How To Use Distinct To Select Unique Records But Without Sorting ?

May 30, 2008


I need to select unique records from a Table. I'm using Distinct Keyword for this purpose. But the result set is showing distinct records in sorted order. I do'nt want to sort records. I need the order in which they are created in table.

Please suggest me the solution for this problem.



Avinash Vyas

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SELECT DISTINCT And Sorting Problem...

May 4, 2005

Hi all,
I have a SELECT DISTINCT and sorting problem.
I work at a college and our department has resources such as CD players, Projectors etc that staff can book for a certain time and room.  The table I have for these bookings records multiple records for each booking because I’m recording the time slots as well.  It’s a bit like this:
BookingID: 1, RefNo: 234543, ResourceID: 5, TimeSlotID: 4, TheDate: 04/05/2005BookingID: 2, RefNo: 234543, ResourceID: 5, TimeSlotID: 5, TheDate: 04/05/2005BookingID: 3, RefNo: 234543, ResourceID: 5, TimeSlotID: 6, TheDate: 04/05/2005BookingID: 4, RefNo: 234543, ResourceID: 5, TimeSlotID: 7, TheDate: 04/05/2005
That would be one booking but across 4 time slots, relating to actual times during the day.  I realise this probably isn’t normalised but I’ve done it now and ran into a problem.
I need to select distinct on the RefNo column to return only one record for each booking, but I also need to sort the data by the date and time, so that the today’s are at the top, and in time order.
Without doing a complete redesign of the data structure, can anyone help?

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Select Distinct Records

Oct 10, 2007

 Hello, I have the following tables: declare @B table (Bid int identity, description varchar(50)) declare @P table (Pid int identity, Bid int, description varchar(50)) declare @T table (Tid int identity, description varchar(50)) declare @TinP table (TinPid int identity, Tid int, Pid int) insert into @B (description) select 'B1' insert into @B (description) select 'B2' insert into @P (description, Bid) select 'P1', 1 insert into @P (description, Bid) select 'P2', 1 insert into @P (description, Bid) select 'P3', 2 insert into @T (description) select 'T1' insert into @T (description) select 'T2' insert into @T (description) select 'T3' insert into @TinP (Tid, Pid) select 1, 2 insert into @TinP (Tid, Pid) select 2, 2 insert into @TinP (Tid, Pid) select 3, 3 select * from @B select * from @P select * from @T select * from @TinP I need to get all records in T (Tid and description) which are related to a given BId So for @Bi = 1 I would get: Tid   Description 1     T1 2     T2 So I need the distinct values. How to solve this? Thanks, Miguel

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How To Select Distinct Records From 3 Or More Tables...?

Jun 1, 2001

Attached is my select query, but it is returning the database values twice.

Can anyone tell me how I tell it to stop! A sub query I guess....

dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_ID, dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_Source, dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_Approved, dbo.Lead_Entry.Solution, dbo.Lead_Entry.Lead_Date,
dbo.Customer_Company.Company_Name, dbo.Customer_Contacts.Contact_Name
FROM dbo.Customer_Contacts INNER JOIN
dbo.Customer_Company ON dbo.Customer_Contacts.Company_ID = dbo.Customer_Company.Company_ID CROSS JOIN

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Select Distinct Records With Multiple Joins

Mar 13, 2008

I have 3 table as below:




one company can have multiple shareholders and directors records.

i create a search query where users might search by company name, secretary name , shareholder name or directors name.
My select query is like below:


SELECT dsf.dsf_id, dsf.company_name,
dsf.incorporation_date, dsf.secretary_name,
s.shareholders_name, d.directors_name
FROM tbl_dsf dsf
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_directors d on dsf.dsf_id = d.dsf_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_shareholders s on dsf.dsf_id = s.dsf_id

The result for above query would be like:


abc | 1/2/1999 | william | marry | donna
abc | 1/2/1999 | william | jenna | donna
abc | 1/2/1999 | william | jolly | donna
abc | 1/2/1999 | william | marry | dolly
abc | 1/2/1999 | william | jenna | dolly
abc | 1/2/1999 | william | jolly | dolly

Is it possible to achive result as below:


abc | 1/2/1999 | william | marry,jenna,jolly | donna,dolly


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Transact SQL :: Exclude A Distinct Records From Select When One Condition Is True?

