Moving Average Using Select Statement Or Cursor Based?

Jul 30, 2007

1 01/01/2007 PURCHASE 10 1000
2 01/01/2007 PURCHAES 5 1100
3 01/01/2007 SALES -5 *TobeCalculated
4 02/01/2007 Purchase 20 9000
5 02/01/2007 SALES -10 *TobeCalculated
5 02/01/2007 purchase 50 8000
6 03/01/2007 Sales -10 *TobeCalculate
7 01/01/2007 Purchase 20 12000

I have a table when user add new sales or puchase will be added to this table ITEM_TXNS. The above date is part of the table for a ProductID . (The field is removed here)
In order to calculate the balance amount using moving average, I must calculated the cost_out_amt first on the fly.
When user add new sales I also need to determine the cost/unit for a product id using moving average. The problem is I can not just use sum, because i need to determine cost_out_amt for each sales first which will be calculated on the fly.
The reason i dont store the cost_out_amt (instead calculate on the fly) because User could Edit the previous sales/purchase txn or Insert new sales for a previous date. Example THe record with ID 9. By Adding this txn with ID 9, would cause all the cost_out_amt will be incorrect (Using moving Average) if i store the cost_amout_out on entrying txn and need to be recalculated.
Instead I just want to calculate on the fly and able to determine the cost avr for a specific point of time.
Should I just use Cursor and loop all the record and calculate the cost or maybe I can just use on Select Statement?

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Moving Total Like Moving Average

Nov 10, 2015

I trying to get the moving total (juts as moving average). It always sum up the current record plus previous two records as well and grouped by EmpId.For example, attaching a image of excel calculation.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Dynamic Update Statement Based On Return Values In Select Statement

Jan 9, 2015

Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".

Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.

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Select Statement In Cursor

Mar 26, 2000


I have a stored procedure that rertrieves data from an sql database
and sends out a mail to each receipient who meets the criteria

I am using SQL mail.

I dynamically generate the where clause for my sql query based on criteria taken
from other stored procedures and store it in a varchar variable
called @sqlquery

When i have the following code to run my cursor

FOR SELECT DISTINCT Events.E_Name, Events.E_SDate, Events.E_City,
Events.E_ID FROM Events, IndustryEvents + @sqlquery2
OPEN overdue3

I get an error message at the '+' sign
which says, cannot use empty object or column names, use a single
space if necessary.

What should i do. i have tested the variable @sqlquery and it is
definately not blank. There is no bracket error or anything.

Please help!!!

Thanks much indeed


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Using Select Statement Instead Of Cursor

May 20, 2003

Hi All, Can anyone please help?

TableA has data as below:

ssn sex dob rel_code
111111111 m 19500403 m
111111111 f 19570908 w
111111111 f 19770804 d
111111111 f 19801203 d
111111111 f 19869712 d
111111111 m 19870907 s
111111111 m 19901211 s

I have to convert the rel_code into a specific manner so the data will look as below in TableB:

ssn sex dob rel_code
111111111 m 19500403 01
111111111 f 19570908 02
111111111 f 19770804 20
111111111 f 19801203 21 111111111 f 19869712 22
111111111 m 19870907 30
111111111 m 19901211 31

Member's rel_code = 01
spouse's rel_code = 02
daughter's rel_code starts from 20 with the oldest and increments by 1.
Son's rel_code starts from 30 and increments by 1 from oldest to the youngest.

I know You can write a Sp with cursor and do this, but I would like to know if you can accomplish the same thing by a select or case or something else instead of a cursor.

Thanks in advance.


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How To Specify Which Database To Use For A Select Statement Within A Cursor?

