ,Sales_Commission_Group Char(4),Sales_From Decimal(12,2) ,Sales_To Decimal(12,2) ,Commission Decimal(5,2),Constraint Sales_Commission_Detail_PK Primary Key(Sales_ID,Sales_Commission_Group, Sales_From, Sales_To))Alter Table Sales_Commission_Detail Add Constraint FK_Sales_CommissionForeign Key (Sales_ID, Sales_Commission_Group) ReferencesSales_Commission_Header(Sales_ID, Sales_Commission_Group)--------------------------------------------** ALTERNATIVE _1 :CREATE TABLE Commission_Group_Header (Sales_Commission_Group Char(4) Primary Key,Note Varchar(30))CREATE TABLE Commission_Group_Detail_Product (Sales_Commission_Group Char(4),Product_ID VarChar(10), -- This product_ID will be FKreference to master productConstraint Commission_Group_Detail_Product_PK PrimaryKey(Sales_Commission_Group, Product_ID))Alter Table Commission_Group_Detail_Product Add ConstraintFK_Commission_Group_Detail_Product Foreign Key (Sales_Commission_Group)References Commission_Group_Header(Sales_Commission_Group)CREATE TABLE Commission_Group_Detail_Brand (Sales_Commission_Group Char(4),Brand_ID VarChar(10), -- This brand_ID will be FKreference to master brandConstraint Commission_Group_Detail_Brand_PK PrimaryKey(Sales_Commission_Group, Brand_ID))Alter Table Commission_Group_Detail_Brand Add ConstraintFK_Commission_Group_Detail_Brans Foreign Key (Sales_Commission_Group)References Commission_Group_Header(Sales_Commission_Group)** ALTERNATIVE _2 :CREATE TABLE Commission_Group_Header (Sales_Commission_Group Char(4),Group_Type Char(1), -- 'B': Brand Group 'P': Product GroupNote Varchar(30),Constraint Commission_Group_Header_PK Primary Key(Sales_Commission_Group,Group_Type))CREATE TABLE Commission_Group_Detail (Sales_Commission_Group Char(4),Group_Type Char(1), -- 'B': Brand Group 'P': Product GroupProduct_Brand_ID VarChar(10),Constraint Commission_Group_Detail_PK Primary Key(Sales_Commission_Group,Group_Type, Product_Brand_ID))Alter Table Commission_Group_Detail Add ConstraintFK_Commission_Group_Detail Foreign Key (Sales_Commission_Group)References Commission_Group_Header(Sales_Commission_Group, Group_Type)The PROBLEM here is : with Product_Brand_ID , I CAN NOT make foreign keyinto both Master Product and Master Brand.So which one is better design ?split the Commission_Group_Detail into Two tables, product and brand , andmake the FOREIGN KEYto master product and master brand (previous mail)ORcombile Commission_Group_Detail for Product and Brand into one table likeaboveand NOT make any FK to master Product or Brand ?Thank you for your help,Tristant

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Excel 2007 Documents Not Displayed In Windows XP Professional Sp2 Start Menu Recent Documents List

Jan 26, 2007

Excel 2007 Documents Not Displayed in Windows XP Professional sp2
Start Menu's Recent Documents List:

Dear Microsoft Support:
I can't figure out how to get recently used Excel 2007 (new file formats) documents to show up in the Windows XP Professional (sp2) Start Menu's Recent Documents List. I checked the Internet, the knowledgebase, many parts of the MS web site, etc. for an answer but can't find one.
Are Excel 2007 documents supposed to show up in the XP Start Menu's Recent Document List? Is this a bug or do I have to do some sort of configuration to make it do so? If it's a bug, when will a fix be available?

Are these new Excel 2007 files filtered out like EXE files are which will not appear in the Recent Document List?

The Excel 2007 file types are listed in the Registry.

This question is also posted on Experts-Exchange...No solutions yet.



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Row-level CRC?

May 3, 2007

Does anyone know if SQL Server 2005 as a built-in way (sp or func) to calculate a row-level CRC?

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Solution Design For High Volume Of Data

Apr 18, 2006


I have been asked to design a solution for a client of mine who basically requires the daily analysis and reconciliation of the differences between 2 extremely large text files.

The files are not in an identical format but are both in some form of delimited format (one is CSV, the other is a little more complex). For the sake of this question, let's assume that I can effectively import each file into an MS SQL table.

Each file will have in excess of 100,000 rows each day (new data for each day).

Whilst I know that MS SQL does easily have the capacity to store the data, is there a recommended way to tackle the potential problems (I imagine that performance is important... they will be running the report every day)

Or is building the solution as simple as importing the data into 2 tables, and then querying the differences and outputting as a report using Crystal?

Any suggestions appreciated.



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High Availibility SQLServer2005 Infrastructure And Design

Mar 14, 2008


We are stuck deep into a problem and need real help from you all.
The senario goes this way, We have a OLTP Database distributed on a ActiveActive cluster infrasture(Storage on SAN) with very high transactional rate CPU Utilization is above 60% and RAM Utilization is +7 GB.

We have 8 centers geographicaly distibuted and each center have there seperate Database, we need to setup a toplology in such a way that my all database will be in sync with each other without any dataloss.

All database have a common schema and table have identity values set to auto increment.

On setting up any replication we face conflict issues.

Please share your ideas how can i sync my all databases with eachother.


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What Isolation Level Should I Use?

Jan 12, 2007

lets say user1 is reading row1, then user2 reads and updates row1, when user1 is about to update row1 i want him to be informed that his copy of row1 have been updated, so he has now the options to either get the new version of row1 or cancel his update process.

