How Do I Exclude Carriage Returns As Part Of A IS NULL Exclusion Clause...

Jan 6, 2005


I have stupid users... who doesn't?! They have entered carriage returns as a whole value in some fields, that is, the field contains nothing more than a carriage return.

I really need to treat these cases as nulls and have successfully removed whole fields of nothing but spaces by using the LTRIM(RTRIM()) construct. Unfortunately, this doesn't deal with carraige returns. Even CASTing and CONVERTing to varchar and then using LTRIM(RTRIM()) doesn't work.

Does anyone know how I can elegantly get around this problem other than my best guess below:

Best guess pseudo code:
IF count of field is greater than 1 THEN probably a full sentence so ignore ELSE SUBSTRING first character and if CHAR(10, etc) then treat as NULL.

Here's some code that reconstructs the problem:
select datalength(char(13)) CarriageReturnVisible
, datalength(ltrim(rtrim(cast(char(13) as varchar)))) [This Don't Work]

Cheers - Andy

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Keep Carriage Returns?

Oct 2, 2003


could any one tell how to go about keeping carriage returns and line breaks when inserting a chunk of text so that when that text is recieved it will still contain those carriage returns and line breaks?

also, what datatype would be most appropriate?


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Pasting Carriage Returns

May 20, 2008

I'm using Microsoft SQL 2005.

I am attempting to store text in a column defined as varchar(2048). The text contains line feed and carriage return characters. After examining the database column the text is truncated after the first set of line feed and carriage return characters.

Is there a way to force SQL Server to store these characters?

Much Thanks, Robert

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Finding Embedded Carriage Returns

Aug 3, 1998

What is the best way to query for columns which contain embedded carriage returns?

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Detecting Carriage Returns In A Column

Jun 12, 2006

Can anyone provide me with some SQL that will identify rows from a table where a varchar column named "Notes" contain Carriage Returns?

I know that with report writer SQR I can translate CR's to white space but I do not know of any Sybase function that will allow me to do the same, any ideas on this well would be appreciated.

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Export To MS Excel Carriage Returns

Jan 23, 2007

I have a report which has multiple fields in the same column of a table. So that it formats correctly, on the stored procedure side I inserted char(10) + char(13). This allows the next field to correctly carriage return on the report. The report looks great.

But once the report is exported to MS Excel, it appears to add in extra carriage returns. This can be cleaned up by going record by record and back-spacing over the carriage returns.

Is there any other work around for this?

Just curious. Thank you for your help.


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SQL INSERT Changes Carriage Returns Into Question Marks???

Jan 8, 2008

Hi all,I have an old ASP .NET 1.1 application that I haven't had time to rebuild with .NET 2.0. No changes have been made to the application or the SQL Server the application uses. I have a web form where users can type multiple lines of text, and it is entered into an SQL database (SQL 2000 Enterprise) into a column with a datatype of "text". Recently (it seems out of nowhere), If my users enter a carriage return into the webform, it becomes a question mark in the sql database. It's really a bit funny, but also annoying, lol. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Thanks so much! 

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Importing Carriage Returns - Now LOST DATA

Jun 6, 2007

I am migrating from 2000 to 2005 and in the process of rewriting DTS to SSIS. So far so good.

I have an import of a flat file that I need to reproduce that works fine in DTS but throws SSIS.

The file contains details of products, and has a Long Description field that may contain lots of different chars - CR & LF amongst them. It's source and destination columns are Text type.

The file is tab delimited, text delimited with double quotes, with row delimiters of CRLF and column names on row 1.

The error SSIS throws is "The column delimiter for column "LongDescription" was not found"

I imagine (perhaps wrongly) that this is because of the extra CRLFs but it worked fine in DTS. It also previews fine, and lets me define the column properties OK in SSIS package designer.

Any help greatly appreciated. I am trying to avoid the obvious thing of replacing those chars in that field at this point as currently the export is shared between a live production server, and my test 2005 rig.

Thanks v much.


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How Do You Format A Column Heading To Use Carriage Returns?

Mar 12, 2008

In SSRS/RDL, How do you format a column heading to use carriage returns?

I have a couple of instance where I have a column heading that I want spread over 3 lines. For example, the column heading "= Actual Amount" I would want centered and displayed on 3 lines, as follows:


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Exclude Part Of The Code In A Transaction

Oct 25, 2007


I have a TSQL (SQL SERVER 2005) code inside a Transaction,
I would like to exclude a piece of that code from the transaction (I do need to recovere it in the trasaction log).

