SQL 2012 :: Splitting Non-uniform Concatenated Address Column Into 2 Different Columns

Jan 13, 2015

I have a very interesting problem in T-SQL coding for which I can't figure out the solution. Actually there is a Line_1_Address column in our data warehouse address table which is being populated from various sources. Some sources have already concatenated house number + street address fields in the Line_1_Address column whereas one source has separated columns for both data fields.

Now I'm trying to extract data from this data warehouse table and I need to split the house number from street address and load it into separate columns in my destination table. In case there is no data for house number then I should load it as NULL.

The issue is that data in this Line_1_Address column is very inconsistent so I don't know which functions to use. Here is some sample data for your consideration:

101 E Commerce ST
120 E Commerce ST
2 Po Box
301 W. Bel Air Ave
West Main Street, PO Box 1388

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting A Single Column Into Multiple Columns?

Mar 3, 2015

I have a description field in a table which also stores unit of measure in the same column but with some space between them, I need to split these into two different columns.

For Eg:


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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting Column Values In Multiple Columns And Assigning It To Row

Dec 11, 2013

How do I write a query using the split function for the following requirement.I have a table in the following way

Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1,2,3 200,300,400 3,4,6
2 Test2 3,4,5 300,455,600 2,3,8

I want an output in the following format

Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1 200 3
1 Test1 2 300 4
1 Test1 3 400 6
2 Test2 3 300 2
2 Test2 4 455 3
2 Test2 5 600 8

If you see the data, first element in col1 is matched to first element in col2 and 3 after splitting the string.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting Data Between Two Columns

Dec 15, 2014

Here's the resultset:


Expected result:

PR-10-01004-2 CC-09-00032-D

What I need is split the data into two columns if data in column Main starts with 'PR-' then output result to column P and if it starts with 'CC-' then to column C (the output needs to be in one table).

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Splitting A Column Into Multiple Columns?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to split a column using comma a delimiter into multiple columns. I am able to do it if i know how many column will be present in the final output. But in daily run, the columns may vary randomly.

how to split columns without hardcoding how many columns it ll come.

This is the code am using

WITH Split_Names (Fil_id,Name, xmlname)


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Splitting 1 Column Into Multiple Columns

Apr 28, 2014

I have 1 column (memberassignment_1) that has the string in it - Port=A; Code=B; Sfx=C; Name=D; Night=E; Sig_Grp=F

I want to split this into 6 columns - Port, Code, sfx, Name, Night, Sig_Grp



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Splitting One Column Data Into Number Of Columns

Nov 20, 2014

I need splitting one column data into number of columns.

Name. Below are the sample of names

Doxycycline 200 mg capsule
Effexor 100 mg tablet
Duragesic 50 mcg/hr Transderm Patch
Ambien CR 6.25 mg Tab

My desired results are below..

name dosemeasmisc
Effexor 100mgtablet
Duragesic 50mcgTransderm Patch
Ambien CR 6.25mgTab

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting Column Value While Keeping Existing Data?

Jun 22, 2015

Currently I have a column with multiple postcodes in one value which are split with the “/” character along with the corresponding location data. What I need to do is split these postcode values into separate rows while keeping their corresponding location data.

For example:


Would become


how this can be done?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Get Email Address From Varchar Column

Mar 11, 2014

i have a situation where is need to get email address from a varchar column. Here is some sample data for five records; The format can be change.

dummy text;
Tel: +44 (0)1234 566788;
Email: bbc@co.uk

Admissions dummy text;
T: +44 (0)1234 4444;
E: xyz@co.uk;

dummy text;
dummy text;
Tel: +123 32323 33;
Email: test@yahoo.com;

dummy text;
t: +88 (0) 115 333 5553;
f: +99 (0) 115 222 8888
e: dummy@gmail.com;

dummy text;
t: +11 (0) 222 222 2222;
e: myemail@test.com;

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Change Format Of Concatenated Columns

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to have my output return this, "$-2,778.90 $$$ IN NETWORK DISCOUNT", instead of what I am currently getting which is this "-2779 $$$ IN NETWORK DISCOUNT" using:

LTRIM(STR(ar_billtrans_payadj.amount)+ ' ' + '$$$' + ' ' + ut_journalcode.[description]) AS PPmtTypeDesc

ar_billtrans_payadj.amount datatype is decimal
ut_journalcod.[description] datatype is varchar

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Insert Column Concatenated For Each Column In Another Table

Jun 13, 2012

I have a table where one column is an id card number (col1) and another is another column (col2). In col2 I have various values for each col1 ie col1 can have various values of col2. How can i insert col1 concatenated for each col1 in another table?

