Working Around Temp Tables In Reporting Services.

Jun 15, 2006

I have been working for days to translate a report out of an old system and in SQL reporting services.

Getting the basic code down to get the required data was easy, however getting it to work in reporting services has turned into a nightmare.

Why, because I have been told that SQL reporting services does not allow temporary tables...HUH!

Ok, so how am I supposed to take three data queries and munge them together into a report.

Here is the query that does work, can anyone give me an idea of how to make this work given the limitations I have run up against.

I have already thought of using a store procedure, but we have ruled that out since would likely have to do it via linked servers, which would be expensive. We thought of having it just create and then link real tables and then delete them...not sure thats going to work, and again probably talking linked servers to get that to work.

select distinct al3.asg_location into ##tmp1
from dbo.probsummarym2 AL3
inner join dbo.probsummarym1 AL1 on AL3.number=AL1.number
where AL1.assignment='international client services'
AND AL1.status='Closed'
AND AL1.close_time BETWEEN {ts '2006-05-28 00:00:00.000'} AND {ts '2006-06-04 00:00:00.000'}
and al3.asg_location is not null

SELECT AL3.asg_location as asg_location, Count (AL3.resolve_met) as met_sla into ##tmp2
FROM dbo.probsummarym1 AL1, dbo.probsummarym2 AL3
WHERE (AL3.number=AL1.number)
AND (AL1.severity_code<>'Scheduled'
AND AL1.status='Closed'
AND AL1.close_time BETWEEN {ts '2006-05-28 00:00:00.000'} AND {ts '2006-06-04 00:00:00.000'}
AND AL3.resolve_met='t'
AND AL1.assignment='international client services'

GROUP BY AL3.asg_location

SELECT AL3.asg_location as asg_location, Count (AL1.status) as sch_closed into ##tmp3
FROM dbo.probsummarym1 AL1, dbo.probsummarym2 AL3
WHERE (AL3.number=AL1.number)
AND (AL1.assignment='international client services'
AND AL1.severity_code='Scheduled'
AND AL1.status='Closed'
AND AL1.close_time BETWEEN {ts '2006-05-28 00:00:00.000'} AND {ts '2006-06-04 00:00:00.000'}

GROUP BY AL3.asg_location

SELECT AL3.asg_location as asg_location, Count (AL1.status) as unsch_closed into ##tmp4
FROM dbo.probsummarym1 AL1, dbo.probsummarym2 AL3
WHERE (AL3.number=AL1.number)
AND (AL1.assignment='international client services'
AND AL1.severity_code<>'Scheduled'
AND AL1.status='Closed'
AND AL1.close_time BETWEEN {ts '2006-05-28 00:00:00.000'} AND {ts '2006-06-04 00:00:00.000'}

GROUP BY AL3.asg_location

select ##tmp1.asg_location, ##TMP3.sch_closed, ##tmp2.met_sla, ##tmp4.unsch_closed
from ##tmp1 left outer join ##tmp2 on ##tmp1.asg_location = ##tmp2.asg_location
left outer join ##tmp3 on ##tmp1.asg_location = ##tmp3.asg_location
left outer join ##tmp4 on ##tmp1.asg_location = ##tmp4.asg_location
group by ##tmp1.asg_location, ##TMP3.sch_closed, ##tmp2.met_sla, ##tmp4.unsch_closed
order by ##tmp1.asg_location

drop table ##tmp1, ##tmp2, ##tmp3, ##tmp4

View 21 Replies


Reporting Services - Use Of Temp Tables

Nov 12, 2006

Hello all,

I need to create a report based on a stored procedure. This stored procedure contains temp tables. At the time of creating the report, I receive a message mentioning - There is an error in the query. Invalid object name '<temp table name'>

Doesn't Reporting Services support temp tables?

Thanks all,

View 2 Replies View Related

Working With Temp Tables In Functions

Dec 26, 2002

I am trying to take a table of Customer locations and making a single string out of them. Any help would be appreciated.
CustomerLocation = "Web"
CustomerLocation = "North Carolina"

function call..


Web,North Carolina


View 7 Replies View Related

Working With SQL Server Temp Tables In Stored Procs

Nov 18, 2005

I am trying to create a SQL data adapter via the wizard, however, I get
the error "Invalid object name #ords" because the stored procedure uses
a temp table. Anyway around this? Thanks.

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SQL2005 Reporting Service - Using Temp Tables?

Oct 31, 2007

Hello everyeone,

I'm very new to this reporting services and am trying to see whether this service can be utilized in our company's sales system.

I've searched quite a few documents about Reporting Service tutorials and it only shows how to make very basic reports, using simple query and one dataset.

Is there any document or manual that shows how to generate a report using a stored procedure or complex queries with temp tables.

If above is not possible, ca I join multiple datasets then?

Please help~...

Thank you in advance!!

