How To Display / Generate All Days In A Year?

Sep 17, 2007


I'm wanting to generate a list of all the days that fall between a certain period of time (month, year etc.), but can't find any documentation on how to do this, does anybody know the sql query to do so?


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Transact SQL :: Display All Days Of A Given Month And Year

Oct 17, 2015

I need a simple query to display all the days of a given month and year

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Days In A Year

Jun 20, 2008

Dear gurus..,

I need to get all the days in a year in a single query.

Thanks in advance.,


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Determine Days Of The Year

Jun 16, 2007

Hi there, is that any function in ms sql server 2000 where if i pass a date or a year then it could gives me the total days of year from the parameter?
in mySQL got select DAYOFYEAR(date);

can some one guide me on this please...i need to use it for a leap year function for my SP!

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Calculate Contract Days In Financial Year

Feb 4, 2015

I have a table with 3 fields: Contract_No, Start_Date, End_Date. I need to calculate how many of the days between the Start and End dates fall within each financial year (FY) beginning 1st April and ending 31st March.

So for example if the Contract Start_Date is 26/01/2012 and the End_Date is 20/05/2012 or is null then the number of days for 2012 FY is 49 (counting from 01/04/2012 to 20/05/2012).

If the End_Date is null for the same contract, then the number of days for 2012 FY would be 365.

Since the contract period from Start_Date to End_Date might span more than one or even several FY I need to be able to show this in columns seperately for each FY. What is the best way of achieving this?

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Return Number Of Days By Year From Date Fields

Dec 3, 2013

I need to associate aggregate gross_revenue with calendar year, but do not have a date field that reflects payment dates, just contract periods a start_date and an end_date. The contract periods are typically 1 or 2 years and can start at any time I.e start_date 6/1/2012, end date 5/31/13. I think by finding the number of days that fall in each calendar year and storing in a temp table, I can create a simple formula to associate revenue to each year.

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Date Query Problem Last 8 Days, Different Year From Current

Feb 19, 2008


I'm having problems creating a query that brings the results based on last 8 days on date column (column9) and diferrent year from the current one.

If I run the each filter,

Code SnippetYear(Column9) <> Year(GetDate())


Code Snippet
(Column9 >= DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 8), 0)) AND (Column9 < DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 7), 0))

it returns the right values.

So far I've got (it returns no results):

Code Snippet
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column5, Column6, Column7, Column8, Column9, Column10, Column11, Column12, Column13, Column14,
Column15, Column16, Column17, Column18, Column19, Column20, Column21, Column22, Column23, Column24, Column25, Column26, Column27,
Column28, Column29, Column30, Column31, Column32, Column33, Column34, Column35, Column36, Column37, Column38, Column39, Column40,
Column41, Column42, Column43, Column44, Column45, Column46, Column47, Column48, Column49, data_anulacao, data_instalacao
FROM Contratos01
WHERE Year(Column9) <> Year(GetDate()) AND (Column9 >= DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 8), 0)) AND (Column9 < DATEADD(Day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, GETDATE() - 7), 0))
ORDER BY Column1

Please give me your input.


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How To Get Date Difference In Terms Of Year,month,days

Mar 31, 2008

I am using oracle 10G DB as back end.I have two date fields in a table.



i have to get the premium_term i.e, the difference between the two dates(premium_paying_end_date-premium_paying_start_date).

The difference should show the year,month and no of days difference.

For example :

premium_paying_start_date : 14-10-1984

premium_paying_end_date : 01-03-2008

Difference should be : 23 Y : 4 M : 15 D (Y = years, M = months , D= days)

So please give me the solution for this.

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Transact SQL :: Total Number Of Days Between Two Dates By Year?

May 6, 2015

I am currently working on a T-Sql query(Sql server 2008) to calculate total no of days between date ranges by year


Start Date End Date
01/01/2013 04/30/2014
11/01/2014 05/31/2015
06/01/2015 12/31/2015

My expected result.

2013 - 365
2014 - 181
2015 - 365


Date range can span b/w  multiple years

Date ranges will not overlap

I just want the total number of days covered by the range for each year.

Is there any simple way to do this calculation.

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Generate Data Of All Days Of Last Month

Jun 9, 2014

What query should i use to generate a data of all days on last month, for example, if today is june so last month would be may.

