SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting Time Span Into Multiple Entries?

Jul 10, 2014

Looking for returning multiple entries from a time span. I have a date, start-time, end-time and duration. I need the start-times separated in a list. It's fine if temp tables are needed - I have that clearance.

Entry might look like:

(datetime) date: 7/10/2014

(int) start-time 820

(int) end-time 1000

(int) duration 20

The result would needed:

(datetime) 7/10/2014 08:20:00

(datetime) 7/10/2014 08:40:00

(datetime) 7/10/2014 09:00:00

(datetime) 7/10/2014 09:20:00

(datetime) 7/10/2014 09:40:00

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SQL Server 2014 :: Split Time Span Into Multiple Records?

Oct 30, 2015

I have a table that includes the fields below:

Machine - TINYINT
StartTime - DATETIME

What I am trying to do is figure out how much time is used for production per day. The problem is, there are production runs that run over midnight and possible multiple days without ending. For example, if I have the following data:

ID - 1
Machine - 2
StartTime - 2015-09-01 22:00:00.000
EndTime - 2015-09-03 22:00:00.000

So what I am looking for is taking the above record and turning it into 3 records like below:

ID Machine StartTime EndTime
1 2 2015-09-01 22:00:00.000 2015-09-01 23:59:59.999
1 2 2015-09-02 00:00:00.000 2015-09-02 23:59:59.999
1 2 2015-09-03 00:00:00.000 2015-09-03 22:00:00.000

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting One Row Into Multiple

Aug 27, 2014

I'm quite new to SQL. I'm able to extract the info that I need, but only into a result of one row, like:

Order header | Order details

ID | Customer name | Customer address | Product number | Product name | Quantity | Price | Product number | Product name | Quantity | Price
2 Andy Andy's way 2 24 Glue 3 35 39 Oyster 2 9

I would like the query to return it in this way:

2AndyAndy's way 2

Is it even possible?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Return Values With Multiple Entries Only

May 9, 2014

Very basically, I need to return a result set based on another value and only if there are multiples of that other value.

Example. select * from mytable

Returns (--column separater)


So I want a query that would return only


The query cannot be something as simple as this:

Select * from mytable where John=1 or John=3

I have to many possible results to plan like that. I am thinking some kind of aggregate with a group.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting A Single Column Into Multiple Columns?

Mar 3, 2015

I have a description field in a table which also stores unit of measure in the same column but with some space between them, I need to split these into two different columns.

For Eg:


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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting Column Values In Multiple Columns And Assigning It To Row

Dec 11, 2013

How do I write a query using the split function for the following requirement.I have a table in the following way

Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1,2,3 200,300,400 3,4,6
2 Test2 3,4,5 300,455,600 2,3,8

I want an output in the following format

Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1 200 3
1 Test1 2 300 4
1 Test1 3 400 6
2 Test2 3 300 2
2 Test2 4 455 3
2 Test2 5 600 8

If you see the data, first element in col1 is matched to first element in col2 and 3 after splitting the string.

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SQL 2012 :: Splitting TempDB With Multiple Files?

May 21, 2015

So we have new servers that are going to be installed with SQL 2012 and I'm debating the wisdom of splitting tempdb with multiple files.

I know it's a myth that performance automatically improves if you split it into a number of files based on processors, but I'm debating the wisdom of putting a file on each of my data / log file drives.

For instance, I have a server with a C: drive (OS), D: drive (Data for system DBs and install of programs - 458 GB), an F: drive for user DB data files (767 GB), and a J: drive for log files (255 GB).

Obviously no files are going on C:. I'm debating on whether or not we should even leave system DBs on the D: drive given in our current 2k8 servers, we end up with Memory.dmp files over flowing the D: drives as well as .cabs and other install / update files that tend to collect on that drive over the years.

But if we leave the system DBs on D:, I'm wondering if adding a second tempdb file to F: and a third to J: will improve query performance or not.

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Calculate Elapsed Time Between Dates And Exclude A Time Span.

Dec 18, 2007

I need a formula to calculate the time (let's say in minutes) between two dates/times.
The problem is that I have to exclude the time between 06 PM and 06 AM and also exclude the time in the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).
I will use this in a couple of reports made in Reporting Services.
If anyone have an algoritm that could be modified for this and is willing to share this I would be very grateful.
Many thanks!
/Per Lissel

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Group By Time Span

Feb 16, 2006

I have a database where user events are recorded quite frequently. I'd like to be able to get a count of the 'good' events that happen in each 5 second period. Unfortunately I don't know how to display and group by a time range.

