SQL Server 2005 Restore Is Hung After Successful Completion

Feb 5, 2008


I am trying to restore a SQL Server 2005 database from a backup file and experiencing a hanging issue after its "finished"

I am doing this in SQL Server Management Studio, generating the following SQL for Restore:

RESTORE DATABASE [AdventureWorks2]
FROM DISK = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLBackupAdventureWorks.bak'

When I run this on the machine i originated the backup with (creating AdvWorks2) it runs fine in no time.

When I run this command on another SQL Sever 2005 instance on another host. It appears to run fine, and I see progress going up to 100% and it says "Restore Completed Successfully"

BUT, for some reason, the database in object explorer is stuck with a "(Restoring...)" label attached to its tree item and I am unable to perform any activities on that database instance. It claims, it's in the middle of a restore operation! again this is after it had reached 100% on progress and declared successfull completion.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

(Note: Both instances are SQL Server 2005 - Service Pack 2)


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DTS SQL JOB Hangs Even After The Successful Completion Of The DTS

Apr 2, 2007

Hi All,I have a DTS package that runs calling a few stored procedures and anactiveX module. The package does some data cleanup and load. It takesan hour to complete. I have emails sent at the beginning and end ofthe package execution along with error notifications if any of thestep fails.The issue is that, the DTS runs successfully. I ran the package fromthe server and it completes. If I schedule it, it has been running forover a few months without any issues. One fine day hell broke looseand it started to give an attitude!!When the job is invoked automatically on the scheduled time, it runsthe package. Does what its supposed to do including sending out thefinal email. but is not finishing the job. The job says its stillexecuting but the final step has completed. I have tried logging thepackage, and it says completed the last step.. But the JOB Log hasn'twritten anything to the log file.. (Job Log is where I am logging thestep where I am calling the DTS).Has anyone have any idea what this issue is? I am at a dead end andhave no clue why this is happening. I am thinking of changing thewhole process but before that I want to try posting this.Any ideas, suggestions will be much appreciated. Please feel free tolet me know if there is any additional information you need in orderto troubleshoot this issue.Thanks in advance..Aravin.

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Daily Scheduled Job Has Its Schedule Disabled Despite Successful Completion

Jun 16, 2004

I have a job which is scheduled to run once daily. The job is enabled and the schedule is also enabled. After the job runs (successfully), the schedule has its 'Enabled' flag reset (i.e. the 'Enabled' checkbox in the schedule properties has become unchecked) and so is not rescheduled.

I have other jobs configured in a similar way, but they are run and then rescheduled in the normal way without any problems.

What could be going on?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Catch Output Message On Backup Successful Completion / Failure

May 20, 2014

The problem is as follows. SQL Express 2008 R2, backup is made by the means of bat file and sp. Need to have a table that would hold columns like 'date_of_backup', 'duration', 'message' (the one that appears on 'messages' tab in the result area after backup completion/failure). This is an example of real message that I want to catch:

Server: Msg 911, Level 16, State 11, Line 1
Database 'not_existing_db' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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Restore Database - Seems Hung?

Oct 7, 2004

I'm restoring a complete backup of a database from Enterprise Manager. This has been running for 3 hours and shows no sign of progress. The "Restore Progress" dialog is on the screen and the progress bar hasn't showed any progress. The disk is at full capacity in performance monitor. Nothing else is using the system.

The data file is 14 GB. It seems like something is wrong. Anything I can do to check?

SQL Server 2000 SP3a Enterprise Edition
Windows 2000

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SQL Server 2005 Service Hung ... Change Pending

Jan 10, 2007

Have an interesting situation.

I have a NeverFail cluster on which I loaded SQL Server 2005 and SP1.

All was great. Both nodes had no issues with the initial setup or the SP1 update.

When I forced a failover to the inactive node, MOST of the services like SSIS, Full-Text and SQL Browser came up like a champ.

BUT ... the SQL Server service and the SQL Agent did not come up (or shall I say not fully).

I am now looking at the SQL Server Configuration Manager and I see the following for the SQL Server service:

"Name" shows the RED block icon for the SQL Server

"State" shows "Change pending ..."

"Start Mode" is set to Manual

"Log on as" has my domain account listed

"Process ID" has the number 2956 (so it has started somewhat).

I then click open the SQL Service item and it shows that it is stopped.