May 28, 2015

I have customers named Alex (Cid=1), Bob (Cid=2), and Carrie (Cid=3) in a table customer.


I have products name Gin (Pid=1), Scotch (Pid=2) and Vodka (Pid=3) in a table products.


And I have a table that holds purchase called Customer_Purchases that contain the following records:


I would like to make a marketing list for all customers that purchased Gin or Scotch but exclude customers that purchased Vodka. The result I am looking for would return only 2 records: Cid’s 1 (Alex) and 3 (Carrie) but not 2 (because Bob bought Vodka).

I know how to make a SELECT DISTINCT statement but as soon as I include Pid=2 This clearly doesn’t work :

WHERE        (Cid = 1) OR
(Cid = 3) OR
(Cid <> 2)

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Need Help W/ SELECT From One Table, One Field, Multiple Unique Records

Apr 22, 2006

I'm new to MS SQL and VB. I have a table with one field JOB_NAME containing 20 records. Out of that field I want to retrieve 6 of the 20 records into a pulldown menu. They are all unique text names like so:

Anna Smith
John Doe

etc. I did not see IDs listed for any of the names in the table when I looked.

There is no common denominator to the names that can be filtered in the SELECT statement, and the 6 that I want will need to be pulled out individually.

Is there a way to do this with a SELECT statement? I have not found much information about how to extract unique records out of a single field. Here's the statement I'm using which pulls all of them:


This gives me the total list but I only want to bring back 6 of the 20 for the pulldown.

Is there a way to modify this statement to pull only the records that I want?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Sorting And Grouping Question By Allowing Users To Select The Sorting Field

Feb 11, 2007

I have a report where I am giving the users a parameter so that they can select which field they would like to sort on.The report is also grouping by that field. I have a gruping section, where i have added code to group on the field I want based on this parameter, however I also would like to changing the sorting order but I checked around and I did not find any info.

So here is my example. I am showing sales order info.The user can sort and group by SalesPerson or Customer. Right now, I have code on my dataset to sort by SalesPerson Code and Order No.So far the grouping workds, however the sorting does not.

Any suggestions would help.


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Select DISTINCT On Multiple Columns Is Not Returning Distinct Rows?

Jul 6, 2007

Hi, I have the following script segment which is failing:

CREATE TABLE #LatLong (Latitude DECIMAL, Longitude DECIMAL, PRIMARY KEY (Latitude, Longitude))

INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache

When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."

Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.

The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.

Any ideas?

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May 4, 2007

I have a problem with a SQL SELECT query. As far as my research goes i figured out that UNIQUE is used when you have one column that you whant unique and DISTINCT is used when you have more than one column that you want to all be unique. But i have a query where i want just some of the columns to be unique and some not. Here is the full query (It's in a stored procedure):

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rpt_ExecSum_Combined_4fields](@BondGroupID int)
SUM(dbo.Bond.LoanAmount) AS SumOfBondValue, COUNT(dbo.Bond.BondID) AS CountOfBond, dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType
dbo.TransactionTable ON dbo.BondGroup.BondGroupID = dbo.TransactionTable.BondGroupID INNER JOIN
dbo.Bond ON dbo.TransactionTable.TransactionID = dbo.Bond.TransactionID INNER JOIN
dbo.ProgressStep ON dbo.TransactionTable.TransactionID = dbo.ProgressStep.TransactionID INNER JOIN
dbo.ProgressStepType ON dbo.ProgressStep.ProgressStepTypeID = dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepTypeID
WHERE (dbo.BondGroup.BondGroupID = @BondGroupID)

GROUP BY dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType, dbo.ProgressStep.ProgressStepID
HAVING (dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'AIP (Approval in Principle) received') OR
(dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'Grants') OR
(dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'Attorney') OR
(dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType = 'Feedback received from bank')
ORDER BY dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType

With the DISTINCT it gives me a full set of unique values but what i want is this: Every CountOfBond may have more than one SumOfBondValue and they may be the same, but if there is more than one dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType the query should only read it once. In other words the dbo.ProgressStepType.ProgressStepType is a unique value and the rest not...

