Need To Log The Error If Excel File Didnt Exist

Dec 15, 2007

Hi Friends,

I have used an excel file connection manager to load my source excel file to import data to the sql server database. I need to log a error message when the required file did not exists. Plz let me know how to do this.


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File Does Not Exist Error While Renaming A Flat File

May 22, 2008

Hi All,

We have a SSIS package which is accessing a remote Windows file share location.
The package first moves the file from folder-1 to folder-2 and also renames the file during this process.
Then the package reads the file (using a flat file connection FF_SRC) from folder-2 and renames it again after processing it successfully.

The permissions given to the user executing the package on folder-2 are: Read+Write+Modify+List folder contents.

We are facing an error:

Code SnippetFile or directory "Z:folder-2XYZ.txt" represented by connection "FF_SRC" does not exist.

We are getting the above error when the SSIS package is trying to rename the file the second time in folder-2.

However, the file exists in folder-2.

The OS is Windows 2000 Server SP4.

Any ideas why this could be happening and how it could be resolved?

Best Regards,

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Error Handing The File Does Not Exist.

Sep 15, 2006

I am having a having time with a error handling statement: The code pretty much does a loop through my picture and imports them into the database My only problem there is not a photo for every id# so when I get to a certain point it bombs "See Error After the Code" Thanks

use consumer

declare @jpg as int, @query varchar(1000)
Set @jpg = 0
While @jpg < 4500
set @jpg = (@jpg + 1)

set @query = '
insert photo (id# ,ImageName ,ImageFile)
Select ' + cast(@jpg as varchar(10)) + '
, ''' + cast(@jpg as varchar(10)) + '.jpg' + '''
from Openrowset (Bulk ''' + 'D:DataPics' + cast(@jpg as varchar(10)) + '.jpg'', Single_Blob) as ImageFile'

select @query
exec (@query)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

Msg 4860, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

Cannot bulk load. The file "D:DataPics33.jpg" does not exist.

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Bulk Insert Error File Does Not Exist

Oct 25, 2006


I am trying to bulk insert a text file into SQL 2005 table. When I execute the bulk insert I get the error

"Msg 4860, Level 16, State 1, Line 1. Cannot bulk load. The file "\ENDUSER-SQLEnduserTextB1020063.txt" does not exist."

The text file that it is saying does not exist I recently created thru my code. I can open the file but only when I rename the file will the Bulk Insert work. After creating the text file I am moving it to the server that SQL server is running on. Also if I run sp_FileExists it also says the file does not exist unless again I rename the file then this stored procedure recognizes the file. I dont' know if I have a permission issue or what is the problem. Any help would be appreiated.



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SSIS BULK INSERT Error: File Format Doest Not Exist

Apr 11, 2007

My colleague is working on bulk insert task from SSIS and since the data file does not contain any valid delimeter one of the suggestion he got is to use a file format to address the issue. Thus a bcp command is used to generate the format file, as per below.

bcp <database name>.dbo.<table name> format nul -T -S <server name> -n -f out.fmt

The file file format was generated, from the data flow we added the BULK INSERT task and set the properties accordingly including the File Format and location of the file. Upon running the task itself we encountered the error as per below.

[Bulk Insert Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot bulk load. The file "C:HFISTAT.fmt" does not exist.".

Progress: The Bulk Insert task is completed. - 100 percent complete

Task Bulk Insert Task failed

Have checked the file and it is in C: drive and it is not protected or read-only. Validated the output file and it is as per expected. Any help would be appreciated very much.

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CSV File Saved As An Excel File - Error Message

Aug 2, 2007

I hope someone can help me with this - I started receiving this error message in the past month or so when I open a csv report and save it as an Excel file in a folder I use on my VPN and in My Documents. It does not show up when I save it to my Desk Top.

I have Microsoft Office Student and Teacher and Office XP Professional installed on my notebook. I tried to uninstall Office XP and it would not let me. Something about a "patch could not be opened......"

The error message is as follows:

Header: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Error

Excel error message The instruction at 0x0beab865 referenced memory at "0x00000008"

The memory could not be "read".
Click ok to terminate the program.

I hope someone could please help me with this I received 60 - 80 csv files a week and everythime I save on I get this pop up message!

Thank you!


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Things You Didnt Knew Before

Aug 23, 2005

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.

