View Based On Table Modification

Aug 8, 2013

I have been inserted one row in to table called as Teachers..

vTeachers is the View ctreated on Teachers Table.

When i Inserted one row in to Table Teachers i didn't see that row in vTeachers View.

How can i get that newly inserted values in to my View?

View 4 Replies


Please Help With This View - Small Modification

Nov 17, 2005

I have listed a view below and a portion of the result set that is returned when I run the code in Query Analyzer.  This is part of a timesheet application that logs hours per SCHLSTUID per SECTIONID per week.  This returns the SCHLSTUID(user's ID), SECTIONID, Date that the week starts, the first date that time was logged.  The user could be in several SECTIONID's for the same week.  I need to modify this so that it returns the date that the first time was logged for any of the SECTIONID's per week.  I know that this is probably something simple that I'm overlooking but I just can't get it to work correctly.Example:  SCHLSTUID   SECTIONID   ATTSTARTDT                     FirstTimeEnteredDOn601868445      EN4AR001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-19 20:59:21.120601868445      MAA1R001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-18 20:59:21.120This would need to return 2005-09-18 20:59:21.120------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427This would need to return either 2005-10-02 20:59:37.427------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-09 20:59:37.823601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-13 20:59:37.823This would need to return 2005-10-09 20:59:37.823----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE VIEW dbo.vExportStartWeekASSELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, MIN(TimesheetDate) AS FirstTimeEnteredOnFROM         (SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, ATTSTARTDT AS TimesheetDate, sunmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM          TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, ATTSTARTDT AS TimesheetDate, sunhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 1, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, monmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 1, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, monhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 2, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, tuemns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 2, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, tuehrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 3, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, wedmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 3, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, wedhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 4, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Thrmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 4, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Thrhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 5, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Frimns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 5, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Frihrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 6, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Satmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 6, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Sathrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance) TimesheetDatesWHERE     (TimeEntered <> 0)GROUP BY schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDTORDER BY schlstuid----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a portion of what is returned:SCHLSTUID   SECTIONID   ATTSTARTDT                     FirstTimeEnteredDOn601868445      EN4AR001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-19 20:59:21.120601868445      MAA1R001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-18 20:59:21.120601868445      EN4AR001      2005-09-25 20:59:36.670    2005-09-25 20:59:36.670601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-09 20:59:37.823601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-13 20:59:37.823----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for any help that you can give me.Scott

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View Or Function Xxx Is Not Updatable Because The Modification Affects Multiple Base Tables?????

Aug 17, 2007

I have read that I need to add an instead of trigger. I have no idea how to do this. I am basicaly  trying to update at the moment but will also need to insert later.
From the code in VWD2008 I only get the error when i include this info here: When i press update and these below are included in the update statement then i get the error.
Here is view from SQL 2000.
dbo.ADDRESS.TEL1 AS phone, dbo.CUST.NAME AS Company, dbo.ITEMS.DESCRIPT AS S_Descript, dbo.ADDRESS.JOB_TITLE AS Job_Title,



