SQL Server 2008 :: Using Groups To Manage Privileges

Mar 7, 2015

I am still fairly new to Sql Server 2008 R2 (express) , but am enjoying exploring it.

I have several databases up and running and now a large number of users in each.

But I notice whenever I write a stored procedure I have to go in and add each user to give them permission to exec it. When the user numbers are low its not a problem but I now have over 20 users on 1 database and its becoming tiresome.

I have heard of Active Directory on Windows Server but my database is installed on windows xp professional PC. Its running well and we don't have a budget to change it.

I've been searching the internet to see if there is some way I can create a group within sql server give the group all the necessary permissions/ privileges and then add the users to that group thereafter...

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Can't Add Any Groups To A SQL 2005 Login On Windows 2008 Server

May 16, 2008

We have just created a new Windows 2008 server running SQL 2005 64 bit. I am in the process of migrating old SQL 2000 databases onto this new server. One of the databases required a SQL login for some Windows groups that get created from the SMS software. I'm having a problem when I go into create a new login, select object type Groups, from this location , I enter the object name and click Check Names and it finds it. I select okay and everything looks good. But when I click ok on the New Login screen, I get the 15401 error saying that Windows NT user or group not found. I have gone into the Server Manager - Groups and verified that the group exists, and it does. The only thing I see when I click properties is on the bottom right had side of the screen it says "Changes to a user's group membership are not effective until the next time the user logs on." It says this for all the groups on this server and I get the same error message when I try to add any group. I have had the user that is a memeber of this group log off and back on a few times, but it still says the same thing and I still get the same error.

Anyone have any ideas on what the problem might be? Is there something on the Windows 2008 server setup that we missed?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Splitting Param Array Into Groups Of Four With Offset

Feb 25, 2015

I'm getting a file that essentially has a parameter array: a specific like would have three known values, and then x number of groups of four parts;

The question is how to handle logical groups of parameters; i though maybe by using a modulous on their itemnumber ...

So I can easily use DelimitedSplit8K to definitively find the first thee values, but how do I dynamically get X number of groups of four; eventually i need the first three fields combined with each quadgroup.

So a rough example of the desired output is this:

'03,0000001,USD,010,81257946,,,015,121809761,,'is split into rows with the first three columns included in each row:

Here's a setup i've put together:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#AccountIdentifier]') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier] (
[AccountIdentifierID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DateReceived] DATETIME NULL DEFAULT getdate(),
[RecordCode] VARCHAR(3) NULL,

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 7.0 And Setting Column Privileges

Oct 14, 1999

How do you set column privileges in the SQL Server 7.0’s Enterprise Manager. It was so easy in 6.5’s but now it seems that the only way to do it is through the stored procedure.

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SQL Server Agent - Account Privileges.

Aug 28, 2007

Hi all,

Please let me know what specific privileges an user account needs to be used as LOG ON AS account for SQL Server Agent in SQL Server 2005.

Does the account needs to me in the domain administrator group?



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Problem With Matrix (in Subreport, Multiple Groups), Groups Repeating First Row Data

Jan 25, 2008

I have a new SQL 2005 (SP2) Reporting Services server to which I've just upgraded and deployed some SSRS 2000 reports.

I have a subreport that contains a matrix with two groups. The report data seems to be inexplicably repeating the data for the first row in the group for all rows in the group. Example:








Parent group is on ID1, child group is on ID2, report would show:







Is this a matrix bug in 2005 SP2, or do I need to do something differently? I can no longer pull a comparison version from an SSRS 2000 server to verify, but I believe it was working as expected before...

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SQLServerAgent Security Context Does Not Have Server Autorestart Privileges

Oct 21, 1999

SQL Server in on a ‘member’ server in my company domain (We took the ‘stand-alone’ option when installing NT on this server).

I have set up an NT domain account for SQL ServerAgent ‘Service startup account’ which is a different account than the NT domain account listed in the SQL Server Properties, Security tab, ‘Startup service account’.

I log on to this server with the login in the latter.

