T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Replace Cursor - Convert To Recursive CTE Or While Loop

Jul 2, 2014

Need getting the below Cursor query convert to a Recursive CTE or with a while loop as I do not want to use a cursor.

Declare @Companyname Nvarchar (400)
declare @str nvarchar(MAX)
SELECT REPLACE Name FROM Company where Name <> 'AAAAA'
OPEN GlEntry_cursor

[Code] ....

View 9 Replies


T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Cursor To Recursive CTE Or A Normal Query?

Sep 25, 2015

I have a stored proc I want to convert it to either a Normal Query using A while loop or a set based operation/recursive cte as I want to run it for multiple CompanyNames. I get the error message as An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested when I execute if for Multiple Companies using another Cursor

If I convert it to a Function I get the below error message

Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'EXECUTE STRING' within a function

converting this query to a normal query or let me know if there is any change which need to done to work with multiple companynames.

CREATE PROC [dbo].[USPT] @CompanyName varchar(50),@tablename varchar(50)
-- EXEC [USPT] 'xyz corp','Sales Header'
set @str1 = '


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Cursor From Variable - Procedural Loop

May 8, 2014

I am using a cursor (i know - but this is actually something that is a procedural loop).

So effectively i have a table of names of stored procedures. I now have a store proc that loops around these procs and runs each one in order.

Now i am thinking i would like to be able to set the table it loops around in a variable at the start - is it possible to do this? So effectively use a tablename in a variable to use in the sql to define a cursor?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Simple Cursor Runs Infinite Loop?

Dec 23, 2014

I'm trying to build a simple cursor to understand how they work. From the temp table, I would like to print out the values of the table, when I run my cursor it just keeps running the output of the first row infinitely. I just want it to print out the 7 rows in the table ...



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How To Convert Recursive Function Into Recursive Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

I am having problem to apply updates into this function below. I triedusing cursor for updates, etc. but no success. Sql server keeps tellingme that I cannot execute insert or update from inside a function and itgives me an option that I could write an extended stored procedure, butI don't have a clue of how to do it. To quickly fix the problem theonly solution left in my case is to convert this recursive functioninto one recursive stored procedure. However, I am facing one problem.How to convert the select command in this piece of code below into an"execute" by passing parameters and calling the sp recursively again.### piece of code ############SELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uid######### my function ###########CREATE FUNCTION Mkt_GetChildren(@uid int, @subtotal decimal ,@DateStart datetime, @DateEnd datetime)RETURNS decimalASBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECTuidFROMcategories WHEREParentID = @uid)BEGINDECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT uid, classid5 FROM categories WHERE parentid = @uiddeclare @getclassid5 varchar(50), @getuid bigint, @calculate decimalOPEN my_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5select @calculate = dbo.Mkt_CalculateTotal(@getclassid5, @DateStart,@DateEnd)SET @subtotal = CONVERT (decimal (19,4),(@subtotal + @calculate))ENDCLOSE my_cursorDEALLOCATE my_cursorSELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uidENDRETURN @subtotalENDGORod

View 4 Replies View Related

Loop Though Table Using RowID, Not Cursor (was Loop)

Feb 22, 2006

I have a table with RowID(identity). I need to loop though the table using RowID(not using a cursor). Please help me.

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Recursive Cursor

Sep 23, 2004


I have 2 tables


parent_term_id term_id
-------------- -----------
1 2
2 3


id name
----- ------------------------------------------
1 My top parent node
2 My second node
3 my child node

If I do a search for say 'my child node' I need to display where 'my child node' is in relation to the hierarchy. i.e i need to show it's parent and if that has a parent I need to show its parent etc... and continue until there are no more parents left

So using the table details if i search for 'my child node'

I need to display this :
My top parent node -> My second node - > my child node

The id for 'My top parent node' doesn't exist in tblparent because it is the top parent

Can anybody help with doing this

Thanks in advance

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Problem In Recursive Loop In Script Task

Mar 3, 2008

I have written a recursive loop, the function using dataview.rowfilter ="something".

On some servers I am getting a weired issue. when I am interating through rows in dataview its throwing me an error.
"No row at position 1", I am using rowView("ColumnName")

strange thing is the underlying data row is returning me the value but row view is throwing an error.

I thought its an issue with SP1, but after installing SP2 still failing..

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Copy Subtree, Recursive Sproc With Cursor Doesn't Work

Sep 20, 2007

Hi all,

I have a parent-child table, and i want to copy subtrees of it, so for instance this would be the starting point:
(id, parentId, label)
0, null, World
1, 0, US
2, 1, NY
3, 0, UK
4, 3, London

now i want to copy object 3 (UK) and it's children, so i would get
0, null, World
1, 0, US
2, 1, NY
3, 0, UK
4, 3, London
5, 0, UK_copy
6, 5, London_copy

I have this sproc:

Code Snippet

alter proc CopyObject

(@ObjectId int,

@NewParentId int)


declare @NewId int,

@NewName varchar

select @NewId = max(Id) + 1 from Object

select @NewName = [Name] + 'copy' from [Object] where Id = @ObjectId

-- copy object





select @NewId,



from [Object]

where Id = @ObjectId

-- copy children and set their parent to the newly created object

declare c cursor fast_forward for

select Id

from [Object]

where ParentId = @ObjectId

declare @ChildId int

open c

fetch next from c into @ChildId

while @@fetch_status = 0


exec CopyObject

@ObjectID = @ChildId,

@NewParentId = @NewId

fetch next from c into @ChildId


close c

deallocate c

But htis throws an error that the cursor already exists:

Msg 16915, Level 16, State 1, Procedure CopyObject, Line 66

A cursor with the name 'c' already exists.