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Working On Reporting Services

Jun 13, 2007

Hello All

I was working on Sql reporting services using MSQL 2000

2 years back. I was on a break for the last 2 years and want to get back to Reporting now

Can somebody guide me with the latest versions I need to learn

Is there a lot of diffrence between SQL 2000 and latest 2005

What's the latest verion of Reporitng Services

Can somebody provide links or information where I can download latest SQL reporting sevices

Any help is appreciated


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Integration Services :: Get Data From Source By Executing Set Of Queries That Have Temp Tables

Jul 29, 2015

I need to grab data from teradata(using odbc connection).. i have no issues if its just bunch of joins and wheres conditions.. but now i have a challenge. simple scenario, i have to create volatile table, dump data into this and then grab data from this volatile table. (Don't want to modify the query in such a way i don't have to use this volatile table.. its a pretty big query and i have no choice but create bunch of volatile tables, above scenarios is just mentioned on simple 1 volatile table ).

So i created a proc and trying to pass this string into teradata, not sure if it works.. what options i have.. (I dont have a leisure to create proc in terdata and get it executed when ever i want and then grab data from the table. )

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Can't Get Reporting Services Working After Reinstall

Feb 22, 2007

I had to make room on the system partition so I uninstalled SQL 2005 Ent. and reinstalled it in a different partition, which is mounted in c:apps. Since doing this, although MSSQL works fine, RS does not respond. During the reinstall, Setup reported that RS was "installed but not configured". I ran the RS Configuration Mgr and went through the config sequence. However, on the Initialization page, which has a red 'x' in the left panel, the local server is not listed -- the grid is empty.

The RS service is running, using the same credentials as MSSQL, the admin account .SQLExec. It logs a normal startup in the Event Log.  However, on visiting http://localhost/Reports, I get a message saying that Reporting Services is not responding.  SP2 installed OK on the system, and reported that all components were upgraded.

How can I debug this installation?

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SQL Reporting Services Delivery Extensions For Email. Not Working, Please Help.

Jan 10, 2007

In Sql Reporting Services 2005 (This is bolded because this same error is all over the web for Sql Reporting Services 2000 and thats not where my problem lies) I schedule a report to be emailed. However when the delivery extensions Deliver method is called I get the following error

Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration
error. See the report server log files for more information.

In the log it shows the following

ReportingServicesService!emailextension!4!01/10/2007-12:21:01:: Error sending email. Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.RSException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.Native.GetAuthzContextForUser(IntPtr userSid) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.Native.IsAdmin(String userName) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.WindowsAuthorization.IsAdmin(String userName, IntPtr userToken) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Authorization.WindowsAuthorization.CheckAccess(String userName, IntPtr userToken, Byte[] secDesc, ReportOperation requiredOperation) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService._GetReportParameterDefinitionFromCatalog(CatalogItemContext reportContext, String historyID, Boolean forRendering, Guid& reportID, Int32& executionOption, String& savedParametersXml, ReportSnapshot& compiledDefinition, ReportSnapshot& snapshotData, Guid& linkID, DateTime& historyOrSnapshotDate, Byte[]& secDesc) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService._GetReportParameters(ClientRequest session, String report, String historyID, Boolean forRendering, NameValueCollection values, DatasourceCredentialsCollection credentials) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderAsLiveOrSnapshot(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderFirst(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RenderFirstCancelableStep.Execute() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.CancelablePhaseBase.ExecuteWrapper() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.CancelablePhaseBase.ExecuteWrapper() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RenderFirstCancelableStep.RenderFirst(RSService rs, CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, JobType type, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportImpl.Render(String renderFormat, String deviceInfo) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.ConstructMessageBody(IMessage message, Notification notification, SubscriptionData data) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.CreateMessage(Notification notification) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.Deliver(Notification notification)

So it seems to be failing at GetAuthzContextForUser

I've set up my smtp as out domain email smtp, given the accounts all the permissions I could (Even going to far as to give Everyone permissions everywhere)
Currently my IIS, SQL 2005 and reporting Services 2005 as well as my local SMTP is running on the local machine account.

I cannot seem to get it to work, or even give me a different error.

Could anybody please tell me what needs permission where and what settings I need to have set up for this not to happen.

Some extra information

I'm using Windows XP to develop on however the server where this will eventually run is Windows Server 2003

I'm using ASP.NET 2 and SQL Reporting Services 2005 and SQL 2005 with sp1 loaded

Any help would be appreciated

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Reporting Services :: Order By Not Working In SSRS Report

Nov 4, 2010

I have created a report that sharing  two datasets  for displaying the data. This datasets are using Stored procedure for execution of the report.One of the stored procedure using Order by clause and returning the data.But on running the report , the report viewer displays the unsorted data of the filed. But if we run the stored procedure directly from the sql server , it will return the sorted data.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Email Subscription Not Working?

May 20, 2015

sql server edition-2008 enterprise evaluation edition

Operating System- Window Server 2008 R2

I've Created Local Smtp to use gmailid for Subscription of SSRS Report by Email as we don't have an Exchange Server.

User this link to Create local SMTP

Studied few blogs that related it to agent service running under local system account, on my machine it was running on NT/NetworkService change it to Administrator of local Machine. Did same change for Database Engine of Service of SQL Instance.

FYI- My Machine is not in Domain, so used local administrator for giving rights to service mentioned above.

