Recomendations For Keeping Track Of Changes

May 8, 2007

Let's say I develop a 'version 1' of a program/database and ship it to some customers.

Then I continue work on version 2 with some databasechanges etc.

When version 2 is shipped to the customers, they need a way to upgrade their database

from version 1 to version 2. I guess this is easiest done with one/several sql-scripts.

What I want is your opinion about the best way to keep track of the changes between

version 1 and 2. Here are two ways with pros and cons I've thought of:

1 - Keep manual track of every change (index, changed columns, relations etc) and update a scriptfile with all changes.

Pros: Full control of what is happening

Cons: Pretty much extra work and risk of missing some changes.

2 - When version 2 is ready, run some third party tool to get a diff between the databases

Pros: Fast and easy

Cons: The DB-changes may need to be applied in a special order, with default values, etc etc and I'm not sure all tools handle this in a good way...?

So... what is your recomendations? I'm sure this must be a headace in every development project?

Regards Andreas

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Keeping Track Of Table Changes ...

Nov 7, 2001


We need to keep track of all changes that are made to our tables.

The changes will be saved in a table that records:

- the table in which the change was made
- the name of the field that was changed
- the old data for the field
- the new data for the field etc..

I've seen a few examples that record the name of the table that was
modified but none that record done to the field level.

Can anybody give some guidance?



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Help With Keeping Track Of Payment

Nov 13, 2007

Hello All,

I have a problem concerning keeping track of a value within a query.
I have a table that tracks invoices recieved and payments made.
For each invoice number there may be multiple payments made against it.
I need something that will check and make sure that each invoice number has its payments equal to its received amount.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Log Trigger - Keeping Track Of Status Changes

Aug 28, 2015

I have a trigger that keeps track of status changes...

DECLARE @currentdate datetime
DECLARE @currentstatus integer
DECLARE @UserID integer
DECLARE @PermitID integer
DECLARE @Status integer

[Code] .....

It works but not the way I want it to. The @currentstatus and @newstatus are the same. I want the status before and after the update. I asked around as to how to do this and some one told me to use the Deleted table.

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SQL 2005: Keeping Track Of Database Changes

Jul 5, 2006

I'm actually taking Microsoft's 2779 and just finished a lab where wekept track of our changes to the database.However, I'm not happy with the scripts interface because it does nottell me the chronological order of my changes to the database.Could someone share with me their technique for keeping track ofdatabase changes?I'm actually thinking a set of tables would be best, because sometimesyou want to know what database object you made a change to and othertimes you want to know when you did something...

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Keeping Track Of Mismatch Fields In Two Tables?

Mar 10, 2014

I have four fields in two different tables.

ID, field1, field2 and field3 in Table 1 has value 1 or 0. Type integer.
ID, field1, field2 and field3 in table2 are text fields.

If field1 in table1 has value 1, then there should be a text value in corresponding field in table2. That is, in field1 in table2.

However, if there is value 0 in field1 in table1 there should not be any value in the corresponding field in table2.

Now it is not always so, which do that I want to make a track of which fields miss match in these two tables.

How do I list them on the smartest ways? ID links the tables.

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Need Recomendations On Architecture.

Sep 1, 2006

We will be creating a moderately high-volume OLTP database application that needs 24/7 availability. We are planning to offload OLAP processing to a second copy of the system. We will be using SQL Server 2005.

I originally planned to set the second server up with SQL Server 2005 mirroring to cover the 24/7 availability requirement, with the idea that we could also do OLAP reporting off of the mirrored copy of the database. But I've gotten some indications that a mirror database is offline and not available for querying. So I figured I would use transactional replication to keep the OLAP database current. Now I am wondering if I need to use mirroring at all, or if I should just use transactional replication on the entire database and swap to the replicated database if the production server crashes.

What is everyone's opinion?

Replication only, for both OLAP reporting and failover?
Mirroring to one database for failover, with replication to a another database for OLAP reporting?

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Compare And Synchronize SQL...recomendations?

Jul 18, 2007


First post on the site, yippee! So first of all I'm not a DB pro but occasionally need to hire someone, and to do this properly I need to understand the basic workflow.

Could really use some advice on comparing and synchronizing 2 different SQL databases in different geographical locations..... need updates from website A SQL database to be automatically updated to website B in as close to real time as possible. The whole database doesn't need to be transferred every time, only specific information regarding personal profiles and their activity on the other site. The end result would be that users can login to their profiles any time on either website and see up-to-date reports on their activities/results.

I know it would be much easier to host both databases on the same server but for various reasons this is not an option.

The past day was research into all the various SQL DB synch software. Having a hard time finding unbiased viewpoints...

