Retreiving Lost Data

Jan 29, 2005

I Somehow restored the latest database onto the test database. Can I now retrieve the lost data. If Yes , How is it possible.


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Retreiving Tree-Structure Data From A Table Throug

Apr 7, 2007

Hi all
I have a Table with Following structure ( a Tree Structure )

PK Parent Level Code
--- -------- ------- ------
1 0 0 100
2 1 1 101
3 1 1 102
4 2 2 103
5 3 2 104
6 4 3 105

The same as following Tree as you can see
| 2__
| 4__
| 6
| __

I need a query to return the following Result. I think it is possible only through Nested sub-Queries But i don't know how to do that
Could any one help me.?

PK Parent Level Value First-Parent' Code 2nd-Parent's Code 3rd-Parent's Code
---- -------- ------ ------- --------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
1 0 0 100 NULL NULL NULL
2 1 1 101 100 NULL NULL
3 1 1 102 100 NULL NULL
4 2 2 103 101 100 NULL
5 3 2 104 102 100 NULL
6 4 3 105 103 101 100

Any help greatly would be appreciated.
Kind Regards.

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Help In Creating Insert Statements For Retreiving Data From Database

Apr 14, 2008

Hi all,

Could someone tell me how to get the data from all tables of the database in the form of insert script? We are moving our databse from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. The scripts for the Database, Tables, Views , Procedures, Functions have been obtained and it is only the data that is remaining. Some are small tables with 5 to 6 columns but there are some with 50 odd columns. A friend of mine told me about a procedure that returns a dataset with INSERT statements by passing a table name as a parameter. Such procedure would be of great help.

Thank you

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Lost All SQL Data, Help !!

Aug 18, 2004

I used sql 2000 create a data base at home call 'Mysite' several months ago, there are about eight tables and 30 stored procedures. When I run my program at home yesterday, and found can't connect to database. The error as follow: "Cannot open database requested in login 'Mysite'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'MINGYANG-MSONXHASPNET'. "

When I open the database, very surpriced to found that my database was suspect and not any item inside it. The suspect database include CommunityStarterKit. But Northwind and pubs database still there?

What happen? Last week I just download new Norton antivirus software, does have any relationship with it? Does data really gone? How to solve this problem?

Please help me if you have these experience.

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Data Lost

Oct 22, 2000

We lost all the data we had in a table. We restored the db and the transaction log up to a point in time, but could still not recover the table. We eventually only do db restore without the transaction log. We recovered the data in the table in question, but lost all the data entered that particular day. Does any body have a solution or suggestion that can help? I will be greatly appreciated.

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Lost Data

Aug 18, 2004

this morning, one user asked me that she entered a data (only one record,)on the database yesterday, but later she checked that is gone, I check the database, i am sure the data is now there. how do i retrieve the data back, or how do i know whehter this is user problem? Thanks in advance

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Lost Data

Dec 20, 2005

Hi Guru,This weekend, I migrated SQL Server7.0 to 2000 and below is thescenarios:1.) At exactly 4:00PM on Sturday 17th, do full backup(T-SQL) and put adatabase into single user mode.2.) Copy both Saturday 4PM and Friday night full dump to the SAN.3.) Delete WinNT4.0.4.) Reinstall Win2003 and service pack3a.5.) Copy Saturday 4PM backup file to the server and do restore and douser ID mapping.This database is in full mode and I do log backup every hour. However,after restoring the database, any changes after the 14th were missing.Now, When I restored Friday night backup, we still recovered data tothe 16th. My question is, why the 17th 4PM backup did not copy anychange from 15th to the 17th Saturday?I still had Sturday backup file, howe can I recover the 17th data? Logexplorer or ApexSQLLog?Is this Disk issue?Thanks very much,Silaphet,

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Data Lost

May 24, 2006


I have encountered problem in the merge replication with conflict caused by foreign key constraint. As I did some reseach that it can be avoided by increase the upload and download batch generations.

My question is how can I recover the data which has been lost?


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Data Lost , Help !!!

Dec 6, 2006

i make an application to insert data to sdf file and save it

when i colse the application and open it again i find my stored data on the sdf file well

and if i closed the application 1000 times i'll find my data ok

that's ok and that's not the problem

the problem that when i open this sdf file from sql server management studio and make a select on it i don't find any result and when i try to open the db from my application again i found it empty with no data

i realized that management studio delete's the data from my db

Any Ideas Here ???

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Recovering Lost Data

Jul 9, 2007

Is there any way to get the deleted records from LDF or MDF file. Today by accidentally I executed one query and that dropped my table Inbox(table name only) from database. And in that table there was more 4,000 records, all these lost. So anybody can help me how to recover this table records?. Is there any way to get these?
I don't have any backup for this table.