<edit> links removed </edit>

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Error Importing Excel File

Mar 7, 2006

When ever importing a excel file or flat file, I get an Unhandled exception error and the event log reads a .Netframework error ID 1000.

Checking the database I was importing into, I find that the table was created with the columns, but no data within the columns.

The import wizards report 509 row copyed before crashing with the Handle error, where a dialog box appears allowing debug or close.

Can anyone help?

I include the logged errors.

Event Log

.NET Runtime 2.0 Error
Event ID: 1000

Faulting application dtswizard.exe, version 9.0.1399.0, stamp 434f5e2a, faulting module dtspipeline.dll, version 2005.90.1399.0, stamp 434f5dbc, debug? 0, fault address 0x0004ba38.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

0000: 41 00 70 00 70 00 6c 00 A.p.p.l.
0008: 69 00 63 00 61 00 74 00 i.c.a.t.
0010: 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 20 00 i.o.n. .
0018: 46 00 61 00 69 00 6c 00 F.a.i.l.
0020: 75 00 72 00 65 00 20 00 u.r.e. .
0028: 20 00 64 00 74 00 73 00 .d.t.s.
0030: 77 00 69 00 7a 00 61 00 w.i.z.a.
0038: 72 00 64 00 2e 00 65 00 r.d...e.
0040: 78 00 65 00 20 00 39 00 x.e. .9.
0048: 2e 00 30 00 2e 00 31 00 ..0...1.
0050: 33 00 39 00 39 00 2e 00 3.9.9...
0058: 30 00 20 00 34 00 33 00 0. .4.3.
0060: 34 00 66 00 35 00 65 00 4.f.5.e.
0068: 32 00 61 00 20 00 69 00 2.a. .i.
0070: 6e 00 20 00 64 00 74 00 n. .d.t.
0078: 73 00 70 00 69 00 70 00 s.p.i.p.
0080: 65 00 6c 00 69 00 6e 00 e.l.i.n.
0088: 65 00 2e 00 64 00 6c 00 e...d.l.
0090: 6c 00 20 00 32 00 30 00 l. .2.0.
0098: 30 00 35 00 2e 00 39 00 0.5...9.
00a0: 30 00 2e 00 31 00 33 00 0...1.3.
00a8: 39 00 39 00 2e 00 30 00 9.9...0.
00b0: 20 00 34 00 33 00 34 00 .4.3.4.
00b8: 66 00 35 00 64 00 62 00 f.5.d.b.
00c0: 63 00 20 00 66 00 44 00 c. .f.D.
00c8: 65 00 62 00 75 00 67 00 e.b.u.g.
00d0: 20 00 30 00 20 00 61 00 .0. .a.
00d8: 74 00 20 00 6f 00 66 00 t. .o.f.
00e0: 66 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 f.s.e.t.
00e8: 20 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 .0.0.0.
00f0: 34 00 62 00 61 00 33 00 4.b.a.3.
00f8: 38 00 0d 00 0a 00 8.....

Debug Log

Unhandled exception at 0x2357ba38 in DTSWizard.exe: 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction.

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Null Didnt' Work In Qurey

May 2, 2008

I need to change a display value for a database field when its value is NULL,
Exampl I wrote the query like this
CASE MyTable.MyFiled When 'IS NOT NULL' THEN ' ' Else MyTable.MyFiled END
But it works well in sql query screen, but not in Sql panel, can any one help me.
Thank you

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Error When Importing Data From Excel File

Aug 22, 2006


This is what i'm doing:

IF EXISTS (SELECT srvname FROM master.dbo.sysservers srv WHERE srv.srvid !=

0 AND srv.srvname = N'ExcelSource')

EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'ExcelSource', @droplogins='droplogins';

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'ExcelSource',
@srvproduct = 'Excel',
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@datasrc = @Chemin,
@provstr = 'Excel 8.0';

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = 'ExcelSource',
@useself = false,
@locallogin = NULL,
@rmtuser ='ADMIN',
@rmtpassword = NULL;

set @NomServ = 'ExcelSource';

This create a linkedServer to read my ExcelFile.

