Validating Source Schema Using SSIS

Sep 23, 2007


I have a MsAccess db containing a table called Employees which i am transforming to a staging table in Sql server 2005. Everything is working fine. I am using Foreach File enumerator and uploading the files one by one.However I now plan to validate the schema of MsAccess before uploading it. For eg: My employee table in msaccess is as follows :

Code Snippet
empId int,
empName varchar(60),
empAge int

Since the files come from different vendor, while looping, i want to perform a check if the empid or empAge are not of type long or string etc. If they are of type smallint,i have no problem.

However if they are larger datatypes than the the ones kept in Sql server, then the file needs to be logged in the db with the reason and moved to the error folder. In short, if the datatypes in access tables are smaller than those in Sqlserver, allow it, otherwise reject it. THe schema of Sqlserver table is same as of that of Employees in msaccess.

I want to compare the schema of the incoming access tbl fields with my desired schema and all mdb's having data types that are higher or incompatible with the desired schema should be moved to the error.

How do I do it.

Thanks ,

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Integration Services :: Get Table And Schema Name Of Source And Destination In SSIS Package

Oct 6, 2015

How can I get table name and schema names of the source and destination in ssis package to insert into audit table....??

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Validating A Source File

Dec 13, 2006

I'm totally new to SSIS and need some direction.I'ved worked with the Import/Export wizard to create a package that imports a text file into a SQL Server table. However, I'm told the format of the text file changes over time and that's not good. I need to program in a format validation check on the source file before it gets imported. If it changes, I'm suppose to throw an alert or something.Let's say the file has the columns: field1 (string[10]), field2 (date), field3 (integer), field4 (decimal).I did some testing and tried to change the data to a longer string in field1, and SSIS recognizes that and errors out. How do I get it to send the bad record to an bad record file? Do I just set a destination file connection for bad records and connect the red arrow from the source file to the destination file?I forget if the source file connection recognizes a bad date and errors out. I'll have to check again.But when I changed the data in the datafile for field3 from integer to decimal. It didn't recognize that as an error. It read it in "successfully". That's not good.Similar thing happened when I changed field4 from decimal to integer in the data file. But I'm not too worried about that.Any hints on how to do this or a better approach on checking for file format changes would be appreciated.Ken

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OLEDB Source Running Full MDX Query When Validating

Feb 18, 2008


I have an Integration Services project which creates a flat file report from Analysis Services, I'm using an OLE DB as data source and running an Openquery in the SQL statement.

the problem is that Integration services runs the query twice before getting the data into the flat file. I know this because the query runs two times in Profiler, and because the same query takes half the time when run in Management Studio.

Integration Services is running the whole query when validating. how can I disable this validation or better make it validate properly.


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SSIS Validating Data

Jul 4, 2006

Hi there,

I have a Problem with my SSIS and it is that when you open the package it says "Validating <Data Flow>" and it takes a loooooong time to finaly open ( by long I mean like 3 or 4 hours to just for open!!!). In 3 of the DF, I have conections to a Unisys server and in exactly in this DF is where it takes its time. This Unisys system its kind a slow but not that slow. I am running on a server that have 4 G and 8 processors, so it cant be the machine.

my question is, How can I make it validate faster ? I have tried to work Offline but when I run the package I need to be online.

Any Ideas? Am I doing anything wrong here??


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SSIS Packages Validating Before Execute

Feb 18, 2008


I have an SSIS package that wont run whne i try to run it in one go, but if i run it step by step it will succeed
as the reason its failing is in the 2nd step it references a table that doesn't exist (its created in the 1st step.

So at the start package is trying to validate, but it won't as the table is created in step 1.

So this is why it works if i execute this step by step, is there a way of turning off the pre run validation
on SSIS scripts ?


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SSIS Crashes While Validating Data Flows

Jun 26, 2006

Hi all,

I'm stuck here when I try to open an existing package which contains several data flows, SSIS tries to validate each data flow and after a while a Visual Studio error message pops up and I can't do anything.

 The error message says : "Unable to cast COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSObject90'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on Com component for the interface with IID '...GUID...' failed due to the following error : The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread. (Exception from HResult: RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD)"

Did anyone has seen this error message ?

Any help will be appreciated.


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Moving Data From One DB Schema To Another DB Schema Using SSIS

May 8, 2007


I would like to use SSIS tool to move the data from one database schema to another database schema.

For example:

Source table has

1. UserName (varchar 20) (no null)

2. Email (varchar 50) (can be null)

Destination table has

1. UserID (uniqueidentifier - GUID)

2. UserName (varchar 50) (no null)

3. EmailAddress (nvarchar 50) (can be null)

4. DateTime


1. What controls do I use in my Data Flow to make data move between databases with different data types and include new value in UserID as a new GUID and DateTime as a date (GETDATE)?