Please help, my boss is on my case :)

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Update ONLY When Unique Or Distinct

Nov 7, 2007

Im running updates on a table. I would like to only update the table with new records. Right now, Im running a query that will only update the records that were added yesterday. Here is my code:

FROM GRAB where BKDATE = convert(varchar(8), getdate()-1, 112)

I would like to Update like this (incorrect syntax):

FROM GRAB where FCN is distinct

I know the above is incorrect.... what would be correct?

Thanks again

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Distinct Count Fall Under Unique ID

Feb 19, 2014

Aim- Need to count how many [FDMSAccountNo] fall under a unique parentid

This is my query

FROM [FDMS].[dbo].[Dim_Outlet]
where ParentID = '878028271889'

Which produces the following, The number of fdmsaccountno under parentid is two. Its two because one of the fdmsaccountno is = to parentid

FDMSAccountNo ParentID

Desired result

Parentid #_of_outlets
878028271889 2

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Distinct, Unique, Group By, 'Footing'?

Jun 13, 2007

I created an ouput text file that was perfect until specs were revised today to add quarterly tax and deduction summations for each employee. (Expected turnaround time for new spec: today!)

So my employee record now has 8 records (which I expected) because I had to join it to the pay_summary table. Like this:

+ COALESCE(CONVERT(char(4),'97 '),'')
and many more fields
from employees as e
JOIN emp_taxes as t on e.employee_no = t.employee_no
LEFT OUTER JOIN pay_summary AS p ON e.employee_no = p.employee_no

dateadd(d, 0, datediff(d, 0, p.dated)) BETWEEN '20061231' AND '20070401'

and e.record_status not like 'D'
and t.tax_authority_type = 'F'
and e.company_no = '2' and e.employee_no = t.employee_no

order by e.employee_no

There are 6 or so fields I intend to sum as records to go into the
file. In another language, in order to get one record per employee_no, the syntax would be like this:

sort on employee_no
footing at employee_no
report field_a field_b field_c subtotal field_e field_f subtotal

in which case fields c and f are numeric and summed from the multiple pay_summary records.

What is the (most efficient) SQL command to give only one record per
employee while summing all the detail records?

I can't thank you guys enough for this forum.


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Distinct Vs. Unique Index In Stored Procedure

Jun 10, 2004

Hi All,

I'm struggling with this one.
We have a Street database that can contain multiple entries for one record in our main table. We don't wish to pass duplicate rows back to our end user so I wish to get distinct recno's (the unique identifier for the main table) back from our Street Table.

We have a stored procedure that currently uses Select distinct Recno but I think this is slower than if I used a unique index with ignore_dup_key. Problem is that when I alter the stored procedure it looks like the functionality of the LIKE function is somehow altered. For example Like 'King%' fails to return anything but Like 'King St%' does. I suspect it is the fact that the error "Server: Msg 3604, Level 16, State 1, Procedure" is being generated. How do I code around this server side.

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Transact SQL :: Creating A View Using DISTINCT And Not Getting Unique Results?

Sep 21, 2015

I am building a view to be used to drill down into a Lightswitch app I'm building and to drive this I want to use a view based off the selection of that value several other values will be given to the user to choose from related to the first selection. I've created a view using the following statement:

FROM dbo.csr_standards_cmsars

 but the results come back with ALL the records of the source table (509 rows) when there should have only been 29 rows returned (the appropriate number of families or unique groups).  The index is necessary to have Lightswitch use the view as a data source.what I'm doing wrong here?

