Transact SQL :: Duplicate PIVOT Function In 2000

Jul 1, 2015

I have a query that uses the PIVOT function and works fine in SQL 2012.  I've been asked to move the query to a database that has the compatibility level set to 80(SQL 2000).  I receive an "Incorrect syntax near" error when I try to excute the query on the SQL 2000 database.  I would like to duplicate the exiting PIVOT functionality in SQL 2000.The existing query retrieves employee names and the order that the employee should be displayed from a table.  The names will appear on the report according to the order that is retrieved from the database.  Also, the users have requested that only 5 names appear on each row of the report.  This is why the PIVOT function was needed.  Below is an example of how the existing query works.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmpGuest](
 [Guest_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [Guest_Name] [varchar](80) NULL,
 [Display_Order] [int] NULL


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Pivot Task Error - Duplicate Pivot Key

Jul 5, 2006

I am using the pivot task to to a pivot of YTD-Values and after that I use derived columns to calculate month values and do a unpivot then.

All worked fine, but now I get this error message:

[ytd_pivot [123]] Error: Duplicate pivot key value "6".

The settings in the advanced editor seem to be correct (no duplicate pivot key value) and I am extracting the data from the source sorted by month.

Could it be a problem that I use all pivot columns (month 1 to 12) in the derived colum transformation and they aren´t available at this moment while data extracting is still going on?

any hints?


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Power Pivot :: ALL DAX Function Not Overriding Filter On Pivot Table

Oct 14, 2015

I have a simple pivot table (screenshot below) that has two variables on it: one for entry year and another for 6 month time intervals. I have very simple DAX functions that count rows to determine the population N (denominator), the number of records in the time intervals (numerator) and the simple percent of those two numbers.

The problem that I am having is that the function for the population N is not overriding the time interval on the pivot table when I use an ALL function to do so. I use ALL in other very simple pivot tables to do the same thing and it works fine.

The formula for all three are below, but the one that is the issue is the population N formula. Why ALL would not work, any other way to override the time period variable on the pivot table.

Population N (denominator):
Records in time interval (numerator):

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Power Pivot :: How To Flag Unique And Duplicate Records (DAX)

Oct 26, 2015

I am trying to find duplicate records based on a set of criteria, and flag one of those records as unique and the other duplicate ones as dup.

I found this suggestion:

  COUNTROWS( Table1 ); 
  FILTER( Table1;  [Column1] = EARLIER( [Column1] ) && [Column2]
= EARLIER( [Column2]
) ) 
  ) > 1;

However, this method flags all duplicates as dup. how I can get to the enclosed results for one particular student?The dup check column shows the desired results. The criterion is any record with the same STUDENT_ID, PROG_DESC, FISCAL_YEAR will be considered as duplicates, but should at least have one record out of that group of duplicates flagged as 1.

Dup Check
815581 Undergraduate


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Power Pivot :: Relationship Cannot Be Created Because Each Column Contains Duplicate Values

Nov 15, 2011

I have 2 excel tables files.One table has info about sales by country, by model, by date...and the other table has units by date.Obviously, the common key is "date"....and by creating a relationship, I can add "units" to my combined resulting table.However, I can't create the relationship. Excel keeps telling me: "the relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that contains only unique values".

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Alternative Way To PIVOT Function?

Jan 14, 2014

We are running SQL2000, and I was trying to use the PIVOT function, as you are all aware 2000 does not support the PIVOT function.

is there an alternative to the PIVOT function

here my code I was trying to use

SELECT CostSavingsNo, CostSavingType

From (Select CostSavingsNo, CostSavingType, SavingsValue FROM CostSavingsDetails) CSD


(SUM(SavingsValue) FOR CostSavingType IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8],[9], [10], [11], [12]], [13], [14])) AS PVT

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Pivot Function Question

Oct 12, 2007

Below is my query and returned rows. I am pulling unique dx codes for each account. In the case below I have 14 returned rows, each having a unique dx_key (second column), which I need to display across the report horizonaly versus vertical. (see below example)

