Show All Records If SQL Parameter Is Blank?

Jan 1, 2008

I have written a SQL statement that accepts a letter and then prints out all the records in a table starting with that letter.  I was wondering if there is a way that I could change the query so that if prints out all records if a blank or empty value is passed in?
Here's my query:
 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetMediaListByFirstLetter]
  @firstLetter char(1)
    SELECT Media_ID, OrgName
        FROM         Media
        WHERE UPPER(SUBSTRING(Media.OrgName,1,1)) = @firstLetter
Any help doing this would be greatly appreciated.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Displaying Sum Of Records And Show Row Even If It Is Blank Or Zero

Mar 10, 2015

I am creating a report on an webpage to show how many times a coupon has been used from a set list of items.There are two tables I am using for this query.Table 1 has the list of items or coupons. Table 2 has a column for the item id from Table 1 and a value.

Table 1
id Name
1 Coupon1
2 Coupon2
3 Coupon3


My current query will only show coupon1 and coupon2 and the number and value. It will not show coupon2 since it hasn't been used. I would still like to show coupon2 with a number of zero and a value of zero.

Current query is:
SELECT Table1.Name, COUNT(Table2.ID) AS CNum, SUM(Table2.Value) AS CValue FROM Table2 JOIN Table1 ON Table2.ID = Table1.ID GROUP BY Table1.Name

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How To Set A Parameter For Filtering Not Blank Records

Feb 7, 2007

In my report I want an optional parameter to filter all records with a specific field that is not blank. I tried several scenario's without result...

In the parameter I want to set a text value like "exampletext".

In the filter I want a check: if the parameter value is "exampletext", only show the records where field "abc" is not blank.

On the tab Filters from the Table properties I can set three values: Expression, Operator and Value.

Please help!

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Show Blank Page When Executed From SharePoint

Sep 22, 2015

I have a set of SSRS reports published on the server. It can be accessed through a web application or through SharePoint. Most of the reports work fine through both - web app and SharePoint. However, one of the report, which returns large amount of data has some problem:

1. It generates fine from web app
2. It generates fine from SharePoint; only if one or two values selected from Filter dropdown
3. However, if all items (about 20 items) selected from Filter dropdown... and click on View Report, it processes for a while and then shows nothing. The page remains blank.

Did some research and felt the problem is with Distributed Cache Service.

Tried restarting it; tried changing SPDistributedCacheClientSetting settings - requestTimeout, channelOpenTimeout... but didn't work.

I checked Event Viewer logs, SharePoint logs and SSRS logs but couldn't find any relevant error messages.

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Allows Blank Value For Integer Parameter

Jul 3, 2007

Hi have a problem to solve and I hope that this is not a SSRS Bug.

I created a Reports(using SQL Server Project) which has several parameters which values are passed to a SP.

One of these parameter is an Integer and it is an optional value, so if the user fill it is used by the SP, otherwise the SP uses NULL and run anyway.

I starts to define tha parameter:

Datatype = integer

Allow blank value

Available: Non queried

Default: Null

if I want to Preview the report I have to provide an integer to the parameter's field ...

If for instance I set:

Default: Not queried = 0

In the moment I deploy and I use the ReportViewer in my window application the parameter's field is unabled!!

So I tried this solution:

Datatype = integer

Allow blank value

Allow null value

Available: Non queried

Default: Null

In the preview the checkbox: NULL is checked and I click on the View Report.

But when I deploy it,in the ReportViewer in my window application the parameter's field this checkbox is unchecked.

Do I forget something during my setting??I have to control it programmatically??

N.B. By default the user will not user this parameter so the best is that he can click directly on "View Report" without any additional "work" on the parameter!!

Thank you for any help!

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Set Input Parameter To Zero If Null Or Blank

Jan 8, 2015

I am passing few parameters to the sql function to do some calculations. If the input parameter is null or blank, then I want to set the input parameter to the value zero

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Is There A Way To Default DateTime Parameter To Blank?

Jul 13, 2007

I have a visible DateTime parameter on the Report that I would like to make optional.

