List CRM Entity Attributes And Data Types

Oct 11, 2006


I am using CRM 3.0 and have a requirement to list all the the tables, attributes names and display names and datatypes. Is there any easy way to export this information from the CRM tool or prepare a SQL query that will list the information?

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Attributes Other Than Types In Columns

Apr 7, 2014

What are attributes in columns that are not types?

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Master Data Services :: Change Order Of Attributes Using Arrows Jumps Over 24 Attributes

Jun 30, 2015

I am working in SQL Server Master Data Services  Version 11.0.5058.0 (SP 2).

I have been asked to group all the financial attributes together.  When I move one of the attributes up using the arrows, it works good jumping over one attribute at a time.  Then I reach a section of attributes where it leap frogs over 24 attributes.

It appears these 24 attributes are in a subgroup but there are no attribute groups and I removed the subscription view from the entity.  If I move one of the 24 attributes in the group, it moves it outside of the 24 attributes.

This is under leaf member attributes.  There are no collection or consolidated groups.

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XML Source: String Types Lose Length Attributes In XML Schema?

Jan 25, 2007

I'm having a problem with the XML Source data flow component not transferring the length attributes from an XML Schema to the column attributes of the output table.

An example schema that I have is:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><data xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi=''><xsd:schema> <xsd:simpleType name='NameType'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:minLength value='0'/> <xsd:maxLength value='50'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:element name='Name' type='NameType' nillable='true'/> <xsd:simpleType name='FamilyType'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:minLength value='0'/> <xsd:maxLength value='50'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:element name='Family' type='FamilyType' nillable='true'/> <xsd:element name='row'> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref='Name'/> <xsd:element ref='Family'/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name='data'> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref='row' maxOccurs='unbounded'/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element></xsd:schema> <!-- data follows --> <row><Name>Fred</Name><Family>Jones</Family></row></data>
When I reference file in the XML Source data control, it correctly infers that there are two columns, but the length of the strings in the columns are set as 255.

This behaviour appears to be at odds with the SSIS documentation (SQL Server Integration Services/Integration Services Object and Concepts/Data Flow Elements/Integration Services Sources/XML Source), which states (highlighting mine):

When the data is extracted from the XML data file, it is converted to an Integration Services data type. The XSD or inline schema may specify the data type for elements, but if it does not, the XML Source Editor dialog box assigns the Unicode string data type (DT_WSTR) to the column in the output that contains the element, and sets the column length to 255 characters. If the schema specifies the maximum length of an element, the length of output column is set to this value. If the maximum length is greater than the length supported by the Integration Services data type to which the element is converted, then the data is truncated to the maximum length of the data type. For example, if a string has a length of 5000, it is truncated to 4000 characters because the maximum length of the DT_WSTR data type is 4000 characters; likewise, byte data is truncated to 8000 characters, the maximum length of the DT_BYTES data type. If the schema specifies no maximum length, the default length of columns with either data type is set to 255. Data truncation in the XML source is handled the same way as truncation in other data flow components. For more information, see Handling Errors in Data.

Has anyone had any luck in getting string lengths automatically extracted from an XML document? If so, where I am going wrong?



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Analysis :: How To Get List Of Attributes Involved In Particular MDX Query

Aug 3, 2015

I have a list of mdx queries extracted by sql server trace file. I want to get list of attributes and measures involved in each query.

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Reporting Off Of MS CRM Tying Notes Entity To Opportunity Entity

May 8, 2007

I am trying to create an opportunity report that includes notes from the notes entity. Unfortunatly, when I pull the fields from the notes entity into my reports, it seems there is no way to tie the notes to specific opportunities or accounts that they are associated with and I get all notes under the first item listed on my report. Is there a way to link data sets like Access lets you link tables?

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I Really Need A Debate! Type - Attributes Vs Super Type - Sub Types

Apr 22, 2004

I have extensively revied both of the design methodologies and I cannot come up with a single clear reason to use one over the other!