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Recover Lost Data

Aug 9, 2007


Hopefully someone can help me that i have lost my data on my D: drive.

driven shown all folder but in side of the folder there is nothing.

i have lost my Doc, xls, Jpeg etc. all files.

please help me what sould i have to do.


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Data Lost Automatically?

Apr 17, 2008

i want to lost data automatically after 3days.
but i don't know how to use job scheduling in sql2000 and how to query to add date to datatime column automatically when the data is inserted.
Plz help me!

View 13 Replies View Related Lost When Run The Script

Aug 9, 2005 lost when run the script.i generate a script a data base then i run it on query analizer in same data base .But problem is data base and all design view is safe but all data is can recover it.thanks.

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Lost Delayed - Write Data

Dec 4, 2001

Hello All,

Thanks in advance for your help.

I am wondering if there is a correlation between the size of a database and the amount of RAM required in the server. Here's what's going on:

NT4.0 SP 6a, SQL 7.0
2-800 MHz Pentium III Processors
512 MB RAM
Swap Files: two, divided evenly between two partitions, min 512 per partition (dynamic)
3- 9.2 GB Drives, RAID 5

SQL Database size: 2.5 GB

The SQL administrators have a scheduled job set to dump the database every four hours, so they have 6 of these dump files per day. Seagate Backup Exec v 6.? backs up those files every evening. Of course, this is a mission-critical application.

As the NT/Hardware administrator, I was tasked to flash upgrade all the hardware that could be flashed. That happened about three weeks ago. Ever since I flashed it, getting the data dumps has been an inconsistent process. Sometimes it works, sometimes it errors out. The error message is " Lost Delayed - Write Data: The system was attempting to transfer file data from buffers to (path). The write operation failed, and only some to the data may have been written to the file."

On and off during the day, you can't even copy a small file on the server without receiving the same message.

Before I flashed the server, it was blue-screening and needing to be rebooted about once every two weeks. Since I flashed it, the server hasn't been rebooted, because it hasn't blue-screened.

The database dumps are about 2 GB. We were thinking that the way the dump process worked was that a snapshot of the data was put into memory before it was written to disk. We thought since the dump size was larger than Physical Memory + Virtual Memory, that that could be causing the error.

What do you guys think?
1. Is dumping the database first the preferred way to get a backup, or should a backup directly to tape be scheduled instead?
2. Do we have enough RAM for the database?
3. Are there special settings we should set for the RAID controller card to maximize throughput for SQL?

Thanks again. I am definitely not a SQL DBA and any information you can provide would be really helpful.

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Suspend When *.ldf Was Lost ,I Can Repair This Data

Jan 6, 2004

a sql server database always contains two file.*.ldf *.mdf
When *.ldf was deleted the database may suspend.we can repair such database through about 20 steps.

if you want repair your database .please contact me with or msn/email

you can also see our homepage

the service price is begin at 200 US DOLLOR.

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Recover Lost Data Files?

Jul 20, 2005

HiWhen we issue a DBCC SHRINKFILE with empty option, the data fileis removed and the space is alloted back to the OS.Same way when we issue a an ALTER DATABASE to remove a database,all the data files and transaction log files are dropped.But can these files be recovered again by using any of the diskrecovery tools?Achilles

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Data Lost After INSERT Command

Dec 21, 2006

I have a website that is used to enter dates from a calendar. For example, user A might go to the website and select 20 different days in January. When user A clicks on the Save button the dates are written to the database with an INSERT command. This works fine. However, when user B then goes through the same procedure, say selecting 5 dates that are in the set selected by user A, those dates are properly saved in the database but the rows containing user A's same 5 dates disappear. I suspect this is something simple but I'm new and ignorant. Please help.

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Excel Source, Lost Some Data

Dec 20, 2007

I have Excel file with data and I need load these data to database. One of the colume consit following data:


but when I created connection (Excel Source) and click Preview... in Excel Source Editor, I got following data:


Why? How can I get all data as string?

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Importing Carriage Returns - Now LOST DATA

Jun 6, 2007

I am migrating from 2000 to 2005 and in the process of rewriting DTS to SSIS. So far so good.

I have an import of a flat file that I need to reproduce that works fine in DTS but throws SSIS.

The file contains details of products, and has a Long Description field that may contain lots of different chars - CR & LF amongst them. It's source and destination columns are Text type.

The file is tab delimited, text delimited with double quotes, with row delimiters of CRLF and column names on row 1.