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Concatenated Column Returns Null

Mar 7, 2008

Hi folks,I have an issue with a column I created in my query called Instance.SELECT Object_Id, Event_type, Audience, Subject, Provider, Academic_Year, Start_date, End_date, CONVERT(varchar, Academic_Year) + ' (' + CONVERT(varchar, Start_date, 103) + ') : ' + Event_type AS InstanceFROM EventsORDER BY Event_type Above is my query. The problem is because the start date column can be null, it also returns the Instance column as null for that row.I thought it would have just missed out the date and display the rest, but it doesn't.Is there any way I could get the Instance column to display a value, when the start date is null?ThanksEdit: Managed to sort it using ISNULL()

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Setting Default Value (concatenated String) Of Column Using UDF

Oct 23, 2005


I'm trying to set the default value of a column (SysInvNum) in a table (caseform) of mine by concatenating 3 other fields in the same table. These other fields are all Integer datatypes. they are "CaseYear" e.g. (2005), "InvNum" e.g. (0001) and "PostId" e.g. (5).

So basically the SysInvNum column for this row should read '200500015'

When I run a basic query using the CAST or CONVERT functions like this:

SELECT convert (varchar,caseyear) + convert(varchar,InvNum) + convert(varchar,postid) from caseform


SELECT cast(caseyear as varchar(4)) + cast(InvNum as varchar(4)) + cast(postid as varchar(1)) from caseform

I get the results I want. But since I want this value to be the default value of the column, I tried inserting this: convert (varchar,caseyear) + convert(varchar,InvNum) + convert(varchar,postid) into the default value parameter of the column in the caseform table. The result is a string that is the query itself.

I then tried creating a UDF called getsysinvnum() where I declare and set 2 variables whilst returning one of the variables as a varchar. An example of what it looks like is this:

RETURNS varchar
DECLARE @maxcaseid Int
DECLARE @sysinvnum varchar

SELECT @maxcaseid = max (caseid) from caseform
SELECT @sysinvnum = cast(caseyear as varchar(4)) + cast(invnum as varchar(4)) + cast(postid as varchar(1)) from caseform where caseid = @maxcaseid
RETURN @sysinvnum

The result I get when I plug this into the default value of the column as : ([dbo].[getsysinvnum]()) is "2".

Yes it returns the number "2" could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong, or suggest a better way for me to do this?

Thanks in advance


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Splitting Up One String Into Three Columns

Aug 14, 2003

I'm trying to split a hyphen-delimited string into three columns in a view. I've been using substring and len to split up the string, but it is getting very complicated (and isn't working in all cases). I've used a SPLIT function in vbscript - does t-sql have anything similar? I've attached a spreadsheet that shows what I am looking for. Maybe someone can guide me in the right direction?


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Splitting Up Columns Mid-process

Jun 7, 2007

When I accept my input data, it's convenient to read it in from a flat file as a fixed width file with a width of 100. Then I run a splitter to split the input into two different paths (path_1 and path_2, say), based on an indicator field.

The output of path_1 has 1 column with width of 100, but now I want to split it up into lots of little columns. The output of path_2 also has 1 column with a width of 100, but I want to split it up, too, only using a different fixed width map than i used for path_1.

Any ideas?


Jim Work

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Splitting String Of 2 Columns In Same Table

Sep 25, 2014

I have a table name tbl_testme with columns (id,mac,keys,outputmk)

mac column have 12 character and keys have 16 character
mac keys
6545da7n9hg8 hsi457s5sd77jk87

What i want is i need to split the column into 4 characters of both column E.G.

(6545 da7n 9hg8) and (hsi4 57s5 sd77 jk87)

after splitting i need to take last 4 character of key(jk87) and last 4 character of mac(9hg8)and join them and insert that into ouputmk column.


I need this to insert in outputmk column ....

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Splitting Text String Into Multiple Columns

Dec 19, 2002

I'm creating a web-based NT RAS report site and am looking for the most efficient way to import the data from NT Event log into SQL2k. I'm using the 'dumpel' utility from rsc kit and all is fine except the 10th column - the message detail:

"The user DOMAINuserid connected on port Mdm15 on 08/23/2002 at 07:25am and disconnected on 08/23/2002 at 07:27am. The user was active for 2 minutes 23 seconds. 78809 bytes were sent and 50675 bytes were received. The port speed was 49300."

I need to parse this one long text string into 6 distinct columns: userID, port, duration, bytes_xmt, bytes_rcv and portspeed. After a quick review of the rowsets, the strings seem to hold a consistent output ... no real variances I can see.