Nov 9, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to perform the following task:

Using the sys.databases & sys.sysindexes views to display all the columns with a clustered index for all tables and all databases in a given server. So the end result will have 3 columns:

Database name
Table name
Column name from that table with a clustered index

I have already created the following script which displays all the databases for a given server:

declare @DBname nvarchar(128)
declare testCursorForDB cursor
select name from sys.databases with (nolock)
where name not in ('master','tempdb','model','msdb')
order by name

open testCursorForDB
fetch next from testCursorForDB
into @DBname

while @@fetch_status = 0
print @DBname
fetch next from testCursorForDB
into @DBname

close testCursorForDB
deallocate testCursorForDB

I also have created the following query which will display all the table and column names which have a clustered index for a given database:

select object_name( as TableName, as IndexName
from sys.sysindexes as i with (nolock)
where i.indid = '1'

However, what I need help/advice on is how do I combine these two together into one working script (either using nested cursors or a better way). In other words, how can I specify which database to use (ie. using the "use database_name") so that my query above will be applied to each database found within the cursor.

Any help is greatly appreciated


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How To Put Condition In Select Statement To Write A Cursor

Mar 29, 2008

col1 col2 col3 col4
36930.60 145 N . 00
17618.43 190 N . 00
6259.20 115 N .00
8175.45 19 N .00
18022.54 212 N .00
111.07 212 B .00
13393.05 67 N .00
In above 4 col
if col3 value is B then cursor has to fectch appropriate value from col4.
if col3 value is N then cursor has to fectch appropriate value from col1.
here col2 values are unique.

Can any one reply for this..............

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Combing In A Cursor, A Select Statement With The WHERE Clause Stored In A Variable

Mar 28, 2000

I am ramesh here from
I am using sql mail to send out emails to my mailing list

I have difficulty combining a select statement with a where clause stored in a variable inside a cursor

The users select the mail content and frequency of delivery and i deliver the mail

I use lots of queries and a stored procedure to retrieve thier preferences. In the end i use a cursor to send out mails to each of them.

Because my query is dynamic, the where clause of my select statement is stored in a variable. I have the following code
that does not work

For example

FOR SELECT DISTINCT Events.E_Name, Events.E_SDate, Events.E_City, Events.E_ID FROM Events, IndustryEvents + @sqlquery2
OPEN overdue3

I get an error message at the '+' sign
which says, cannot use empty object or column names, use a single
space if necessary

How do I combine the select statement with the where clause?

Help me...I need help urgently

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Order By Clause In DECLARE CURSOR Select Statement Won't Compile

May 7, 2008

The stored procedure, below, results in this error when I try to compile...

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertImportedReportData, Line 69
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'.

However the select statement itself runs perfectly well as a query, no errors.

The T-SQL manual says you can't use the keywords COMPUTE, COMPUTE BY, FOR BROWSE, and INTO in a cursor select statement, but nothing about plain old ORDER BYs.

What gives with this?

Thanks in advance

The code:

Code Snippet

-- ================================================
IF object_id('InsertImportedReportData ') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE InsertImportedReportData
-- =============================================
-- Author: -----
-- Create date:
-- Description: inserts imported records, marking as duplicates if possible
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertImportedReportData
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@importedReportID int,
@authCode varchar(12)
DECLARE @errmsg VARCHAR(80);

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

--IF (@authCode <> 'TX-TEC')
-- SET @errmsg = 'Unsupported reporting format:' + @authCode
-- RAISERROR(@errmsg, 11, 1);

