How To Select Unique Row When Entire Row Not Unique?

Mar 12, 2008

I am having a problem trying to figure out the best way to get the results I need. I have a table of part numbers that is joined with a table of notes. The table of notes is specific to the part number and user. A row in the notes table is only created if the user has entered notes on that part number. I need to create a search that grabs all matches on a keyword and returns the records. The problem is that it currently returns a row from the parts table with no notes and a separate row with the notes included if they had created an entry. It seems like this should be easy but it eludes me today.
Here is the code

Code Snippet
create procedure SearchPartKeyword
@Keyword varchar(250) = null,
@Universal_Id varchar(10) = null
select p.PartNumber, p.Description, p.ServiceOrderable, n.MyNotes, p.LargestAssembly, p.DMM,
p.Legacy, p.Folder, p.Printer
from Parts p inner join notes n on p.PartNumber = n.Identifier
where n.Universal_ID = @Universal_ID and p.Description like @Keyword
select p.PartNumber, p.Description, p.ServiceOrderable, '' as MyNotes, p.LargestAssembly,
p.DMM, p.Legacy, p.Folder, p.Printer
from Parts p
where p.Description like @Keyword

and the results:
PartNo Description SO Notes LA DMM Legacy Folder Printer
de90008 MAIN BOARD 1 DGF1 114688 0 0 0
de90008 MAIN BOARD 1 I love this part Really I do DGF1 114688 0 0 0

This could return multiple part numbers and If they have entered notes I want the row with the notes

Thank You
Dominic Mancl

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SQL Server 2012 :: Failing On Update With Unique Index Error (Not Unique)

Jul 5, 2015

This index is not unique


Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Procedure DFP_report_load, Line 161
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DFP_Reports_History' with unique index 'ix_report_history_creative_id'.

The duplicate key value is (40736326382, 1, 2015-07-03, 67618862, 355324).
Msg 3621, Level 0, State 0, Procedure DFP_report_load, Line 161

The statement has been terminated.

Exception in Task: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DFP_Reports_History' with unique index 'ix_report_history_creative_id'. The duplicate key value is (40736326382, 1, 2015-07-03, 67618862, 355324).

The statement has been terminated.

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What Is The Difference Between A UNIQUE INDEX And A UNIQUE CONSTRAINT?

Sep 22, 2004

A UNIQUE INDEX must inherently impose a unique constraint and a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT is most likely implemented via a UNIQUE INDEX. So what is the difference? When you create in Enterprise Manager you must select one or the other.

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Unique Constraint Vs Unique Index In MS SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

HelloWhat should I use for better perfomance sinceunique constraint always use index ?ThanksKamil

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Unique Constraint And Unique Index, What's The Difference?

Jun 24, 2006

What's the difference in the effect of the followings:

I found there're two settings in Indexs/Keys dialog box of the management studio, Is Unique, and Type. The DDL statements above are generated by setting Is Unique to yes plus Type to Index, and just Type to Unique Key, respectively. What's the difference between them?

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Unique Index Vs Unique Constraint

Mar 7, 2001

Hi everyone,
I need urgent help to resolve this issue...
As far as the performance goes which one is better..
Unique Index(col1, col2) OR Unique constraint(col1, col2) ?
Unique constraint automatically adds a unique index
and unique index takes care of uniqueness then whats the use of unique constraint ?

Which one do one use ?


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Unique Constraint Vs Unique Index

Jan 20, 2006

BOL says a unique constraint is preferred over a unique index. It also states that a unique constraint creates a unique index. What then is the difference between the two, and why is a constraint preferred over the index?

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Unique Index Vs Unique Constraints

Mar 26, 2008

hi team,
.Can i create umique constraint with out unique index.when i am creating a unique constraint sql creates a unique index (default) can i have only unique constraint ?

View 12 Replies View Related

What 's Difference Between Unique Key And Unique Index

Nov 13, 2007

What 's difference between Unique key and unique index in SQL server 2005?