The error SSIS throws is "The column delimiter for column "LongDescription" was not found"

I imagine (perhaps wrongly) that this is because of the extra CRLFs but it worked fine in DTS. It also previews fine, and lets me define the column properties OK in SSIS package designer.

Any help greatly appreciated. I am trying to avoid the obvious thing of replacing those chars in that field at this point as currently the export is shared between a live production server, and my test 2005 rig.

Thanks v much.


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Data Contained In A CDATA Section In XML Is Lost

Aug 1, 2006

I know that anything in a CDATA section will be ignored by an XML parser. Does that hold true for the SSIS XML Source?

I am trying to import a large quantity of movie information and all of the reviews, synopsis, etc are contained in CDATA. example:

<synopsis size="100"><![CDATA[Four vignettes feature thugs in a pool hall, a tormented ex-con, a cop and a gangster.]]></synopsis>

Sounds like a good one, no?

The record gets inserted into the database however it contains a NULL in the field for the synopsis text. I would imagine that the reason for this would fall at the feet of CDATA's nature and that SSIS is ignoring it.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Lost Connection To Remote Data On SBS SQL 2005

Aug 21, 2007

I need help!

I have Outlook 2007 w/BCM running on XP Pro workstation connecting to a SBS 2003 R2 hosting my SQL 2005 database. I have two problems: First I can get the BCM to connect to the remote data but periodically the connection is lost and many times it requires a reboot to reconnect. Secondly related to teh first, I can never get MS Accounting 2007 to connect to the same server and database from my client.

I have already set up the server to use port 5356 via TCP amd added a hole through my client windows firewall for the same port. Both client and server are set to share files and printers.

Any suggestions?

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Data Flow: Decimal Precision Is Lost

Apr 17, 2008


Data is being trnasferred from an Oracle view to a SQL Server 2005 table.

Decimals can be previewed in the from the "SQL Command Text Window" but the columns in the target table which are defined as float shows the data being rounded to zero decimal places.

For the Data Source the always use default code page is selected.

Is there a way to retain the decimals?

Thank you,


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Each Time I Build Program, Data Is Lost

Sep 8, 2007

I am using visual basic 2008
I am making a program, I used sql server compact edition (sdf) (i think it is no more only for mobile device, I am working for desktop application)which i created with the same visual basic. i update data by using table adapters,

when I close the program and build again, the data previosly updated are deleted, and I get empty database?? why is that. do i need to set some copy i have used copy if new.

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Retreiving Specific Row.

Jul 13, 2004

SQL question here:
I am setting up a blog, and I would like the data list to default to the most recent post ONLY. How would I define the filter to get the most recent post?
I have a publishing date in my table, and I can sort the post, but I have no clue how to select just one row to display.

I can get it to work by adding a dropdown list the is bound to the publishing date column, then retreving the post based on the control, but I don't want to use the control. (Making the control not visible is not an option.

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SSIS - Data Source Password Lost When Imported Into Integration Services

Apr 17, 2007

After designing a SSIS package in Visual Studio 2005 that had two connection manager defined to keep the password. After I deployed the package to a file system. I then Imported the .dtsx file after making a Integration Services connection in Sql Server Management Studio. When I tried to run the package it failed when it tried to make the connection. When I edited the connection manager connection string and added the password and the package ran fine but it does not retain the password!. I need to have this package scheduled to run daily so I need to know how to have the package keep the password in the connection string. I have seen other posts on this issue but not seen a good solution. Could someone point me to the proper MSDN article that would explain how to implement this ? Is it a SQL Server configuration issue or a property in Visual Studio SSIS design time ?


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Sql Server 2000 Problem - The Data From 17th March To 20th May Is Lost

May 21, 2008


I am having following problem in our SQL Server 2000 database €“

Somehow/body accidentally backup (complete) our database back to an old back up from 17th March 2008. So the data from 17th March to 20th May is lost.

And that was the most recent backup that we had for the database because Maintenance Plan was not working from the last march due to some kind of failure and nobody knows about it. L

Using Redgate€™s Log Rescue and Apex Log Rescue tool but we could not find any entry from 17th March to 20th May. Most probably because of the complete back up.

Can any one help me out in this situation? Is there any way possible to retrieve the data? It€™s really important for me.

Thanks in advance. I will be looking forward to you guys reply.


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Retreiving Table Information With SQL

Mar 5, 2004


I have an app that needs to retrieve the list of tables in an SQL database. I see that there is a way to do this with the OLEdb provider (GetOleDbSchemaTable() ), but I can't find a sibling method in SQL. IS there one/ Any Ideas?