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Sorting Records??

Jul 7, 2000

I have a table with a composite primary key (ie a,b, autoInteger)
that includes an auto-incrementing system generated integer.

How do I sort out the records such that if a and b above repeat, I only
get the records with the highest autoInteger?

Thanks for any suggestions

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Sorting Records In A Group By

Apr 21, 2006


I've a problem with the following stored procedure Select . It does compile and run, but doesn't return the sorted result I wanted, which was to have the records from tblPieces (alias Pcs) sorted by (in order) Pcs.fkBatchId, Pcs.fkProfileCode, Pcs.Colour. What happens instead, I think, is that the correct records are selected, but in the record creation order. CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.LoadOneBatch
@BatchId int, -- the pkBatchId of the batch required
@OnlyNew bit -- If true, only consider batches that haven't ever been loaded.
SELECT Bat.pkBatchId,
FROM tblBatches AS Bat
SELECT Bat1.pkBatchId,
FROM tblBatches AS Bat1
JOIN tblPieces AS Pcs1 ON Pcs1.fkBatchId = Bat1.pkBatchId
WHERE Bat1.pkBatchId = @BatchId
GROUP BY Bat1.pkBatchId, Pcs1.fkProfileCode, Pcs1.Colour
) SubQ ON SubQ.pkBatchId = Bat.pkBatchId
JOIN tblPieces AS Pcs ON Pcs.fkBatchId = Bat.pkBatchId
WHERE (@OnlyNew = 1 And Bat.IsLoaded = 0 And
Bat.IsCompleted = 0 And Bat.pkBatchId = @BatchId) Or
(@OnlyNew = 0 And Bat.pkBatchId = @BatchId)
EXEC LoadOneBatch @BatchId = 1, @OnlyNew = 0

The DDL for the two tables is:CREATE TABLE [tblBatches](
[Stamp] timestamp NOT NULL,
[pkBatchId] int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BatchNo] varchar(50) NULL,
[SubmitTime] [datetime] NULL,
[FinishTime] [datetime] NULL,
[IsLoaded] bit NULL,
[IsCompleted] bit NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( [pkBatchId] ASC )
CREATE TABLE [tblPieces](
[Stamp] timestamp NOT NULL,
[pkPieceId] int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[fkBarId] int NULL,
[fkBatchId] int NULL,
[PieceNo] varchar(12) NOT NULL,
[Descrip] varchar(48) NULL,
[Position] real NULL,
[LeadPrep] char(1) NOT NULL,
[TailPrep] char(1) NOT NULL,
[Length] real NOT NULL,
[fkProfileCode] varchar(10) NOT NULL,
[Colour] varchar(5) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( [pkPieceId] ASC )

The data records output are roughly:pkBatchId Stamp pkPieceIdfkBarIdfkBatchIdPieceNo Descrip PositionLeadPrepTailPrepLengthfkProfileCodeColour
1 0x00000000000036B21 NULL1 00000000000118960 /003/F>1 N2NULL / 913 6000 wht
1 0x00000000000036B32 NULL1 00000000000218960 /003/F<1 N2NULL / 913 6000 wht

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How To Select Unique Row When Entire Row Not Unique?

Mar 12, 2008

I am having a problem trying to figure out the best way to get the results I need. I have a table of part numbers that is joined with a table of notes. The table of notes is specific to the part number and user. A row in the notes table is only created if the user has entered notes on that part number. I need to create a search that grabs all matches on a keyword and returns the records. The problem is that it currently returns a row from the parts table with no notes and a separate row with the notes included if they had created an entry. It seems like this should be easy but it eludes me today.
Here is the code