Msg 16905, Level 16, State 1, Procedure CopyObject, Line 72

The cursor is already open.

I've tried to think of an approach without cursors, but i can't figure it out. Because on the first pass, the new parentId will be the same as the parentId of the object to be copied. But the copies of the children of this first original object should have the parentid set to id of the copied object, and so all the way down the tree.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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How Do I Loop Through Dataset Then Replace?

Aug 23, 2007

How would I loop through the rows of a dataset, then replace certain character in a certain column?
I have a database which has a date field formatted 23/08/2007, I wish to loop through the dataset containing the results from the dataset, change the format of the date to 23.08.2007 then store the value back into the dataSet, which is called 'dataSet', and the table is called 'News'.
Using C# by the way.
Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2014 :: Possible To Replace While Loop By CTE?

Aug 11, 2015

Is it possible to replace while loop by CTE?

I will fetch records from table 1 based on tretmentid.
get the count of records
run the while loop
inside loop I will compare the column values with the same table(table 1) for different tretmentid.
if any one row matches will come out from loop and send status .

can it be replaced by CTE ?

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While Loop To Replace Text - How To Use Set Processing

Aug 12, 2015

I’ve created a script which will do the following.

Update fields in a database which contain instances of an order number. An order number is defined as a 10 digit numeric sting which beings with 998. The first 3 digits of the order number need to change from 998 to 999. There are two types of fields to update: document number fields which may contain 1 instance of the order number and free text fields which may contain multiple instances of an order number.

I created a function which accepts the text to be updated, the text to find and the text to replace it with. The function then loops through the sting for instances of 998. For each instance it finds it checks to ensure that it is at the start of a 10 digit string which contains only numeric numbers – if this is the case then it will update the 998 to be 999.
If the field is free text then it will continue to loop through the string (it will skip forward 10 digits for every order number found) until the end. If the field is not free text then it will exit the script after the first instance found which matches the above criteria, if any.

Need achieving this via set processing and not having to loop through every line. I’ve included the function below and some test data.

--Create the function we will call in order to do the replace
if object_id(N'OrderReplace',N'FN') is not null
drop function dbo.OrderReplace;
create function dbo.OrderReplace (


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How To Replace Cursor Based Statements With Set Ba

Jun 2, 2008

Hey All,
I am trying to convert cursor based stored proc in to set based simple statements stored proc. As this stored proc has created alot of performance issues. I am confuse now as I spent my most of time creating this stored proc. Please advise how can I convert this stored proc into set base simple statment.

Thanks in advance.


ALTER Procedure [SampleStoredProc]
@Var3 varchar(2) = 'Dummy'

declare @selectlist varchar(5000)
declare @tableBuild varchar(1000)
declare @FieldName varchar(50)
declare @FieldSelect varchar(500)
declare @FieldTitle varchar(50)
declare @TableName varchar(50)
declare @holdTable varchar(50)
declare @title varchar(50)
declare @holdTitle varchar(50)
declare @PageName varchar(50)
declare @sequence varchar(100)
declare @extraCriteria varchar(200)
declare @holdCriteria varchar(200)
declare @insertSQL varchar(5000)
declare @ConvertRoutine varchar(500)
declare @loopCtrl1 bit
declare @loopCtrl2 bit
declare @ConvertSQL varchar(5000)
declare @PrevValue varchar(50)
declare @NewValue varchar(50)
declare @ActionTxtvarchar(1)
declare @Descriptionvarchar(20)
declare @effDatevarchar(10)
declare @transEffDatevarchar(10)
declare @expDatevarchar(10)
declare @lastTransDatevarchar(10)
declare @policyStatusvarchar(2)
declare @reasAmendDescvarchar(50)
declare @policyNumbervarchar(20)
declare @riskStatevarchar(20)
declare @PriorPremmoney
declare @AmendPremmoney
declare @PremDiffmoney
declare mtcursor cursor for
select TableName, FieldName, FieldSelectTxt, FieldTitleTxt, SequenceFieldName, ExtraCriteriaTxt, PageTitleTxt, ConversionRoutineTxt from MyTable1
where Column1 = @Var2
order by PageDisplaySequenceNbr, TableName, ExtraCriteriaTxt, SequenceFieldName

open mtcursor

fetch next from mtcursor into @TableName, @FieldName, @FieldSelect, @FieldTitle, @sequence, @extraCriteria, @title, @ConvertRoutine

set @selectlist = 'Val1, Val2,' + @sequence + ' as UnitNbr'
set @tableBuild = 'Create table #tempTable (Val1 varchar, Val2 int, UnitNbr varchar(20)'
set @loopCtrl1 = 0
set @loopCtrl2 = 0

