Set Number Of Returned Rows !!! Please Help Me.

Jun 3, 2004

I want to select data from a table with 5.000.000 rows. It's very slowly. Do you now, how I can select only a XY number of rows? I can't use TOP in select query. User see only 20-30 rows on his page, but he can use page_up, page_down. Is possible to something as lazy load?

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Number Of Rows Returned By Sp

Jul 9, 2004

Is it possible to get the number of Rows returned by a stored procedure in a profiler ?
if yes, what parameters shud I be looking for?



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Get Number Of Rows Returned

Oct 18, 2007

I have a report that calls a stored procedure. I want to display the number of records that the stored procedure returned. I can't seem to find an expression that will do this. Is there an expression that will display the record count for a dataset?


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Count The Number Of Rows Returned - How??

Oct 13, 2007

i have a stored procedure SELECT CommentID, UserName, CommentingDate
WHERE PictureID = @PictureID
ORDER BY CommentingDate DESC
 witch shows me the users who commented a Picture with PictureID = x
I need to add two rows at that stored procedure, one to show the number of total comments at that picutre (like counting the number of rows returned) and the second to show count the DISTINCT users who commented that picture
I tryied with COUNT but i have to use GROUP BY and i don't think this is good...
I hope you understand... please help me,

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Extending The Number Of Rows Returned Per Page In RS

Jun 7, 2007

Is there a way to extend the number of rows that will be returned so that Reporting services doesn't display such a large number of pages for the users to page through? It would be easier for them to "wheel mouse" through a long page on the screen.

Anyone out there have any thoughts on how this might be accomplished?



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Integration Services :: Using Rows Returned In Object Variable And Email When Rows Exist

Sep 11, 2015

I have a conditional split in an SSIS package - one split is where if rows are returned according to a specific rule, then insert those rows into to a Recordset Destinationm which points to a variable of Object type.

How I can use this variable to email fellow users.  For example, what I would like is if ANY rows are returned to the Object variable (1 or more), then I would like to execute an email SP that we have on our server.

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Number Of Row Returned By ExecuteReader

Nov 14, 2007

when I execute the line:
reader = comm.ExecuteReader();
Is there a way to get a count of the number of records returned (the query is a SELECT with no count in it)? I want to vary the display of the results set based on the number of records returned.
For example if no records are returned I want it to display nothing, if one, I want the header to be in the singular, but if more than one record is returned, I want it to display the header in plural form.
Here is my code snippet with further explanation of what I am trying to do:int Inumber = 0;foreach (string item in menuHeaders)
{string title = menuHeaders[Inumber];
sp.Value = menuHeaders[Inumber];
conn.Open();reader = comm.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
//Get the culture property of the thread.CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
//Create TextInfo object.TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;
// WHAT I AM TRYING TO DO....... Here I would like to wrap this with an if statement, if  Records returned by the reader are 0, skip while loop and header display
// If one, then display in singular and if 2 add an s to the title. Convert to title case and display.content.Text += "<H3>" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(title) + "</H3>";while (reader.Read())
content.Text += "<a href='" + reader["website"] + "'>" + reader["f_name"] + reader["l_name"] + "</a>"+ ", " +reader["organization"]+"<br />";
//Close the connection.

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Limit Number Of Results Returned

Sep 2, 2004

I am doing some SELECT queries on my database through ASP, but for example, I only want to return the 50 most recent entries that match the criteria. Is there any easy way to limit the number of results returned?

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Count The Total Number Of Results Returned

May 17, 2007

Iam using front page to dispalay my results.

At the bottom it shows me 1/10 i.e 1st page of 10 pages.

but what do i do if i want it to be shown as 1-10 out of 100 (if each page contains 10 results).

or it would be really good if i get count of both no. of recors as well as no. of pages.

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How To Enter More Number Of Rows In A Table Having More Number Of Columns At A Time

Sep 24, 2007


I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns

For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?

Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls

( SQL Server 2005)

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How To Get Number Of Records A Query Has Returned Using SqlDataSource Control?

May 17, 2007

I'm using SqlDataSource control.
Is there a way to know how many records a query has returned?

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Limit The Number Of Records Returned In Stored Procedure.

