Selecting Null Values

Mar 12, 2007

I have a stored procedure that allows users to select addresses based on partially supplied information from the user.  My procedure seems to work fine in all but a few cases. If a user decides to select all the rows for a particular country the procedure below does not return any rows even if the rows exist.  I tracked this down to the fact that for Non US countries I set both the StateCode and Country Code to nulls. .

 Below is a partial version of my code.  Can anyone show me how I can do a "Like" Search even if some of the fields in the row contain null values?


 1 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Addresses_Like( @SendTo VarChar(50) = Null
2 , @AddressLine1 VarChar(50) = Null
3 , @AddressLine2 VarChar(50) = Null
4 , @City VarChar(50) = Null
5 , @StateCode VarChar(2) = Null
6 , @ZipCode VarChar(10) = Null
7 , @CountryCode VarChar(2) = Null)
10 Declare @SearchSendTo VarChar(50)
11 Declare @SearchAddressLine1 VarChar(50)
12 Declare @SearchAddressLine2 VarChar(50)
13 Declare @SearchCity VarChar(50)
14 Declare @SearchStateCode VarChar(2)
15 Declare @SearchZipCode VarChar(10)
16 Declare @SearchCountryCode VarChar(2)
18 If (@SendTo Is Null)
19 Set @SearchSendTo = ""
20 Else
21 Set @SearchSendTo = @SendTo
23 If (@AddressLine1 Is Null)
24 Set @SearchAddressLine1 = ""
25 Else
26 Set @SearchAddressLine1 = @AddressLine1
28 If (@AddressLine2 Is Null)
29 Set @SearchAddressLine2 = ""
30 Else
31 Set @SearchAddressLine2 = @AddressLine2
33 If (@City Is Null)
34 Set @SearchCity = ""
35 Else
36 Set @SearchCity = @City
38 If (@StateCode Is Null)
39 Set @SearchStateCode = ""
40 Else
41 Set @SearchStateCode = @StateCode
43 If (@ZipCode Is Null)
44 Set @SearchZipCode = ""
45 Else
46 Set @SearchZipCode = @ZipCode
48 If (@CountryCode Is Null)
49 Set @SearchCountryCode = ""
50 Else
51 Set @SearchCountryCode = @CountryCode
54 Select AddressID
55 , SendTo
56 , AddressLine1
57 , AddressLine2
58 , City
59 , StateCode
60 , ZipCode
61 , CountryCode
62 , RowVersion
63 , LastChangedDateTime
64 , OperID
65 From Addresses
66 Where SendTo Like RTrim(LTrim(@SearchSendTo)) + "%"
67 And AddressLine1 Like RTrim(LTrim(@SearchAddressLine1)) + "%"
68 And AddressLine2 Like RTrim(LTrim(@SearchAddressLine2)) + "%"
69 And City Like RTrim(LTrim(@SearchCity)) + "%"
70 And StateCode Like RTrim(LTrim(@SearchStateCode)) + "%"
71 And ZipCode Like RTrim(LTrim(@SearchZipCode)) + "%"
72 And CountryCode Like RTrim(LTrim(@SearchCountryCode)) + "%"
73 Order By CountryCode, City, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, SendTo

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Selecting Null Values? Mssql 2005

Jan 14, 2007

Hi, i have something like this:
SELECT a.boardname, a.description, a.threadcount, a.answercount, a.lastthreadid, b.username, b.subject, b.created FROM forum_board AS a, forum_topics AS b WHERE (a.forumid = @ID) AND ( = a.lastthreadid)
The problem here is that lastthreadid does not always have a post linked to it, so sometimes its null. I want it to still return all the boards and then just returnnull values or "" in b.username, b.subject, b.createdThis returns nothing. How can i force it to select these values?

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Compressing Multiple Rows With Null Values To One Row With Out Null Values After A Pivot Transform

Jan 25, 2008

I have a pivot transform that pivots a batch type. After the pivot, each batch type has its own row with null values for the other batch types that were pivoted. I want to group two fields and max() the remaining batch types so that the multiple rows are displayed on one row. I tried using the aggregate transform, but since the batch type field is a string, the max() function fails in the package. Is there another transform or can I use the aggragate transform another way so that the max() will work on a string?

-- Ryan

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Reporting Services :: Selecting Multiple Parameters Values For Comma Separated Values In SSRS?

Jun 17, 2012

I am SSRS user, We have a .net UI from where we want to pass multi select values, but these values are comma separated in the database. how can I write a sql query such that when I select multi values on my UI, the comma separated values are take care of.

