SQL Security :: Access To Selected Database Has Been Denied

Sep 25, 2015

I am getting the following message when trying to connect to a database (from an external application) that I have recently restored using my profile (Windows Authentication):

Connection failed:
SQLState: '01S00'
SQL Server Error: 0
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Invalid connection string attribute
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08004'
SQL Server Error: 4060
Server rejected the connection; Access to selected database has been denied
Connection failed:
SQLState: '28000'
SQL Server Error: 18456
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'xxxxaaaa'.

My profile (replaced with xxxxaaaa) has full access to the server and I can connect to every other database with no issues. I get exactly the same error if I try and connect using the SQL Authentication "sa" profile as well.

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Data Access :: Server Rejected The Connection - Access To Selected Database Has Been Denied

Jun 10, 2015

I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.

But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013.  The queries still work for users still using MS 2007. 

I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.

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SQL Security :: Can't Open Database File Access Denied

Aug 17, 2015

Event 17204, FCB::Open failed: Could not open file F:MSSQLDatafilename.mdf for file number 1.  OS error: 5(Access is denied.).When I look at the file permissions of filename.mdf, there is no MSSQLSERVER group permissions listed nor can I add it. I have tried to add MSSQLSERVER and NT SERVICEMS SQL $MSSQLSERVER but neither exist. There is also a ReportServer.mdf in the same folder with MSSQLSERVER permissions!Did I somehow delete this group? What can I do to restore this permission?

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Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted

Jun 27, 2007

I am unable to run a stored procedure that accesses a linked Oracle database as a dataset for a deployed report in Reporting Services. I receive the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'spName'.

Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.

A few facts ...

The report previews fine in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600) report designer with VS being installed on my local machine and a shared data source referencing Server1
The deployed report on Server2 produces the error
The stored procedure code is similar to the following:

SELECT x.FieldName as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM OracleLinkedServer..DatabaseName.TableName x

LEFT JOIN Server1.dbo.TableName y

The deployed report runs fine when the stored procedure code is changed as follows. This indicates to me that the problem is truly an Oracle connection issue;

SELECT 'ABC' as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM Server1.dbo.TableName y

The Oracle database is a linked database on both SQL Server1 and on SQL Server2 database engines. (I don't see where in Server2 Reporting Services I can specify additional server connections.)
I've tried to trick Mr. Reporting Services on Server2 by creating a @L_TempTable in my stored procedure, inserting the data into it, then selecting from a SQL Server1.dbo.TableName LEFT JOIN @l_TempTable, but Server2 still knows I'm trying to get out to Oracle and rewards me with the error.
I can effectively run the Server1 stored procedure script on Server2 through MSSMS -- it's just the deployed report that references the stored procedure that doesn't work
The data source properties of the deployed report are as follows:

Select -- A Custom Datasource

Connection Type: Microsoft SQL Server

Connectoin String: Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName

Select -- Credentials stored securly in the report server

Username: UserName

Password: Password

Check -- Use as Windows credentials when connecting the the data source

Check -- Impersonate the authenticated user ...

(Please do not get sidetracked on the 'A Customer Datasource' selection above. I'd rather be using a shared data source, but right now, this is just the way it is.)

Anyone's expertise would be greatly appreciated. We have a great data warehouse but sometimes you just have to go back to the Oracle ERP and slug it out. What do I need to do to get a deployed report to effectively read from a stored procedure that references an Oracle table?

To everyone, thanks for reading!

~ Delora

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Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted.

Aug 25, 2006


In SQL 2005, from a stored procedure in a local database I am attempting to execute a remote stored procedure in another database on another server. I am getting the error referred to in the Subject when the local stored procedure tries to execute the remote stored procedure. A couple of comments:

The remote database is set up as a linked server in the local database. As part of the linked server definition I selected the 'be made using this security context', and provided a local user name and password.
The remote database is set to Trustworthy.
I have tried every combination of WITH Execute As on the remote stored procedure but nothing works.
I can query against the remote database successfully within Management Studio. I can even execute the remote stored procedure successfully from within M.S., but not from within my local stored procedure when it is run.

Thank you for your help on this - Amos.

