Track All Changes

Jul 20, 2005


I was wondering how to track all changes on tables by using some sort of a
history table.

What i would like is a generic history table where i can see who updated,
inserted, deleted or executed(stored procedures, triggers) what value in
what table with a date when it was occured.

Could somebody help me with this?

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Log To Track T Sql

Apr 25, 2000

hi, Is there a way to view any Transact sql in a log for instance, I am iserting a new records into a table. how can I track a log for the isert statment. I know that using bcp code provides me with a log if I use /o in the bcp code. Is there any similar thing for Transact sql

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User Track Down

Jul 1, 2003

SQL Server 7.0

A stored procedure has been executed either yesterday or today. I would like to find out which user and when they executed it. Is this possible without 3rd party transaction log interrogation tools?



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Best Way To Keep Track Of SQL Server Changes

Jul 23, 2005

What would be the best practice to follow to keep track of MS SQLserver changes... Stroed procs, tables, views, triggers, indexes, DTSand also jobs ect....I am not quite sure how Source safe works with sql server. Any otherway to do this... Even if its manual work, its okey.. I wouldappreciate if any of the DBA's let me know how they are facing thisissue....Thanks in advance...

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How To Track Changes In A Database?

Dec 18, 2007


2 servers: 1 production, 1 test.

While my application is running on the production server, I want to develop on the test server. After a few weeks, I want to update the application, and have to update the database structure on the production server also with the most recent one from the testserver, but without deleting the current data on the production server.

I create/modify all tables in SQL Server 2005 via Management Studio. The application is built in VS2008 Pro. I'm using SubVersion (SVN).

I can let Management Studio generate scripts for every change and store them manualy, but that's a little bit too much work. What I want is a sort off version control solution. A solution that a service running on the background tracks every change on a specific database on my test server, and stores them as T-SQL code in a repository. Then I can collect all those T-SQL scripts, and run them against the production server.

Is there some solution for that?

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Keep Track Changes Made In Data

Aug 23, 2006

I want to create a page(using GridView) where it will detect changes made in the database and display it for Administrator observation. I've created a table name history for this purpose.
guid (uniqueidentifier)
changesMade(varchar(50))  ---- eg; dropdownlist
oldValue(varchar(50))  ----- compaq
newValue(varchar(50)) -----dell
updateBy(varchar(10)) <------ username of registered user
comNo(int) = foreign key for Computer table
History data will insert data whenever a changes made. Could anyone advise and direct me how to do this function. I was thinking of using stored procedure to insert the data. Thanks in advance.

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Best Way To Track Who Is Accessing A Record

Oct 6, 2005

I have an application that has a SQL back end, and I want to be able to track who is accessing a record so that no one else can access it at the same time. I was going to do this with a table or application state, but how can I avoid keeping files locked when someone abandons a session? Any Ideas?

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Keeping Track Of Table Changes ...

Nov 7, 2001


We need to keep track of all changes that are made to our tables.

The changes will be saved in a table that records:

- the table in which the change was made
- the name of the field that was changed
- the old data for the field
- the new data for the field etc..

I've seen a few examples that record the name of the table that was
modified but none that record done to the field level.

Can anybody give some guidance?



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How To Track Changes In A Stored Procedure

Nov 19, 2005


I have a stored procedure for which i need to track the changes.
I wanted to know which user has updated the stored procedure and what all changes are done to it.
I thought of getting these details from the transaction log, but looks like sql server 2000 doesnt have any log reader.

Kindly help
Thanks in advance

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Track Duplication Of Records

May 20, 2002


I have a table which consists of 27,000 of records. Among these records, there is one record which
is a duplication of another record.

Is there any way to track this record from the same table by the SQL statement ?

I have been advised to use the following statement but it does not help:

Select count(*) As Duplicate, columnname from tablename group by columnname

Scrolling 27,000 lines of records with bare eyes is very painful.

Any help is appreciated.


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Need To Track Updated Records

Apr 12, 2005

Hi all,
I have a data of applicants. Everyday we dump this data into SQL server. Now I need to generate reports everyday so that we can track how many records get updated everyday. Now the thing is that the applicants are in various stages. So my reports need to track the how many applicants changed from stage "abc" to "pqr" and how many changed from "pqr" to "xyz". Now it is not necessary that all the records change stages everyday.

thanks in advance,

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Is There A Way To Track User Access To Db?

Nov 8, 2004

I need to be able to track which users and the number of times a user connects to a particular SQL Server database. I have a simple SQL Server database that users query (SELECT only) using an Access 2000 front-end. I do not have any control over the front-end so my only tools on the database side. I can't use 3rd party software, just SQL Server. Is there any way? Thanks.