For instance


SQL Statement 1
SQL Statement 2 -- out of the transaction
SQL Statement 3


I would like to exlude SQL Statement 2 (SQL statement1 and 3 must be inside the same transaction)

Is it possible? How to do it?


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Integration Services :: Dealing With Carriage Returns Within Flat File Source Fields

Apr 2, 2015

I'm trying to import a flat file source into a SQL Server table.

The flat file is pipe-delimited and text qualified with " (double-quotes).

The import job is failing because there is a "comments" field in the flat file and there are carriage returns within some records in the "comments" field. When SSIS encounters a record with a carriage return within that field, it sees the carriage return and assumes the end of the record, even though the field is text qualified with " ".

The actual error message I see is: "

Error 0xc0202055: Data Flow Task 1: The column delimiter for column "comments" was not found.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Sample Record:
"418186"|"94"|"Staff Only-Minimum charge out of 3 hours
Plus travel & accommodation costs (if required) – at cost.

All trauma response services & associated fees/costs are required to be formally authorised by the Company prior to delivery."|""|"690"|""

I can't think of a way to get SSIS to ignore the carriage returns within the Comments field in the source flat file!

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Exclude Row If A Particular Field Is Null

Jun 12, 2008

Is there any way of excluding an entire row if a particular field contains a null value? Even if other fields in the row aren't null...  This is in SQL Server 2005 

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How Do I Exclude Null Fields?

Apr 28, 2006

Is there a way to write a select statement that will pull only fields that are not null?

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How To Exclude Null Data?

Apr 28, 2006

I'm new to MS SQL server. Is there a select statement that will include fields that are not null?

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Date Part Returns Too May Week 53

Apr 8, 2008

There should be only 52 weeks in a year unless there is a leep week(these should not happen on back to back years).
What is going wrong?


select DatePart(Week, 'Dec 29, 1998'), 'Dec 29, 1998'


select DatePart(Week, 'Dec 27, 1999'), 'Dec 27, 1999'


select DatePart(Week, 'Dec 24, 2000'), 'Dec 24, 2000'

week of year




In my database the following dates have all been assigned to week 53



























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May 3, 2006


I've built a sample CLR function with the following declaration....

CREATE FUNCTION GetManager(@DeptCode nvarchar(3))
RETURNS nvarchar(1000)
EXTERNAL NAME Assembly1.[ClassLibrary1.MyVBClass].MyManager

And it works as expected, except when I use NULL:

DECLARE @MyManager nvarchar(1000)
EXEC @MyManager = dbo.GetManager NULL
PRINT @MyManager

It returns the value "Unknown" as it would have for any unknown DeptCode, as-programmed.

I'm of the theory it should have returned NULL without actually firing the function? Or is this only for non-CLR items... or stored procedures, not functions?

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Reporting Services :: How To Exclude NULL From SUM In Charts

May 15, 2015

I have some data from SQL server which contains NULL values for certain fields. I have to create a chart with sum of a field. There is no category and series groups, we are just showing the total sum of a field in chart. Since I have NULL in my source data, nothing is displayed in the chart. I cannot exclude this record  from dataset as I have to use this record for other charts. I have to do some filtering in the chart area itself. I have given IsNothing() in the filter of chart properties. It does not work for me. Even I tried to give IsNothing() in the exp of  Sum() .

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Exclude NULL-Values Directly From ADSI-SELECT

Jun 28, 2007

Hi all,

is it possible to exclude empty records from an ADSI QuerySelect?

I got a query like

Code SnippetSELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person''')

and would like to have it like

Code Snippet

SELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person'' AND homeDirectory IS NOT NULL')


Code SnippetSELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person'' AND NOT(homeDirectory = NULL) ')

The problem is that I can only perform a query like

Code SnippetSELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person'' AND NOT(homeDirectory = '''')')

which results in the error

"Could not fetch a row from OLE DB provider 'ADSDSOObject'."

There are many objects which do have a homedirectory, though, and therefore should be fetched.

Any comments or hints on where my error hides?

I know I could go on fetching all objects and exclude the unwanted ones later on but I'd simply run into the limitation of data records LDAP would provide me with.

Thanks in advance!



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SQL Server 2012 :: Exclude NULL Values From Select Statement

Feb 4, 2014

I wrote a select statement, I only want to see orders with max lastUpdatedOn date of 14 days and older. Now my results show dates with all orders of 14 days and older (which is OK), but all others are displayed in the "Uitgifte" column as "NULL". But those orders should not be displayed at all.

selectdistinct ProductionHeader.ProdHeaderOrdNr,
(select max (ProdStatusLog.ProdStatusCode)


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How SQL Handles The OR Part In The WHERE Clause.

