Dyamic View/function Based On Table Data (?)

Sep 21, 2006


First, sorry if this post appear twice, because, I can not find my post
recently send, trying to post it once again.
I'm out of ideas, so, I thought, will search help here again :(

I'm trying to prepare a view for ext. app. This is in normal cases very
easy, but what if the view structure should be dynamic?!

Here is my point (I will siplify the examples).

I have a table:

create table t_data (
id bigint identity (1,1) not null,
valvarchar(10) not null,
data varchar(100) not null
constraint [PK_t_data] primary key clustered
) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )


insert into t_data (val, data) values
('1111111111','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')
insert into t_data (val, data) values
('2222222222','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')
insert into t_data (val, data) values
('3333333333','12345abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')
insert into t_data (val, data) values
('4444444444','67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefg12345hijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')
insert into t_data (val, data) values
('5555555555','1230abcdefghijklmnoprst12345uvwxyz1 234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghijk lmnoprstuvwxyz')

create table t_dataVal (
id bigint identity (1,1) not null,
valvarchar(10) not null,
fill varchar(4) not null
constraint [PK_t_dataVal] primary key clustered
) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )


insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('1111111111','AAAA')
insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('2222222222','KKKK')
insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('3333333333','DDDD')
insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('4444444444','ZZZZ')
insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('5555555555','CCCC')

create table t_conf (
id bigint identity (1,1) not null,
start int not null,
length int not null,
description varchar(20) not null,
constraint [PK_t_conf] primary key clustered
) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )

insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (1,10,'value_1')
insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (11,3,'value_2')
insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values
insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (33,2,'value_4')
insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (88,1,'value_5')
insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (56,7,'value_6')

Now here is the issue:
table t_conf contain data, which can be modified by user. The user is
seting the appropriate values.
Now, there should be a view, which returns:
- as headers (collumn names) this what is defined in description column
of t_conf (for example: value_1, value_2 ... value_6)
- as values, substrings of all data from t_data, cutted with start and
length values for appropriate decription from t_conf.
- first two columns of view, should be column val and fill of t_dataVal

So the effect should be like this:

of course, for all other value_x should be the appropriate substrings

Sounds simple, hm?
Well, I'm trying to do this, since yesterday evening, and can not :(

In real life, the call of view/function might happend a lot.
The table t_data might have around 4000 records, but the data string is
longer (around 3000 characters).

Application, might acess a udf, which returns table, and I was focusing
in that.
Was trying, to create local temp table in function, to insert values,
using cursor over t_conf.
Unfortunately, everything what I get, is just a vertical representation
of the data, and I need it horizontal :(
The other problem in function is, that I can not use exec() (wll known)
so I can not even create a table,
dynamicly, using as column names description value from table t_conf,
and as size of field length from this table.

Sorry, that the description is maybe not exactly for my problem, but
this is because I'm not even sure, which way to use :(

any help will be appreciated!

Thank You - Matik

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View Based On Table Modification

Aug 8, 2013

I have been inserted one row in to table called as Teachers..

vTeachers is the View ctreated on Teachers Table.

When i Inserted one row in to Table Teachers i didn't see that row in vTeachers View.

How can i get that newly inserted values in to my View?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Function To Replace Data In A Column With X Based On LEN Of Data

Sep 4, 2015

I need to create a function that replaces the data in a column with an 'X' based on the LEN of the data in the column. I created one that does a replacement, but it fills the column based on the max data length, and not the current length of the string or integer. An example of what I'm trying to accomplish.

Original data in a varchar(30) column:

replaced with

My current function is replacing the data like this:

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How To Update Time Series Based On Another Table(or View)??

Feb 15, 2005

Hi all,
I have two tables (staging and Cdate) and neither objects has any constraints.
staging table has ID, date, A, B, and C fields and Cdate has id,date and day fields. I need to update/insert date from Vdate into staging where staging ID=' ' and date is null
Here is the code I wrote, however, it seemed the information was updated to one date only instead of time series - Cdate contains time series in column date.
Anyone can help to fix it? Thank you for the help!

update s
set s.date=c.date
FROM cdate c join staging s on(s.id=c.id)
Where s.date is null and id=2

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Table-value Function Or View

Sep 5, 2007

what is more efficient between a table-value function or a View

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Memory Issue With Simple CLR Based Table-Value-Function (TVF)

Dec 15, 2005


We are seeing memory issues with a simple C# based TVF that splits an input string into a table based a delimiter.    Entries such as the following show up in the SQL log: 

AppDomain 8 (DBName.dbo[runtime].7) is marked for unload due to memory pressure.
AppDomain 8 (DBName.dbo[runtime].7) unloaded.

