Need Dump 200 Columns To A Flat File

Apr 7, 2006


I need to dump a table with more than 200 columns to a flat file. I tired in SSIS with the flat file destination, but it only allows 84 columns. What should I do if I want to dump all the columns to a text or cvs file.
Thanks in advance

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How To Dump Records From The Table To The Flat File?

May 21, 2001

I'm using sqlserver 2000 enterprise edition. I am an oracle dba and we have some tables in sqlserver 2000 that we need to write out to the flat file. I have a procedure in oracle to do this for oracle tables. But, how would I do this in sqlserver 2000. I have 10 columns on this table and I only want 3 columns data to be dumped on the flat file. We are on NT sever 4.0.


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Export/data Dump To Flat File Is Too Slow

Mar 10, 2006

I am trying to export a table with ~ 10 Million rows to a flat file and it is taking for ever with SQL2005 export functionality. I have tried creating an SSIS package with a flat-file destination and the results are the same. In each case it does the operation in chunks of about 9900+ rows, and each chunk takes ~1-2 minutes which sounds unreasonable.

I tried bcp, and it fails after a few thousand rows. I tried moving the data to SQL2000 first then to flat file from SQL2K, but the move from SQL2005->SQL2000 was going at the same rate as above.

So, the bottleneck seems to be data going out of SQL2005 no matter what the destination is. I'm wondering if there is some setting that Iam missing that would make this run in a reasonable amount of time?

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SQL 2012 :: Find Out Number Of Columns In Flat File Before Process That Particular File

Apr 14, 2014

I need find out the number of columns in flat file before i process that particular file.I have file name in @filename variable and file path is @filepath variable.But do not not that how i will check the column name in before i will process that file.

@filePath = C:DatabaseSourceFilesCAHCVSSourceFiles
And i am using for each loop container to read the file one by one and put the file name in @filename variable.and my file name like



Now what i have to do is i need to make sure that ID,Name,City,County,Phone is there in flat file.if it is not there then i have to send mail to client saying that file is not valid.I need to also calculate the size of flat file.

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Want To Map One Flat File Column To Two Db Columns

Oct 3, 2007

on an oledb destination, I want to map one column from a flat file source object to two different columns on the database table.
I only seem to be able to map one to one.
How do I get the pointer to attach to two destination columns?

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How To Map Columns Between Flat File And Oledb Destination

Mar 11, 2008

i am trying to load almost 15 csv files to my oledb destination can i use for each container to map the source columns dynamically to destination table during data flow task

FLAT FILE SOURCE ------------------------------------ > OLEDB DESTINATION

1.Product.csv Product Table (Different mappings between columns)

No.of columns also differ in csv files...

P.S. : Dont ask to me to do individual data flow task for each csv files.

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Dynamic Columns For Flat File Destination?

Jul 10, 2006

I have a database app, and we're implementing various data export features using SSIS.

Basically, it's a couple of straight extracts of various recordsets/views, etc. to CSV (flat files) from our SQL Server 2005 database, so I'm creating an SSIS package for each of these datasets.

So far, so good, but my problem comes here: My requirements call for users to select from a list of available columns the fields that they want to include in their exported file. Then, the package should run, but only output the columns specified by the user.

Does anyone have any idea as to the best way to accomplish this? To recap, at design time, I know which columns the users will have to choose from, but at run time, they will specify the columns to export to the flat file.

Any help or guidance here is greatly appreciated

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Flat File And Uneven Number Of Columns

Jan 20, 2006

Please leave feedback for Microsoft regarding this problem at

Ok I'm sure it just me, SSIS has been great so far....but how can you import a straight CSV file with and uneven column count.

For example: (assume CR LF row delimiter)


"Normally" I'd expect this

| Col1 |
| Col2 |
| Col3 |
| Col4 |
| Col5 |




Ok but what we get is the row delimiter is ignored in preference for the column delimiter and the row delimiter gets sucked into the column and the next row starts to get layed down.