I am given the option to START the service. When I try to start it, the meter bar comes up and moves slowly to the end and then an error returns of ...

"The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely manner. Consult the event log or other applicable errors logs for details"

If I look under windows Services in the Admin Tools section... I see the services for SSIS, FT and Browser listed and started BUT I see SQL Server says its "starting".

If I click open the service from here, once again it show "starting" and all of the option buttons to Stop-Start-Pause-Resume are grayed out and I am not able to use them.

I have looked in the Windows Event Logs for any events but none are present.

Now I know why the SQL Agent is not running, and of course that is due to is dependency on SQL Server being up and running.

First off WHAT does the "Change pending" message mean?

Then what other logs can I look at for some help or is there someone who has the answers to this dilemma.

Thanks and have a great evening

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SQL Server 2005 -- A Connection Was Successful But..

Mar 18, 2007

I keep receiving the error message below when I try to connect to SQL Management Studio

"A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)"

I have tried all of the suggestions in Google, in the forum, etc with not success.

I have enabled the

Named Pipe protocol/ Shared Memory protocol

SQL Server browser is enables

I even tried changing the SQL Server 2005 Shared Surface Configuration with no success.

I did not have this problem until the day light saving time change. I know this may having nothing to do with it but I need some help pronto.

In the error log I have the following error

Could not connect because the maximum number of '2' user connections has already been reached. The system administrator can use sp_configure to increase the maximum value. The connection has been closed. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

Error: 17809, Severity: 20, State: 1.

Not sure what to do or if the problems are related.

HELP, please!!!

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How To Email Completion Messages From RESTORE Commands?

Jul 20, 2005

I need to build an automated email that gives the completion messageswhen a database is restored (i.e. "Executed as user: sa. ExecutingRESTORE DATABASE DB1 FROMDISK='h:ackupsDB1DB1_db_200411082056.BAK', RECOVERY [SQLSTATE01000] (Message 0) Processed 3816 pages for database 'DB1', file'DB1_Data' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 1pages for database 'DB1', file 'DB1_Log' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000](Message 4035)")Currently, the Job History box contains it, but I'd rather get it viaemail. The base restore statement works, but it gives me a "Cannotperform a backup or restore operation within a transaction." when Itry to run it as below.works:[build @RestoreCmd]exec (@RestoreCmd)doesn't:[build @RestoreCmd]create table #Error_Finder (listing nvarchar (4000))declare @Errors smallintinsert #Error_Finder exec (@RestoreCmd)EXEC xp_sendmail @recipients = 'dba',@query = 'SELECT * from #Error_Finder',@subject = 'SQL Server Restores'drop table #Error_FinderAny suggestions? My next thought is to start selecting against systemtables in msdb. It looks because the Insert can fail, it's atransaction.

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Apparent Successful Upgrade To 2005 But Old (2000) SQL Server Remains

Mar 15, 2007

I used the SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Advisor to upgrade from SQL Server 2000 Enterprise to 2005 Standard. The only complaint I got concerned DTS packages, but I had none anyway. When I open SQL Server Management Studio, I can run queries, but they're against tables in the old 2000 databases. The SQL engine and Server agent are version version 8.0. Not surprising that new TSQL statements like 'BACKUP SERVICE MASTER KEY TO FILE' won't work.

Do I have to uninstall my previous version before upgrading?


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Notification To SQL Server 2005 Agent Job On Completion Of Oracle Package

Dec 21, 2007

Is there any built-in way of kicking off a job on SQL Server 2005 Agent whenever a package/job completes in Oracle?
Are there any (Triggers? Msft queue? Event Notification?) mechanisms to automate running a job on the SQL side?
Any article or knowledge articles would be appreciated also.

If not are there any built-in stardardized polling techniques? Or are there any timers in SSIS?
That way I can delay executing a child package until a certain record has been inserted into a control table in Oracle.
I don't want to write an inefficient for loop that blocks all other processing on the server and iterates once every second.


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ADO - Connection::Execute() Returning Zero Records Affected After Successful Insertion Of Data In SQL Server 2005

Apr 11, 2008


For the following ADO Connection::Execute() function the "recAffected" is zero, after a successful insertion of data, in SQL Server 2005. In SQL Server Express I am getting the the number of records affected value correctly.