,[Field1] AS RecordType
,[Field2] AS FormType
,[Field3] AS ItemID
,[Field4] AS EntityCode
,[Field5] AS LastName
,[Field6] AS FirstMiddleNames
,[Field7] AS Title
,[Field8] AS Suffix
,[Field9] AS AddressLine1
,[Field10] AS AddressLine2
,[Field11] AS City
,[Field12] AS [State]
,[Field13] AS ZipFull
,[Field14] AS OutOfStatePAC
,[Field15] AS FecID
,[Field16] AS Date
,[Field17] AS Amount
,[Field18] AS [Description]
,[Field19] AS Employer
,[Field20] AS Occupation
,[Field21] AS AttorneyJob
,[Field22] AS SpouseEmployer
,[Field23] As ChildParentEmployer1
,[Field24] AS ChildParentEmployer2
,[Field25] AS InKindTravel
,[Field26] AS TravellerLastName
,[Field27] AS TravellerFirstMiddleNames
,[Field28] AS TravellerTitle
,[Field29] AS TravellerSuffix
,[Field30] AS TravelMode
,[Field31] As DptCity
,[Field32] AS DptDate
,[Field33] AS ArvCity
,[Field34] AS ArvDate
,[Field35] AS TravelPurpose
,[Field36] AS TravelRecordBackReference
FROM ImportedNativeRecords
AND ReportType IN ('RCPT','PLDG')
ORDER BY ImportedRecordID -- this should work but gives syntax error!


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Moving Average

Oct 25, 2000

Can any one be able to help me to write a querry on Moving Average


Product Volume

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Moving Average

May 22, 2006

Can anyone tell me how to calculate a moving average for the below table?
MONS /vol /counter(the date)
jan/8 / 2006-01-01
feb/9 / etc.
oct/5 / etc.
nov/6 /
dec/7 /
--------------------- I am using the below code, but it is having no effect......
DATEDIFF( month , i2.COUNTER , i1.COUNTER ) Between 0 And 12
) AS MovingAverageOver12Months

thanks in advance, dirwin

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Moving Average

May 13, 2008

Hi All,
I am trying to create a report that shows moving average. Well I found this template:

/*Returns the average value of a member over a specified time interval.*/
AS Avg
[<<Target Dimension>>].[<<Target Hierarchy>>].CurrentMember.Lag(<<Periods to Lag>>) :
[<<Target Dimension>>].[<<Target Hierarchy>>].CurrentMember,
[Measures].[<<Target Measure>>]

// This calculation returns the average value of a member over the specified time interval.
FORMAT_STRING = "Standard";

Only I do not have a specified interal or a constant number that I can place into

.Lag(<<Periods to Lag>>)
The report I have has a parameter that allows you to select a specific team project from a list. Although I have not figured out how to get the iteration paramter to update to only show the specified team project iterations, I want the graph to only show the iterations for that team project and the moving average (in the graph). The problem is that I can't just plug in the number 6 because different projects we have, have different numbers of iterations, and the user can pick any project from the list in the parameter.

Does anyone have suggestions on this?



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Select Statement Based On A Date

Feb 19, 2004

i am not getting a result back when i run the query below.

select * from users where DateCreated = '2004-02-19'

so i went into the table and looked at the record. for DateCreated field i have both date and time. ex: 2004-02-19 08:40:00

how can i select this record with out using the time in the select statement. what i want to see is how many users signed up for a day. any ideas?

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Moving Average Of Last Three Months

Jun 25, 2012

I am attempting to find a moving average for gas production per gas well over a 3 month period. I also would like to only keep the records in which the average of the previous 3 months is less than or equal to 90. My table roughly looks as such:

OperatorID RRCID Year Month Gas Production

I would like to find the average of the last 3 months, or last 3 records.

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SSRS2K5 Moving Average

Apr 17, 2008

Hello Guys,

Im quite new to SSRS and SQL in general and i've found this site to be a goldmine, and I found a thread on here relating to moving averages but I don't think it meets my needs.

I have a simple bar chart in SSRS with a Category Field (Fields!WeekYear.Value) which has the week number and year value on the axis, and a Data Field (Fields!Amount.Value) which is just a quantity for the given week.

Now what I need is a Moving Average of the amount with each new week generated (Simple and 3-point and/or 5-point), I've tried using some code and even functions but nothing is working for me so I was wondering if anyone here can help me out?

PS I've been tinkering with the RunningValue function and my DataSet is called "Cube" so I assumed that the scope should be "Cube" aswell but it only returns an error, am I right or am I being retarded?

As I say I am very new so please be gentle with me :)

Thank You in advance.

