SQL 2012 :: Task Manager SPID Blocked System

Sep 1, 2015

We had this issue yesterday, for like an hour. Suddenly, our website started to get slow and get timeout errors. After executing sp_who2 and sp_whoisactive, we found a system process blocking many other processes. Of course, it was impossible for us to kill it.

Under "Status" it said TASK MANAGER, "Login" sa, from sp_who2.
Under "sql_text" it was NULL, "program_name" empty, "open_tran_count" changed like this: 2,3,4,3,4,2,1 until it finished, and "database_name" changed from our database to master at the end, from sp_whoisactive.

Our CPU usage and memory at that moment were almost the same as any other day.

We don't do backups or execute jobs at that particular time. We don't even use "sa" account.

What could have happened? In the event viewer we've found nothing, nor in SQL server logs.

Once it finished everything was back to normal, we want to prevent this from happening again.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Task Manager Has Been Blocked From Index Re-org

Apr 6, 2015

This is running on sql server 2012, we have seup the databases on Availability group. The strange behavior i have been seeing the past few weeks is task manager has been blocked from index Re-org but have not found that what that task manager doing.. it won't shows the statement that running but shows as command type= 'Task manager'. Index is so big and i have been stopping this because of triple thread blocking.

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Map Server SPID To PID In Task Manager

Aug 21, 2013

I'm trying to map the SPID of a certain process to the PID under the processes tab in task manager. I can map the PID to the KPID through the sysprocesses table but this KPID does not appear in task manager under the PID's under the processes tab. How can this be done?

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Blocked By SPID -1?????

Oct 6, 1998

What is SPID -1? I see nothing listing it in any activity monitor, but it has just recently started blocking some processes.

jim craddock

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Process Being Blocked By SPID -1

May 10, 1999

The following is an extract from sp_who2

SPID Status Login HostName BlkBy DBName Command CPUTime DiskIO
----- ---------- ------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------
162 sleeping om18682 . -1 STIPROD SELECT 236 120

Has anybody experienced a process being blocked by SPID -1.

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Spid Blocked By Itself On SQL 2000 SP4

Jul 31, 2007


On one of my SQL servers (SQL 2000 SP4) i have a problem with spid blocked by itself (spid 54 (Blocked by 54)).

On the server it's running a verry simple UPDATE statement (from the Query Analizer)'. The query needs very long time to finalize (on SP3 it was very fast). I searched some forums regarding this issue and i found that maybe the SP4 can cause this problem.

Do you have any idea or advice?


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SQL 2012 :: Server Generated A New SPID With Same Type Of Query

Feb 25, 2014

There are times when I either compile a stored procedure, or right now as I am creating indexes on tables, when sp_who2 shows a SPID assigned to my name that I do not currently have opened in SSMS. When I check the statement with dbcc inputbuffer it shows a query hitting many of the system views. Earlier this week, someone tried killing one of these SPIDS and SQL Server generated a new SPID with the same type of query.

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SQL 2012 :: Script To Find Out Blocked Sessions And Send Email Whenever It Finds Blocking

Feb 20, 2014

I want to implement a script which will run continuously to find out blocked sessions and send an email when ever it finds the blocking.

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Task Manager Memory?

Jul 8, 2004

I have a SQL Server 2000/E with 8 GB RAM in the machine.

It is configured to use fixed memory size, at 7GB, and all the appropriate OS switches are set to use that.

Everything had been working fine, but we've been having some production problems and while looking into it, I looked at task manager and while the server performance tab shows that the server is using 7+ GB, the processes tab shows sqlservr.exe at 107,724 K.

Do you think this is a real issue, and that the server might only be using 100 mb of ram? Does anyone have any larger servers like this that they could compare?


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File System Task

Aug 20, 2007

hi friends

Once copy file working fine second time copy file gives an errors
we need to check the condition if that folder contrain the dest.txt file we dont require to copy a file
other wise we need to copy

so i need a controle for checking a folder contrain the dest.txt file or not


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FileWatcher Task Or System.IO??

Jun 2, 2006

I would need to make a SSIS package which must to watch all the day long if a file come and then save into a variable that path+file.

FileWatcher task do that for me or better totally focusing this requirement in a conventional .NET Script using IO classes and all that sort of stuff???

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FTP && File System Task

Apr 26, 2007

I'm just learning 2005, so apologies in advance for the newb questions.

I am facing the following situation: Each day I have to upload an assortment of .csv files with variable names (eg. FileOneYYYYMMDD.csv, FileTwoYYYYMMDD.csv, etc.) to an FTP site, from the following directory structure:


--- SubDirectoryA

--- SubDirectoryB

--- SubDirectoryC

I have accomplished this by setting up a package with three sequence containers (one for each subdirectory), each of which holds a Foreach loop (with a file enumerator configured as *.csv), each of which holds an FTP Task. This may not be the best way to do it, but it works. But if there's a better way I'd like to know!