Aug 17, 2007

In my ASP page, when I select an option from the drop down list, it has to get the records from the database stored procedure. There are around 60,000 records to be fetched. It throws an exception when I select this option. I think the application times out due to the large number of records. Could some tell me how to limit the number of rows to be returned to avoid this problem. Thanks.
SELECT @SQLTier1Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier1Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))' + @Criteria + ' AND (number IN (SELECT DISTINCT ph1.number FROM Collect2000.dbo.payhistory ph1 LEFT JOIN Collect2000.dbo.payhistory ph2 ON ph1.UID = ph2.ReverseOfUID WHERE (((ph1.batchtype = ''PU'') OR (ph1.batchtype = ''PC'')) AND ph2.ReverseOfUID IS NULL)) OR code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryPaidPaymentsT1 = 1))'

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Different No. Of Rows Returned In SEM Vs QA

Nov 19, 2004


Any idea why when I run a SELECT stament in Query anaylser it returns 45 rows. But when I create the exact same SQL as a view in Enterprise manager it only returns 44 rows?



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How I Will Come To Know The No. Of Rows Returned?

Jun 12, 2007

I am using SQLExecute() in C++ code.
My query is "select * from Revoked_users"?
How I will come to know the no. of rows returned by SQLExecute() ?

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No Rows Returned; Why?

Apr 7, 2008

The code below returns 0 rows. The statement is intended as generic statement that would return all records between a particular start and end date and on each date only between a specific start and end time. It works perfectly if the end date is greater than the start date.
Unfortunately, if the start and end dates are equal (i.e, return all records on that one date and only between the specified start and end times) then no records are returned.
BTW, it is also looking for matching datetimes in two tables and there really is matching data in the two tables for that particular date and times.
Can anybody help resolve this?

SELECT DISTINCT t1.* FROM [DbName].[SchemaName].[TableName1] AS t1,

[DbName].[SchemaName].[TableName2] AS t2

WHERE t1.[DateTime] BETWEEN CAST('2006-11-22' AS DATETIME) AND CAST('2006-11-22' AS DATETIME)

AND t2.[DateTime] BETWEEN CAST('2006-11-22' AS DATETIME) AND CAST('2006-11-22' AS DATETIME) AND





t1.[DateTime] = t2.[DateTime]

ORDER BY t1.[DateTime];

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No Rows Returned

Oct 15, 2007

I have a qry/dataset in a report. If the qry returns no data the report will
simply show a the headers/footers and no data in the detail section. However, I need to display all zeros if the detail section ie '0', if no data is returned. How can I do that?
I have SSRS 2005.

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Inflated Number Of Records Returned When Adding Bit Field Criteria

Jul 20, 2005

When querying a bit field, I am encountering a problem with MS SQLServer returning a larger number of records for a table than theactual number of records that exist within that table.For example, my customer table has 1 million unique records, so theresults of the following query are as such:select count(customer_nbr) from customer = 1,000,000There is bit field in the customer table that denotes whether acustomer has placed an order with us called. That flag is calledorder_flagIf I run the following query:select count(customer_nbr) from customer where order_flag = 1The result is 3,000,000 records.There is no logical way that this is possible, as my table onlycontains 1,000,000 unique records and the number of customers with anorder should be a subset of this.If a run the above query with a distinct before customer number, I getthe results I want:select count(distinct customer_nbr) from customer where order_flag = 1600,000 records.So while I can get to the answer I want, I have no idea why I amreturning incorrect values if I don't select distinct.Can anyone help? I checked microsoft support and message boards buthaven't seen anything.I should note that the bit field is indexed.I am not sure if that isthe problem or not.

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Trying To See If SQLDatasource Returned Rows

Feb 3, 2008

Hello and thank you taking a moment. I have created a simple login page where the user will pass credentials. I have a sqldatasource that will query a database to see if the user exists. What I would like to do is have the user click a button after entering their credentials. When the button is clicked I would like the SqlDatasource SelectCommand to fire and if there are rows returned then redirect the user to a new page.
I know I can do this with ADO and a datareader with the HasRows property. But what I would eventually like to do is cache the data and then bind the cached data to a control(like a dataview) on the page the user is redirected to.  If anyone can tell me how to get the Select command to fire on a button click I would be eternally grateful. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Restricting Returned Rows

Jul 23, 2005

I have a large table with approx 250000 rows in sql 2000. I need toreturn this from an asp page but the query to return this amount ofdata causes the asp to time out before the query completes.Is there any way in ado (or another way useable from asp / vb) that Ican run the query and then fetch a number of rows at a time? I can thene.g. pass the first batch of rows back to the client and then call forthe second batch.Any thoughts appreciated.