Apr 28, 2008


I have a Query like this and i am using fulltext search.

Select * FROM [Search]
WHERE (@limitByName = 0 OR CONTAINS([Name], @searchStringOR))

Say @limitByName is 0, will my second part still executes.???
How Sql server 2005 handles the OR part in WHERE clause.(Need detailed answer)..pls give any useful link to refer.

How can i find this, if i use Actual Execution plan.

Thanks in Advance,

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Not Part Of DISTINCT Clause But I Do Want It Selected

Dec 10, 2007

I get the rows(records) I want by removing the RequestDateTime column from the Select query SELECT distinct et.configname as 'Part Number', substring(email,(charindex('@',email)+1),len(email)) as 'email ending',u.company_name as 'Company', as 'City', as 'Country' --,RequestDateTime as 'Date Downloaded'from  new_products.dbo.modelrequests etleft outer join  cc_host.dbo.usr_list u on et.username = convert(varchar(50),u.[user_id])where interfacename like '%download%'and result=0and = 'JP'and CONVERT(DATETIME, RequestDateTime, 102)>= convert(DATETIME,'12/5/2007', 102)GROUP BY email,et.configname,u.company_name,,,requestdatetime  I want to show the RequestDateTime for the 1600 records that do get selected. How can I put RequestDateTime back in the resulting table output without it being part of the Distinct clause? 

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Returns A NULL Value

Oct 9, 2014

I havethe following query which returns one row of data, however, the MedicalcodeID is NULL.

SELECT db1.dbo.Referral.ReferralGuidDigest, dbo.patient.PatientID, dbo.Consultation.ConsultationID, dbo.Staff.StaffID,
db1.dbo.Referral.EffectiveDateTime AS EventDate, db1.dbo.Referral.Status AS ReferralStatus, db1.dbo.Referral.Mode AS ReferralMode,
db1.dbo.Referral.ServiceType, db1.dbo.Referral.Urgency, db1.dbo.Referral.Direction, db1.dbo.Referral.Transport,
db1.dbo.Referral.EndedDate, db1.dbo.Referral.ReceivedDate, dbo.lkupMedical.MedicalCodeID, db1.dbo.Referral.Term,


It is clear from teh above - that the expected MedicalCodeID = 33959 and NOT NULL. I dont understand why SQL added the COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS to the query - am working on a database developed by another person. Could it be the ACode and ReadCode in dbo.lkupMedical is not set up with SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS. How to implement to LkupMedical table....

I changed HIGHLIGHTED JOIN to Inner/Right but it never yielded any results, no record found..

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Select Sum() Returns Null

Jan 21, 2004


i have the following query to sum the total due balance for a customer:

select sum(outstanding)from out where customer = 'myvariable' the problem is when the customer has no outstanding it returns NULL is there a way to return 0 when there are no outstanding?


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@@servername Returns NULL

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to script out the creation of database scripts. I am tryingto use @@servername in the statement. I found out the select@@servername returns NULL. I used sp_dropserver to drop any servernamesfirst, restarted SQL, ran sp_addserver 'servername' to add theservername, restarted SQL. select @@servername still returns NULL...Any ideas why this may be happening?Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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ExecuteScalar Returns Null

Oct 25, 2006

I am using the following C# code and T-SQL to get result object from aSQL Server database. When my application runs, the ExecuteScalarreturns "10/24/2006 2:00:00 PM" if inserting a duplicated record. Itreturns null for all other conditions. Does anyone know why? Doesanyone know how to get the output value? Thanks.------ C# -----aryParams = {'10/24/2006 2pm', '10/26/2006 3pm', 2821077, null};object oRtnObject = null;StoredProcCommandWrapper =myDb.GetStoredProcCommandWrapper(strStoredProcName ,aryParams);oRtnObject = myDb.ExecuteScalar(StoredProcCommandWrapper);------ T-SQL ---ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[procmyCalendarInsert]@pBegin datetime,@pEnd datetime,@pUserId int,@pOutput varchar(200) outputASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;select * from myCalendarwhere beginTime >= @pBegin and endTime <= @pEnd and userId = @pUserIdif @@rowcount <0beginprint 'Path 1'set @pOutput = 'Duplicated reservation'select @pOutput as 'Result'return -1endelsebeginprint 'Path 2'-- check if upperlimit (2) is reachedselect rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30))),count(rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30))))from myCalendargroup by rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30)))having count(rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30)))) =2and (rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30))) =rtrim(cast(@pBegin as varchar(20)))+ ', ' + rtrim(cast(@pEnd asvarchar(20))))-- If the @@rowcount is not equal to 0 then-- at the time between @pBegin and @pEnd the maximum count of 2 isreachedif @@rowcount <0beginprint 'Path 3'set @pOutput = '2 reservations are already taken for the hours'select @pOutput as 'Result'return -1endelsebeginprint 'Path 4'--safe to insertinsert dbo.myCalendar(beginTime, endTime,userId)values (@pBegin, @pEnd, @pUserId)if @@error = 0beginprint 'Path 4:1 @@error=' + cast(@@error as varchar(1))print 'Path 4:1 @@rowcount=' + cast(@@rowcount as varchar(1))set @pOutput = 'Reservation succeeded'select @pOutput as 'Result'return 0endelsebeginprint 'Path 4:2 @@rowcount=' + cast(@@rowcount as varchar(1))set @pOutput = 'Failed to make reservation'select @pOutput as 'Result'return -1endendendEND

