SQL 2012 :: Turn Off Delete In Server?

Jun 11, 2014

Is there anyway I can turn off delete in SQL server? I want to prevent anyone inadvertently deleting rows in tables. I thought worse case I could have triggers on tables to perform roll back.

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SQL 2012 :: Turn Off Server Audit Trace

Mar 21, 2014

Somehow someone turned on a audit on the sql server and it is filling up our hard drive and shutting down sql server eventually. Been trying to google how to shut this audit off but coming up with no via soolution yet. how can I turn this trace off. Each fiel says AuditTrace and date and they happen every other minute. I went into the sql profiler and can pull up the files but how to shut the trace off, it does not say.

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SQL 2012 :: Turn Row Data To Column

Aug 19, 2015

ItemID ItemName Price
1 Test 1 100
1 Test 1 200
2 Test 2 130
2 Test 2 150
3 Test 3 300
3 Test 3 400

How to write a query to bring price data to column so the Item is not duplicate any more.

The result should be:

Item ID ITemName PRice1 PRice2
1 Test1 100 200
2 Test2 130 150
3 Test3 300 400

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - CSV Rendering / Turn Off Double Quote Qualifier

Sep 29, 2015

I have scoured the Microsoft forums and the internet to find out how I can generate the output of a CSV report that has double quotes around each value and is comma separated as follows:


If I try to concatenate double quotes around the values in the stored procedure or in the RDL, two double quotes appear around each value as follows. 


I understand that this is because the default qualifier is double quote.  What I see is that every time a double quote appears in a value (along with commas and line breaks), the qualifier will activate.  Is there any way to turn this off for double quotes? 

If I try to enter:  <Qualifier>false</Qualifier>, the word "false" appears as the qualifier instead.

The only way I have found that produces a result similar to what I need ("Abcd","123456","Efghi","789012","JKLMN") is if I add a line break - chr(10) in the RDL in each field. However, this won't work for me because I can't have line breaks in each field in the output. 

Note that in SSRS 2005, I was able to produce the report output as I state above by setting the field delimiter and qualifier as follows:


This essentially turned the field delimiter and qualifier off, as the values entered would never appear in the data.  I then could add double quotes and commas in the RDL.  This used to work in the old version but does not anymore.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete Last Job In Parallel Processing?

Mar 18, 2015

I create a main program which will launch two jobs at a time, each job does some processes and at the end I'm trying to delete those jobs after storing the job details in one of the custom table I created (cleanup sub-program).

Out of two jobs I am able to store one job details (like job_name,job_id,start_time and end_time of the job) in the custom table and able to delete that job, but the job that's getting completed at the end is not getting captured nor getting deleted from sysjobs and sysjobhistory tables.

I had included this step (which will call the cleanup sub-program to store the job details and delete it) at the end. I can see that this cleanup procedure getting called from debug message but it is neither storing details nor deleting the job.

When I execute this cleanup program separately, it does store the job details and delete it.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Archive Data And Delete

Apr 22, 2015

I am using SQL 2012 SE. I have 2 databases say A and B with same structure and relationships. There are 65 tables in each database. A is already replicating data to database C for 35 tables. Now I need to move data from A to B which is greater than getdate()-1 everyday for all the tables and once the move is done I need to delete this data from A. And the same thing the next day and everyday. Since this is for 65 tables its challenging to identify the insert order. Once the insert order is identified the delete order will be the reverse of it.

Is there a tool or any SP that could generate the insert order script? The generate scripts data only is generating the entire data and these databases are almost 400GB. Some tables have 200Mil+ rows. So it takes forever.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Behavioral Difference Between DELETE And TRUNCATE

Apr 4, 2014

I have an issue with Delete statement.In the code given below (its a part of actual proc),if we use TRUNCATE to clean the temp tables, everything goes fine.But if I use DELETE in place of truncate, system skips the IF loop 'if (@script_type = 1 OR @script_type = 2)'I am not able to understand this behavioral difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE.Recently the database is being used for replication, but that should not be a reason.

SELECT @max_rows = COUNT('X') FROM #temp_table1
SET@row_cnt = 1
WHILE @row_cnt <= @max_rows


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Batch Delete Large Table

Jun 16, 2015

I have a table with about 466 Million rows. In this table there is a int column called WeeksToRetain as well as a EventDate column containing the date the row was inserted. I am trying to delete all the rows that that should be deleted according to the WeeksToRetain. For example, if the EventDate is 5/07/15 with a 1 in the WeeksToRetain column the row should be removed by 5/14/15. I am not sure what days SQL considers the beginning and end of the week. However the core issue I am having is the sheer mass of deletions I must do and log growth.