Type - Attributes is where you have a table holding the type categories, type, a table holding the type attributes expected and then a table holding the type attribute value:

CategoryID | Category
1 | Car
2 | Truck
3 | Motorcycle

AttributeID | fkCategoryID | Attribute
1 | 1 (car) | Doors
2 | 2 (truck) | Cab
3 | 2 (truck) | Capacity

VIN | Category | Make | Model
1 | 1 | Honda | Accord
2 | 2 | Ford | F150

fkVIN | fkAttributeID | Value
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 1 | 0
2 | 2 | 1000

Now the above sure is flexible in the sence that a type of automobile can be added without affecting the database schema, but was if some attributes do not take a numeric value? How do you handle computations on attributes specific attributes? Why would I use this structure as opposed to the super type - sub type as shown below?

CategoryID | Category
1 | Cars
2 | Trucks

tbAutomobile (Super Type)
VIN | fkCategoryID | Make | Model
1 | 1 |Honda | Accord

fkVIN | Doors |
1 | 2

fkVIN | Cab | Capacity
2 | 0 | 1000

Now, adding new sub types probably isn't very flexible but, now you can specify data types for each attribute instead of using sql_variant, which by the documentation cannot be used in aggregate functions and may render poor result when used with ADO.

Regardless of the method used, alot of back end coding is required for computations, what table to send the attributes, etc...

Can anyone please help me clarify. What method is best and why. So far I am leaning for option 2. More work but seems to be more flexible in the sence of customization of each datatype.

E.G., what if you wanted to specify attributes about the cap that can be supplied to trucks?

fkVIN | Cab | Capacity | fkCapID
2 | Y | 1000 | 1

CapID | Vendor | Price | et....

Any thoughts at all? I thought this would have been a pretty damn hot topic!

Mike B

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One Or More Columns Do Not Have Supported Data Types, Or Their Data Types Do Not Match.

Oct 20, 2007


Im exporting an ms-excel file, then I use a lookup transformation to get a field from a SQL Server 2005 table. The Lookup transformation editor, after selecting the table, shows a warning that says:

at least one mapping between a column from available input columns ans a column from available lookup columns must be defined on the columns page.

So I try to make a relationship in the Lookup transformation editor's column tab where I find the Available input columns and the available lookup columns but I get the following error:

The following columns cannot be mapped:
[Department, DEP_CLEGALCODE]
One or more columns do not have supported data types, or their data types do not match.

The field in SLQ Server is varchar(10) and the input field is a derived column transformation; I have tried different Data Types but I always have the same error.

The DataFlow is: ExcelSource --> Derived Column --> Lookup --> Flat file destination


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Analysis :: Dimensions Attributes - Drag All Or Some Specific Attributes

May 24, 2015

I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes? 

Imagine this:

I have the following dimension:


When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal? 

One more question:

I don't want to create a hierarchy like:

Customer ID -> Name_Customer
Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth
Customer ID -> Address
Customer ID -> City
Customer ID -> Country

My idea is to create the following hierarchy: 

Name_Customer -> Date_of_Birth ->  Address ->  City -> Country

But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?

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Master Data Services :: Can Set Entity As Not Delete?

Oct 4, 2015

Is it possible to set an entity is update but can't add/delete? I want to control adding/deleting members in SSIS from another source system, but only allow users to change certain attributes.

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Master Data Services :: Get Value Of A Member From Another Entity

Jul 6, 2015

My problem seems simple but I can't how to do it with MDS... or even if it's possible !

I've got 2 entities "Agent" and "Function". 

"Agent" has a code, a name, and an attribute called "function_code" which refers to "Function"'s code

"Function" as a code and a name. Name is the description of the function. 

I'd like to see in a single row : 

"Code", "Name", "Funcion_code" and "Name" (the last one from the entity "Function"). 

