Query To Find Duplicate (paired) Columns

May 28, 2012

I have the following table:


I need to run a query to discover all instances where a f_name and f_country pair exists for more than one f_ID. ABC/US is one such example; IDs 123 and 456 have this pair.

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Group By Query To Find Duplicate Field Value

Jul 23, 2001


Not sure how to do this. I think I need to use a Group By query. I have a "Products" table with the following fields:


Everything is specific to the Program#. In other words, for every instance of a Program# there can be more than one Product, which is specified by the "Number" field. So: SELECT * FROM Product WHERE [Program#] = '12345' should return this:

12345 | 1 | 000012345678 | Cookies | 98765 | 12ct | Retail |
12345 | 2 | 000012345678 | Cake | 98765 | 12ct | Retail |
12345 | 3 | 000012345678 | Ice Cream | 98765 | 12ct | Retail |

However, some recordsets are returning like this:

12345 | 1 | 000012345678 | Cookies | 98765 | 12ct | Retail
12345 | 1 | 000012345678 | Cake | 98765 | 12ct | Retail
12345 | 2 | 000012345678 | Ice Cream | 98765 | 12ct | Retail

In which case I have to fix them (the "Number" field) with an update query sp they are numbered sequentially. Luckily, this doesn't happen very often.

Can someone help me with a query that will return only those records with duplicate values in the "Number" field? I am not sure how to construct this query which I will use as a stored procedure.

Bruce Wexler

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Avoid Duplicate Records (across Columns)

Jan 3, 2015

rewrite the below two queries (so that i can avoid duplicates) i need to send email to everyone not the dup[right][/right]licated ones)?

Create table #MyPhoneList
AccountID int,
EmailWork varchar(50),
EmailHome varchar(50),
EmailOther varchar(50),

[Code] ....

--> In this table AccountID is uniquee

--> email values could be null or repetetive for work / home / Other (same email can be used more than one columns for accountid)

-- a new column will be created with name as Sourceflag( the value could be work, Home, Other depend on email coming from) then removes duplicates

SELECT AccountID , Email, SourceFlag, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY AccountID, Email ORDER BY Sourceflag desc) AS ROW
INTO #List
from (
, EmailWorkAS EMAIL
, 'Work'AS SourceFlag
FROM#MyPhoneList (NoLock) eml
WHEREIsOffersToWorkEmail= 1


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Query To Find The Indexed Columns

May 30, 2007

Dear Experts, i need one query to find all the indexed columns with table names ,column names and type of indexes....

i'm trying with sysindexes, but i was unable to finish it....i'm not clear about keys column in sysindexes...

please guide me.

thank you very much

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Retrieving Highest Paired Value

Jan 12, 2012

I am attempting to create a report that will display all the yearly, and monthly gas production for a company but the issue I am encountering is finding amended records for a lease. Below is what the query produces:

Company Number Year Month Gas Production Lease Number
3125 20091 296 9105701
3125 20091 345 165207
3125 20091 565 2250593 <--
3125 2009 1 1161 2250593

I would like to omit the lower production gas production, and keep the higher production from the same lease.

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The Package Contains Two Objects With The Duplicate Name - Package Created In UI - Duplicate Columns

Aug 17, 2007

I've begun to get the above error from my package. The error message refers to two output columns.

Anyone know how this could happen from within the Visual Studio 2005 UI? I've seen the other posts on this subject, and they all seemed to be creating the packages in code.

Is there any way to see all of the columns in the data flow? Or is there any other way to find out which columns it's referring to?

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Find Duplicate Records

Jan 12, 2000


Does anybody know the SQL query to find the duplicate records?

Many Thanks in advance!

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How To Find Duplicate Records

Feb 4, 2003

Hello board,

I was wondering if anyone can tell me an easy way to find duplicate records on sql. The thing is this, at work we have a database (table) which includes tracking numbers, I need a easy way to be able to search this table for duplicate tracking numbers and print them out. I currently access this table to edit some data by using the following path “Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager” then work my down the tree to “Databases > Master > Tables” on tables I do a right click and “open table/query”. Any help would be most appreciated. Believe me I’m very “SQL illiterate”


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Find Duplicate From 3 Column

Mar 29, 2004

I have column A,B and C. I need a query to find the duplicates among these column.