These entries only show up after the TVF has been called many times (~ half million times or more).

We encountered the same memory issues with June CTP, but they appeared to be fixed in Sepetmber CTP.  Somehow the issues come back for us in the SQL Server 2005 RTM version.   With June CTP after these errors show up many many times, the SQL server had to be re-started.  

I'd appreciate any comments/ideas regarding these error messages in the SQL log?

We are using the RTM version of SQL2005: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)
Oct 14 2005 00:33:37
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

Wenbin Zhang

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get ID From Lookup Table Based On Value Passed To Function

Dec 19, 2014

I have a requirement regarding a color combination data. I have a lookup table that holds a colorid, p1, p2, p3, p4 to p8 which will be having colors Red, Green and Amber. P1 to P8 columns holds these three colors based on their combinations.

I have attached the look up table data for reference.I need to pass the color values to p1 to p8 and need to retrieve the color id based on the passed color. If we pass values for all p1 to p8 then it is easy to get the color code, however it will not happen. The passed values may be dynamic. ie we will not have all 8 values all the times. sometimes we will have 2 colors passed, sometimes 5 colors will be passed.

If i pass only two colors say red and red, i need the color id of only the row that has red and red for p1 and p2 alone. i dont want want all the colorid's that has red and red in p1 and p2 and some other colors in p3 to p4.

The exact colorid of the combination must be returned on passing the values to p1 and p2.I am passing Red and Red as values to P1 and P2. In the look up table we can have 10 rows that has red and red i p1 and p2 like

colorid p1p2p3p4p5p6p7p8
1 redred
10 redredred
20 redredred
30 redredredred
40 redredredredred
50 redredredredredred
60 redredredredredredred
70 redredredredredredredred

So the result must have only the colorid 1 and not all the colorid's listed above. when I pass 3 red as values for p1, p2, p3 then the result must be 10. Colorid 1, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 must not come in the result.I need a function or procedure that will accept the arguments and provide me the result based on the values.

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Intensively Used Function In View Needs A Minimum And Maximum From A Table

Jul 23, 2005

I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a view.This function is a function which calculates a integer value of adate. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This isvery handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is myproblem.My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens isthat sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of theCalendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that thisfunction insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximumdate when date > maximum date.Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this istrue. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by innerjoining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user wouldsay: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "Ithink that i have not all the data!"GreetzHennie

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Intensively Used Function In View Needs A Minimum And Maximum From A Table PartII