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Select Unique

Aug 25, 2005

We have a transaction record that, for the sake of brevity, I will usea simple paradigm to convey my need:A sales clerk sells several pairs of shoes over the period of a day,each & every day the clerk works. Each transaction is recorded ina database. All clerks use a single physical register but login tocapture unique ID. As each clerk logs in, it automatically logs outthe prior user and writes a zero-dollar record.Each record logs the RcdNbr, clerk's ID, date-timestamp and salesamount. (Other fields not pertinent to this discussion)Example:Rcd...CID...yyyy-mmdd.hhmm...Sale001...ABC...2005-0101.0850...10.00002...ABC...2005-0101.0930...00.00003...DEF...2005-0101.1000...15.51004...DEF...2005-0101.1200...00.00005...ABC...2005-0101.1300...12.83006...ABC...2005-0101.1530...00.00The above is unsorted. I would first sort by CID (ClerkID) to get:Rcd...CID...yyyy-mmdd.hhmm...Sale001...ABC...2005-0101.0850...10.00002...ABC...2005-0101.0930...00.00005...ABC...2005-0101.1300...12.83006...ABC...2005-0101.1530...00.00003...DEF...2005-0101.1000...15.51004...DEF...2005-0101.1200...00.00As a double-check of a clerk's actual worked hours we want to extractthe last record for each clerk for each day. In the above sample, I'dneed records 004 & 006.The transaction file covers 6 months worth of data.Is there a statement that I can construct that would extract the last(greatest?) time for each clerk for each day?

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Unique Select

Dec 19, 2007

There is a table called tblPrices with fields
Security_ID int
Bid_Price decimal(12, 4)
Ask_Price decimal(12, 4)
Price_Quote_Date smalldatetime
In this table there are thousands of records. For each Security_ID, there are several records with different Price_Quote_Dates
What I would like to have is:
A select query which shows every single Security_ID with the prices for the LATEST date that there is a price for that Security_ID
1,100, 102.32, 1/12/2005
1, 43, 76.33, 6/12/2005
2,65.77, 45.76, 12/12/2007
1, 43, 76.33, 6/12/2005
2,65.77, 45.76, 12/12/2007

This is what I have started but it is not correct yet because the Security_IDs are repeated
group by

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Select Unique Rows For All Columns

May 17, 2007

Using DISTINCT with SELECT have effect only for one column.
But when is needed to select (or to count) queries for all rows for all columns in a table without duplicates, doesn't work.

Select DISTINCT a1,a2,a3,a4 From Y ---> results 167 rows
Select DISTINCT a4 From Y ---> " 85 rows

Any thoughts?


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Select Latest Row When ID Has One Or More Rows And Each ID Unique From And To Date

Dec 8, 2013

I have a equipment table and the equipment has a coding for each place / location or custody it has had during its life. I need to select the latest (newest) row for each piece of equipment by getting the newest from_date and to_date field combination.The following is an example. I know how to get MAX date for one column but not with two columns (from and to DATES).



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How To Use Distinct To Select Unique Records But Without Sorting ?

May 30, 2008


I need to select unique records from a Table. I'm using Distinct Keyword for this purpose. But the result set is showing distinct records in sorted order. I do'nt want to sort records. I need the order in which they are created in table.

Please suggest me the solution for this problem.



Avinash Vyas

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Need Help W/ SELECT From One Table, One Field, Multiple Unique Records

Apr 22, 2006

I'm new to MS SQL and VB. I have a table with one field JOB_NAME containing 20 records. Out of that field I want to retrieve 6 of the 20 records into a pulldown menu. They are all unique text names like so:

Anna Smith
John Doe

etc. I did not see IDs listed for any of the names in the table when I looked.

There is no common denominator to the names that can be filtered in the SELECT statement, and the 6 that I want will need to be pulled out individually.

Is there a way to do this with a SELECT statement? I have not found much information about how to extract unique records out of a single field. Here's the statement I'm using which pulls all of them:


This gives me the total list but I only want to bring back 6 of the 20 for the pulldown.

Is there a way to modify this statement to pull only the records that I want?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Select Unique Country / Date Pairs With Self Join

Sep 16, 2013

I have built a sample table, query, and results for this question. I am using SQL server.

declare @TableX Table
Date Date not null,
ID int not null,
Tick varchar(6) not null
INSERT @tableX

[Code] ....

Expected results:
DATE(No column name)count

I want to select unique country - date pairs. It is not even necessary to have the count of each one, just the list of unique country/dates.

My query here uses 'group by' to accomplish this task, but there may be a way to do this with a self join. I believe using a self join would make the query faster.

1) Is this possible to do with a self join?