_variant_t recAffected;
connectionObject->Execute(SQL, &recAffected, adCmdText );

The SQL string is

DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Column_1 IN ('abc', 'def' )
INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

But see this, for SQL Server 2005 "recAffected" has the correct value of 2 when I have just the insert statement.

INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

For SQL Server 2005 in both cases the table got successfully inserted two rows and the HRESULT of Execute() function returns S_OK.

Does the Execute function has any problem with a statement like the first one (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB?

Why the "recAffected" has a value zero for the first SQL (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB? Do I need to pass any options to Execute() function for a SQL Server 2005 DB?

When connecting to SQL Server Express the "recAffected" has the correct values for any type of SQL statements.

Thank you for your time. Any help greatly appreciated.


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ADO - Connection::Execute() Returning Zero Records Affected After Successful Insertion Of Data In SQL Server 2005

Apr 5, 2008


For the following ADO Connection::Execute() function the "recAffected" is zero, after a successful insertion of data, in SQL Server 2005. In SQL Server Express I am getting the the number of records affected value correctly.

_variant_t recAffected;
connectionObject->Execute(SQL, &recAffected, adCmdText );

The SQL string is

DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Column_1 IN ('abc', 'def' )
INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

But see this, for SQL Server 2005 "recAffected" has the correct value of 2 when I have just the insert statement.

INSERT INTO MyTable (Column_1, Column_2, Cloumn_3 )
SELECT 'abc', 'data11', 'data12'
SELECT 'def', 'data21', 'data22'

For SQL Server 2005 in both cases the table got successfully inserted two rows and the HRESULT of Execute() function returns S_OK.

Does the Execute function has any problem with a statement like the first one (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB?

Why the "recAffected" has a value zero for the first SQL (with delete and insert) on a SQL Server 2005 DB? Do I need to pass any options to Execute() function for a SQL Server 2005 DB?

When connecting to SQL Server Express the "recAffected" has the correct values for any type of SQL statements.

Thank you for your time. Any help greatly appreciated.


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SQL 2005 SP2 Hung

Mar 5, 2007

I am trying to install SP2 and it seems to have hung. The setup screen says that it had success with the setup support files and is now on the database services "in progress" it is installing windows installer file sqlrun_sql.msp and has been here for 45 minutes. Any help would be appreciated.



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Unable To Restore Databases From Tape: Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The

Jul 6, 2007

I'm trying to test my backups by restoring from production onto a DEV machine.

However, when I insert the backup tape into the drive, then go into SSMS and right click on

Databases -> Restore Database -> From Device .... -> Tape -> Add -> (my tape drive \.Tape0) -> Contents

it displays the contents as it should.

So I click "Close" to close the contents and bring me back to the Specify Backup where I have \.Tape0 selected and I then click "OK"

SSMS sits for a few seconds, and then I get a time out error message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -2)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3054&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=-2&LinkId=20476



That's all the further I can get... any suggestions?

I'm VERY perplexed by this...

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Statment Completion In Vidual Studio 2005

Nov 1, 2007

i'm using vs 2005 pro edition
i try to enable the statment completion in option menu
i try this path (otpton ->text editon->sql script )
but statment completion is grayed i can not check this part
how i must do to enable it

thank a lot

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Broken Or Hung SQL Server 7 Database Scenarios

Mar 4, 1999

I'm attempting to develop a course whose objective is to present the users with several scenarios of broken or hung databases caused by different things that they then have to fix.

Do you have any ideas or examples of how to break a database and the reasons behind it, also how to repair it afterwards !!


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Recognize And Start A Job If Another Job Step Is Successful

Jun 1, 2015

I have a maintenance job which has many job steps - checkdb, backup, rebuild index, etc...

I was asked to setup a job which will copy all backup files to a central location.

Now I wrote the script and its working good (part of a new job step)

But, I am now thinking to add some more logic in the job step:-

that is, if the previous job (server maintenance) is successfully completed with the backup job (if completed successfully), then only the copy to location job will start, if the other job step is failed, my copy bkp job will not run.

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SQL Server 2005 Restore Error!

