SQL 2012 :: Creating Job To Run SSIS Package Remotely

Jan 7, 2014

I have a ssis package in the DW environment. How can I run this package in the production environment by creating the job and run remotely.

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Running An SSIS Package Remotely

Jul 9, 2007

When I run a newly created SSIS package remotely from my Vista Business PC, it runs an older version of the package, pointing to the wrong location that I initially configured in the flat file connection manager and I get errors, however when I run that same package from the server, it runs just fine.

Does anyone know what I need to do to clean that up?



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Running A SSIS Package Remotely On The SQL Server

Feb 7, 2006

We have a package (which uses SQL Server Destination Task) imported in the SQL Server. Is it possible to invoke this SSIS package from a remote App Server through C# .NET.

We would like to execute the SSIS package in the SQL Server itself and pass on the results of execution to the calling C#.NET application via the output variables declared in the SSIS package.


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Integration Services :: Connect To SSIS 2012 Remotely - The RPC Server Is Unavailable

Sep 21, 2015

I have an SQL Server 2012 with SSIS installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 Core. I'd like to connect remotley to SSIS but I receive the following error. 'The RPC server is unavailable.'

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Several Different Errors When Creating And Running SSIS Package. Package Runs Successfuly Sometimes.

May 2, 2008

Hi All,

I am in the process of moving from a 32-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054) to a 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054 with 4 CPUs and 8GB of memory on Win 2003 SP2) and the process has been very frustrating to say the least. I am having a problem with packages that I created on my 64-bit SQL Server. I am importing a few tables from the 32-SQL Server into the 64-bit SQL Server using the Task --> Import to create the package.

Sometimes when I am creating a package I get the following error in a message box:

SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

The SSIS Runtime object could not be created. Verify that DTS.dll is available and registered. The wizard cannot continue and it will terminate.

Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. (System.Windows.Forms)

Other times when I run a package that has run successfully before I get the following error:

Faulting application dtexecui.exe, version 9.0.3042.0, stamp 45cd726d, faulting module unknown, version, stamp 00000000, debug? 0, fault address 0x025d23f0.

Other times I get this error message:

.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.1433 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (79FFEE24) (80131506)

And still other times

The package appears to hang when running. By this I mean that the Package Execution Progress shows progress up to a point then it just stops. (The package takes about 17 seconds to run normally) CPU usage is at 1% and the package cannot be stopped.

I have deleted and re-created the package several times and I have also re-installed the service pack on the SQL Server (9.0.3054) but that did not help.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to try?


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SQL 2012 :: How To Capture Data Flow Component Name Dynamically While Package SSIS Package Is Executing

Jun 3, 2014

I would like to fetch the data flow component name while package is executing. Since system variable named [System::SourceName] only fetches name of the control flow tasks? Is there a way to capture them?

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Creating A SSIS Package

Mar 5, 2007

HI All,

can any body give steps to import data from one sqldb to another through ssis package, i was comfotable with dts but ssis is a lil bit confusing.....



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Creating An SSIS Package

Feb 18, 2008

Can anyone give a newbie a general script for creating an SSIS page to import data nightly from an Access database to sql 2005. They are not on the same server. The Access database us 366,968 kb and grows everyday from input from web content. It has 5 tables and 100's of queries, which is how it is updated.

Please give me a starting point, do not understand the info in books on line.

Thank you

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Need Help Creating A SSIS Package (Newbie)

Mar 12, 2006

Following is what I would like to do, so I can keep updating my central SQL Server database with latest updates from the field. I like to use SSIS 2005 to create a package that could do this. Any help to get me started would be appreciated. I need some help soon, pls give me something to get started. APpreciate it. Thanks.

Open connection and read client location table on the local SQL Server database called PODO
For each location id in the table do the following:
Store locationid/clientid in a variable called CLLOC_ID
Construct file name with mdb extension and store in a variable MDB_FILE
Establish connection to the data import folder
Search for that MDB_FILE in the folder on the file system
If there is a file where match = true then do this:
1) Open the access database
2) Read and import the data from the customer experience table
3) Write that data to the SQL Server tables where location = CLLOC_ID
4) Exit process
IF there is no match, exit process
Keep looping until all the client ids/loc ids are read from the SQL Server client location table.


