SQL Server 2012 :: Cumulative Average Without Cursor

Jul 29, 2015

I am trying to calculate cumulative GPA which is currently it is being done via a cursor and i was looking to change it to set based if possible.

The cumulative GPA is basically the average marks of all courses in a term and all previous terms. Where I am having an issue is if the course was taken in a previous term and the mark was lower, then the lower mark in not factored in to the GPA. If a course was taken in a previous term and the mark was higher then the marks for the current term are not factored into the GPA.

In the example below, math is taken in all three terms and the current term's mark is included in the GPA but not the previous terms because current terms mark is higher. Two classes (bio,chem) are taken in third term but not included due to marks being higher in second term.

CREATE TABLE [gpa]([term] int,
[course] varchar(10),
[mark] float);
VALUES (1,'math',3),

[Code] .....

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DB Engine :: Applying Cumulative Updates To Server 2012 SP2

Sep 29, 2015

I have a SQL Server at version Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5343.0 (X64)

 May  4 2015 19:11:32
 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor). 

I need to apply a cumulative update, either CU2 or CU3 for a third party tool used for monitoring to work. When I try to apply CU2 or any subsequent CU there is nothing that need the update so I cannot advance the version to 11.00.5548. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Trying To Add Third Grouping Set To Return Average Aggregate

Feb 16, 2014

i'm building a query to return metrics that will drive 3 seperate pivot tables showing

1. Total count of LineItems per D_Type each month
2. Total count of LineItems per Status each month
3. Avg count of LineItems per Invoice each month

I am able to get the first two, but having hard time with the 3rd.

Here's some representative ddl
create table Remediation
(Invoice nvarchar(10), D_Type nvarchar(20), Status nvarchar(20), RemediationDate datetime);

insert into Remediation values
--this will create data for Jan, 2014
('501', 'Recycle', 'Pass', getdate()-30),
('501', 'Reuse', 'Pass', getdate()-30),
('501', 'Remarket', 'Fail', getdate()-30),


how to add the average metric to this query?

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Moving Average Using Select Statement Or Cursor Based?

Jul 30, 2007

1 01/01/2007 PURCHASE 10 1000
2 01/01/2007 PURCHAES 5 1100
3 01/01/2007 SALES -5 *TobeCalculated
4 02/01/2007 Purchase 20 9000
5 02/01/2007 SALES -10 *TobeCalculated
5 02/01/2007 purchase 50 8000
6 03/01/2007 Sales -10 *TobeCalculate
7 01/01/2007 Purchase 20 12000

I have a table when user add new sales or puchase will be added to this table ITEM_TXNS. The above date is part of the table for a ProductID . (The field is removed here)
In order to calculate the balance amount using moving average, I must calculated the cost_out_amt first on the fly.
When user add new sales I also need to determine the cost/unit for a product id using moving average. The problem is I can not just use sum, because i need to determine cost_out_amt for each sales first which will be calculated on the fly.
The reason i dont store the cost_out_amt (instead calculate on the fly) because User could Edit the previous sales/purchase txn or Insert new sales for a previous date. Example THe record with ID 9. By Adding this txn with ID 9, would cause all the cost_out_amt will be incorrect (Using moving Average) if i store the cost_amout_out on entrying txn and need to be recalculated.
Instead I just want to calculate on the fly and able to determine the cost avr for a specific point of time.
Should I just use Cursor and loop all the record and calculate the cost or maybe I can just use on Select Statement?

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SQL 2012 :: Last Cumulative Update Applied To SSMS

Mar 4, 2014

What's the most straight forward to determine what the last cumulative update was that was applied to SSMS?

I know that CU8 is out for SQL Server 2012, I just need to confirm which (if any) update was last applied to SSMS I'm currently looking at.

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SQL Server 2012 :: IF Statement Within A Cursor?

Oct 19, 2015

adding a if statement within my cursor.

Use master
DECLARE @statement NVARCHAR(max)


The cursor should only grant access to a particular database. If the user exists within the database it should not execute the script.

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SQL Server 2012 :: While Loop In Place Of Cursor

Feb 16, 2014

I have a table called Table1 where I have five fields like Tableid, Processigndate, Amount, remainingCollectonCount and Frequency. All total I have more than 5Lacs records.

Now I need to fill up another table Called FutuecashFlow taking the records from Table1. There will be also five Columns like FutureCashflowid, Table1id, Processigndate, Amount.