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Transact SQL :: Select All Days In Week Number X Including Last Year If Necessary

May 24, 2015

SQL express 2012. I am trying to case in the where part and having a syntax errors - This is what i am trying to do:

select all the days in week number x including last year if necessary... so if the year start not at the beginning of the week then look in last year as well ( for the same week number of this year and last week nu of last year)

@yyyy int = 2014,-- THE YEAR
@mm int = 1,-- THE MONTH
@week1No int = 1,-- THE WEEK NUMBER IN THE YEAR
@week2No int = 37-- THE last WEEK NUMBER IN last YEAR
select count(tblDay.start)-- tblDay.start IS smallDatetime

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Select All The Days In Week Number X Including Last Year If Necessary

May 24, 2015

SQL express 2012

I am trying to case in the where part and having a syntax errors - this is what i am trying to do:

Select all the days in week number x including last year if necessary... so if the year start not at the beginning of the week then look in last year as well ( for the same week number of this year and last week nu of last year)

@yyyy int = 2014,-- THE YEAR
@mm int = 1,-- THE MONTH
@week1No int = 1,-- THE WEEK NUMBER IN THE YEAR
@week2No int = 37-- THE last WEEK NUMBER IN last YEAR
select count(tblDay.start)-- tblDay.start IS smallDatetime

[Code] ...

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Calculate Number Of Days Since Start Of Fiscal Year

Jul 29, 2015

Our fiscal year starts on July 1st. Each month they call a period - so July is period 1, August is period 2, etc.

They are wanting a report that pulls numbers for a given period. There are parameters for them to select the fiscal year and the fiscal period, and then it calculates the numbers for that period. That part works fine.

Now they want me to do some calculations, and one of them is to divide one of the numbers by the # of days since the fiscal year. So if they choose July, it would be 31 days. If they choose August, it would be 61 days, etc. How can I set this up to calculate the number of days when they really aren't entering a start date, it's just a fiscal year and period.

Is there a way to calculate a date field that is 07/01/xxxx where xxxx is the fiscal year they chose? Also a way to calculate a date field that would be the last date of the month for the fiscal period and year they chose?

I suppose I could add 2 other parameters where they enter the start of the current fiscal year, and the last day of the period they're running it for, and use a datediff to calculate that. Just seems kind of redundant.

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Display Last 30 Days From Given Date

Aug 1, 2013

I need to display the last 30 days from given period.


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Transact SQL :: How To Generate Week Ranges For A Year In 2005

Mar 22, 2011

I have to insert YEAR   WEEKNUMBER   STARTDATE   ENDDATE values to a datatable (sayweekrange), if I pass 2011 as year.

Week range starts at 2011-03-28 to 2011-04-03 (because in my database 2010 last week range ends with 2011-03-27) like this I have to generate for 52 weeks.

I want to write a stored procedure, that takes only year as parameter. with this year I have to generate week ranges and insert into my table as shown above.

How can I do this ?

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Display All Accounts With Year

Aug 9, 2013

I have 3 tables

[POLICY_YEAR] [char](4) NULL,
[GL_ACCOUNT] [nvarchar](8) NULL,
[GL_ACCT_DESCRIPTION] [nvarchar](100) NULL,

[Code] ....

12345-00 201312345-00-20131304
67890-00 201067890-00-20101305
54321-08 201354321-00-20131304
Total of 3640 accounts

I can't figure out how to display all 3640 accounts. If there is no match in HISTORY table for this period display 0 for the calculations but display Gl_ACCOUNT + year.

67890-00-2010 0

All 3640 rows here

My code shows only 3469 records.

select M.GL_ACCOUNT +'-'+ isnull(policy_year, '0000')NewGL, isNull (SUM(PRIOR_VDIFFPRIOR), 0)as [PriorEndOfMont],
ISNULL(sum(CURR_VDIFFPRIOR),0) as [CurrentEndOfmonth] ,
isnull (SUM (PRIOR_VDIFFPRIOR),0) - isnull (sum(CURR_VDIFFPRIOR),0) as Difference
left outer join SUMMARY s on M.GL_ACCOUNT +'-'+ isnull(policy_year, '0000') = s.GL_NUMBER
group by GL_NUMBER,M.GL_ACCOUNT +'-'+ isnull(policy_year, '0000')order by GL_NUMBER,M.GL_ACCOUNT +'-'+ isnull(policy_year, '0000')

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Calculate The SUM For 1 Month & 5 Days -display

Dec 18, 2007

Hi All,

I am new to SQL programming, i have only a fair knowledge on sql programmin.So, I apologies for any silly questions-

I have a Table1 which contains
C3-grossamount(postivie and negative decimal values)


Table 3

I need create a store procedure to retrieve the following on a single table

1. top 10 losers of the day i.e. 10 AccountIDs with the greatest negative Grossamount for the day
NOTE:These 10 AccountIDs may be sam or differing each day
2.sum of Netamount for each AccountIDs listed in STEP 1 since the beginning of the month.
NOTE:These 10 AccountIDs may be same or differing each day and each day sum of netamount should be from beginning of the month till current date.
3.Sum of Netamount for the last 5 days for each accountids in STEP1

The result set must contain the columns as below

C3-net loss for 10 losers on the current date since the beginning of the month
C4-Sum of Net for last 5 days

Please help me.