WHILE (@loopCtrl1 = 0)
set @holdTable = @TableName
set @holdCriteria = @extraCriteria
set @holdTitle = @title

if @FieldSelect = ''
set @selectlist = @selectlist + ',' + @FieldName
set @selectlist = @selectlist + ',' + @FieldSelect

set @tableBuild = @tableBuild + ',' + @FieldName + ' varchar(50)'

fetch next from mtcursor into @TableName, @FieldName, @FieldSelect, @FieldTitle, @sequence, @extraCriteria, @title, @ConvertRoutine
if @@fetch_status <> 0
set @loopCtrl2 = 1

if (@TableName <> @holdTable) or (@extraCriteria <> @holdCriteria) or (@title <> @holdTitle) or (@loopCtrl2 = 1)

set @tableBuild = @tableBuild + ')'
set @insertSQL = '
declare mtcursor2 cursor for
select FieldName, FieldTitleTxt, ExtraUpdateMatchTxt, PullForUpdateInd, PullForAddInd, PullForDeleteInd, PullForAnyUpdateInd from MyTable1
where TableName = ''' + @holdTable + '''
and ExtraCriteriaTxt = ''' + @holdCriteria + '''
and PageTitleTxt = ''' + @holdTitle + '''
and Column1 = ''' + @Var2 + '''
order by FieldDisplaySequenceNbr

declare @FieldName varchar(50)
declare @FieldTitle varchar(50)
declare @ExtraUpdateMatch varchar(500)
declare @PullUpdate bit
declare @PullAdd bit
declare @PullDelete bit
declare @PullAnyUpdate bit

open mtcursor2
fetch next from mtcursor2 into @FieldName, @FieldTitle, @ExtraUpdateMatch, @PullUpdate, @PullAdd, @PullDelete, @PullAnyUpdate

WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)

if substring(@FieldTitle,1,1) = ''#''
set @FieldTitle = substring(@FieldTitle,2,len(@FieldTitle) - 1)
set @FieldTitle = '''''''' + @FieldTitle + ''''''''

if @PullAnyUpdate = 1
exec (''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', A.UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''', '' + @FieldTitle + '', A.'' + @FieldName + '', B.'' + @FieldName + '', ''''U''''
from #tempTable A left join #tempTable B on B.UnitNbr = A.UnitNbr and B.Val1 = ''''U'''' '' + @ExtraUpdateMatch + ''
where A.Val1 = ''''O'''' and B.Val1 = ''''U'''''')
if @PullUpdate = 1
exec (''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', A.UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''', '' + @FieldTitle + '', A.'' + @FieldName + '', B.'' + @FieldName + '', ''''U''''
from #tempTable A left join #tempTable B on B.UnitNbr = A.UnitNbr and B.Val1 = ''''U'''' '' + @ExtraUpdateMatch + ''
where A.Val1 = ''''O'''' and B.Val1 = ''''U'''' and ((A.'' + @FieldName + '' <> B.'' + @FieldName + '') or (A.'' + @FieldName + '' is null and B.'' + @FieldName + '' is not null)
or (A.'' + @FieldName + '' is not null and B.'' + @FieldName + '' is null)) '')

if @PullAdd = 1
exec(''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''','' + @FieldTitle + '', ''''n/a'''', '' + @FieldName + '', ''''A'''' from #tempTable A where Val1 = ''''A'''''')
if @PullDelete = 1
exec(''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''','' + @FieldTitle + '', '' + @FieldName + '', ''''n/a'''', ''''D''''
from #tempTable A where Val1 = ''''D'''''')
fetch next from mtcursor2 into @FieldName, @FieldTitle, @ExtraUpdateMatch, @PullUpdate, @PullAdd, @PullDelete, @PullAnyUpdate

close mtcursor2
deallocate mtcursor2'

exec (@tableBuild + ' insert into #tempTable select ' + @selectlist + ' from ' + @holdTable + ' where Id = ' + '''' + @Var1 + '''' + @holdCriteria + @insertSQL)

set @selectlist = 'Val1, Val2,' + @sequence + ' as UnitNbr'
set @tableBuild = 'Create table #tempTable (Val1 varchar, Val2 int, UnitNbr varchar(20)'

if @loopCtrl2 = 1
set @loopCtrl1 = 1

close mtcursor
deallocate mtcursor

Delete from MyTable2 where ltrim(rtrim(PreviousValueTxt)) = ltrim(rtrim(EndorsedValueTxt)) and ActionTxt='U' and ID=@Var1
declare deletecursor cursor for
select distinct PageNm from MyTable2 where Id = @Var1 and ActionTxt = 'U'

open deletecursor

fetch next from deletecursor into @PageName

while @@fetch_status = 0
if (SELECT count(*) from MyTable2 where Id = @Var1 and PageNm = @PageName and ActionTxt = 'U' and PreviousValueTxt <> EndorsedValueTxt ) = 0
DELETE FROM MyTable2 where Id = @Var1 and PageNm = @PageName and ActionTxt = 'U'
fetch next from deletecursor into @PageName

