Windows Task Manager - Sqlservr.exe Mem Usage

Sep 12, 2007

Hello everyone,

I have my minimum server memory in SQL set to 4GB, but in my Windows Task Manager, sqlservr.exe only has about 100MB.

Does anyone have any idea why task manager doesn't show the full amount?

Thanks in advance.


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Task Manager Memory Show Wrong Number In Sqlservr.exe

May 28, 2008


I've SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition and Windows Server 2003 ENT SP2.
in the task manager i see that the server use 5GB out of 6GB,but when i arrange the process to see whom takes all the memory i see that the sqlservr.exe takes 150MB(he is the biggest).
when i open Perfmon and look on the sqlservr.exe memory use, i see that he takes the 4.5G.
i've a problem that the server use alot of cpu time to run users queries,i see that pages/sec counter is very big average between 600-800.

is there any problem with my memory?
why the memory reading from the task manager is wrong?
if my pages/sec counter is so big do i have a memory leaks + pressure?


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Memory Usage In Task Manager

Feb 10, 2004


I am a newbie on SQL server and my problem is this:

My SQL server runs with many client queries and after a while I can observe that the meory usage of the SQL server shown in the Windows Task Manager is growing up (e.g. 260 MB !!!).

I checked the online books and found the settings "min/max server memory" which I set to

min = 4 MB
max = 20 MB

by Enterprise manager.

Then I restarted my SQL server, checked the memory settings again by Enterprise manager and started many client queries. The memory usage in Task Manager nevertheless exeeded the 20 MB.

What is my failure? How can I limit the memory usage of SQL server?

Thank you very much for any help...

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High Mem Usage Sqlservr.exe

Jun 11, 2008

Hi all,

I have a problem with sqlservr.exe (version 2005). It use alot of memory. I check on taskbar manager sqlservr.exe usage (CPU 10 - 20%, Mem usage - 1,493,688/2GB Ram). I dont know how can I fix it. Some body could help me please.

Doan Jung

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High Mem Usage Sqlservr.exe

Jun 11, 2008

Hi all,

I have a problem with sqlservr.exe (version 2005). It use alot of memory. I check on taskbar manager sqlservr.exe usage (CPU 10 - 20%, Mem usage - 1,493,688/2GB Ram). I dont know how can I fix it. Some body could help me please.

Doan Jung

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Sqlservr.exe Memory Usage

Feb 27, 2006

Hello All,On all of my SQL servers (2000 with SP3), when I go to task manager andlook at memory usage, sqlservr.exe is always at 1.7gigs. If I reducethe maximum to let's say 1 gig it will go down to 1 gig. But if it iseven at 2gigs or 3 gigs it will be showing 1.7 gigs. Why? Is is ok toreduce the memory usage of sqlservr.exe?Raziq.*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Sqlservr.exe Memory Usage Up To 200 Megs?

Jul 20, 2000

Why does my Sqlservr.exe file take up 200 megs of my nt memory. When i control alt delete and go into task manager, sqlservr.exe is always at the top of the memory usage list.


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Proxy Usage HTTP Connection Manager

Nov 2, 2007

I'm creating a SSIS solution where I use a WebService Task to get some data from an external Web Service.

I create a "HTTP Connection Manager" for the WebService Task. I enter the correct Server URL, and in the Proxy tab I enter the correct Proxy URL. The "Test Connection" button returns a success and everything works fine....

However, when I re-open my solution after having saved it, the "Test Connection" button returns a "Unable to connect to the remote server" message. the Server URL and the Proxy URL are correct but it seems that SSIS is not using the Proxy. If I create a new package with the same Server URL and Proxy URL it works fine.

Does anyone know anything about this problem? Is it a bug in SSIS or something that I'm doing wrong?


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Usage Of Global Variables Inside SQL Task

Mar 11, 2008

I've been looking around but haven't yet found the syntax for usage of global variables in an SQL Task.

I've set the global variable Id (see code below):

if (select field from table where id = @[User::id]) is null
select top 1 1 as response from table
else select top 1 0 as response from table

My objective with it is to set another global variable (@isNull). Supposably, when the selection returns null, I should set the variable to null, I did it by using the selections and mapping the response to that variable (is ther a better way to do so?).

When I try to execute this, it says the variable has not been defined.
Here is the error:

Error: Must declare the variable '@'.

I've also tryed it withou the brackets and the User:: thing in the beggining, (@id directly) and here is the response:

Error: Must declare the variable '@id'.

How should I access the global variables in the SQL code?
(BTW, I've checked the field in execution time and it is set to 23, the correct Id, so the block that preceedes this one is working properly)


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Entreprise Manager On Windows Millenium ?