I've dablled with views but am facing a small performance issue that could get bigger: The sql server not only has to run the text file import package, but also the view to format the text dump into a workable dataset, then my report code bangs over 30 queries against the final dataset. It already takes our SQL2k server over 3 minutes to parse about 20,000 rows and the server's a beast (dual 1.8 p4 cpu, 3gb ram, raid, etc).

What I think would work best is to abandon the view (performance will only get worse as the row count increases) and instead INSERT the rows into one table.

Any ideas anyone? any good scripts out there that can help me to parse the long text string quicker that using substring and replace functions?

TIA:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create A New Column By Dividing 2 Columns In The Query?

Mar 12, 2015

I have the following query that displays 2 values. I want to add a column with the percentage ([Providers With Security]

/ProviderTotal) * 100
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary WHERE Market = s.Market) AS ProviderTotal,COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) AS [Providers With Security]
FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary s
WHERE s.[Security] = 'Yes'

How can I do this?

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SQL 2012 :: Using Money Column To Store Amount Related Columns?

Sep 3, 2015

I just joined a bank related IT department where the existing IT team is already working on creating a new application since a year now and designed database on SQL Server 2012, the amount (currency related) column's datatype found different in tables some where it is decimal and somewhere found different. I want to suggest them Money datatype to choose where we are dealing with currency related columns. My question is, is that correct to choose Money datatype or should I ignore this?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Splitting Similar Data Into Separate Columns?

Aug 18, 2015

If you see below there are 2 customer names on 1 loan, most of them share the same lastname and address, I want to separate it with fields,LoanID, customer 1 Firstname, Customer 1 Lastname, Customer 2 FirstName, Customer 2 Lastname, Adddress,zip

Loan IDFirst NameLastnameAddressaddress 2CityStateZip
1236048Joey Yesen xxxx abc GROVE RDNULLCLEVELANDTX77327
1236048Dickey Yesen xxxx abc GROVE RDNULLCLEVELANDTX77327
1235983Randy Seany xxxx abc Haleyville StNULLAuroraCO80018
1235983Barry Seanyxxxx abc Haleyville StNULLAuroraCO80018

The query I am using


from Loan AS L

LEFT JOIN Status As S on S.LoanID = L.LoanID
LEFT JOIN Borrower B on B.LoanID = L.LoanID
LEFT JOIN MailingAddress MA on MA.LoanID = L.LoanID
where S.PrimStat = '1' and B.Deceased = '0'

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Split Address Value Into Two Columns

Nov 14, 2007

I am trying to get an address field into 2 colums. I need the number value in one column and street name in another column.

The data is stored:
876 blue ct
9987 red dr
23 windyknoll

This is what I haveelect
substring(Address,0,charindex('',Address)) as number
,substring(Address, (charindex('',Address)+1)
,len(Address)) as address
from contact

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting One Row Into Multiple

Aug 27, 2014

I'm quite new to SQL. I'm able to extract the info that I need, but only into a result of one row, like:

Order header | Order details

ID | Customer name | Customer address | Product number | Product name | Quantity | Price | Product number | Product name | Quantity | Price
2 Andy Andy's way 2 24 Glue 3 35 39 Oyster 2 9

I would like the query to return it in this way:

2AndyAndy's way 2

Is it even possible?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Querying A Supersession Two Column Table With Multiple Supersessions In Both Columns

Jan 29, 2014

I'm fairly new to SQL and am just setting up a Windows 8 app using an Azure SQL server. The issue I have is looking up a part number supersession and getting the latest number. One part number can have multiple supersessions (ie RTC5756 > STC8572 > STC3765 > STC9150 > STC9191 > SFP500160 ).The data I am supplied monthly has both the superseeded items and the supersession information in both columns and is not easy to decipher - for example:

Supersessions Table

RTC5756 | STC9191
SFP500160 | STC9191
STC9191 | STC2951
STC3765 | STC9191
STC8572 | STC9191
STC9150 | STC9191


The newest part number is kept in a separate table - called "source" - which in this instance is SFP500160. I need access to the latest part number but also to the part's previous numbers, due to the fact that some people may still be stocking them as an old part number and for them to search by. Is there an easy and efficient way of doing both a lookup for the supersessions and a join on the two tables to minimize the queries on the database?