close deletecursor
deallocate deletecursor

declare convertcursor cursor for
select a.PreviousValueTxt, a.EndorsedValueTxt, A.EntrySequenceNbr, A.ActionTxt, b.ConversionRoutineTxt from MyTable2 a
inner join MyTable1 b
on a.PageNm = b.PageTitleTxt and a.FieldNm = b.FieldTitleTxt and b.ConversionRoutineTxt <> ''
where a.Id = @Var1

open convertcursor

fetch next from convertcursor into @PrevValue, @NewValue, @Sequence, @ActionTxt, @ConvertRoutine

while @@fetch_status = 0
set @ConvertSQL = 'declare @PrevConverted varchar(50) declare @NewConverted varchar(50)'
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' declare @ConvertInput varchar(50) '

set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' declare @Var3 varchar(2) '
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @Var3 = ''' + @Var3 + ''''

if @ActionTxt = 'A'
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @PrevConverted = ''' + @PrevValue + ''''
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @ConvertInput = ''' + @PrevValue + ''''
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @PrevConverted = (' + @ConvertRoutine + ')'
if @ActionTxt = 'D'
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @NewConverted = ''' + @NewValue + ''''
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @ConvertInput = ''' + @NewValue + ''''
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @NewConverted = (' + @ConvertRoutine + ')'

set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' update MyTable2 set PreviousValueTxt = @PrevConverted, EndorsedValueTxt = @NewConverted
where EntrySequenceNbr = ''' + @Sequence + ''''

exec (@ConvertSQL)

fetch next from convertcursor into @PrevValue, @NewValue, @Sequence, @ActionTxt, @ConvertRoutine

close convertcursor
deallocate convertcursor

if @Var2 = 'PA '

--exec PAConfirmCovConversions @Var1 = @Var1
exec PAConfirmCovConversions @Var1 = @Var1, @Var3 = @Var3

Create table #pageSeqTable (PageTitle varchar(50), PageSeq int)
insert into #pageSeqTable
select distinct PageTitleTxt, PageDisplaySequenceNbr
from MyTable1
where Column1 = @Var2

select PageNm, RowNumber, FieldNm, PreviousValueTxt, EndorsedValueTxt, ActionTxt
from MyTable2, #pageSeqTable b
where Id = @Var1 and PageNm = b.PageTitle
order by b.PageSeq, RowNumber, ActionTxt desc, EntrySequenceNbr

select @effDate = convert(char,EffectiveDate,101), @transEffDate = convert(char,TransactionEffectiveDt,101), @expDate = convert(char,LastTransactionEffectiveDt,101),
@policyStatus = PolicyStatusCd, @reasAmendDesc = ReasonAmendedDes,
@policyNumber = PolicyNumber,
@riskState = StateName,
@AmendPrem = convert(money,PremiumAmount)
from SHPlaninfo A, SHSeleReasonAmended B, SHSeleStateCode C
where Id = @Var1
AND Val2 = (select max(Val2)
from SHPlanInfo
where Id = @Var1)
AND B.ReasonAmendedCd = A.ReasonAmendedCd
AND C.StateCode = A.RiskState
Select @PriorPrem = convert(money,PremiumAmount) FROM SHPlanInfo WHERE Id = @Var1 and Val2 = '0'
Set @PremDiff = @AmendPrem - @PriorPrem

select EffectiveDate = @effDate

select TransactionEffectiveDt = @transEffDate, ExpirationDate = @expDate, LastTransactionEffectiveDt = @lastTransDate

select AmendXPolStat = @policyStatus

select ReasonAmendedDes = @reasAmendDesc
select PolicyNumber = @policyNumber
select RiskState = @riskState
select PriorPremium = @PriorPrem select AmendPremium = @AmendPrem select PremiumDifference = @PremDiffSelect ClientNumber from SHClient with (nolock) where Id=@Var1 and ApplicantRecordInd = 1
delete from MyTable2 where Id = @Var1


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C# Loop Or Cursor

Apr 24, 2008

In a enterprise server which should be used?
using SQL Cursor or loop in C# code?
Thanks in advance

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Sql Cursor Or App Loop?

Mar 6, 2008

I am writing a function that changes quote items prices to that of a given exchange rate. Now, there are a few business rules to conisder that I have to work around but basically I will be taking items in a table for a given quote, iterating through changing the price based on the exchange rate requested. Now, I get into writing this and I think I need a cursor. Its the only way I can get the specific pricing information based on pricelists (my constraints) for every item. Now I have never written a cursor before so thus far I have been enjoying toying and learning this. Now the industry says this is SQL of last resort correct? Suddenly I start to think why not just write one procedure that changes the item price appropraitely but use a recordset at the application level and use a loop there for every item which would mean I avoid the need for a cursor!

But I have never written a cursor before, so would I benefit from carrying on trying to work one out (I have the time) and getting the experience of doing so or do I just use a loop in the app and do as im told?

