MS SQL Compare Columns To Generate Display Name

Sep 17, 2007

Hello, I have the following table with 4 columns....

firstname, lastname1, lastname2, EMAIL

Table has user names and email, I would like to generate a 5th column
called DisplayName.
The email Id is sometimes firstname.lastname1.lastname2@ and others
just firstname.lastname1@

I would like to generate the display name exactly like the email eg
firstname.lastname1.lastname2@ displayName = firstname lastname1 for james.smith display name = James Smith and for
james.earl.smith displayName = James Earl Smith etc etc

Is there a way that I can check/compare email Id (before the @ part)
with firstname, lastname1 and lastname2 and generate a display name
based on what was used for the email address?

I hope I've explained this well :-)

Many thanks in advance for any help/advise


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Reporting Services :: Display Columns When There Is No Data To Display

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data

There is data subreport  display   

     Product Name Latex Gloves  
     Product ID      

 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name                          
   Product ID    

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SP To Compare Records - Generate Output In Attachment

Jul 8, 2014

I have a table that have different groups in it, All the records that belong to one Group have the same GroupID and each GroupID has same columns. I need a query to generate the output in the attachment.

When the user input one GroupID then all the records belong to that group will pull out,

When the user input two GroupIDs then the user need to select another set of parameter (duplicate records or different records or nonoverlap records) to display

Intersect of the two group or different records or except records

when user input three GroupIDs then the user need to display the overlaps among all three groups or different among three groups or dinstinct records among the three groups

Of course user can input other filters.

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How To Display / Generate All Days In A Year?

Sep 17, 2007

I'm wanting to generate a list of all the days that fall between a certain period of time (month, year etc.), but can't find any documentation on how to do this, does anybody know the sql query to do so?

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Compare Two Columns With WildCard

Aug 1, 2006

I am trying to compare columns in two tables with a wildcard character.

One table: Other Table:
ID Col1 | ID Col2
1 1 1 1A
1 1B
2 2 2 2A
3 3 3 3A
4 5 4 5A
4 5B
4 5C
5 7
6 27
7 50 7 50A
I want to writing something like:

SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.Col1, Table2.ID, Table2.Col2
From Table1, Table2
WHERE (Table1.ID = Table2.ID) AND (Table2.Col2 LIKE Table1.Col1%)

which obviously does not work.

basically "column2 Text%" so if ID = 1, Col1 = 1 => will have the following comparisons turn out true:

1A LIKE '1*'
1B LIKE '1*'

How can I do a comparison like this?

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How To Compare 3 Columns From 2 Tables

Jul 26, 2013

I have requirement like this

1 st column 'A1Ctest' 2 nd column 'diagnoising heart disease' and my 3 rd column is combination of both columns
'A1Ctest for diagnoising heart disease'.Here i need to comapre 'A1Ctest' from 1st column and 'diagnoising heart disease' from 2 nd column

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Compare Values From Two Columns?

Sep 20, 2013

I am trying to compare values from two columns but I don't know what I am doing, I tried select custom5,skipcount substr( custom5, 1, 4) as 'mynumber' from songs where custom5 > '0000%' where skipcount > cast( substr( custom5, 1, 4) as int ); But that is obviously wrong?

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Compare Two Columns And Update The Third Column

May 21, 2008

 Hi,I have three columns and want to update the third column based on the comparison of first two columns in the same table.For instance:Col1 - val1, val2, val3, val4, val5......Col2 - NULL, NULL, val1, NULL, val2....Col3 - TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE....Thanks for any help.

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SQL 2012 :: Compare Two Columns In Three Tables

Dec 16, 2013

I have one database with several tables in it (table 1, table2, table3). In each table is two colums (colum1 = a number (201220) and colum2 = a number (0.50). Now, both tables will have rows with the same data in colum 1, but colum two will have different numbers (different prices). My goal is to run a query that will compare both colums in all three tables, take the lower of the three based on colum 2 and spit out the row. Obviously, this would output all rows (around 175k). The point is to create a least cost spreadsheet (csv) file based on evaluating all three tables.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Compare Two Rows And Two Different Columns

Oct 22, 2014

I am fairly new to SQL and writing queries so bear with my faults. I am learning on the job, which is good and bad. Below is a query that I have written to obtain some information. The problem arises when we have a patient who goes from Patient Type '1' to Patient Type '2'. This needs to be considered a singular visit and the only way I can think that this may work is if: for any specific medical record a dsch_ts is equal to the Admit TS on the next row.

How to complete something like this and my google searches have been fruitless. I attached a spreadsheet with an example of what I am getting.

TSM040_PERSON_HDR.lst_nm AS 'Last Name',
TSM040_PERSON_HDR.fst_nm AS 'First Name',

[Code] ....