Code Snippet
create procedure SearchPartKeyword
@Keyword varchar(250) = null,
@Universal_Id varchar(10) = null
select p.PartNumber, p.Description, p.ServiceOrderable, n.MyNotes, p.LargestAssembly, p.DMM,
p.Legacy, p.Folder, p.Printer
from Parts p inner join notes n on p.PartNumber = n.Identifier
where n.Universal_ID = @Universal_ID and p.Description like @Keyword
select p.PartNumber, p.Description, p.ServiceOrderable, '' as MyNotes, p.LargestAssembly,
p.DMM, p.Legacy, p.Folder, p.Printer
from Parts p
where p.Description like @Keyword

and the results:
PartNo Description SO Notes LA DMM Legacy Folder Printer
de90008 MAIN BOARD 1 DGF1 114688 0 0 0
de90008 MAIN BOARD 1 I love this part Really I do DGF1 114688 0 0 0

This could return multiple part numbers and If they have entered notes I want the row with the notes

Thank You
Dominic Mancl

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Problem Of Sorting Records In A Sql Server Table

Mar 24, 2006

akanksha shukla writes "the issue is that i want to sort the records stored in a table according to aparticular column in such a manner that the sorted reaults are permanantly commited onto the same table i.e. the results are reflected on the same table whose records are being used for sorting
i know that order by clause can provide me a view of records sorted on basis of a particular column but the changes are not being reflected onto the table .
i donot want to create a fresh table to reflect the changes.
kindly suggest some help"

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Trying To Get Distinct Records

Jan 7, 2008

How do I get distinct TitleID and Titles?  Right now I'm still getting duplicates on them both.  Here's my stored procedure.
select Distinct (Titles.Titleid), Titles.Title as TITLE, classifications.[description]as TOPIC,Titles.descriptions,media.[description] as MEDIA
from  Titlesjoin resources on resources.Titleid = Titles.Titleidjoin media on media.mediaid = resources.mediaidjoin titleclassification on titleclassification.titleid = titles.titleidjoin classifications on classifications.classificationid = titleclassification.classificationid  WHERE Title LIKE 'p' + '%' GROUP BY Titles.titleid, titles.title,classifications.[description],Titles.[descriptions],media.[description] 

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Distinct Records

May 11, 2008

i want to ask a simple question,
i have a sql server relational tables named "tbl_Contact" (w/c has a field of ID & ContactName) and "tbl_reviews" (w/c has ID,ContactCode & Reviews).
the tables relationship is one-to-many, now my question is, how can i display a single record per 'ContactCode' from 'tbl_review'??

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Only Get The Non Distinct Records

Oct 1, 2007

I am trying to write a query that will only return the non distinct records

what i have is a bunch of line items that have an order id and a rate

there may be 10 line items with the same orderid, I need to get the orderid and rates for the orderids that have more than one rate

how would i do this?

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Getting Distinct Records

Oct 16, 2007

how do i get an entire record returned when looking for only column to be unique?

basically i have 3 columns

id, tranid, appliedtranid

tranid can have multiple appliedtranids

i need to grab the top 10 distinct tranids but i need the entire record

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Get Top Distinct Records

Jan 31, 2008

hi I am trying to write a query that will return the most recent status of an event

my query is below

SELECT DISTINCT eventname, MIN(Status) AS Expr1, MIN(RecordUpdated) AS Expr2
FROM EventQueue
GROUP BY AuditName

does this query always result with the most recent distinct eventname record?

I need to make sure that the recordupdated is the most recent for the eventname

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Selecting Distinct Records

Sep 1, 2007

 I'm just wondering if someone can help me with some SQL syntax stuff.I want to take this sql statement: 
"SELECT TOP 50 tblProfile.chName, tblProfile.intCount FROM tblProfile, tblLinks WHERE (tblLinks.MemberID = tblProfile.MemberID) ORDER BY tblLinks.dtDateAdded DESC;"
 and select only unique "chName's" records 

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Display Distinct Records?