OLE DB Source, OLE DB Destination, Data Converson and .....

How do I insert Guid and Date at the same time?

2. I have many tables to do data moving. Any sugestions? How do I architect my project? If I create many data flows for each table - it will look complicated.

Please give me some advices here.


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Xml Source Vs. Cascading Schema Changes

Aug 27, 2007

I'm using the XML Source to process a document with 17 elements in it. That leaves me with 17 outputs from the source.

Any time I make even the slightest change to the schema, it causes the metadata collection of the source to be updated. This causes everything in the data flow to have inconsistent metadata. This can take a very long time to fix, even though all I have to do is open the top transform and allow name mapping to work.

Is there any better way to make changes to an XML schema being used this way? Any tricks?

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Inline Schema - XML Source

Mar 15, 2007

I have a serialized XML that I got from a dataset. In my 'Data Flow Task', I bind the 'XML Source' source to this XML file. Since the XML file is having the schema along with it, I check the 'Use Inline schema' option. However, when I put a dataviewer to see the rows getting sent to the destination, I see that no rows are getting transfered. As you will see from the XML file I am trying to use, I do have one row to transfer.

I tried kepping the schema file and the content file separate and that worked. I am not sure if there are any inherent issues I need to take care of, when using inline schemas to transfer data. I have the SP2 for SQL 2005 installed.

Here is the XML file content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:element name="NewDataSet">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Table1">
              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LastName" type="xs:string" />
              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FirstName" type="xs:string" />
              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Descr" type="xs:string" />
<Descr>Consultant 1</Descr>



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Checking Schema Of Source Table

Sep 23, 2007


I have a MsAccess db containing a table called Employees which i am transforming to Sql server 2005. Everything is working fine. I am using Foreach File enumerator and uploading the files one by one.

However I now plan to validate the schema of MsAccess before uploading it. For eg: My employee table in msaccess is as follows :

empId int,
empName varchar(60),
empAge int

Since the files come from different vendor, while looping, i want to perform a check if the empid or empAge are not of type long or are not null. If they are of type smallint,i have no problem.

However if they are larger datatypes than the the ones kept in Sql server, then the file needs to be logged in the db with the reason and moved to the error folder. In short, if the datatypes in access tables are smaller than those in Sqlserver, allow it, otherwise reject it.

THe schema of Sqlserver table is same as of that of Employees in msaccess.

How do I do it.

Thanks ,

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Dynamic XSD Schema Location For XML Source

Jul 14, 2006

I want to be able to programmatically set the schema location for an XML source. I first thought it would be a simple task using expressions and variables but it doesn't appear to allow anything in the way of setting it at runtime. Is this possible?

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XML Source With Schema Filename In Variable.

Aug 13, 2007

Is there a way to configure the XML source component to use a schema file whose filename is in a variable? Now I know it doesn't make any sense to have an XML source whose schema can vary, however, I have a parent package with a ton of child packages, all of which process the same XML input using the same schema. What I would like to do is for the parent to load the filename of the XML input file into a variable, and the filename of the XML schema file into another. Each child would have its XML source configured to pickup these variables from the parent, so that if the location or name of the schema changes, I don't have to edit each package one-by-one. However, it doesn't seem possible to specify anything but a filename for the schema. Any suggestions?

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XML Source: String Types Lose Length Attributes In XML Schema?

Jan 25, 2007

I'm having a problem with the XML Source data flow component not transferring the length attributes from an XML Schema to the column attributes of the output table.

An example schema that I have is:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><data xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi=''><xsd:schema> <xsd:simpleType name='NameType'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:minLength value='0'/> <xsd:maxLength value='50'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:element name='Name' type='NameType' nillable='true'/> <xsd:simpleType name='FamilyType'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:minLength value='0'/> <xsd:maxLength value='50'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:element name='Family' type='FamilyType' nillable='true'/> <xsd:element name='row'> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref='Name'/> <xsd:element ref='Family'/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name='data'> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref='row' maxOccurs='unbounded'/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element></xsd:schema> <!-- data follows --> <row><Name>Fred</Name><Family>Jones</Family></row></data>
When I reference file in the XML Source data control, it correctly infers that there are two columns, but the length of the strings in the columns are set as 255.