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Selecting For Null

Mar 28, 2006

Is this an incorrect way to query for rows with NULL

Select *
from Table1
where date = NULL

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Selecting NULL

Jan 10, 2007


i need to perform some searching on 10 columns. Since it will return >1 records/lines, i need to filter, if @param1 match with col1, then abandon those Null value in column1 set, and find match @param2 to col1.
@param2='' (if '' i set to %)
til 10

Find matching columns:
Row1 : Col1='SS' (matched) Col2=NULL Col3='bb
Row2 : Col1='SS' (matched) Col2='abc' Col3=NULL
Row3 : Col1=NULL (unmatched) Col2='huh'(matched)

problem is when i want to search only if colX is 'something', it returns null value,.. my where clause


-i wrote the OR NULL is because i need those nulls value when im not searching for that column..
-i replace '' to '%' because i need to list any other remaining unmatched columns when i found the matching column.

maybe it's quite ridiculous to understand my Q ...coz i couldnt find any other better way to explain
thanks in advance

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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Selecting NULL Problem.

Sep 10, 2007

Hi All to Transact-SQL Community,
I had a problem with NULL selecting, actually i had two tables like,

Transaction Table

ID Image Link INTID(ForeignKey)
1 test test 2
2 test1 test1 2
3 test2 test2 NULL
4 test3 test3 NULL

Master Table

INTID Path Link
1 a.gif test
2 b.gif test

When i am selecting from transaction table, if column INTID has a integer value the it should do innerjoin with Mastertable
on TransactionTable.INTID = MasterTable.INTID, and fetch rows TransactionTable and MasterTable, then result should be like this,
1 test test
2 test1 test1
2 b.gif test

and if NULL present then it should fetch only rows from transaction table. Can anyone help on how to do this.

Thanks in advance,

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Error Selecting Null Columns

Jun 22, 2007

I want to run a query that selects rows from the table where a datetime column has null values;
select * from Orders where IsNull(dClosedDate,'Null') = 'Null'
However i get this error:
Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
Any help appreciated 

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Selecting Last Non-NULL Value In Date Range

Jul 10, 2013

I'm trying to construct code that will return the last non-NULL value in a column containing daily records.

For E.G. I want to know what the LAST value of Description field when it is not NULL, AND the Date is within the range t=1 to t=5 => i.e. "Dog" in the below example:

Date Description
3 Cat
4 Cat
5 Dog
8 Mouse

How this can be achieved?

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NULL Values Returned When Reading Values From A Text File Using Data Reader.

Feb 23, 2007

I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Reads Nvarchar Values As Null When Excel Column Includes Decimal And String Values

Dec 9, 2013

I have SQL Server 2012 SSIS. I have Excel source and OLE DB Destination.I have problem with importing CustomerSales column.CustomerSales values like 1000.00,2000.10,3000.30,NotAvailable.So I have decimal values and nvarchar mixed in on Excel column. This is requirement for solution.However SSIS reads only numeric values correctly and nvarchar values are set as Null. Why?

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Import_CustomerSales](
 [CustomerId] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [CustomeName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [CustomerSales] [nvarchar](50) NULL

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Null Values For Datetime Values Converted To '0001-01-01'

Mar 29, 2006


can somebody explain me how I can assign a NULL value to a datetime type field in the script transformation editor in a data flow task.
In the script hereunder, Row.Datum1_IsNull is true, but still Row.OutputDatum1 will be assigned a value '0001-01-01' which generates an error (not a valid datetime). All alternatives known to me (CDate("") or Convert.ToDateTime("") or Convert.ToDateTime(System.DBNull.Value)) were not successful.
Leaving out the ELSE clause generates following error: Error: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.

If Not Row.Datum1_IsNull Then

Row.OutputDatum1 = Row.Datum1


Row.OutputDatum1 = CDate(System.Convert.DBNull)

End If

Any help welcome.

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Selecting Values In CSV

Jul 20, 2005

I have to write a master detail query, in which the detail record shouldbe stored in a variable as Comma Seperated Values. Can anyone helpme......Sun*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Use Order By But Want NULL Values As High Values

Nov 9, 2000


My query "select blah, blah, rank from tablewithscores" will return results that can legitimately hold nulls in the rank column. I want to order on the rank column, but those nulls should appear at the bottom of the list


Rank Blah Blah
1 - -
2 - -
3 - -
NULL - -
NULL - -

At present the NULLs are at the top of the list, but I do not want my ranking in descending order. Any suggestions?