Here is the forms  code I am working with: used VWD to generate the forms...I added update...<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="training.aspx.cs" Inherits="training" TRACE = TRUE%>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="dstraining"
DefaultMode="Edit" AllowPaging="True">
<asp:TextBox ID="EMAILTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("EMAIL") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="first_nameTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="last_nameTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("last_name") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="STATETextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("STATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="phoneTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("phone") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="CompanyTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Company") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="S_DescriptTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("S_Descript") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="Job_TitleTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("Job_Title") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="MONTHTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("MONTH") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="S_DATETextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("S_DATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="END_DATETextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("END_DATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="IS_CONFIRMEDTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("IS_CONFIRMED") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="IS_PAIDTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("IS_PAID") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="AccountTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Account") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="SCHEDULE_IDLabel1" runat="server"
Text='<%# Eval("SCHEDULE_ID") %>' />
<br />
<asp:LinkButton ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="True"
CommandName="Update" Text="Update" />
 <asp:LinkButton ID="UpdateCancelButton" runat="server"
CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel" />
<asp:TextBox ID="EMAILTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("EMAIL") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="first_nameTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="last_nameTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("last_name") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="STATETextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("STATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="phoneTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("phone") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="CompanyTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Company") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="S_DescriptTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("S_Descript") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="Job_TitleTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("Job_Title") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="MONTHTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("MONTH") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="S_DATETextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("S_DATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="END_DATETextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("END_DATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="IS_CONFIRMEDTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("IS_CONFIRMED") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="IS_PAIDTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("IS_PAID") %>' />
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="AccountTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Account") %>' />
<br />
<asp:LinkButton ID="InsertButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="True"
CommandName="Insert" Text="Insert" />
 <asp:LinkButton ID="InsertCancelButton" runat="server"
CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel" />
<asp:Label ID="EMAILLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("EMAIL") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="first_nameLabel" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="last_nameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("last_name") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="STATELabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("STATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="phoneLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("phone") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="CompanyLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Company") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="S_DescriptLabel" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("S_Descript") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Job_TitleLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Job_Title") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="MONTHLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("MONTH") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="S_DATELabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("S_DATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="END_DATELabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("END_DATE") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="IS_CONFIRMEDLabel" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("IS_CONFIRMED") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="IS_PAIDLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("IS_PAID") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="AccountLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Account") %>' />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="SCHEDULE_IDLabel" runat="server"
Text='<%# Eval("SCHEDULE_ID") %>' />
<br />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dstraining" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:EVEREST_FIBEROPTConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT , [first name] AS first_name, [last name] AS last_name, [STATE], [phone], [Company], [S_Descript], [Job_Title] AS Job_Title, [MONTH], [S_DATE], [END_DATE], [IS_CONFIRMED], [IS_PAID], [Account], [SCHEDULE_ID] FROM [VIEW_TRAINING]"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE view_training SET email=@email, [FIRST NAME] = @FIRST_NAME, [LAST NAME] = @LAST_NAME, [STATE] = @STATE, [PHONE] = @PHONE, [JOB_TITLE] = @JOB_TITLE, [COMPANY] = @COMPANY WHERE Account = @Account">


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View Or Function 'MutualFund' Is Not Updatable Because The Modification Affects Multiple Base Tables.

Mar 4, 2008

View or function 'MutualFund' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables. 
I get the above error when i try to delete rows from a view.
i tried the following code with a table. it works perfectly.  i want the same behaviour for a view.
can anyone help.
Delete MutualFund
from MutualFund inner join MutualFund_history
on MutualFund.SecurityID= MutualFund_history.SecurityIDwhere MutualFund.MorningstarCategoryID=MutualFund_history.MorningstarCategoryID and
MutualFund.MorningstarAssetClassID= MutualFund_history.MorningstarAssetClassID and
MutualFund_history.insertdt =(Select MAX(DsegLastUpdated) from Timestamp_History(nolock))
"MutualFund"  is a view.
if it were a table, the above works well. but how can i simulate the same effect for a view.
any help will be greatly appreciated.

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How To Update Time Series Based On Another Table(or View)??

Feb 15, 2005

Hi all,
I have two tables (staging and Cdate) and neither objects has any constraints.
staging table has ID, date, A, B, and C fields and Cdate has id,date and day fields. I need to update/insert date from Vdate into staging where staging ID=' ' and date is null
Here is the code I wrote, however, it seemed the information was updated to one date only instead of time series - Cdate contains time series in column date.
Anyone can help to fix it? Thank you for the help!

update s
FROM cdate c join staging s on(
Where is null and id=2

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Dyamic View/function Based On Table Data (?)