Below is the script that i have written, without calculating the sum

select top 10, a.accountid, a.gross,, c.groupname
from GBSys_Sum_EOD a

join server2.dbname.dbo.table2 b on a.accontid=b.accounit=id
join server2.dbname.dbo.Table3 c on b.groupid=c.groupid

where date> getdate()-1
and gross< (floor(-00.00)) order by gross

Thanks in advance.

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Display ONLY Month, Year From SQL2k

Jan 15, 2007

Tried this: SELECT CONVERT(varchar,fieldMonthYear,107) 'Month in Question' FROM .....That returns: Apr 01, 2006What I need is this: April 2006 or even Apr 2006. But no date for the day.Is there a way I can trim the center 4 characters of this now converted varchar? This is in a datalist, btw. Thanks!bs. 

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How To Display Result Of Different Year In Different Column Instead Of Different Row?

Feb 7, 2006

I am trying to display component usage in January for the past year, if I want to display the year in different column, what should I do?
component_id   component_description   qty_used_on_2005_Jan   qty_used_on_2006_Jan
C58B0BDD       tape drive                             2                                              3
Currently I am using this sql:
select cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan' as Year, component_id, component_description,sum(component_qty) as total_qty_used
from view_jobComponent
where month(date_complete) = 1group by component_id, component_description, cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan'order by component_id, component_description
which I will get something like this:
Year          component_id   component_description   total_qty_used
2005 Jan    C58B0BDD       tape drive                             22006 Jan    C58B0BDD       tape drive                             3

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Convert DateTime To Int - Display Number Of Days

Sep 1, 2014

I'm stuck on converting a datetime field to Int. Basically, one of the fields in the select returns the datetime of a journey. However I need to be able to add up the number of days for a specific person who done that journey, e.g. it will return 21/08/2014, 22/08/2014 etc...

I then need to total up the days as a new field to display the number of days.

Can you do this by converting a datetime to int then use COUNT on the int?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Can Display All Days In A Range Even With No Data?

Aug 10, 2015

I need to display all the dates within a range even with no data

For example right now my query get the records with the range say...

The range is 7/1/15 thru 7/7/15

I Get...
Joe 7/1/15 xxx
Joe 7/3/15 ccc
Joe 7/5/15 xxx

I want...
Joe 7/1/15 xxx
Joe 7/2/15
Joe 7/3/15 ccc
Joe 7/4/15
Joe 7/5/15 xxx
Joe 7/6/15
Joe 7/7/15

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Generate Working Schedule For Employees For X-days Ahead Based On Starting Date

May 6, 2014

I would like to generate a working schedule for employees for x-days ahead based on a starting date that the user can enter.

I have got 3 relevant tables:

1. Table X with (1) resourcenumber, (2) starting date working schedule and (3) the daynumber representing the starting date (this is ISO so 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday etc.)

2. Table Y has the schedule itself and can hold a 7-days schedule or a 14-days schedule. In case of 7 days schedule there a 14 (!) records with (1) resourcenumber, (2) daynumber, (3) starting hour a.m. (4) ending hour a.m (5) starting hour p.m and (6) ending hour p.m. In case of a 14-days schedule there are 28 records (a.m. and p.m. records)

3. Table Z with resource data.

An example to clarify (for fake employee 100):

Table X:
Resource: 100
Starting date: 2012-03-01 (from this date the schedule will be effective)
Daynumber: 4 (2012-03-01 was a Thursday)

Table Y (Resource has a 14 days schedule because per 2 weeks Monday is an off-day):

Record 1 shows: Resource: 100, Daynumber: 1 (= Monday, working day), AM-Starting hour: 09:00, AM-Ending hour: 13:00, PM-starting hour: 13:30, PM-ending hour: 17:30
Record 2: same but daynumber is 2
Record 3: same but daynumber is 3 etc.
Record 8 shows: Resource: 100, Daynumber: 8 (= Monday, off-day), AM-Starting hour: 00:00, AM-Ending hour: 00:00, PM-starting hour: 00:00, PM-ending hour: 00:00
Record 9: same as record 2 but daynumber is 9.
Record 14: same as record 7 but day is 14 (= last day)

The weekend days show as 00:00 for the hours (same as day 8 in example)

I generated the working schedule with a CROSS APPLY function based on the starting date and the x-number of days ahead.