Man im a n00b!

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Problem Calculating Moving Average

Jul 20, 2005

Firstly, sorry for the long post, but I've included a fair bit ofsample data.Im doing a comparision of 10yr Bond prices and CPI adjustments, withan 18 week moving average of the CPI. I'm using a nested sub-query tocalculate the moving average, but I'm having difficulty selectingexactly 18 data points (ie When I include the 'HAVING COUNT(C1.Closes)= 18' line, I get no results).Can anyone help?-- Some sample data:CREATE TABLE Bond10 (Closes [datetime] NOT NULL ,Prices [smallmoney] NOT NULL ,)INSERT INTO Bond10SELECT '1994-01-14', 6.57 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-21', 6.53 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-28', 6.44 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-04', 6.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-11', 6.54 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-18', 6.89 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-25', 7.18 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-04', 7.43 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-11', 7.43 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-18', 7.44 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-25', 7.66 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-01', 7.96 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-08', 8.07 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-15', 8.24 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-22', 8.23 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-29', 8.45 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-06', 8.82 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-13', 8.86 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-20', 8.44 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-27', 8.75 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-03', 8.79 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-10', 8.77 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-17', 9.24 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-24', 9.63 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-01', 9.66 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-08', 9.59 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-15', 9.41 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-22', 9.56 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-29', 9.58 UNIONSELECT '1994-08-05', 9.31CREATE TABLE AvgCPI (Closes [datetime] NOT NULL ,AvgCPI [smallmoney] NOT NULL ,)INSERT INTO AvgCPISELECT '1994-01-14', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-21', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-28', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-04', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-11', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-18', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-25', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-04', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-11', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-18', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-25', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-01', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-08', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-15', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-22', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-29', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-06', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-13', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-20', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-27', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-03', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-10', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-17', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-24', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-01', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-08', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-15', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-22', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-29', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-08-05', 1.80-- My query so far:SELECT A1.Closes, A1.Prices, B1.AvgCPI, SUM(C1.AvgCPI) AS MovSumCPI,AVG(C1.AvgCPI) AS MovAvgCPI, COUNT(C1.AvgCPI) AS CounterFROM (SELECT Closes, Prices FROM Bond10) A1LEFT JOIN (SELECT Closes, AvgCPI FROM AvgCPI) B1 ON A1.Closes = B1.ClosesLEFT JOIN (SELECT Closes, AvgCPI FROM AvgCPI) C1 ON C1.Closes >= A1.Closes AND DATEADD(Week,-18,C1.Closes) <A1.ClosesGROUP BY A1.Closes, A1.Prices, B1.AvgCPI, C1.AvgCPI-- HAVING COUNT(C1.Closes) = 18ORDER BY A1.ClosesDROP TABLE Bond10DROP TABLE AvgCPIExpected ResultsCloses Bon10 AvCPI MovAvg========== ==== ==== ====14-Jan-94 6.57 2.0414-Jan-94 6.57 2.0421-Jan-94 6.53 2.0421-Jan-94 6.53 2.0428-Jan-94 6.44 2.0428-Jan-94 6.44 2.044-Feb-94 6.51 2.044-Feb-94 6.51 2.044-Feb-94 6.51 2.0411-Feb-94 6.54 2.0411-Feb-94 6.54 2.0411-Feb-94 6.54 2.0418-Feb-94 6.89 2.0418-Feb-94 6.89 2.0418-Feb-94 6.89 2.0425-Feb-94 7.18 2.0425-Feb-94 7.18 2.0425-Feb-94 7.18 2.04 2.044-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 2.014-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 1.9811-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 1.9511-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 1.9218-Mar-94 7.44 1.51 1.8918-Mar-94 7.44 1.51 1.8625-Mar-94 7.66 1.51 1.8325-Mar-94 7.66 1.51 1.801-Apr-94 7.96 1.51 1.781-Apr-94 7.96 1.51 1.758-Apr-94 8.07 1.51 1.728-Apr-94 8.07 1.51 1.6915-Apr-94 8.24 1.51 1.6615-Apr-94 8.24 1.51 1.6322-Apr-94 8.23 1.51 1.6022-Apr-94 8.23 1.51 1.5729-Apr-94 8.45 1.51 1.5429-Apr-94 8.45 1.51 1.516-May-94 8.82 1.51 1.516-May-94 8.82 1.51 1.5113-May-94 8.86 1.51 1.5113-May-94 8.86 1.51 1.5120-May-94 8.44 1.51 1.5120-May-94 8.44 1.51 1.5127-May-94 8.75 1.51 1.5127-May-94 8.75 1.51 1.513-Jun-94 8.79 1.8 1.5310-Jun-94 8.77 1.8 1.5417-Jun-94 9.24 1.8 1.5624-Jun-94 9.63 1.8 1.571-Jul-94 9.66 1.8 1.598-Jul-94 9.59 1.8 1.6115-Jul-94 9.41 1.8 1.6222-Jul-94 9.56 1.8 1.6429-Jul-94 9.58 1.8 1.665-Aug-94 9.31 1.8 1.67Thanks,Stephen