So we get

| Col1 |
| Col2 |
| Col3 |
| Col4 |
| Col5 |



I'm I not seeing a tick box somewhere that says "over here if you want to terminate a row on the row delimiter even if all columns aren't full and we'll pad NULLs in rest of the row columns which you can fix in the flow transformations"

I'm sure it's!

(By the way SSIS team, great job on the package love using it)

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Not Able To Map View Columns To A Flat File Destination

Oct 16, 2007


I have a dataflow task with two components: OLE DB source --> Flat File destination

In the OLE DB source, I am accessing a view, not a table.

However, when I attempt to map the view's input columns to the flat file destination columns, the screen is completely blank. There's none of the usual drop downs that let you select the column name, nor can I drag and drop the input column from the upper pane to the lower pane.

Is there a trick to doing this?


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Order Of Columns In Flat File Destination

Oct 23, 2007

I need to create a number of flat files, all with the same layout and sourced from the the same table, but with different criteria.

The first set of (three) flat files file is created out of a simple Conditional Split transformation: If Source Table row number > 40,000 route to File 3; if row number > 20,000, route to file 2, otherwise route to file 1. This gives me 20,000 rows in files 1 & 2 and the remainder in file 3.

I also want to create a fourth flat file by joining the Source Table with a sample table and selecting only those rows where the Customer numbers match. I'm currently doing this in two stages: An Execute SQL Task performs the join and inserts the selected rows into a Destination table (identical layout to source table), and then a simple data flow moves the rows from the Destination table into the fourth flat file.

My problem is that the order of the columns in the first three flat files is different from the fourth file. I've tried creating the fourth flat file with a single data flow using a Merge Join transformation which didn't work because the tables aren't sorted in the correct sequence, and I couldn't get an OLE DB Command transformation to work either.

I'm not sure why the column order of the 4th file should be different seeing as how its contents are sourced from the same Source table, but is there a cunning way of setting this up so that the columns end up in the same order?

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Flat File Connection Is Skipping Columns

Jan 25, 2007

The data file contains column names in the first row. Excel imports the file correctly. I can see the tabs in UltraEdit32. But...the flat file connection just skips over a column.
In the preview window, it appears to skip the column entirely.

However, when the data is imported, data from the non recognized column goes into a column that is mapped to receive data from another column shifting the data in to the next column.

I am using the CopyColumn and the SQL Destination controls.

Any ideas on how to make this work?


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Integration Services :: Flat File With Dynamic Columns

Aug 31, 2015

I will be receiving a CSV daily where columns within the file will change. The column order and number of columns can change daily. I need a way to read in the header from the csv and create a flat file connection that reflects the columns listed in the header.  

Is there an easy way to do this using a script task? I have already read the header into a table but I have been unable to create the dynamic file connection.

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Formatting Columns For A Flat File Destination Control

Mar 28, 2007

So i've created a flat file destination control and have mapped the columns. At what point can you control which column shows up first?

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Flat File To SQL Destination - Unused Columns Warning

Jan 15, 2007

I have a flat file data source and SQL Server destination data flow. Only a subset of columns from the source are mapped to the destination. During execution SSIS returns DTS pipline warnings for every unmapped source column. Is some kind of transformation the only way to get rid of these warnings?

Also this data flow subsequently returns an error: [SQL Server Destination [1293]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT ' could not be opened. Operating system error code 2(The system cannot find the file specified.). Make sure you are accessing a local server via Windows security."

I'm researching this error, but if anyone is familiar with it your advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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SSIS Flat File Connection Manager Max Columns

Dec 27, 2006

Hi everyone

I´m using the Flat File Connection Manager to access a flat file, tab delimited. The flat file has 200 columns, and when I'm editing the columns, I only preview columns from 0 to 97.

Does the flat file connection have a column number limit? How could I increase it?

Thank you for your answer.....


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Flat File Import, Ignore Missing Columns?