In SQL it will something like 

Select a.code,, a.function_code,
from agent a, function f
where a.function_code = f.code

I've tried with explicit hierarchy, derived hierarchy, consolidated members... 

I was able to have an entity with all those attributes but I can choose the attribute I want. My goal is that, according to "Function_code" in Agent, I get the "Name" of the function... 

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SQL 2012 :: Entity Framework Returning Cached Data

Mar 23, 2014

I have a datagridview bound to a table that is part of an Entity Framework model. A user can edit data in the datagridview and save the changes back to SQL. But, there is a stored procedure that can also change the data, in SQL, not in the datagridview. When I try to "refresh" the datagridview the linq query always returned the older cached data. Here's the code that I have tried using to force EF to pull retrieve new data:

// now refresh the maintenance datagridview data source
using (var context = new spdwEntities())
var maintData =
from o in spdwContext.MR_EquipmentCheck
where o.ProdDate == editDate
orderby o.Caster, o.Strand
select o;
mnt_DGV.DataSource = maintData;

When I debug, I can see that the SQL table has the updated data in it, but when this snippet of code runs, maintData has the old data in it.

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Master Data Services :: Default Date In MDS Entity

Dec 16, 2014

Is there any way to set a default date for a member in MDS. My requirement is that business user can enter either current date or future date but not past date.

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Car's Attributes Should Be &>= Spec's Attributes (was Help With Query)

Nov 11, 2004

Hello all-

I have a specification table that has some attributes defined.
SpecId - Id of the specification
Attribute - Attribute of the spec. (Like Color, HP etc)
Value - Is the value of the attribute
Then I have a car table that actually has information about the cars. Intention is to take each specification and match the cars that match the specification. If the car has more attributes than the spec, we ignore the extra attributes for the match. But if the car has less attributes, we don't even consider the car as a match (even if the attributes present, match). To summarize, the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes.

The code I have below is bad because I am joining the same tables twice. In addition, it fails in the condition "the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes"

Any help is greatly appreciated.

DECLARE @Specification TABLE
(SpecId VARCHAR(10),

(CarName VARCHAR(10),

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'HP', '220')

INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'HP', '220')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Color', 'Black')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'HP', '300')

INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Transmission', 'Manual')

SELECT DISTINCT Spec.SpecId, Car.CarName
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value
WHERE Spec.SpecId NOT IN (SELECT Spec.SpecId
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value

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SQL Server 2012 :: Exporting Data From MDS Entity To Database Table

Jul 30, 2014

How to export data from MDS 2012 entity to SQL 2012 user database table ?

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SQL 2012 :: Master Data Services Won't Migrate Delete Entity

Jul 24, 2015

I used "MDSModelDeploy deployclone" do deploy a package with EntityA, EntityB and EntityC to a production environment. I then deleted EntityB from my dev environment and used "MDSModelDeploy deployupdate" do update the model in prodution. After the deployUpdate, EntityB still exists in production. Is there something special I need to do (option of MDSModelDeploy?) in order for the deploy to delete an entity during a migration?

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Master Data Services :: MDS Filter Entity Based On Attribute From Another Domain?

Oct 28, 2014

I have an entity (A), in which I use domain based attribute. The second entity (B) has several attributes. My problem is that, I would like to filter the first entity (A) based on an attribute that belongs to the second entity. The only way I can filter it (in MDS Excel add-in or Explorer) is by using Code or Name from the second entity.

I have in mind a couple of solutions, but they require some coding with xml saved query from Excel.

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Limit On Blob/image Data Type In SQL Compact 3.5 SP 1 BETA For ADO Entity Framework?

Apr 5, 2008

Hi! I tried to save some image data, but it get truncated at 8000 (the table column is defined as Image). I then wrote a converter to try ntext-datatype instead, but it gets truncated at 4000.

Error message:
System.Data.SqlServerCe: @3 : String truncation: max=4000, len=4168

The code uses only ADO entity framework for database access. Is there a way to store binary data larger than 8000 bytes? I am running SQL Compact 3.5 sp 1 BETA.