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Need Gridview To Display Different Columns Based On New SELECT Statement

Apr 23, 2008

I have built an Advanced Search page which allows users to select which columns to return (via checkbox) and to enter search criteria for any of the selected columns (into textboxes). I build the SQL statement from the properties of the controls. Works great.
My problem is getting my gridview control to play nicely. At first I used a SqlDataReader and bound the gridview to it, thus giving me the ability to run new SQL statements through it (with different columns each time). Worked nicely. But, per Microsoft, sorting can only be done if the gridview is bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. So I wrote the code to handle sorting. No big deal; worked nicely. But I could not adjust the column widths programmatically unless bound to a datasource control like the SqlDataSource. And could not figure out a work around.
So, I decided to use the SqlDataSource. Works great. Except, I cannot figure out how to run a new SELECT statement through the SQLDataSource and have the gridview respond accordingly. If I try to return anything other than the exact same columns defined declaratively in the html, it pukes. But I need to be able to return a new selection of columns each time. For example, first time through the user selects columns 1,2,3,4 – the gridview should show those 4 columns. The second time the user selects columns 2,5,7 – the gridview should those 3 columns (and ONLY those 3 columns). Plus support selection and sorting.
I am desperate on this. I've burned 2.5 days researching and testing.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Transact SQL :: Where Clause Based On Select Statement From Another Table

Jul 9, 2015

I basically want to select all GRNID's from one table but they have to be between dates in another table.So I want all GRN's between two dates found in the ABSPeriodEndDate table. To find out the start date for the between clause I need to find the MAX Period then minus 1 and the max year. To find the end date of the between clause I want I need to find both the max period and year. But I want the DateStamp column to return the results for the between clause. My query is below:

INNER JOIN ABSPeriodEndDates ON tblGRNItem.DateCreated = ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp
WHERE tblGRNItem.DateCreated BETWEEN
(SELECT ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp FROM ABSPeriodEndDates WHERE ABSPeriodEndDates.DateStamp = (SELECT


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SQL Server 2012 :: Cumulative Average Without Cursor

Jul 29, 2015

I am trying to calculate cumulative GPA which is currently it is being done via a cursor and i was looking to change it to set based if possible.

The cumulative GPA is basically the average marks of all courses in a term and all previous terms. Where I am having an issue is if the course was taken in a previous term and the mark was lower, then the lower mark in not factored in to the GPA. If a course was taken in a previous term and the mark was higher then the marks for the current term are not factored into the GPA.

In the example below, math is taken in all three terms and the current term's mark is included in the GPA but not the previous terms because current terms mark is higher. Two classes (bio,chem) are taken in third term but not included due to marks being higher in second term.