First of all is there any reliable and secure open source alternatives? I searched sourceforge and found 'SQL Server DB Compare and Synchronize', but it doesn't seem to have full automation.

Also found a few paid for solutions through other forums such as 'Red Gate' products but they would cost upward of $3-500

I need something that is secure and reliable, don't mind a bit of customization but would prefer a solution out of the box.

any advice/articles/reading material/recommendations would be greatly appreciated

have a nice day :) Derek

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Insert Into And Recomendations On Sql Statements

Dec 2, 2005


I would like to get opinions about the code below and what I can do to improve it. I don't know if I am using the best techniques in this code. I am not running into any problems, but I am assuming there has to be cleaner ways of doing this.

Also I am trying to figure out why the INSERT INTO statement in the query is giving me the error:
"The column prefix '#ttsku' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query."

The purpose of the code is to select all the item records from a linked server (Non MS SQL) and bring it into a temp table. I did this because I can't create a cursor to the other DB.

Using this temp table, look if the SKU table has the item in it, if it does then update the record, otherwise I need to create the record and fill in the values from the temp table.

Finally I need to delete any records that don't exist in the temp table.

Here is the code:

pt_mstr.pt_part as part,
pt_mstr.pt_desc1 as desc1,
dbo.udf_GetEntry(cd_det.cd_cmmt,1,';') as custdesc,
dbo.udf_GetEntry(cd_det.cd_cmmt,2,';') as caformat,
dbo.udf_GetEntry(cd_det.cd_cmmt,3,';') as plformat,
dbo.udf_GetEntry(cd_det.cd_cmmt,6,';') as eaformat,
(pt_mstr.pt__qad24 * pt_mstr.pt__qad25) as pallqty,
when um_mstr.um_conv is not null then
round((pt_net_wt / (cast(pt_drwg_loc as numeric) /um_conv)),0)
round((pt_net_wt / cast(pt_drwg_loc as numeric)),0)
end as packqty,
pt_mstr.pt_drwg_loc as packsize,
pt_mstr.pt_drwg_size as packum,
dbo.udf_GetEntry(cd_det.cd_cmmt,4,';') as dist1,
dbo.udf_GetEntry(cd_det.cd_cmmt,5,';') as dist2,
pt_mstr.pt_user2 as brand,
pt_mstr.pt__qad24 as ti,
pt_mstr.pt__qad25 as hi,
pt_mstr.pt_status as status
INTO #ttsku
FROM pt_mstr
left join cd_det on
(cd_det.cd_ref = pt_mstr.pt_part
and cd_det.cd_type = 'MK'
and cd_det.cd_lang = 'US'
and cd_det.cd_seq = 0)
left join um_mstr on
(um_mstr.um_um = pt_mstr.pt_net_wt_um
and um_mstr.um_alt_um = pt_drwg_size
and um_mstr.um_part = '')
WHERE pt_part_type = 'FG'
and (pt_status = 'A' or pt_status = 'AMTO')
and (pt_drwg_loc <> '' and pt_drwg_loc <> '0')

declare c_part cursor for
select *
from #ttsku

open c_part

fetch next from c_part

while @@fetch_status = 0

if exists (select *
from sku
where sku.part = #ttsku.part)
update sku
set sku.Desc1 = #ttsku.desc1,
sku.CustDesc = ##ttsku.custdesc
where sku.part = #ttsku.part
insert into sku (sku.part, sku.desc1)
select #ttsku.part, #ttsku.desc1

fetch next from c_part

END -- while

close c_part
deallocate c_part

WHERE not exists (select *
from #ttsku
where #ttsku.part = sku.part)

drop table #ttsku

Thanks again for any help.


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Log To Track T Sql

Apr 25, 2000

hi, Is there a way to view any Transact sql in a log for instance, I am iserting a new records into a table. how can I track a log for the isert statment. I know that using bcp code provides me with a log if I use /o in the bcp code. Is there any similar thing for Transact sql

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Track All Changes

Jul 20, 2005

hello,I was wondering how to track all changes on tables by using some sort of ahistory table.What i would like is a generic history table where i can see who updated,inserted, deleted or executed(stored procedures, triggers) what value inwhat table with a date when it was occured.Could somebody help me with this?

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Keeping Job History ...

Aug 26, 2002

SQl7, sp3, NT4

How do I keep th job history of a job, say if I re-create the job?

We recreate the jobs often as part of a code move, but I'd like to retain the history of the previous jobs?

** sp_help_jobhistory -- only shows the jobs that exist, and not old jobs that no longer reside on the server.


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Keeping 2 DBs In 'synch'

Jan 10, 2005

Hi all, here are my goals: Have the same DB on two different stand-alone computers, and keep them up-to-date from each other.