Jul 23, 2005

Because of an error in google or underlying site i can reply on my ownissue. Therefore i copied the former entered message in this message.-------------------------------------REPY----------------------------------Hi Maybe i wasn't clear. I want to dynamically check whether what thelowest date and the highest date is in the calendar table. Thepresented solutions has fixed dates and i don't want that.If i could store a global variable in SQL server (dynamic properties?)then it would be great. Fill this once and call it multiple times inmy intensively used function. Is this possible?GreetzHennie----------------------------Previously enteredissue-----------------------I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a view.This function is a function which calculates a integer value of adate. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This isvery handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is myproblem.My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens isthat sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of theCalendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that thisfunction insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximumdate when date > maximum date.Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this istrue. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by innerjoining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user wouldsay: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "Ithink that i have not all the data!"GreetzHenniePlaats een reactie op dit berichtBericht 2 van deze discussieVan:John Bell (jbellnewsposts@hotmail.com)Onderwerp:Re: Intensively used function in view needs a minimum andmaximum from a tableView this article onlyDiscussies:comp.databases.ms-sqlserverDatum:2004-12-30 03:56:25 PSTHiIf you LEFT or RIGHT JOIN to the calendar table you will get a NULLvaluefor the column, you can then is CASE to determine the valueCREATE FUNCTION ConvertDate (@datevalue datetime)RETURNS INTASBEGINDECLARE @dateint INTSELECT @dateint = CAST( CASE WHEN A.Date < '20030101' THEN '19800101'WHEN A.Date > '20051231' THEN '99991231'ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(4),C.[Year]) + RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),C.[Month]),2) + RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),C.[Day]),2)END AS INT )FROM ( SELECT @datevalue AS [Date] ) ALEFT JOIN CALENDAR C ON C.[Date] = A.[Date]RETURN @dateintENDGOJohn"Hennie de Nooijer" <hdenooijer@hotmail.com> wrote in messagenews:191115aa.0412300238.7dee0f85@posting.google.c om...[color=blue]>I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a[/color]view.[color=blue]> This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a> date. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This is> very handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is my> problem.>> My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens is> that sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of the> Calendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that this> function insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximum> date when date > maximum date.>> Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this is> true. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by inner> joining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user would> say: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "I> think that i have not all the data!">> Greetz>> Hennie[/color]Plaats een reactie op dit berichtBericht 3 van deze discussieVan:Hugo Kornelis (hugo@pe_NO_rFact.in_SPAM_fo)Onderwerp:Re: Intensively used function in view needs a minimum andmaximum from a tableView this article onlyDiscussies:comp.databases.ms-sqlserverDatum:2004-12-30 15:32:06 PSTOn 30 Dec 2004 02:38:51 -0800, Hennie de Nooijer wrote:[color=blue]>I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a[/color]view.[color=blue]>This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a>date. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This is>very handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is my>problem.[/color](snip)Hi Hennie,Is this conversion all that your function does? If so, you might wanttotry the following alternative (using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as example;replaceit with your date column / parameter):SELECT CAST(CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 112) AS int)You could put this in the UDF (probably at least as fast as yourcurrentCalenmdar-table based function), or use it inline as a replacement tothefunction call (probably even faster).It should work for all dates from Jan 1st 1753 through Dec 31st 9999.Best, Hugo--(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)

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Trouble Calling Function In View &&amp; Multi-Table Select...

Aug 13, 2007

How Do I fix View(below) or Multi-Table select(below) to use this Function to return distinct rows via qcParent_ID?

Following Function populates a field (with concat list of related titles) with other required fields:

Create Function [dbo].openItemsIntoList(@Delimeter varchar(15),@qcparent_ID varchar(1000))

Returns Varchar(8000) as


Declare @Lists as varchar(8000);

Select @Lists = '';

Select @Lists = @Lists + itemTitle + @Delimeter From z_QClocate_openAll_Qualifier

Where @qcParent_ID = qcParent_ID;

Return Substring(@Lists,1,len(@Lists)-len(@Delimeter));


works perfect against single table select (returning 54 distinct rows by qcParent_ID):

Select a.qcParent_ID, a.Facility, a.Modality, openItemListToFix

From dbo.a2_qcEntryForm a

JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i

on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID

But data is needed from 3 tables...
- Created a VIEW that returns all (82) rows (negating distinct of the function on qcParent_ID)
- Failed Miserably Integrating Function call into a multi-table select (inexperienced with complex joins)

This VIEW returns ALL (82) rows in table:

CREATE VIEW z_QClocate_openAll AS

SELECT dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus, dbo.a1_qcParent.qcAlert, dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcParent_ID, dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcEntryForm_ID,

dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.itemComplete, dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.itemTitle, dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.Facility, dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.Modality

FROM dbo.a1_qcParent INNER JOIN

dbo.a2_qcEntryForm ON dbo.a1_qcParent.qcParent_ID = dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.qcParent_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix ON dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.qcEntryForm_ID = dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcEntryForm_ID AND

dbo.a1_qcParent.qcParent_ID = dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcParent_ID

WHERE (dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus = 'Awaiting Attn') AND (dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.itemComplete = 0) OR

(dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus = 'In Process') OR

(dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus = 'Re-Opened')

Calling like this returns ALL 82 rows (negating the functions distinct):

Select a.qcParent_ID, a.qcStatus, a.qcAlert, a.itemComplete, a.Facility, a.Modality, openItemListToFix

From z_QClocate_openAll a

JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i

on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID

Failing miserably on Integrating the Function call into This SELECT ON MULTI-TABLES:

How to integrate the Function call:
JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i

on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID

into the multi-table Select relationships (while maintaining Where & Order By):

SELECT dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus, dbo.a1_qcParent.qcAlert, dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcParent_ID, dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcEntryForm_ID,

dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.itemComplete, dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.itemTitle, dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.Facility, dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.Modality