CREATE TABLE [gpa]([term] int,
[course] varchar(10),
[mark] float);
VALUES (1,'math',3),

[Code] .....

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Reporting Services :: Create A Directory Based On Select Statement

Oct 21, 2015

I have the below script to create directories based on my select statement.

create table students
f_name varchar(100),
l_name varchar(100)
insert into students values ('John','Smith'),

[Code] ...

The result I am getting is truncating the directory names as in the below:

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Select Statement Where One Of Columns Assigns Sequential Value To Each Row Based On Item Number

Jul 14, 2014

I have a table that holds notes for item's. I'm want to do a select statement where one of my columns assigns a sequential value to each row based on the item number. Would like data to look like this where doc_no would be my row_number function:

item_no seq_no note doc_no
ABC 1 blah 1
ABC 2 blahh 1
ABC 3 bla3 1
XYZ 1 more n 2
XYZ 2 another 2
EFG 1 blahhh 3

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GridView Based On SQLServerDataSource Using A Select Union Statement, Impacts On Update And Insert?

Jan 3, 2006

I have a GridView dispalying from a SQLServerDataSource that is using a SQL Select Union statement (like the following):

SELECT    FirstName,    LastNameFROM    MasterUNION ALLSELECT    FirstName,    LastNameFROM    CustomORDER BY    LastName,    FirstName
I am wondering how to create Update and Insert statements for this SQLServerDataSource since the select is actually driving from two different tables (Master and Custom).  Any ideas if or how this can be done?  Specifically, I want the Custom table to be editable, but not the Master table.  Any examples or ideas would be very much appreciated!

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Getting The Average Results Based On Time.

Nov 19, 2006

The table has columns like this.
time smalldatetime
value1 int
value2 int

for example,
'2006-11-16 12:00:00',100,200
'2006-11-16 13:00:00',110,210
'2006-11-16 14:00:00',120,220

The record is inserted at every hour.

I want get daily,monthly,yearly average and display the result ordered by time.

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Average Based On A Scenario

Oct 30, 2015

Col1                      Col2       Col3          Col4
54763.00              21           0              0             
59574.00              23           0              0             
64085.00              20           0              0             
0.0               0.00      0           0              0             

I'm trying to calculate Average of Col1 of above table based on below scenario:

CASE WHEN all the columns in the above table are “0” (as highlighted) THEN I want AVERAGE of Col1 as (Row1+Row2+Row3)/3

ELSE if at least one of the column of highlighted row has value other than “0”, THEN I want the AVERAGE of Col1 to be (Row1+Row2+Row3+Row4)/4

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Matrix Report:Adding Average Column/Sorting Based On Last Month/Conditional Formating

Aug 2, 2007

I have a matrix report with 2 column SaleAmount and ProfitAmounts by Month like

Sale Profit
Dealer 5/1/2007 6/1/2007 7/1/2007 5/1/2007 6/1/2007 7/1/2007
A 100 200 300 20 25 15
B 200 250 50 30 45 19

how can i do following 3 things

1)Add Total column for Sale and Average column for Profit
2)Sort report by lastMonth of Sale (here 7/1/2007) High to low
3)if last month of sale(here 7/1/2007) is less than second last month here (6/1/2007) whole row should be red


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Moving From 2000 To 2005: Issue Accessing Cursor Returned By Sp

Apr 28, 2006

I have a number of triggers that call a stored procedure that returns a cursor. The triggers then use the results of this cursor to do other actions.

My problem is that this works fine in SQL2000 but just won't work in SQL2005. When I try to access the results of the returned cursor, I get an error -2147217900 could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.

If I port the code contained in the sp into the trigger, it runs fine. But having to port over the sp's code defeats the whole concept of being able to re-use the sp.

Does anybody have any ideas of what could be going on?

I look forward to a quick response.


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Performance Table - Update Statement For 13 Week Average

Oct 16, 2013

I need to figure out the correct update statement syntax for the following integration.