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Programmatically Creating SSIS Package

Jan 4, 2007

Hi guys,
I was intended to write a program that will create a SSIS package which will import data from a CSV file to the SQL server 2005. But I did not find any good example for this into the internet. I found some example which exports data from SQL server 2005 to CSV files. And following those examples I have tried to write my own. But I am facing some problem with that. What I am doing here is creating two connection manager objects, one for Flat file and another for OLEDB. And create a data flow task that has two data flow component, one for reading source and another for writing to destination. While debugging I can see that after invoking the ReinitializedMetaData() for the flat file source data flow component, there is not output column found. Why it is not fetching the output columns from the CSV file? And after that when it invokes the ReinitializedMetaData() for the destination data flow component it simply throws exception.
Can any body help me to get around this problem? Even can anyone give me any link where I can find some useful article to accomplish this goal?
I am giving my code here too.
I will appreciate any kind of suggestion on this.
Code snippet:
public void CreatePackage()
string executeSqlTask = typeof(ExecuteSQLTask).AssemblyQualifiedName;
      Package pkg = new Package();
      pkg.PackageType = DTSPackageType.DTSDesigner90;
ConnectionManager oledbConnectionManager =              CreateOLEDBConnection(pkg);
ConnectionManager flatfileConnectionManager =
      // creating the SQL Task for table creation
Executable sqlTaskExecutable = pkg.Executables.Add(executeSqlTask);
ExecuteSQLTask execSqlTask = (sqlTaskExecutable as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.TaskHost).InnerObject as ExecuteSQLTask;
      execSqlTask.Connection = oledbConnectionManager.Name;           
      execSqlTask.SqlStatementSource =
      // creating the Data flow task
Executable dataFlowExecutable = pkg.Executables.Add("DTS.Pipeline.1");
      TaskHost pipeLineTaskHost = (TaskHost)dataFlowExecutable;
      MainPipe dataFlowTask = (MainPipe)pipeLineTaskHost.InnerObject;           
      // Put a precedence constraint between the tasks.           
PrecedenceConstraint pcTasks = pkg.PrecedenceConstraints.Add(sqlTaskExecutable, dataFlowExecutable);
      pcTasks.Value = DTSExecResult.Success;
      pcTasks.EvalOp = DTSPrecedenceEvalOp.Constraint;
      // Now adding the data flow components
IDTSComponentMetaData90 sourceDataFlowComponent = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
      sourceDataFlowComponent.Name = "Source Data from Flat file";
      // Here is the component class id for flat file source data
      sourceDataFlowComponent.ComponentClassID = "{90C7770B-DE7C-435E-880E-E718C92C0573}";
CManagedComponentWrapper managedInstance = sourceDataFlowComponent.Instantiate();
RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = flatfileConnectionManager.ID;
RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(flatfileConnectionManager);
      // Get the destination's default input and virtual input.
IDTSOutput90 output = sourceDataFlowComponent.OutputCollection[0];
                        // Here I dont find any columns at all..why??
      // Now adding the data flow components
IDTSComponentMetaData90 destinationDataFlowComponent = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
      destinationDataFlowComponent.Name =
"Destination Oledb compoenent";
      // Here is the component class id for Oledvb data
      destinationDataFlowComponent.ComponentClassID = "{E2568105-9550-4F71-A638-B7FE42E66922}";
CManagedComponentWrapper managedOleInstance = destinationDataFlowComponent.Instantiate();
RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = oledbConnectionManager.ID;
RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(oledbConnectionManager);
      // Set the custom properties.
      managedOleInstance.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);                 
managedOleInstance.SetComponentProperty("OpenRowset", "[MYDATABASE].[dbo].[MYTABLE]");           
      managedOleInstance.ReinitializeMetaData();  // Throws exception
      // Create the path.
IDTSPath90 path = dataFlowTask.PathCollection.New();            path.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(sourceDataFlowComponent.OutputCollection[0],
      // Get the destination's default input and virtual input.
IDTSInput90 input = destinationDataFlowComponent.InputCollection[0];
      IDTSVirtualInput90 vInput = input.GetVirtualInput();
      // Iterate through the virtual input column collection.
foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn90 vColumn in vInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection)
input.ID, vInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY);
      DTSExecResult res = pkg.Execute();
public ConnectionManager CreateOLEDBConnection(Package p)
      ConnectionManager ConMgr;
      ConMgr = p.Connections.Add("OLEDB");
      ConMgr.ConnectionString =
"Data Source=VSTS;Initial Catalog=MYDATABASE;Provider=SQLNCLI;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=false;";
      ConMgr.Name = "SSIS Connection Manager for Oledb";
      ConMgr.Description = "OLE DB connection to the Test database.";
      return ConMgr;
public ConnectionManager CreateFileConnection(Package p)
      ConnectionManager connMgr;
      connMgr = p.Connections.Add("FLATFILE");
      connMgr.ConnectionString = @"D:MyCSVFile.csv";
      connMgr.Name = "SSIS Connection Manager for Files";
      connMgr.Description = "Flat File connection";
      connMgr.Properties["Format"].SetValue(connMgr, "Delimited");
connMgr.Properties["HeaderRowDelimiter"].SetValue(connMgr, Environment.NewLine);
      return connMgr;
And my CSV files is as follows
Linda, 26, FEMALE
Thats all. Thanks.