DXCode1 DXCode2 DXCode3 DXCode4 DXCode5..etc..
20190 5789 5990 2768 2449

I came across the post below by Manivannan.D.Sekaran on using the PIVOT function but I can't quite get the hang of it. Can someone give me some help please?







from srm.cdmab_dx_other dxo inner join

srm.episodes e on e.episode_key=dxo.episode_key

where dxo.episode_key is not null

and e.account_number IN ('11111111230')

order by episode_key, dx_key

--Rows returned from above query

12451538 117782 20190 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
12451538 117783 5789 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified
12451538 117784 5990 Urinary tract infection, site not specified
12451538 117785 2768 Hypopotassemia
12451538 117786 2449 Unspecified acquired hypothyroidism
12451538 117787 28529 Anemia of other chronic disease
12451538 117788 3051 Tobacco use disorder
12451538 117789 53540 Gastritis without mention of hemorrhage
12451538 117790 53190 Gastric ulcer without hemorrhage or perforation, without mention of obstruction
12451538 117791 5589 Noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis
12451538 117792 56210 Diverticulosis of colon without mention of hemorrhage
12451538 117793 2113 Benign neoplasm of colon
12451538 117794 V1259 Personal history of diseases of circulatory system
12451538 117795 V011 Contact with or exposure to tuberculosis

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Advance PIVOT Function In SQL2005

Apr 13, 2007

Below is an example of a pivot table from the help in SQL2005.
My question: Do you have to manually define the columns ([164], [198], etc.) for the pivot?

I would like to use this for a daily report where the columns would be the dates?


SELECT VendorID, [164] AS Emp1, [198] AS Emp2, [223] AS Emp3, [231] AS Emp4, [233] AS Emp5
(SELECT PurchaseOrderID, EmployeeID, VendorID
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader) p
COUNT (PurchaseOrderID)
FOR EmployeeID IN
( [164], [198], [223], [231], [233] )
) AS pvt

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Transact SQL :: Using A Like Statement In Pivot

Oct 27, 2015

I have a pivot SQL like below SQL Server 2012

SELECT Production_Date, Production_Order, LogicalVat KPI_Category,
'Probiotic Amt Consumed' KPI_Data1_Name,'RC Amt Consumed' KPI_Data2_Name
( SELECT Production_Date , NULL Production_Order,
LogicalVat, ReportValue ReportValue
FROM BIReports.dbo.r_VatMake
WHERE Production_Date between '10/27/2015' and '10/27/2015'


Now the attributes changed into like below where the number after RC is dynamic and I can't use the query above anymore

RC Amt Consumed - RC 6
RC Amt Consumed - RC 7
RC Amt Consumed - RC 8

Probiotic attribute changed into like below where number after PROB is dynamic

Probiotic Amt Consumed - PROB 15
Probiotic Amt Consumed - PROB 16
Probiotic Amt Consumed - PROB 17

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SQL Statement Performs Pivot Table Function?

Apr 13, 2006

I have the following data:Product Type Hours Controllers Development 105.0Controllers Research 1.0Controllers Sustaining 24.0How do I use SQL statement to change it to the following?Product Development Research SustainingControllers 105.0 1.0 24.0Thanks.DanYeung

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Power Pivot :: How Does EVALUATE Function Work

Oct 24, 2015

playing with the Power pivot , DAX. While analyzing the DAX ,I came across a function EVALUATE , but when I tried this function in excel Power Pivot workbook - =EVALUATE 'Date' where 'Date' is my one of the Power pivot table , I was writing this function within the Calculation area of the Power Pivot model.  I get the below error when I hit enter after writing the function ."The expression is not valid or appears to be incomplete..An MDX expression was expected while a full statement was specified."But in many forums I find the syntax is correct.

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Power Pivot :: Dates MTD Function And No Row Data

Oct 20, 2015

I have a DATESMTD function which is not working.  This is what is happening, if there is no row data for the month it creates a month to date total similar to the year to date total instead of zero.  See below my formula:

MTDSUM:=CALCULATE(SUM('Combined Years Dataset'[Net]),DATESMTD('Combined Years Dataset'[Period2]),'Date'[date])

Period 2 is a column with dates (end of monthdates) in a table called Combined Years Dataset.