When I open up the report and try to run it without specifying the date I get a validation error that parameter is required. If I set default value to null - it works, but I have to check for both '' and NULL in my query:

StartDateTime >= @StartDate OR @StartDate='' OR @StartDate IS NULL

I tried setting default parameter using expression
but I get an error that
'Default Value' of parameter 'StartDate' doesn't have expected time.

So the question is can I set DateTime parameters' default value to blank?

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Allow Blank Value Does Not Effect When Parameter Is Multi Value = Bug!

Jan 3, 2008

I build reports using reporting services 2005 sp2.
I have 3 parameters---> 3 multi value combo box .
However when I tick "allow blank value" within the report parameter
properties for this drop menu, report WILL NOT run without making
selection.(The xml is ok allow blank value set to true)
the reports still require you to enter a value for all parameters in the report when the report can and should be able to be run with no parameter defined.
the trick "default values for all of the params to "=String.Empty"" is not good .

I found this article but i can't find microsoft hotfix for it .

"Thank you for filing the bug. This issue has been fixed for the next CTP.
Posted by Microsoft on 8/11/2005 at 7:00 PM"

Am I missing something obvious here?

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Selecting &&<BLANK&&> As Default Value Of The Parameter

Aug 21, 2007

Looks like a very simple problem but not geeting it..
I have parameter as ALL and it has corresponding value as <BLANK>,which comes by default.
Allow Blank to true

How I can select this parameter as default value in parameter??

Please make sure that if I am taking '' then it is getting treated differently.I don;t want Value of ALL as '' or NULL

Niether I have permission to change sp

I want <BLANK> value to be selected internally

Any help will be appriciated.


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How To Remove Blank Spaces In Records??

Jun 23, 2005

We imported approximately 2.9 million records from our mainframe server
into our SQL Server but have run into a problem.  The data in a
few of the fields contains both leading and trailing spaces.  An
example of the data would be like this, using periods to represent

What we have:


What we need:

1A02938  (no spaces)

 Is there some sort of algorithm I can run on the data to remove
those spaces?  The problem is coming up when trying to perform a
SELECT query.  We try something like:

SELECT * FROM PCPIPT0 WHERE PANO20 = "1A02938"  but we get zero
results because of the spaces in the database.  The datatype of
the filed is char(20) because we need some flexibility on the size of
the data stored.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Find Records With A Blank Field

Mar 13, 2000

I want to be able to use a query to display all the records in the 6.5 database that have no data in the STATUS field. This is the query I thought would work....."SELECT * from travel_date WHERE status="''"

But, that is not working. Can someone please help me figure out the right way to wrtie this?

I appreciate your help!

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Replacing Blank Records With Text

Mar 20, 2006

Hi there,

I'm in a bit of a jam here and will appreciate any help.

I need the SQL code to replace a record if the record is empty.

For instance, I have about 7 columns containing over 40K records. In the firstname field, some records are blank. I need to replace all the blank firstname fields with this: 'now invalid' (without the quotes)

What would be the best way to achieve this?



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SQL / Not Existing Records As Blank Cells

Oct 7, 2007


I have data in two tables.



I want to join the two tables to add the Code of CodeType "C" to the records of NAMES

Result Example

I want to have all records from the names with the codetype C, if there is no record with the codetype c for a given ID, the cell should be blank to identify for which ID's the CodeType C is mising.

how should the sql statement look like?

Please help!
thanks in advance!


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Value Of Stored Procedure Output Parameter Is Blank

Mar 31, 2004

Here's my stored procedure...