So I am trying to do the delete in batches. More specifically I want to load a temporary table with a million rows, then use the temporary table to load a sub temporary table with 100,000 rows and join this temporary table to the table I want to delete from looping through 10 times to get 1 million. The Logging.EvenLog table which is the table I'm trying to purge has a clustered index on EventDate (ASC). I would like to run this in a schedule job with enough time between executions for log backups to run.

DECLARE @i int
DECLARE @RowCount int
DECLARE @NextBatchDate datetime
CREATE TABLE #BatchProcess
EventDate datetime,
ApplicationID int,

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Keep Only Top 50 Records For Every User And Delete Remaining

Aug 4, 2015

I have a table 'library' with two columns

user_name, access_time

every user is having more than 500 entries, i want to keep only top 50 records for every user and delete the remaining records.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete XML Data Older Than 2 Months

Aug 18, 2015

I have a table which has XML data, so it takes lot of time to delete it.

Here's the condition:

Archive all data older than 2 months and delete it.

What would be the good approach for this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete Large Number Of Records?

Sep 8, 2015

I have the following scenario:

SQL database on SQL 2012

Large Production table 15 Million record

The table has 3 years of data

New monthly data is being added every month.

A New Monthly data is being loaded, checked and finally approved after 6 or 7 iteration before approval.Because of this iteration the monthly data set is being added then deleted then added then deleted few times.Because the table is big this process takes time, any thoughts on how to make the delete insert process faster.Keep in mind I cannot do much because it is a production table and is being access by other users to do other analysis.

Delete is done based on trx_date which is a year/month combo, like 201508.

The table has monthly sales by customer aggregated.

The table structure is:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales](
[batch_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[Company_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[customer_key] [char](22) NOT NULL,
[Trx_Date] [int] NOT NULL,
[account] [nvarchar](35) NOT NULL,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Randomly Delete Records Based On Some Condition

Mar 19, 2014

create table #sample
Name varchar(100),
value int


From that I wanted to delete some records based on following condition. randomly select any number of records but sum(value) = 125 and name = xxx

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SQL Server 2012 :: Sort In Execution Plan - Delete Statement?

Nov 11, 2014

I'm new to using SQL Server. I've been asked to optimize a series of scripts that queries over 4 millions records. I've managed to add indexes and remove a cursor, which increased performance. Now when I run the execution plan, the only query that cost is a DELETE statement from the main table. It shows a SORT which cost 71%. The table has 2 columns and a unique index. Here is the current index:

[QryNum] ASC,

Question: Will the SORT affect the overall performance? If so, is there anything I should change within the index that would speed up my query?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete Unmatching Records In Child Table

Feb 24, 2015

I've 2 tables ResumeSkill (Child table) and Skill (Parent table), There are duplicates in the parent table and after removing the foreign key constraint in child table deleted all duplicate values from Parent table. But those deleted duplicate values has references in child table which need to be deleted now.

ResumeSkill Skill

Id SkillId
SkillId Name

I want to delete all the records from ResumeSkill that dont have matching skillId in Skill table.

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SQL Server 2012 :: MERGE Statement Attempted To UPDATE Or DELETE Same Row More Than Once

Mar 12, 2015

I have created a Dynamic Merge statement SCD2 Store procedure , which insert the records if no matches and if bbxkey matches from source table to destination table thne it updates old record as lateteverion 0 and insert new record with latest version 1.

I am getting below error when I ahve more than 1 bbxkey in my source table. How can I ignore this.

BBXkey is nothing but I am deriving by combining 2 columns.

Msg 8672, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Delete Duplicate Rows Present In Parent Table

Oct 19, 2014

I have a master table and i need to import the rows into the parent and child table.

Master table name is Flatfile_Inventory
Parent Table name is INVENTORY
Error details will be goes to LOG_INVENTORY_ERROR

I have 4 duplicate rows in the Flatfile_Inventory which i have already inserted in the Parent and child table.

Again when i run the query using stored procedure,its tells that all the 4 rows are duplicate and will move to the Log_Inventory_Error.

I need is if i have the duplicate rows in the flatfile_Inventory when i start inserting into the parent and child table the already inserted row have the unique ID i must identify it and delete that row in the both parent and chlid table.And latest row must get inserted into the Parent and child table from Flatfile_Inventory.

-- ===============================================================================================
-- ===============================================================================================
USE [IconicMarketing]
--USE IconicMarketing
@FileType varchar(50) ,
@ACDealerID varchar(50) ,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Strategy To Delete / Move Millions Of Rows In A Database?