This behaviour appears to be at odds with the SSIS documentation (SQL Server Integration Services/Integration Services Object and Concepts/Data Flow Elements/Integration Services Sources/XML Source), which states (highlighting mine):

When the data is extracted from the XML data file, it is converted to an Integration Services data type. The XSD or inline schema may specify the data type for elements, but if it does not, the XML Source Editor dialog box assigns the Unicode string data type (DT_WSTR) to the column in the output that contains the element, and sets the column length to 255 characters. If the schema specifies the maximum length of an element, the length of output column is set to this value. If the maximum length is greater than the length supported by the Integration Services data type to which the element is converted, then the data is truncated to the maximum length of the data type. For example, if a string has a length of 5000, it is truncated to 4000 characters because the maximum length of the DT_WSTR data type is 4000 characters; likewise, byte data is truncated to 8000 characters, the maximum length of the DT_BYTES data type. If the schema specifies no maximum length, the default length of columns with either data type is set to 255. Data truncation in the XML source is handled the same way as truncation in other data flow components. For more information, see Handling Errors in Data.

Has anyone had any luck in getting string lengths automatically extracted from an XML document? If so, where I am going wrong?



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Using XML Source In SSIS Vs Script Source To Parse Xml Files.

Sep 14, 2007


I am having a huge xml file with nested section.
i also have a xsd file for that xml.
i have a destination table where the data from the xml should be loaded into.
i am using the xml source transformation. But o get all the data i need to use multiple merje joins to get the data in a single row which i can insert into the destination.i was not quiet convinced with using so many joins.

so i tried using the script source transformation where i am using xml objects to get the node and dynamically construction the data row. and the output is then inserted into the destination.
on comparing the two approach the one using the script source is working much faster than the xml source transformation.

i wanted to know is there any limitaion using the script source to parse through xml files.
also i would like to know any other better way of getting the data from xml source without using the joins.


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Source Code For The Standard SSIS Components That Come With SSIS?

Jun 2, 2006


I'm finding that the standard components often just don't quite meet my
needs, but would only need some fairly minor changes to save me and my team a lot of
work (and produce more elegant solutions). So I was just wondering whether the source code was available for the standard components that come with SSIS, or if there is anyway to extend their functionality?
Or do you just have to start form scratch?


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Create Target Table Dynamically Based On Source Table Schema?

Sep 13, 2005

I’ve got a situation where the columns in a table we’re grabbing from a source database keep changing as we need more information from that database. As new columns are added to the source table, I would like to dynamically look for those new columns and add them to our local database’s schema if new ones exist. We’re dropping and creating our target db table each time right now based on a pre-defined known schema, but what we really want is to drop and recreate it based on a dynamic schema, and then import all of the records from the source table to ours.It looks like a starting point might be EXEC sp_columns_rowset 'tablename' and then creating some kind of dynamic SQL statement based on that. However, I'm hoping someone might have a resource that already handles this that they might be able to steer me towards.Sincerely, 
Bryan Ax

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Transact SQL :: Dynamically Alter Schema Of Stage Table When Source Table Structure Changed?

Oct 25, 2015

we have a table in our ERP database and we copy data from this table into another "stage" table on a nightly basis. is there a way to dynamically alter the schema of the stage table when the source table's structure is changed? in other words, if a new column is added to the source table, i would like to add the column to the stage table during the nightly refresh.

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Does Anyone Use SSIS For Database Schema Maintenance?

Mar 1, 2007

We currently use SSIS to build DTS packages in which we store changesto our database schema, as well as scripts that need to be run uponeach release. This works well for small sets of changes that neverneed to be updated or for architectures with only one database.We store each of the changes included in the package in separatefiles, which are tracked using version control. It is growing timeconsuming to maintain parity between those files and what is in theSSIS.Furthermore, we have been unable to discover an easy way to load afile's contents into a package SQL Task without opening the file andcopy-pasting the contents into a new SQL task.ANY information at all would be extremely appreciated!

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AutoGenerate Table Schema In SSIS

Jul 6, 2007

I have a database that has few tables whose table Schema changes oftenly based on a flat file specification and I wanted to automate the process where I drop the table and recreate it with the new schema using an SSIS package. Any Ideas on how I can achieve this?

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SQL 2005 Schema Problem After Installing SSIS

Feb 8, 2006

I restored a backup from SQL 2000 onto a new SQL 2005 server. The
database restored and the matching user who was the owner of that
database in SQL 2000 was created as a user in SQL 2005 as well as being
designated as the "schema" for that database. I was having
trouble logging in with the user that was created after the restore, so
I created a new user and assinged the new user as DBO of the new
database, set up the new users default database and schema, and
everything was working fine, my database driven application worked
perfectly under that user.

Then I installed SSIS, as it was recomended as a solution to another
problem. After installing SSIS I can not run queries without
specifying a schema name. For example this query will not work,
it returns table not found:

SELECT * FROM <table_name>

However if I specify the schema name like this, the results return:

SELECT * FROM <schema>.<table_name>

This screws up my database application as it does not include the schema name in its transactions.

I do not understand why installing SSIS would have changed this.

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The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' Requires A Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'.

Sep 27, 2007

Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!

