SQL 2012 :: Authentication With Two (or More) Databases On Same Instance

May 7, 2015

Scenario: a stored procedure is executed in database ABC. The procedure includes a MERGE statement with objects in the ABC and DEF databases. A Windows login is executing the procedure. Contained users is not enabled anywhere on the instance. And the user is not orphaned in either database, i.e. the login is associated to the user correctly by-sid in each one.

Of course, the Windows login must be authenticated to access database ABC, and authorized to execute the procedure. That is happening. Most of the time, so is the MERGE statement. But every once in a while we're seeing an odd "Network error code 0x2746 occurred while establishing a connection" message. The procedure has a TRY/CATCH retry loop around the MERGE statement, so it enters that loop. Re-read: the procedure is still running, the network error wasn't about the client connection executing the procedure. So what was it about?

Does that MERGE statement, accessing database DEF, require SQL to authenticate the Windows login again, because it's a different database (even though it's on the same instance, and was already authenticated for ABC)? There shouldn't be any other network activity involved in that phase of the execution. Plus, when the process had been using a SQL Server-authenticated login, this never happened.

But before I go blaming our DCs or network... I need to know, are they in fact involved here, or not? I believe they are, but... never had to care enough before to really know. I'm trying to stave off the "let's switch it back to a SQL login" demand that's sure to come soon, if I can't find an appropriate resolution to this.

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SQL 2012 :: Mirroring Multiple Databases On Single Instance?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to mirror 3 DBs on my sql server instance . I have restored there full backups and log backups on mirror.I have also created endpoints on principal and mirror using default ports 5022 and 5023.

know if i can use the same endpoint for the databases on principal instance ?

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SQL 2012 :: Why Are Databases Showing Up In Newly Created Instance

Sep 18, 2015

Why are the user databases that were created in the MSSQLSERVER default instance showing up in the newly created ALPHAONE instance? I'm successfully logging into the alphaone database as it shows as "DASAlphaOne,1xxxPport) at the top of the treeview in ssms. I'm logging in as sa and can edit anything.

The issue here is that all the user databases are shown and can even be edited. I created this instance in an effort to hide databases from whoever is not supposed to see.I was expecting a clean instance with only the system databases..Is there something that can be set to keep each instance's databases private into itself?

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SQL 2012 :: Report GUEST User Access Status In All Databases On Instance Level

Apr 17, 2015

Below query tells us if guest user is enabled or disabled in a particular database

SELECT dp.name, CASE perms.class WHEN 0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS 'Enabled'
FROM sys.database_principals dp
LEFT JOIN (SELECT grantee_principal_id, class FROM sys.database_permissions
WHERE class = 0 AND type = 'CO' AND state = 'G') AS perms
ON dp.principal_id = perms.grantee_principal_id
WHERE dp.name = 'guest';

Do we have a query which can also add the database name to above query output? The output must have columns with data against Name,Enabled,Database name

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Connect From Databases In 1st Instance To Databases In 2nd Instance

Mar 13, 2007

This is the scenario. Is it possible to create views or something (like Oracle DB Links) in a database in Instance 1 which can show data from another database in 2nd Instance ?

I want to do this to create reports.

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SQL 2012 :: Clustered SSAS Unable To Connect To Named Instance (instance Not Found On Server)

Mar 20, 2014

I have a 3 node cluster on which I have installed SSAS as it's own insntance. I have created this as a named instance and can connect to it by serverinstance if I'm on the server itself. However from my desktop I get the error saying instance was not found on server name.

I have defined an alternate port and setup firewall rules and can connect via server:port but not serverinstance. Prior to making this change SSAS was running on default port of 2383 and I could connect just by servername.

I have read many articles for previous versions saying that clustered SSAS will always use 2383 and that you must connect just using servername. However and this is were it gets strange. I have a 2 node UAT cluster with SSAS setup exactly the same way I've described above and I can connect from my desktop as serverinstance.

Should I be able to connect as serverinstances for a named clustered instance in 2012 ?