Basically a user would input to a DB for a week. Then every week or two, update the other stand alone DB with the new input. The DB would be exactly the same.

What are my options for this? I'd like it as easy as possible! Are there any software packages that deal with this type of transfer, etc.? Thank you!

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Keeping Last 10 Entries By ID

Sep 24, 2006


my table :
Report :
R_id (PK)

i am having a few 10.0000 lines and i want to keep the last 10 (or less if not in the table) rows maximum for each name

i can have 100 report by name (100 rows with the same name and of course R_id and RDate are different)

how can i do it ?

thanks a lot for helping

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Keeping Decimal Value

May 23, 2008

Hi, I have the following code in a query:

SELECT [Issue date],DATEDIFF("dd",[Issue date],[Start date])/365 AS runningdays
FROM Database1..[Insurance Policies Working DB]
WHERE [Policy Number] LIKE '%1368529%'

The part 'DATEDIFF("dd",[Issue date],[Start date])' comes out as 364 if calculated on its own. However, then when it is divided by 365 it comes out as 0. How do I get it to show as a decimal instead of just rounding it down automatically? (Hope I've made sense)

Thanks in advance

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User Track Down

Jul 1, 2003

SQL Server 7.0

A stored procedure has been executed either yesterday or today. I would like to find out which user and when they executed it. Is this possible without 3rd party transaction log interrogation tools?



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Best Way To Keep Track Of SQL Server Changes

Jul 23, 2005

What would be the best practice to follow to keep track of MS SQLserver changes... Stroed procs, tables, views, triggers, indexes, DTSand also jobs ect....I am not quite sure how Source safe works with sql server. Any otherway to do this... Even if its manual work, its okey.. I wouldappreciate if any of the DBA's let me know how they are facing thisissue....Thanks in advance...

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How To Track Changes In A Database?

Dec 18, 2007


2 servers: 1 production, 1 test.

While my application is running on the production server, I want to develop on the test server. After a few weeks, I want to update the application, and have to update the database structure on the production server also with the most recent one from the testserver, but without deleting the current data on the production server.

I create/modify all tables in SQL Server 2005 via Management Studio. The application is built in VS2008 Pro. I'm using SubVersion (SVN).

I can let Management Studio generate scripts for every change and store them manualy, but that's a little bit too much work. What I want is a sort off version control solution. A solution that a service running on the background tracks every change on a specific database on my test server, and stores them as T-SQL code in a repository. Then I can collect all those T-SQL scripts, and run them against the production server.

Is there some solution for that?

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Keeping Tables Sorted

Nov 28, 2003

we have a simple table

Key, Name, Address, City, State, Zip ................ect

I would like to keep this table sorted by Name, theirfore I won't have to sort my results with every querry.

I think I need to add something to my insert to tell my table - "Hay take Jones", open up the prober place and stick him in the proper spot.

Ex: We have Appleby and Robertson in our table now. My insert would tell SQL Server to take Jones, figure our where he belongs (alpha), and stick him in, resulting in.


This way I wont have to as the querry to sort stuff every time I reference this table, this will save lots and lots of overhead. and help keep my clients happy with quick(er) response.

thanks in advance -arthur

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Keeping A Lock On Table Or Row

Feb 5, 2004

I need to update a row but keep a lock on the table (so no one else can update it) while I do run some more code. In Oracle, it always locks whatever you update until you hit commit, but sql server works opposite. How do I tell it not to commit a statement, or how would I explicitly get a lock and then release it later?

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Keeping Breakpoint And Debugging

Feb 27, 2007

hi, is there any possiblity to keep break point and run the step by step compilation as like we do in .net,if means please telll me how to do?

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Keeping Database As Small As Possible ?

Oct 16, 2006

Hello everyone,

I have a winform application with C# front end and sql express 05 backend.

In this database i have a table that holds manufacturer provided pricing and the manufacturers we work with update pricing constantly.

We have one table called "manufacturerpricing" which we are constantly inserting and deleting pricing records to/from to keep manufacturer pricing up to date. We may insert and delete as many as 2,000,000 records per month into this table.

This works perfectly fine and we have no problems here at all.

But with that being said, I am worried about the size of the database growing out of control due to temporary space etc. The database just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

How do I run some maintenance to keep the database size under control.

I would like to run this automatically from the C# front end so if ther is a stored proc I can call or an C# assembly I can reference that would be ideal.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Keeping State Between Calls To A UDF

Dec 14, 2006


I'd like to keep state between calls to a UDF (mainly for caching purposes). I can shove an object into the appdomain using SetData and read it using GetData, but that requires the assembly to be set to UNSAFE. I'm confident I can secure the DB and the assembly fairly well, but I like defense in depth, and if there's another way to save state between calls to a UDF, I would prefer those.