I then evaluate the actual daynumber corresponding with that date with the daynumber in table Y. That works fine with a 7-days schedule but I can't get it fixed with a 14-days schedule. Day 8 in that schedule represents an actual day 1 but how do I know what actual date day 8 is ... I think I have to start with the starting date in table X ...

I think ideally I would like to have the generated days as follows (as an example in case of a 14-days schedule starting 2014-05-01 for 30 days ahead):

2014-05-01 = day 4 (= actual daynumber)
2014-05-02 = day 5
2014-05-03 = day 6
2014-05-10 = day 13
2014-05-11 = day 14
2014-05-12 = day 1
2014-05-13 = day 2
2014-05-14 = day 3
2014-05-24 = day 13
2014-05-25 = day 14
2014-05-26 = day 1
2014-05-27 = day 2
2014-05-31 = day 6

With this done I can compare the actual daynumber with the daynumber in Table Y.

The rownumber that the CROSS APPLY function generates has to be reset to 1 after day 14. I tried PARTITION BY in THE ROW_NUMBER function but to no avail ... The only field I can partition by is the maximum value of the daynumber (14 is the example) but that is not allowed in the rownumber function.

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Display First Date If Split Into A Year And Month Column?

Mar 27, 2012

How can I find the first date if the date is split into a year and month column?

I thought of using the Min function, which would work for the year column, but it would probably just return a 1 everytime in the month column.

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MS SQL Compare Columns To Generate Display Name

Sep 17, 2007

Hello, I have the following table with 4 columns....firstname, lastname1, lastname2, EMAILTable has user names and email, I would like to generate a 5th columncalled DisplayName.The email Id is sometimes firstname.lastname1.lastname2@ and othersjust firstname.lastname1@I would like to generate the display name exactly like the email egfirstname.lastname1.lastname2@ displayName = firstname for james.smith display name = James Smith and forjames.earl.smith displayName = James Earl Smith etc etcIs there a way that I can check/compare email Id (before the @ part)with firstname, lastname1 and lastname2 and generate a display namebased on what was used for the email address?I hope I've explained this well :-)Many thanks in advance for any help/adviseYas

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SQL Query - DATEADD Function ? Goal - Have Events @+3 Days Display Today

Feb 23, 2004

I have events which require certain things be done several days before the event and things be done several days after the event. I attempted to use the DATEADD function to subtract 3 days from the event date. The SQL Statement I created did just that, but, it displays 3 days back from today's date.

There are 2 tables:

CalendarCategories -- Table

CalCategoryID -- int field
CalCategoryName -- varchar field

CalendarEvents -- Table

CalCategoryID -- int Field
Title -- varchar Field
StartDate -- DateTime Field

I have to perform some tasks 3 days before the event. So, TODAY, I want to see a listing of those events which are scheduled for 3 days FROM NOW.

This is my current SQL Statement:
SELECT DATEADD(d,-3,StartDate) AS [Update Payoffs & Ins], Title AS [Closing Description] FROM CalendarEvents WHERE datepart(dd,StartDate)=datepart(dd,getdate()) AND datepart(mm,StartDate)=datepart(mm,getdate())

This SQL Statement takes TODAY'S events and gives them a date of February 20. See example of the results at

This is what I have already done relative to my calendar listings:

Specific Event Types for the Current Month :

SELECT StartDate AS [Date and Time], CalCategoryName AS [Cls Type], Title AS [Closing Description] FROM CalendarEvents inner join CalendarCategories
on CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = CalendarCategories.CalCategoryID
where (CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 1 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 2 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 3 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 4 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 20) AND (datepart(mm,StartDate)=datepart(mm,getdate()) AND datepart(yy,StartDate)=datepart(yy,getdate())) AND CalendarEvents.ModuleID = 360 ORDER BY StartDate ASC

Specific Event Types for the Current Day:

SELECT StartDate AS [Date and Time], CalCategoryName AS [Cls Type], Title AS [Closing Description] FROM CalendarEvents inner join CalendarCategories
on CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = CalendarCategories.CalCategoryID
where (CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 1 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 2 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 3 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 4 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 20) AND (datepart(dd,StartDate)=datepart(dd,getdate()) AND datepart(mm,StartDate)=datepart(mm,getdate()) AND datepart(yy,StartDate)=datepart(yy,getdate())) AND CalendarEvents.ModuleID = 360 ORDER BY StartDate ASC

Your assistaince is much appreciated.