Jun 13, 2002

which version have I to install to have sql entreprise manager on Windows millenium ? thank you

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SQL Enterprise Manager On Windows Vista

Nov 6, 2007

Hi,I've just purchased a new machine with Windows Vista, and the cd Ihave for SQL Enterprise Manager (that works perfectly on Windows XP)no longer works.Is there a version for Windows Vista? Could someone provide me with alink to download?Many thanksSam

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Saving Passwords In Windows Synchronization Manager

Sep 22, 2006

I am using Windows Synchronization Manager to sync up a web based Merge Replication. Is there anyway to get Windows Synchronization Manager to save the passwords for the distributor, publisher, and the basic auth for the web server? I know the easy way would be to use windows auth by that is not an option in my scenario.

It is a pain to have to type them in everytime I want to sync my databases...

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Cannot Open SSRS Report Manager URL On Windows Edge Browser

Sep 21, 2015

I was using Windows 7 and had SSRS 2014 installed.Having set up the inbound rule on Windows Firewall (port 80), to allow SSRS through, I was able to browse to the Report Manager URL, by opening up Internet Explorer as 'Administrator'..

However, now that I have upgraded to Windows 10, I am unable to open the URL.In fact there is now way for me to open Edge as administrator and open my Report Manager URL.

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Problems In Changing Windows Service Identity In Configuration Manager

Aug 1, 2007

Hi all,

I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services and also Toolkit in my system. Following which I cofigured the Reporting Services Configuration.

When I try http://localhost/Reports it throws the following error.
The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) (rsRPCError) Get Online Help

The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)

Bad Data. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090005)

I have tried to search exhaustively for the solution and nothing seems to be crystal clear in solving the above error.

Under Reporting Services Configuraiton Manager (RSCM) all are ticked excepting:
Initialization, SharePoint Integration,Encryption Keys, EMail Settings,Execution Account.

Before this unknowingly I have changed "Windows Service Identity" during configuration which is not the same as Web Service Identity. Under "Web Service Identity" ASP.Net Service Account is listed as <machinename>ASPNET.

Now under "Windows Service Identity" it is selected to "Windows Account" : homequinn. After reading the installation steps it is suggested to have it with "Buil-in Account" ->"Network Services" is recommended. When I try to change it asks me for password and key file. Once I provide it, it is throwing me the following error.

ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.ThrowOnError(ManagementBaseObject mo)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.BackupEncryptionKey(Byte[]& encryptedBytes, String password)

Can someone tell how should I proceed to get the reporting services working.

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Task Manager Memory?

Jul 8, 2004

I have a SQL Server 2000/E with 8 GB RAM in the machine.

It is configured to use fixed memory size, at 7GB, and all the appropriate OS switches are set to use that.

Everything had been working fine, but we've been having some production problems and while looking into it, I looked at task manager and while the server performance tab shows that the server is using 7+ GB, the processes tab shows sqlservr.exe at 107,724 K.

Do you think this is a real issue, and that the server might only be using 100 mb of ram? Does anyone have any larger servers like this that they could compare?


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Windows Task Scheduler...

Mar 3, 2007

 I'm developing an Ads system, which will have an scheduler functionality. Here's how it works: each hour a process will verify and publish an XML file with Ads that have to be shown at that hour. To display the Ad, the "NextDisplay" table's field has to be equal to currently date/HOUR. Then the process will update the "LastDisplay" field with the currently time and call a MsSQL stored procedure that will recalculate the NextDisplay time of the Ad.
My problem is doing this stored procedure. I've based my tables to allow the same schedule rules of the Windows Task Scheduler, so I have to verify each rule to calculate the next display time, but it's a difficult process, 'cause there are a lot of details to be considered.
I thought interoping with Windows Task Scheduler or seeing some code that do something like that, to have some ideas about how to implement it.

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Map Server SPID To PID In Task Manager

Aug 21, 2013

I'm trying to map the SPID of a certain process to the PID under the processes tab in task manager. I can map the PID to the KPID through the sysprocesses table but this KPID does not appear in task manager under the PID's under the processes tab. How can this be done?

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FTP Task: Connection Manager Can Not Be Found

Oct 22, 2007

When I try to create an SSIS package with an FTP task, it always fails to compile with the messages:

Error at Package: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
Error at FTP Task [FTP Task]: Connection manager "" can not be found.
Error at FTP Task: There were errors during task validation.

The item is marked with a circled-X. The tool-tip also agrees: The connection "" is not found.

Using my recreation steps below, I am setting up a connection manager, but it is never found at compile time.