CREATE PROCEDURE [Get_WirelessProducts_By_Page]
@CurrentPage int,
@PageSize int,
@TotalRecords int output
--Create a temp table to hold the current page of data
--Add and ID column to count the records
ProductID int,
ProductCategoryID nvarchar(50),
ProductBandwidthKB int,
ProductOverridePrice nvarchar(50),
UseWirelessOverridePrice bit,
DedicationTypeID int,
DedicationTypeName nvarchar(50)
--Fill the temp table with the Customers data
tblWirelessProducts W
INNER JOIN tblDedicationTypes D ON W.DedicationTypeID = D.DedicationTypeID
--Create variable to identify the first and last record that should be selected
DECLARE @FirstRec int, @LastRec int
SELECT @FirstRec = (@CurrentPage - 1) * @PageSize
SELECT @LastRec = (@CurrentPage * @PageSize + 1)
--Select one page of data based on the record numbers above
ID > @FirstRec
ID < @LastRec
--Return the total number of records available as an output parameter

SELECT @TotalRecords = COUNT(*) FROM tblWirelessProducts
Here is the relevant VB Code:
Dim parmReturnValue As SqlParameter
'conProducts is already open
cmdProducts = New SqlCommand("Get_WirelessProducts_By_Page", conProducts)
cmdProducts.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdProducts.Parameters.Add("@CurrentPage", intCurrentPage)
cmdProducts.Parameters.Add("@PageSize", dgrdProducts.PageSize)
parmReturnValue = cmdProducts.Parameters.Add("@TotalRecords",
parmReturnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
dgrdProducts.DataSource = cmdProducts.ExecuteReader()

If Not IsDBNull(cmdProducts.Parameters("@TotalRecords").Value) then
End IfThe rows are returned correctly, but the output parameter "@TotalRecords" doesn't return anything. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.

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Reporting Services :: How To Pass A Blank Parameter

Nov 24, 2015

I have 5 Parameters created in my report.

1, 2 and 3 parameter are text inputs. 4th is multi-value parameter and 5th is again a text input. I need to Pass a blank parameter to my 5th parameter.

1) I tried the below Expression in the "UploadedEnt" DataSet Properties and not in the "Main" DataSet.

=IIF(Parameters!UploadedEntiParam.Value ="",Nothing,Parameters!UploadedEntParam.Value)

I have taken the actual sql query (file) and I have just placed the select statement.

DataSet Name: UploadedEntselect distinct UploadEnt
SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2...
....) Ent

Order by 1OR logic has been applied in the Tablix Properties Filters as an expression.=Fields!value1.Value like Parameters!value1Param.Value Or Fields!value2.Value like Parameters!value2Param.Value Or Fields!value3.Value like Parameters!value3Param.Value Or Fields!value4.Value = Parameters!value4Param.Value(0) Or Fields!UploadEnt.Value = Parameters!UploadedEntParam.ValueFilter: Expression = TRUE2) I tried applying NULL check box which works perfectly but I do not want to apply that here.How to Pass a Blank Parameter?

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Enable Parameter Of Type Date To Be Blank.

Feb 11, 2008

Is it possible to enable parameter of type date to be blank (not null)?

I created parameter of type date, gave it no default value, when I pressed the preview tab I got error message "The property 'DefaultValue' of report parameter 'DateParamName' doesn't have the expected type"
Thanks in advance!

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Reporting Services :: How To Get A Blank Parameter To Work

Jun 3, 2015

Have a report that has this as the query:

FROM CTS_Missing_Data_Report_VW
ORDER BY Transdate desc, Location

So the user can enter a value for Location and Source and select the date range.BUT I also want the user to be able to put in nothing for the Location and Source so the query would return everything for that date range.

So if they did this the query would be

FROM CTS_Missing_Data_Report_VW
ORDER BY Transdate desc, Location

I have set the parameters @Location and @Source to "Allow blank value" in the datasets for the location and source I have :


So a blank will show on the drop down and when I run the query for the Query Designer in the Dataset Properties the results does show  a blank record for the first record.BUT when I Run the report there are no blanks in the drop downs for the location or source. And there is no '<blank>' selection in the drop down either. And the drop down insist the user selects a value from both of the drop downs.

What am I doing wrong?