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Updating The Values While Selecting

May 2, 2008

tbpdmmembers.firstname tbpdmmembers_firstname,
dbo.GetMemID_PartC_D(#followups.hic,#followups.IsPart_C) tbpdmmembers_MemberID,
--tbpdmmembers.Plan1 tbpdmmembers_MemberID,
tbaddress.address1 tbaddress_address1,
tbaddress.address2 tbaddress_address2, tbaddress_city,
tbaddress.state tbaddress_state, tbaddress_zip

from #followups

I want to check if the tbaddress.address1 tbaddress_address1 if it is =null or empty then make it = tbaddress.address2 tbaddress_address2, at the same time I make the tbaddress.address2 tbaddress_address2, null. Otherwise leave it as it is.

Actually, I am working with the report and the tbaddress.address1 carrying the apt number. if there is no aprt # then the line print blanks. so that brings the empty line between the street address and the citystate line.
That is what i am tryig to cover. There could be a way to do this from the crystal report but I am thinking of doing this way cause I can't get the solution to do it from the crystal report.

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Transact SQL :: Selecting Associated Values

Jul 19, 2015

Select a.uid
, As Association
from Asset a Join
wshhistory wsh
on a.uid = wsh.assetid
Join worksheet w
on wsh.wshid = w.uid left join


When I return the data how do I eliminate the name's that are in bold but keep the association record as this is a relationship between joining tables..

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Selecting Data Wheere Values Contain Something

Nov 17, 2007

Hi,I have a message system, where people insert their message to the database, and others pick up their messages by selecting messages that have their username as the reciever ID.I have just intoduced bulk message sending - sending to multiple users. This requires many usernames being entered into the recievername column, seperated by a comma.Is there a way to select messages if the column name contains their username, rather than is their username? Because there may be more than one name, I would like everyone that has their name in the column to be able to retrieve the message, even if they arent the only reciever..Please ask if more explanation is needed!Thanks,Jon 

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Selecting Multiple Values From One Table

Apr 29, 2008

I have a sql select query that I'm pulling from a "Years" table to link to 3 columns in an Items table.ZCValuesYear table has two colums: YearID and YearYearID        Year1            20042            20053            20064            20075            2008...I want to bind the "Year" value to the three colums in the ZCItem table:     ItemUseFirstYearID     ItemUseLastYearID     ItemYearIDThe query below will pull all the "ID's" for each of the colums, but how would I make it pull the "Year" value (instead of record 4, it would pull 2007 instead)?<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlItemSelect" runat="server"         ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT ZCPartVault.PartVaultID, ZCPartVault.PartVaultItemID, ZCValuesYear.Year, ZCItem.ItemName, ZCItem.ItemUseFirstYearID, ZCItem.ItemUseLastYearID         FROM ZCPartVault     FULL OUTER JOIN ZCItem ON ZCPartVault.PartVaultItemID = ZCItem.ItemID     FULL OUTER JOIN ZCValuesYear ON ZCItem.ItemUseLastYearID = ZCValuesYear.YearID AND ZCItem.ItemUseFirstYearID = ZCValuesYear.YearID AND ZCItem.ItemYearID = ZCValuesYear.YearID" >        </asp:SqlDataSource>       

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Selecting The Two Biggest Values Of A Field

Mar 13, 2006

I need to do a SQL query based on the two biggest values of a field. PLS , what s the SQL syntax : select * from Table where PRICE ......Ex: if the values of the field PRICE are : 50, 40, 100, 30 and 150.The request should select the rows that have Price equal 100 or 120Thanks a lot for help

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Selecting From Table And Adding Ur Own Values

May 19, 2008

Hey all

This is probably the wrong category to post my question in. Apologies if it is.

I have got a Data Flow Task that has an OLE DB Source and a Flat file destination.

Is there a way to do the following:

SELECT id,'31809','C:LCImportDataImages' & id & '.jpg', '1' FROM table1

This obviously doesn't work but I want to insert the id from the table, followed by the value '31809', followed by 'C:LCImportDataImagesid.jpg', followed by '1'

So, the id in 'C:LCImportDataImagesid.jpg' is the same as the id from the table.

I want the file to look like:

1, 31809, C:LCImportDataImages1.jpg, 1
2, 31809, C:LCImportDataImages2.jpg, 1
5, 31809, C:LCImportDataImages5.jpg, 1

I would really appreciate it if someone could point me to the right direction.

I am trying to work on it..will put up a solution if I find one myself.

Many thanks,


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Selecting The Two Biggest Values Of A Field

Mar 13, 2006

I need to do a SQL query based on the two biggest values of a field. PLS , what s the SQL syntax : select * from Table where PRICE ......

Ex: if the values of the field PRICE are : 50, 40, 100, 30 and 150.