Then i'm doing this:

EXEC ('Insert into Elements (No_element, Nom_elem, Desc_elem, Code_grpe_classe, Tps_elem, Code_sgrpe, Code_produit)
Select No_element, Nom_elem, Desc_elem, Code_grpe_classe, Tps_elem, Code_sgrpe, Code_produit
from ' + @NomServ + '...[Elements$];')

This is where i got an error. The error is:
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ExcelSource" does not contain the table "Elements$". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.

I can't figure out what i'm missing. I've add permissions for EVERYONE on the file and on the folder just to be sure and i still have the same error. How can i check if the table [Elements$] exist ?

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Error While While Importing Excel File Into SQL2005

Nov 6, 2007

I am using the import tool to import a small excell file into SQL.
I am getting the following error

Error 0xc00470fe: Data Flow TAsk: The product level is insufficient for componene "source - Current_customer$" (1)

The file name I am importing is Current_customer, which contains 4 fields

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Certain Numeric Fields Not Read From The Excel File When Using A Excel File Source.

Jul 20, 2006

I have the Excel Connection Manager and Source to read the contents from an Excel file. For some reason couple of numeric fields from the Excel worksheet are brought over as nulls even though they have a value of 300 and 150. I am not sure why this is happening. I looked into the format of the fields and they are set to General in Excel, I tried setting them to numeric and that did not help.

All the other content from the excel file is coming thru except for the 2 numeric fields.

I tried to bring the contents from the excel source to a text file in csv format and for some reason the 2 numeric fields came out as blank.

Any inputs on getting this addressed will be much appreciated.



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DTS Error: Importing From Excel File To SQL Server 2000

Nov 30, 2007

 Data for Source Column 15 'Notes' is too large for the specified buffer size. How do I get around this, I can see some of the notes entries are beyond 255 chars so I changed the destination datatype to textI have never seen this error when importing before. What do I do? 

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Excel Flat File Connection Manager Error.

Oct 2, 2006

Hi There

I am having some issues with dts packages i have migrated using the package migration wizard.

One of the connection managers points to an execl flat file source.

I have not altered anything after the package migration, the conenction manager is using Native OLE DBMicrosoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

When i test the connection i get the following error :

"Test connection failed becuase of an error in initializing provider. Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by anotehr user."

Ok i am 99% sure this file is not being accessed by another user, the rest of the error is greek to me. Looking on the net for this error it has to do with access database security and having to sertup htm pages for IIS, i cannot findanything on this error relating to ssis connection manager.



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Class Not Registered Error | Loading Excel File

Aug 3, 2007

Hi All,

I have SSIS package which loads excel data in SQL server. Now when I execute the package by double clicking it(GUI Utility for Dtexec) or by running it in SSIS Editor it works great.
However if I run it using the command line dtexec.exe then following error arises. Note that machine on which I am executing does not have Microsoft Office installed and is 64 bit.

Error: 2007-08-03 16:53:27.42
Code: 0xC0202009
Source: PkgExtract Connection manager "SRC_Connection"
Description: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".
End Error
Error: 2007-08-03 16:53:27.42
Code: 0xC020801C
Source: Data Flow Task - Extract Data Excel Source [1860]
Description: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SRC_Connection" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
End Error
Error: 2007-08-03 16:53:27.43
Code: 0xC0047017
Source: Data Flow Task - Extract Data DTS.Pipeline
Description: component "Excel Source" (1860) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
End Error

Any pointers or help is greatly appreciated.


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Integration Services :: Importing Excel File Via SSIS Error

Nov 2, 2015

We have a 2014 SQL Server.  I have a SSIS package written in VS 2008 where I am simply importing an .xlsx into an existing table via a mapped drive.  I have it working on my development machine using the 2007 Access 32 bit driver from [URL].....  Our DBA is trying to schedule the package to execute on a schedule job on the 2014 server and we received an error. He installed the 32 bit driver and still getting the error.  I set the package to run in 32 bit and we are still getting the error.

Date                      10/30/2015 2:51:18 PM
Log                         Job History (BD_ISS_Websites_New1)
Step ID                 1
Server                   ETSSQL2014DEV
Job Name                            BD_ISS_Websites_New1
Step Name                         ISSWebsite
Duration                              00:00:01


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Excel Damage To The File Error When Exporting With SSRS 2005

Jul 26, 2006

I am getting an error: "Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were
not possible. Excel attemted to recover your formulas and values, but
some data may have been lost or corrupted." in some instances when
exporting toexcel.

