Trouble With Simple MS SQL Date Criteria

Oct 4, 2005

This seems really simple so I'm suprised I'm having so much trouble. Perhaps I'm just overthinking the whole issue.  I'm trying to write a query that will extract a list of Users from a table that have logged in within the last 90 days.  Sounds easy huh?  I'm still stumped!Here's the basics of the attempted query:SELECT     UserNameFROM        UsersWHERE     (LastLoggedInDate<= DATEPART(dd, GETDATE() - 90))Thanks!

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Form Criteria Based On An Entered Date And Date Today

Mar 16, 2007


I am very new to SQL so please excuse me if my question seems too easy to answer.

Basically I need to populate a form based with records based on the criteria that the next mot date and todays are +/- 10 days.

i.e if todays date is 13/05/07 and the next mot date is 3/05/07 or later OR 23/05/07 or less then various fields will be shown in the form.

Can you please help.


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Simple Function For Returning A Character Based On Search Criteria..

Feb 20, 2007

Hi,how do I do a simple formula, which will search a field for specialcharacters and return a value.If it finds "%" - it returns 1elseIf it finds "?" it returns 2endIf this is the incorrect newsgroups, please direct me to the correct oneregards Jorgen

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Trouble Porting A Trivially Simple Function - With Declared Variables

Aug 4, 2006

Here is one such function:CREATE FUNCTION my_max_market_date () RETURNS datetimeBEGINDECLARE @mmmd AS datetime;SELECT max(h_market_date) INTO @mmmd FROM holdings_tmp;RETURN @mmmd;ENDOne change I had to make, relative to what I had working in MySQL, wasto insert 'AS' between my variable and its type. Without 'AS', MS SQLinsisted in telling me that datetime is not valid for a cursor; and Iam not using a cursor here. The purpose of this function is tosimplify a number of SQL statements that depend on obtaining the mostrecent datetime value in column h_market_date in the holdings_tmptable.The present problem is that MS SQL doesn't seem to want to allow me toplace that value in my variable '@mmmd'. I could do this easily inMySQL. Why is MS SQL giving me grief over something that should be sosimple. I have not yet found anything in the documentation for SELECTthat could explain what's wrong here. :-(Any ideas?ThanksTed

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Transact SQL :: Using Different Date Criteria

Nov 16, 2015

I have different codes and I want to specify different date of birth range based on selected code in the parameters.

AND DATEADD(year,-1,dateadd(YEAR,-0,cast(GETDATE()asdate))))

How I can do for one code but I cant get my way around bringing another code 'WHY' which has a different date of birth range. Basically I want a user to be able to change a code in the parameter and display results based on  the parameter selected.

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Date Range Criteria

Mar 4, 2008

Could you tell me what is going wrong with the stored procedure below? I can't get any results!
(the 'ap_dateIn' field in the sql table 'tbl_1' has "dd/mm/yy hh:mms" smalldatetime format)


@date_min smalldatetime='1/1/1910',

@date_max smalldatetime='1/1/2010'




SELECT tbl_1.*

FROM tbl_1

WHERE (ap_dateIn BETWEEN @date_min AND @date_max)

thakns for your time,fellaz!

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Problem With Date In Selection Criteria

Apr 10, 2001

Hello All,

I am facing strange problem in SQL Server Query Analyzer, I am writing following query:
Select WorkItemKey,DateCreated,DateDue, DateCompleted from WorkItems Where DateCreated > '28/02/2001'

Query failed & gives following error:
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

But if I write same query in this way:
Select WorkItemKey,DateCreated,DateDue, DateCompleted from WorkItems Where DateCreated > '2001-02-28'
Select WorkItemKey,DateCreated,DateDue, DateCompleted from WorkItems Where DateCreated > '28/Feb/2001'

It works fine! Can anybody explain me why it is so???

Many thanks in advance…


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Question About Pulling A Max Value On A Date For On Specified Criteria

Dec 20, 1999

Here is what I want to to:
I have a number of tables, but this query concerns only two of them: Employee, Disposition, with a one to many relationship on the phone number.. Employee has personal info, and dispostion is a large table that keeps track of transactions. There is a unque_id for every transaction.

I want to pull some information. A date is assciated with each trans action on the disposition table. I want to be able to pull up all the unique employee phone numbers from a disposition table but only the latest date they made a transaction. My result should be only one phone nbr, one transaction number, and the date of the last transaction, per employee phne_nbr. But I can't seem to be able to pull this.