Anyway, the wall I've run into is trying to move the .csv files to an archive directory after they've been uploaded. The wildcard variable doesn't seem to work with the File System Task, so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to move a bunch of variably named .csv files at different depths of a directory structure to an archive directory.

I've searched but can't seem to find a solution.

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XML Task: System Out Of Memory

Sep 1, 2006

I have an XML Task to validate an xml document on disk (size: 78,464K). When I try to validate it I get error:
[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.".

Task Manager shows 904,492K Physical Memory Available which drops to about 586,000K when the task fails. Any ideas?

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The Buffer Manager Detected That The System Was Low On Virtual Memory, But Was Unable To Swap Out Any Buffers.

Oct 25, 2007

[DTS.Pipeline] Information: The buffer manager detected that the system was low on virtual memory, but was unable to swap out any buffers. 12 buffers were considered and 12 were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough is installed, other processes are using it, or too many buffers are locked.

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Memory Usage In Task Manager

Feb 10, 2004


I am a newbie on SQL server and my problem is this:

My SQL server runs with many client queries and after a while I can observe that the meory usage of the SQL server shown in the Windows Task Manager is growing up (e.g. 260 MB !!!).

I checked the online books and found the settings "min/max server memory" which I set to

min = 4 MB
max = 20 MB

by Enterprise manager.

Then I restarted my SQL server, checked the memory settings again by Enterprise manager and started many client queries. The memory usage in Task Manager nevertheless exeeded the 20 MB.

What is my failure? How can I limit the memory usage of SQL server?

Thank you very much for any help...

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FTP Task: Connection Manager Can Not Be Found

Oct 22, 2007

When I try to create an SSIS package with an FTP task, it always fails to compile with the messages:

Error at Package: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
Error at FTP Task [FTP Task]: Connection manager "" can not be found.
Error at FTP Task: There were errors during task validation.

The item is marked with a circled-X. The tool-tip also agrees: The connection "" is not found.

Using my recreation steps below, I am setting up a connection manager, but it is never found at compile time.

1. Open BIDS, select a new Integration Services project.
2. Drag an FTP task from the toolbox to the Control Flow window.
3. Double-click the FTP task.
4. On the FTP Task Editor window, General page, pull down the FTPConnection property.
5. Select <New Connection...>
6. On the FTP Connection Manager Editor window, enter the servername, port, username and password.
7. Click "Test Connection" to verify connectivity. (It succeeds.)
8. Click OK on the FTP Connection Manager Editor window.
9. Click OK on the FTP Task Editor window.

I'm not using a configuration file or logging provider for this example.
I have also installed SP2 + cumulative update 2.

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File System Task In SSIS

Jun 24, 2007

I need to move files from one location to another location and rename the file using File System Task in SSIS..
There are curent file and archived files in the folder ( C:donwload)
and i need to grap only current file ( i.e Zipcode062407) and move to C:staging folder and rename it to currentzipcode.txt
how can i grap only current file and move it to the different folder and rename the file using File System Task in SSIS?

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File System Task Question

Aug 14, 2007

Is there a more clever way of doing this?

Currently I have to download a .gz file, uncompress and place it on a share with the current day's name (YYYYMMDD.txt).

This is how I'm doing this:

1 - FTP Task Manager to download file using expressions.
2 - Unzip file using a .bat file (Using 7zip). The uncompressed version of the file looks something like deedyyyy-mmddXXXXX.txt, where XXXXX is a bunch of numbers and letters that always changes, file version stamp from the vendor.
3 - Since I never know how the file is going to be called when I unzip it, I have to kick off another bat file to rename deedyyyy-mmddXXXXX.txt (*.txt) to 1.txt, then rename 1.txt to YYYYMMDD.txt, which is what I need for my ETL process.
4 - Archive zip file to another share
5 -Move YYYYMMDD.txt to another folder, so the ETL process can use it.

Basically, I'm not 100% sure about step 3, I'm renaming the files too many times and relying on bat files to do the job.

How would you guys handle such scenario? I'm not being able to use wildcards on File System Task.

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File System Task Problem

Jun 5, 2006

I'm trying to realize a file system task that rename files from a
foreach loop container. So that means the task have a variable in the
source connection. This variable got the value (as an expression) of
But an error message appears when i run it.The message is

File System Task: An error occurred with the following error message:
 "The given path's format is not supported."

When i donīt use the variable in the source connection it works fine.
Anyone knows what might be the problem?

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File System Task - Problem

Sep 28, 2006

I am using file system task for deletion of text file from a specified folder.

but i want that one text file with name ="ssis.txt" and "ssrs.txt "should not get delete.