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Master Data Services :: Insert Or Update Using WCF API Is Flagging Entity Member For Revalidation

Dec 21, 2012

I have an API which uses the MDS WCF methods to update and insert entity members into MDS. Its working as expected. But whenever a entity member is inserted or updated, the validation flag is set to "requires re-validation" (With "?" symbol). Is there a setting which has to be set to validate the record once inserted or updated by API? Or should it be validated explicitly once the insert or update happens?

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Master Data Services :: Setting Read Permission On Entity Attribute Makes Model Disappear

May 21, 2013

My company is new to MDS. I am trying to set an attritube in an entity to read only so the users can't change the value in that field. When I did that, the whole model disappeared. I thought I had deleted it by accident so I created a test model and tried to do the same. The test model disappeared. This time, before saving the new settings I took a snapshot. After saving I took another snapshot. You can see that the whole model is gone (zz_RN_Permissions_Test). I tried every other coworker with admin rights and nobody shows it on the Models list. The behavior on the Excel add-in is correct. I can't change any values on that column. But I need to keep the models available.

See before and after snapshots below.

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Parse XML Attributes And Populate Columns Within DB With Stripped Data

Nov 16, 2011

I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will parse XML attributes and populate columns within a DB with the stripped data. I'm a complete novice who prior to this week knew nothing about SQL commands, My understanding at least is that I need to perform a bulk insert.

Example XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Asset_Collection SYSTEM "Asset_Collection.dtd">
Name="Asset Collection"
Description="Random XML Feed Test"

[Code] ....

Table/Columns which need to be inserting into:


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Rule Of Thumb About Number Of Attributes And Data Points?

Nov 16, 2006

This is a general question about data modeling. I'm more curious than anything else.

There is much talk about over-training data model, and I'm sure there are under training as well. As a rule of thumb, depending on the algorithm, what is a good ratio of attributes vs data points?

-Young K

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SQL Server 2012 :: Read XML Data With Related Attributes / Properties

Dec 4, 2013

I have a table with one of the column of xml type. the column contains xml like given below. I want to read this xml from the table and show as below with T-sql query

"EmployeeID" "IndustryDome" "description "

Where Description value comes from the value of AllDome/ITEM/Dome /Description whose Dome equals to IndustryDome value

1166586 3951LX01 Description10

<GetEmployeeDetails xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<return xmlns="">

[Code] ....

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Master Data Services :: How Code Attributes Works In MDS Stage In MDM Model

Apr 21, 2015

Can i have a combination of sources some with Unique Identifiers and some without?

I need to know what happens when I have option “Create Code values automatically” selected for the entity and same time pulling Unique Identifier for other sources in same entity stage table.

When we select option “Create Code values automatically” for the entity we creates, then during load from external source to MDM stage we don’t send any values to MDM stage “Code” field and in next step when we execute the stored procedure to load the data from MDM stage to MDM model, it assigns the Code values to each record in MDM stage and MDM model.

I need to know whether after executing the store procedure, will it assign Code values for only NULL records in MDM stage and not give us any error for the records that already have Code values present in MDM stage.

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Master Data Services :: Advanced Filtering Of Domain Based Attributes

Jul 31, 2015

Data Scenario – Sitemaster entity has two attributes (Region and Country).

Region and Country are both domain-based attributes on separate entities [Region and . The Country entity has a domain based attribute on REGION.

Data relationship looks like this… REGION > COUNTRY
Customer Requirement

Customer would like the MDS UI to filter the Country drop-down options based on the Region selection.

To my knowledge – the only filtering that can be done is based on user security using Hierarchy Membership Permissions.