Here is the query I would like to change:
SELECT count(*), clientTime
WHERE (sessionId = '122b') AND (type = N'sys_goodaction') AND (paraName = 'value')
GROUP BY clientTime

It returns records like:
1 |2006-02-16 23:21:05.250
1 |2006-02-16 23:21:05.267
1 |2006-02-16 23:21:06.470

I'd like it to return records like:
5 |2006-02-16 23:21:06 - 23:21:10
3 |2006-02-16 23:21:11 - 23:21:15
4 |2006-02-16 23:21:16 - 23:21:20

Anyone know how I could do this? Is it even possible?


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How To Compare One Time Span To Another One

Nov 18, 2013

I have to compare two time duration for a resource booking system. for example if a resource is booked for 9.00am to 2.00am ,it must not be booked during that duration and other coinciding times e.g 1.00pm to 2.00 pm should not be booked or even 9.00 am to 5.00pm should not be booked.

how can i write a sql query for this.

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How To Retrieve Time Span??

Sep 18, 2007


Some advice appreciated on the following, thanks!
I have this query:
select field1, field2, astartdate, anenddate
from atable
where astartdate BETWEEN '9/11/2007 12:00:00 AM' AND '9/18/2007 11:59:59 PM'

I need the results to be like the following:
field1,field2,anenddate-astartdate <<that's minus

Thank you for the help!


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How To Exact Span Of Time From A Record

Aug 23, 2012

I am not sure how to go about doing this. I have a record that has a start time of 1 am and a stop time of 9pm (same day for simplicity) and I want to know how many hours during a peek time and how many were not.

For example, the application starts and inserts into the data base the start time of 1am and then the user stops the app at 9pm. Lets say the peek hours are 1pm to 7pm. I know i can do a date diff function to get how long the app ran for but how can I get the amount of hours it ran during the peek time? I know there has to be some mathematical solution to this but it is escaping me at the moment. I want to do this over many records so a a cte or pivot table is the end solution for performance.

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Summing Time Span (for Total Per Hour)

Sep 12, 2013

field prodDate puts out values as such:

8/12/2013 7:50:15
8/12/2013 7:51:03
8/12/2013 7:53:42
8/12/2013 7:54:12
8/12/2013 7:56:02
8/12/2013 14:57:57
8/12/2013 14:59:59

I'd like to get a time span sum beginning with the first prodDate entry and ending with the last.

The idea is I'll then use that to divide lbs produced, thus giving me a gauge for lb per hour.

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Time Span Across Several Related Records

Nov 19, 2015

I need a boost to understand how to get started on solving this SQL Query.

TicketId Seq StatusDateTime

T10001 1 2015-05-04 15:54:00.000
T10001 2 2015-05-04 16:35:00.000
T10001 3 2015-05-04 16:42:00.000
T10001 4 2015-05-05 08:19:00.000
T10002 1 2015-05-04 15:56:00.000
T10002 2 2015-05-04 15:57:00.000

I need to find the total StatusDateTime for each TicketId
I need to find the average StatusDateTime for all TicketIDs
Ex. TicketId, "T10001", has 4 records based on the Seq column.

By using this, I should be able to find the amount of time between the first Seq and the last Seq to get a total time span for Ticket.

Expanding on this, I should be able to add up all of the Ticket's calculated time spans and divide by the number of tickets to get the average time span.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Find Duplicate Rows Like Same Entries More Than One Time?

Sep 11, 2014

i have a table like below

create table staff_attendance
attendance_id int,
attendace_date datetime,
staff_id int,
working_year int,
hours int

values like

1 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10121
2 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10122
3 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10122 ----same entry like previous one
4 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST10121
5 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST10122
6 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST10121
7 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST10122
8 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10221
9 2014-06-30 00:00:00.0ST10222
10 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST1022 1
11 2014-07-01 00:00:00.0ST102 22
12 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST102 21
13 2014-07-02 00:00:00.0ST102 22

I Need to find the duplicate rows like same entries which is having more than 1 rows.... how do i find?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting Data Between Two Columns

Dec 15, 2014

Here's the resultset:


Expected result:

PR-10-01004-2 CC-09-00032-D

What I need is split the data into two columns if data in column Main starts with 'PR-' then output result to column P and if it starts with 'CC-' then to column C (the output needs to be in one table).