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How To Compare Columns Of Two Tables In Two Different Servers

Mar 18, 2008

I have two table with the same name that reside in different databases. The two database have the same name, but reside in two linked servers
TABLE A: [ServerA].[ProdDB].dbo.[Orders]
TABLE B: [ServerB].[ProdDB].dbo.[Orders]

How do i find out if the two tables have the same number of columns or if the a column that exists on TableA does not exist on TableB.

Does any one have a script that could help me with this task. Thanks

I am using SQL Server 2005

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SQL Server 2014 :: Using Value From Columns To Generate A New Value For New Column

Oct 26, 2015

I've data as below

account period01 period02 period03 period04
1111 null null null null
1112 782 null null null
1113 null null null 345
1114 765 882 67 321

What I want to achieve is to get values from period1 till period04 and used the lasted value to code the value of accoutperiod, if value is from period1 then code it as 01, period2 as 02, period03 as 03 and period04 as 04. So the output should be like this

account period01 period02 period03 period04 accoutPeriod
1111 null null null null null
1112 782 null null null 01
1113 null null null 345 04
1114 765 882 67 321 04

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Can We Auto Generate Columns In SQL SERVER 2000?

Jun 2, 2006

Can we able to auto generate columns in sql server 2000?
I have a tabe with two fields No and Name. I need to auto generate no for each name i am going to enter. Can any give me a solution for this? If so i will be thankful to u.

This is my mail id

Do reply me as soon as possible.

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Unique Constraint W Nulls, Compare Columns

Jun 20, 2008

Hi Guys.

I have a problem. I have two feilds in a table. Both of them are (int). I want to be able make sure the same number is not put in both columns for each row. Both colums have to be a different number, and also if one is null, the other cannot be. How do I go about enforcing this policy?

For Example:

This is what I want

ID Column1 Column2
--- -------- ---------
1 5 8
2 5 7
3 null 10
4 6 2

This is what I DO NOT want:

ID Column1 Column2
--- -------- ---------
1 5 5
2 5 5
3 7 7
4 null null

I created a unique constraint between the 2 columns, but it still allows dups within the row. Please help me.

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Compare 2 Rows To Find The Difference In Columns?

Aug 14, 2014

How would I compare 2 rows to find the difference in the columns?

ID Column1 Column2 Column3
1 Text1 Text4
2 Text1 Text2 Text3

Column1: Text2 New
Column3: Text4 Old Text3 New

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Transact SQL :: How To Compare Columns On 2 Databases On 2 Different Servers

Aug 12, 2015

I need to compare columns in tables on 1 database on one server versus the same on a 2nd server.

I'm looking for added columns in dbase 1.

Is there a system T-SQL script that can be used for this?

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SSIS DataFlow Task To Generate Custom Columns

Apr 7, 2008

Hi All,

I am using a Data Flow task which copies data from an Excel Source to a SQL Database Table Destination. From 15 columns I require only 10 columns to be imported to the DB Table. So I have mapped those colums. In SQL DB there is a colum called say X, whose value should be the "Remedy" for all the columns which are imported. Is there any task that can achieve it.

Please Help.

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Transact SQL :: Generate Unique Username From Data Columns

Oct 19, 2015

I am trying to achieve the below problem statement, however I am getting stuck at the looping part.

EX: We have three columns

First Name |  Last Name | Mothers Name

I want to generate the username field using above columns, so lets consider, I have following data

First Name |  Last Name | Mothers Name
a                    b                  cdef
a                    b                  cdfg
a                    b                  cdfj

Expected Usernames:

1: a.b
2: a.b.c

Basically, it has to be FirstName.LastName.(incremental letters from MothersName until the name becomes unique)

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Transact SQL :: Generate A Report Based Of Columns In Each Table

Oct 31, 2015

I have 5 different tables with same structure. Each table has an account column and another column count. I am trying to generate a report based of the columns in each table. Account is same in all tables with same account numbers but count will be different. 


Table 1 has Account Count

Table 2 has Account Count

Table 3 has Account Count

Table 4 has Account Count

Table 5 has Account Count

I want output as: 

Account Count Account Count Account Count Account Count Account Count 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Two Different Columns Of 2 Different Rows In A Data Set?

Jan 29, 2014

Is there a efficient way to compare two different columns of 2 different rows in a data set as shown below.

For eg: I would like to DateDiff between Date2 of RowID 1 and Date1 of RowID 2 of IDNo 123. After this comparision , if datediff between two dates are <=14 then i want to update 1 else 0 in IsDateDiffLess14 of RowID1 . In below example its 0 because datediff of two dates >=14. So, want to compare the Date2 and Date1 in this sequence for the same IDNo. For RowID 6 there is only 1 row and no other row to compare, in this case IsDateDiffLess14 should be updated with 0.