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Reporting Services :: Hide Blank Row With Multi-value Parameter

Jul 20, 2015

I have a Multivalue parameter with 4 available values and have 4 columns in the report that correspond to each of these values.I apply column visibility to each of the 4 columns with the following expression (the number changes for each column

=IIF(InStr("," & Join(Parameters!KPINAME.Value,",")& ",",",1,")>0),False,True)

What I want to do is that if I select a KPI and the Column value is NULL then to hide the row.Obviously if you select multiple KPIs and only 1 of the columns has null value then I wouldn't want the Row hidden.

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SQL Parameter Update Not Updating Changed Null/blank Values

Oct 24, 2006

I am attempting to update a sql db using the update and parameter code in 2003 through MSDE for a web application. It updates changed data OK, but if the textbox value is deleted, the code does not update the sql db. I am new to this, and I'm sure it is something simple. Here is some sample code.


strSQLu = "UPDATE table1 " _
& "SET Field1Tag = @Field1Tag, Field2Tag = @Field2Tag " _
& "WHERE (Field1Tag = @Field1Tag) "

cmdCategoriesUpdate.CommandText = strSQLu

With cmdCategoriesUpdate
.Parameters("@Field1Tag").Value = txtFld1.Text
.Parameters("@Field2Tag").Value = txtFld2.Text
End With

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Reporting Services :: How To Remove Blank Spaces After Removing Duplicated Records

Aug 18, 2015

I wanted to remove duplicate records from SSRS report. I set the "Hide Duplicates" to True. It is now working, But i am getting the space between the two records, which i want to get rid of. How to get rid of extra spaces between two records ( Please find the details below).

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How To Show Default Value For Parameter

Oct 19, 2007

While converting Crystal reports to Reporting services I noticed that the existing crystal reports puts todays date as default value for the date parameter. Users also want it that way. I was unable to find a way to put a default value for a parameter in SSRS. I am a newbie in this so may be I missed something.

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How To Show Records With JOIN?

Apr 5, 2007

Hi ,

I've got two tables.. the first table carried a ProductID, and amongst other things a TradePrice

The other tbl carries a ProductID, a IndivPrice and a CustomerID

The second tbl lists prices for products for indiv Customers.

My Query needs to bring back ALL the products from the first tbl...

It also needs to show the TradePrice for that product.

I need to join my query to the second tbl...

And finally, if the second tbl has a price for that product AND the customerID is the same as one I pass into the query.. show that price also..

So here's my first query:

SELECT dbo.Products.ProductID, ProductName, ProductTradePrice, IndivPrice, dbo.Trade_PriceLists.CustomerID AS PLCustomerID FROM dbo.Products LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Trade_PriceLists ON dbo.Products.ProductID = dbo.Trade_PriceLists.ProductID WHERE (ProductType = 'Trade' OR ProductType = 'Both') AND (Replace(Lower(ProductBrand),' ','') = 'brandname') AND (CustomerID IS NULL OR CustomerID = 'teste' OR CustomerID = '') ORDER BY TradeOrder

I thought that would work, but what happens is that, if that particular customer has no indiv prices set.. then it only shows the ones that have no records at all in that second tbl..

So unless there is a record for a particular product in that second tbl and it doesn't have a CustomerID assigned to (which would never happen as that tbl is only every for indiv customer prices) then it doesn't show.


First Tbl

ProductID Name TradePrice

1 Jumper £1.00

2 Jeans £3.00

3 Shoes £5.00

4 Hat £2.00

Second Tbl

ProductID CustomerID IndivPrice

1 teste £0.50

2 othercustomer £2.50

3 teste £4.50

What I want in the results is:

ProductID ProductName TradePrice IndivPrice CustomerID (PLCustomerID)

1 Jumper £1.00 £0.50 teste

2 Jeans £3.00

3 Shoes £5.00 £4.50 teste

4 Hat £2.00

See? - The 2nd product should not get an indiv price as although it's in that second tbl, the customerID assigned to it is different. The 4th product should not get an indiv price as it's not in that second tbl at all.

however, with my query above I'd only get Products 1and 3... and if I did a query on a customer with no indiv prices I'd only get product 4 as it's not in the indiv at all...


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Input Parameter Doesn't Show.