Replication is working OK, but my application log keeps filling up with the message “SQLServerAgent security context does not have server autorestart privileges”.

What have I done wrong?


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SQL Server 6.5 - HOW TO Create Login With System Administrator Privileges

Jul 20, 2004


Can any of you tell me how to create a login in SQL Server 6.5 with System Administrator privileges, like we can do with SQL 7 or SQL 2000 ? I don't want to use the sa login.


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How To Manage Sql Server 2005

Jul 25, 2005

What admin tool do I use to create databases, stored procedures, etc in the Sql Server 2005 CTP?

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How Can I Manage SQL Server Remotely?

Apr 15, 2008


I have SQL server admin id and password, and I want to do some create/delete new database, or mimium do some select statements. What do I need to install on my workstation in order to connect to SQL server remotely? What's the equivalent tools as SQLPlus in Oracle?


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Lost Ability To Manage SQL Server At Server Explorer In Visual Studio .NET

Dec 27, 2004

Good day all,

I am no longer able to manage SQL Server at the server explorer in Visual studio. i.e. create, modify and delete for Diagrams, Tables, Views, Stored Procs & Functions. Further more, it missing Diagram and function folder. I can only view or read data.

But I can access local MSDE as usual.

Whats I have done wrong? Please Help. Thanks.

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Using SQL Server Management Studio Tools To Manage Dbs On SQL Server Express Edition

Apr 25, 2008

Hopefully a simple question: Is it possible to use Maintenance Plans created on SQL Server Management Studio (installed as part of an instance of SQL Server 2005 Standard Ed.) to back up databases running on an instance of SQL Server Express Edition with Advanced Services? I don't need directions, just whether or not it is permitted.

I've been able to create the plans including establishing connections to from SSMS to the the SQL Express instance, but they keep erroring out. I just need to know if this is actually permitted since Maintenance Plans are not available on Management Studio Express Edition.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Manage Users In SQL Server 2000

Jun 13, 2006

I coding an ASP.NET app. I'm getting some error messages about the ASPNET user can't access the DB. How can I manage a user (specifically add one) in SQL Server 2000? Thanks in advance for your help!

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Manage SQL Server Message In 2005

Dec 29, 2007


Where can find the Manage SQL Server Message in SQL 2005. Just like the one in Enterprise Manager SQL 2000 under the tools menu? Thanks

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How About Getting A Dedicated Server To Run And Manage SQL Jobs

Jun 28, 2007

Hi all:

Give me some feedback.

In my company, we have 10+ sql servers and many sql jobs running on every SQl server.

What about the idea that running all jobs on a dedicated sql servers?

at least 2 advantages

1.easy to managment

2.if agent server down, we restart the server not to impact the downtime of the production server.

any suggestion is welcome.

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SQL Server - Manage Multiple Databases With Same Schema

May 10, 2005

I am using SQL Server 2000.
I am working on a project where there will be multiple databases on a single instance of SQL Server. Each database will have the exact same schema but will be accessed by different groups of users.
What is the easiest way to sychronize changes between the databases, so that if I add a column to one database, it will be reflected in the other databases. If I add, remove, or alter a stored procedure, I want the change to be made in the other databases. I want the data in each database to remain isolated. In other words, I do not want replication of the data, only the schema of the databases. I would like to have a single "master" database that I use to make any schema changes and all the other databases be schema mirrors of this database each with their own data.
I have looked into SQL Server replication, but this didn't seem to work the way I wanted and I wasn't able to publish column changes etc.

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Remotely Manage SQL Server & DTS Packages Problem.

Jun 6, 2000

We recently moved our SQL Server 7.0 database from one machine to another, and I think the guys who did it didn't do things quite right...

None of the DTS packages work anymore....
the little lines (for lack of better terms here..) that contain the SQL statements and such, well, if I try to edit the properties of them, I get an error that says this:
Error Source: Microsoft OLD DB Provider for SQL Server

Error Description:[DBMSSOCN]General network error. Check your network documentation.