"Impossible is Nothing"

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Loop / Cursor Help

Feb 20, 2006

Having a brain cramp here and don't know where to start. I have 2 tables:vehicles and vehicle_useage. What I would like to do is this:For each distinct vehicle in the vehicle table, I want to make entriesfor each day of the month taken from a given date. This routine will bescheduled to fire off once a month and populate the vehicle_useage tablewith vehicle use_dates for each day of the current month and for each VINfrom the vehicle table.vehicle table:VIN emp_id------------ ------VIN123456789 620123VIN987654321 620123vehicle_useage table:use_date VIN miles----------- ------------ -----02/01/2006 VIN123456789 002/02/2006 VIN123456789 002/03/2006 VIN123456789 002/04/2006 VIN123456789 0etc....02/01/2006 VIN987654321 002/02/2006 VIN987654321 002/03/2006 VIN987654321 002/04/2006 VIN987654321 0etc...Much appreciated for any help you can give...

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Cursor Loop

Jul 12, 2006

Hello,I've created a stored procedure that loops through a cursor, with thefollowing example code:DECLARE curPeriod CURSOR LOCAL for SELECT * FROM tblPeriodsDECLARE @intYear smallintDECLARE @intPeriod smallintDECLARE @strTekst varchar(50)OPEN curPeriodWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0BEGINFETCH NEXT FROM curPeriod INTO @intYear, @intPeriodSET @strTekst = CONVERT(varchar, @intPeriod)PRINT @strTekstENDCLOSE curPeriodDEALLOCATE curPeriodThe problem is that this loop only executes one time, when I call thestored procedure a second or third time, nothing happens. It seems thatthe Cursor stays at the last record or that @@Fetch_status isn't 0. ButI Deallocate the cursor. I have to restart the SQL Server before thestored procedure can be used again.Does anyone know why the loop can execute only 1 time?Greetings,Chris*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

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Loop Without Cursor

Feb 6, 2008


I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to do the following without putting my variable values in a table and then stepping through a cursor.
Let's say the variable combinations are:

Name1, 1
Name2, 2
Name3, 3

I need to run the following code for each pair of values. The actual insert statement is more complicated and the example values are different too

DECLARE @Name varchar(25), @Code int

SET @Name = 'Name1'
SET @Code = 1

<INSERT INTO Table SELECT * FROM OtherTable WHERE Name = @Name AND Code = @Code>


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Cursor While Loop Problem.. Please Help

Jun 4, 2004

*** edited by: master4eva ***
Please enclose your code in < code ></ code> tags (without the spaces). This will make your code easier to read online; therefore, encouraging a response to be faster. It is to your own benefit for your question to be answered in future.

I have already done the editing to include the < code ></ code> tags for this post.

It will process the first REID but the second and so on REID won't... any idea where is the problem in my cursor

@REID int


Declare @RRID int
Declare @APID int
Declare @intREID varchar(20)
Declare @intIMID varchar(20)
Declare @RetValint
Declare crReqRec cursor for
select RRID from RequestRecords where REID = @REID and RRSTatus = 'PE' and APID is not null
open crReqRec
fetch next from crReqRec
set @APID = (select APID from RequestRecords where REID = @REID and RRID = @RRID)

set @intIMID = (select IMID from Applications_ImplementationGroup where APID = @APID)
insert into ImplementationTasks
while @@fetch_status = 0

Update RequestRecords
set ITID = @RETVal, RRStatus = 'IA'
where REID = @REID and RRID = @RRID


close crReqRec
deallocate crReqRec

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Loop Still Fails In Cursor

Oct 24, 2000

I have been working on a loop that needs to run inside of a cursor statement.
It has to check for a difference in days and create transaction records
for the difference. The problem is that if I include this while statement
it will only process 1 record with the cursor and stop. If I remove the
while it will work for all the records the cursor should be reading but
doesn't give the multiple transactions I need if there is a day difference.
Is there a limitation to using a while inside of a cursor. Below is the
code. ANy hep is appreciated.

cursor stuff
declare dbcursor cursor for
select uniq_id,account_id,created_by,encounter_id,
start_date,date_stopped,sig_codes, ndc_id,modified_by
from patient_medication where convert(datetime,start_date) = '10/20/2000'
and date_stopped is not null and date_stopped <> start_date order by uniq_id
open dbcursor
fetch next from dbcursor into @uniqid,@account_id,@createid,@entcid,
@sdate, @edate ,@sig_code, @ndcid, @modid
while (@@FETCH_STATUS =0)
--freq stuff
select @freq = SIG.sig_frequency
FROM SIG where SIG.SIG_KEY = @sig_code
--check for evey other day
set @freq = 1
set @nodays = datediff(day, @sdate - 1, @edate)
select @nodays
while @cnter < @nodays
(uniq_id,account_id, occurance_id, encounter_id, ndc_id, ddate, frequency, sig_code,disp_create_id, disp_mod_id)
values (@uniqid,@account_id,@fcnter, @entcid, @ndcid, @sdate, @freq, @sig_code,@createid, @modid )
set @fcnter = 1
set @sdate = @sdate + 1
Set @cnter = @cnter + 1
fetch next from dbcursor into @uniqid,@account_id,@createid,@entcid,
@sdate, @edate ,@sig_code, @ndcid, @modid
close dbcursor
deallocate dbcursor