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Trigger To Track Changes In A Database?

Jul 3, 2014

I have a requirement. I am having a database which is having views,procedures and tables. Many users are having access to the database. If i want to track all the schema changes happening in the database how to achieve that? As in i have used some tables in a procedure and someone might change the column or drop the column. So it is going to have impacts on my procedure. I need a trigger which tracks all the changes done in a database and the impacts those changes are going to make.

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Address Track Null Value?

Sep 2, 2014

In my Sql Server 2012 I have the following table in a database

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HumanResource](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[IsHired] [bit] NULL,
[Address] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Score] [bigint] NULL,

[Code] ....

Considering that sql server Update is a chained Delete and Insert, the first row is the delete row capture and the second one is the insert row capture.

But I don't understand why the address is tracked as NULL when I update other fields.

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Track Query Execution

May 11, 2007

I have a strong feeling that this isn't possible but I thought I might as well ask...

I'm developing a database application (SQL Server 2000 backend) where the client and the server is separated over a slow network connection (satellite). There are parts in the application where I will have to query a large resultset so I was wondering if there is a way to determine the percent complete of a query so I can put a progress bar on the interface so the user can see it loading data instead of having a frozen form.

I thought about spliting up the query into different ones and update the bar once each separate one is complete but I'd rather not do that because in the application development environment I'm working in, I have to close the resultset and reopen it every time I do a query... unless this isn't a big deal but I'm under the impression its something to avoid.


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Track Select Statements.

Aug 29, 2007

different Users are running select statements under their own login. they have readonly permission to the database. My goal is to track all those queries and send notification which tables were opened and which columns were displayed...Looks like I need trigger on select statement for the table...( Unfortunetely it doesn't exists)
I collect all those statements in trace file and in the night time I stop trace, move file data to table and then step by step try to massage sql queries using Most of those queries are so complicated, have derived tables inside and it is really hard to parse these sql statements...
1.If anybody has an idea how to say: User B opened table tbl_A col_B twice per today...using different methodology rather then go through SQL.(Other words how to create an event on a table which will be fired in a case of request select any column of that table?)
2.If somebody know where we can take good parser which will help with this job?

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Track Database Users

Sep 20, 2007

I am an advanced user of MS Access and other databases but relatively new to SQL Server. I am utilizing SQL Server Express to analyze a database that was created by another entity. I am interested in looking at any specific record in any table and seeing who created that record, what date/time the record was created, who edited the record, when that edit occurred, etc. I don't see any such fields in the database. Would the designer of the database have to have explicitly added such functionality, or is this information available but just hidden from the novice's view?

Thanks for your help.

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Track Reads And Writes

Mar 5, 2008


Is there any way track tables which have most no of reads and writes from a database of 400 tables.


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Track Changes Made To SQL Server

Feb 26, 2008

Hello there,Does anyone know of a way to track changes to an SQL Server database so thatI can easily run those changes at a later date?That is, I want to make schema changes, and record those changes so that Ican execute them 6 months later on a copy of the orignal database.Thank you kindly for any ideas anyone may haveJohn

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Is There A Way To Track View Usage?

Jul 20, 2005

We're using SQL Server 2000 and we'd like to be able to track our viewusage to tell which of our views get used most often. This will helpus determine which views we need to concentrate on first foroptimizing, indexing, etc... Does anybody know if there's a way totell when a view is opened?Thanks,Gary

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Help With Keeping Track Of Payment

Nov 13, 2007

Hello All,

I have a problem concerning keeping track of a value within a query.
I have a table that tracks invoices recieved and payments made.
For each invoice number there may be multiple payments made against it.
I need something that will check and make sure that each invoice number has its payments equal to its received amount.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Recomendations For Keeping Track Of Changes

May 8, 2007

Let's say I develop a 'version 1' of a program/database and ship it to some customers.

Then I continue work on version 2 with some databasechanges etc.

When version 2 is shipped to the customers, they need a way to upgrade their database

from version 1 to version 2. I guess this is easiest done with one/several sql-scripts.

What I want is your opinion about the best way to keep track of the changes between

version 1 and 2. Here are two ways with pros and cons I've thought of:

1 - Keep manual track of every change (index, changed columns, relations etc) and update a scriptfile with all changes.

Pros: Full control of what is happening

Cons: Pretty much extra work and risk of missing some changes.

2 - When version 2 is ready, run some third party tool to get a diff between the databases

Pros: Fast and easy

Cons: The DB-changes may need to be applied in a special order, with default values, etc etc and I'm not sure all tools handle this in a good way...?