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting Column Value While Keeping Existing Data?

Jun 22, 2015

Currently I have a column with multiple postcodes in one value which are split with the “/” character along with the corresponding location data. What I need to do is split these postcode values into separate rows while keeping their corresponding location data.

For example:


Would become


how this can be done?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Find Multiple Entries In Two Fields One Table?

Sep 12, 2014

I am trying to find books which have the same title and publisher name as at least two other books and need to also show the book ref (ISBN number). I have the below script so far:

SELECT isbn, title, publishername
FROM book
WHERE title in (SELECT title
FROM book
GROUP BY title
HAVING count(title)>2 or count(publishername)>2)
order by title;

This is a snap shot of the output:

ISBN Title Publishername
0-1311804-3-6 C Prentice Hall
* 0-0788132-1-2 C OSBORNE MCGRAW-HILL
* 0-9435183-3-4 C Database Development MIS
* 1-5582806-2-6 C Database Development MIS

[Code] ....

What I should be seeing is only the ones I have put an * next to. What am I missing from the scrip?

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Help With Multiple Entries

Jun 12, 2006


I need help desperately. The following is an example of the data that I have.

I have two tables one name Customers and the other named Orders. The tables have the following attributes

CustomerNum, CustomerName, OrderNum

OrderNum, OrderDesc, CustomerNum

Bare in mind that the CustomerNum can have multiple customers attached to it, example a whole family (I know bad database design but it's too late to change) Let's use the following info for the tables respectively

0001 Sharon Bigbsy 1234
0001 Dale Bigbsy 1235
0001 Omar Bigbsy 1236

1234 Chips 0001
1235 Gatorade 0001
1236 Candy 0001

The query i'm using is select Customer.CustomerNum, Customer.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDesc from CUSTOMER, ORDERS where CUSTOMER.CustomerNum = ORDER.CustomerNum

The results are as follows

0001 Sharon Bigbsy Chips 1234
0001 Sharon Bigbsy Gatorade 1235
0001 Sharon Bigbsy Candy 1236
0001 Dale Bigbsy Chips 1234
0001 Dale Bigbsy Gatorade 1235
0001 Dale Bigbsy Candy 1236
0001 Omar Bigbsy Chips 1234
0001 Omar Bigbsy Gatorade 1235
0001 Omar Bigbsy Candy 1236

It's giving all the orders place to each customer name but I need only the following

0001 Sharon Bigbsy Chips 1234
0001 Dale Bigbsy Gatorade 1235
0001 Omar Bigbsy Candy 1236

I'm using SQL in MS Access 2003. Please disregard the abnormalities of the tables, it's someone else's work I inherited with over 6000 entried.

Any help will be greatly appreciated

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Splitting A Column Into Multiple Columns?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to split a column using comma a delimiter into multiple columns. I am able to do it if i know how many column will be present in the final output. But in daily run, the columns may vary randomly.

how to split columns without hardcoding how many columns it ll come.

This is the code am using

WITH Split_Names (Fil_id,Name, xmlname)


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Splitting Row Into Multiple Rows

May 14, 2015

I have a table that has for example data

I am looking to write a script that will change the first table into the second table.......

Table 1

Account No Name other field
1 Mr T and Mrs M Lambert xxx

I need to rewrite this as

Table 2

Account No split Name other field
1 a Mr T Lambert xxx
1 b Mrs M Lambert xxx

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Splitting 1 Column Into Multiple Columns

Apr 28, 2014

I have 1 column (memberassignment_1) that has the string in it - Port=A; Code=B; Sfx=C; Name=D; Night=E; Sig_Grp=F

I want to split this into 6 columns - Port, Code, sfx, Name, Night, Sig_Grp



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Help Splitting 1 Column Of Data Into Multiple

Apr 30, 2008


I have a table which has data "dumped" into it nightly and i need to create a "clean" table. Below are some sample rows:


all the columns are separated with a "|" but the amount of columns are not fixed, so in lines 1 & 2 they are 4 columns and in line 3 there is 7 columns

thanks in advanced


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Multiple Entries Script...help