1. Open BIDS, select a new Integration Services project.
2. Drag an FTP task from the toolbox to the Control Flow window.
3. Double-click the FTP task.
4. On the FTP Task Editor window, General page, pull down the FTPConnection property.
5. Select <New Connection...>
6. On the FTP Connection Manager Editor window, enter the servername, port, username and password.
7. Click "Test Connection" to verify connectivity. (It succeeds.)
8. Click OK on the FTP Connection Manager Editor window.
9. Click OK on the FTP Task Editor window.

I'm not using a configuration file or logging provider for this example.
I have also installed SP2 + cumulative update 2.

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Unable To Open Windows Service Identity Panel In Reporting Services Configuration Manager

Jul 4, 2007


I've a slight problem with configuring my Report Server. I have set up everything apart from the initialisation and and the Windows Service Identity, however when I select the panel for the latter I am presented with a message box displaying the following:

" Reporting Services Configuration Manager:

There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retreiving WMI properties. The exception details are:

InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'.

Parameter name: SelectedIndex "

I have tried re-installing the entire SQL server setup and this made no difference, I followed this by removing then reinstalling just the Report Service. Still nothing.

Any ideas as to what it is doing and how I should go about fixing it?


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Computing The CPU Usage ,memory Usage For An Inserted Record

Nov 2, 2007

I have a client program that writes to sql server database 10 records per second . i want to compute the CPU usage and the memory usage for the whole program or CPU usage,memory usage for the insert statement in the program .

Can anybody help me with this?

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CPU Usage(%), Logical IO Performed (%) Usage For Adhoc Queries Is 90%

Sep 7, 2007

Hello, When I am seeing SQL Server 2005 Management studio Server Dashboard> I am seeing my(USERS) databases and msdb database usage is very small % of in CPU Usage(%), Logical IO Performed (%) Usage pie chart.

90% of Total cpu usage is showing for Adhoc Queries. what excatly this means in Dashboard? if application uses more than it would have shown in Database level or not?

sicerely this dashboard is good, if any one is watching daily, please advice their experiences here.

Thanks in advance. Hail SQL Server!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Task Manager Has Been Blocked From Index Re-org

Apr 6, 2015

This is running on sql server 2012, we have seup the databases on Availability group. The strange behavior i have been seeing the past few weeks is task manager has been blocked from index Re-org but have not found that what that task manager doing.. it won't shows the statement that running but shows as command type= 'Task manager'. Index is so big and i have been stopping this because of triple thread blocking.

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SQL 2012 :: Task Manager SPID Blocked System

Sep 1, 2015

We had this issue yesterday, for like an hour. Suddenly, our website started to get slow and get timeout errors. After executing sp_who2 and sp_whoisactive, we found a system process blocking many other processes. Of course, it was impossible for us to kill it.

Under "Status" it said TASK MANAGER, "Login" sa, from sp_who2.
Under "sql_text" it was NULL, "program_name" empty, "open_tran_count" changed like this: 2,3,4,3,4,2,1 until it finished, and "database_name" changed from our database to master at the end, from sp_whoisactive.

Our CPU usage and memory at that moment were almost the same as any other day.

We don't do backups or execute jobs at that particular time. We don't even use "sa" account.

What could have happened? In the event viewer we've found nothing, nor in SQL server logs.

Once it finished everything was back to normal, we want to prevent this from happening again.

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Connecting Execute SQL Task With Firebird Connection Manager

Jun 18, 2007

I'm using Integration Service between Firebird and MS SQL 2005. I can able to move data from Firebird db tables to MS SQL db tables using DataReader source (Firebird Connection Manager) and SQL Server Destination (SQL Server Connection Manager) component.

Now I want to execute parametrized SQL statement to fetch data from Firebird DB using Execute SQL Task Component. In this process while trying to set Connection property to this component I can able to view only MS SQL Connection Manager and it is not listing Firebird Connection Manager.
Now I need a help to get connect this Execute SQL Task component with Firebird connection Manager. Help me to find out where I'm making mistake.

FYI. I'm using Firebird .Net Provieder 2.0.1

Thanks in advance.


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Custom Task + Connection Manager With Interaction To Visual Studio

Dec 18, 2007


I am running into issues with custom objects interaction with visual studio 2005.

1. Custom connection manager.
I am setting the name of the connection manager ( to standardize naming convention ) that user created, however when the CM is created, the name displayed in visual studio is still the default name even if the real name is the one i set. I have to do things like, edit it or save package - close - reopen, create another connection, ... etc in order to get it refreshed.

2. Custom Task
I am managing some variables in this custom task so that I will be adding and deleting variables in the package.
The challenge i am running into is, when I added 2 variables for example, even though the variables are successfully added to package, the Variable Window in visual studio designer will not reflect the new variables. I have to save package, close, and re-open in order for the variables to show up.