FROM dbo.a1_qcParent INNER JOIN

dbo.a2_qcEntryForm ON dbo.a1_qcParent.qcParent_ID = dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.qcParent_ID INNER JOIN

dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix ON dbo.a2_qcEntryForm.qcEntryForm_ID = dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcEntryForm_ID AND

dbo.a1_qcParent.qcParent_ID = dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.qcParent_ID

WHERE (dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus = 'Awaiting Attn') AND (dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix.itemComplete = 0) OR

(dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus = 'In Process') OR

(dbo.a1_qcParent.qcStatus = 'Re-Opened')

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Query Error Help. (Could Not Allocate Ancillary Table For View Or Function Resolution)

Aug 8, 2007

i created a query and when i run it like this i get data but when i add a value in the 2ed case for '2%' i get error.
Select  a.email, case when a.reportnumber like '1%' then  (select b.Reportnumber  from ijasSummaryNo b  where a.Reportnumber = b.Reportnumber) end as Reportnumber, case when a.Reportnumber like '1%' then (select b.stonebreakdown  from ijasSummaryNo b  where a.Reportnumber = b.Reportnumber) end as Measurement, case when a.Reportnumber like '1%' then (select b.reportcarddate  from ijasSummaryNo b  where a.Reportnumber = b.Reportnumber) end as ijasDate,
case when a.reportnumber like '2%' then (select c.Reportnumber   from appraisalsummaryblue c  where a.reportnumber = c.reportnumber) end as imacsRepNo
from t_RegisterInfoTemp a
Query works fine like this but when i add  this (the one marked bold i get error)
case when a.reportnumber like '2%' then (select c.Reportnumber   from appraisalsummaryblue c  where a.reportnumber = c.reportnumber) end as imacsRepNo,case when a.reportnumber like '2%' then (select c.Measurement  from appraisalsummaryblue c  where a.reportnumber = c.reportnumber) end as Measurement2
This is the error.
Server: Msg 4414, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Could not allocate ancillary table for view or function resolution. The maximum number of tables in a query (260) was exceeded.

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SQL Server How To's &&&& Dyamic Joins In Stored Procedures (I Think)

Jan 1, 2005

First, does anyone know any good SQL Server sites with articles and whatnot on query design, etc. Not so much basic "How to get data out of your table", but more complex topics like conditional stored procedures, working with triggers, etc. The MSDN is helpful but I often have trouble understanding what's going on.

And second, any pointers (or links) on how I can go about having a stored procedure query a pair of product tables to get information to display in my shopping cart? I've got:

Cart Items StdProducts CustomProducts
----------- ------------- -----------------
partID stdpartID custompartID
IsCustom (Bit)
description description

So depending on if the 'IsCustom' field is True or False, I want to join the [cartitems].[partID] to either the [StdProducts].[stdpartID] or the [CustomProducts].[custompartID] to get the description and other information.

Eventually, I'll probably need to branch this type of procedure out even further (not just either/or scenario) to include the option of pointing to 6-12 different child tables depending on criteria within the parent table for a different scenario. Depending on performance, I could either hard code in the various child tables or have another table containing the table names and the appropriate key that would indicate which table to use.

Hopefully that made some sense, since I'm not entirely positive how to go about this type of thing or what you would call whatever I'm trying to do (and thus what I would be searching for).

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Update Data To A Table From The Sum Of A Field From Another Table Based On Some Criteria

Jan 22, 2008

Hello Friends,

I have two tables, And also I have Sample data in them.

create table X
(y int,
m int,
v int)

insert into X select 2007,1,5
insert into X select 2007,1,3
insert into X select 2007,2,9
insert into X select 2007,2,1

select * from X

Create table Y
(fy int,
fm int,
v int)

insert into Y select 2007,1,0
insert into Y select 2007,2,0
insert into Y select 2007,3,0

select * from X
select * from Y

I want to update the Table Y with the Sum of the Fields V from X based on the Criteria Y.fy = X.y and Y.fm = X.m

Using temporary table cannot be done.

Thanks in Advance,

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Transact SQL :: Key And Indexes On Two Column Data Table Or Parsed View (Large String Of Data And Filename)

Oct 4, 2015

I am studying indexes and keys. I have a table that has a fixed width of data to be loaded in the first column which is parsed in a view based on data types within the fixed width specifications.