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Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted

Jun 27, 2007

I am unable to run a stored procedure that accesses a linked Oracle database as a dataset for a deployed report in Reporting Services. I receive the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'spName'.

Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.

A few facts ...

The report previews fine in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600) report designer with VS being installed on my local machine and a shared data source referencing Server1
The deployed report on Server2 produces the error
The stored procedure code is similar to the following:

SELECT x.FieldName as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM OracleLinkedServer..DatabaseName.TableName x

LEFT JOIN Server1.dbo.TableName y

The deployed report runs fine when the stored procedure code is changed as follows. This indicates to me that the problem is truly an Oracle connection issue;

SELECT 'ABC' as OracleField

,y.FieldName as SSfield

FROM Server1.dbo.TableName y

The Oracle database is a linked database on both SQL Server1 and on SQL Server2 database engines. (I don't see where in Server2 Reporting Services I can specify additional server connections.)
I've tried to trick Mr. Reporting Services on Server2 by creating a @L_TempTable in my stored procedure, inserting the data into it, then selecting from a SQL Server1.dbo.TableName LEFT JOIN @l_TempTable, but Server2 still knows I'm trying to get out to Oracle and rewards me with the error.
I can effectively run the Server1 stored procedure script on Server2 through MSSMS -- it's just the deployed report that references the stored procedure that doesn't work
The data source properties of the deployed report are as follows:

Select -- A Custom Datasource

Connection Type: Microsoft SQL Server

Connectoin String: Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName

Select -- Credentials stored securly in the report server

Username: UserName

Password: Password

Check -- Use as Windows credentials when connecting the the data source

Check -- Impersonate the authenticated user ...

(Please do not get sidetracked on the 'A Customer Datasource' selection above. I'd rather be using a shared data source, but right now, this is just the way it is.)

Anyone's expertise would be greatly appreciated. We have a great data warehouse but sometimes you just have to go back to the Oracle ERP and slug it out. What do I need to do to get a deployed report to effectively read from a stored procedure that references an Oracle table?

To everyone, thanks for reading!

~ Delora

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SQL 2012 :: Access To Remote Server Is Denied - Current Security Context Is Not Trusted

Feb 10, 2014

We've got 3 SQL Servers all SQL Server 2012. We have a Master server and 2 production servers (let's call them A and B). The Master has linked servers defined for both A and B in an identical way.

A and B both have the same databases and each has a Stored Proc that gets called by the Master server.
An SQL Agent job executes the stored proc on both A and B.
It works fine against A but not B.

If we execute the stored proc in a query window under our windows account (domainowner) it works, if we use SetUser to pretend to be the SQL Server Agent account (let's call it domainagent) A works and B doesn't.

Executing against B returns the error "Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted."

domainagent is a sysadmin on both Server A and B.

Trustworthy is set to ON in both the Master Server Database it's executing from and the remote databases on both A and B.

All 3 databases have the same owner (let's call it domainowner).

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For Remus - Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted.

Aug 25, 2006

Remus (or anyone who can help) -

I am sorry for posting this question here. The only reason I am doing so is because Remus answered a question similar to this late last year, but I couldn't get access to the whole thread.

In SQL 2005, from a stored procedure in a local database I am attempting to execute a remote stored procedure in another database on another server. I am getting the error referred to in the Subject when the local stored procedure tries to execute the remote stored procedure. A couple of comments:

a.. The remote database is set up as a linked server in the local database. As part of the linked server definition I selected the 'be made using this security context', and provided a local user name and password.
b.. The remote database is set to Trustworthy.
c.. I have tried every combination of WITH Execute As on the remote stored procedure but nothing works.
d.. I can query against the remote database successfully within Management Studio. I can even execute the remote stored procedure successfully from within M.S., but not from within my local stored procedure when it is run.

Thank you for your help on this - Amos.

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Error 15274: Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted.

Sep 12, 2007


I have a stored procedure servicing a queue (sql 2005).
The stored procedure updates some data in a different server and database.
If the queue contains messages and I execute manually the stored procedure, I don't have any problem at all.
However, if I set the queue to use the same stored procedure, it gives me the following error:

Error 15274: Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.

Any ideas?