Now the condition is that if the remainingCollectonCount =6 and the frequency is 12 then there will be the 6 entries in the futurecasflow table where the prcessign datae wille be addeed by 1 month.

For example Table1
Tableid, Processigndate Amount remainingCollectonCount Frequency
1 2014-02-15 48 8 12

the future cash flow table the prcessing date column will be shown in the following way


I do not to want to use cursor....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using WHILE To Avoid Cursor Under Certain Conditions

Mar 20, 2015

I need to use WHILE to avoid Cursor under certains conditions.

My SELECT statement is:

SELECT ref, ano, numberofyears ,nreint, naoreint,degress,
tabela, tax, taxamaxima,[evactual],
FROM deprec

numberofyears= 100 /tax for exemple for a good where lifecycle is 4 years ,ex:
Tax = 25% Then 100/25 = 4 years

I see this WHILE script, but i need to run :

1. for each REF + Until years < 4 in this exemple, because i have goods years depend on Percent.

the WHILE script i see is:

DECLARE @table1 TABLE (Id int not null primary key identity(1,1), col1 int )
INSERT into @table1 (col1) SELECT col1 FROM table2
SET @num_rows=@@ROWCOUNT

SET @cnt=0
WHILE @cnt<@num_rows

[Code] .....

My doubt is how to make the LOOP for each REF until Year < 4 (like my example)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Change Database Within A Cursor?

Aug 21, 2015

I like to backup the stored procedures' code used in my databases. So I created this Script:

IF OBJECT_ID('[Monitor].[dbo].[Procedurecode]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [Monitor].[dbo].[Procedurecode];
@db nvarchar(50),
@strSQL nvarchar (100)


Problem is (and I seem not to be the only one with tis) described here:

"If the executed string contains a USE statement that changes the database context, the change to the database context only lasts until sp_executesql or the EXECUTE statement has finished running." There is nothing magical in SQL server that knows you intend a series of dynamic sql commands to be part of a single job running in a single context. You have to build the entire string for the job you want to execute."


So I only get the SPs of the current database.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Do OPENROWSET Query Within Cursor Using Variables

Oct 22, 2015

I am writing a custom query to determine if a legacy table exists or not. From My CMS Server I already have all the instances I have to query and I store the name of the instance in the @Instance variable. I cannot get those stubborn ticks to work right in my query. Below I am using the IF EXISTS statement to search the metadata for the legacy table.

DECLARE @Found tinyint
DECLARE @Instance varchar(100)
set @Instance = 'The Instance'
SET @Found = 1
SET @Found = 0

PRINT @Found

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SQL Server 2012 :: Call Stored Proc Once Per Each Row Of A Table Without Using CURSOR

Jul 10, 2014

I have a situation where I need to call a stored procedure once per each row of table (with some of the columns of each row was its parameters). I was wondering how I can do this without having to use cursors.

Here are my simulated procs...

Main Stored Procedure: This will be called once per each row of some table.

-- All this proc does is, prints out the list of parameters that are passed to it.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MyMainStoredProc (
@NameVARCHAR (200),

[Code] ....

Here is a sample call to the out proc...

EXEC dbo.MyOuterStoredProc @SessionID = 123

In my code above for "MyOuterStoredProc", I managed to avoid using cursors and was able to frame a string that contains myltiple EXEC statements. At the end of the proc, I am using sp_executesql to run this string (of multipl sp calls). However, it has a limitation in terms of string length for NVARCHAR. Besides, I am not very sure if this is an efficient way...just managed to hack something to make it work.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Cursor Function And Drop User / Logon

Aug 28, 2015

I have a temptable with a list of user IDs that I want to drop so I created a script to do a cursor and run through my drop functions. The drops work by themselves and the ver check works with them but when I wrap them in the cursor all i get is an output for each user in the results window in ssms. why it's not setting the variable and instead outputting to results?

DECLARE @ver nvarchar(128);
DECLARE @UserName nvarchar(50);
DECLARE @UserD nvarchar(80);
DECLARE @LoginD nvarchar(80);
-- Initialize the variable.
SET @ver = CAST(serverproperty('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar)


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SQL Server 2012 :: Removing Cursor In Table Valued Function

Oct 16, 2015

I need removing cursor in my table valued function with alternate code.

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[eufn_e5_eSM_SE_GetCurrentContentForContainer]
@containerSqlId SMALLINT,
@containerIncId INT

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Cursor Stop Query At Specific Time?