The request should select the rows that have Price equal 100 or 120

Thanks a lot for help

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Help With Joining/selecting Values To Show

Nov 7, 2006

I am editing a pre-existing view.This view is already bringing data from 40+ tables so I am to modify itwithout screwing with anything else that is already in there.I need to (left) join it with a new table that lists deposits and thedates they are due. What I need is to print, for each record in theview, the due date for the next deposit due and the total of allpayments that they will have made by the next due date.So this is how things are. I join the table and it obviously bringsmultiple records for each record (one for each matching one in the newtable). I need, instead, to be able to make out what due date I shouldprint (the first one that is GETDATE()?) and the total of deposits upto that date.Now, payments can be either dollar amounts or percentages of anotheramount in the view. So if it's an amount I add it, if it's a % Icalculate the amount and add it.Example:for group X of clients...Deposit 1 due on oct 1: $20Deposit 2 due on oct 15: $30Deposit 3 due on nov 15: $40Deposit 4 due on nov 30: $50for group Y of clients...Deposit 1 due on Oct 30: $200Deposit 2 due on Nov 30: $300Deposit 3 due on Dec 30: $400So when if I execute the view today (Nov 7th) each client from group Xshould have:Next Due Date: nov 15. Total: $90 (deposit 1 + deposit 2 + deposit 3)Group Y should have:Next Due Date: Nov 30, total: $500 (Deposit 1 + deposit 2)And so on.

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Selecting And Placing Values From Sql Query Into Textboxes

Jan 9, 2008

Hi. I have an sql query that i use to insert articles to a sql databse table and for that i use addWithValue to select witch textboxes etc goes where in the database.
Now i need to retrive these values and place them back into some other textboxes (some of them multiline) ,and i wonder if there are any similar ways to retrive values like AddWithparameter so i can easily do textBox.text = //whatever goes here ?

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SQL Question About Selecting Values Dependent On Another Column

Mar 10, 2003

I have a table with one row for each test a user has taken, with columns for userid, score, and test date. I have a query that gets the highest score and the date of the latest test for each user. Easy. But how can I also get the score achieved on the latest test for each agent?


(By the way, I've been looking for a good SQL mailing list to ask this question and have been unsuccessful. If there's a better forum than this for this type of question, please let me know).

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Inserting Values Into A Column By Selecting Value From Different Table

May 5, 2004

Hi, I have a question regarding how to insert one column values into a table by selecting from different table..Here is the syntax..
insert into propertytable values (select lastvalue+incrementby from agilesequences where name='SEQPROPERTYTABLE', 13926, 0, 4, 1, 451, 1, 8, 1)

the first column in the propertytable will be... select lastvalue+incrementby from agilesequences where name='SEQPROPERTYTABLE'
How do I do that..Help PLZ..

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package - Replacing Null Values In One Column With Values From Another Column

Sep 3, 2015

I have an SSIS package that imports data from an Excel file, replaces any value in Excel that reads "NULL" to "", then writes the data to a couple of databases.

What I have discovered today, is I have two columns of dates, an admit date and discharge date column, and what I need to do is anywhere I have a null value in the discharge date column, I have to replace it with the value in the admit date column. 

I have searched around online and tried a few things using the Replace funtion in Derived columns but no dice so far. 

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Reporting Services :: Selecting Data Using One Parameter With Multiple Text Values

Oct 9, 2015

I am using SSRS 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0 (10.50.4276.0) . I have simple set of data which has a persons Title and Name e.g. Mr Smith, Miss Jones, Doctor Foster

The report has a parameter where the user can select which records to show based on the matching titles (Mr, Miss, Doctor)

The Query for the report uses Title in (@Title) where @Title is the only parameter which can take multiple values. The report works correctly for any 1 value selected, but as soon as 2 or more values are ticked in the drop down, it fails.

I believe the parameter value is being passed into the query with a comma separating the values e.g. Mr,Miss which causes the IN statement to give an error, as the statement would be where Title IN ('Mr,Miss') which does not match any of the data values.

The parameter value passed needs to be 'Mr','Miss' for the IN statement to work. What statement do I have to put in the report query to get it to select any of the data rows where the title matches any 1 of the selected values?

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Selecting Numeric Or Time-scale Values On Chart Yields Duplicate Months

Feb 15, 2008

I have a line chart which works great except when the x axis displays duplicate months. I have tried format codes of MM-YYYY and MMM and have the "numeric or time-scale values" checkbox checked. The data displays fine but the X axis in the case of the MMM format code displays as:

Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov

leaving the user to wonder where exactly does October and November start...