Dec 7, 2011

TableName: Order_Archive

I load a file each week into a table, each file has unique orderid, load_date, filename, order_date and dollar. However the same orderid, order_date and dollar could appear in another file with different load_date and file_name.

orderid, load_date, file_name, order_date, dollar
'1000', '2011-01-01', 'File1', '2011-01-01', '101'
'1001', '2011-01-01', 'File1', '2011-01-01', '102'
'1002', '2011-01-01', 'File1', '2011-01-01', '103'

orderid, load_date, file_name, order_date, dollar
'1001', '2011-01-08', 'File2', '2011-01-01', '102'
'1002', '2011-01-08', 'File2', '2011-01-01', '103'
'1003', '2011-01-08', 'File2', '2011-01-01', '104'

whats is the best way to retrieve the distinct records that has the most recent load_date? expected results below:

Expected Results:
orderid, load_date, file_name, order_date, dollar
'1000', '2011-01-01', 'File1', '2011-01-01', '101'
'1001', '2011-01-08', 'File2', '2011-01-01', '102'
'1002', '2011-01-08', 'File2', '2011-01-01', '103'
'1003', '2011-01-08', 'File2', '2011-01-01', '104'

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How To Get Distinct Records In Table

Dec 26, 2013

For examble:

In a table name like


How will get the name "Test" using distinct keyword?

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Count Distinct Records

May 15, 2008

how can i count in sql the number or records taht would be returned if i did

select distinct site,date from allrecords

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How To Get Distinct Records In Table

Dec 25, 2013

For examble:

In a table name like


How will get the name "Test" using distinct keyword?

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DISTINCT And Number Of Records

Mar 19, 2008

Wondering if there is a way to do this...

I want to select the DISTINCT user name from each record in a table, and then have another field tell me how many records it found..

is there any way to do this with SQL?

SELECT DISTINCT user_Name FROM table ORDER BY user_Name

is what I have now....

need something that will return:

user_Name numRecs
bob 3
fred 6
sam 1
linda 2

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Selecting Distinct Records Through CTE

Jan 11, 2013

I have a table contains information related to sales:

SO number Order Date     Customer SellingPerson
1001          2012/07/02     ABC          Andy
1002          2012/07/02     XYZ           Alan
1003          2012/07/02     EFG          Almelia
1004          2012/07/02     ABC         John
1005          2012/07/02     XYZ          Oliver
1006          2012/07/02     HIJ           Dorthy
1007          2012/07/02     KLM          Andy
1008          2012/07/02     NOP         Rowan
1009          2012/07/02     QRS          David
1010          2012/07/02     ABC          Joey

Now, i want to write a query using CTE that gives me first five distinct customer in result set:

SO number Order Date     Customer SellingPerson
1001          2012/07/02     ABC          Andy
1002          2012/07/02     XYZ           Alan
1003          2012/07/02     EFG          Almelia
1006          2012/07/02     HIJ           Dorthy
1007          2012/07/02     KLM          Andy

I wrote this query :

With t(so_number,order date,customer, SellingPerson)
  (select top 5 so_number,order date,customer, SellingPerson from t)
 select distinct billingcontactperson from t order by so_id

And getting this error:

Msg 252, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Recursive common table expression 't' does not contain a top-level UNION ALL operator.

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Unique Records

May 6, 2004

Is there a way to get a Stored Procedure to return only unique records from a table? I am using a Stored PRocedure to query a table and it returns all the records in the table and there are many duplicates in the information. I am using SQL Server 2K.

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UNIQUE Records

May 12, 2008

I have the following sql:

SELECT COUNT(patient.patientID) AS total_patients
FROM patient
LEFT JOIN patient_record ON patient_record.patientID = patient.patientID
WHERE sub_categoryID = 4 OR patient_record.allocated = 4

from the database this gives me a COUNT of 22, it should only be 10. I am doing a join and it gives the total records in the two tables where I only want the total in the left table(patient).
How can I GROUP BY patient.patientID in a COUNT query

Thanx, Robson

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