So, if I have $200.00 data for Aug and no data for Sept, the system puts in 200.00 as the month to date  for Sept instead of zero.  What can I do to make the system insert zero in the month to date column instead of the $200.00.  What am I doing wrong in the formula.

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Transact SQL :: Group By And Pivot Several Columns

Oct 2, 2015

I have a table which I would like to group on several columns, and for the Contract number, I'd like a maximum of four different columns which would contain pivoted information.

Here is my DDL:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SV00403](
[CUSTNMBR] [char](15) NOT NULL,
[ADRSCODE] [char](15) NOT NULL,
[Contract_Number] [char](11) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

Here is my select statement:


[Code] ...

Here are the results of the select statement:

And here is what the result set is that I would like to achieve:

The yellow indicates the group by columns. How do I pivot the contract number into the four columns noted above ?

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Transact SQL :: Pivot With Multiple Columns

Sep 1, 2015

I have one table like this.

-- drop table #temp
create table #temp(ID bigint, Description varchar(50), ET varchar(200), ET_Status varchar(50), ET_Date datetime, ET_IsValid varchar(3))

insert into #temp
select * from (values (1,'Test','A', 'Ack','08/15/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','B', 'Nack','08/17/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','C', 'Ack','08/21/2015', 'Yes')) a(ID, Description, ET, ET_Status, ET_Date, ET_IsValid)

I want to pivot this. My expected result look like this.

ID - Description - ET_A_Status - ET_A_Date
- ET_A_IsValid -  ET_B_Status - ET_B_Date
  - ET_B_IsValid - ET_C_Status  - ET_C_Date

1  - Test    - 'Ack'       - '2015-08-15 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'   -  'Nack'  - '2015-08-17 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'  - 'Ack'   - '2015-08-21 00:00:00.000' -  'Yes'

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Transact SQL :: Pivot And Invalid Column Name

May 13, 2015

I'm trying to Pivot and I keep getting an "Invalid Column Name" error, which I can't figure out since, if I run the query and exclude the Pivot statement, the query runs fine.

ItemNmbr Char(31) not null
SetupTime_I Numeric(19,5) not null
WCID_I  Char(11) not null
select ItemNmbr,SetupTime_I, WCID_I from RT010130

Now run
select ItemNmbr,SetupTime_I, WCID_I
from RT010130
pivot (sum(SetupTime_I) for WCID_I in ([BLA01],[URE02])) PVT

And I get an Invalid Column Name error for both SetupTime_I and WCID_I - which, as far as I can tell, is demonstrably incorrect.

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Transact SQL :: Pivot On Multiple Results

Nov 9, 2015

I have a table similar to below:

itemID | part
1         | A
1         | B
2         | A
2         | A
2         | A
3         | C

I need the table to look like the following:

itemID | part1 | part2 | part 3
1         | A        | B       | null
2         | A        | A       | A
3         | C        | null    | null

There will _never_ be more than three parts to an item, and it does not matter what order they are in.

I cannot get pivot to work for me.

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Power Pivot :: Using CUBEMEMBER Excel Function To Get A Member Value

May 28, 2015

In an Excel workbook I'm building a report using a PowerPivot data model.

I've a Calendar filter. If I select an year from this filter I need to show in a cell the total number of working days, present in the Calendar table as a column.