The report is no different than any othere report. This report uses rectagles and text boxes to control layout with two tables but it's pretty straight forward. This only happens for this particular report when exported only to Excel. I am using SQL2005 SP1.

Any ideas, thoughts, or references are welcome.

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Integration Services :: Send Excel File From SSIS Using Send Mail Task Without Saving Excel File Locally?

Jul 14, 2015

Is there anyway to  send excel file from ssis using send mail task without saving the excel file locally. I need to automate the process which involves loading the excel file from the database and send it to some people. 

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Integration Services :: How To Upload Excel File Using SSIS With Out Excel Installed On Server

Jul 25, 2015

Trying to upload excel in server where excel is not installed. BIDs was there in the server, when i am trying to craete Excel source I am not able.what the workround for this.. How to upload excel without excel installed on the server.

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Using A Excel Source To Get The Data From An Excel File Gets Null Values For A Couple Columns

Nov 19, 2007

I am using a Excel Source to get the data from an excel file to sql server 2005 table. A couple columns are coming in a double precision float, but some values have characters in them, but those values are coming out as null, even though I changed the datatype from float to unicode string. Any inputs on resolving this will be much appreciated.


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Integration Services :: SSIS - Read Multiple Excel Sheets From One Excel File

Sep 13, 2015

We have 10 sheets in Excel File and 10 sheet contains errror data. How to load 9 sheets data in to 1 destination and error data in to other destination?

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Excel Destination Appends The Excel File Everytime A Package Is Executed

Dec 18, 2006

i have an SSIS package that exports to an excel file. This works fine. the problem is that it appends the data instead of overwriting the file. Is there any way to overwrite the file like you can with a flat file? I have to email the file everyweek and don't want to have to clear it out manually. Any help would be appreciated

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Say If One File Exist?

Oct 20, 2006

I tried File System Task component,

it seems can not perform this task?

any ideas? thanks

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Error: SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied. (Error Code 17).

Mar 22, 2006

Hello everyone.

I am trying to install Project Server, and i'm having issues with sharepoint, and connecting to SQL:

dataserver is running sbs2003 sql2003 and analsys services.

server2 is running server2003 is to be the application server for project.

ProjectDb is the database that i have setup in sql.

username is the account that can control everything as administrer.

in Sharepoint is asks for the database server: <<dataserver>>

SQL Server database name: <<ProjectDb>>

I'm using windoes authentication and then i click ok, and get the error message.

I've also see the error message can not find the SQL Server, and access denied. Under ODBC i have installed the sql server information under System DSN.

Any help would be great.


Everett Buel

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Check If File Exist ?

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All,

1)My source files[.txt] come from an FTP server.I need to find a way to include within my SSIS package,a task that would watch a certain folder of the FTP Server and send a mail notification as soon as the file arrives.Tried using filewatcher task, but the task stays "yellow" for a long time while package is being excuted.I dont know if this is what I need to use.Are they any other task/ways?

Another Problem I'm facing is;

2)If the source file coming in the FTP Server is zipped.How do I unzip the file and move it back to the FTP Server folder for the task in 1) to watch on it .Any ideas ?

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Suffix File Name If Exist

May 3, 2008

i have a data flow task which create a .txt file in destination from source table.
i have used expression for the out file name to add date values to the out put file name using expression window

for example the output file is department05032008, my biggest problem over here at this moment is i need to suffix the file name if the file executes more then one time. ( requirment is i cannot use timestamp)

for example today my output file name is department05032008, the next hour the package executes it the file name should be department05032008A, then department05032008B and so on .

can i suffix the file name in expression window where i am generating the output file name , if possible i want to avoid the vb script as i am not good at it.

please advise

thank you

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Email If File Not Found/exist

Jan 10, 2008

On Foreach File Enumerator, how can I send me email if no file found? Thanks.

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File Script Exist Or Not Checking

Aug 20, 2007

hi frineds i was checked the file exist in a dir or not it's working file

if file not exist i want to create a file and directory with the bellow condition

i was placed the file system object for dir and file it working fine indepenedent but now

we have to club with file check condition and if not exist we have to create how please tell me

If System.IO.File.Exists((CStr(Dts.Variables("ProductBuyListFileLocation").Value) + (CStr(Dts.Variables("ProductBuyListFileName").Value)))) ThenDts.Variables("FileFound").Value = 1


ElseDts.Variables("FileFound").Value = 0


End If


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Check To See If File Exist On Server

Nov 9, 2007

Hi Folks,

I'm attempting to check to see if a file exists on our server before showing a link it.