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How Can I Do Amalgamate 3 Select Queries And Then Get Unique Entries From The Result

Mar 7, 2006

Hi AllStrange request I know, but could somebody give me pointers on how I can put3 queries into 1 'thing' and then get only the unique entries from this'thing'.To explain, I'm using Excel/VBA/ODBC to query an SQL DB. The 3 queriesthemselves aren't that complex and all return the same 2 fieldsets of stockcode and stock desc. Because these separate queries might bring back thesame stock code/description I need to amalgamate the data and then queryagain to bring out only distinct stock values, eg:Query 1 brings back:stock code stock descIVP Invoice PaperSTP Statement PaperKGC Keyboard Coveretc... etc...Query 2 brings back:stock code stock descIVP Invoice PaperBOB Back PackKGC Keyboard Coveretc... etc...Query 3 brings back:stock code stock descKGC Keyboard Cover3.5"D 3.5" Disksetc... etc...I need to produce 1 resultset that shows:stock code stock descIVP Invoice PaperBOB Back Pack3.5"D 3.5" DisksKGC Keyboard CoverSTP Statement Paperetc... etc...(all unique entries)I'm currently just bringing back the 3 query results in Excel, but I'd liketo be able to do the above.In light of I'm using Excel/VBA/ODBC on a PC, is it possible to do?ThanksRobbie

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Transact SQL :: Select Unique From Table If Specific Value Does Not Exists

Jul 31, 2015

I have a table that has for each shop a value that can change over time.For example

BK_POS 1 --> Segment A
BK_POS 1 --> Segment /

What I would like to achieve is to get all distinct Shops (BK_POS) from the table above, but if for that specific pos a row exists where the segment = "/" then I do not want to take this BK_POS in my select query.More concrete, the for example above I do not want to select BK_POS 1 because he has one row where the segment = "/".

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Transact SQL :: SELECT Unique Values In Single Column?

Jun 8, 2015

I have the following two tables...


I need to write a select query that gets the values of all columns but only returns unique sites because some sites are load balanced across several servers and where this is the case I don't want the site to appear multiple times in the list.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Select Query - Unique Orders For Date Range?

Aug 27, 2014

I have an Orders table which has the following fields:

OrderID (PK, int, auto increment, not null)
CustomerID (FK, int, null)
PaymentDate (datetime, null)
UserID (uniqueidentifier)

(and other irrelevant fields)

Basically, for a specific PaymentDate range (29th July 2014 - 26th August 2014, inclusive) I want to select all orders where they only appear once in the orders table based on the CustomerID, so I only want to know about them if they have a paid order (decided by PaymentDate not being null) in that date range, but also taking into account if they have ever had a paid order outside of that date range. I'll also be joining on to the aspnet_Users table to get the username assigned to that order.

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Select Unique Phone Number Contacts For Same Ranked Values From The Set

Apr 30, 2015

Below is my sample data. I can't figure out how to select Unique phonenumber contacts for the same Ranked values from the set.

Basically the table is a mix of contactIDs. Some of them have duplicate phone numbers and through a separate mechanism we have ranked them.

It's easier then to pull out max(ranked) CLI_Numbers and their counterpart contactID(s). But I am also getting 2 or more records where the rank happens to be the same. I don't want that. Any one of the contactID will do for me.

The table has also same cliNumbers with different rank values, which are then correctly being picked up in the query below.

Note: ContactId is a unique value for each person in the table.
RecordID is simply RowID.

( I have attempted to populate a sample data suited for this forum - not sure how it comes out on the browser)

if object_id('tempdb..#MyData') is not null
drop table #MyData
create table #MyData
RecordID int,
contactID int,
forename varchar(25),
surname varchar(25),

[Code] ....

This is my query attempt

With RankedmobileDuplicateSet
select cliNumber, max(ranked_value) as ranked_max_value
from #temp_UK_mobiledata
group by cliNumber)

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Use Unique Identifiers In Where Clause Not In Select Statement

Jun 8, 2015

I have a two tables each having a uniqueidentifier column person_id

I am trying to a select statement where I want a list of the person_id's in one table that are not in another table.

-- insert into wch_needed those who need checked

insert into #wch_needed (person_id, rendered_by )
select distinct e.person_id, e.rendered_by
from #wch_who o, encounter e
where o.person_id not in (select distinct person_id from #wch_have )
and o.person_id = e.person_id

the where conditional

where o.person_id not in (select distinct person_id from #wch_have )

does not work.

How can I do this?