So... what is your recomendations? I'm sure this must be a headace in every development project?

Regards Andreas

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Track Stored Procedure Changes

Jun 8, 2007

Is there any method to track stored procedure changes?

Basically I want to save a copy of stored procedure definition in my own table whenever a stored procedure is being created/updated/dropped from the database.


P/S: Table to keep the copy


UserID nvarchar(128),

ActionType varchar(10),

ActionDate datetime,

SPName nvarchar(128),

Definition nvarchar(MAX)


ActionType stores value like Create or Alter or Drop

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Query Question. On The Right Track, I Think...

Jun 14, 2006


I have a large "view" I'm working with, between 250-280 fields [not sure exactly]. Within this view there are a few fields with similar information. For example, LocationID corresponds to the Address, City, and State, but those three are seperate fields.

I also have a field with the most recent date and time that the address was used. There can be multiple records for any address if the address was used more than once in any given month.

What I need to do is pull each distinct address-if there is more than one instance of that address, the instance that was most recently touched, along with all the other 200+ corresponding fields.

I started off thinking I could sort the address ascending, and then the time descending, and just pull the first hit of each address by using the DISTINCT keyword in my query, but it keeps getting thrown off by all of the fields, and ends up not being distinct.

I was using something like this:

SELECT DISTINCT Address, BUnit, ResultDateTime

FROM dbo.vw_ReportData

WHERE BUnit='Blah'

ORDER BY Address, ResultDateTime DESC

Can anyone shed some light on this issue? That where statement needs to be in there [or its effect anyhow]. Any help would be appreciated.



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Track A Specific Procedure In Profiler

Aug 2, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2000 and How should I track a specific procedure and DMLs in it with profiler, I was trying to filer ObjecName=MySP but it seems it does not track only the SP. Any idea?

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Need To Track Stored Procedure Modifications

Nov 29, 2007

can any body provide me any idea
i need to know who had made changes to any particular stored procedure (when and from whose machine) 
any thing regarding to any kind of tracking of stored procedure 

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Track All Records Retrieved From Search

Jun 29, 2004


I have a table full of items which can be searched.
I also have another table with the ID of each item and columns for no of times details shown, no of times saved etc.

What I would like to do is increment a value in this second table for each item every time it is returned in a search.

What would be the best way to do this?

(Im using a Stored Procedure)

Thanks in advance,


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Where Does SQL Server &#34;track&#34; DTS Local Packages?

Feb 6, 2002

Where does SQL Server "track" DTS Local Packages?
I've looked through the tables in master but,
couldn't find anything that referenced the packages.

I need to maintain a list of a few hundred packages
and would like to do it using queries.


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How To Track Changes Made To A Specific Table?

Nov 3, 1998

Hi, we are almost finished developing our database and we have a table we want to monitor because it is getting information deleted from it
and it has a delete trigger on it but we want to track the changes to
the table and were wondering how to track specific changes to a user database?
We want to see who is making the change, what the change they are making is and also what is the time they are making it. I have used
and I am running SQL TRACE with filter on MS SQLEW, and MS TRANS, and
Visual Basic with SQL statements on tblRoute,( the table that I want to monitor) and I want to know if there is any other way to monitor this table more closely?

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Track How Many Objects Created On A Server

Jan 23, 2006

Does any has a script to track how many objects created on a server on all databases with in specified date range?

Appreciate your help.

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Log Trigger - Keeping Track Of Status Changes

Aug 28, 2015

I have a trigger that keeps track of status changes...

DECLARE @currentdate datetime
DECLARE @currentstatus integer
DECLARE @UserID integer
DECLARE @PermitID integer
DECLARE @Status integer

[Code] .....

It works but not the way I want it to. The @currentstatus and @newstatus are the same. I want the status before and after the update. I asked around as to how to do this and some one told me to use the Deleted table.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Track Record?

Mar 14, 2014

I am having table which is having 5 columns say A,B,C,D and E. There are chances to change in C,D,E columns. I want to identify if any change happened in the above column and show to user prev value + new value.

i.e. i want to prepare query by using calculated extra 6 column where i want to put change happned in C,D,E columns.

how to do that?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Track SPs To TempDB Usage

Apr 10, 2015

I can get a snapshot of tables in tempDB, but I would like to track which procs are causing the load in the tempDB.

I think I can sample and record objects in the tempdb, but I would like to record the proc creating the most tempDB usage, and disk read/writes associated with those procs.

The DMV's give usage in the individual DB's, but what's a good way to correlate procs in the DB's to tempdb usage?

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