Oct 29, 2015

This store procedure will get some executable queries from the select statement, the cursor will fetch each rows to execute the query and insert the queries into table_3 to mark as 'E'. Until 17:00, this store procedure will stop execute the queries and just get the queries from select statement insert into table_3 to mark as 'C'.

I don't know why the outputs in table_3 are quiet different than I think. This store procedure comes out with two exactly same queries and one marked as C and another marked as E.

'This is a executable query'
FROM table_1
DECLARE @table_2


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SQL 2012 :: Average Salary For Each Department

Jan 17, 2015

I would like to find the average salary for each department which has min salary

In my case I will have 3 departments which have min salary.

select distinct d.department_name, E.SALARY, avg(E.salary)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Direct Select And Insert Or Load To Speedup Process Instead Of Cursor

Mar 6, 2015

I have stored procedure .In SP i am using cursur to load data from Parent to several child table.

I have attached the script with this message.

And my problem is how to use direct select and insert or load to speedup the process instead of cursor.

USE [IconicMarketing]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_DMS_INVENTORY] Script Date: 3/6/2015 3:34:03 PM ******/

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: SELECT Query - Cursor To Display Result In Single Transaction

May 25, 2015

Here the SELECT query is fetching the records corresponding to ITEM_DESCRIPTION in 5 separate transactions. How to change the cursor to display the 5 records in at a time in single transactions.

CREATE TABLE #ITEMS (ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL)INSERT INTO #ITEMSVALUES(NEWID(), 'This is a wonderful car'),(NEWID(), 'This is a fast bike'),(NEWID(), 'This is a expensive aeroplane'),(NEWID(), 'This is a cheap bicycle'),(NEWID(), 'This is a dream holiday')
DECLARE @ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Asynchronous Cursor Population Slow For Large Result Sets

Jul 2, 2015

so async cursor population is supposed to create the cursor and return the cursor id quickly, while the server works on async populating the results. For a keyset-driven cursor, SQL Server stores the key sets in tempdb, which it then uses to fetch data for cursor results. Anyway, this works fine for smaller tables, but I'm finding for large result sets, the async cursor population is very slow and indeed seems to approximate synchronous time. The wait stat I get while it is running (supposedly asynchronously) is TRANSACTION_MUTEX.

--enable async cursor
exec dbo.sp_configure 'cursor threshold', 0; reconfigure;
declare @cursor int, @stmt nvarchar(max), @scrollopt int, @ccopt int, @rowcount int;
--example of giant result set
set @stmt = 'select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o1';


Note that using the SQL "select * from sys.all_objects o1" is much faster than "select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o2". However, if cursor population is async, I'd expect the time to return a cursor id to be similar between the two.

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Match Multiple Results And Average

Mar 3, 2014

I work for a school district and new requirement we were just given for scoring some student scores.

Everything will currently be in one table to keep track of students test scores for various things. This table will contain students information and a student will be shown more than once in the table. The Student ID is what we will key off of to find the multiple instances of the student. The table contains the following columns: studentName, StudentId, teacherName, focus1, controllingIdeas1, reading1, development1, organization1, conventions1, and contentUnderstanding1. All of the columns with a 1 at the end will be numeric values with possible decimal values.

What we need to be able to do is some how perform a search for these multiple entries of each student and when found, average the 2 scores for each 7 test categories. The result needs to be a single line for each student that gives the student name, student id, and the 7 test category averages exported to an csv file.

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Analysis :: Calculation Of average Using DAX AVERAGE And AVERAGEX

Jun 21, 2015

Calculation of an average using DAX' AVERAGE and AVERAGEX.This is the manual calculation in DW, using SQL.In the tabular project (we're i've noticed that these 4 %'s are in itself strange), in a 1st moment i've noticed that i would have to divide by 100 to get the same values as in the DW, so i've used AVERAGEX:

Avg_AMP:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_AMP]/100)
Avg_AMPdollar:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_AMPdollar]/100)
Avg_FMP:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_FMP]/100)
Avg_FMPdollar:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_FMPdollar]/100)

The results were, respectively: 701,68; 2120,60...; -669,441; and  finally **-694,74** for Avg_FMPdollar.i can't understand the difference to SQL calculation, since calculations are similar to the other ones. After that i've tried:

test:=SUM([_FMPdollar])/countrows('Fct Sales') AND the value was EQUAL to SQL: -672,17
test2:=AVERAGE('Fct Sales'[_Frontend Margin Percent ACY]), and here, without dividing by 100 in the end, -696,74...