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AcquireConnection Returns Null Value

Mar 18, 2007

I have the following code in my custom source component's AcquireConnection method -

if (ComponentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager != null)


ConnectionManager cm = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager(ComponentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager);

ConnectionManagerAdoNet cmado = cm.InnerObject as ConnectionManagerAdoNet;

if (cmado == null)

throw new Exception("The ConnectionManager " + cm.Name + " is not an ADO.NET connection.");

// Get the underlying connection object.
this.oledbConnection = cmado.AcquireConnection(transaction) as OleDbConnection;

if (oledbConnection == null)

throw new Exception("The ConnectionManager is not an ADO.NET connection.");

isConnected = true;


The value of oledbConnection is null.

I am trying to invoke the above method within a package that I am trying to create dynamically. Any help ?

private const string ADONETConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Integrated Security=True;";

ConnectionManager PubTRCM = package.Connections.Add("ADO.NET:OLEDB");

PubTRCM.Name = "PubTR";

PubTRCM.ConnectionString = String.Format(ADONETConnectionString, paramPubServer, paramPubTRDB);

#region Create OLEDB Source Component

//Create a OLEDB Source Component
IDTSComponentMetaData90 Source = dataFlow.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
Source.Name = "OLEDBSource";

Source.ComponentClassID = typeof(Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.Dts.AdoSourceSample).AssemblyQualifiedName;

//Get the design time instance of the source
CManagedComponentWrapper SourceDesignTime = Source.Instantiate();

//Initialize the component

if (Source.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0)
Source.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = PubTRCM.ID;
Source.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(PubTRCM);

SourceDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("SqlStatement", "Select PlantId from PlantDim");

//Reinitialize the metadata


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AcquireConnection Returns Null

May 15, 2006


we are facing some issue to get the underlying OledbConnection from the runtime ConnectionManager.

below is the code sample that we are using

IDtsConnectionService conService = (IDtsConnectionService)this.serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDtsConnectionService));

if (conService == null)


ArrayList conCollection = conService.GetConnectionsOfType("OLEDB");

for (int count = 0; count < conCollection.Count; count++)


string conName = ((ConnectionManager)conCollection[count]).Name;

if (conName == conMgrname)


conMgr = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90((ConnectionManager)conCollection[count]);

ConnectionManager cm = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager(conMgr);

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ConnectionManagerAdoNet cmado = cm.InnerObject as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ConnectionManagerAdoNet;

OleDbConnection conn= cmado.AcquireConnection(null) as OleDbConnection;



In the sample above the conn is null.

To this query Darren replied to use the connection of type ADO.NET:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 to create the connection.

Your call to GetConnectionsOfType("OLEDB"); will return native OLE-DB connections, not ADO.NET connections, using the OleDbConnection.

The connection type for the ADo>NET OLE-DB connection is -

ADO.NET:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089

but if user creates an New OLEDB Connection from the Connection Manager panel of the BIDS and selects the same from the custom UI how to get the underlying OLEDBConnection? the CreationName in this case is "OLEDB" and not ADO.NET:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089.