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Creating SSIS Package Failed

Aug 6, 2007


I'm trying to create a SSIS package. I have used OLEDBSource adapter to get the source table's data and transferring the data to an OLEDBDestination adapter. I tried but I'm facing the problem in mapping the metadata contents.

My code:

static void Main(string[] args)


// Create a new package

Package package = new Package();

package.Name = "OLE DB Transfer";

// Add a Data Flow task

TaskHost taskHost = package.Executables.Add("DTS.Pipeline") as TaskHost;

taskHost.Name = "Transfer Table";

IDTSPipeline90 pipeline = taskHost.InnerObject as MainPipe;

// Get the pipeline's component metadata collection

IDTSComponentMetaDataCollection90 componentMetadataCollection = pipeline.ComponentMetaDataCollection;

// Add a new component metadata object to the data flow

IDTSComponentMetaData90 oledbSourceMetadata = componentMetadataCollection.New();

// Associate the component metadata object with the OLE DB Source Adapter

oledbSourceMetadata.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OLEDBSource";

// Instantiate the OLE DB Source adapter

IDTSDesigntimeComponent90 oledbSourceComponent = oledbSourceMetadata.Instantiate();

// Ask the component to set up its component metadata object


// Add an OLE DB connection manager

ConnectionManager connectionManagerSource = package.Connections.Add("OLEDB");

connectionManagerSource.Name = "OLEDBSource";

// Set the connection string

connectionManagerSource.ConnectionString = "provider=sqlncli;server=HSCHBSCGN25008;integrated security=sspi;database=Muthu_SSIS_Testing";

// Set the connection manager as the OLE DB Source adapter's runtime connection

IDTSRuntimeConnection90 runtimeConnectionSource = oledbSourceMetadata.RuntimeConnectionCollection["OleDbConnection"];

runtimeConnectionSource.ConnectionManagerID = connectionManagerSource.ID;

// Tell the OLE DB Source adapter to use the SQL Command access mode.

oledbSourceComponent.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);

// Set up the SQL command

oledbSourceComponent.SetComponentProperty("SqlCommand", "select * from EmployeeTable");

// Set up the connection manager object

runtimeConnectionSource.ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(connectionManagerSource);

// Establish the database connection


// Set up the column metadata


// Release the database connection


// Release the connection manager


// Add a new component metadata object to the data flow

IDTSComponentMetaData90 oledbDestinationMetadata = componentMetadataCollection.New();

//Associate the component metadata object with the OLE DB Destination Adapter

oledbDestinationMetadata.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OLEDBDestination";

// Instantiate the OLE DB Destination adapter

IDTSDesigntimeComponent90 oledbDestinationComponent = oledbDestinationMetadata.Instantiate();

// Ask the component to set up its component metadata object


// Add an OLE DB connection manager

ConnectionManager connectionManagerDestination = package.Connections.Add("OLEDB");

connectionManagerDestination.Name = "OLEDBDestination";

// Set the connection string

connectionManagerDestination.ConnectionString = "provider=sqlncli;server=HSCHBSCGN25008;integrated security=sspi;database=Muthu_SSIS_Testing";

// Set the connection manager as the OLE DB Destination adapter's runtime connection

IDTSRuntimeConnection90 runtimeConnectionDestination = oledbDestinationMetadata.RuntimeConnectionCollection["OleDbConnection"];

runtimeConnectionDestination.ConnectionManagerID = connectionManagerDestination.ID;

// Tell the OLE DB Destination adapter to use the SQL Command access mode.

oledbDestinationComponent.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);

// Set up the SQL command

oledbDestinationComponent.SetComponentProperty("SqlCommand", "select from EmplTable");