I have a "Performance Table" which i insert weekly performance numbers into for each store. The table is constructed w/ columns such as Store, Weekenddate, Sales, Refunds, #ofPatients

In a "Averages Table" i have every weekenddate for each store populated. So 52 Weeks for 10 stores = 520 Rows of Store numbers & WeekendDates.

What i would like to do is run a loop or update statement which would update the store average for each weekendate based on the last 13 weeks.

This is my query

update performancestore_avgs set SalesAvg =
(select sum(SalesHit)/Count(Store) from performance_store where performance_store.weekenddate >= performancestore_avgs.weekenddate-84 and =

The update statement runs but the averages are completely wrong.

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Cursor Based SQL?

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone have any good references they could recommend on Cursorbased SQL writing? I have to create SQL that can loop though recordssimular to VB loops and I have been told that this is the way to go.Any recommendations would be helpful.

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Select Duplicate Rows And Average Them.

Mar 25, 2008

I have a table with four columns: id, value1, value2, and name. I need to select all duplicate rows with the same name in the name field. Once selected I need to average the value1 and value2 rows with each other. Then I would like to delete the duplicate rows and replace with the new averaged values. Should I first move the duplicate rows to a temp table and then average? Any help would be appreciated.

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SELECT Average Values FROM Another Table

May 19, 2008

So I have this table called "listings"... there are 100 unique listings with an integer ID for each.

I have another table called "ratings"... in there are multiple entries that have a listing_id field and a rating field. The rating field is a value from 0-10.

I want to select ALL "listings" from the listings table... and then sort based on the average number that the multiple rating fields in the ratings table has for that listing.

I CAN NOT figure it out!! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please respond if I have not explained this properly. Thanks in advance.

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How To Write Set-based SQL Instead Of Cursor

Nov 9, 2005

Here's the scenario

create table data1 (dealid varchar(6) , datex smalldatetime , Tn INT)
insert data1 (dealid , datex , Tn )
values ('12345' , '31-12-2005' , 9999)
insert data1 (dealid , datex , Tn )
values ('12345' , '30-11-2005' , 9999)
insert data1 (dealid , datex , Tn )
values ('12345' , '31-10-2005' , 9999)
insert data1 (dealid , datex , Tn )
values ('98765' , '31-12-2005' , 2)
insert data1 (dealid , datex , Tn )
values ('98765' , '30-11-2005' , 1)
insert data1 (dealid , datex , Tn )
values ('98765' , '30-11-2005' , 0)
select * from data1

I need to update the Tn column from the default 9999 for the 3 rows in this table where the dealid is 12345 based on the value in the datex column so the row with the 'highest ie most recent date' gets a 0. I then need to assign the value 1 to the next highest and so on until all rows (in this case 3) get incrementing integer values. It's easy with a cursor but can't get my head round doing it in a set-based way
Any ideas

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Cursor, Set Based Approach

Sep 7, 2007

I am replacing cursor logic in a SP to a setbased approach to scale better. My setbased approach seems to be better but it runs very fractionaly faster (execution time) than the cursor approach for a single run in test environment. I think resource cost wise, my set based approach should be better. Number of rows iterated thru this cursor is small (0-150). This particular SP is called over 2000 times in production everyday. Is it worth the trouble changing this if we get only marginally benefits, will my set-based approach work better on a server that has lot of activity (lot of connections etc). Our db server runs at about 75-85% cpu usage daily and this particular SP accounts to 13% CPU usage for 2000+ executions.

If the data set involved in cursors is small, is it worth the trouble changing them to set based approaches?
Am I doing right to change this SP to setbased approach.

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Moving From Access To A Web Based Approach

Aug 7, 2006

Hi all.

I am not a programer but managed to piece together an Access database that is the backbone of my company.

My IT group advised me to move to an SQL server back end and move to a web based front end.

My question. I am very comfortible with Access and modify the databases regularly. What front end is most like Access for modifying forms, reports, macros, etc.


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