I've googled around but don't see off-hand what I am doing wrong. I am display 3 simultaneous lines if that matters...


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Using NOT IN With Null Values

May 19, 2008

Hi, I ve a table,  I want to fetch certain rows based on the value of a Column. That column is nullable, and contains NULL values.I used the following query,SELECT Col_A FROM TABLE1 WHERE SOME_ID = 1317 AND Col_B NOT IN (8,9) Here,  Col_B contains NULL values too. I need to fetch all rows where Col_B is not 8 or 9.Now, if I use "NOT IN", it does not work. I tried reading on it and got to know why it does not work. Even "NOT EXISTS" does not help. But still I've to fetch my values. How do I do that?Thanks & Regards,Jahanzeb        

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SQL Null Values In VB

Apr 10, 2006

I have tried doing a search, as I figured this would be a common problem, but I wasn't able to find anything.  I know that my SP is functional because when I use VWD execute the query outside of the webpage, I get the correct results -however I have to ensure that a field is either entered, or set to <NULL>.  In my SET's I want it to use the wildcards.
What I want is to do a search (plenty of existing topics on that, however none were of help to me).  If a field is entered, then it is included in the search.  Otherwise it should be ignored.  In my VB I have the standard stored procedure call, passing in values to all of the parameters in the stored proc below:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchDog@tagnum int,@ownername varchar(50), @mailaddress varchar(50),@address2 varchar(50),@city varchar(50),@telephone varchar(50),@doggender varchar(50),@dogbreed varchar(50),@dogage varchar(50),@dogcolour varchar(50),@dogname varchar(50),@applicationdate varchar(50)AS IF @tagnum=-1  SET @tagnum=NULL  SET @ownername = '%'+@ownername+'%'  SET @mailaddress = '%'+@mailaddress+'%'  SET @address2='%'+@address2+'%'  SET @city = '%'+@city+'%'  SET @telephone='%'+@telephone+'%'  SET @dogcolour='%'+@dogcolour+'%'  SET @dogbreed='%'+@dogbreed+'%'  SET @dogage='%'+@dogage+'%'  SET @doggender='%'+@doggender+'%'  SET @dogname='%'+@dogname+'%'  SET @applicationdate='%'+@applicationdate+'%'
 SELECT DISTINCT  * FROM DogRegistry WHERE (  TagNum = @tagnum OR  OwnerName LIKE @ownername OR  MailAddress LIKE @mailaddress OR  Address2 LIKE @address2 OR  City LIKE @city OR  Telephone LIKE @telephone OR  DogGender LIKE @doggender OR  DogBreed LIKE @dogbreed OR  DogAge LIKE @dogage OR  DogColour LIKE @dogcolour OR  DogName LIKE @dogname OR  ApplicationDate LIKE @applicationdate  ) AND TagNum > 0GO
I don't know why it is creating links inside my SP -ignore them.  TagNum is the primary key, if that makes a difference.
On the webpage, it ONLY works when every field has been filled (and then it will only return 1 row, as it should, given the data entered).  Debugging has shown that when nothing is entered it passes "".
Any ideas?

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Null Values

Jun 29, 2000

I am trying to retrieve data from two different tables. One of the tables has more than 20 columns some of which are null. I would like to retrieve data from both tables excluding the columns which have null values. How do I do this?

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SUM When There Are Null Values.

Nov 2, 2007

Would this take care of null values in either a.asset or b.asset?

SELECT convert(decimal(15,1),(sum(isnull(a.asset,0))/1000.0)+(sum(isnull(b.asset,0))/1000.0)) as total_assets

What's throwing me off is that there are multiple a.asset or b.asset for each unique ID. It seems to work, but I'm not following the logic too well. If I were doing this in another language, I would loop through, summing a.asset and b.asset wherever it's not null for each unique ID.

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Null Values

Jan 16, 2006


How can I use "Derived Column" to check if a Datetime value is null or not and if null to insert  00/00/00 instead. ?

The background being that while using a "Derived Column" to change a Column from a (DT_DATE) to a (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) everytime I get a null value it see's it as a error.

And the column in particular has ~ 37 K blank / null fields so Im getting a lot of errors

So far I have tried to use something like

ISNULL([Column 34])


SELECT ISNULL(ID, '00/00/0000') FROM [Column 34]


SELECT ISNULL(au_id, '00/00/0000 00:00') AS ssn
FROM [Column 34

but none seems to work [Column 34] being the offending column.

What a normally use is just a simple "(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)[Column 34]"
in the expression column, which seems to work well, but here I get alot of errors

Any ideas?

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