This query gets me the max date called per phne_nbr:

select 'Max'= max(dte_call), phne_nbr into TestTable
from Disposition
group by phne_nbr

The problem arises when I need to get the unique_id for that transaction, as I need it for other queries...The code below does not work...I get duplicate records and so forth.

select 'Max'= max(dte_call), phne_nbr, unique_id into TestTable
from Disposition
group by phne_nbr, unique_id

This shouldn't be that hard!! (((I tried a variation usin select distinct with the filed I wanted to be distinct in () otherfield, other field... but the distinct is not limited to the field in (), it gets the distinct record for the entire select ))) I must be missing something simple here. Can anyone help!!!

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Help With DATE Criteria In SELECT Statement

Jun 25, 2004

I am trying to create a SELECT statement that would allow my users to type in a date parameter like 6/25/04. My SELECT statement would then pull all entries for that date. The problem I am running into is that it seems SQL wants the date to be parameterized as between 6/25/04 and 6/25/04 11:59:30 PM. Is there any way around that? Again I would like my users to simply enter 6/25/04 and have all entries pulled. Thanks for any help.

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Select Most Recent By Date Plus Other Criteria

Feb 1, 2015

I have the following query that should return the most recent FormNote entry for a work order where the note begins with "KPI". However if someone decides to a more recent note, it selects that one, even if it doesn't begin with "KPI".

I would like it to return the most recent record that ALSO begins with "KPI". How can I correct this?

Select wh.worknumber, wh.date_created, wh.itemcode, wn.TextEntry as [Notes] from worksorderhdr wh left join

(select ID, WorksOrder,[CreationDate], TextEntry
select ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by worksorder order by [CreationDate] desc) OID,*
from FormNotes
)orders where orders.OID=1 ) wn on wn.WorksOrder = wh.worknumber where TextEntry like 'KPI%'

Sample results below, see line 5 - this record should not have been selected as there is a record beginning with "KPI" for that work order, but it is dated before this one.

worknumber date_created itemcode Notes
-------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HU-DN-004385 2014-07-21 16:15:00 4261 KPI Hyd oil leak repaired
HU-DN-004707 2014-08-06 11:39:00 8005 KPI Valve replaced on day 2.
HU-DN-004889 2014-08-19 15:44:00 9275A KPI Repaired in 2 days - m/c working
HU-DN-004923 2014-08-22 14:23:00 4261 KPI New tracks fitted
HU-DN-005162 2014-09-12 15:04:00 9360A Mechlock key delivered to site - m/c working
HU-DN-005170 2014-09-15 12:07:00 2130A KPI 28.10.14 Metlock fitted

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Date Criteria In View Not Filtering

Mar 19, 2007

I am using BETWEEN '02/01/2007' AND '2/01/2006' in the criteria of a VIEW and have tried <= '02/01/2007' AND >='2/01/2006' but both are not filtering the dates correctly. Is there another way? What am I missing?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Start And End Date Based On A Criteria?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a scenario where i need to get the starting and ending date time based on the crieteria. The criteria is I always have my start date as NS or GS in the data column and my end date as GX so i need NS or GS to be my strart date based on ts Ascending and my end date as GX to be displayed in the same columns .

Create Table Test
(Tsq INT IDENTITY (1,1),
Data Varchar (150),
ts datetime,
Tpkt_type int)
insert into test values ('GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2')


Expected Output

---------Data----------------- ts as starttime--------------tpkt_type------data-----------------------ts as endtime--------tpkttype-
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2' 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:47:37.007','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:50:25.987','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:50:40.920','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:51:28.330','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:51:43.257','4'
'NS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-12-17 16:51:09.063','18', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-12-17 16:51:15.257','4'

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Select Criteria Based On Date - Cleaner Way To Write?

Sep 7, 2005



I need to sum these amounts running from July to the month prior to whatever the current month is. So if it was August, it would only be



Is there a cleaner (shorter) way to iterate through the twelve months than either writing the query 12 times in an IF statement, or 12 CASE statements? This is only part of a query that joins several tables (not shown).

Any suggestions on the best way to write this would be valued.

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Big Trouble With Date And Sql 7

Jan 13, 2000

I've been having this huge problem with date and SQL 7, like lot of people. I use asp with the sql and trying to do this query where startdate should equal or smaller the date today, here are to queries that worked, but not anymore.

SELECT * FROM tbl_date WHERE convert(varchar(10), startdate, 101) = convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 101)

this query worked until the year 2000, the normal y2k bug
then this one, wich i saw here on messageboard:

select * from tbl_date where startdate =< '" & date & "'"
well this worked until today, when it just stop working

so does anybody know what to do?

hope to get answer on this

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Trouble With Date Conversion

Jan 8, 2008

I'm trying to insert a date, I don't want the current time. It would be ok if it was 12:00:00. I have tried using the below bold area, but I get an error that the conversion is not correct.
Any ideas?
INSERT INTO tblpayments (rec_ID,client_ID,tranDate,tranAmount,DateEntered,EnteredBy)
SELECT rec_ID,client_ID,Convert(varchar(5), GETDATE(), 10) AS TranDate,Tranamount,DateEntered,EnteredBy

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Trouble Getting Date Data

Jun 21, 2005

I couldn't think how to title this post so I apolgise for the poor title, maybe it's because it's getting late in the day and is too warm, maybe thats also why I can't think of the answer myself right now .