My guess is that the things are looking for Server X and now they're on Server Y. Problem is, that when I try to edit the properties of the 'little line'...that error pops up...and then the window that comes up with the tabs across the top of it that lets me enter the SQL statement disappears right away and I can't make the changes?!?

Other question:

The SQL Server is now on a machine that's like 3000 miles away. Right now I use pcAnyWhere to log into it and use the SQL Enterprise Manager there.

Well, I've got SQL Server installed on this machine here...surely there is a way to have this SQL Enterprise Manager here connect to the remote SQL Server so I can play with it that way instead of the pcanywhere mess...right? Seems logical....


Victor Anderson (desperate developer...haha)

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Can SQL-server Manage Databases With 50 Milion Row/tabel

Sep 24, 2001

I'm making a system to data acquisition (production) and need more (3) tabels with a heavy load of data.

3 tabels will contain approximately 20-50 milion rows. Every day I need to add 80000 rows to these tabels. Will I get problems with system-performance with such a configuration? Ofcourse the system will contain index in the database and 2 fast 1 Ghz intel CPU. I isn't possible for me to seperate or archive theese tabel, because of researc-functionality.


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Manage With SQL Server Management Studio Express

Mar 16, 2007

I have read that SQL Server Compact Edition can be managed within SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Can anyone show me how to do it?

Or I can manage the Compact Edition in other way instead of in VS 2005.

Thanks a lot,


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Do DBAs Need OS Administrator Rights To Manage SQL Server

Mar 28, 2008

Do DBAs need OS Administrator rights to Manage SQL Server? I suspect the answer is no, but, the DBAs tell me that they cannot do their jobs without OS admin rights.

Can someone point me to documentation detailing what OS level rights are needed by SQL Server DBAs?

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Systematically Manage Big List Of Queries And Tables

Sep 12, 2015

Suppose someone has to work on a lot of different SQL Server Databases which have got a lot of Tables and Queries / Views inside them.

After a period of time, it becomes very difficult to remember exactly what kind of columns are present within a given Table and View.

Any method by which one can keep a systematic list of all the Tables and Views that are present within a SQL Server Database, along with the columns that are present within them.

Are there any Add-on products or services etc. available in making this type of work systematic?

Currently I add comments to each queries inside SQL Server to remind me of what this query is doing, but this method is not great.

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How To Manage Sql Server Transaction In Desktop Networking Application Vb.net2005?

Jun 10, 2006


i want to know that how to manage the sql server transaction in a

big desktop networking application?

for example

there are 200 tables in

database. many of that tables have relatationship. i have a form in

frontend which holds nere ablut 50 tables deffrent calculated amount. i

want to ADD, EDIT and DELETE, SAVE(commit), CANCEL(roll back) them and

same time another use will do the same work from another pc. if there

are 100 user does the same work (add, edit, delete, save, cancel) how

could i magage my sql server data???

i also want to know that

1 kind of

proffessionsl way to use sql server and vb.net?

2 what kind of septs to

develop a desktop networking application with sql server?

3 how i could

manage the transaction in sql server when there are many-many user

working in the same database(add, edit, delete, save-commit,

cancel-rollback).<img src="images/emoticons/smile_baringteeth.gif">

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SQL Server 2014 :: Indexes And Views - Manage Date Filtering Within A Query?

May 21, 2014

I have a dynamic SQL query that uses various indexes and views.

When a user wants to filter records based on last one day, last one week, last 30 days ...etc.. i use the following code:

@date is an integer.

begindate is datetime format.

begindate > cast(((select dateadd(d,@Date,GETDATE()))) as varchar(20))

The above code slows my query performance by at least 400%!

Would it be faster to add a computed column to my table, using the suggested method in the link below?

[URL] ....

Then i could add an indexed view to improve performance, or can this be done another way?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Manage Concurrency When Users Need To Create Invoice Number

May 31, 2014

I have a db to manage the creation of invoice number designed for a web application.

My problem is how to manage the concurrency when the users need to create an invoice number.