So, AVERAGE and AVERAGEX have a diferent behaviour from the SUM divided by COUNTROWS, and even more strange, test2 doesn't need the division by 100 to be similar to AVERAGEX result.

I even calculated the number of blanks and number of zeros on each column, could it be a difference on the denominator (so, a division by a diferente number of rows), but they are equal on each row.

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Need An Average By Year Of An Average By Month

Feb 15, 2008

I have a temp_max column and a temp_min column with data for every day for 60 years. I want the average temp for jan of yr1 through yr60, averaged...
I.E. the avg temp for Jan of yr1 is 20 and the avg temp for Jan of yr2 is 30, then the overall average is 25.
The complexity lies within calculating a daily average by month, THEN a yearly average by month, in one statement.

Here's the original query.
accept platformId CHAR format a6 prompt 'Enter Platform Id (capital letters in ''): '

SELECT name, country_cd from weather_station where platformId=&&platformId;

SELECT to_char(datetime,'MM') as MO, max(temp_max) as max_T, round(avg((temp_max+temp_min)/2),2) as avg_T, min(temp_min) as min_temTp, count(unique(to_char(datetime, 'yyyy'))) as TOTAL_YEARS
FROM daily
WHERE platformId=&&platformId and platformId = platformId and platformId = platformId and datetime=datetime and datetime=datetime
GROUP BY to_char(datetime,'MM')
ORDER BY to_char(datetime,'MM');

with a result of:

-------------------- --
OFFUTT AFB___________US

-- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------

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Cumulative Wait Time On Server Replies ???

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I've got a query which suddently became very slow. It now takes about 10secs instead of 2 secs.I've got to identical DB (one is for test and the other is production). Thequery is slow only in production.When running this query in both DB and looking at execution plan,statistics, etc, the onle difference is the Cumulative wait time on serverreplies.In test DB, I get the value: 2200And in production DB: 1.22344e+009What does this mean concretly? What do I have to do to solve this problem?TIA.YannickPS I'm using SS2000 SP3 on NT4.0

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SQL Server 2005 Cumulative Hot Fix Doesn't Install On X86

Aug 3, 2006

I'm trying to install the cumulative hot fix (build 2153) on an x86 machine. I'm running the first of the six install EXEs, and I'm not able to select any of the checkboxes on the Feature Selection tab of the wizard.

I see three checkboxes. The first is SQL Server Database Services 2005 and beneath it two child nodes: MSSQLSERVER (RTM 1399 ENU) and SQLEXPRESS (RTM 1399 ENU)

None of the checkboxes allow me to select them and when I click the Next button on the screen I get the following:

"You have not selected any active products or instances. You must select at least one active product or instance to patch in order to proceed."

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Query To Get Cumulative Package

Feb 6, 2014

Query to get CU# of sql server Instance ?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Update And Join Table With Cursor

Jul 15, 2014

I have table A

|account | Unmort |
| A |10.000.000 |

and a Table B

|account| Jenis | Nominal | Unmort |Total|
| A | 021 | 200.000| - | - |
| A | 028 | 3.200.000| - | - |
| A | 023 | 7.200.000| - | - |

how to update to be like this??

|account| Jenis |Nominal | Unmort |Total |
| A | 021 |200.000 | - |200.000 |
| A | 028 |3.200.000 | 2.800.000 |400.000 |
| A | 023 |7.200.000 | 7.200.000 | 0 |

for this type of account number jenis 021 Field Unmort Fill set= 0 and Field Total must not be a minus...

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SQL 2012 :: Calling Proc For Each Row In A Table Without Using Cursor

Apr 14, 2015

I have a table that has the following data


I need to call a stored proc for each of the IDs above. Our existing code which has a cursor to loop through the table and call the proc for each value is proving to be a performance nightmare. Is there an alternate method that I can use to avoid cursor and make it more efficient?