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To Display Month Name And Year Instaed Of Complete SSRS Reports

May 6, 2008

Hi All,
I have a sample data like this..I have added the cases for the particular worker in the table..My question is that when displaying the cases for the particular month...the date should not be displayed..instead of date 2008-04-30 I have to April 2008...if the date is should display as October 2008...can anyone please help me with this...
312 KRISTI WHITE 865400 2008-04-30 2
312 KRISTI WHITE 1000264311 2008-04-30 3
312 KRISTI WHITE 1000430815 2008-04-30 1
312 KRISTI WHITE 1000660614 2008-04-30 1
312 KRISTI WHITE 1002371318 2008-04-30 2
312 KRISTI WHITE 2003722520 2008-04-30 4


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Transact SQL :: To Display Days Hours Mins Format Based On Business Hours

Apr 22, 2015

I want to display Days Hours Mins Format.

I am Having two columns Like below,

Col1 (in days)    col2 (In Hours : Mins)
3days  4:5 

In this first have to  add Col1 and Col2 (Here one day is equals to 9 hours ) so the addition is 31.5

From this 31.5 I should display 3 Days 4 Hours 30 Mins because 31.5 contains 3 (9 hours) days 4 Hours and .5 is equals to 30 mins.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Display Row As 2 Days Ago / 1 Hours 34 Minutes Ago / 11 Minutes Ago

Apr 21, 2015

My table as data as follow,

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[table_Data]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[table_Data]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[table_Data] Script Date: 04/21/2015 22:07:49 ******/
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[table_Data]') AND type in (N'U'))


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Remove Weekends And Non Working Days When Calculating Days Difference Between Two Dates

Jan 7, 2014

I have an SQL code below which removes weekends and non working days when calculating days difference between two dates:

ce.enquiry_time represents when the enquiry was logged

(DATEDIFF(dd, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) + 1)
-(DATEDIFF(wk, ce.enquiry_time, getdate()) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, ce.enquiry_time) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, getdate()) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nonworking_day WHERE nonworking_day.nonworking_date >= ce.enquiry_time AND nonworking_day.nonworking_date < dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,getdate()),1))

It works but I don't understand how it works it out. I am having issues understanding each coloured piece of code and how it works together.

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SQL Server - Select Records Added Today, Last 3 Days, 7 Days...

Oct 25, 2006

Hello,I am writing a query to select records added to a table today, in the last 3 days, in the last 7 days, and so on.Here is what I have (which seems that its not working exactly).   -- total listed today
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 0-- total listed yesterday
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 1-- total listed in the last 3 days
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 3I'd like to be able to select the count for records added within the last X number of days. Can someone please help me out?  Thanks so much in advance.

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Fiscal Year Totals - Calculating Sales By Month And Current Year

Sep 18, 2013

I have the following script that calculates Sales by month and current year.

We run a Fiscal year from April 1st thru March 31st.

So April 2012 sales are considered Fiscal Year 2013.

Is there a way I can alter this script to get Fiscal Year Totals?

select ClassificationId, YEAR(inv_dt) as Year, cus_no,
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 4 then salesamt end),0) as 'Apr',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 5 then salesamt end),0) as 'May',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 6 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jun',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 7 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jul',

[Code] ....

Data returned looks like the following.

ClassificationID Year Cus_no Apr May June ....
100 2012 100 $23 $30 $400
100 2013 100 $40 $45 $600

What I would need is anything greater than or equal to April to show in the next years row.

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Reporting Services :: Calculate Sales Percentage Difference Between Selected Year And Previous Year In A Matrix

Mar 27, 2015

I'm trying to generate a report using matrix like this

Product     PreviousYearSalesAmount    SelectedYearSalesAmount      %SalesDifference

I can populate year sales amount, but i cant calculate the percentage.

Note: Month and Year are passed as parameters.

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To Send The Date Format If The User Has Specified Only Month And Year, Or Only The Year

Aug 30, 2004

I have three web form controls, a ddl that contains the day, another ddl that contains the month and a textbox that contains the current year. To send the date chosen by the user to the database, I join the three web form control values so that the resultant string is ‘day/month/year’ thus:

CmdInsert.Parameters("@Date").Value = day.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + month.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + year.Text()

And the resultant string is: dd/mm/yyyy, for example 30/08/2004.
But the problem is if the user does not select any day or any day and month, then the resultant string is for example; 00/08/2004 or 00/00/2004, but the problem is the database does not accept this format as datetime. How can I do it?

I want the user has the possibility to chose as well only the month and year, and as well only the year. Is it possible to send to the database the datetime format with only the month and year, or only the year?

Thank you,

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