Sep 21, 2006

Hey,First, sorry if this post appear twice, because, I can not find my postrecently send, trying to post it once again.I'm out of ideas, so, I thought, will search help here again :(I'm trying to prepare a view for ext. app. This is in normal cases veryeasy, but what if the view structure should be dynamic?!Here is my point (I will siplify the examples).I have a table:create table t_data (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,valvarchar(10) not null,data varchar(100) not nullconstraint [PK_t_data] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_data (val, data) values('1111111111','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('2222222222','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('3333333333','12345abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('4444444444','67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefg12345hijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('5555555555','1230abcdefghijklmnoprst12345uvwxyz1 234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghijk lmnoprstuvwxyz')gocreate table t_dataVal (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,valvarchar(10) not null,fill varchar(4) not nullconstraint [PK_t_dataVal] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('1111111111','AAAA')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('2222222222','KKKK')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('3333333333','DDDD')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('4444444444','ZZZZ')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('5555555555','CCCC')gocreate table t_conf (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,start int not null,length int not null,description varchar(20) not null,constraint [PK_t_conf] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (1,10,'value_1')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (11,3,'value_2')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values(55,15,'value_3')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (33,2,'value_4')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (88,1,'value_5')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (56,7,'value_6')goNow here is the issue:table t_conf contain data, which can be modified by user. The user isseting the appropriate values.Now, there should be a view, which returns:- as headers (collumn names) this what is defined in description columnof t_conf (for example: value_1, value_2 ... value_6)- as values, substrings of all data from t_data, cutted with start andlength values for appropriate decription from t_conf.- first two columns of view, should be column val and fill of t_dataValtableSo the effect should be like this:valfillvalue_1value_2value_3value_4value_5value61111111111AAAA1234567890abc....2222222222KKKK1234567890abc....3333333333DDDD12345abcdefgh....4444444444ZZZZ67890abcdefgh....5555555555CCCC1230abcdefghi....of course, for all other value_x should be the appropriate substringsshown.Sounds simple, hm?Well, I'm trying to do this, since yesterday evening, and can not :(In real life, the call of view/function might happend a lot.The table t_data might have around 4000 records, but the data string islonger (around 3000 characters).Application, might acess a udf, which returns table, and I was focusingin that.Was trying, to create local temp table in function, to insert values,using cursor over t_conf.Unfortunately, everything what I get, is just a vertical representationof the data, and I need it horizontal :(The other problem in function is, that I can not use exec() (wll known)so I can not even create a table,dynamicly, using as column names description value from table t_conf,and as size of field length from this table.Sorry, that the description is maybe not exactly for my problem, butthis is because I'm not even sure, which way to use :(any help will be appreciated!Thank You - Matik

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Dynamic Table Creation/Modification

Oct 1, 2006

I'm wondering if there is a control available for creating/modifying db tables through a web interface. I want for users to be able to add/remove, rename, and change the datatype of certain fields in a database table. I've been searching all day online if such a control exists in but haven't found anything. 

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Finding Table Modification Date

Oct 10, 2001

Is there a way to find out when the last modification or change to data in a table occured ? How about the last change of a view ?

We'd like to be able to extract data to another table based on a view. Then, at a later date, check to see if the first table or view has changed since the last extract. If not, then we don't need to re-extract the data, we know it hasn't changed.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Track Modification Date On Specific Table

Jul 13, 2015

I would like to know about the DML process (Insert/update /delete) in a particular table .. it is like change tracking but I also want to know the modification date

I know CDC ( Change data capture ) but unfortunately it needs SQL 2008 developer/enterprise edition and my SQL server is SQL 2008 STANDARD edition.

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A View Based On A Parameter

Jan 22, 2006


After upsizing an access mdb backend to SQL Server 2005, some of the access frontend queries need rewriting.

One of my Access queries contains several joined tables (tables that used to live on users local c drive) and also references the value of a form control as its where criteria. When this is run against linked sql tables it is very slow.

So I thought I would use a view to represent the joined tables and link to that in Access, but views don't allow you to pass parameters. How do I create a view that I can link to in my access front end whose contents will vary based on a passed parameter from Access? I am OK at vba coding so I can call to this object in code if necessary. The recordsource needs to be updateable.

Any help would be appreciated!


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Create A View Based On Variables?

Jul 28, 2004

Hi All,

I would like to create a view based on a variable (a date).

CREATE VIEW testView (@myDate)

select * from testTable
WHERE testVar = @myDate

This is far from what the final view would look like, but if anyone knows if something similiar to this can be done, I would greatly appreciate it.