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SQL Security :: CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied In Database (Master)

Oct 26, 2015

I have installed new SQLServer2012 instance and my domain user have sysadmin privileges on this instance. I have a restore procedure and it will execute WITH EXECUTE AS 'domainmy username', for all the developers have exec permissions to this procedure. But newly installed server this procedure was failing with the following message. But the same procedure executing fine on other servers.

Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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Sqlcmd On SQL EXPRESS: Access Denied During CREATE DATABASE Command

Apr 24, 2007


I have installed SQL Express 2005 and I want to create a new DB using sqlcmd.

I am running a command like: sqlcmd -i file.ini (I am logged like Administrator of PC)

the content of the file.ini is:

-- Get the SQL Server data path
DECLARE @data_path nvarchar(256);

SET @data_path = 'c:Program FilesMyTestdatabase'

-- execute the CREATE DATABASE statement
( NAME = DC_dat,
FILENAME = '''+ @data_path + 'DC.mdf'',
SIZE = 10,
( NAME = DC_log,
FILENAME = '''+ @data_path + 'DClog.ldf'',
) ;

I obtain this error:

Msg 1802, Level 16, State 4, Server TESTQ5SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
Msg 5123, Level 16, State 1, Server TESTQ5SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'c:Program FilesMyTestdatabaseDC.mdf'.

If I change the security of directory database (I add "modify" permission to Users windows group) the error disappear.

I am logged like Administrator... why is it necessary to change directory permission?

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Windows Server Principal Denied Access To Database Under Current Context

May 1, 2007

Hi guys. I created a database "MyDatabase" using an AD Account "user01" which is a member of a domain group "GroupA". I have created a login in my SQL Server 2005 for this AD group. I have also added the said login as a user of my database. I created other AD users and put them in the same group. When I try to access the database using the other users, I get this message

The server principal "MyDomainuser02" is not able to access the database "MyDatabase" under the current security context.

This KB tells me that my situation is triggered by the first case in which the owner of the database is windows authenticated. I have already set the database to be TRUSTWORTHY. I haven't tried CERTIFICATES though. I believe I haven't done anything complex to warrant this solution.

I'm really lost with the myriads of principals and securables that SQL2005 has. All I want is just to execute a certain set of stored procedures. I can't do this because I can't even execute "USE MyDatabase". What are the permissions I need to give to "GroupA" ?

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Error Message: Cannot Open Database.[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied.

Mar 20, 2008

I installed SQL 2005 including backward compatibility, MSDN libraries and SP2 a new Windows 2003 server (chose mixed mode authentication). Installation was successful and I then installed an off the shelf database with Windows authentication which also installed successfully.
I created a new group in AD, added the database users into the group and gave db-owner rights to the group in SQL as advised by the installation guide. However, when I try to open the database it gives an error message saying "Cannot open database.[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] SQL server does not exist or access denied". I also tested it adding an individual user (myself) as a user to no avail.
When I set up DSN in ODBC on my computer I can successfully test the connection but can't run the application. The connection is via TCP/IP.
Any suggestions?

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SQL Security :: How To Stop System Database Access

Jun 2, 2015

We created one SA login [login name: test_db] and give the Db_owner permission for particular user db, but this test_db login able to access the all system database except model database.Here problem is I am giving the only one particular user database but that login why able to access the system database.Here how to stop the system database access…

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Can Not Access SQL Database For Website Security Settings

Jun 8, 2006

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 (8.0.50727.42) and going into the menu option Website > ASP.Net Configuration, access the security tab and all I get is an error message stating that there is a problem with the selected data store "Unable to Connect to the SQL Server Database"

I have SQL Server 2005 (Express Edition). I have created a database "NetDev" with the right connection, etc.

I can use the SQL server fine for my Windows applications, but somehow this ASp.Net Configuration tool is not making any sense.

I also used the aspnet_regsql command from framework 2.0 to create a DataBase to no avail.

Does anyone out there knows if there is a bug with this tool???

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Unable To Access The Database Master Under The Current Security Context.