Aug 18, 2006

Hi Team,
I try to restore my local database using the backup from the live server. However I encountered this type of error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The path 'C:Microsoft SQL ServerFullTextApplication_FullText' has invalid attributes. It needs to be a directory. It must not be hidden, read-only, or on a removable drive. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
It worked before I added a full-text search feature. Any idea?
Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server 2005 Restore Problem

Jun 10, 2008

Hi,I am using SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition. I face a problem when I want to restore a database. DataDB.mdf is the database file, When i want restore it using Sql server management studio it show the following error.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The media family on device 'C:DatabaseDataDB.mdf' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3241)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3042&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=3241&LinkId=20476


------------------------------Any suggestions are welcome.Best Regards 

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Sql Server 2005 Backup && Restore

Dec 27, 2007

Morning guys,
What is the equivalent to the taskpad on sql server 2005?
I want to be able to see when the last backup and restore was performed via transact sql ......
how would you go about that..... ?
what would I search... ?

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Restore Failed In Sql Server 2005.

May 19, 2008

I am trying to restore a production copy. I have only the .bak file with me. While restoring, i m facing the following error. can u please help me... thanks in advance.

"MODIFY FILE encountered operating system error 112(There is not enough space on the disk.) while attempting to expand the physical file."

I have placed the data files(52GB) in D: drive(140GB free space) and transaction log file(100GB) in F: drive(465GB free space). Still i am facing this error...

-- Sudheer

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Restore Fail In Sql Server 2005

Jan 8, 2007

Posted - 09/07/2005 : 15:32:52

Hi, i need help about restore a DB
I did a backup of a database using SQL Server Management Studio, but when i try to restore my database now, i get this error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Restore failed for Server 'Athenas'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The media set has 2 media families but only 1 are provided. All members must be provided. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

What do i doing so bad??
Thanks for ur opinions and help.

seyha moth

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SQL Server 2005 - Restore Problem

Jun 27, 2007

Hello People,

I´ve backup my databases into a Tape Device that wa named as [Tape Device].

I´m using a job to perform this action.

Basically I´ve do a Full backup to this tape and apprently it´s working fine.

The problem is when I´m trying to perform a restore.

I´m using MSMS to perform this restore.

I´m tryin to see the contenct of the Tape and I´m getting this error:


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot open backup device 'Tape Device(\.Tape0)'. Operating system error 32(error not found). (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.00&LinkId=20476

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecutionManager.ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages(String cmd, ServerMessageEventHandler dbccMessageHandler, Boolean errorsAsMessages)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupRestoreBase.ExecuteSqlWithResults(Server server, String cmd)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore.ReadMediaHeader(Server srv)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.BakDevMediaContents.InitMediaInfo(Restore sqlRestore)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.BakDevMediaContents.InitProp()

Additional informations:

- I´m logged on MSMS under a local Admin Account

- My SQL Server agent are using a System Account

- SQL Server 2005 SP1

I´ll really appreciate for any help.


José D. Lima

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SQL Server 2005 TR With IU/QUS - Restore From A Backup

Feb 22, 2007


SQL Server 2005 TR with IU/QUS - Restore from a backup

Im trying to set-up the above using sp1. It all works fine until the final step, creating a subscription through sp_addarticle and Im getting the following error:

Msg 8152, Level 16, State 10, Procedure sp_MSget_synctran_commands, Line 198
String or binary data would be truncated.

This worked fine on my laptop with a small table with a couple of columns.Now Ive looked at this error and its like

select * from #art_commands

The table only has 49 columns in it, so its not huge.

What are my options for solving/getting around this problem:

1. Try and fix sp_MSget_synctran_commands, from memory, #art_commands has a nvarchar(max) column and Im wondering if this is related. must admit, havent really looked solidly at this sp yet.

2. SP2 doesnt look like it fixes this problem.

3. Create a bespoke method to replicate.

4. anymore for anymore?

It will be impossible to synchronize the databases so this restore from backup was my only option. Im a bit stuck now, can anyone help?

many thanks,

John P

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Sql Server 2005 Restore Failure

Aug 28, 2006


I have a SQL Server 2005 Database that I would like to export to SQL Server Express.

How do I go about this?

I've tried backing it up, creating a new (blank) SQL Server Express Database and trying to restore it, but get the following message

Restore failed for Server 'PRODSOL-LAPTOP1SQLEXPRESS'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo).