Oct 12, 2007

I'm new to SSIS, and trying to automate data imports from text files. The text files I'm importing always contain a fixed set of columns, or a subset of those columns. If I include a subset of columns in the import file (and exclude others), the data doesn't import...I assume because the actual file doesn't include every column defined in the flat file source object?

Is it possible to accomplish this without dynamically selecting the columns, as indicated here:

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How To Validate Flat File Data Against Not Null Columns Of A Table?

Nov 27, 2007

Hi all,

I am facing a problem on validating the data from a flat file while inserting the data into the destination table of sql server 2005 database. In my package, i have to validate the input data whether the values are coming as null or not, before inserting into the destination database. The flat file may not contain data for all NOT NULL columns. I have to find out that row(s) and reject the record. If the rows are coming as Null for the Not Null columns, the OLEDB Destination throws OLEDB exception for the constraint.

To resolve this, i have an script component in data flow, to check whether the input data is coming as null. I have added the output column of boolean type to the script component, it will be assigned to TRUE when there is null for the Not Null column in the script.

And in the follwing conditional split, i am checking the flag for TRUE to reject the record.

Is there any other way to handle this validation?


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Flat File Connection Manager - How To Identify Columns Positionally

Feb 21, 2007

Hi All,

I need a urgent help regarding this issue :

Coulmns are identified only with delimeter like comma, tab, vertical bar etc ..... .Is it any way we can give positions like coulmn 1 3 charecters

coulmn 2 5 charecters

Thanks in advance

Shagun Khare

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Integration Services :: Flat File Connection Manager With Variable Columns

May 28, 2009

I have a requirement wherein I have to setup the flat file connection manager to accept columns on fly. Meaning I want to retrieve list of columns/column count from the database when the package is run and set the connection manager with those many columns.

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Integration Services :: Comma Separated Value In A Flat File With Two Columns (Code / Name)

Oct 21, 2015

I have one requirements below..

Table input
Eno        ename                  Eloc       
1              Sid                         
Pune     101,201,301,401,501,601

Eno        ename                  Eloc       
1              Sid                         
Pune     101
1              Sid                         
Pune     201
1              Sid                         
Pune     301
1              Sid                         
Pune     401
1              Sid                         
Pune     501
1              Sid                         
Pune     601

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Flat File Data Source With Variable Number Of Delimited Columns

Feb 26, 2007

I am writing a package that will process delimited flat files that will come in one of a few different versions. Within each flat file, the number of delimited columns will be the same, but each version of the file has a different number of columns. I have tried configuring the flat file data source to expect the version with the largest number of columns, but it will then throw away rows that have less than this number of columns (warning: There is a partial row at the end of the file).

Is it possible to use a single flat file data source that will work with all of the different width files?

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Integration Services :: Flat File Destination Columns Are Too Wide (too Many Trailing Spaces)

Nov 6, 2015

I'm loading data from a sql server table into a flat file. The flat file connection manager has the following settings


Text Qualifier:"
Header row delimiter: {CR}{LF}
Header rows to skip : 0
Row Delimiter: {CR}{LF}
Column delimiter: comma(,)

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Redefining Columns Isn't Possible With Flat File Connection Manager Editor Properties Already Fixed??

May 29, 2006

Dear fellows,

I know that I think as sql2k programmer-dba yet but I can€™t avoid.

I€™ve got Flat File Connection Manager Editor dragged with a text file as €˜ragged right€™ format and CRLF as header row limiter. When from properties page and Columns option I€™m going to alter just a few colums I am not be able.
It seems that you must erase all of them in order to define one or two. And in the case you€™d have 50????
When I ran sql2k DTS designer did that without problems, alter columns again and again.

As far as I know it€™s a lose of flexibility, or not? Or is there any way for do that without deleting nothing else?

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Flat File Source - If An Error Occurs, Continue Parsing The Remaining Columns In The Row Before Failing

Jan 14, 2008

Hello everyone,

I have a package that extracts data from a Flat File. If any errors or truncation occur during the extraction of the input data, the package should fail. All fields that have erroneous values should be reported in the log file.