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How To Give Permissions To A Regular Domain User To Manage SQL Server Database Service?

Jan 22, 2008

After SQL Server 2005 Database Engine is installed by domain administrator, how to give permissions to a regular domain user so that user can control SQL Server Database service?

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DB Engine :: Extract All Privileges And User Password For A User In DDL Format For Server?

Jul 12, 2010

My goal is to write a DR plan where i am restoring all user databases onto a diffrent server in a event of hardware failure. I was trying to figure out a way to extract DDL of user accounts and their permissions on all user databases so i can simplify my DR documentation. 
This is the plan I came up with...to restore all system and user dbs on a different Physical SQLServer.

1. build named instance $PROD

2. restore master database

    - startup sqlserver in single user mode -m or DAC sqlcmd -S ServerName -U sa -P<xxx> –A
    net start MSSQLSERVER$PROD -m
    - restore database master from disk e:master.bak with replace;
3. start sqlserver normally

4. stop SQLServer agent

5. restore msdb

-restore database msdb disk e:msdb.bak with replace;

6. restart SQLServer

7. Restore User Databases.

8. Run Sp_change_users_login for all users

-Sp_Change_users_logins 'auto_fix','username'

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Can I Run SQL Server 2008 - Reporting Services CTP Until Microsoft Sells SQL 2008

Mar 31, 2008

There are a few features in the new SQL Server - Reporting Services that I really need in production. I have tested everything and it works great. I am running the CTP version since Microsoft is saying they aren't releasing the release version until 3rd quarter 2008.

Since Microsoft won't sell SQL 2008 until 3rd quarter, can I run the CTP in production until the release and then purchase SQL 2008?


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Seeking Advice: SQL Server On Win 2008 Virtual Server Or Just Win 2008?

Apr 23, 2008

Hello - does anyone have experience w/SQL Server 2005 in a virtual environment? I'm considering this for a production environment but not sure if performance will suffer. Our databases will have a lot of writing but not too much reading. A SSRS solution is currently the only app. connecting to the SQL db. Max users to server at any given time will be very low (~10 users max). But the databases are pulling in data from other, outside multiple data sources on a daily basis.

Any pointers to documentation or any advice?


A Brown

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SQL Server Groups

Feb 7, 2007

Is it possible that i can create a SQL Server Group in sql 2005. Eg. in 2K when u right click (in Enterprise manager) on Microsoft Sql servers you can see "New Sql server Group". I am talking about this group. I have many servers in NYC and Dallas and in VA. I want to group them in the group names NYC DAL VA. is it possible.

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Problem With Windows Server 2008 And SQL 2008 Express

Feb 25, 2008

Recently, I set up server with Windows Web Server 2008 RC1, SQL 2008 Express beta, .NET 3.5, IIS 7.
I'm running ASP.NET web application with SQL database. Everything works fine until the first application state on the server expires. After that, any postback that starts a new application state on the server and connects to the database, results in the following error:
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.
Is this a bug that will be fixed in release of Windows / SQL or am I doing something wrong?
Many thanks for help,

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Determine Which Server Is Currently Active For Availability Groups

Nov 25, 2014

I want two write a small script to determine which is the currently active (primary) server in the AG.

Right now, I see that using SELECT * FROM SYS.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states I can determine the role. However, when the server goes down and switches to the secondary node, I don't believe that the role changes (or does it?). How do I determine which is the active node?

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Removing Server Groups

Sep 29, 1999

In SQL 6.5 enterprise mgr I Could easily delete by right clicking on a server or group. In 7
this functionality is gone. Anybody done this.

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Cannot Connect To SQL Server With NT Groups

Oct 8, 2004

Have problems connecting to SQL server with NT group authentication.
Get error 4064: Error connecting to user default database.

There's no problems connecting with NT users og SQL users.

SQL2000 + Windows2000 both running latest service packs. All SP have been reinstalled.

The server suddenly stopped accepting NT group logins. It have been running for 1 year with no problems - 4 days ago it started generating this error.

Any ideas anyone?

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