Is there another way to store state between calls to a UDF, without putting data into DB tables or using things that will require the assembly to have such a wide permission set?



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Keeping Dirty Data

Jan 24, 2008

This may be more of a data design question and not an ssis question, but figured folks here could have a good idea.....the organization I'm in has the business need of collecting data from outside organizations and tracking what data is bad and what data is good. When I say bad data I mean everything from things outside of range to absolute *** - characters in integer columns, integers in character columns, special characters, etc. The data comes in in the form of flat file so it's a free for all until it hits ssis & the db engine.

Eventually of course they work to get the data corrected at the source & resubmitted but in the meantime, they have the legitimate need of not only pushing the data into the database (dirty or not), but keeping all the bad stuff. I can't in good conscience make everything a varchar to catch everything - that would go against the database gods. IMO - I still must make an integer be an integer , characters are characters, etc. But what do I do with the junk? Any thoughts?

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Keep Track Changes Made In Data

Aug 23, 2006

I want to create a page(using GridView) where it will detect changes made in the database and display it for Administrator observation. I've created a table name history for this purpose.
guid (uniqueidentifier)
changesMade(varchar(50))  ---- eg; dropdownlist
oldValue(varchar(50))  ----- compaq
newValue(varchar(50)) -----dell
updateBy(varchar(10)) <------ username of registered user
comNo(int) = foreign key for Computer table
History data will insert data whenever a changes made. Could anyone advise and direct me how to do this function. I was thinking of using stored procedure to insert the data. Thanks in advance.

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Best Way To Track Who Is Accessing A Record

Oct 6, 2005

I have an application that has a SQL back end, and I want to be able to track who is accessing a record so that no one else can access it at the same time. I was going to do this with a table or application state, but how can I avoid keeping files locked when someone abandons a session? Any Ideas?

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How To Track Changes In A Stored Procedure

Nov 19, 2005


I have a stored procedure for which i need to track the changes.
I wanted to know which user has updated the stored procedure and what all changes are done to it.
I thought of getting these details from the transaction log, but looks like sql server 2000 doesnt have any log reader.

Kindly help
Thanks in advance

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Track Duplication Of Records

May 20, 2002


I have a table which consists of 27,000 of records. Among these records, there is one record which
is a duplication of another record.

Is there any way to track this record from the same table by the SQL statement ?

I have been advised to use the following statement but it does not help:

Select count(*) As Duplicate, columnname from tablename group by columnname

Scrolling 27,000 lines of records with bare eyes is very painful.

Any help is appreciated.


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Need To Track Updated Records

Apr 12, 2005

Hi all,
I have a data of applicants. Everyday we dump this data into SQL server. Now I need to generate reports everyday so that we can track how many records get updated everyday. Now the thing is that the applicants are in various stages. So my reports need to track the how many applicants changed from stage "abc" to "pqr" and how many changed from "pqr" to "xyz". Now it is not necessary that all the records change stages everyday.

thanks in advance,

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Is There A Way To Track User Access To Db?

Nov 8, 2004

I need to be able to track which users and the number of times a user connects to a particular SQL Server database. I have a simple SQL Server database that users query (SELECT only) using an Access 2000 front-end. I do not have any control over the front-end so my only tools on the database side. I can't use 3rd party software, just SQL Server. Is there any way? Thanks.

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Trigger To Track Changes In A Database?

Jul 3, 2014

I have a requirement. I am having a database which is having views,procedures and tables. Many users are having access to the database. If i want to track all the schema changes happening in the database how to achieve that? As in i have used some tables in a procedure and someone might change the column or drop the column. So it is going to have impacts on my procedure. I need a trigger which tracks all the changes done in a database and the impacts those changes are going to make.

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Address Track Null Value?

Sep 2, 2014

In my Sql Server 2012 I have the following table in a database

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HumanResource](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[IsHired] [bit] NULL,
[Address] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Score] [bigint] NULL,

[Code] ....

Considering that sql server Update is a chained Delete and Insert, the first row is the delete row capture and the second one is the insert row capture.

But I don't understand why the address is tracked as NULL when I update other fields.

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Track Query Execution

May 11, 2007

I have a strong feeling that this isn't possible but I thought I might as well ask...

I'm developing a database application (SQL Server 2000 backend) where the client and the server is separated over a slow network connection (satellite). There are parts in the application where I will have to query a large resultset so I was wondering if there is a way to determine the percent complete of a query so I can put a progress bar on the interface so the user can see it loading data instead of having a frozen form.

I thought about spliting up the query into different ones and update the bar once each separate one is complete but I'd rather not do that because in the application development environment I'm working in, I have to close the resultset and reopen it every time I do a query... unless this isn't a big deal but I'm under the impression its something to avoid.


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