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Get Authentication Error In Upgrade SQL 2005 Named Instance To SP1 TCP

Apr 3, 2006

I got the following error using either NT or SQL Login ('sa') that are sysadmin in my SQL 2005 instance:

Your Account information could not be verified for one or more instances. Ensure that you can connect to all the selected instances using the account information provided. To process further deselect the instances to which connectivity cannot be established.

However, I would login to SQL 2005 named instance, either NT or SQL login 'sa' without any problems to do anything I want because both are sysadmin.

<PS> Note that my default SQL instance in my local server is SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 named instance.


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Log-shipping Monitor Instance Authentication By Proxy Results In Errors

Oct 9, 2007

We have set-up log shipping in both our development and production environments. The difference between the two is that development is using SQL 2005 Developer Edition SP2 and production is using SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2. As well, the production environment runs using 64-bit 3-node failover cluster set-up for the source, whereas the development source server environment is 32-bit and not clustered. Also, our development environment destination/monitor instance is located within the same geographic location mapped to the same domain controller. The production environment destination/monitor instance is located off-site, and although is part of the same domain, uses a different domain controller which is synched-up with the primary domain controller used for the source server and entire development environment. Other than that, both environments run using Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition SP1.

Originally, both environments were configured to use Monitor connections "By impersonating the proxy account of the job (usually the SQL Server Agent service account of the server instance where the job runs)". This presented no problems in the development environment, but in the production environment, this results in the following error whenever the source server tries to update the monitor instance with the backup alert status:

Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.

This also results in the log-ship alert job falsely reporting that backup jobs are "out-of-synch", since the source server cannot write log information to the log ship tables on the destination/monitor instance.

Now, according to BOL, when choosing to impersonate the proxy account, this is supposed to default to the SQL Server Agent Service account, which in our systems (both development and production), is a Windows domain account with full administrator priviledges and a SQL system adminstrator on both source and destination/monitor instances.

Upon trying to open a case with Microsoft originally when we were running on SQL 2005 SP1, and spending several hours ensuring there were no duplicate SPNs and linked servers were properly configured, they had come to the conclusion that this was the result of a known SP1 issue (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925843), and would be solved by applying SP2. We are now running SP2 + hotfix (9.0.3152), but are still receiving this error.

The only way I have currently of fixing this issue is by changing the Monitor connection from authenticating via proxy account to using a SQL Server login account which has system admin priviledges.

I have limited knowledge of how security is applied across different domain controllers within the same domain. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Removing All Databases Associated With An Instance.

Dec 11, 2007

When uninstalling an instance, is there a parameter on the uninstall (setup.exe /qb REMOVE=ALL INSTANCENAME=XXXXXXXX), to remove all the databases associated with that instance?


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What Is The Pratical Max # Of Databases For A SQL 2000 Instance?

Feb 20, 2002


Microsoft listed 32,767 as the max # of databases for a SQL 2000 instance but I am curious what is the comfortable # of databases we should have before running into issues such as performance degrading etc.

Thank you very much!

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Join Tables In Same Instance Different Databases

Sep 28, 2015

I have a problem in that a database I have created required splitting into three databases. The records were similar but reporting and maintenance differed enough that splitting the data seemed the best option. So now I have three databases that are needing to be updated from one file and I am not sure how to do that. See the illustration below. The Machine table is a one to many to the Job table, the Job table is a one to one with the Run Data.

The first idea was to query the first database if the record was not found go to the next. If no match was found in any table drop it in a reject bucket. Then what about perhaps a lookup table with starting and ending Job ranges. I would query it to find the correct database then do another query to update the record. But then I could have some type of joining table. Not sure how that would look across databases.

The tables I am updating or adding new records to has the same fields, unique key across all the databases. I could make one big table which gets rid of the query to find the correct database to update but I still would have to connect this back to the Job table which brings me back to a join table or index table.

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List Of Databases On An Instance Of SQL Server

Mar 28, 2007

Is there a way of limiting the "Databases list" to just the databases which I have permission to?
My databases is in a hosted environment, and the list of databases on that server is HUGE.