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Loop Inside Of A Cursor

Oct 23, 2000

I have a loop(while) statement I need to run inside a cursor statement. The loop creates records based on a frequency. The cursor and the loop work but the problem is that the cursor only reads the first record, runs the loop, but then ends. I am pasting the code below. Any help appreciated

declare dbcursor cursor for select uniq_id,account_id,created_by,encounter_id, start_date,date_stopped,sig_codes, ndc_id,modified_by from patient_medication where convert(datetime,start_date) = '10/20/2000' and date_stopped is not null
open dbcursor fetch next from dbcursor into @uniqid,@account_id,@createid,@entcid, @sdate, @edate ,@sig_code, @ndcid, @modid
while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)
select @freq = SIG.sig_frequency FROM SIG where SIG.SIG_KEY = @sig_code
set @hfreq = @freq if @freq = 9 set @freq = 1 set @nodays = datediff(day, @sdate - 1, @edate)
while @cnter < @nodays
while @fcnter < @freq + 1 begin insert into PATIENT_MEDICATION_DISPERSAL_ (uniq_id,account_id, occurance_id, encounter_id, ndc_id, ddate, frequency, sig_code,disp_create_id, disp_mod_id) values (@uniqid,@account_id,@fcnter, @entcid, @ndcid, @sdate, @freq, @sig_code,@createid, @modid )
set @fcnter = @fcnter + 1
set @erdate = @sdate

if @hfreq = 9
begin set @fcnter = 1
set @sdate = @sdate + 2
Set @cnter = @cnter + 2
set @fcnter = 1
set @sdate = @sdate + 1
Set @cnter = @cnter + 1
close dbcursor
deallocate dbcursor

View 2 Replies View Related

Cursor Versus While Loop

Oct 29, 2007

I have always been told that Cursors create a lot of overhead and consume a lot of system resources. Is it faster to store the data in a temp table and loop through it by using Select Top 1 and Delete statements or by using a static, Forward-Only Cursor? Both ways store the data in TempDB, but doesn't the While Loop statement generate more IO's than the Cursor? In theory, I am thinking that the Cursor is better. Any info will be appreciated.


View 2 Replies View Related

Cursor, Loop Or Case?

May 11, 2006

Just started here, so here's what I got. I would ask the developer, but he's already gone (now I see why;-))

We are trying to pull leads from a table that have not been sold (numbsold), is available, not expired, has no agent

Here's an example of a leadtimeframeid - 1= 1month , 2=1-3months 3= 4-5months

Here's an example of LeadtypeID 1= sell 2=buy 3=buy/sell

He seems to be going through the table and looking for a variation of each..

Such as for leadtimeframe 1, pull leadstypes 1 and 2 and union each on the 3.

The result set should be as follows -

lead_id,parent_lead_id,lead_type_id, buy_zip_1, buy_zip_2, buy_zip_3, zip

Hope that explains it!!

I'ved included the SP and the table schema.. any help would be greatly appreciated.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_GetRNLeadsCapOptimization
@LookBackDays INT,
@LeadTimeFrame INT,
@PropertyValue INT,
@WorkWithRealtor TINYINT,



SET @PriceRange = 100000.0000

IF (@PropertyValue = 1)
SET @PriceRange = 100000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 2)
SET @PriceRange = 200000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 3)
SET @PriceRange = 300000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 4)
SET @PriceRange = 400000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 5)
SET @PriceRange = 500000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 6)
SET @PriceRange = 600000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 7)
SET @PriceRange = 700000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 8)
SET @PriceRange = 800000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 9)
SET @PriceRange = 900000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 10)
SET @PriceRange = 1000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 11)
SET @PriceRange = 2000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 12)
SET @PriceRange = 3000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 13)
SET @PriceRange = 4000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 14)
SET @PriceRange = 5000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 15)
SET @PriceRange = 6000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 16)
SET @PriceRange = 7000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 17)
SET @PriceRange = 8000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 18)
SET @PriceRange = 9000000.0000
ELSE IF (@PropertyValue = 19)
SET @PriceRange = 10000000.0000

IF (@WorkWithRealtor = 0)
IF (@LeadTimeFrame = 1)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1 -- BUY
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3 --BUY/SELL
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2 --SELL
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3 --BUY/SELL
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 2)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 3)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 4)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id
ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)

SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 5)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.has_agent = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF (@WorkWithRealtor = 1)
IF (@LeadTimeFrame = 1)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 23
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 2)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 3)
IF(@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 4)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id
ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)

SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id IN (23, 24, 25, 107)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTimeFrame = 5)
IF (@LeadTypeID = 1)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 1
AND ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND (tlq.buy_zip_1 = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') = @strZIP OR ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') = @strZIP)
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

ELSE IF(@LeadTypeID = 2)
SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 2
AND ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP