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'test' database. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

please help


T.Anantha Krishnan

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SQL Server 2005 For TFS Backup&&amp;Restore

Oct 31, 2006

Hi, Our Sharepoint of TFS was down a couple of days ago. By luck, we had fully backed up SQL database. Now, the problem is, I uninstalled everything and tried to move TFS to a new server machine on the domain. I installed freshly everything and tried to restore all the databases (with tables also). Now the problems are these:

1 - Since there are lots of different backup-restore procedures telling on the Internet from some forums and this forum also: What should i do basically to make the configuration of Sharepoint and Reporting Services to make them work correctly?

2 - Secondly, even if i fail in the problem above, I, at least, want to save the source control files and sharepoint files. Where can I find them and how can I take them back to my new TFS installation?

3 - If these problems exist and Suppose on a new project on the new installation, i create new WI's, documents (with new Version Control information), and new SPS configuration. And on a new release,the problems are resolved. Is there some way that I can merge the former Backup with the new installation's database?

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SQL Server 2014 :: SSIS Package Cancels Itself After Successful Validation

Dec 15, 2014

I have an SSIS package authored in SSDT for VS 2013 that cancels itself immediately after validation completes and execution commences. This behavior occurs when executed either in VS 2013 or from within SQL Server. No error messages are thrown in either the debug window or the log output (log is capturing everything). The only thing that occurs differently on this package as compared to another package I am able to execute successfully is that a command line window briefly flashes when the package cancels itself—but it is gone so fast I cannot read it. The last several lines of the debug output are as follows:

Information: 0x40043006 at Merge Info, SSIS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043007 at Merge Info, SSIS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x402090DC at Merge Info, All Users CSV [2]: The processing of file "C:...AllUsers.csv" has started.
Information: 0x400490F4 at Merge Info, Lookup Org [47]: Lookup Org has cached 957 rows.
Information: 0x400490F5 at Merge Info, Lookup Org [47]: Lookup Org has cached a total of 26719 rows.

[Code] ....

What circumstances an SSIS package would cancel itself without throwing any errors?

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SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied Happens Shortly After A Successful Connect

Oct 1, 2007

I have been having problems after I make a connection from my application to a SQL Server 2005 database that is located on a different machine. After a few minutes it gives me the SQL Server Does Not exist or Access denied message. I am able to connect to it through SQL Server management studio. I am doing some data intensive operations by copying data from different tables on the remote server onto text files on my local machine. Any suggestions?

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Cannot Restore Database In The Computer Is Setuped SQL Server 2000 And SQL Server 2005

Dec 27, 2007

Hi All
I have Computer is setuped SQL Server 2000 and SQL server 2005 when I restore SQL Server 2005 it's OK but when it's not OK when I restore in SQL Server 2000. The Error as follows:

Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks

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How To Restore Sql Server 2000 Db Backup Into Sql Server 2005 Express Edition

Jun 22, 2007

Hi Friends,I have installed SQL server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server managementI have a SQL server 2000 db backup file. I try create a new database in my SQL server 2005 express Edition and try restore that backup file from device, it only searching for file with *.bak and *.tm extension! I tried generate backup file with .bak extension and tried restore into SQl server 2005 express edition but still it is not allowing to do so! I also tried copy my database's data file and log file and paste it under SQL server 2005 express edition Data folder and still not able to read the tables.Is that any ways to do restoring for this SQL server 2000 backup file into SQL server 2005 express edition! Anybody can help me on this please...:eek:

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Restore A SQL Server 2005 X64 Backup To SQL Server 2005 X86

Oct 22, 2007

Hello everybody,

I would like to know if it's possible to restore a x64 Backup on a SQL Server 2005 32-bits.
I have found no options during the backup under SQL Server 2005 x64 to allow the compatibility for x86.

Thanks you in advanced for future answers.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Check Completion Status Of Recovery?

Aug 14, 2015

I have a database In Recovery.

Where do I check the completion status of the recovery?

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Backup File Of SQL Server 2000 Is Restore In SQL Server 2005

Feb 11, 2008

Hi Dear,

May Any one guide me?
I have a backup file of database which is in SQL Server 2000. it has no Extension.I want to restore this backupfile or this database in my SQL Server 2005.
I have tried to Attach Database or attach this backup file in Sql Server2005 but it also fails .
First I have created New database name as is on the backupfile and then I have also tried to rename this file with .bak extension and then try to restore again it fails.
Plese Guide me urgently........
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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