So this brings to my question - is there any way to tell Visual Studio programmatically to refresh the contents of these 2 sections, 1 is the Variable Window and the other is the panel containing the list of connection managers.

I have been searching around and found some clue about visual studio SDK but I still cannot find an exact way of doing it. Visual Studio SDK example tells you how you can access the Variable window as

framesList = new List<IVsWindowFrame>();

toolWindowNames = new List<string>();

// Get the UI Shell service

IVsUIShell uiShell = (IVsUIShell)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsUIShell));

// Get the tool windows enumerator

IEnumWindowFrames windowEnumerator;

ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(uiShell.GetToolWindowEnum(out windowEnumerator));

IVsWindowFrame[] frame = new IVsWindowFrame[1];

uint fetched = 0;

int hr = VsConstants.S_OK;

// Note that we get S_FALSE when there is no more item, so only loop while we are getting S_OK

while (hr == VsConstants.S_OK)


// For each tool window, add it to the list

hr = windowEnumerator.Next(1, frame, out fetched);


if (fetched == 1)


// We successfully retrieved a window frame, update our lists

string caption = (string)GetProperty(frame[0], (int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_Caption);





But i looked up the methods for IVsWindowFrame and it does not have anything to refresh the contents of the frame.

I thought about firing events but cannot find which one to fire.

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.


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SSIS SQL 2005 Script Task For Windows Monitoring Service

May 26, 2006


Does any body knows how to convert this VBScript Code to VBDotNet (SQL SERVER 2005 INTEGERATION). Below Codes Returns a list of all the services installed on a computer, and indicates their current status (typically, running or not running).Its in VBScript Format.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "

Set colRunningServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")

For Each objService in colRunningServices
Wscript.Echo objService.DisplayName & VbTab & objService.State

Deepu M.I

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Integration Services :: Running SSIS Job Using Windows Task Scheduler

Jul 16, 2015

I am new to the world of ETL. I recently started using SSIS and I have come across couple of questions on this.

1.Can we run a SSIS Package using windows task scheduler?

2. If the above answer is yes,I don't have the SSMS installed on my machine. Can a SSIS package run in the absence of SSMS?(I do have Visual studio and SQL server data tools installed)

3. Can a SSIS Package run in the absence of Visual studio and SQL Server Data Tools.Say for example, I create a SSIS package and then remove Visual studio and SQL server data tools from my machine. Will the Task scheduler still be able to run the SSIS package?

4. Does the SSMS free edition comes along with SQL server Agent?

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How To Set Port Number On Smtp Connection Manager Send Mail Task

Oct 29, 2007


We have an SSIS job that runs once a day and sends emails.
For security reasons, IT switched the send-mail porton the smtp server from 25 to a different number (let's say 1234).

So, I changed the SSIS SMTP Connection Manager's smtpServer string to smptserver:1234

However, this does not seem to be working. I keep getting 'Send Mail Failure' error.

Any ideas how to set the port number for sending emails using SSIS?

thanks much,
Cobalt Group

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Overriding Flat File Connection Manager Delimiter From A Script Task

Feb 28, 2008


I am trying to figure out how to override the column delimiter from a script task for a flat file connection.

Before outputing the data into a file, I have a variable which contains the delimiter to be used... but as it seems that this property cannot be changed through an expression, I assume it has to be done throught code...

However, the connectionmanager object doesnt seem to have the delimiter as an available property.

Any help would be appreciated

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Sqlservr.exe And Cpu 100%

May 1, 2005


when my site is being used, sqlservr.exe is using 100% of CPU..

why this happening ?
please help me..

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Sqlservr -c -f

Apr 5, 2004

We are having an issue with tempdb growth and even after restarting the server and the shrinkfile command the tempdb still holds on to nearly 15 GB of space.
I found this article on the microsoft website which recommended that we stop SQL server and retart it from the commad prompt using the sqlservr -c -f command. After this we go to SQL Analyzer and run the shrinkfile.

I gave the sqlservr command on a friday evening in our test enviroment and I come back on monday morning and it is still not completed and i had to close the window and start SQL Server from Windows.

Is there something that i am missing here that i should know about the sqlservr command. Is there anything else that someone could recommend regarding shrinking the tempdb.


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SQLservr.exe 100% CPU, Why?

Jan 7, 2008

Happy new year and merry xmas to everyone

I got SQL 2005 Express edition with Sharepoint Server 2007 installed and its running 100% CPU all the time

there are plenty threads like this out there but none have an answer

anyone got ideas?

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System.Windows.Form Assembly Is Needed On Script Component Task?

Jun 7, 2006

That affects only interface design... so that it doesn't exists at all in a SSIS.

What is it for??

Let me know your view on this or any clarification.

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