SELECT tlq.lead_id, tlq.parent_lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id,
tlq.buy_zip_1, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_2, '') AS buy_zip_2, ISNULL(tlq.buy_zip_3, '') AS buy_zip_3, tlq.zip
FROM tbl_leads_queue tlq WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tlq.lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND tlq.NumSold = 0
AND tlq.is_available = 1
AND tlq.Expired = 0
AND tlq.lead_type_id = 3
ISNULL(tlq.buy_price_range_start, 0) >= @PriceRange
ISNULL(tlq.sell_price_qualifying, 0) >= @PriceRange
AND tlq.time_frame_id = 96
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lead_id FROM tbl_leads_queue WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE parent_lead_id = tlq.parent_lead_id
AND (lead_status_id = 3 OR lead_status_id = 4))
AND tlq.date_in >= @DateIn
AND tlq.zip = @strZIP
ORDER BY tlq.lead_id, tlq.lead_type_id

---Table schema

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_leads_queue] (
[lead_id] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[parent_lead_id] [bigint] NOT NULL ,
[partner_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorCompanyID] [bigint] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorPrimaryContactUserName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorPrimaryContactFirstName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorPrimaryContactLastName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorCompanyName] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorTotalOffices] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorTotalAgents] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorBrandLogoURL] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorMoreInfoURL] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[RealtorWeekendCoverage] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorCustomerServiceRating] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[DesiredMonthlyPayment] [float] NOT NULL ,
[realtor_id] [bigint] NULL ,
[lead_type_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[lead_status_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[buy_property_type_id] [int] NULL ,
[sell_property_type_id] [int] NULL ,
[time_frame_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[best_time_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[matched_on] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[first_name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[last_name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[address] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[city] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[state] [varchar] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[zip] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[phone_area] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[phone_prefix] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[phone_suffix] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_ext] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_area2] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_prefix2] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[phone_suffix2] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[email] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_zip_1] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_city_state_1] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_zip_2] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_city_state_2] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_zip_3] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_city_state_3] [varchar] (150) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[buy_price_range_start] [money] NOT NULL ,
[buy_price_range_end] [money] NOT NULL ,
[buy_square_footage] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_bedroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_bathroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[buy_detail_list] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_price_desired] [money] NULL ,
[sell_price_qualifying] [money] NULL ,
[sell_square_footage] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_bedroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_bathroom_count] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[sell_detail_list] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[comments] [varchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[additional_info] [varchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[lead_fee] [money] NOT NULL ,
[no_charge] [int] NULL ,
[credited] [int] NOT NULL ,
[lead_problem] [int] NULL ,
[date_in] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[date_sent] [datetime] NULL ,
[TrafficLogID] [bigint] NOT NULL ,
[notify_offers] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[credit_history] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[has_agent] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[found_home] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[cell_area] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[cell_prefix] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[cell_suffix] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[why_selling] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[is_buysell] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Affiliate_ID] [bigint] NULL ,
[free_mortgage_quote] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[loan_type] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[gross_monthly_income] [float] NOT NULL ,
[can_verify_income] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[desired_loan_amount] [float] NOT NULL ,
[existing_loan_balance] [float] NOT NULL ,
[first_mortgage_monthly_payment] [float] NOT NULL ,
[current_interest_rate] [float] NOT NULL ,
[RealtorNotes] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[NumSold] [int] NOT NULL ,
[is_available] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Date_Declined] [datetime] NULL ,
[Expired] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[Original_Affiliate] [bigint] NULL ,
[lead_distance] [float] NULL ,
[lead_Problem_Comments] [varchar] (2500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[AdminUserID] [int] NULL ,
[dateCredited] [datetime] NULL ,
[OriginalAffiliateID] [bigint] NULL

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SQL 2005- Cursor Loop

Aug 6, 2007

Please advice when i used loop in the below code its only returning last value from the sub table however i wanted to fetch all values from the sub-table----
Please advice..

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[SyncEmpContGrid] @EmpID As Varchar(20)


Declare @CountryEOF bit,

@i int,

@CtR Varchar (1000)


Declare @C_list Cursor

Declare ContCr Cursor Local for

(Select custCountryofExperience from Employees_CountryExperience where Employee=@EmpID)

Set @C_List = contCr

Open @C_List

Fetch next from @C_List into @CtR

While (@@Fetch_Status = 0 )


set @ctR = @ctR + ','

Fetch next from @C_List into @CtR

update EmployeeCustomTabFields

Set custTxt_Ct = @CtR Where (EmployeeCustomTabFields.Employee = @EmpID);


Close @C_List

Deallocate @C_List

Deallocate ContCr


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Infinite Loop In Cursor

Jul 5, 2006


I have an infinite loop in a trigger I and I cant reslove it.

In my system the user updates a stock table from the GUI and on the update I need to check values to see if I need to add records to a StockHistory table.  For Example:  If the user changes the grade of Product X from A to B then I need to add a new line in StockHistory for product X grade A that decrements the total number of products in the warehouse.  Similary I need to increase the quantity of stock for Product X grade B.

I had the trigger working for single updates but now when stock is added to the database (from another db) it has status of 'New'.  This isn't actually 'in stock' until the user sets the status to 'Goods In'.  This process will then update the status for all records in the category.  This caused my trigger to fail as the 'inserted' table now contains many records.