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Transferring Objects Form Schema A To Schema B In One Shot....!

May 27, 2008

I have 35+ tables and 15+ stored procedures with SchemaA, now I want to transfer them to SchemaB.

I know how to do one by one...!

alter schema SchemaB transfer

but it will take long time...!


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Using SSIS As Source In .NET Application

May 13, 2008

I want to use output of SSIS package in Windows application, any suggestions?
For this I have created SSIS package and loaded data into DataReader destination, but now how to use this data in my application.
Thanks in advance.

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SSIS And Data Source

Aug 10, 2007


I have SSIS solution which has multiple packages and one Main package which starts all others.

I also have 2 Data Sources which I use on each package.

I need to do my testing on different Data Sources. When I try to change Data Source from one database to another - SSIS is getting confused and fails on the connections or starting to insert to the previous database.

Could you please explain the steps for doing it. What is the problem here?
Can I use Windows Attentications in data source or use special account?

Also some confusion here with Config file. Should I create Config file just from Main package or from each package. For now I am working with a Source code, but later I would need to change connections string before running the executable. If I change the string in my Main package - would it be understandable in all others?

Please give me details here.



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Working With Xl Source In SSIS

Jun 11, 2007

Hi All,

I want to use an excel sheet as a source and pick up the data starting from 4th row.

can anybody suggest me a solution for this.



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SSIS - Excel Source

Dec 28, 2007

Dear Friends,
I need to import data from several excel files. How can I configure excel source object to dinamically import each file?
The name of the file will be in a parameter of ssis package and this name change frequently, and ach time the filename change I dont want to change the configuration on the excel source?
What you sugest?
Shoul I use a script component as source?!

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SSIS OLE DB Source Error

Oct 3, 2006

I am creating an OLE DB Data Source in an SSIS Data Flow - it is calling a SQL Server 2005 stored procedure, which accepts 3 parameters and returns a result set, but I get the following error:

"There is a data source column with no name. All data source columns must have a name."

I have have tested the output of this proc a million times, and every column has a name! I am also able to call a different proc in the same way, without error:

EXEC pProc @DT = '20060928', @Id = 1015, @Debug = 0

Any ideas what could possibly be causing this error - assuming all of my columns DO have names??

Thanks : )

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SQL 2012 :: Source As Query In CDC In SSIS

Aug 13, 2014

I am working on task where I need to load data into DWH from OLTP. Load needs to b incremental load. For this I am planning to use CDC, to track changes and only load data which has been new inserts/updates/deletes. But to load data to destination, there are couple of joins, which I need to do. Is there a way in CDC, where I can use query as source?

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SSIS SQL OLE DB Source - SQL Command Vs Mapping

Oct 10, 2007

I created a Stored Proc to compute all the data I need to export to a CSV file.
I use the provider MS OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.
It's a very simple package with a single Data Flow Task.
This flow task is using an OLE DB Source to call a simple SQL Command : Exec MyStoredProc.
There are no params.

This Stored Proc is using table variables to compute the data.
It takes about 10 seconds to return anything.
The problem is that the mapping doesn't work with the OLE DB Source.
There are no fields at all shown in the mapping screen.

I tried to replace the Stored Proc by a version which only returns fields and no data.
Then the mapping would work just fine.
The package is then compiling and working fine.
But everytime I put back the real stored proc, even without changing the SQL Command, the SSIS execution breaks at execution.
It keeps saying :

"Error: 0xC0202005 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source [477]: Column "RecordType" cannot be found at the datasource."

My guess is that SSIS doesn't wait the 10 secs and thinks the Stored Proc is not returning anything.
What can I do to make this work ?



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Using .xlsx As Excel Source In SSIS

Oct 17, 2007


I am using Excel datasource and Excel destination in a simple SSIS package which i created. I have got two queries regarding this

How does excel datasouce/destination accept .xlsx files, since i observed that they accept only .xsl file

Does excel destination ascept .xlsm files, because i have some macros enabled in destination
Thanks in advance for advice

Warm Regards,

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SSIS Project And Source Control

Aug 26, 2007

Our team has the following problem:
I create a SSIS project in VS and add it to Team Source Control. When the project and all it's files exist on a machine and I want to open the project from Source Control, everithing works fine, but when another developer, who doesn't have the files on his machine, wants to open the project from Source Control he is required to check out the project file.

I've investigated the problem and found out that each project has a database file (with .database extension) and project file contains a reference to it. Once the user opens from Team Source Control a project that isn't presented on a target machine, the VS creates a new database file on a local machine and insists to change the reference in the project file.

Does anyone have a workaround for the problem?


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Jan 4, 2007

Hi all,

Can a SSIS package treat a file from a table ( VARBINARY(MAX) or BLOB) as a source for migration ?

Thanks in advance,


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