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Column Splitting

Jun 22, 2007

Hi Everyone,I've been given the painstaking project of splitting a single column into multiple columns and rows. I have a solution set up in which I will be posting further down the post but I want to see if there is a much more efficient solution to this.sample data:create table tbl_list(pk_int_itmid int(5) Primary Key,vchar_desk vchar(300));create table tbl_test1(fk_int_itmid int(5) references tbl_list(pk_int_itmid),vchar_itm varchar(60));insert into tbl_list values(1, 'this item');insert into tbl_list values(2, 'that item');insert into tbl_list values(3, 'those items');insert into tbl_test1 values(1, 'A, B - C, D, E - F, G, H - I');insert into tbl_test1 values(2, 'J, K - L, M, N - O');insert into tbl_test1 values(3, 'P, Q - R');into this table:create table tbl_output(fk_int_itmid int(5) references tbl_list(pk_int_itmid),vchar_itmA varchar(60),vchar_itmB varchar(60),vchar_itmC varchar(60));Output in comma delimited form:'1', 'A', 'B', 'C''1', 'D', 'E', 'F''1', 'G', 'H', 'I''2', 'J', 'K', 'L''2', 'M', 'N', 'O''3', 'P', 'Q', 'R'my current solution:create view vw_itm_a as select fk_int_itmid, substring(vchar_itm, 0, charindex('-',vchar_itm)) as vchar_itmA,substring(vchar_itm, charindex('-',vchar_itm)+1 , charindex(',',vchar_itm)-charindex('-',vchar_itm)) as vchar_itmB,substring(vchar_itm, charindex(',',vchar_itm)+1) as vchar_itmCfrom tbl_test1where charindex(',',vchar_itm) >1Gocreate view vw_itm_b as select fk_int_itmid, substring(vchar_itm, 0, charindex('-',vchar_itm)) as vchar_itmA,substring(vchar_itm, charindex('-',vchar_itm)+1 , charindex(',',vchar_itm)-charindex('-',vchar_itm)) as vchar_itmB,substring(vchar_itm, charindex(',',vchar_itm)+1) as vchar_itmCfrom vw_itm_awhere charindex(',',vchar_itmC) >1;Gocreate view vw_itm_c as select fk_int_itmid, substring(vchar_itmC, 0, charindex('-',vchar_itmC)) as vchar_itmA,substring(vchar_itmC, charindex('-',vchar_itmC)+1 , charindex(',',vchar_itmC)-charindex('-',vchar_itmC)) as vchar_itmB,substring(vchar_itmC, charindex(',',vchar_itmC)+1) as vchar_itmCfrom vw_itm_bwhere charindex(',',vchar_itmC) >1;Go;create view vw_itm_d asselect fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmB,substring(substring(vchar_itm, charindex(',',vchar_itm)+1), 0, charindex(',',vchar_itm)) as vchar_itmCfrom vw_itm_a ia union vw_itm_b ib on ia.fk_int_itmid = ib.fk_int_itmidGo;create view vw_itm_e asselect fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmB,substring(substring(vchar_itm, charindex(',',vchar_itm)+1), 0, charindex(',',vchar_itm)) as vchar_itmCfrom vw_itm_c ia union vw_itm_b ib on ia.fk_int_itmid = ib.fk_int_itmidGo;create view vw_itm asselect fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmC, vchar_itmC from vw_itm_awhere fk_int_itmid not in (select fk_int_itmid from vw_itm_b)unionselect fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmC, vchar_itmC from vw_itm_dunionselect fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmC, vchar_itmC from vw_itm_bwhere fk_int_itmid not in (select fk_int_itmid from vw_itm_c)unionselect fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmC, vchar_itmC from vw_itm_eunionselect fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmC, vchar_itmC from vw_itm_cGo;select fk_int_itmid, vchar_itmA, vchar_itmC, vchar_itmC into tbl_outputfrom vw_itmIs there a much more efficient manner of handling this column splitting?ThanksDC

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Splitting A Value In A Column

Dec 4, 2007


I have a column which contains a phone number followed by a name.

How can I split off the name.

Example 0898 500 400 Joe Bloggs

Thank you.

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SQL 2012 :: String Splitting Using Like And Data Cleansing

Mar 28, 2014

I have a large poorly designed table (inherited) With a Name field that contains comma delimited text containing address information. I need to do several things with it but unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any true consistency in it. When it displays in its own text box it works by placing each section on a new Line and looks ok.But I need to pull it apart and place things like unit number, Building Name in its own column etc. In the data it could be in either the 2nd,3rd, 4th, dependent on what came 1st. the data looks some thing like the following

unitNumber/StreetNumber Space StreetName (Building Name), Subub,City,Country

Some addresses won't have unit number or Suburb or country so when splitting you could have Suburbs and Citys in multiple columns even if you try and stagger the split process.Has any body go a good tool or reference site for dealing for this sort of problem. I have a table that I have made up that has some of the street names that could be used for comparing against existing records but it is by no means fool proof due to spelling inconsistencies . I also have another list of Common building names that could be used to compare, remove and place in the new building column.