RowID IDNo Date1 Date2 IsDateDiffLess14
1 123 04/10/2013 04/12/2013 0
2 123 05/10/2013 05/11/2013 1
3 123 05/21/2013 05/25/2013 0
4 112 01/10/2013 01/14/2013 1
5 112 01/27/2013 01/28/2013 0
6 120 03/10/2013 03/12/2013 0

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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Dates Between 2 Different Rows And Columns?

Feb 18, 2015

What I need to be able to find is any records where the Discontinue_Date is greater than the Effective_Date on the next row for a given Customer ID and Part_ID. This is a customer pricing table so the Discontinue_Date of row 53 for example should never be greater than the Effective_Date of row 54130, these are the records I'm looking to find. So I'm looking for a SELECT query that would look for any records where this is true. Obviously the last Discontinue_Date row for a Customer_ID will not have a next row so I wouldn't want to return that.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Compare Data (join) Based On Two Varchar Columns

Mar 15, 2014

-- My first Data

create table #myfirst (id int, city varchar(20))
insert into #myfirst values (500,'Newyork')
insert into #myfirst values (100,'Ediosn')
insert into #myfirst values (200,'Atlanta')
insert into #myfirst values (300,'Greenwoods')
insert into #myfirst values (400,'Hitchcok')
insert into #myfirst values (700,'Walmart')
insert into #myfirst values (800,'Madida')

-- My Second Data

create table #mySecond (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2))
insert into #mySecond values (1500,'Newyork','MK')
insert into #mySecond values (5500,'Ediosn','HH')
insert into #mySecond values (5060,'The Atlanta','JK')
insert into #mySecond values (7500,'The Greenwoods','DF')
insert into #mySecond values (9500,'Metro','KK')
insert into #mySecond values (3300,'Kilapr','MK')
insert into #mySecond values (9500,'Metro','NH')

--Third Second Data

create table #myThird (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2))
insert into #myThird values (33,'Walmart','PP')
insert into #myThird values (20,'Ediosn','DD')
select f.*,s.Sector from #myfirst f join #mySecond s on =

i have doubt on two things

1) How Can i compare the City names, by eliminating 'The ' at the beginning (if there is any in second tale city) between first and second

2) after comparing first and second if there is no match found in second them want to compare with third table values for those not found

--i tried below to solve first doubt, it is working but want to know any other wasys to do it

select f.*,s.Sector from #myfirst f join #mySecond s on replace (, 'THE ','')= replace (, 'THE ','')

--Expected results wull be

create table #ExpectResults (id int, city varchar(20),Sector varchar(2))
insert into #ExpectResults values (200,'Atlanta','JK')
insert into #ExpectResults values (100,'Ediosn','HH')
insert into #ExpectResults values (300,'Greenwoods','DF')
insert into #ExpectResults values (500,'Newyork','MK')
insert into #ExpectResults values (700, 'Walmart','PP')
insert into #ExpectResults values (800, 'Madidar','')


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Row Values Display In Columns

Jun 5, 2015

One Table have 2 Columns.

2.PSON NUmber

In Table Contains 6 rows with 2 order_numbers and different PSON Number.I want Order Number,PSON1,PSON2,PSON3,PSON4 and its Values

Ex:--Order_number    PSON NUmber
             1                    ONT10
             1                    ONT11
              1                   ONT12
              2                   ONT13
               2                   ONT14

I want   data :-      Order_number    PSON1          PSON2        PSON3
                                  1                     ONT10      ONT11       ONT12
                                   2                      ONT13     ONT14       Null

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Display Multiple Columns Into One Column

Feb 5, 2008

My first ASP.NET/SQL project. I'm creating an Asset Management DB. I wish to view the Asset number, the full name of the user it's assigned to and the Make and Model of each record in the DB. However assets are split into different categories e.g. monitors, PCs, Preinters etc. and they are all in different tables. The SQL below displays the asset number, Name of person assigned and the model of the asset.
SELECT Hardware.AssetNo, [User].FullName, MonitorModel.Model, PCModel.Model AS Expr1, PrinterModel.Model AS Expr2
[User] ON Hardware.UserID = [User].UserID INNER JOIN
Model ON Hardware.ModelID = Model.ModelID LEFT OUTER JOIN
MonitorModel ON Model.MonitorModelID = MonitorModel.MonitorModelID LEFT OUTER JOIN
PrinterModel ON Model.PrinterModelID = PrinterModel.PrinterModelID
This outputs:-
Asset number     FullName     Model     Expr1     Expr2
00000                User Name   Model     NULL      NULL
00001                User Name   NULL      Model     NULL
00002                User Name   NULL      NULL      Model
However what i hope to acheive is output Model, Expr1, Expr2 into one column like so:-
Asset number     FullName     Model
00000                User Name   Model
Can i do this in the SQL or do i have to do it in my ASP.NET (VB) Page?
Using VSWD 2005 Ex Edition and SQL Server 2005 Ex Edition
Thank you for your replies

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How To Display The Values From Two Different Columns (was RS Question)

Jan 3, 2008

Does somebody know how do you get a column in Reporting Services to display the values from two different columns? I don't mean a concat, but the result of the two columns.