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View To Get Record Based On A Column Value

Jul 24, 2013

I have a view where the results would be like this.(userid,name,rolekey are my col names with data)

userid name rolekey
test1 tname rolekey1
test1 tname rolekey2
test1 tname rolekey3

is this possible to retireve data from view where i need only userid with rolekey1.? tried with a function but its taking more time? any options in doing it in the view itself?

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Update View Based On Two Tables

Mar 26, 2008

I have a view based on two tables. Now I want to update that view in such a manner that the columns of both the tables are going to update.
Can you suggest me what code I should write so that I can update that view.

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Creating Records Based SQL View

Oct 30, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that we download from one of our customers that contains Sales Order Release information. The spreadsheets contains 1-n releases per part #.

I have a SQL 2000 view that groups this information into a smaller table (after importing into SQL).

I need to take this view and create 1-n release records based on our production run qty and put it in a new table. I have a field in my view that contains the desired # of records to create.

Since I never used TSQL to loop through table/view, how do I do this. Following is what the output should look like:

From SQL view
Part #: 11124A1
Qty Due:175
Run Qty: 50
# Release to Generate: 4

Output to Table

Part # QtyDue RunQty
11124A1 50 50
11124A1 50 50
11124A1 50 50
11124A1 25 50

Note QtyDue is the production run qty, with the last record containing the remaining QtyDue from view's Qty Due

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Creating A Report Model Based On A View

Aug 1, 2007

in my report model project, i'm able to successfully create and deploy a report model based on a data source view that is in turn based on a table object in my data store.

but if i try to create a report model that's based on a a data source view that is in turn based on a view in my data store, well then, the report model that gets created comes up blank - i.e. shows no objects.

What gives? Is it not possible to create a report based on a view? that can't be right!

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[SQL2000] Permissions To Use View Based On Tables From Many Databases

Feb 21, 2006

HiI have two databases: Customers and Operations. In Customers database I havemade a view based on a few tables from both Customers and Operations (leftjoin - customers without any operations). In the same database (Customers) Ihave created a stored procedure based on the view. Finally I'd like to giveto some users permission only to exec the stored procedure.Have I to add the users to Customers? If yes, please describe me how tolimit the users privileges only to execution the stored procedure (no rightsto open tables or view from Customers).Regards,GrzegorzPs. I had sent the post on, but I had noanswer.

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Transact SQL :: Way To Have Trigger Fire When Something Happens To Tables That View Is Based On?

Nov 4, 2015

I created a view that joins several tables together and added an instead of insert, update trigger on it. My trigger works when I do an update/insert directly to the view, but it doesn't seem to fire when an insert/update is made to any of the tables that the view is based on. Is there a way to have the trigger fire when something happens to the tables that the view is based on? The application that the database is using is something that was purchased so I don't have access to the code to change any SQL statements that it's using.

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Reporting Services :: Call Related View Based On Parameter Value

Jun 15, 2015

I am working on SSRS. Based on parameter value I needs to call the related view. Below are my current expression query. but it has some error.

=IIF(Parameters!RacServiceOfferingsOnly.Value=0, SELECT * FROM VW_FLIGHT_SHEET_SUMM_RAC_N WHERE "TransferDate" BETWEEN DECODE(:StartDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:StartDate) AND DECODE(:EndDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:EndDate) AND
(:TransferType IS NULL OR :TransferType = "Direction"),SELECT * FROM VW_FLIGHT_SHEET_SUMM_RAC_Y WHERE "TransferDate" BETWEEN DECODE(:StartDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:StartDate) AND DECODE(:EndDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:EndDate))

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Data Modification

Sep 6, 2000

I am trying to migrate a system across and need some help tidying data and merging info.
Firstly if I have some companies with the suffix 'Limited' and some with 'Ltd' ie BBC Ltd and BBC Limited. How do I change all these to read the company name and then Ltd??
Secondly I am pulling info from a table which has company name duplicates into a table that also may have company details relating to that company name. I wish to add the details if the company name doesn't exist in the table and also only input the once from the source table. I am using cursors for this. My scripts see below is adding every record. Any ideas why??
Thanks for any suggestions