Sep 28, 2005

Ok,In one table, I need to find all instances of multiple entries of aninvoice number in the column InvoiceNumber.For example, there may be more than one entrie of 321, 567, and 987in column InvoiceNumber.321 skin care product321 vitamins321 bottled water567 rubbing alcohol567 dental floss987 fabric softener987 tissue paper987 marlboro cigarettsAny help is appreciated.Thanks,Trint

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Splitting Text String Into Multiple Columns

Dec 19, 2002

I'm creating a web-based NT RAS report site and am looking for the most efficient way to import the data from NT Event log into SQL2k. I'm using the 'dumpel' utility from rsc kit and all is fine except the 10th column - the message detail:

"The user DOMAINuserid connected on port Mdm15 on 08/23/2002 at 07:25am and disconnected on 08/23/2002 at 07:27am. The user was active for 2 minutes 23 seconds. 78809 bytes were sent and 50675 bytes were received. The port speed was 49300."

I need to parse this one long text string into 6 distinct columns: userID, port, duration, bytes_xmt, bytes_rcv and portspeed. After a quick review of the rowsets, the strings seem to hold a consistent output ... no real variances I can see.

I've dablled with views but am facing a small performance issue that could get bigger: The sql server not only has to run the text file import package, but also the view to format the text dump into a workable dataset, then my report code bangs over 30 queries against the final dataset. It already takes our SQL2k server over 3 minutes to parse about 20,000 rows and the server's a beast (dual 1.8 p4 cpu, 3gb ram, raid, etc).

What I think would work best is to abandon the view (performance will only get worse as the row count increases) and instead INSERT the rows into one table.

Any ideas anyone? any good scripts out there that can help me to parse the long text string quicker that using substring and replace functions?

TIA:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Retrieving Data From Table With 7 Million Entries Takes Time

Jul 25, 2007

Can anyone help me on this...
when i select data from table using select statement it takes huge amount of time....The table contains 7 million entries and when i select by mentioning a criteria it takes around 45 secs..The system has 4GB RAM and Dual Processing CPU. The select statement does not contain any grouping and all..

Will it take this much time to retrieve data.?.
The table does include an indexed field,
So can anyone help me on the different things i can do to make the retrieval faster?


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Inserting Multiple Entries Against 1 Record

Jan 17, 2008

Hi All,

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio with SQL Server 2005 (SP2).

I have not had much experience with t-SQL and iterative logic implementation through SQL, therefore I think my problem is fairly basic for most of the pros here.

Here it goes...

I have two tables at hand, TestTab1 and TestTab2.

TestTab1 contains two attributes (columns) namely account_name (nvarchar(50)) and entry_count (int). For all rows in TestTab1, account_name is unique, i.e. for each account_name there is only 1 row in TestTab1. This is my source table.

TestTab2 contains one attribute namely account_name (nvarchar(50)). This table is empty and is my destination table.

I need to insert X entries (rows) for each account_name into TestTab2 where X is the int value in entry_count againt each account_name in TestTab1.

In other words, I need to insert account_name into TestTab2 as many times as the number in entry_count indicates.

I tried reading through the documentation but the help was not friendly enough for me to understand how to implement this.

Looking forward to the pro support.


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SQL 2012 :: String Splitting Using Like And Data Cleansing

Mar 28, 2014

I have a large poorly designed table (inherited) With a Name field that contains comma delimited text containing address information. I need to do several things with it but unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any true consistency in it. When it displays in its own text box it works by placing each section on a new Line and looks ok.But I need to pull it apart and place things like unit number, Building Name in its own column etc. In the data it could be in either the 2nd,3rd, 4th, dependent on what came 1st. the data looks some thing like the following

unitNumber/StreetNumber Space StreetName (Building Name), Subub,City,Country

Some addresses won't have unit number or Suburb or country so when splitting you could have Suburbs and Citys in multiple columns even if you try and stagger the split process.Has any body go a good tool or reference site for dealing for this sort of problem. I have a table that I have made up that has some of the street names that could be used for comparing against existing records but it is by no means fool proof due to spelling inconsistencies . I also have another list of Common building names that could be used to compare, remove and place in the new building column.