Oct 10, 2006

when i pass a input parameter, the SP doesn't recognize it.


exec SP 00004

it will print:
select * from table where idname = 4

i want it to print
select * from table where idname = '00004'

how can i do that?

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Show Date Parameter In A Text Box

Aug 29, 2007

I have a report that pulls data for the following date parameters:

DECLARE @STARTDATE datetime, @ENDDATE datetime
Select * from tablename where reportdate between @STARTDATE and @ENDDATE

This query works fine. I wanted to show the parameters chosen in a text box in the report so the user knows the date range the report was run. I tried using the following:
"Discharge Date between " & Parameters!STARTDATE.Value & " and " & Parameters!ENDDATE.Value
but I am getting a forward dependancy error. I have also tried setting a default value but can not get the correct code to subtract three days from Now()

Can someone help me with this one?

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Unable To Show 0 To Many Records With Inner Join

May 2, 2008

I am having problem  with Inner joining of tables
my query is..
 Select j.jobSubject,e.eOrganization ,jv.JobClick,j.jobID from dbo.tbl_Jobs jinner join  dbo.tbl_Employer e on e.mId=j.jobCreatedByIDinner join dbo.tbl_JobView jv on jv.JobID=j.jobID
order by jv.JobClick desc This query returns 1 to many records
But I need the query should return  0 to many record . .yes I have already know inner join does not handle my problem so plz suggest me which type of join would solve my problem

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How To Show All The Accounts Even If They Don't Have Records For This Period

Aug 5, 2013

I have three tables Accounts, History and Dates . What I need to do is display all the accounts from History (900) records and compare them to the accounts in Accounts table pull all the matching records based on a certain date range , but If there is no record in the History table for this period I still need to display the account from Accounts and some text saying that there is no record matching for this period.

Account History
4NO information for this month

This will give me all the matching records for the period but I need somehow to show all the accounts even if they don't have records for this period.

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Transact SQL :: Show Particular Records Within Same Group?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a table with 5 columns, let say ID,PersionID, Date, Type,Qty  and source data looks like this

ID   PersonID    Date            Type       Qty  

1      1        01/01/2011       Accept      5          
2      1        01/01/2011       Accept      5  
3      2        02/01/2010       Accept      10             
4      2        02/01/2010       Deny        20  
5      3        02/01/2012       Accept      15

[Code] .....

Output should look like this..look for only Type=Accept until deny is reached. After Deny,if there is a Accept ignore it.

ID  PersonID    Date            Type         Qty
1    1        01/01/2011       Accept        5      (show only one Accept row=1 becoz Type is Accept and date is same,Qtyis
3    2        02/01/2010       Accept        10     (show Accept row=3,ignore deny row)

5    3        02/01/2012       Accept        15     (show Accept row=5)

6    4        05/05/2012       Accept        25     (show Accept rows=6,7 and ignore Deny & Accept rows = 8,9)

7    4        07/08/2012       Accept        20
11   6        01/01/2011       Accept        5      (show Accept rows=11,12 because Qty is different)  

12   6        01/01/2011       Accept        15

Create Sample Table (ID int null, PersonID Int null, Date Datetime null , Type varchar(10) null, Qty int null)

Insert into sample values (1 ,1,'01/01/2011','Accept',5),


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Show All Records From One Table Regardless Of WHERE Clause

Feb 15, 2007

I have two tables, Employee and Calls. They are joined on an Employee field. In my where clause I have a value specified that only returns specific calls. What I would like to have happen is to have the query return all Employee records regardless if any records from the Calls table is present for that employee. I want something that looks like this:Employee # of Calls
Employee A 5
Employee B 0
Employee C 10

When I apply a WHERE clause to the Calls table I get this:Employee # of Calls
Employee A 5
Employee C 10

I tried a LEFT OUTER JOIN without success. Any suggestions?

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How Do You Get The Last Child Of A Report Parameter To Show Up As A Default

Jan 1, 2007

Dataset "FromTimeDimension" is a report parameter and has values (yyyymm)= 200601,200602,200603,2000604....... I would like to always have the default for this parameter to always be the latest November is the most recent month in our cube, so I would want the parameter to default to "200611". However, when I try to use the "last" function, the error says that aggregate function cannot be used.