I put this function in the Report Properties:

Code Block
Function isFile(PathFileName As String) As Boolean
Return isFile = System.IO.FileExists(PathFileName)
End Function

I chose a situation where I'm getting back two rows of data, one row is true and the other row is false however, when I run the report they're both coming back as 'True'.

We created a virtual directory to the file system that houses our files, so my PathFileName variable will contain something like http://Sales/North/Sales110907.pdf.

Can I use the FileExists in this fashion or am I going down the wrong path?

I appreciate any help you can give.

Best regards,

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DTS From Excel File (excel Filename Is Different Everyday)

Sep 25, 2006

Good Day to all,
Hope you could help me w/ my project.
Im creating a DTS Package. The source data will be coming from an excel file going to my SQL table. The DTS package is scheduled to execute daily, but the source data will be coming from different excel filename.
Example, today the DTS will get data from Data092506.xls. Then tomorrow, the data will be coming from Data092606.xls.
How can I do this? The DTS I've already done has a fixed source data file.
Please help.
Thank you so much.
God Bless.

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Could Not Bulk Insert. File ' @PathFileName ' Does Not Exist.

Feb 27, 2008

Someone help me out .How to solve the problem.I built a stored procedure in MS SQL 2005 to bulk insert into a table by reading the .txt file. But my stored procedure throws an error. "Could not bulk insert. File ' @PathFileName ' does not exist." My stored given below :- CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ps_CSV_Import] AS DECLARE @PathFileName varchar(2000) ----Step 1: Build Valid BULK INSERT Statement DECLARE @SQL varchar(2000) SELECT @PathFileName="D:Areazone.txt" BEGIN SET @SQL = "BULK INSERT Temp FROM '"+" @PathFileName "+"' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '"",""') " END --Step 2: Execute BULK INSERT statement EXEC (@SQL) --Step 3: INSERT data into final table INSERT mstArea(Description,Refid) SELECT SUBSTRING(Description,2,DATALENGTH(Description)-1), SUBSTRING(RefId,1,DATALENGTH(RefId)-0) FROM Temp --Step 4: Empty temporary table TRUNCATE TABLE Temp Please help me ,if someone have any solution

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Check Directory To Make Jpg File Exist

Mar 6, 2012

We have a database called Itemphotos. In this table is a field called 'PID' picture ID. We have a photos directory with files like 2181.jpg, 2182.jpg, 2184.jpg. The number is the ID number for the picture of the part. If a record exist in the database based on the PID "Primary Key" , check the directory to make sure the jpg file exist. Here is the code I have so far.

use [ItemPhotos]
select pid from dbo.itemdata
declare @file_path nvarchar(500)
declare @file_exists
int set @file_path = 'av-sql2c$inetpubphotosmacolaphotos' + [itemdata].[pid]


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Could Not Bulk Insert. File ' @PathFileName ' Does Not Exist.

Feb 29, 2008

Someone help me out .How to solve the problem.I built a stored procedure in MS SQL 2005 to bulk insert into a table by reading the .txt file. But my stored procedure throws an error."Could not bulk insert. File ' @PathFileName ' does not exist."My stored given below :-CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ps_CSV_Import]AS DECLARE @PathFileName varchar(2000) ----Step 1: Build Valid BULK INSERT Statement DECLARE @SQL varchar(2000) SELECT @PathFileName="D:Areazone.txt" BEGIN SET @SQL = "BULK INSERT Temp FROM '"+" @PathFileName "+"' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '"",""') " END--Step 2: Execute BULK INSERT statementEXEC (@SQL)--Step 3: INSERT data into final tableINSERT mstArea(Description,Refid)SELECT SUBSTRING(Description,2,DATALENGTH(Description)-1), SUBSTRING(RefId,1,DATALENGTH(RefId)-0) FROM Temp--Step 4: Empty temporary tableTRUNCATE TABLE TempPlease help me ,if someone have any solution

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