This has been a headache for 2 days now.


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Don't Want To Display Sensitive Data In Columns

Oct 21, 2014

I have a table. I have some sensitive data that I don't want to display that sensitive data. The columns I want to abstract are

Firstname varchar(50) not null
Latname varchar(50) not null
dob datetime not null
addressline1 varchar(50) null
adressline2 varchar(50) null
city varchar(50) null
postalcode varchar(20) null

I want to display null values as nulls empty as empty not null as numbers.

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How To Display All Columns Of Distinct Rows

Apr 17, 2014

I have the below working query

select distinct OrderNum from invoiceHistory where orderNum in (56387,57930,57933,57935)

I need to get all columns of the distinct ordernum as resultset. I am working to get the resultset of below.

select invoiceID,distinct orderNum,invoiceDate from invoiceHistory where orderNum in (56387,57930,57933,57935)

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SP To Display Selected Dates As Columns

Jul 31, 2007

Hi all,
i have a table which has date and count as column
Can you me write a query for it.

date | type | count
10/07 | A | 70
11/07 | A | 50
12/07 | A | 50
11/07 | B | 60
12/07 | B | 50
13/07 | B | 40
11/07 | C | 50
12/07 | C | 60
13/07 | C |60
14/07 | A | 50
i need to write a sp such that..if user sends date and @ndays(no. of days) as parameter say 11/07 and 3


out put

type 11/07 12/07 13/07
A 50 50
B 60 50 40
C 50 60 60



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Find The Greatest Of Three Columns Per Each Row And Display

Nov 15, 2006


i have a problem where in i have to display the greatest marks scored by each student.

How can i do this?? Is there any built in TSQL function.



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How To Display 2 Columns Of Data In 1 Column?

Aug 16, 2007

How to display 2 columns of Data in 1 column?

If I use like this

Select Names, 'myData' from emp

The output is:
Name1 myData
Name2 myData
Name3 myData

But, I need to display like this


please advise

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SQL Server 2012 :: Display Columns With No Data

Dec 12, 2013

Trying to get the PSI Outcome, Expected, and PSIIndex every month whether it has data or not. Created a CTE and left outer joined with PSI table, but it's still not pulling every month for every PSIKey.

Table schematics


[Code] .....

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Display The Variance Between Two Years In Row With Months In Columns?

Mar 17, 2008

I already read a lot about the inscope-function and how it is used to display variances over time periods. But I don't know where to start, as there is no tutorial how to setup this functionality. What I want to display within the report is the following:

Code Snippet

ProductGroup Article Year 1 2 3 4 5 ....
Bicycles 1020 2007 1500 2000 etc.
2008 3000 3000
Var. abs. 1500 1000
Var. % 100% 50%
1025 2007 0 1000
2008 500 1200
Var. abs. 500 200
Var. % 500% 20%
Motorcycles etc.

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Need Gridview To Display Different Columns Based On New SELECT Statement

Apr 23, 2008

I have built an Advanced Search page which allows users to select which columns to return (via checkbox) and to enter search criteria for any of the selected columns (into textboxes). I build the SQL statement from the properties of the controls. Works great.
My problem is getting my gridview control to play nicely. At first I used a SqlDataReader and bound the gridview to it, thus giving me the ability to run new SQL statements through it (with different columns each time). Worked nicely. But, per Microsoft, sorting can only be done if the gridview is bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. So I wrote the code to handle sorting. No big deal; worked nicely. But I could not adjust the column widths programmatically unless bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. And could not figure out a work around.
So, I decided to use the SqlDataSource. Works great. Except, I cannot figure out how to run a new SELECT statement through the SQLDataSource and have the gridview respond accordingly. If I try to return anything other than the exact same columns defined declaratively in the html, it pukes. But I need to be able to return a new selection of columns each time. For example, first time through the user selects columns 1,2,3,4 – the gridview should show those 4 columns. The second time the user selects columns 2,5,7 – the gridview should those 3 columns (and ONLY those 3 columns). Plus support selection and sorting.
I am desperate on this. I've burned 2.5 days researching and testing.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

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