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Average Column Group Value For Row Group

Feb 28, 2014

I'm having a fight with Reporting Services at the minute when trying to compute an average at the row group level for a value summed in a column group.I have the following column groups:


And the following row groups:

SubType (hidden, data at the date level is summed to Product)

At the moment I'm computing the average for SubType for each Date at the Product level (giving a decimal value), so for each day I end up with a nice average, that works. However I am unable to average that average over the whole Year for a Product. The issue being that I'm trying to combine Row Groups (Product) and Column Groups (Date/Year)

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?? 933097 Cumulative Hotfix Package (build 3152) For SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Is Available

Mar 8, 2007

I've read about this hotfix at http://www.kbalertz.com/Feedback_933097.aspx but I can't find anything on microsoft.com about it. It sounds like a worthwhile hotfix, but I'm wondering about the absence of an announcement on microsoft.com.

Anyone else know about this hotfix?


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Calculate A Variable Average In SQL Server?

Jun 11, 2007

ok so i have this table:


priceSold - money
itemsSold - int

An example of 4 rows on my table would be like this
$1400 80
$1500 85
$1560 82
$1700 81

to calculate the average of the price sold related to the number of sold items just have to do
Select avg(priceSold*itemsSold)

But sometimes i just want the average price of the first 100 sold items, so how can i make my query to just use the first 100 sold items?

in math it would be like this
average= ( (1400*80) + (1500*20) ) / 100

but if i wanted the first 200 it would be like this
average= ( (1400*80) + (1500*85) + (1560*35)) / 200

and if i wanted the first 300 would be like this
average= ( (1400*80) + (1500*85) + (1560*82) + (1700*53)) / 300

but of course the number i want will always be a variable which is less than the total of the products sold. So, how the heck do i program this query where the number of the items sold is variable and it will take the rows of the database depending on how many items were sold.

I hope i didnt wrote my explanation too confusing and that i can get any help from you guys. thank you a lot for the help and byye

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Average Download Rates For SQL Server

May 4, 2007

I have a SQL Server hosted on a Win2003 server. I have a monitor on the server letting me know the average download speeds. When I do a large select from a remote connection, it looks like the download rate maxes out at around 10 kb/sec.

Is this an average download rate for a server hosting sql server?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Complex Mode (average) Calculation

Aug 20, 2015

I've been asked to find the Mode of the loads on trips we run. So I run a count on the [loads] (without grouping, in an analytical function) column, then sort on the highest counts. The problem is when there is a tie. In that case, I need to find the mean of all the tied values. This means that if there is no mode at all, it would simply take the mean of all the values.

Here is sample data:

trip char(1) NULL,
date int NULL,
loads int NULL

[Code] ...

And here is what I'd like to see:

trip char(1) NULL,
loads int NULL
insert into test (trip, loads)
values ('A', 15)
insert into test (trip, loads)
values ('B', 17)
insert into test (trip, loads)
values ('C', 11)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Pulling Daily Total From Cumulative Total

Jun 28, 2015

I have a table that writes daily sales each night but it adds the day's sales to the cumulative total for the month. I need to pull the difference of todays cumulative total less yesterdays. So when my total for today is 30,000 and yesterday's is 28,800, my sales for today would be 1,200. I want to write this to a new field but I just can't seen to get the net sales for the day. Here is some sample data. For daily sales for 6-24 I want to see 2,000, for 6-25 3,000, 6-26 3,500, and 6-27 3,500. I'm thinking a case when but can't seem to get it right.

(date_created date,
sales decimal (19,2))
INSERT INTO sales (date_created, sales)
VALUES ('6-23-15', '20000.00'),
('6-24-15', '22000.00'),
('6-25-15', '25000.00'),
('6-26-15', '28500.00'),
('6-27-15', '32000.00')

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Transact SQL :: STATIC Defines A Cursor That Makes Temporary Copy Of Data To Be Used By Cursor

Aug 12, 2015

In MSDN file I read about static cursor

Defines a cursor that makes a temporary copy of the data to be used by the cursor. All requests to the cursor are answered from this temporary table in
tempdb; therefore, modifications made to base tables are not reflected in the data returned by fetches made to this cursor, and this cursor does not allow modifications

It say's that modifications is not allowed in the static cursor. I have a  questions regarding that

Static Cursor
declare ll cursor global static
            for select  name, salary from ag
  open ll
             fetch from ll
              while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
               fetch from ll
                update ag set salary=200 where 1=1
   close ll
deallocate ll

In "AG" table, "SALARY" was 100 for all the entries. When I run the Cursor, it showed the salary value as "100" correctly.After the cursor was closed, I run the query select * from AG.But the result had updated to salary 200 as given in the cursor. file says  modifications is not allowed in the static cursor.But I am able to update the data using static cursor.

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