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How To Find Duplicate Records

May 13, 1999


As far as I know in SQL Server 6.5 there is no concept called rowid. How can I find duplicate records in a table and delete them.


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May 28, 2008

I have written this script: What I want to do now is, with the new JOINED table find and display all the duplicates custID WHERE the price is either 100 OR 200. Can anyone help? I am very new to all this and can't see how to do it. Thanks!

table_customer T1
table_itemsBought T2
T2.custID = T1.custID
price = '100'
OR price = '200';

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Find Duplicate Records

Apr 17, 2014

I have this query that I have been using to find duplicate records works great except for now. The logic I am adding is pcs_rreas <> 'NG'. When I add this it does take out the NG, but it also excludes the reocords that have NULL data in this field. I don't want that to happen. How can I fix this? I tried adding (pcs_rreas <> 'NG' or pcs_rreas is null) but nothing is pulling now.

SELECT pcs_id1, pcs_rreas, pcs_lname, pcs_fname, pcs_minit, pcs_degree, pcs_xtyp, pcs_office, pcs_dba, pcs_dob, pcs_sex, pcs_eff, pcs_trm, pcs_spec1, pcs_spec2, pcs_spec3,
pcs_spec4, pcs_tax1, pcs_ssn, pcs_altid, pcs_upin, pcs_medic, pcs_mcaid, pcs_ecs, pcs_npi, pcs_status, pcs_dir, pcs_den, pcs_www, pcs_hold, pcs_email,
pcs_misc1, pcs_misc2, pcs_newdt, pcs_newby, pcs_chgdt, pcs_chgby, pcs_malp, pcs_pf, pcs_ctl, pcs_sys, pcs_pay, pcs_ann, pcs_bcert, pcs_pass, pcs_w9,
pcs_taxex, pcs_tax2, pcs_type, pcs_rreas, pcs_routo, pcs_rtime, pcs_rdate, pcs_force, pcs_flag, pcs_v419, pcs_bcity, pcs_bstate,


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Find Duplicate Records In Table

Oct 5, 2007

Hello friends,
I have a one problem, i have a table in that some reocrds are duplicate.i want to find which records are duplicate.
for exp. my table is as follows
emp_id              emp_name
1                          aa
2                          bb
3                          cc
1                          aa
3                          cc
3                          cc
and i want the result is like
emp_id              emp_name
1                       aa
1                       aa
3                       cc
3                       cc
3                       cc

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How To Find Duplicate Rows In SQL Server

Apr 30, 2004

I would like to locate duplicate rows within a specific table. This table has 12 diffrent rows.


I have been playing with the following query but can't seem to get it perfect to locate my dups within sql. Can someone help me with the querry?

I'm playing with the following querry.
<list of all columns>
<list of all columns>
Count(*) > 1

Can somone possible input my column names into this querry that would possibly get it to locate my dups? I'm missing somehting and not sure what.

Thanks for any help

SQL Newbie

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Find And List Duplicate Rows

Oct 17, 2013

I'm using this to find duplicates where a person has the same email but varying firstname and lastnames:

select distinct t1.booking_id, t1.first_name, t1.last_name, t1.email_add, t1.booking_status_id
from [aren1002].[BOOKING]
as t1 inner join [aren1002].[BOOKING]
as t2
on t1.last_name=t2.last_name and t1.booking_id<>t2.booking_id
where t1.booking_status_id = 330
order by last_name asc

Sample data:
3927 Greg Smith greg@emailno1.com 303
5012 John Smith greg@emailno1.com 303
6233 John Smith greg@emailno1.com 303
4880 Dulcie Abuud dulcie@theiremail.com 303

However it is listing the non duplicate rows, For example: The record with Abuud as the last name, doesn't have any duplicates in the table, so I don't want it listed.

The data should be like this:
3927 Greg Smith greg@emailno1.com 303
5012 John Smith greg@emailno1.com 303
6233 John Smith greg@emailno1.com 303

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Find Duplicate Values And Get Timediff

Dec 10, 2013

Is there a way to find duplicate values and get the timediff from the start and end of each duplicate.

datetimeTagname value MachineValueTime Diff Minutes
12/9/13 8:55machine_1 14,423 Machine_1 14,423 5
12/9/13 9:00machine_1 14,423 Machine_1 14,428 9
12/9/13 9:05machine_1 14,428 Machine_1 42,743 4
12/9/13 9:10machine_1 14,428
12/9/13 9:14machine_1 14,428
12/9/13 11:32machine_1 42,743
12/9/13 11:36machine_1 42,743

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Find Duplicate Records Based On Certain Fields

Jul 28, 2014

How can I pull out duplicate records based on certain fields?