Is there any option or any expression that we can set and avoide the deletion of ssis.txt and ssrs.txt and still delete all the remaining all text file from a folder.

Please suggest any method or expression by example.

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Possible Bug With SSIS File System Task

Oct 31, 2006

I'm having an issue with a file system task & I'm not sure whether it is user error on my part or a bug. I'm using a SQL Task to create a transaction log backup & I'm saving the name of the file in a result set which I then am mapping to a package level user variable. After that runs I'm trying to copy this .BAK file to another folder using the file system task. I'm setting the following properties on the file system task.

Isdestinationpathvariable: False

Then I have entered the static directory for the file move.

Operation: Tried it with both copy file & move file.

Issourcepathvariable: True

Sourceconnection: User::File_name

After setting this I immediately get a validation warning telling me the source directory cannot be empty. If I try to run it, it fails. The weird thing is that if I set up a connection manager to a flat file & pass my user variable in as the connection string to this connection. Then set the Issourcepathvariable to false & the Sourceconnection to this connection manager it works.

I also have gotten it to work by substituting an ftp task in place of the file system task. The ftp task has no problem when I set the Islocalpathvariable to true & then pass my variable to Localvariable property. This is why I believe there is some sort of issue with the file system task. Has anyone seen this before? Is there some sort of problem with the way I'm setting it up?

Thank you

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File System Task Question

May 11, 2006


I am currently just starting to learn SSIS and I have a question on creating a directory using the File System Task.

Would I be able to create a directory where the directory name is generated and stored in a SSIS variable?

Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance for the assistance.


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File System Task Error

Jun 22, 2006

I am using the 'File System Task ' to create a directory structure (e.g ..DB; ..DBLOG; ..DBBACKUP; )
I set following properties for the single tasks: UseDirectoryIfExists = True;  Operation = Create Directory;

The task works fine before installing SP1 on the server.  Now it creates an ERROR if the directory already exists and it is not empty.

SSIS package "testcreatedirectory.dtsx" starting.

Warning: 0xC002915A at Create DB Directory, File System Task: The Directory already exists.

Error: 0xC002F304 at Create DB Directory, File System Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Das Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.". (The Directory is not empty.)

Task failed: Create DB Directory

Warning: 0x80019002 at Create Directorys: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

Warning: 0x80019002 at testcreatedirectory: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "testcreatedirectory.dtsx" finished: Failure.

Does anyone know if this is a known bug in SP1 or maybe its a feature  and if there already exists a solution (maybe I have to set additional properties I have not discovered as yet).

Thanks in advance

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Error In File System Task

Mar 2, 2006


I am trying to transfer all the data from Excel to SQL Server using the Script Task (since I got some issue with the Data Flow -- that is a different story, let us come to this error), and after it got transferred I am deleting the source file using File System Task.

[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The process cannot access the file 'C:PrakashTestFilesNames.xls' because it is being used by another process."

The problem here is before transfer the data from Excel to SQL Server in the Script Task, the File System Task is getting executed, that is why it says that "it is being used by another process" like that.

I already set the TransactionOption as "Success" only for all the Tasks, but I don't know why the second task is getting executed before the first task completed his job.

If anyone have solution to this, pls let me know in detail ASAP.

Thanks & Regards,

Prakash Srinivasan

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File System Task In SSIS

Oct 25, 2006

Wanting to use File System Task in SSIS to move files from
one location to another for archiving. I can't seem to figure out how to use a
wild card for the file name. It seems that I must specify the actual file name
which is a problem because only the first 4 letters in the file name remain a

Does anyone know how to use a wild card or a way to work
this in?

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Windows Task Manager - Sqlservr.exe Mem Usage

Sep 12, 2007

Hello everyone,

I have my minimum server memory in SQL set to 4GB, but in my Windows Task Manager, sqlservr.exe only has about 100MB.

Does anyone have any idea why task manager doesn't show the full amount?

Thanks in advance.


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Looking For Info On The CopyFile In File System Task

Feb 25, 2008


I've been searching here and in Google, but haven't been able to find a good example of using the File System Task to copy files. I've seen Rafael Salas' blog http://rafael-salas.blogspot.com/2007/03/ssis-file-system-task-move-and-rename.html but that was moving and renaming.

What I want to do is copy a single file multiple times. Each time I copy the file and paste it, I will give the new file the name from the recordset that I have passed to it.

I used the Expressions to place the destination path and filename in a variable, but I am getting an "DestinationPath is not valid on Operation Type CopyFile".

An help/examples of how to do this would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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File System Task - Multiple Renames

Nov 20, 2007

Hi SSIS-fellows!