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Power Pivot :: Switch Statement And Function Calls

Nov 24, 2015

I created a Switch statement below that surprisingly doesn't throw any errors and some of it actually works. The problem is that the function calls in the 3rd and 4th sections of it below (in bold) are not working.

values('s1JudgeIds'[JudgeName])<>"1 - All Judges" && values('s1Perm1'[Exit])<>"Still in Out-of-Home Care",CALCULATE(count(s1Perm1[entity_id]),FILTER(ALL(Time[ExitMonthCategory]),Time[ExitMonthCategory] <= MAX(Time[ExitMonthCategory]))),
values('s1JudgeIds'[JudgeName])="1 - All Judges" && values('s1Perm1'[Exit])<>"Still in Out-of-Home Care",calculate([Numerator],all('s1JudgeIds'[JudgeName])),
values('s1JudgeIds'[JudgeName])="1 - All Judges" && values('s1Perm1'[Exit])="Still in Out-of-Home Care",calculate([Numerator-stillincare],all('s1JudgeIds'[JudgeName])),
values('s1JudgeIds'[JudgeName])<>"1 - All Judges" && values('s1Perm1'[Exit])="Still in Out-of-Home Care",calculate([Numerator-stillincare])

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Transact SQL :: Add A Grand Total To Pivot Output?

Oct 9, 2015

I have a SP that will generate a pivot output. I want to add a grand total at the end row to sum up the counts for each column.

the SP is as below :

@columnHeaders NVARCHAR (MAX)
@columnHeaders  =  COALESCE ( (@columnHeaders)  + ',[' + [Date] + ']', '[' + [Date] + ']')


I am getting the below error:

Invalid column name 'Grand Total'.

Msg 205, Level 16, State 1, Line 16

All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.

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Transact SQL :: Order To Make A Pivot Dynamically

Jun 9, 2015

I am trying to find a solution in order to make a pivot dynamically. One of my department charge every month all the sales figure in one table and I need to pick up the last two months archived in order to make a pivot and to see if something is changed or not. What I am trying to do is to have these last two months dynamically. create table forum (customer varchar (50), nmonth varchar(6), tot int, archived datetime)

insert into forum values ('Pepsi','201503',100,'2015-04-28'),


As you can see I have to change manually the values underlined every months but it's a temporary solution. How can I set up the last two months in a dynamic way?

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Transact SQL :: SSMS Pivot With Dynamic Columns

Apr 23, 2015

I found this Microsoft article for creating crosstab-like queries in SSMS.Is it possible, however, to create this same query if I do not know what the values for the columns will be?  Using their example for my problem, I will not know what the values in the "IN" criteria will be because my query would be for a "rolling" 12 months (thus causing that IN criteria to change every month).I've tried declaring variables to pull in the values, but since this will eventually go into a view, I don't think that I can use declared variables.

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Transact SQL :: Sum Time Column After Pivot Query

May 18, 2015

i have a table like below,

Name VARCHAR(20),
AttDate DATE,
PresntTime TIME


and then i pivot table by date as column wise using the below query and also displays total time by rowswise

SELECT t1.*, t2.Total
SELECT  name,[2015-08-01],[2015-08-02]
SELECT  name, AttDate,PresentTime 


now what i need is to display sum of time at last row as well, means total time of against date

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Transact SQL :: Transpose (Pivot) Columns To Rows?

Aug 15, 2015

I need to pivot my records in columns into rows. Here is sample data:

create table #columnstorows
Payer varchar (5),                  
ID varchar (5),      
ClM varchar (2),                 
Paid1 float,
Paid2 float,
Paid3 float


Desired result:

Payer1 Payer2
Paid1A Paid1B
Paid2A Paid2B
Paid3A Paid3B
U001 U002
 001 002
76.58 19.53
 153.48 96.43
 53.48   200

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Transact SQL :: Pivot Columns Into Rows With Difference

Sep 22, 2015

Here is the table:

empid lastname firstname title titleofcourtesy ModifiedOROriginal

1 Davis1 Sara CEO Ms. Modified
1 Davis Sara CEO Ms. Original

We need an output like this:







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Transact SQL :: Duplicate Record Search

Jul 23, 2015

I have been given a task to locate duplicate and report duplicate records and am trying to determine the best way to do this with databases that have 1 million records plus.

Say I have a table with 20 columns, I need to check to see if 3 of 10 specific columns match.