My Solution:
- I have created a Data Flow Task that contains a Flat File Source Adapter and a dummy destination.

- I have left the default "Error Output" configuration of the Flat File Source adapter, namely if a truncation or an error occur for a certain column, then the reaction is "Fail Component".

This configuration gives me only the first erroneous column in the row being processed.

Is it possible to make the Flat File Source adapter continue parsing the current row before it fails? This way, I would be able to get all the erroneous columns in the row in one shot.

Thanks in advance...

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Unable To Edit Pre-defined Flat File Connection Manager Properties In The Flat File Destination Editor

Aug 24, 2007


I am testing SSIS and have created a Flat File Destination. I defined the Flat File Connection as New for the first time and it worked fine. Now, I would like to go back and modify the Flat File Connection in the Flat File Destination Editor, but it allows only to create a New connection rather allowing me to edit the existing one. For testing, I can go back and create a new connection, but if my connection had 50-100 columns then it would be an issue to re-create it from scratch.

Did someone else faced this issue?


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Flat File Connection Manager Throws Error When A Column Gets Added To The Flat File

Dec 27, 2006


I have a situation where a tab limited text file is used to populate a sql server table.

The tab limited text file comes from a third party vendor. There are fixed number of columns we need to export to the sql server table. However the third party may add colums in the text file. Whenenver the text file has an added column (which we dont need to import) the build fails since the flat file connection manager does not create the metadata for it again. The problem goes away  where I press the button "Reset Columns" since it builds the metadata then. Since we need to build the tables everyday we cannot automate it using SSIS because the metadata does not change automatically. Is there a way out in SSIS?

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Output Column Width Not Refected In The Flat File That Is Created Using A Flat File Destination?

May 11, 2006

I am transferring data from an OLEDB source to a Flat File Destination and I want the column width for all of the output columns to 30 (max width amongst the columns selected), but that is not refected in the Fixed Width Flat File that got created. The outputcolumnwidth seems to be the same as the inputcolumnwidth. Is there any other setting that I am possibly missing or is this a possible defect?

Any inputs will be appreciated.


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How To Redirect The Error Of A Source Flat File To The Destination Flat File?

Nov 10, 2006

Hi all,

I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.

Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.

i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.

Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?


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Select Columns With Correct Width For Fixed Width Flat File?

Dec 6, 2013

I have like 100 columns and most of them work fine, but some will not work. I need to select the columns with correct width for fixed width flat file.

Here is typical SQL statment that works for most of them.

left(RTRIM(A.City) + Replicate(' ', 25) ,25) as [City]

The above one is not working, but many other works fine like the address. Why would it work for some, but not others?

It works fine if I use any char, but not space. i.e.

left(RTRIM(A.City) + Replicate('*', 25) ,25) as [City]

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Converting Flat File To SQL2005 Table (Flat File From H***)

Feb 11, 2008

First, a couple of important bits of information. Until last week, I had never touched SISS, and therefore, I know very little about it. I just never had the need to use it...until now. I was able to convert my first 3 flat files to SQL2005 tables by right clicking on "SISS Package" and choosing "SISS Import and Export Wizard". That is the extent of my knowledge! So please, please, please be patient with me and be as descriptive as possible.

I thought I could attach some sample files to this post, but it doesn't look like I can. I'll just paste the information below in two separate code boxes. The first code box is the flat file specifications and the second one is a sample single line flat file similar to what I'm dealing with (the real flat file is over 2 gigs).

My questions are below the sample files.