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The 'Unlimited Data Mining Attributes.' Feature Is Not Included In The 'Standard Edition' SKU

Feb 21, 2008

When trying to process my minding model (using Association Rules) i receive the following errors

Errors and Warnings from Response

Error (Data mining): The 'Items Recommendations' mining model has 64675 attributes. This number of attributes exceeds the attribute limit of 5000 allowed by the current version of the algorithm associated with the mining model.

Errors related to feature availability and configuration: The 'Unlimited data mining attributes.' feature is not included in the 'Standard Edition' SKU.

I searched through the internet and found that a hotfix can be installed to make it work ( I emailed microsoft and they provided me back with the hotfix and a password.

I tried to install the fix but i couldnt. It needed a prerequisit fix. So i installed SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 from (

Then tried to install the fix for my unlimited attributes problem.

I tried to process my module after installing the fix and restarting my computer, but am still gettin the same error.I created another new model but the problem still exists.

Am i missing something here? Any idea to make it work?
Is there any alternative? I need to use all the elements in my datasource view.

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Master Data Services :: Filter Column Based On Other Column In Same Entity

May 12, 2015

Using MDS 2012: I have an entity "XYZ_Entity".  In "XYZ_Entity" entity I have 2 domain based Columns "DealerGroup" and "Dealer".

While inserting information into "XYZ_Entity" entity user can select the required dealer group from domain base Dealer Group values. Now for selecting Dealer he wants the dealers to be filter based on selected dealer group and he can select from the filtered list. reason to do that is he don't want to go through thousands of dealers and select an incorrect one.

Is it possible, if yes then how?

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Master Data Services :: How To Add A Reference To Another Entity Member When Creating A Member

Oct 23, 2014

I need to create a member that one of its Attributes (maybe my term is wrong) is a reference to another entity member named group 
the code 

createRequest.Members.MemberType = MemberType.Leaf;
createRequest.Members.Members = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Member> { };
Member aNewMember = new Member();
aNewMember.MemberId = new MemberIdentifier() { Name = uag.groupName, MemberType = MemberType.Leaf };


 "The attribute data type is not valid".Is it wrong to add the reference as attribute? How can I embed the reference in the new member? 

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Reporting Services :: Table Data Types For Data Driven Subscriptions

Jun 11, 2015

I am trying to find a reference for a client that lists the fields available to be substituted into a data driven subscription from the query, along with the expected data types.  For example, the field on whether or not to include a link to the report seems to be expecting a bit data type.I have searched and can't seem to find anything.  I guess I could walk through the interface and try different data types, but if  a list exists, that would be better. 

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Mapping Of SQL Server Data Types To Integration Services Data Type

Oct 14, 2005

Does anyone know of any cross-references between SQL Server data types and the new data types introduced with SQL Server Integration Services? 

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Export To Excel Showing Data Type As General For All Data Types

Sep 16, 2015

One of my report has different data types like decimal,percentage and integer values.

When I exported the report to excel , all the values are showing as "general" data type.

How to get excel data type same as ssrs report data type by default when exported to excel?

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Data Access :: Validation For Length Of The Character Data Types

Jun 10, 2015

I Have a table with #Sample like below

id int,
SSN varchar(20),
State varchar(2)
Sample Data:

1 999-000-000 AB
2 979-000-000 BC
3 995-000-000 CD

We used filter logic based on the SSN & State.

We are passing these values through variables like

Declare @State varchar(2)
Declare @SSN varchar(20)

While run time these values are lets suppose @SSN = '999-000-000' & @State='ABC'

Now the Result is displayed with the state data Like 'AB' only.

Output: 1 999-000-000 AB

instead it should give system generated error.

Here I have 2 Questions:
1. Why it is taking 1st 2 Charecters?
2. Why it does not have any system generated for length?

I can do validation with Length function for these 2 variables however if have 100 variables then it should not feasible case. So, what is the reason behind? 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Load Data From Flat File Source Into OleDB Destination By Changing Data Types In SSIS

Apr 16, 2014

I have an source file and i have to load it into the data base by changing datatype of the columns in ssis

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