// Set up the connection manager object

runtimeConnectionDestination.ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(connectionManagerDestination);

// Get the standard output of the OLE DB Source adapter

IDTSOutput90 oledbSourceOutput = oledbSourceMetadata.OutputCollection["OLE DB Source Output"];

// Get the input of the OLE DB Destination adapter

IDTSInput90 oledbDestinationInput = oledbDestinationMetadata.InputCollection["OLE DB Destination Input"];

// Create a new path object

IDTSPath90 path = pipeline.PathCollection.New();

// Connect the source and destination adapters

path.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(oledbSourceOutput, oledbDestinationInput);

IDTSInput90 input = oledbDestinationInput;

IDTSVirtualInput90 vInput = input.GetVirtualInput();

foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn90 vColumn in vInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection)


// Call the SetUsageType method of the destination

// to add each available virtual input column as an input column.


input.ID, vInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY);


foreach (IDTSInputColumn90 col in oledbDestinationInput.InputColumnCollection)


IDTSExternalMetadataColumn90 exCol = oledbDestinationInput.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection[col.Name];

oledbDestinationComponent.MapInputColumn(oledbDestinationInput.ID, col.ID, exCol.ID);




// Save the package

//Application application = new Application();

//application.SaveToXml(@"c:OLEDBTransfer.dtsx", package, null);


While debugging, I'm getting exception (ELEMENTNOTFOUND) at this line

IDTSExternalMetadataColumn90 exCol = oledbDestinationInput.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection[col.Name];

because metadata have no appropriate column to map with the destination component.

Any one help me to resolve this issue.


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Wizard For Creating Interface To Ssis Package?

May 21, 2007

I'm very new to ssis, so I hope I don't sound too ignorant. I was told there might be a way to create User interfaces for ssis projects. ie, I am trying to create an import package that will let a user import an excel file to a sql table. What I would like to have is some sort of web interface that lets the user select the source file and destination table.

The more I search for a way to do this the more it seems impossible without knowing a ton about coding. If anyoen can help I'd appreciate it.

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Creating SSIS Package Event Handlers

Sep 11, 2007

I would like to create an event handler that would catch any errors that result from a sys.<table> not existing. The package is designed to run on both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 and when I query sys.<tables> there is an error when the query is run on SQL Server 2000. I just need a good starting point...I would like something that when the server isn't 2005 it just skips the server and doesn't fail the package and doesn't get counted towards the max error count. Thanks for any help.

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Creating A Table In Access From An SSIS Package

Sep 29, 2006

I need to run a make-table query against an Access database out of an SSIS package. I tried to do this with an OLE DB Command Task but it fails to create the table even though the task execution comes back successful. Any thoughts???

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Creating And Accessing Temp Tables In SSIS Package

Sep 26, 2007


I want to create a local temporary table in execute sql task and and want to use the same in Data flow task as source table.

I follow the following steps to achieve this:

01. Created a new SSIS package
02. Create a connection string to "(local)/." server, "tempdb" database
03. Set the "RetainSameConnection" property value to "TRUE"
04. Set the "DelayValidation" to "TRUE", where ever I found this property
04. In Control Flow I added to items
a. Execute SQL Task
b. Data Flow Task
05. For "Execute SQL task" I set the connection to "tempdb"
06. I written the following query
Create table #transfer_CompaniesToProcess_tbl
companyID int not null
07. In Data Flow task I added "OLE DB Source" and "OLE DB Destination"
08. In "OLE DB Source" I changed the "Data access mode:" to "SQL command"
09. In "SQL command text:" I entered "select * from #transfer_CompaniesToProcess_tbl"
10. When I clicked on the "OK" button; I ended with following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Statement(s) could not be prepared.".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Invalid object name '#transfer_CompaniesToProcess_tbl'.".

Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202009 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

I gone through the following article and it seems I missed some thing.

Can any one have any idea where I am doing wrong?


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Dynamically Creating SSIS Package For Each Flat File

Apr 18, 2007

Trying to figure out the best method of reading in a number of flat files, all with different number of columns and data types and outputting them to a database.

Here's the problem: They are EBCDIC encoded and some of the columns are packed decimal. I've set up one package that takes the flat file, unpacks the decimal (Using UnpackDecimal component) and then sending the rest through a second component to go from EBCDIC -> ASCII.