CREATE PROCEDURE check_company2
@id varchar(50),
@company_name varchar(50),
@business_type varchar(50),
@hardware varchar(50),
@operating_system varchar(50),
@networks varchar(50),
@pcs varchar(50),
@terminals varchar(50),
@test_companies_id varchar(50)
declare s_completelist_cur cursor for select [company name],[business type],[hardware],[operating system],[networks],
[pcs],[terminals] from s_completelist
open s_completelist_cur

fetch next from s_completelist_cur into @company_name, @business_type, @hardware, @operating_system, @networks,@pcs, @terminals
while (@@fetch_status=0)

print @company_name
select @test_companies_id from companydetails c where c.company_name = @company_name
if @test_companies_id is not null

print 'match found'
insert into companydetails ( company_name, business_type,hardware, op_system, network, pcs, terminals)
values (@company_name, @business_type,@hardware, @operating_system, @networks, @pcs, @terminals)

fetch next from s_completelist_cur into @company_name, @business_type, @hardware, @operating_system, @networks,@pcs, @terminals
close s_completelist_cur
deallocate s_completelist_cur

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Mass DTS Modification

Aug 13, 2004

I have a series of DTS packages.
Each package has 20 queries.
Each query has a server name.
Is there a way to change the servername without editing each query in each DTS package.
I'd like to copy the template DTS package, then perform the modification.


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Need Help With String Modification

Feb 23, 2004

Im trying to basically take an email address that is in a row and basically split it up or get 1 side.

Im trying to find the command if it exists or a way to do this in tran sql to basically give me everything left or right of the '@' symbol, is there an easy way of doing this? Thanks!


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Trigger Modification

Jul 26, 2007

I have converted Access database to sql express. Access Database had AutoNumber FIelds for which trigger was generated by Upsizing wizard.

Now when I import data from client the autonumber field value changes because trigger is fired which distroys all links

I want to modify trigger so that it generates new number only when it is not supplied in a insert command.

Please help. Code is given below. Also suggest how to save because when I use save, it asks for a new .sql file name and a new file is generated instead of modifying the same trigger

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[T_AcControlLimit_ITrig] ON [dbo].[AcControlLimit] FOR INSERT AS
SELECT @randc = (SELECT convert(int, rand() * power(2, 30)))
SELECT @newc = (SELECT IntAcControlCode FROM inserted)
UPDATE AcControlLimit SET IntAcControlCode = @randc WHERE IntAcControlCode = @newc

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Modification Logs

Jun 13, 2007

Is there a way to determine when a file was changed/modified? We're onSQL 2000 and I need to know when a view was modified and by whom.Thanks!

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Parameter Modification Within Mdx

Feb 14, 2007

Is it possible to modify a parameter value within a dataset using mdx?

lets say the param values of @bucket = 6

how would you go about writing @bucket + 1

so @bucket now would equal 7

is this possible?

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Modification Of The Primary Key !!

May 23, 2007


I have binded a DataGradView (DGV) with a Dataset (DS) , i execute and modify on the DataGradView the primary key (IDObj) and also the two other columns, by clicking on the UpDate button i call the function UpDateTable :

public void UpdateTable(string nameTable)
// con : ma connection OLE Ă un fichier Access 2003
// DS : dataSet
// DAdp : Dataadapter
// nameTable : nom de ma table

OleDbCommand comdUPDATE;

string CommandText = "UPDATE " + nameTable + " SET IDObj=@IDObj ,NameParent=@NameParent,TypeObj=@TypeObj WHERE IDObj=@IDObj";

comdUPDATE=DAdp.UpdateCommand = new OleDbCommand(CommandText, con);

// IDObj : clé principale
comdUPDATE.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@IDObj", OleDbType.VarChar, 50));
comdUPDATE.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@NameParent", OleDbType.VarChar, 50));
comdUPDATE.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@TypeObj", OleDbType.VarChar, 50));

comdUPDATE.Parameters["@IDObj"].SourceVersion= DataRowVersion.Original; //!!!
comdUPDATE.Parameters["@NameParent"].SourceVersion= DataRowVersion.Current;
comdUPDATE.Parameters["@TypeObj"].SourceVersion= DataRowVersion.Current;

comdUPDATE.Parameters["@IDObj"].SourceColumn = "IDObj";
comdUPDATE.Parameters["@NameParent"].SourceColumn = "NameParent";
comdUPDATE.Parameters["@TypeObj"].SourceColumn = "TypeObj";