Anyway say I'm doing something where part of the data is a date (e.g. a counter) and then I want to get all the data from there between a set of two dates.

Now I can do that all fine, however what I want is 0's to be returned for dates where there is no data stored.


At the moment I would get (for dates between 1st and 7th June):

Date Count

01-06-05 12
02-06-05 10
04-06-05 11
05-06-05 3
07-06-05 8

But I would like the dataset that is returned to be:

Date Count

01-06-05 12
02-06-05 10
03-06-05 0
04-06-05 11
05-06-05 3
06-06-05 0
07-06-05 8

Now as this DB should have data in it for every day of the year (but not always matching the where clause) I thought I could get the count back using a sub-query and a coalesce, but that seems rather hacky to me.

I'm on MS-SQL Server 2000, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Trouble With Previous Date Code

Oct 24, 2007

I am new to SQL; the following code is supposed find comments that are not null on one day before the studydate.

FROMStudies s INNER JOIN Patients p
ON s.PatientID = p.PatientID
AND s.StudyDate >= CONVERT(char,DATEADD(day, -12, GETDATE()),101)
AND s.StudyDate < CONVERT(char,DATEADD(day, -11, GETDATE()),101)

Is there a problem with this code? I expect there is because when I ran the query it didn't return any results even though I am positive there are comments in the database one day before the studydates.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks a ton,

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Best Practice Question: JOIN Criteria Vs. WHERE Criteria

May 24, 2004

For example, consider the following queries:

SET @SomeParam = 44

JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID
WHERE B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam

JOIN TableB B ON A.PrimaryKeyID = B.ForeignKeyID AND B.SomeParamColumn = @SomeParam

Both of these queries return the same result set, but the first query filters the results in the WHERE clause whereas the the second query filters the results in the JOIN criteria. Once upon a time a DBA told me that I should always use the syntax of the first query (WHERE clause). Is there any truth to this, and if so, why?


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Help Simple Search Date

Mar 28, 2008

hello I have this code Select Waste.WasteName AS [Waste Name], InvoiceDetail.Volume, Branch.BranchLocation AS [Branch Location] From InvoiceHeader INNER JOIN InvoiceDetail ON InvoiceHeader.InvoiceNo = InvoiceDetail.InvoiceNo INNER JOIN Waste ON InvoiceDetail.WasteID = Waste.WasteID INNER JOIN Branch ON InvoiceDetail.BranchID = Branch.BranchID Where WasteName = 'Sludge' AND InvoiceDate >= '" + TextBox1.Text + "' AND InvoiceDate <= '" + TextBox2.Text +  "'; The problem is everytime I will search for example InvoiceDate 03/27/2008, I need to add one day for example --> 03/28/2008 for me to be  able to get that Invoicedate 03/27/2008.. What's do you think is the problem with my code?  Thanks!  

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Simple Date Problem

Apr 13, 2004

hi, when i use the getdate() function, i will get '4/14/2004 AM 11:25:56'. how can i edit the getdate() function to get just the date only '4/14/2004'.

thanks in advance

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Simple Date Problem Please Help!

Feb 24, 2005

I can get the date to list all of the dates in the recordset, but when I use request.querystring("date") to specify all the recordsets with the date "2/26/2005" for example, the recordset comes up empty. Here is my sql statement:

SELECT eventdate=convert(varchar, eventdate, 101), eventtext, eventtime, location, eventtitle, eventID, picture
FROM dbo.calendar
WHERE eventdate like 'thee' and status='live'
ORDER BY eventdate ASC

this will return everything when the browser url shows this: However, if we put a date in there, and made it like this, then nothing comes up even though there is event with that date.

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Simple Date Problem

Aug 3, 2006

I'm trying to find the first Monday for any given year. I've found something
that works, but I typically find the most convoluted way to do a simple task.
Is there something simpler/cleaner than this?


SET @intYear=YEAR(GETDATE())+2

SET @dtmWorkDate=CAST('01/01/' +CAST(@intYear AS CHAR(4)) AS DATETIME)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, @dtmWorkDate)=2 THEN @dtmWorkDate
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,1,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,1,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,2,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,2,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,3,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,3,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,4,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,4,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,5,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,5,@dtmWorkDate)
WHEN DATEPART(dw, DATEADD(D,6,@dtmWorkDate))=2 THEN DATEADD(D,6,@dtmWorkDate)

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Simple Question On Date

Feb 20, 2008

I want today's date (GetDate()), but I want the hour, minutes, et cetera set to 0 as they play havoc with my date comparisons.