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Filtering SqlDataSource To Show All Vs. Non-null Records

Aug 29, 2006

Hi -- I'm starting an ASP.NET 2.0 application which contains a page with a checkbox and gridview control on it.  In its default state the gridview displays all the records from a table pulled from a SQL Server database (via a SqlDataSource object).  When the user checks the checkbox, I want the gridview to display only the records where one of the columns is not null.  But I've been unable to construct the WHERE clause of the SQLDataSource object correctly.  I see that I can hard-code the SqlDataSource object so that the column to be filtered is always NULL or always NOT NULL. But I want this filtering to be more dynamic such that the decision to show all or non-null records happens at run-time.  Should I be using two SqlDataSource objects -- one for the NOT NULL condition and one for the "all records" condition?  Then when the user checks the checkbox, the gridview would be configured to point to the appropriate SqlDataSource object. (???)  Seems like a bit of overhead with that approach.  I'm hoping there's a more elegant way to get this done.  Please let me know if you need more information.  Thanks in advance. Bill

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How To Show Only Records That Belong To The Logged In User.

Sep 28, 2007

Hello.I realize that this question has been asked before, but I still can't get it to work. Below are some links that might be of help: Basically, I need a DropDownList to display only projects for which the logged in user is assigned as leader. The [Projects] table contains an integer ProjectId, a string ProjectName, a uniqueidentifier ProjectLeader, and other fields. Can someone help me with the SQL query and code?  * Here is the definition of the SqlDataSource: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource5" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDB.MDFConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [ProjectId], [ProjectName] FROM [Projects] WHERE ([ProjectLeader] = @Leader)" OnSelecting="SqlDataSource5_Selecting"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="Leader" Type="Object" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>  * Here is the definition of the SqlDataSource5_Selecting method:   protected void SqlDataSource5_Selecting(object sender, SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e) { e.Command.Parameters("@Leader").Value = loggedInUserId; } where loggedInUserId is a global variable of type System.Guid. It has been evaluated in the Page_Load event to as: loggedInUserId = (System.Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey; Now the first problem I encounter is that when I run the page, the compiler complains and says, "error CS0118: 'System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Parameters' is a 'property' but is used like a 'method'." The second problem is when I insert the line: SqlDataSource5.SelectParameters("Leader").DefaultValue = loggedInUserId; in page_Load. The compiler again says, "error CS0118: 'System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Parameters' is a 'property' but is used like a 'method'." I've spent a long time trying to figure it out, but could not solve it. I would appreciate it if someone can help me out. Thank you very much. 

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SQL Server 2008 :: Only Show Duplicated Records

Aug 4, 2015

I have a query below to show all the records with joining these two tables.


My goal is only to show all the duplicate records.

AC_21234_2 AC_21200_1 402
AC_21236_2 AC_21200_1 402
AC_21238_2 AC_21200_1 402
AC_29000_1 AC_29000_1 802 ---> NOT SHOW (ONLY 1 RECORD)
AC_29988_1 AC_29988_1 801 ---> NOT SHOW (ONLY 1 RECORD)


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Show Number Of Values As % Of Total Records..?

Feb 15, 2007

HiI'm migrating from Access til MySQL.Works fine so far - but one thing is nearly killing me:I got the count of total records in a variabel - (antalRecords)I got the count for the Field Q1 where the value value is = 'nej'Now I just need to calculate how many % of my records have the value 'nej'I access this worked very fine - but with MySQL ( and ASP) I just cant getit right!!! I go crazy ....My code looks like this :strSQL="SELECT COUNT(Q1) AS Q1_nej FROM Tbl_evaluering " &_"WHERE Q1 = 'NEJ' "set RS = connection.Execute(strSQL)antal_nej = RS("Q1_nej")procent_nej = formatNumber((antal_nej),2)/antalrecords * 100Hope ...praying for help ...Please ;-)best wishes -Otto - Copenhagen

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