Table called Bank

I want to pull out records that have duplicate inv_no, cus_no, amount,ordernum

Not all the fields are the same in each record. But I want the records that have these fields that are the same.

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How To Find Duplicate Rows In Flat File ?

Sep 6, 2007

In the FLAT FILE source, I have to find the duplicate rows based on the two fields say, "bill number" & "invoice date".

The rows within flat file has like "bill number" which is duplicated on the same "invoice date".

If duplicate rows found then move the duplicate rows into another Flat File.

If not found then move the rows into Sql Server Table.

Pls provide the solution. Thank you

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Transact SQL :: Find All Duplicate Entries In Table

Jun 11, 2015

Someone ran an update statement multiple times so their are multiple entries in the table.  What is the quickest way to track down the multiple entries?  I would only want to see where timein and timeoff exist in the table multiple times for the same id.  So this would be a duplicate

EntryID -- ID  -- timein -- timeoff
1487   11     2015-05-05 16:33:23   2015-05-05 18:45:26
1623   11     2015-05-05 16:33:23   2015-05-05 18:45:26

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Getting Duplicate Columns

Apr 9, 2007

I have a table with say 45 columns.
I have a business requirement that requires me to fetch the rows for which col1 , col2, ....col 11 are same and rest can be different. there is an identity column, in the table so I can have duplicate rows also.

how can I effectively write a query that will fetch me all those rows for which my 11 columns are same.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Find Out Duplicate Order Sequence

Jun 30, 2015

In my asp.net project there are about 100 drop down list.I created a table to store data for drop down list in which including [DropdownID],[Order Sequence] and [Description] three columns. The sample like below. Data was input manually by a user. How to code to find out duplicate [OrderSequence]?

2-------------2--------------QQQ 'DUPLICATE OrderSequence
2-------------2--------------WWW 'DUPLICATE OrderSequence

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SQL Server 2014 :: Find Duplicate Rows Like Same Entries More Than One Time?

Sep 11, 2014

i have a table like below

create table staff_attendance
attendance_id int,
attendace_date datetime,
staff_id int,
working_year int,
hours int

values like

1 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10121
2 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10122
3 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10122 ----same entry like previous one
4 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST10121
5 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST10122
6 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST10121
7 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST10122
8 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10221
9 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10222
10 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST1022 1
11 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST102 22
12 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST102 21
13 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST102 22

I Need to find the duplicate rows like same entries which is having more than 1 rows.... how do i find?

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Duplicate Dhcek On Two Columns

Nov 23, 2006

I have a table T1 and on this table I have an insert trigger. In the trigger I need to check if T1.ID and T1.Type=’xyz’ together are duplicated or not (duplicate dhcek on two columns), if yes return error from trigger. There might be T1.ID and T1.Type=’abc’ duplicated, that is fine.

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Duplicate Records In Multiple Columns.

May 21, 2008


I have a question regarding duplicate records, the thing is I'm able to query for duplicated records if I type the following:

select ColumnName from TableName
where ColumnName in
select ColumnName from TableName
group by ColumnName having count(*) > 1

That gives me duplicate records for one column, but I need find duplicate records in more than one column (4 columns to be exact), but the way I need to find these records is they all have to be duplicate, what I'm trying to say is I don't don't want to find the following:

First Last Age Email
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 26 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 25 jsmith4@hotmail.com

I need to find the following:

First Last Age Email
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com

So all the columns must be exactly the same, that's the only condition I want to show the records, is there any way to do this?

For the record, I'm using MS SQL Server 2000, thank you.

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Duplicate Results In 2 Columns But Reversed

Feb 17, 2004

I have to write a query which extracts everyone from a table who has the same surname and forenames as someone else but different id's.

The query should have a surname column, a forenames column, and two id columns (from the person column of the table).

I need to avoid duplicates i.e. the first table id should only be returned in the first id column and not in the second - which is what i am getting at the mo.