I am stuch at a problem that sould be very simply but it is not. At least for me

Here is the initial state:
Working folder: E:123DTS and E:DTSArchive
files: akarmi.zip, akarmi2.zip (there are one-one mdb files inside)

What I want to do with the package:
a) unzip the first file (there is an unzip.exe for this task)
b) rename the unzipped mdb (its name can be anything) to default.mdb
c) use the mdb with another package (that is not yet designed so I haven't added this one)
d) delete the default.mdb
e) move the first zip file into E:123DTSArchive
f) do a-e with all other zip files in the folder (so only once more in this case)

What I did:
1) I created a foreachloop container to do these with all the zip files, I correctly configured the enumerator to *.zip and created a user::zip_files variable
2) put an unzip ExecuteProcessTask. Its argument was the user::zip_files variable (this worked great)
3) I created another foreachloop container because I don't know how to rename the only existing mdb file in the folder (I wasn't able to use wildcards here)
3.1) this time the enumerator was *.mdb and the variable was user::mdb_files
3.2) I put a file system task into the container to rename that mdb file to default.mdb. I used variables for source and destination, too. Source variable (SourceRename) was an expression made of WorkingFolder variable (that was E:123DTS) +

user::mdb_files. This supposed to work but didn't When I put the exact name of the mdb instead of the user::mdb_files variable it worked without any problem.
4) another 2 file sytem tasks to move the original zip file into the E:DTSArchive folder and to delete the default.mdb file
5) end of the loop

I had problems with task 3) I even tried to make it run separately but without success

I would think that the solution is very simple. I would be grateful even if someone just send or upload me a package that renames every mdb file in a directory into default.mdb (it might sound stupid but if there is only 1 mdb that's okay and since this container is inside another the other default mdb files can be overwritten after using them in another package).

I've uploaded my packages with the files here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mrd2jh

I was dealing with this one all day (with some interruptions) and I can't believe it can't be done.

Thanks in advance,


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Erratic File System Task Behavior

Jan 3, 2008

Hello all-
I am currently trying to deploy a production package to our servers and am seeing some very strange behavior. I am attempting to use a File System Task inside a Foreach Loop Container that renames (i.e. moves) a file from a processing location, appends a date, and places it in a different directory. The source file is coming from a connection manager whose file name is generated dynamically. The destination file is coming from a variable that is set in the foreach as a preceding task. I experience two different behaviors for the File System task depending on where/how I run the package...

Inside the VS solution on the server & from the SSIS MSDB store on the server
The package behaves as intended. The file is correctly processed then renamed/moved to the correct location.

From the SSIS MSDB store on my local machine
The file is correctly processed, however strange behavior occurs in the renaming task. The informational message in the execution window says that it deleted the newly renamed file (the same message displayed in the VS solution results). Upon checking the file system, the file is neither in the source directory nor in the destination.

Does anyone have some insight as to why these might be behaving differently? My only guess is that it's some sort of file system permission (even though I have domain credentials for a local admin on the server), but I can't imagine why it would allow me to delete the file and not rename it... Though finding the source of the problem would be nice, my biggest question is whether or not the package will behave correctly if I setup a schedule for it.

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System.OutOfMemoryException When Trying To Load An Xml File Using A XML Task

Nov 20, 2007

I am trying to load a XML file into a string variable using a XML Task. The file is 67,936 KB. When I excecute the package in the dev environment I get the following error:

[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.".

Has anybody run into this before? In the next step I pass the XMLData string to a stored procedure which loads it into a table with a XML data type column.

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Create Directory With A File System Task

Sep 13, 2006


I'm having a bit of a problem implementing a File System Task to Create a directory and would appreciate some help if possible.

I want to create a date directory so I can move files to once they are imported successfully. The date portion for the directory comes from the import file whose name is variable and in the format of PerfLog_<yyyymmdd>.aud. So, in essence, if I am processing a file named Perflog_20060913.aud, when I am done processing it I want to create a directory c:myprog20060913 and move my processed file there.

Can anyone help me? Please.

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File System Task Error - Process In Use

Aug 25, 2006


In the integration services package i'm working on i connect to an excel database and have two data flows which deal with two work sheets in the excel spreadsheet. The data flows do some transformation and then write the data out to a SQL database (two differnet tables). This is all working great however what i want to do once both data flows are complete is to move the directory which contains the current file that is being looped through. At present there is a foreach loop going through a number of directories. I have tried to implement the File System Task object to move the directory but get the following error:

[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.".

I've read a similar post where by the problem was due to not closing the excel connection before doing the File System Task. I cannot seem to find where i would be able to do this.

If anyone has any ideas i'm looking forward to hearing them.

Many thanks in advance,


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Email Task And File System Deployment

Oct 22, 2006

does email task only work with sql server deployment? I have an email task in my ssis package and i want go for file system deployment.



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