Example column A:
(name phone house cost of house,zipcodecountystatecountry)
-a view will later split this large varchar string based 
column b: is the source filename of the data load (varchar 256)

a. would there be a benefit of adding a clustered or nonclustered index (if so which/point in direction on why)

b. is there benefit of making one of these two columns a primary key (millions of records) or for adding a 3rd new column as a pk?

c. view: this parses the data in column a so it ends up looking more like "name phone house cost of house zipcode county state country" each having their own column.

-any pros/cons of adding indexes (if so which) to the view instead of the tables or both for once the data is parsed?

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Updating Data In One Table Based On Other Table Data

Apr 20, 2003

I'm not sure if this could be done, but if anyone has any insight on how to do this please let me know...

Currently, I have a table that has a field of Categories. I recently created a Category table in which each category has it's own ID. I need to replace the Data that was in my original table with the new ID's based on the actual category name... Is there any way of doing this without manaul data entry?

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Updating Data In One Table Based On Other Table Data

Apr 20, 2003

I'm not sure if this could be done, but if anyone has any insight on how to do this please let me know...

Currently, I have a table that has a field of Categories. I recently created a Category table in which each category has it's own ID. I need to replace the Data that was in my original table with the new ID's based on the actual category name... Is there any way of doing this without manaul data entry?

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How Can I Assign Data Returned From A Stored Procedure Into The Return Table Of A Table Valued Function

Apr 18, 2007

Here is the scenario,
I have 2 stored procedures, SP1 and SP2

SP1 has the following code:

declare @tmp as varchar(300)
set @tmp = 'SELECT * FROM
OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''SERVER=.;Trusted_Connection=yes'',
''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC ' + db_name() + '..StoredProcedure'' )'

EXEC (@tmp)

SP2 has the following code:

FROM SP1 (which won't work because SP1 is a stored procedure. A view, a table valued function, or a temporary table must be used for this)

Views - can't use a view because they don't allow dynamic sql and the db_name() in the OPENROWSET function must be used.
Temp Tables - can't use these because it would cause a large hit on system performance due to the frequency SP2 and others like it will be used.
Functions - My last resort is to use a table valued function as shown:

( )
RETURNS @retTable
@Field1 int,
@Field2 varchar(50)
-- the problem here is that I need to call SP1 and assign it's resulting data into the
-- @retTable variable

-- this statement is incorrect, but it's meaning is my goal


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How Do I Exclude Data From One Table Based On Data From Another?

Feb 28, 2008

I have a table called MasterSkillList which is a list of skills and attributes, eg: [Appraise, INT], [Bluff, CHA] etc
I have a table called Classes, which is a list of all classes available (and some details which are irrelevant), eg: [Fighter], [Assassin] etc.
I also have a table called ClassSkills which holds a list of classes and their applicable skills, eg: [Assassin, Bluff], [Assassin, Open Lock], [Fighter, Appraise], [Fighter, Bluff] etc.
 What I have is a gridview which shows all my classes from the class table. i want to be able to select a class on that gridview and create a checkbox list of all available skills that are NOT allready associated with that class. Eg: assassin has bluff and open lock, so those two skills shouldn't appear on my checkbox list. So i want to show all the skill from the master skills list, excluding all the skills the selected class allready has.
 Alternatively, It would be better if there was a way to display all the skills in existance on my checkboxlist and the ones that class allready has to be checked. Any suggestions?
Here's the query I have: 
SELECT     MasterSkillsList.SkillFROM         ClassSkills INNER JOIN                      MasterSkillsList ON ClassSkills.Skill = MasterSkillsList.SkillWHERE     (MasterSkillsList.Skill <> ClassSkill.Skill)
I just added the following sql query, but when i run it i get no results even though it should show everything except 2 skills. Have I written it wrong?
SELECT     SkillFROM         MasterSkillsListWHERE     (NOT EXISTS                          (SELECT     Skill                            FROM          ClassSkills                            WHERE      (ClassName = @ClassName)))

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Getting Data From Table Based On Date

Nov 13, 2014

I have table called AbsData with one field called Servicedate which is Datetime filed.. like date is stored as 2014-11-12 10:03:00.000 etc..

When I trying to retrieve data from that table using below query I am not getting any data

select * from AbsData where Servicedate = '2014-11-12'

Even I used

select * from AbsData where Servicedate = 2014-11-12 00:00:00.000'

select * from AbsData where Servicedate = 2014-11-12 00:00:00'

none of this query is worked..