DataSet modifiedDS = DS.GetChanges(DataRowState.Modified);

DAdp.Fill(DS, nameTable);

catch (Exception e)

finally { con.Close(); }


But i have this exception : Concurrency violation : the update command affected 0 of the expected 1 records.

how is it possible to modify a primary key witch is the reference of that modified row?

Thanks for help

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Add Calculated Field In Order Table Based On Price Column In Product Table

Nov 18, 2014

I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?

this query returns the values i want in the table.

select a.quantity * b.price
from tblCustomerPurchases as a
join tblProduct as b
on a.ID=b.ID

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Create Target Table Dynamically Based On Source Table Schema?

Sep 13, 2005

I’ve got a situation where the columns in a table we’re grabbing from a source database keep changing as we need more information from that database. As new columns are added to the source table, I would like to dynamically look for those new columns and add them to our local database’s schema if new ones exist. We’re dropping and creating our target db table each time right now based on a pre-defined known schema, but what we really want is to drop and recreate it based on a dynamic schema, and then import all of the records from the source table to ours.It looks like a starting point might be EXEC sp_columns_rowset 'tablename' and then creating some kind of dynamic SQL statement based on that. However, I'm hoping someone might have a resource that already handles this that they might be able to steer me towards.Sincerely, 
Bryan Ax

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Query Based Off Primary Key Of Parent Table - Adding Child Table

Jan 28, 2012

I need to add a child table that will tell us who the participants counselor is, what I did was I did a Make Table query based off the primary key of the Parent table and made that the link (foreign key) for the People_tbl and the Counselor_tbl, so if the counselor changes then the user adds the record to the counselor tbl and then puts in the Effective date. The problem is that when I run a report it doesn't show the present counselor always shows the old counselor?

SELECT Student_ind.StudentFirstName, Student_ind.StudentLastName, Student_ind.[Student ID], People_tbl.[Family ID], People_tbl.FirstName,
People_tbl.LastName, People_tbl.[Parent ID]
Student_ind ON People_tbl.[Family ID] = Student_ind.[Family ID]
WHERE (People_tbl.LastName = @Enter_LastName) AND (People_tbl.FirstName = @Enter_FirstName)

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Insert A Row To A Table Based On Table Values?

Jun 10, 2015

Here is my table:

My question is: How can I insert a row for each unique TemplateId. So let's say I have templateIds like, 2,5,6,7... For each unique templateId, how can I insert one more row?

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Delete Child Table Rows Based On Predicates In A Parent Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables that are related by keys. For instance,Table employee {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,department_name char(40) not null,age int not null,...}Employee table has a primary key (combination of last_name and first_name).Table address {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,street char(200) not null,city char(100) not null,...}Address table has a primary key (combination of last_name, first_name andstreet in which (last_name, first_name) reference (last_name, first_name) inemployee table.Now I want to delete some rows in Address table based on department_name inEmployee table. What is sql for this delete?I appreciate your help. Please ignore table design and I just use it for myproblem illustration.Jim

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Analysis :: Hierarchy Based On Dimension Table Joined Multiple Times Against A Fact Table?

Aug 11, 2015

I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above).  When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer. 

Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table?  What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension.  Within Customer, I want four hierarchies. 

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Modification In Database One By One Record

Jan 26, 2007

My problem is related to database and data.
I building a project in ASP.NET 2.0 with the help of VWD  in which i have certain records and each record has
 a unique id with it.Now my problem is that when a user wants to edit a certain record i want the user to enter
 a record id for that record. Now if  the record id matches any record in the database then that record should be 
dislayed in another page  with and edit option with it.

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Simple Db Modification Question

Mar 13, 2004

Is there a quick way to convert all table and column names in MSSQL7 from upper case to lower case?

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