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How To Override Zero Rows Returned

Sep 13, 2005

Hi,I have a select statment that correctly returns zero rows at times. Iwould like to be able to return the value 0 (a single row with thevalue 0) whenever the logic returns zero rows.something like thisIf no.of.rows.returned = 0 thenoutput 0elseoutput query resultsend ifCan anyone poing me in the right direction to do this?many thanks,yohan

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Compare Rows As Returned

Feb 12, 2008

I running a query that returns a information from many tables. I need a way to compare the row returned to the previous row. This query currently returns the requested information for everytime an item placed. I need the query to return only the most recent order information. I can do this by doing a basic loop comparing the jobmatl.item and po.order_date. If the jobmatl.item match between the current row and last row compare the dates and keep the oldest.

@assembly ItemType

SET @assembly = '1110-2014'

SET @assembly = ISNULL(@assembly, '%')

, item.description
, item.drawing_nbr
, jobmatl.matl_qty
, itemloc.qty_on_hand
, po.order_date
jobmatl with (nolock)
inner join item with (nolock) on item.item = jobmatl.item
inner join job with (nolock) on jobmatl.job = job.job
inner join poitem with (nolock) on item.item = poitem.item
inner join po with (nolock) on poitem.po_num = po.po_num
inner join vendaddr with (nolock) on vendaddr.vend_num = po.vend_num
inner join itemloc with (nolock) on itemloc.item = item.item
jobmatl.job < ' 990000'
job.item LIKE @assembly
, po.order_date

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Receiving There Is An Invalid Number Of Result Bindings Returned For The ResultSetType: ResultSetType_Rowset

Sep 20, 2007

I am trying to set up an Execute SQL Task that will feed into a foreach loop for processing of data. I am using an ADO.NET Connection with Direct input with full result set. I have tried using "select * from <table>" and also "select <column1>, <column2> from <table>". I have user variables set in the package and have the table cfolumn names listed in result name and the appropriate package variable in variable name on the Result Set tab. There is a total of 53 columns per row and the number of rows that should be returned can be anywhere from none to several hundred. Upon trying to run the package, I am receiving
Error: 0xC00291E2 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: There is an invalid number of result bindings
returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_Rowset".

Anyone have any ideas here? Thanks in advance!

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Stored Procedure - Too Many Rows Returned

Jan 12, 2007

The following query only brings back too much data in the table - there are duplicates and the lab it shows is wrong.
The problem is:  
AND a.calLab = f.ID
in the Where statement.
Some equipment does not need calibration, so, a.calDueDate = 0 AND a.calLab would be NULL or 0.
tblLabs ID field has 1 - 18 (Labs) - no 0 and of course no null
I need to get the rest of the data.
Any suggestions?
SELECT a.assignedID,
FROM tblEquipments a,
tblManufacturers b,
tblLocation c,
tblStatus d,
tblEquipment_Type e,
tblLabs f
WHERE a.manufacturer = b.manufacturerID
AND a.location = c.locationID
AND a.Status = d.statusID
AND a.EquipmentType = e.ID
AND (a.calLab = f.ID or a.calLab Is NULL or a.calLab = 0)   

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Limit The Rows Returned By A SqlDataReader

Feb 14, 2008

Is there a way to limit the number of rows returned by a SqlDataReader? I know I can do it by modifying the Stored Procedure, but I'd rather not modify a procedure that is used in multiple apps. I'm hoping there is something easy like setting SqlDataReader.RowsReturned = 100, but that might be too easy to hope for.

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InnerJoins Causing No Rows To Be Returned

Jun 11, 2008

I have my SQLDataSource configured as shown in the picture. I ran the Execute Query and input an ID I know is in the database and it returned nothing. I ran into this probelm on another part of my site and i got it working by using 2 SQLDataSources, but im trying to keep the amount of code down.
Any ideas on why it would be behaving this way?

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SQL Server Random Rows Returned

Sep 23, 2004

As a part of my unpaid internship, I am creating a ASP.NET interface for a MS SQL Server 2000. The table I am having problems with has over 750,000 rows by 26 columns. There isn't a primary key. It stores a transaction dump from another primitive Database server.


When perform a query I get one set of results. I run the same query again after a short wait and the rows returned are in a different order. The majority of the rows returned are the same ones returned in the previous query. Only, some rows may be missing and the order may change.

I really wasn't surprised by some duplicate rows. I am confused why they are showing up in a different order and the above mentioned inconsistancy in results.

I thought I was having problems with my Repeater Control; however, SQL Query Analyzer returns the same results.


What is causing the problem?