Jun 16, 2007

I have a login that is mapped to a Windows sysadmin account. I used it to login to Sql Server 2005. I then created a database called Freedom. I then added a Windows login and user called FreedomAdmin, with Freedom set as the default database. When I login in to Windows using FreedomAdmin and then try to login in to Sql Server 2005, I get the following error:

The server principal "FREEDOM1FreedomAdmin" is unable to access the database "master" under the current security context.

If the default database for FreedomAdmin is Freedom (and it is - I checked from my sysadmin login account), why can't I login. Must I give FreedomAdmin permissions to master?

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User Is Not Able To Access The Database Model Under The Current Security Context

Feb 7, 2008

I have a restriced user on SQL Server that is only permitted to creat a new database and manage it only. All other database are hidden to that user.

when that user login to SQL Server and create a database and try to change the default folder path for data and log files, gets an error,

The Server principal "User" is not able to access the database "model" under the current security context. (MSSQL Server, Error: 916)

Any idea???


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SQL Security :: How To Find Who Alter Database User Access Changes In Server

Oct 6, 2015

someone was alter user  databases owner access.

how to find  who alter evoke  the database user access changes in sql server.

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The Server Principal XYuser Is Not Able To Access The Database Ydb Under The Current Security Context

May 23, 2007

SQL2005 on winserver 2003. I have a view in Xdb that accesses tables in 2 different databases (Xdb and Ydb) on the same server. I have mixed mode security. I have a SQL user (XYuser) that has read access to all tables and views on both databases, yet when I try to access the view using a C# windows application I get the following error:

The server principal "XYuser" is not able to access the database "Ydb" under the current security context

This same scenario works under SQL 2000. I looked through the postings and tried to set TRUSTWORTHY ON on both databases but that didn't help. I can access any other views or tables on the SQL 2005 server, just not the one that joins the tables cross databases. Any help is much appreciated... john

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Access Denied Error Message Using Xp_cmdshell To Access Network Share

Jan 14, 2007

When running the following statement in SQL 2005, I get the error message "Access is denied":

exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'TYPE \SERVER-BSHAREFILE.TXT'

The following are true about the network:

The SQL Server is installed on SERVER-A.
SERVER-A and SERVER-B are Windows 2003 servers on the same Windows 2003 domain.
The SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services are running under the domain account SQLSERVICE.
SQLSERVICE is a member of the Domain Admins group.
The Domain Admins group is part of the local Administrators group on SERVER-B.
The SQLSERVICE account has also explicitly been given Full Control to the folder referenced by \SERVER-BSHARE
xp_cmdshell use has been enabled on the SQL Server.

If I run the following command in SQL:

exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'whoami'the following is returned: DOMAINSQLSERVICE
If I change the command to access the c: drive instead of a network drive, it executes successfully.

Can anyone shed some light on why I still cannot access any of the files in this folder using xp_cmdshell?


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Code Access Security Across Multiple Assembly Security Extension

Oct 14, 2005

Hello there I have trying to figure out for days how to enable FullTrust for my Reporting Services security extension.

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Data Access :: Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Apr 22, 2015

When i am trying to start our hospital software based on SQL server 2000, it shows Following Error.Search Condition is not valid, (DBNETLIB) Connection Open (connect()).  SQL server does not exist or excess denied. Due to Fetch data.I run our software in Windows 8.1, while it smothly runs in previous version of Windows XP and 7.

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Granting Access To Selected Tables

Nov 19, 2007


I am using windows authentication to access SQL Server 2005 objects. I have created a database role which grants select permission to only 2 tables in the database. I have added the domain user to this role. So the user should be able to select data from only those tables but when i try to select data from other tables also it displays the data which shouldnt happen. Could you please let me know whether there is any specific setting that needs to be done? Also is there anything to do with the schema level permission setting?

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How To Access Underlaying DataView Of SQLDataSouce In It's Selected Event

Jun 30, 2006

I need access to the underlying DataView associated with a declaratively defined SQLDataSource. Ideally, I need this access in the SQLDataSource's Selected event. I know that I can use the SQLDataSouce.Select() method to return the underlying DataView object. But, there is a GridView control bound to the datasource so I don't want to explicity call Select() since it will end up being called again implicity by the gridview itself. I have seen that this can be done with an ObjectDataSouce as follows:
void odsDataSouce_Selected(object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) {  DataView oDV = (DataView)e.ReturnValue;}
Is there any way to accomplish the same thing with a SQLDataSouce?  It seems hard to believe that the query results are not exposed to the Selected event.