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Splitting A Comma Seperated Column Into Multiple Rows

Jan 18, 2006

Hi i want to create a table as follows :if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[Indexes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [Indexes]GOCreate table Indexes(indexname Varchar(100), index_DescriptionVarchar(100), index_keys Varchar(100))GOINSERT INTO Indexes EXEC sp_helpindex 'SDM_Fact_Order_Detail'GOThis will give me a table (northwind)IX_Auto_SDM_Fact_FK_Shipped_Date nonclustered located onSAMIS_SDM_Index FK_Shipped_DateIX_Auto_SDM_Fact_Order_Detail_FK_Insert_Dateclustered located onSAMIS_SDM_Data1FK_Insert_Date, FK_Insert_TimeAs you see sp_helpindex will give me a comma seperated field. I wantto split the third column FK_Insert_Date, FK_Insert_Time into a extrarowLike this :IX_Auto_SDM_Fact_FK_Shipped_Date FK_Shipped_DateIX_Auto_SDM_Fact_Order_Detail_FK_Insert_Date FK_Insert_DateIX_Auto_SDM_Fact_Order_Detail_FK_Insert_Date FK_Insert_TimeCan anyone help me with this?ThanxHennie

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Splitting A String By A Delimiter, But Ignoring Multiple Delimiters

Oct 22, 2007


I have a function which takes a string and a delimter. It then splits the string by the delimter and returns a table of resultant strings:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[vs_SplitTags] (@sep char(1), @s varchar(512))




WITH Pieces(pn, start, stop) AS


SELECT 1, 1, CHARINDEX(@sep, @s)


SELECT pn + 1, stop + 1, CHARINDEX(@sep, @s, stop + 1)

FROM Pieces

WHERE stop > 0



SUBSTRING(@s, start, CASE WHEN stop > 0 THEN stop-start ELSE 512 END) AS s

FROM Pieces


This works very well, other than instances of the delimter are, themselves, considered to be results. For example:

SELECT * FROM vs_SplitTags(' ', 'foo bar') AS result
pn s
1 foo
2 bar

which is exactly the result I would want.

SELECT * FROM vs_SplitTags(' ', ' foo bar ') AS result -- There are spaces before 'foo' and after 'bar'
pn s
2 foo
3 bar

SELECT * FROM vs_SplitTags(' ', 'foo bar') AS result -- There are two spaces between 'foo' and 'bar'
pn s
1 foo
4 bar

I want the function to ignore whitespace altogether, be it a single space or multiple spaces. Other than to delimit the boundries between words, of course.

In other words, all three examples above should produce the same result:
pn s
1 foo
2 bar

How can I do this? Any thoughts much appreciated...

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Multiple Starting Up Database Log Entries??? SQL 2000

Nov 20, 2001

The log for our SQL 2000 database shows constant "starting up database dbname" entires. Is there a option that causes the databases to constantly be starting or is this a new feature of SQL 2000.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Concatenate Multiple Rows In Multiple Columns

Aug 5, 2014

I concatenate multiple rows from one table in multiple columns like this:

--Create Table
CREATE TABLE [Person].[Person_1](
[BusinessEntityID] [int] NOT NULL,
[PersonType] [nchar](2) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

This works very well, but I want to concatenate more rows with different [PersonType]-Values in different columns and I don't like the overhead, of using the same table in every subquery ([Person_1]). Is there a more elegant way to do this, without using a temp table or something else?

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SQL 2012 :: Splitting Non-uniform Concatenated Address Column Into 2 Different Columns

Jan 13, 2015

I have a very interesting problem in T-SQL coding for which I can't figure out the solution. Actually there is a Line_1_Address column in our data warehouse address table which is being populated from various sources. Some sources have already concatenated house number + street address fields in the Line_1_Address column whereas one source has separated columns for both data fields.

Now I'm trying to extract data from this data warehouse table and I need to split the house number from street address and load it into separate columns in my destination table. In case there is no data for house number then I should load it as NULL.

The issue is that data in this Line_1_Address column is very inconsistent so I don't know which functions to use. Here is some sample data for your consideration:

101 E Commerce ST
120 E Commerce ST
2 Po Box
301 W. Bel Air Ave
West Main Street, PO Box 1388

[Code] .....

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