What I need is a way to do this for every flat file based on the schema for that flat file. One current solution is to write a script/app to create the .dtsx XML file and then execute that for each flat file. It appears like this may be possible, but I haven't gotten far enough to know for sure. So my questions are this:

1) Is there an easier way to do this (ie somehow feed the schema to the package and use it to dynamically set up the column makers and determine which columns get fed to the unpack decimal component.

2) If there isn't a better way, will dynamically creating the .dtsx XML file based on the necessary input/output columns for each flat file work? If so, what is a good source of information on this (information about how the .dtsx XML file is set up, what needs to be changed/what doesn't, etc).



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Ssis Creating A Basic Package Tutorial - Not A Query

Jun 13, 2006

In the tutorial Creating a Basic Package Using a Wizard > Lesson 1: Creating the Basic Package >

says to use the following sql statement on the query page:

SELECT * FROM [Customers$] WHERE NumberCarsOwned > 0

When I paste the query in I get the message :

This SQL statement is not a query.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  The input and output are set up correctly and I have the sample excel file Customers.xls. 

I am new to all this, is there some setting I need to change for the tutorial to work or..?

FYI I have installed Sql 2005, Sp1.


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Reg: Creating An SSIS Package To Transfer The Data From Sql Datasources To Sql Datawarehouse

Apr 8, 2008

Hi All,
I have created fact tables and dimension tables in datawarehouse database, and i created a olap cube from those tables.
I want to run SSIS Package which populates these fact and dimension tables from datasources.

Thanks in advance,

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Creating SSIS Package SQL Server Agent Job Without Sysadmin Rights

Mar 12, 2008


I have a problem i receive the following error message when i try to add an new step into a SQL Server Agent job :

Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)
Additional information:
An exception occured while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3930)

This error pops up right after i change the type of the step to "SQL Server Intergration Services Package"

I have made the following configurations:

The user group (windows group) that the user belongs has the following roles in msdb :


i have made a proxy to sql server agent which has the following subsystems :

"SQL Server Integration Services Provider" the proxy is tied to the same login which has those SQLagent and dts roles in msdb database.

Im using windows authentication and the user that logs into the sql server is in the same group that i have set all of the rights.

Ps. Clearly im missing some role or right somewhere because as soon as i give the group sysadmin role then all the users in that group can create SSIS steps in the agent.

Ps. Ps. I have been living under the impression that i dont have to give sysadmin rights to people that create ssis packages and schedule then with the agent.

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Creating SSIS Package To Extract Data From MySQL And Append To SQL 2005

Apr 26, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm a newbie DBA and i'm trying to create a package that would extract data from MySQL and inserts them to a SQL 2005 Server. I'm quite new to this SSIS and would like to ask help from you to help me go through with this.

I hope you guys can help me with this.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Thank you so much.

Kind regards,

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SQL 2012 :: How To Run SCP Or SFTP From Within A SSIS Package

Jul 15, 2014

We have SQL Server 2012 running on Windows 2008 Server. We would like to use a SSIS Package to generate a text file and then secure copy it to a vendor's ftp site. Would it be best to use an FTP Task or Execute Process Task (to call the batch file)? Would I need to install some software like winscp or does the Windows O/S has some secure copy or ftp programs that may be used?

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SQL 2012 :: Execute SSIS Package From CMD

Dec 9, 2014

Looking for steps to execute the package from CMD ?

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package Not Calling SP

Jun 18, 2015

We had a scenario where we used to run the Process from front end thru application. on the back ground the the process call the SP & from there it calls the SSIS package then again to SP.

after SSIS package ran succesfully it will be updated on a table with sucess then call the SP & deletes the entry from the other table but in one scenario Package was success but the entry was not getting deleted as the process takes almost 2-3 hours loading 60 millions records. but the process was running in SQL 2008 but once we upgraded to SQL 2012 its not working for one application. its not returning any error as timeout also. we tried changing the server level setting for remote query time out also to 0 but no luck .

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package - FTP Task Fails When Run From A Job

Apr 3, 2014

We are running SQL Server 2012 SP1 64-Bit EE on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. I have a SSIS Package which connects to a FTP Site and downloads a file. Then it truncates a table and loads the file data into a table. This package works okay when executed from within VSS and SSMS (In SSISDB, right click on the package and execute). However, when I execute it as a Job it does not run and appears to be failing on the first task which is the FTP Task. SQL job step - Type: SSIS Package; Run as: SQL Server Agent Service Account (domain account called playuser); Authentication: Windows Authentication.In the All Executions Standard Report for the SSISDB Catalog, it only says: FTP Download File: Errors: There were errors during task validation.