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SQL 2012 :: Splitting TempDB With Multiple Files?

May 21, 2015

So we have new servers that are going to be installed with SQL 2012 and I'm debating the wisdom of splitting tempdb with multiple files.

I know it's a myth that performance automatically improves if you split it into a number of files based on processors, but I'm debating the wisdom of putting a file on each of my data / log file drives.

For instance, I have a server with a C: drive (OS), D: drive (Data for system DBs and install of programs - 458 GB), an F: drive for user DB data files (767 GB), and a J: drive for log files (255 GB).

Obviously no files are going on C:. I'm debating on whether or not we should even leave system DBs on the D: drive given in our current 2k8 servers, we end up with Memory.dmp files over flowing the D: drives as well as .cabs and other install / update files that tend to collect on that drive over the years.

But if we leave the system DBs on D:, I'm wondering if adding a second tempdb file to F: and a third to J: will improve query performance or not.

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Splitting Data From One Column Into Two

Jul 11, 2012

Running SQL 2005
Current Query is as follows:



This query was working well because I used to only be interested in one counter that was returned in the column, which was 'Free Megabytes'...I now have additional data that shows up as 'Total Disk Space'...Ideally, the query would return the total disk space next to the free megabytes on the same row for the same disk drive. Here is a couple rows of sample output:

44549 C: LogicalDiskFree Megabytes
44548 C: LogicalDiskFree Megabytes
69452 C: LogicalDiskTotal Disk Space
69452 C: LogicalDiskTotal Disk Space

This is the ideal format, the average value column goes away:

InstanceNameObjectNameFree MegabytesTotal Disk SpaceC: LogicalDisk44549 69452

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Splitting Up A Column In A Query

Feb 28, 2011

I have a table like this:

name | purchase amount | purchase date |

and what I need is a query that will show name and the sum of purchase amount for specific years. Here is what it would look like:

name | purchase 2006 | purchase 2007 | purchase 2008
Joe 30.00 5.00 0
John 30.00 0 0
Sam 15.00 5.00 25.00

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Splitting Delimited Column

Feb 19, 2008

I have a question for all the t-sql gurus.

I have a table with millions of rows, 1 particular attribute "FromPerson" contains a string
of email addresses, names, etc...
for example (formatting done by this window... not exists in database...completely cleaned to semi-colon delimited)

tomh@gmail.com; Snyder, John N.; jsnyder@yahoo.com; Miller, Jim; millerj@gmail.com; Tenbrow, Jack; Katie Winslow (can be x number of names, emails...)

as you can see... some of the delimited values match up with an email address, others have just names, or emails...
I have successfully split this into 1 row per value per say, but how do i get them to match up the values that do.
I think the splitting is really not helping the cause...
what i want is this...

tomg@hotmail.com tomg@hotmail.com
Snyder, John N. jsnyder@yahoo.com
Miller, Jim millerj@gmail.com
Tenbrow, Jack Tenbrow, Jack
Katie Winslow Katie Winslow

there could/can be other attributes, like datetime stamp, domain(if any)... etc... but I think I can add that

any ideas?

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Splitting Up Of Values In Single Column

May 21, 2008


I have a table that has multiple postal codes in one of the columns. Those have to be split up one per line and stored in another table. The zip codes are comma seperated. Is there a function that can do this...?

Example data in ZipCodeTable. (Name and ZipCode are 2 columns in a table)


output Table should be:


Any thoughts on this would be of much help !!..


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Splitting A Comma Delimited Column

Feb 12, 2008


I wondered if anyone could help me. I have a table that holds an ID in the first column then a list of values split by commas in the 2nd column i.e.:

IDColumn: 1
2ndCoumn: 1stvalue, 2ndvalue, 3rdvalue, 4thvalue

I am trying to return as a dataset of this that shows the ID as column 1 then each value in the 2nd column as individual columns if I use SELECT LEFT('2ndColumn,PATINDEX(',',2ndColum)-1) I can return the first value as a column but then can't return any further values individually after the first column, I am just learning the new functionality in SSIS so not sure whether this would be my answer as apposed to T-SQL, if anyone has any advice on this it would be greatly appreciated?

Thanks in advance


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Help Splitting 1 Column Of Data Into Multiple

Apr 30, 2008


I have a table which has data "dumped" into it nightly and i need to create a "clean" table. Below are some sample rows:


all the columns are separated with a "|" but the amount of columns are not fixed, so in lines 1 & 2 they are 4 columns and in line 3 there is 7 columns

thanks in advanced


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