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A Unique Unique Constraint

May 1, 2008

Here is the table I created:

create table Test (
[recId] [int] identity(1, 1) not null,
[code] [varchar](50) not null,
[prime] [bit] not null constraint [DF_Test_prime] default (cast(0 as bit)),
constraint [PK_Test] primary key clustered
) with fillfactor = 90 on [primary]
) on [primary]

insert into Test (code, prime) values ('AVA', cast(1 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('BUS', cast(1 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('BUS', cast(0 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('BUS', cast(0 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('CAR', cast(1 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('CAR', cast(0 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('RLW', cast(1 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('RLW', cast(0 as bit))
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('RLW', cast(0 as bit))

select *
from Test

I need to create a constraint on this table that will not allow me to have two rows that are prime for the same code. So the following insert statement should fail:

-- This should fail
insert into Test (code, prime) values ('RLW', cast(1 as bit))

Thanks for you help!


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SQL Server 2014 :: Error On Unique Index - Duplicate Key When Insert / Select

Aug 4, 2014

I have an issue where I am getting an error on an unique index.

I know why I am getting the error but not sure how to get around it.

The query does a check on whether a unique value exists in the Insert/Select. If I run it one record at a time (SELECT TOP 1...) it works fine and just won't update it if the record exists.

But if I do it in a batch, I get the error. I assume this is because it does the checking on the file before records are written out and then writes out the records one at a time from a temporary table.

It thinks all the records are unique because it compares the records one at a time to the original table (where there would be no duplicates). But it doesn't check the records against each other. Then when it actually writes out the record, the duplicate is there.

How do I do a batch where the Insert/Select would write out the records without the duplicates as it does when I do it one record at a time.

Name varchar(50),
Email varchar (40)
Insert #TestTable (Name,Email) Values('Tom', '')

[Code] .....

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Unique Key

Apr 5, 2007

in sql server 2000
i know how to make primary key using enterprise manager
i want to make one of the columns foreign key,how to do that using enterprise manager.and what is the difference  between both.

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PK Not Unique ?

Jan 19, 2001

I have one table called agents.

In this table there are two columns, one called "company number" (NUMBER) and one called "company name" (VARCHAR). I have an index called agents_PK that are unique and indexes both columns with company number as first and company name as second in the column order.

But when I look at the data in the column company number its not unique, I find several rows with the same number.

How come ?

Regards Mattias

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Not Unique

Nov 3, 2005

How do I write a select statement that finds items in a table that are not unique between two fields using the following?


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Unique IDs

May 13, 2004

I've always used the identity field in SQL server to maintain the unique id for a table. With the new DB design at work we brought in a dba and she made us move away from allowing SQL maintain the unique field and having us maintain the unique field in code. To do that we had to begin a transaction, do a select max(id) + 1, insert into table, commit transaction. Doing it this way, I'm starting to see deadlocks due to the transactions locking the table.

Getting down to what I wanted to know, what is the pro's/con's you guys see in maintaining the unique ID this way and is there a better way of creating an unique id in T-SQL code?


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Reg Unique Key

May 14, 2008

I know that primary key is a unique key .I read somewhere that a table can have both primary key and unique key at a time .Am I Right?Pl give clarification as asap.
Thank U

vedavathi zend

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Unique Id

Jan 31, 2007

I am using the sql function unique id ( create a new default call it newid and then give it the value newid() ) The problem is I'm trying to automatically populate that uniqueid field with the random 36 bit character. if I create a new record it will create the 36bit character, but how do I add the 36bit character to an existing table?

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Unique Key

Jun 1, 2007

Dear experts,
if i've created one unique key on one column, will it creates an index on that? if so, is there any way to find how every index was created?

i mean wether it was created with create index or it was created while the primary key or unique key creation.

thank you very much....i've been using the PBGUY query

Select * from

(select object_name( [Object],index_col(object_name(, si.indid, sk.keyno) [Column_Name],

case when (si.status & 16)<> 0 then 'clustered'

else 'nonclustered' end [Index Type]

from sysindexes si join sysindexkeys sk

on = and si.indid = sk.indid and si.indid between 1 and 254 and (si.status & 64)=0 ) as b
where Column_Name is not null

thank you very much

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Unique Name

Mar 29, 2008

Hi guys,

I need your help!

May I know what can I do to get a single name using the sample table below?
name account
a 1
a 2
a 3
b 1
b 2
c 2
d 3
e 1
e 2

result will be

name account
a 1
b 2
c 2
d 3
e 2

I just want to get all single names

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Jul 24, 2007

Hello SQL gurus, can you help me with a problem.
I have an Access Database and a table containing a list of currency values.
I want to query this table to find out if there are any unique values, that is, an amount that only appears once in the table. Its probably very simple but I cannot work it out. The table is called Bids and the Field that I want to query is called Bids_value.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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