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Decrypting Returns A NULL Value

Apr 26, 2007

I find it weird when decrypting a column from a baked up database and restoring it to another database. Here's the scenario:

Server1 has Database1.
Database1 has Table1 with two columns encyrpted -- Card Number and SS Number
Encryption and decryption in this Database1 is perfectly fine. Records are encrypted and can be decrypted too.
Now, I tried to backup this Database1 and restore it to another server with SQL 2005 instance called Server2. Of course the columns Card and SS Numbers were encrypted. I tried decrypting the columns using the same command to decrypt in Database1, however, it returns a NULL value

Here's exactly what I did to create the encyprtion and decryption keys on the restored database:
-- Create the master key encryption

-- Create a symetric key
ENCRYPTION BY Password='myPassword';

-- Create Card Certificate
CREATE CERTIFICATE myCert WITH SUBJECT = 'My Certificate on this Server';

-- Change symmetric key

-- I then verified if the key is opened
SELECT * FROM sys.openkeys

If I create a new database, say Database2 from that Server2, create table, master key, certificate, and symmetric key. Encrpytion and decryption on Database2 will work!

Any suggestions gurus? I tried all searches and help for almost 2 weeks regarding this issue but nobody could resolve this.

Thanks in advance!


3 Posts

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@@servername Returns NULL Value

Mar 9, 2006

I have a SQL 2005 clustered server which is returning a Null value for @@servername. I find the server entry in sysservers. I have replication configured on this so i am not able to do a Sp_dropserver & sp_addserver as this acts as a publisher. The configured merge repication stopped working because of this issue and I am not able to delete replication as the the delete option uses @@servername which returns a null value. So I am struck in a loop.

Any advice is appreciated.


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Concatenated Column Returns Null

Mar 7, 2008

Hi folks,I have an issue with a column I created in my query called Instance.SELECT Object_Id, Event_type, Audience, Subject, Provider, Academic_Year, Start_date, End_date, CONVERT(varchar, Academic_Year) + ' (' + CONVERT(varchar, Start_date, 103) + ') : ' + Event_type AS InstanceFROM EventsORDER BY Event_type Above is my query. The problem is because the start date column can be null, it also returns the Instance column as null for that row.I thought it would have just missed out the date and display the rest, but it doesn't.Is there any way I could get the Instance column to display a value, when the start date is null?ThanksEdit: Managed to sort it using ISNULL()

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Scheduledefinition.Item Returns Always Null

Jan 4, 2007

Hi All,

I have a built an application to manage the report-subscription on my ReportServer.
I'm having some troubles with retrieving the subscription properties.

My problem:
I can retrieve all my propertie except the schedule definition, when I deserialize it, the Sceduledefenition.Item always returns null.

I use the next code to deserialize it:
private XmlAttributeOverrides GetSchedule()
XmlAttributeOverrides xmlAttrOverride = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
XmlAttributes XmlAttr = new XmlAttributes();
XmlAttr.Xmlns = false;
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(ScheduleDefinition), XmlAttr);
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(MinuteRecurrence), XmlAttr);
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(DailyRecurrence), XmlAttr);
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(WeeklyRecurrence), XmlAttr);
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(MonthlyRecurrence), XmlAttr);
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(MonthlyDOWRecurrence), XmlAttr);
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(DaysOfWeekSelector), XmlAttr);
xmlAttrOverride.Add(typeof(MonthsOfYearSelector), XmlAttr);
return xmlAttrOverride;

private ScheduleDefinition DeserializeScheduleDefenition(string MatchData)
XmlAttributeOverrides xmlAttrOverride = GetSchedule();
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ScheduleDefinition),xmlAttrOverride);
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(MatchData));
stream.Position = 0;
return (ScheduleDefinition)ser.Deserialize(stream);

I'have tried almost everything, but could not find the solution.

Please, this is very important for me, so every tip or shared thought could be very helpfull.

Thnx in advance

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Computed Column Returns Null

Nov 16, 2007

How do you prevent SQL from returning a null value for a computed column?

The following formula returns blank if any of the values are blank ... pftitle allows nulls, the other two are required on Insert.

(((([pflastname]+', ')+[pffirstname])+' - ')+[pftitle])

Where can I find the documentation of computed field operators and expressions?

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ISNULL With Logical AND Returns Null

Oct 22, 2006

Im having some unexpected results from combining ISNULL with logical and '&&' and conditions '?:' in derived columns.

This works and returns A or B.
(ISNULL(Col1) && Col2 == "X") ? "A" : "B"

This fails returning Null when Col1 is null
(Col2 == "X" && ISNULL(Col1)) ? "A" : "B"

This fails returning null when Col1 is null
(ISNULL(Col1) && Col2 == "X") ? "A" : (ISNULL(Col1) && Col2 == "Y") ? "B" : "C"

I've applied service pack one and still have the issue. I've also tried using ISNULL in a condion like (ISNULL(Col1) ? TRUE : FALSE)

Anyone else seen this behavior?

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