Now the problem I have is the trigger is in an infinite loop. It always shows the id of the first record it finds and the @Quantity values increases as expected.  I've taken all my procesing code out of the trigger and adding some debugging stuff but it still doesnt work:

CREATE TRIGGER [StockReturns_on_change] ON [dbo].[StockReturns]

DECLARE INDIVIDUAL Cursor --- Cursor for all the rows being updated

SELECT Id FROM inserted



select @Quantity = 1

print @Id
print @Quantity


select @Quantity = @Quantity + 1

print @Id
print @Quantity

-- Get the next row from the inserted table

End  -- While loop on the cursor

-- no close off the cursors

Can you help me please?

Kind Regards

View 13 Replies View Related

Convert And Replace

Mar 20, 2008

cast([Birthdate]as datetime) [Birthdate], 01/12/2001

I have created this query below to change it to the format mmddyyyy.
I not sure were the birthdate goes at in this query.

replace(convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 101), '/', '')

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Need Help Programming SQL To Run Cursor, Compare, And Loop

Feb 26, 2007

I need to write a program in SQL that will compare the ID field of a table and then if the ID matches will compare the dates an account was opened and when it was closed to see if a customer with multiple accounts under the same ID has overlapping accounts or if the accounts were opened and closed consecutively. Any thoughts on the best way to code this?

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Combining The Results Of A Cursor Loop

Aug 7, 2007

Need a little help here.

I have a set of product ids fed in as a delimited string and for each I need to extract the top 1 record from another query based on the id.

I need the results as one table.

Here is my code.

DECLARE @IdsString VARCHAR(255), @Id int

SELECT @IdsString = '918|808|1214|89|995|300|526|1207'

FOR Select s.ProductID FROM dbo.SplitProductIDs(@IdsString) as s

OPEN GetData


FROM dbo.GetProductRateView as v
WHERE v.[id] = @Id



Do I need to create a temp table and do an 'Insert Into(Select...' with each cusor result or is there a better way?

Any help would be much appreciated.

NB Database was not designed and the client will not tolerate any changes to structure of the tables :eek:


Shaun McGuile

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Cursor Causing Infinite Loop

Dec 13, 2007

Hi i have a cursor in a Stored Procedure. The problem is that it's poiting to the first row and causing an infinite loop on it.
How can i stop this and make it go to all rows. Here is my code.

Declare @CountTSCourtesy int
Declare @WaiterName nvarchar(100), @CursorRestaurantName nvarchar (100)
Declare waiter_cursor CURSOR FOR

SELECT new_waiteridname, new_restaurantname
FROM dbo.FilteredNew_CommentCard
Where new_dateofvisit between @FromDate and @ToDate and new_restaurantname = @Restaurant
Open waiter_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM waiter_cursor
into @WaiterName,@CursorRestaurantName

Exec WaitersCountExCourtesy @WaiterName,@CursorRestaurantName

Close waiter_cursor
Deallocate waiter_cursor

Thanks in advance...

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How To Loop A Cursor And Accumulate A String Value ?

Dec 12, 2007

Why can't I loop a cursor and add values to a string in Sql server ?

Code Block
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_Get_Project_String]
RETURNS nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @Prosjekt nvarchar(255), @Pro nvarchar(255)

FOR select nvarchar3
FROM dbo.AllUserDataCopy


select @Prosjekt = '<item>' + @Pro + '</item>' + ''
select @Prosjekt = @Prosjekt + @Pro


RETURN @Prosjekt


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Convert And Replace At Same Time

Mar 4, 2008

i saw the previous query in which it replaces null values to '-'
i also want to do same but i have quantity column which is numeric(38,5) and i have to convert it first to varchar to replace null values of quantity - to '-'

select when quantity is null then cast(quantity as varchar)+ '-' else quantity from saleshistory

but still its getting nulls.

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Cursor Count Loop - Update Table

Jul 6, 2000

I am importing a text file that list invoice columns. The invoice detail table needs the line items to be listed with sequential numbers. I import the file to a temp table to do the work in and I know I need to have the cursor do loop through and count, however, I have no more hair to pull out.

The table looks something like this.

inv# SKU
1001 ABC123
1001 DEF456
1001 GHI789
1002 123DEF
1002 456GHI
1002 876HGT

I need the cursor to go through and number each line, something like this.

inv# SKU Line#
1001 ABC123 1
1001 DEF456 2
1001 GHI789 3
1002 123DEF 1
1002 456GHI 2
1002 876HGT 3

Any help is greatly appriciated.


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SQL Server 2012 :: While Loop In Place Of Cursor

Feb 16, 2014

I have a table called Table1 where I have five fields like Tableid, Processigndate, Amount, remainingCollectonCount and Frequency. All total I have more than 5Lacs records.

Now I need to fill up another table Called FutuecashFlow taking the records from Table1. There will be also five Columns like FutureCashflowid, Table1id, Processigndate, Amount.

Now the condition is that if the remainingCollectonCount =6 and the frequency is 12 then there will be the 6 entries in the futurecasflow table where the prcessign datae wille be addeed by 1 month.

For example Table1
Tableid, Processigndate Amount remainingCollectonCount Frequency
1 2014-02-15 48 8 12

the future cash flow table the prcessing date column will be shown in the following way


I do not to want to use cursor....

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