Apr 16, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2012 SE.I am trying to delete rows from a couple of tables (GetPersonValue has 250 million rows and I am trying to delete 50Million rows and GetPerson has 35 Million rows and I am trying to delete 20 million rows). These tables are in TX replication.The plan is to delete data older than 400 days old.

I tried to move data to new tables from the last 400 days and it took me like 11 hours. If I delete data in chunks of 500000 then its taking a long time to rebuild indexes(delete plus rebuild indexes 13 hours). Since I am using standard edition partition wont work.

find ddl below:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GetPerson](
[GetPersonId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[LinedActivityPersonId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[CTName] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
[SNum] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[PHPrimary] [nvarchar](50) NULL,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete / Recreate Identity Column / Fetch Newly Created Values In Update Statement?

Jul 25, 2015

I have a four tables called plandescription, plandetail and analysisdetail. The table plandescription has the columns DetailQuestionID which is the primary and identity column and a QuestionDescription column.

The table plandetail consists of the column PlanDetailID which the primary and identity column, DetailQuestionID which is the foreign key attribute of plandescription table and a planID column.

The third table analysisdetail consists of a analysisID which the primary and identity column, PlanDetailID which is the foreign key attribute of plandetail table and a scenario.

Below is the schema of the three tables

I have a two web form that will insert, update and delete data into these three tables in a two transaction. One web form will perform CRUD operations in plandescription and plandetail table. When the user inserts QuestionDescription and planid in this web form, I will insert the QuestionDescription Value in the plandescription table and will generate a DetailQuestionID value and this value is fed to the plandetail table with the planid. Here I will generate a PlanDetailID.

Once this transaction is done, I will show the second web form in which the user enters the scenario and this will be mapped with the plandescription using the PlanDetailID.

This schema cannot be changes as this is the client requirement. When I insert values I don’t have any problem. However when I update existing data, I need to delete existing PlanDetailID in the plandetail table and recreate PlanDetailID data for that DetailQuestionID and planID. This is because, the user will be adding or deleting a planID associated with the QuestionDescription.

Once I recreate PlanDetailID for that DetailQuestionID and planID, I need to update the old PlanDetailID with the new PlanDetailID in the third table analysisdetail for the associated analysisID.

I created a #Temp table called #DetailTable to insert the values analysisID, planid and old PlanDetailID and new PlanDetailID so that I can have them in update statement once I delete the data from plandetail table for that PlanDetailID.

Then I deleted the plandetailid from the plandetail table and recreate PlanDetailID for that DetailQuestionID. During my recreation I fetched the new PlanDetailID’s created into another temp table called #InsertedRows

After this I am running a while loop to update the temp table #DetailTable with the newly created PlanDetailID for the appropriate planID’s. The problem is here. When I have the same number of planID’s for example 2 planID’s 1,2 I will have only two old PlanDetailID and new PlanDetailID for that planID and analysisID.But When I add a new PlanID or remove a existing planID I am getting null value for that newly added or deleted planID. This is affecting my update statement of analysisdetail table as PlanDetailID cannot be null.

I tried to remove the Null value from the #DetailTable by running the update statement of analysis detail in a while loop however its not working.

DECLARE @categoryid INT = 8
DECLARE @DetailQuestionID INT = 1380
/*------- I need the query to run for the below three data.
Here i'm updating my planids that already exists in my database*/
DECLARE @planids VARCHAR(MAX) = '2,4,5'


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Sql Server 2005 How Do I Turn On Sp_send_dbmail

Feb 18, 2008

Hi everyone.
I've just installed sql server 2005 (evaluation) and i need to turn the option of using sp_send_dbmail on. I tried books on line but didnt manage to understand how it is done.

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Turn Off Partialy Set Up SQL Server Mirroring

Apr 10, 2008

Some how SQL Server 2005 database mirroring was partialy set up on one of my servers. I know this because there is traffic from the server to port 5022 for IP addresses 1.1.1.[234] (which means the last octect is either 2, 3, or 4).

I'm getting complaints from the network manager about the traffic and I want to turn this off, but I can't find any documentation on this topic. I've checked the database configuration and I can't find any configuration for mirroring, just the traffic on the TCP port.

Does this mean a background processes (service) is running that needs to be killed or is it more complex than that...

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How To Turn On The Secondary DB Server In The Solution Of Log Shipping?

Dec 29, 2007

I made B server which get logs from primary server A as a secondary server in the log shipping solution.
it always shows RESTORING in B server, it seems not to accessible.

my question is <if A failed down , how to revoke the B server as the primary one>

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SQL 2012 :: FOR FILES Command To Delete Old Backup Files On Remote Server?