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Reporting Services :: How To Display (All Selected) When Parameter (Select All) Is Selected In SSRS

May 6, 2015

Using SSRS 2008 r2...I have a report with a single-value parameter and three multi-value parameters, Class1, Name2 and Name3. I'm hoping for an explanation to one thing that I'm seeing and information on a second thing.

Class1 and Name2 both have the (Select All) parameter selected but Class1 is displaying the concatenated parameter variable list whereas Name2 is showing Null. Why is that? If anything, how can I get Class1 to be similar to Name2 and show Null?But my desired wish is to have Class1, Name2 and Name3 display the text"All Selected" when the parameter (Select All) is chosen.

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SQL 2012 :: Selected Subscriber Does Not Satisfy Minimum Version Compatibility Level Of Selected Publication

Feb 21, 2014

I have created a Transactional Replication Publication on my SQL 2012 server.When I log into another server on the domain running 2008R2 and try to subscribe to the 2012 Publication, I get the following error when clicking on "Add SQL Server Subscriber": "The selected Subscriber does not satisfy the minimum version compatibility level of the selected publication"

The 2012 DB is set as 2008 Compatibility Mode?Am I not able to Publish from 2012 to 2008?.I was using SSMS 2008 to connect to my 2012 Instance, thats why it didn't work...

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SQL Access Denied

Jul 22, 2006

    Hello everyone.Whenever I tried to access my database, I would get an error which stated "SQL server does not exists or access denied".  My connection string would be as follows:private string connectionstring = "Data Source=local host;Database=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=sa";the password being set to sa.  this connection string never worked and I always got the above error.  However on changing the Data Source to the computer name the connection string worked and I gained access to my database.  How's that?  Can anyone please explain to me why should the computer name work for the data source and not the server name.  As far as the syntax is concerned the data source should be the name of the server and not computer name. regardsHarsh R. Saxena

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Access Is Denied

Jun 14, 2004

I installed an instance of MSDE when I try to start the instance I get "Access is Denied".

Any Ideas?

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Access Denied About DTS

Jan 16, 2002

Good morning,
After install SP3 for MS SQL SERVER(FR), l can't access a DTS

Code execution exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

Could anybody help with the probable causes for this error.


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Getting Access Is Denied

Sep 29, 2015

I've started getting an issue with this command..It's trying to access a specific directory and I am getting 'Access is Denied'..Something has been changed in the last couple of weeks and I'm not sure what it is

I suspect that security on the folder has been amended..How do I find which account xp_cmdshell runs as so I can go to our networking department and have them check the AD account?

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Access Denied

Dec 10, 2007

i made a database in phpmyadmin, and used all information given by the service provided, but i can't grant access do my user.'

i can alter and change my database from phpmyadmin, but when i try a command like "grant select on database.table_name to 'user'@'%';" to be able to view the table from a website, i get "#1142 - SELECT,GRANT command denied to user 'xxx'@'xxx.xxx.net' for table 'xxx'"

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Access Denied

Apr 12, 2007

Hi, i'm facing a problem, I have SQL Server 2000 instaled, the problem is when I try to connect using another computer, it can see the server, but when I try to connect i receive a Access Denied message. My TCP port is opened, and I can enter in the remote server using Query Analyzer, but I can't start the server using SQL Server Service Manager.

What is the problem?


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Access Denied

Oct 20, 2006

The issue i have is:

3 Servers: DC1, SQL1 and Web1

All have IIS and an replicated intranet site http:/server/intranet
All have 2 DSN connections set exactly the same except one using TCP one using named pipes)

DC1's web app will access a search on SQL1 using named pipes but not TCP
SQL1 as above
WEB1's web app will not access a search on SQL1 using any of the DSN connections.

Errors recieved

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Access denied.

SQL is in mixed secuirty mode.

I am unable to work out the above no matter how much I play with teh permissions.

IIS on all Servers use Windows Authentication.
The SQL database is set to allow all Domain Users access.

Please Help

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