Is this because my domain account does not have access to the FTP Site?Is this where I need to come up with a Proxy Account with Credentials?Do I need to set up a SQL Server Login (Proxy Account) with the same username being used in the FTP Batch file?

FTP Commands in a batch file:
cd omb

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SQL 2012 :: Execute SSIS Package Using Bat File

Dec 28, 2014

I am tasked with creating a batch file to execute SSIS packages.

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SQL 2012 :: Run SSIS Package In 32 Bit Mode Using BAT File

Jan 9, 2015

I have a bat file that kicks off a master package, which kicks off about 300 child packages. My bat file is working correctly, however there seems to be issues executing packages in 64 bit mode.

So my question is...

Is there a way to specify in the bat file to execute packages in 32 bit mode and not 64 bit?

bat file:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110DTSBinnDTExec.exe" /f "E:MasterPackage.dtsx"

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SQL 2012 :: Opening A Deployed SSIS Package?

Feb 6, 2015

I have been handed a datawarehouse environment to look at however I cannot find the ssis packages (.dtsx).

I see that the packages have been deployed to SSISDB but I can't find the files to load into Datatools.

Once the files have been deployed is it possible to remove the package files? Is there a way of retro'ing the deployed packages out of SQL so I can view them in Datatools?

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SQL 2012 :: Can't Execute SSIS Package From Remote Machine

Mar 19, 2013

OS: Windows 2012, standard, 64-bit
SQL: 2012 + SP1 + CU2 = 11.0.3339

We recently decided to "break apart" our BI environment. We used to have everything on one box, DB Engine, SSIS, SSAS & SSRS. Everything has been running fine, but we now have other projects using these services, so we decided to break them apart into their own boxes.

We now have DB Engine on one Server, SSIS & SSRS on another server and SSAS on yet another server, so we now have three boxes that replaced one box. All are Windows 2012, standard, 64-bit with SQL Server 2012 + SP1 + CU2.

Since some of our SSIS packages have to access external resources, we used a domain account for it's service account. The DB Engine and SSAS box are using the default service accounts when installed. I can execute the packages fine on the SSIS server, I can even execute them via SQL Agent jobs on the SSIS box (we did install a default instance of SQL on the SSIS box), however when I try to execute a package from my laptop, it fails with the ugly "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'".

I immediately double checked my SPNs and they all looked correct for the SSIS server and the service account we are using (and we had no duplicates). I also double checked the User Rights Assignment in the Local policy editor and all the correct Rights have been assigned (Log on as a service, Bypass traverse checking, Impersonate a client after authentication).

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SQL Server 2012 :: SSIS Package Backup Of Sharepoint

Dec 2, 2013

I was assigned a project to make a backup of data from 3 lists in a sharepoint with the objective of using that data to do reports on it using Report Builder.

I was abble to do the downloads using the add in to do downloads Sharepoint List Source and Destination "plug in" in SSIS, now the issue is how to update the backup table only with updated and new rows.

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SQL 2012 :: Create Stored Procedure In SSIS Package

Jun 5, 2014

I have a really big stored proc that needs to be rolled out to various databases as part of db installs I run through SSIS.

The Stored proc is too long to run using Execute SQL Task. Is there another way that just running the create script manually.

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SQL Server 2012 :: SSIS Package Worked And Then Stopped?

Jun 22, 2014

I create a package that has a foreach loop container, inside the FE container the is a dataflow, script task and a file system task, on the outside of the FE loop I have a SQL execute SQL task. I had it working then it just stopped. Been looking to see why but can't see why, is there something I missed. I changed the onError script task event handler, to propagate = false, because the last file in the source directory is being written to until 11:59 pm and is locked, and I get error file is being used by another process. I am at a loss as to why it would just stop working.

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SQL 2012 :: Can SSIS Package Replace Stored Procedure

Jun 25, 2014

We require to convert a list of SPs in to SSIS packages. Most of the SPs do the below steps:

mainly our store procedure r to have compare the present date to past date , and comparing emp id between the files and also some joins. updating table r take place.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package - How To Get Dynamic Date Files From FTP

Nov 11, 2014

I am working on FTP TASK in SSIS Package. i have to get files from FTP that file names are like 20141110.txt. i want to download any particular date file from ftp. How to i set expression in Remote path?

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