How to get all the data from table where date is equal to 11/12/2014

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Fetch Data Based On SQL Server Table

Mar 26, 2003


I am using DTS (Data Pump Task) to fetch selective data from AS/400. The Selection is based on a table which is on SQL Server.

I can not fetch the whole data as data is huge & only want for particular items. How can I achieve this taks


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Using A View To Omit Data From Another Table

Mar 21, 2007

Where it's select in red I want to be able to look in another table with a listing of email domains (@express.com,@express.net,@example.org), and when the are query that I don't view them. I don't know if I need some kind of varible or just lookup in another table. I have windows 2000, and same for SQL. I am trying to write it using SQL Query Analyzer.

Thank You,


SELECT FirstName, LastName, Street, city, State, zip, Country, Providence, TypeOfAccount, RemoteComputerName, Timestamp1, PresentEmail, NewEmail,
Password, Age, Account_Active
FROM dbo.newusers
WHERE (FirstName <> ' NULL') AND (LastName <> ' NULL') AND (PresentEmail <> ' LOOKUP in another table') AND (NewEmail <> ' NULL') AND (Password <> ' NULL') AND
(Age <> ' NULL') AND (Account_Active <> 'yes') AND (Account_Active <> 'reject') AND (Account_Active <> 'spammer')

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Selecting Data From SQL Table Based On A Time Period

Oct 11, 2007

I am trying to write a stored procedure that will select information from a SQL table based on a specific time.
For example I have a name field and a time field, I want to return just the names that were created between a specific time frame. ex between 3pm and 4pm.
Any thoughts?

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Sql Table Data Stroring Based On Varchar Primary Key

Jan 17, 2008


I have a Users table that I use for membership. I am using username varchar(30) as the primary key for this table since username will always be unique.

The question I have is regarding how SQL Server actually stores data:

I see that when I add users, they are always stored alphabetically sorted on username.

I was expecting that all users will appear on the users table in the order they were added.

Example: I have 3 users (john, jonah, wilson). Now I added 4 user with username='bob'

If I execute select * from users, it returns me (bob, john, jonah, wilson). Look bob has become the first row of the table.

My question: Is Sql server moving 3 older rows to make room for 'bob' and it is also rebuilding part of the index due this new username 'bob'?

If this is the case, then it will have big impact if I have 100K users and I add one user that becomes firstrow. In that case 99,999 rows will have to move.

Bottom line, insert, delete will be very expensive.

I know sql server keeps data physically sorted on PK. But I am concerned here since rows are losing the order in which they were inserted.


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Getting Data Based On Ordinal Position Of The Column In The Table

Aug 30, 2007

I am having a problem in auditing the column data in tables.My requirement is i have write a trigger which is capable of auditing the columns which are going to be added in the future also with out using dynamic SQL.is there any way to do so.
I feel if i can get the column data based on ordinal position then it is possible.
Can any body suggest.
My set Up is like this
I have a base_table to be audited.
I have a Audit_spec table which contains name of the table and columns to be audited.
And Audit table which actually captures the table name,column name ,old value and new value.
I have to audit only those columns in the Audit_spec spec.
If schema changes(Like new column added) happens to base_table and I want that column to be audited.with out any changes to my trigger code i should handle the newly added column ..

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Update Server Table Based On Flat File Data

Feb 13, 2014

I have a table dbo.Sales that contains all sales records. There is a column in that table called ItemNumber that I'd like to match with ItemNumber in a flat file and update the ItemCost based on the ItemCost column in the flat file.

So while there will be many sales records for each ItemNumber, I need to loop through and update the ItemCost in that sales record based on the corresponding ItemCost in the flat file. Does this make sense? I really need this for court and I can't figure out how to do it. I took a SQL course about 7 years ago but have forgotten everything.

Database Name: BTData
Database Table: dbo.Sales
Database Columns: ItemNumber (match on this), ItemCost (update this)

FlatFile Name: InventoryCosts.txt
FlatFile Columns: ItemNumber, ItemCost

There will be many sales records for each ItemNumber in the database table. I need to update each one with correct cost based on the item number and cost mapping from flat file.

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Get Data For Previous Month In Table Based On Current Date

Jul 28, 2014

I need to get previous month data in the table based on current date.