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Mirroring Multiple Databases On A Single Instance

Jul 7, 2007

Can someone explain what does this mean? This is from http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/dbmirror.mspx

<quote>However, all these techniques for coordinating client redirection with a database mirroring have an important limitation. Database mirroring occurs only at the database level, not the server level. Be careful if your application relies on querying several databases on a server, or uses multi-part object names to query across several databases. When several databases reside on one server, and they are mirrored to a standby server, it is possible that one of several databases might fail over to the standby but the others remain on the original server. In that case, you might need one connection per database that you are querying, so that you do not attempt cross-database queries on a standby server where only one database is a principal and the remaining are mirrors.</quote>

Also I read somewhere that if one mirrored DB fails, all other mirrored DB should also be transferred to the mirror.

For example: Let's say Srv1 (principle) and Srv2 (mirror) and Srv3(witness) are SQL servers with only default instances. The SQL instance has 4 DBs (DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4) and all of them are mirrored to Srv2.

An ASP.NET application has four seperate connection strings like:
objConn1 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB1;Integrated Security=True;

objConn2 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB2;Integrated Security=True;

objConn3 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB3;Integrated Security=True;

objConn4 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB4;Integrated Security=True;

If DB2 failsover to Srv2 (mirror), why should all other DBs be failedover?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Find Unused Databases Or When Last Used In A Instance?

Mar 30, 2011

Find unused databases in a instance or when last used or accessed?

I'm on SQL SERVER 2008 R2 64bit -enterprize

I need to find when the databse is last accessed.

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Cannot See Sql Server 2008 Instance Databases In Performance Monitor

Apr 9, 2008

im trying to measure the amount of CPU used in a backup and restore, using the SQL Server Databases: Backup Restore counter in Perfmon.

I can select The counter, but it does not let me select an instance database to monitor.

see image:

I have 3 instances on my machine, 2 sql 2005 and 1 sql 2008. why do these instances not appear? i dont know how to set up this monitoring.

if i type LOCALHOST or in the "Select counters from computer" text box i can see all databases under my sql 2005 instances, but not the ones under the 2008 instances. I have disabled all sql server 2005 services and can confirm none of the sql 2008 instance databases are showing up.

this is a huge problem, especially for when i start stress testing sql server 2008 in preperation for upgrading.

anyone any ideas on why i cannot see sql server 2008 instances in perfmon? I have tried from a remote pc also with the same results.

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Recovery :: How Many Databases Can Be Configured In Log Shipping From A Single Instance

May 1, 2015

SQL Server 2012: Out of all the databases in the instance we have a requirement in which we need to maintain a high availability for the databases around (128). Our team believed log shipping will apt for this requirement but not sure on it's limitations, how many databases are allowed or supports this log shipping from a single instance.

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Transact SQL :: How To Get All Databases Names With Its Owners In Server Instance

Jul 23, 2013

I want to get all databases with it's owner Name ,I think I need to join following script result with sys.databases or sys.sysdatabases.I want a result set  like this:

DatabaseName    db_Owner

master                  sa
pubs                     valia
pubs                     eli
pubs                    maryam
AdentureWork      eli

this script get all owners of the database that is in use:

Use DatabaseName

SELECT  members.name MemberName, roles.name RoleName,roles.type_desc,members.type_desc

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SQL Server 2005 Instance Is Dead After Moving System Databases!

May 20, 2008

Followed this article to move my model and msdb databes but I think I messed up. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345408.aspx
The instance will not start because it says one of the files does not match it's primary file (not sure if it's model or msdb)

I can bring the instance up in single user mode (NET START mssqlserver /f /t3608) but when I try to do a query to re-do my alter statements, it says i can't attach because only one seesion is allowed. in 2000 i used to be able to start query analyzer without starting enterprise manager..

When i try and start with a minimal config (sqlservr -c -m) it won't start. I get an error saying that one of my files does not match it's primary file (either model or msbd don't know which) any ideas????????