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Row Level Trigger

Nov 27, 2007

How can i write a trigger which gets fired for each row that is being deleted
i.e. Row level Trigger

I tried something like this

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[Del_Msg]
ON [Seat27].[dbo].[Email_Messages]

 it gets executed once for the triggering SQL statement

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Server: Msg 207, Level 16,

Aug 21, 2004

In a Stored Procedure, I created a table in code:


, then ALTER TABLE TEMP ADD int1 int, varchar2 varchar(25)

I inserted some rows to the above table. Everything looks good.

Here's what puzzled me:

SELECT * FROM TEMP shows all the rows inserted.


SELECT int1, varchar2 FROM TEMP caused this error:

Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 5
Invalid column name 'int2'.
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Invalid column name 'varchar2'.

Thanks for any help.

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Row Level Locking

Feb 24, 2006

I have a busy transactional table , I wanna use row level locking mechanism in msSQL.
where LastName ='Clinton'
is there any downsides of this approach?

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Row Level Security

Mar 9, 2006

I am looking for a way to implement row level security on my SQL Server 2005 Express database.  Thanks in advance for any input.

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DatabaseCompatibility Level

Aug 29, 2001

I am asked to look into a DB which was upgraded from SQL65 to SQL70.
1.The SQL was renamed from Server_old to Server_NEW.The Sysservers tables still have entry with Server_old name and srvid = 0(local).The server is running with this config.from last few months w/o any problem(this is what the present DBA working on this DB says)...whereas the name has changed from server-old to server_new.
2.2 user DB on this Server has compatibility level of 65.Any suggestion as should I set the compatibility level to 70 or leave it as it is.client is planning to first,go for replication from sql70/EE to SQl70/EE on Nt4/SP6.
Second,they are also planning to upgrade to sql2k.
Any thoughts appreciated.

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Isolation Level

Nov 15, 2000

Is there a way to change the default isolation level at the SQL Server level to READ UNCOMMITED ??

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Top N And Compatability Level

Aug 16, 2000

How do I check the compatability level of a database?
The db in question was originally created in SQL 6.5 and converted to 7.0. Would this have reset the compatability level to 7 or left it at 6.5?
If it is at 6.5 what are the implications of changing it to 7?

Ray, if you answer this can you please forward me your email address. Thanks.

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Raw-level Locking

Sep 19, 2002

I used sp_indexoption to allow row locks and disallow page locks on all indexes of a heavily contented table (lots of concurrent selects/inserts/updates). The first error I saw was "The SQL Server cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users or ask the system administrator to check the SQL Server lock and memory configuration.". I restarted the sql server and everything is ok (the server is not very powerful and will be beefed up).

My question is that with the above settings, will the select statements acquire row-level shared locks as well? Since our select queries are fairly complicated, my main concern is that we may frequently run of of resource even with a more powerful machine. Is my concern valid or I got everything wrong?

Thanks a lot.

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Row Level Locking

Apr 28, 1999

Hi there,

yes, There is a 'insert row level locking' but
Is there anything for delete or update row level locking?

We keep geting deadlock problem with our application with multi-users. First we ran into the deadlock on INSERT. By setting 'insert row level locking' help us to go a little bit further but later we run into deadlock with DELETE. For my knowlege, DELETE and UPDATE requires exclusive page lock. Might be I am out of date.

Thanks in advance for your help
Tung Nguyen

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Isolation Level

Jun 30, 2004

Hi, folks. Please guide.
I have a VB application that is used for production and reporting. I 've been having alerts for deadlocks that popup after every 2 or 3 minutes. I am planning to seperate reporing server by using transactional replication from production server to the reporting server. However some reports update and insert data so i need reporting server to be enabled for DML.

Is there any option on the server-level where i can force each user to operate in READ-UNCOMMITTED mode instead of specifying WITH (NOLOCK) in the queries of my application. Dirty reads won't bother me in current situation, i guess the propotion of fast reads would be a better trade-off.
New to SQL, Thanx for helping!!


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Security On Row Level ?

Feb 9, 2005

How can I apply security on row level ?

I want to use internal SQLSever users and roles.
Some users or roles should have only access to a limited numbers of rows.

The table contains a field "Company" and there are several companies.
The users should have acces only to their own company.


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What Level Raid Is Best?

Nov 29, 2005

Hi guys,
On a new server with 4 disks, what level of raid is best to apply. In terms of what's important, I'd say speed is at the top of the list.


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3 Level Self Join

Jan 15, 2008

i need something exactly like the following example but with 3 levels self join : http://databases.about.com/od/sql/a/selfjoins.htm

what i mean by 3 levels is that consider that relation like
Director >>> Manager >>> Employee

so the output will look like :
dir1 mgr1 emp1
dir1 mgr2 emp1
dir1 mgr2 emp2
dir2 null null
dir3 mgr1 null

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Row Level Trigger

Mar 25, 2004

Hi all

I am doing a DB porting project in which i need to translate oracle specific queries to sql server.I need to convert following trigger to sqlserver specific .Any help will be appreciated

seq_id NUMBER;
:new.TARGET_OBJECTIVE_ID := seq_id;


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Row Level Trigger

Apr 26, 2004


Is there any row-level trigger available in SQL server(in oracle is does)

my problem is ..I am trying to write a trigger which updates all the items

But it give me error:

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.

My statement is : SET @var_item=(SELECT item_no FROM deleted)

How can i make it possible?
Note: I am trying convert Oracle trigger to SQL Server trigger

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