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Get The Rank Of Returned Rows (was SQL Question)

Jan 11, 2005

Given the following results:
col0 col1 col2
THY 2,265,850 31
VIE 1,474,994 20
RID 1,221,800 17
ACC 1,124,335 15
FEI 445,184 6
DIR 433,783 6
ROM 324,365 4

What is the best way in a query to get the rank of the returned rows by either col1 or col2. In other words who's the number 1,2,3 etc...

total count col0 = 7
total col1 = 7,290,310
total col2 (would eqaul 100%)= 99%

Looking for a mathmatical solution to this any help would be appreciated.

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Selective Rows Returned From Select

Jan 25, 2006


I have a problem that I would like help with.

I have to write an SQL Server 2000 stored procedure that returns rows from a table (a SELECT with an ORDER BY). A front end system calls the stored procedure and displays the returned rows. If there is more than one screen's worth of data (ie more than 20 rows returned from the table) then there is a requirement that the stored procedure only returns the rows for the screen ie, for screen 1 I need to return rows 1-20, for screen2 I need to return rows 21-40, screen 3 = rows 41-60.

The screen number will be passed into the stored procedure so I can work out what rows to return, the only problem is how can I tell SQL Server to only select the required rows (ie, say rows 21 to 40 from the returned rows). I can't see any arguments that allow selective rows to be returned (apart from TOP).

Any ideas??



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Take Id-s From Returned Rows, And Make A New SELECT

Jun 14, 2006

Hello, I have a question on sql stored procedures.
I have such a procedure, which returnes me rows with ID-s.
Then in my page I make from that Id-s a string like

SELECT * FROM [eai.Documents] WHERE CategoryId=11 OR CategoryId=16 OR CategoryId=18.

My question is: Can I do the same in my stored procedure? (without sending it to page)
Here is it:


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[eai.GetSubCategoriesById]
@Id int
declare @path varchar(100);
SELECT @path=Path FROM [eai.FileCategories] WHERE Id = @Id;
SELECT Id, ParentCategoryId, Name, NumActiveAds FROM [eai.FileCategories]
WHERE Path LIKE @Path + '%'

fileCategories table: (for information)Here is the screenshot of the table (10 kb )

Thank you

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No Rows Returned From Select Satement

Jul 31, 2007

How is the best way to check for No rows returned from a Select statement in a Stored Proc? I have see this:

Code Snippet

Declare @res int
set @res = NULL
Select @res = dbKeyColumn
From aTable

If @res is null

then no rows returned.

Surely there is a better way??


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Don't Want Output File If There Are No Rows Returned

Aug 21, 2006

I'm using a simple data flow to extract rows from a table (using a SQL query) and put them in a flat file. If the query returns no rows, I don't want a file to be created. Right now it creates a file with the headers (since I do want the headers if there is data).

Any one know how to do this?


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Limiting Rows Returned By Result Sets

May 20, 2008

In MySQL we use "SELECT (....) LIMIT 0, 10" to only return the first 0 to 10 records. Alternatively we could do "LIMIT 10, 20" to return the 10th to 20th records.

What's the equivilent of this in SQL Server?


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Having Rows With Some Null Values Returned Conditionally

Aug 8, 2012

This should be a simple solution, but it has been a long time since I've done any query writing (mostly in Oracle) and I am stumped, so here goes:

We are in the process of converting Access database to MSSQL with web form front ends.

I have a table, all columns are nullable, and want users to be able to query from a form, which has a field for each column and defaults to a % wild card for the entered value.

I want the users to be able to put any string in any field, and have it return each row that matches that, including rows with null values in the other columns, but not the column with the entered criteria.

Here is a sample of the data:

SQL> select * from test;

----- ----- ----- -----
this is a test
this is not test
this is not
this is test too
is test too
is too
is too

7 rows selected.

Now, if I have this SQL run, it will return only rows that have no nulls in any columns:

col4from test
col1 like'th%'
and col2 like '%'
and col3 like '%'
and col4 like '%';

----- ----- ----- -----
this is a test
this is not test
this is test too

Now, if I use an OR clause for each column, this mostly works, but the trouble is it will also return rows with null values for the field that has criteria entered in it:

col4from test
(col1 like'th%' OR col1 is null)
and (col2 like '%' OR col2 is null)
and (col3 like '%' OR col3 is null)
and (col4 like '%' OR col4 is null);
----- ----- ----- -----
this is a test
this is not test
this is not
this is test too
is test too
is too
is too

The idea is to only select the first 4 rows in the above example.

I was playing with ISNULL in the select clause, but all it does is substitute a string for a null, and I think CASE will do the same thing.

Is there a way I can write this query so it will return rows with NULL values in any column, except the one(column) that has user entered criteria in it?

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