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DB Engine :: Does It Affect Database Integrity Of 2 Databases Have Same Logical Name In Instance

Aug 13, 2015

In our production we have a database by name MyDb.The application team wanted another database by the name MyDbOld which contains the data of Mydb 1 month old. So I created a database MyDbOld in other instance(test) and restored MyDbOld from the one month backup of MyDb in production server. In test instance I backed MyDbOld as MyDbOld.bak...

In the production instance I created a new DB by the name MyDbOld and restored the MyDbOld in the production from the backup of MyDbold.bak in the test instance. Now I have 2 databases in the production instance ie MyDb and 2)MyDbOld. However I find the logical names of both the databases to be the same although the database name and the physical file name to be different.My questions are-:

1) Does it in any manner affect the integrity of the 2 databases if the 2 databases are in the same instance and have the same logical name?
2) Would the dml or data retrieval operations in the 2 databases have any conflict in any manner what so ever?
3) Having a unique database name, and unique file names for the physical files for any database in an instance what is the purpose and significance of additionally having a logical name for a database?
4) Which I could restore a database from the backup of another database in the same instance and at the same time change the logical and physical name of the files to correspond to the new database.

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SQL 2012 :: Authentication After Registering SPN

Jul 1, 2015

SQL Server 2012 two node cluster.I was checking the authentication after registering SPN and found the following.When the windows cluster is in one node and the SQL Server role is failed over to the other, windows logins to SQL Server use NTLM authentication.Or is it just my SPN is not working properly ?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: List All Databases In Instance That Are Not Accessed Before Given Date

Jan 10, 2015

Looking for query that lists all databases, in an instance, that are not accessed before a given date (e.g., not accessed before December 31, 2014)?

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Authentication Through A Proxy

Dec 19, 2014

I have found endless articles online and tried a few different formats of the web.config file but i can not get SSRS authenticating through the proxy.

<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
<proxy bypassonlocal="true" proxyaddress="http://PROXY:PORT"/>

Is there a way to pass credentials in so we can specify which account to authenticate with?

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Recovery :: How To Find Last Login Date / Time For User DML Activity On Databases On Instance

Jun 22, 2015

How to find last login date/time for user DML acitivity on databases on Instance?

Is there any way we can find our the last login date/time for databases?

Note: 1. We can find if the SQL Trace is running and store.This is not good solution
         2. Audit logins off/on is also not good solution.
         3. Using DMV's also not good option, if reboot sql server instance then historical values can not see.

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Forms Authentication - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Apr 12, 2007

I have successfully implemented forms authentication, that means, I can access it from a web browser, get the login page, add my credentials and log on to Reporting Services.

But now I try to access reporting services Web service from a winforms app, doing something like this:

ReportingService _rs = new ReportingService();

_rs.LogonUser("myUsername", "myPassword", "");

_rs.Url = "http://myServer/ReportServer/ReportService.asmx";

CatalogItem[] items = _rs.ListChildren("/", true);

The first three lines works fine, but he last line (ListChildren) throws a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception. I have enabled remote error and looked in the RS log files, but nowhere I can find where this null-pointer exception occured.

Any idea about where to go from here?

Regards Andreas

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SQL 2012 :: Database Backup And Restore Across Different Authentication Models

Oct 22, 2014

We have a bunch of SQL 2012 databases which use SQl Server authentication (essentially local dev instances). Is it possible to take a backup of one of these database and then push them onto a (central) server which uses Integrated security (based on active directory authentication) using a script to change and map the authentication model in the process?

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SQL 2012 :: System Cannot Contact A Domain Controller To Service Authentication Request

Dec 16, 2013

I am attempting to set up an always on cluster on VMware for testing. setting up everything through the Failover cluster is fine, the trouble comes when I try to set up the AlwaysOn availability group. Whenever I attempt to specify a network location I receive the following error: Operating System Error 1265(The system cannot contact a domain controller to service the authentication request..).

I looked up this error and most sites point towards a Windows 8 homegroup issue. Since this is a on a domain, I don't think it is relevant. I also added the service accounts from server A to Server B and visa versa. I even added the computer objects to its opposite partner..I have attempted to use "Join Only" and do a manual copy.