So if 2 columns are the same its no problem however if 3 or more match, they are considered duplicate.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Pivot Function - Additional Final Column

Mar 11, 2015

I've managed to use the pivot function using the code below which gives me the following output:

Location_Code Gt 0-1 Gt 1-2 Gt 2-3 Gt 3-4
North 10 0 3 5
West 6 3 2 0
South 4 2 8 2

This is exactly what I want but I would like an additional final column that will total the columns by location_code and weekband.

[Location_Code] AS 'Location Code'
,[Gt 0-1], [Gt 1-2], [Gt 2-3], [Gt 3-4]
from (select [WeekBand]
, count(*) as CountOf

[Code] ....

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Power Pivot :: RELATED Function Shows Empty Column?

Aug 16, 2015

experimenting with powerpivot and I use an simple example of the AdventureworksDW in Powerpivot.

If i use the RELATEd function with Product and ProductSubCategory the column is empty and I expect values.

Relationships are rightfully defined. What am i doing wrong?

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A Basic Question: Removing Duplicate Results From Max Function

Jun 10, 2006

Hi,Say I have a table Job with columns name, date, salary . I want to getthe name ,date and salary for the date when that person earned maximumsalary. I am using something likeSELECT,,X.salaryFROM job XWHERE X.salary IN(SELECT MAX(Y.salary) FROM job Y where;The problem is ; if a person earns maximum salary on two dates, both ofthe dates are printed. I just want to get any one of those two rows.I triedSELECT,Min(,X.salaryFROM job XWHERE X.salary IN(SELECT MAX(Y.salary) FROM job Y where;but it gives error.Can anybody please suggest a solution?Regards,Aamir

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Transact SQL :: Create PIVOT Query In Server 2005

Jul 24, 2015

I have a query which I want to convert It PIVOT query

SELECT     Parties.AreaID, Parties.Area, CashSalesDetail.ProductID, CashSalesDetail.ProductName, SUM(CashSalesDetail.Qty) AS QtyFROM         CashSalesDetail INNER JOIN                      CashSales ON CashSalesDetail.CSNo = CashSales.CSNo INNER JOIN                      Parties ON CashSales.PartyID = Parties.PartyIDWHERE     (CashSales.TransDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2014-07-01 00:00:00', 102)) AND (CashSales.TransDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-06-30 00:00:00', 102))GROUP BY Parties.AreaID, Parties.Area, CashSalesDetail.ProductID, CashSalesDetail.ProductName

following is my requirement after summing up qty of each area

ProductName      area a         area b       area c
abc                          10                0               
def                           1                 
4               2
ghi                           5                 
3               10
jkl                             7                
15              3

Note: numeric values are Quantity of each product in each area

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Transact SQL :: How To Prevent Duplicate Records In Query

Nov 18, 2015

How can I prevent duplicate records in the query

Property AS
FROM dbo.MulkiyetBase
Document AS


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Transact SQL :: Find All Duplicate Entries In Table

Jun 11, 2015

Someone ran an update statement multiple times so their are multiple entries in the table.  What is the quickest way to track down the multiple entries?  I would only want to see where timein and timeoff exist in the table multiple times for the same id.  So this would be a duplicate

EntryID -- ID  -- timein -- timeoff
1487   11     2015-05-05 16:33:23   2015-05-05 18:45:26
1623   11     2015-05-05 16:33:23   2015-05-05 18:45:26

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Transact SQL :: Remove Duplicate Records But Keep At Least 1 Record

Dec 3, 2010

I have a table that "Geography" that  has the following columns: city, state, zip

There are tons of duplicate cities in this table.  I ran this query and it shows me the number of occurrences of each city.  I want to delete all the duplicates except for 1.  I don't want to do this manually as there are a lot of records.

What would the SQL look like to delete the duplicate records but keep at least one?

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Transact SQL :: How To Search Duplicate Name Record In Table

Jun 2, 2015

I have student table where duplicate student exist by name with there fathers name and mothers name. I need to search those duplicate records. I do not need ti count them but If there is 5 same student with name then the query will show 5 name then I will delete individually. Below I am trying to show the scenario.


The query will show


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