Code Snippet
Record Length 400

Positions Length FieldName

Record Type 01
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "01")
3,12 L=10 Site Name
13,19 L=7 Account Number
20,29 L=10 Sub Account
30,35 L=6 Balance
36,37 L=1 Active
37,41 L=5 Filler
Record Type 02
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "02")
3,4 L=2 State
5,30 L=26 Address
31,41 L=11 Filler
Record Type 03
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "03")
3,6 L=4 Coder
7,20 L=14 Locator ID
21,22 L=2 Age
23,41 L=19 Filler
Record Type 04
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "04")
3,9 L=7 Process
10,19 L=10 Client
20,26 L=6 DOB
26,41 L=16 Filler
Record Type 05
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "05")
3,16 L=14 Guarantor
17,22 L=6 Guar Account
23,23 L=1 Active Guar
**There can be multiple 05 records, one for each Guarantor on the account**

and the single line flat file...

Code Snippet
01Site1 12345 0000098765 Y 02NY1155 12th Street 03ELL 0522071678 29 04TestingSmith,Paul071678 05Smith, Jane 445978N 05Smith, Julie 445989N 05Smith, Jenny 445915N 01Site2 12346 0000098766 N 02MN615 Woodland Ct 04InfoJones,Chris 012001 01Site3 12347 0000098767 Y 02IN89 Jade Street 03OWB 6429051282 25 04Screen New,Katie 879500

As you can see, each entry could have any number of records and multiples of some of the record types, with one exception, every entry must have a "01" record and can only have one "01" record. Oh, and each record has a length of 400.

I need to get this information into a SQL 2005 database so I can create a front end for accessing the data. Originally, I wanted one line for each account and have null values listed for entries that don't have a specific record. Now that I've looked at the data again, that doesn't look like a good idea. I think a better way to do it would be to create 5 different tables, one for each record type. However, records 2 through 5 don't have anything I can make a primary key. So here are my questions...

Is it possible to make 5 tables from this one file, one table for each of the record types?

If so, can I copy the Account number in record 01, position 13-19 in each of the subsequent record types (that way I could link the tables as needed)?

Can this be done using the SISS Import and Export Wizard to create the package? If not, I'm going to need some very basic step by step instructions on how to create the package.

Is SISS the best way to do this conversion or is there another program that would be better to use?
I know this is a huge question and I appreciate the help of anyone who boldly decides to help me! Thank you in advance and I welcome anyone's suggestions!

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How Can I Take This Example Flat File And Parse Out Each Section To A New Flat File? Each Section Starts With HD (header Row)

Mar 13, 2006

How can I take this example Flat file and parse out each section to a new flat file?  Each section starts with HD (header row)

e.g. an example output file based on above (cutting out the first section) would be:

Also, I'll need to grab a certain value in each header row (certain position in the 100 byte header row) to use that as part of the filename that's outputed.  I assume it would be better to insert these rows into a temp table then somehow do a search on a specific position in the row...but that's impossible?  The other route is to insert each row into a temp table separated out by fields but that is going to be too combursome because we have several formats to determine separation of fields based on the row type so I'd have to create many temp tables and many components in SSIS when all we want to do is again:

1) output each group (broken by each header row) into it's own txt file

2) use a field in  the  header row as part of the name of the output txt file (e.g. look at the first row, whcih is a header row in flat_file_example. txt.  I want to grab the text 'AR10' and use that as part of the filename that I create

Any suggestions on how to approach this whole process in SSIS...the simplest approach that will work ?

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OLE DB Source To Flat File Destintation Using Fixed Width Columns - Determining Source Column Width

Feb 13, 2007


I am trying to create a program that transfers tables to flat files.
At this point in time, I have suceeded in created one that creates delimited files.

However, I am now trying to create fixed-width files as you can do with the SSIS designer, but programatically.

Is there a way to programatically determine the width of a column from the source table? I can not seem to find any kind of function or member that stores this information or allows me to retrieve it.

I know what I need to change in order to set a width for a column, but I just don't know how to find the width without just asking the user to provide one.

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Dump File For DB Compare

Dec 12, 2000

I want to compare the schemas of 2 different databases, I heard that there was a way to dump the contents of a database (tables, stored procedures, objects, etc) to a text file in SQL to use for an easy compare. Anyone know the process in which to do this? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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