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Instance To Cluster?

Oct 8, 2014

We have an active/active two-node QA cluster with four instances of sql. I need to add a fifth. In the past I always moved existing instances to the other node while installing a new instance.

Other than impacts to users from install reboots, is that a hard requirement?

QA is reluctant to have me put the four existing instances on one node for most of a day, fearing big performance slowdowns. Each node has 250GB of memory and each instance is allowed 50GB. Netapp disk backend.

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SQL 2012 :: Installing SP2 - Instance Shutdown

Dec 9, 2014

I want to install SP2 for SQL 2012, but I am not sure how my instance would be affected.

I want to know if the instance will go down for any amount of time during the update? I can schedule a server reboot after hours, but don't want to apply the service pack if it will take the instance offline at any point.

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SQL 2012 :: Copy Tables To Another Instance

Sep 19, 2015

I have this task, I have to copy from one database into a remote all record which contain a specific value into a specific column. (the remote Db destination tables are already created)

I have already identified all tables to copy (about 3000 with 60Milions of records), now how to implement the most performing way to copy records.

If most performing, the destination database can be placed on the source Sql instance, I can move the database on the destination instance after I have copied all records.

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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Availability Groups On One Instance

Aug 12, 2013

From what I understand, one SQL Server 2012 instance can host multiple availability groups. That should allow, for example, the following situation - one SQL Server 2012 instance containing three primary replica databases - each one part of a different availability group - and each availability group's secondary replica located on a separate SQL Server 2012 instance.

Can you have three SQL Server 2012 instances, each with one primary replica database and have all three secondary replica databases on one SQL Server 2012 instance? So instead of, as above, going from 1 primary server to 3 secondary servers, this time we're going from 3 primary servers to 1 secondary server? The one secondary server would then contain all three secondary replicas for each of the 3 separate primary replicas.

This would mean that the single server (where all three secondary replicas reside) was part of three separate Windows Server Failover Clustering clusters.

Is this scenario possible?

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SQL 2012 :: Restore 2 Database Simultaneously In Same Instance?

Apr 10, 2014

Is it possible to restore two databases simultaneously in same sql instance?

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SQL 2012 :: Multiple Database Servers - One Instance Name

Apr 24, 2014

Scenerio : To keep a very large system running optimally in a VM cluster, Take PR01 and make PR02, PR03, PR04. Distribute the 45 databases and 9T+ of disk across multiple VM guest.

Each PR## is a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise guest on a VM 5.1 cluster.

So instead of PR01 needed 16 core and 128g of memory, each one will have 4 core and 32g of memory. Making VM HA more manageable. (yes, DRS rules will apply). Also provides more HBA paths and distributes i/o over more physical disk on the SAN.

Instead of a connection string having to know PR01.dbo.UserDB01, PR02.dbo.UserDB03, ect the connection would be PRDB.dbo.UserDB01. That way if needed 1) UserDB can be moved to any of the PR## 2) new PR05, PR06 can be added as needed. The end user and processes are not allowed to touch system databases, no PR## will have a user DB called the same name.

There are seperate VM guests on other VM clusters and Citrix servers that need access to PRDB. As things expand and move around, none of the connection strings need to be changed.

I am looking into RadWare and modifing level 7 information, but that is iffy and $$$$$$.

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SQL 2012 :: Copy A Database To Another Instance Daily

Jun 26, 2014

Looking for what others have done to keep a copy of a database, for read only, on another instance. Need to do this once a day early in the morning with no, or minimal, downtime at the source and target. We have applications that access this copy 24/7, so prefer not to disconnect active users, as a detach/attach or backup/restore might do. Permissions are different on each instance, so would prefer not to overlay users on destination database. Options we are looking at right now are...

Log Shipping
Snapshot Replication
Transfer SQL Objects Task (SSIS)

Our environment for this is SQL 2012 on Windows 2012, in the same AD domain located in the same server room. The database size is 1gb. Needs to be copied around 6:30am daily. Does not need to be updated thru the day.

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