Feb 24, 2015

I have the need to delete old backup files via TSQL job. Found this solution online:

PushD "
emoteservershareDIFF" &&(
forfiles -m *DIFF*.sqb -d -1 -c "cmd /c del /q @path"
) & PopD

It works remotely if I run it via command prompt. But when I add this to a TSQL job on my remote SQL instance, it runs without deleting anything. What I'm missing?

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Mirroring :: Turn On The Primary Server After Failure Of Mirrors

Nov 30, 2015

The database is in high-safety mode.If off Mirror and Witness both the Principal goes into Disconnected / In Recovery. How turn online this database? Similarly, if off and Principal Witness both the Mirror goes into Disconnected / In Recovery. Is it possible to turn online database?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Turn Field Values Into Comma Separated List

Aug 11, 2015

I have about 100 K records of the form below in Example 1 and I would like to turn them into the form of Example 2, basically turn the entries in field2 into a coma separated list of values sorted by field1.

Example 1:


and I would like to get it in the form

Example 2:


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SQL Server 2008 :: Maintenance Plan Delete History Trying To Delete Wrong Files

Sep 11, 2015

I have some simple files but they are failing because the delete history task is failing as it is looking for files in a non existent directory.

It is looking for files in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.INSTANCEMSSQLLog whereas it should be looking in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLog

how I can get this corrected so I can get the Maintenance Plans to run correctly.

I have tried deleting and recreating the Plan but to no avail

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SQL 2012 :: How To Delete User

Nov 3, 2014

How can I delete user who own a schema in the database? The user is created by myself but I want this to be deleted.

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SQL 2012 :: Delete DB After X Days

Jan 23, 2015

I am creating a Scheduled JOb that will delete backups older than 3 days old, however I seem to be missing something in my script.

DECLARE @DeleteDate datetime
SET @DeleteDate = DateAdd(day, -3, GetDate())

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'E:BackUps',N'bak',N' + @DeleteDate + ''

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SQL 2012 :: Clustered Index Delete

Mar 28, 2014

I want to know more details about the Clustered Index Delete. Is that Clustered Index Delete in the execution plan is good or bad or we can neglect that cost. Is there any way to avoid that clustered Index delete operator from the execution plan.

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SQL 2012 :: XQuery Delete From XML Variable

Nov 20, 2014

I'd like to delete A3 from the XML variable below, however I get "XQuery [modify()]: The XQuery syntax '/function()' is not supported."

DECLARE @XML XML = '<Attribute>

DECLARE @n VARCHAR(100) = 'A3'

SET @XML.modify('delete (/Attribute/sql:variable("@n")[1]) ')

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SQL 2012 :: DQS Built In Login Delete

Dec 4, 2014

I just started at a new job and they have DQS set up on our BI server. Some genius decided to delete [##MS_dqs_service_login##] login, the user dqs_service still exists in the DQS_Main db. The error log is full of errors similar to this one...

The activated proc '[internal_core].[ParallelExecutionActivator]' running on queue 'DQS_MAIN.dbo.ParallelExecutionRequestQueue' output the following:

'Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dqs_service" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.'I have tried the standard exec sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix' with no success. At this point I don't think anyone is utilizing DQS.

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SQL 2012 :: Delete Trigger On One Table

Jun 8, 2015

I have a delete trigger on one table. When I delete a single row in this table that deleted record will be recorded to a history table.But sometimes my delete will delete more than one record. In this case also only one record is being recorded into the history table.How can I record all the deleted records into the history table when multiple records are deleted with one single delete statement?

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SQL 2012 :: Delete Record From Table With ID And Rownumber

Mar 17, 2014

I will try my best to explain this, We have a shopping cart on our website, the person that was developing this has now left the company and I've been given the job to finish it off.

When I load all the items that the user has entered in to his/her cart I return the Item ID and the RowNumber (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by Id) AS RowNumber)

I'm trying to delete the item from the table using the following query

DELETE FROM [dbo].[Cart.Items] WHERE UniqueID = UniqueID and ItemID = @ItemID and @RowNumber IN (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by Id) AS RowNumber)

Now the reason we are using the RowNumber is because the user can add the same Item as many times as they like so for example you buy 3 different mobile phones, and you want three screen protectors, they will click screen protector 3 times which will add 3 records in to the db with the same id. so the row number is used to find the correct one.

But the above delete is not working.

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SQL 2012 :: Delete Old Data From Multiple Tables Before Inserting New

Jun 9, 2014

My requirement is before inserting new data, we need to delete the old data based on the input in 4 tables.

For this one I need to write 4 individual delete statements.

Is it possible to delete rows from multiple tables in single statement in SQL Server 2012 by using joins?

[URL] .....

I am looking similar, I tried by keeping 4 table aliases in delete statement but it is throwing synatx error

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