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Storing/retreiving Images In Sql - Need Help - Possible???

Sep 21, 2004

I am storing images within and image field in sql, however when I go to get the data I have two issues.

the first issue is that my image is linked to information on another table but the only way that i have seen getting the image back is to do a:


but i am hoping to be able to find a way to use the template functionality with datagrid to align the picture with the information on the table. i am storing the image type and size with the image as well.

the second problem might be related to the load, i am not sure. sometimes, for some images and it just shows the frame of the image with the red x in the middle. The load appears to work (no errors) but since we cannot view them properly we dont know.

Our application wants to store all data in sql so that we can secure it and relate it to projects. in addition, we hope to be able to use this function to upload all sorts of binary documents from jpg, gif, doc, xls, visio, and others as we can. any issues with that process???

we would like to be able to display them directly in the browser where we can but all users have standard office.

any suggestions on either and hopefully both of these situations? we have sort of hit a brick wall.

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Inserting/retreiving Audio... Please, Please Help

Dec 21, 2005

hi. I am at a new stage in our project and need to figure out how to insert/retreive MP3/Wav files. The way we want to do this is have the file stored on the harddrive while a link to its location is stored in the database.

I have posted this search in other newsgroups and have gotten a lot of philosophical responses, but what i really am looking for is code examples. Please, what i would like to see is "how" this id done in code. If you have done this on your site, i'd really appreciate your posting code here or emailing me examples. Or, if you know of a really good explainaition of how to go about storing/retreiving audio files in the way i mentioned using MS SQL Sever 2000, I'd be equally indebted.

I hope I have explained myself clearly. Thank you for your assistance!

have a peaceful day.

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Retreiving Dts Package From Backup?

Dec 13, 2004

Last week I discovered a server runing a sql database for a vendor application. Last year sometime one of our former employees created a dts to populate some data in peoplesoft from this database. But, over this last weekend, the vendor came in and uninstalled and reinstalled sql server and only restored their specific database. All I have is backups of msdb and master and I'm not sure how to restore our dts package. Any clues would be appreciated.

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Retreiving Duplicates From A Database

Apr 12, 2008

How would I get three fields out of the database if they are duplicates?

I got it to work with one field but can't get it to work with the other two fields (BIC and PaymentAmt)

COUNT(Claim) AS NumOccurrences
HAVING ( COUNT(claim) > 1 )

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Help In Retreiving Multiple HeadCount

Sep 28, 2007

Hi all
I have the following table schema and their details as follows:

Code Block
ID varchar(40),
Name varchar(50)
CREATE TABLE #Tbl_User_Project
ID int,
ProjectID varchar(40),
Role varchar(20)
INSERT INTO #Tbl_Project VALUES('PRJ1','Project 1')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_Project VALUES('PRJ2','Project 2')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_Project VALUES('PRJ3','Project 3')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(1,'PRJ1','PM')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(2,'PRJ1','TL')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(3,'PRJ1','TM')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(4,'PRJ2','PM')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(5,'PRJ2','TL')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(6,'PRJ3','PM')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(7,'PRJ3','TL')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User_Project VALUES(8,'PRJ3','TL')
--Required Output
--ProjectID ProjectName PM:TL:TM Ratio HeadCount
--PRJ1 Project 1 1:1:1 3
--PRJ2 Project 2 1:0:1 2
--PRJ3 Project 3 1:0:2 3
DROP TABLE #Tbl_Project,#Tbl_User_Project

This is just sample of the values. The ratio obtained should be as follows:
Assuming for a Project 1 there are 2 - PM's , 6-TL's , 15 - TM's then the ratio should be 1:3:7.5 . So please help me in this regard.

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Retreiving Values From The Same Column

Sep 23, 2007

Hi every one,

I have a serious problem struggling with sql query the problem is i have a table below

Sno CarId carcharacterstics Charactersticvalue

1. Mercides01 Color Red
2. Mercides01 EngineType Desile
3. Mercides01 Speed/Hr 350KM
4. Maruthi01 Color Red
5. Maruthi01 EngineType Desile
6. Maruthi01 Speed/Hr 250KM
7. BMW Gears Automatic
8. BMW EngineType Desile
9. BMW Speed/Hr 250KM

Now i need to retrieve the carid whose color is red and Engine type is desile the query i have written is

select carid from carchar where ((characterstics='Color' and charactersticvalue=Red) and (characterstics='EngineType' and charactersticvalue=Desile))

But I am not able to retrieve the values. I can retrieve the values correctly if i mention only one characterstics and its value but i cant retrieve if i mention more than that

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