This is what i have done

select first.surname, first.forenames, first.person, second.person
from shared.people first, shared.people second
where first.surname= second.surname
and first.forenames = second.forenames
and not first.person = second.person
order by first.surname, first.forenames

and i get results like this

Porter Sarah Victoria 9518823 9869770
Porter Sarah Victoria 9869770 9518823 - i.e. duplicates


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What's Wrong With This View? Duplicate Columns?

Jul 23, 2005

When I add this code in a view and try to save . . .SELECT TOP 610 *FROM dbo.Master INNER JOINdbo.TypeByCase ON dbo.TypeByCase.CaseNum = dbo.Master.CaseNumIt gives the error:ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Column names in eachview or function must be unique. Column name 'CaseNum' in view orfunction 'dbo.BobView1' is specified more than once.Any idea why?Thanks,RBollinger

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Get Rows With Duplicate Values In Certain Columns

Jul 23, 2005

Hi there,I would like to know how to get rows with duplicate values in certaincolumns. Let's say I have a table called "Songs" with the followingcolumns:artistalbumtitlegenretrackNow I would like to show the duplicate songs to the user. I considersongs that have the same artist and the same title to be the same song.Note: All columns do not have to be the same.How would I accomplish that with SQL in SQL Server?Thanks to everyone reading this. I hope somebody has an answer. I'vealready searched the whole newsgroups, but couldn't find the solution.

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MS SQL Dealing With Duplicate Columns In Rows?

Aug 21, 2007

Hello,Suppose I have the following table...name employeeId email--------------------------------------------Tom 12345 Join Bytes!Hary 54321Hary 54321 Join Bytes!I only want unique employeeIds return. If I use Distinct it will stillreturn all of the above as the email is different/missing. Is there away to query in SQL so that only distinct employeeId is returned? noduplicates.I wouuld like to say WHERE no blank fields are present to get theright row to return.Many thanksYas

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Delete Duplicate Rows With No Unique Columns

Apr 3, 2000

I have 4 rows which are exactly the same. I want to delete one row but i do not have any unique identifing columns. How should i delete that row ?

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Duplicate Data In Table For Specific Columns

Nov 27, 2015

I have an table with duplicate data. I need to delete the duplicate records based on the RequestId.

I want to delete the records based on the RequestID 1001, Delete the duplicates in 1002, 1003 .

DECLARE @table TABLE ([Employee_SID] [int] NOT NULL,
[CalculatedTotalSalesYear] [numeric](19, 2) NULL,
[CalculatedTotalSalesYearAnnualized] [numeric](19, 2) NULL,
[RequestID] [int] NOT NULL)

[Code] ....

Expected Result

select * from @table

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Ranking Duplicate Contacts Using Multiple Columns

Jun 8, 2015

I'm in the process of trying to identify duplicate contacts. I doing this for millions of contacts and have gotten stuck and could use some elegant solutions!

The business rule is this:

Any contact that has the same name, phone and email address are the same contact
Any contact that has the same name, and email address are the same contact
Any contact that has the same name, email address, but different phone are a different contact.
Any contact that has the same name, email address, and a blank phone can be the same contact as one that has the same name, email address, and has an email address
Rank by the DataSource_fk. 1 being the highest

Put another way:

If 3 contacts have the same name, 2 have phone '1112223344' and all three have the email address 'johndoe@gmail.com' they are the same contact and the lowest DataSource_fk should be ranked the highest.

I've used the Row_number over (Partition by) in the past, but am unsure how to deal with the blanks in email and phone.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBusinessContact];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBusinessContact]
[TestBusinessContact_pk] INT IDENTITY(1,1)NOT NULL,
[Business_fk]INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_TestBusinessContact_Business_fk DEFAULT(0),

[Code] ......

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Integration Services :: Eliminate Duplicate Derived Columns

Apr 27, 2015

I have a lot of different data flows that need "Derived Column". There are maybe only 5 different such "Derived Column" but they appear many times. Is there a way to eliminate all that double work? It should be something that does not take me more time to do than just duplicating all the "Derived Columns".

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How To Find No. Of Columns ?????

May 5, 2008

Hi is there any way to find no. of columns in a database table
like we can do that in Oracle by typing DESC tablename


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