In case of execution of each month, the data for previous month should come with date as between

create table TestDate
(Sno Int,
Name varchar(100),
DateofJoin datetime)

insert into TestDate values (1,'Raj', '2/21/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Britto', '6/12/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Kumar', '5/14/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Selva', '6/27/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Ravi', '5/2/2014')
insert into TestDate values (1,'Gopu', '6/2/2014')

if I execute in month July ( ie: today)

select * from TestDate where dateofjoin between 1-june-2014 and 30-june-2014


5 Ravi 2014-05-02 00:00:00.000
3 Kumar 2014-05-14 00:00:00.000

if I execute in month June

select * from TestDate where dateofjoin between 1-may-2014 and 30-may-2014


6Gopu2014-06-02 00:00:00.000
2Britto2014-06-12 00:00:00.000
4Selva2014-06-27 00:00:00.000

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Data Warehousing :: Hiding Text Box Based On Table Property

Oct 16, 2015

I am putting together an invoice for my company. I have a text box describing each section of the invoice, followed by a table to list out the charges. I am using multiple tables based on what type of charge the client is receiving. 

I would like to hide each section if there are no items purchased of that type. I can do this with the table using the expression "=CountRows() < 1", but I do not know how to refer to that table (call it Tablix1 for the sake of discussion) for the text box. I've tried using a ReportItems function as my basis, without success. 

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Newbie: Modifying Table = Wrong Data In View?

Apr 15, 2004

Hi there,

Completely new to the world of databases. I'm a designer who works primarily in Flash. In any case, I'm trying to manage an application that uses MS SQL and learn about the wonderful world of databases.

Ok, I modified a table (e.g. I added a column called "Rate") that had associated views (created by another developer). Noticed that my application went a little wonky as some of my variables within my app took on the value of the data in the "Rate" column. I checked one of the views and noticed that a column within the view (e.g. TutorID) was assuming the values in the "Rate" column. Note: The column TutorID had been blank before the change to the table. I'm completely lost as to why this is happening. Do I need to rebuild the view? Can I just reset the original view?


Oh yeah, I'm using SQL4X Manager J from Mac Guru (if that helps).

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Create Dynamics View Which Contain Data Of All Table

Apr 16, 2014

I have view something like

Create view All_employee
SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM dbo.Employee
SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM Emp_201402.Employee

But we have a different "Schema" for same table because we have archive table with same table name but with different schema name. Now we have req to make view which contain data of all table. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it in a view.

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SCHEMA_ID), Name FROM sys.schemas where name like '%emloyee%' ORDER BY schema_id ASC

[Code] ....

Don' think that works.

Is this possible with a view or it other way to do it?

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Dynamic PIVOT Table As Data Source View

May 29, 2008

I would like to use a dynamic pivot table in my data source view. It seems that a named query can be only one sql statement. So, I cannot use my multi-statement procedure that creates a dynamic pivot table output.

What is the best course of action here? I could hard-code my pivot table query. I could maintain a redundant table in the pivot format. Do I have any good options?



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Data Warehousing :: Adding A New Column From Table To View

Nov 2, 2015

I have a SQL VIEW with col1, col2, col3. I need to add a new column to the view col4 coming from a TABLE in SQL Server.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Perform Checksum Based On The Source Table Data?

Aug 10, 2015

I'm trying to load data from old SQL server 2000 to new SQL server 2014. I need to do a checksum to check if all the source data is loaded in the target database(SQL server 2014). I've created the insert statement for the same which works. I need to use checksum to make sure all the source rows are loaded in the target table. I haven't done checksum before.

Here is my insert statement:

INSERT INTO [Test].[dbo].[Order_tab]


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Transact SQL :: Query Based On Date - Get Data From Table Above WHERE DateofBirth Is Tomorrow

Oct 30, 2015

Lets say I have a table, tblPersons

FirstName |  LastName   |  DateofBirth
  Thomas   | Alva Edison |   10-10-2015
  Benjamin | Franklin    |     10-10-2015
  Thomas   | More        |     11-10-2015
  Thomas   | Jefferson   |    12-10-2015

Suppose today's date is 09-10-2015 in (dd-MM-yyyy format), I want to perform a query in such a way that I should get the data from the table above WHERE DateofBirth is tomorrow, so I could get the following result.

FirstName |  LastName   |  DateofBirth
  Thomas   | Alva Edison |   10-10-2015
  Benjamin | Franklin    |     10-10-2015

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