How do I do it?


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Many Thanks In Advance! - Simple Date Function - Please Help!!!

Aug 2, 2004

Hi All,

Does anyone know how to return a date the sql query analyser like (Aug 2, 2004)

Right now, the following statement returns (Aug 2, 2004 8:40PM). This is now good because I need to do a specific date search that doesn't include the time.

Many thanks in advance!!

declare @today DateTime
Select @today = GetDate()
print @today

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Very Simple Date Format Question

Jun 10, 2004

I simply want to format a datetime to be printed out as 'mm/dd/yyyy', instead of 'January xx, xxxx tttt'. For example:

declare @thedate as smalldatetime

set @thedate = (SELECT SampDate
FROM table where tableID = 1)

print @thedate

This has got to be ridiculously obvious. Right??

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Simple Date Format Question

Apr 6, 2004

Hello Friends ,

As Iam a very beginner to this sqlserver arena , Iam getting more and more doubts. Can anyone of you help to display a date as string type which is of format, "date/month/year hour:month:second:millisecond".

Please get rid of the huge command which Iam using now,

select rtrim(cast(datename(day ,getdate()) as char )) + '/'+ rtrim(cast(datename(month ,getdate()) as char )) + '/' + rtrim(cast(datename(year ,getdate()) as char )) + ' ' + rtrim(cast(datename(hour ,getdate()) as char )) + ':' + rtrim(cast(datename(minute ,getdate()) as char )) + ':' + rtrim(cast(datename(second ,getdate()) as char )) + ':'+rtrim(cast(datename(millisecond ,getdate()) as char )) as date

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Simple Date Range Query

Apr 30, 2007


I was wondering if someone could tell me the syntax for a simple date range query. Basically:

select * from TABLE where start date= and end date =


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Simple Date A DB Was Created On The Server

Apr 13, 2008

Well you would think it was pretty simple. If I create a Database on Server a last week, take a backup of that database and put it on server b today, the CRDate in sysdatabases still shows the date of last week instead of today. I need to find the actual date for all 150+ servers from sql 7 - sql 2005 in our domain. Any ideas? I had heard that maybe SQL DMO had an object that might be helpfull but I have not been able to look it up anywhere or see how to use it using sp_oa procs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Simple Question About Date Data Type

Aug 25, 2007

I want to create a procedure where nextvisitdate is a cloumn for date
so when I passed variable @nextvisitdate then which data type I have touse with it.

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_salesman_nextvisitdate

@salesman varchar (50),
@nextvisitdate date (50)


Select * from Entry Form


@salesman = salesman
@nextvisitdate = nextvisitdate


You Have to Loss Many Times to Win Single Time

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Simple Todays Date Query Question

Jan 19, 2007

Hi, I have just started using SQL server 2005 reporting. But I am stuck on my select part of the report. I want to bring back all results from a table for todays date (whatever that would be). I have tried:

Where ColumnA = Today()

and a few other Today variations.

Can anybody please help?

Also is there a good site / tutorial which helps with SQL syntax, statements, etc.



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A Simple Update Query Using A Date - Conversion From Msaccess

Mar 21, 2005

I'm converting an ASP system from using msaccess to SQL Server as the db engine, and I'm stumped on the following query

TcdDate = #3/18/05#

TcdDate is defined as a date/time type

It will not run with the date bracketed by # signs, and when I take them out, 1/1/1900 is stored in the dbs. Is there a different symbol to bracket the date with or should I be using a function to convert the date?

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Urgent: A Simple Question About The Most Asked Topic - DATE

May 7, 2004


The subject say it all :)

I have a field which stores date which the datetime datatype... The problem is that I am also getting time information in this stored field.

I just want to extract the date part in dd-Mmm-yy format (e.g. 07-May-04). I tried convert (char (8), MyDateField, 112) but it gives me date in yyyymmdd format. How do I get the results in dd-Mmm-yy format instead?


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Simple Way To Determine The Number Of Days In A Month For Any Given Date

Jul 20, 2005

DECLARE @varDate datetimeDECLARE @varMonthDate datetimeDECLARE @varYear datetimeDECLARE @varFOM varchar(10)DECLARE @NumDaysInMonth as intselect @varDate = '2/1/2004'select @varMonthDate = MONTH(@varDate)select @varYear = YEAR(@varDate)select @varFOM = CAST(CAST(@varMonthDate as int) as varchar) + '/1/' +CAST(CAST(@varYear as int) as varchar)select @NumDaysInMonth = DATEDIFF (day,@varFOM,DATEADD(mm,1,@varFOM))select @NumDaysInMonth as DaysInMonth

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