Below is the Screen Shot of rsreportserver.Config File

ERROR : on Report Manager

Below is report log on after time report was executed.

library!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: i INFO: Schedule 3374e590-8374-4360-b5da-d487eacb0417 executed at 05/20/2015 13:19:05.
schedule!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: Creating Time based subscription notification for subscription: ea7fc6ce-00df-4f6a-9050-e713986307ca
library!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: i INFO: Schedule 3374e590-8374-4360-b5da-d487eacb0417 execution completed at 05/20/2015 13:19:05.


PS: Local SMTP is working, i.e. i am able to receive email if i place an email.text file in C:inetpubmailrootpickup

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Reporting Services :: Hidden Parameter Stops Working

Nov 22, 2015

I have a working set of parameters, when they are all visible. However, when I change the second parameter to hidden it stops working. 

First Parameter - Contains static values 'MTD' & Daily
Second Parameter - has available values and a default. Set up to be invalidated when the First parameter changes... like i say it works beautifully when not hidden.
Third Parameter - has an expression takes the value of the 2nd parameter value, removes the first character off and then converts the remainder to a date and uses it as its default value.

It based on this webpage: URL....However, when i set the second parameter to hidden it no longer works.

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Reporting Services :: Data-Driven Subscription Is Not Working

Oct 1, 2015

We are facing an issue related to SSRS 2012. We have Reporting Services 2012 configured on a couple of servers. On one server, we have created Datasources and Data-driven subscriptions for our reports and selected email as the report delivery option. But the subscriptions are not working. The LastRunTime column is NULL in the Subscriptions table in the ReportServer database and no email is being triggered. Also, no error message is displayed. The same reporting solution is working on another server that also uses Reporting Services 2012.

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SQL Server Express Advanced Reporting Services - Not Working

Nov 26, 2006

I installed the SQL Server Express Advances w/ Reporting Services, but it doesn't appear to be working. When I bring the URL up in my web browser all I get is this:

transam/ReportServer$SQLExpress - /

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.2047.00

Any tips on where to begin looking for what is wrong?


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Reports Are Not Working In IE11

Sep 7, 2015

We had migrated the SSRS reports from 2008 R2 to SSRS 2012 SP2 version. We had a strange issues after migration.

The report which is having images is not working and it just hangs.

The reports which doesn't have any images are working fine.

On top of it some times we are getting the following error message.

Error message : The request failed with HTTP status 503: Server Error.

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Reporting Services :: Report Builder Filters Not Working

May 28, 2015

I am using SSRS 2008. I have 3 applications specific reports deployed to reporting manager..AAA , BBB and CCC - be my Applications for example.i have 3 different application users. i want to grant access the respective application users to access respective reports.i mean application user A should not be able to access/view reports from BBB and CCC. similarly for B and C application users.HOw this can be implemented ?

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Reporting Services :: Row Groups Sort By Count Not Working?

Nov 4, 2015

I have a simple matrix with a row group that is basically a name.  I want to sort a list of 10 or so names based on a count.  I also have a column grouping -basically 1 years worth of month end dates.  I want to sort on the count on the most recent date, so I set the expression to:

=IIF(Fields!week_ending.Value = MAX(Fields!week_ending.Value, "customer_2015_select"), COUNT(Fields!application_id.Value), -1)

And then Sort Z-A.  It allows the expression, but doesn't sort the values correctly.  It doesn't seem to be picking up the date.  

View 6 Replies View Related

Reporting Services :: Multi Value Cascading Parameters Not Working

Apr 23, 2015

I have created two report parameters and want them as Cascading. District Parameter depends on Region Parameter which should allow Multi selection. When I select single value in Region it works perfectly. But when I choose multiple values, District turns out to be a blank text box. I have used the In clause in my code :


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Reporting Services :: Command Line Install Option Not Working

Oct 25, 2011

I am trying to push the install for ReportBuilder 3.0 and am having an issue with the REPORTSERVERURL option for installing via command line.I have a batch file that works fine, however when I launch the app it does not have a report server configured. I have verified I can connect to my report server if I enter it manually.

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Reporting Services :: Export To CSV Not Working For Matrix Report In SSRS

Jun 24, 2015

I developed one dynamic column (matrix) report. while export to excel it 's show same output as SSRS have. but while exporting CSV pivot column not coming as same as Excel and SSRS screen. data is moving to rows.

Please see below screen shot ....

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Page Break Is Not Working In PDF Export?

Aug 10, 2015

I have designed a report in which there are 6-7 charts. I want to print each chart in a new page. For this I have inserted page break after each chart. After this the report is populating fine but when I am exporting the report in pdf the page break are not working.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2008 - Row Visibility Is Not Working Correctly

Mar 2, 2012

VS 2008. I have the following set up. Group1, Group2, Group3 header, Group 3 detail rows..When I set the row visibility (hide based on Group2) on the Detail row, it still shows up when the report is originally rendered.

It should be: Group1 expanded, Group2 collapsed, Group3 header hidden and detail rows hidden
It is showing: Group1 expanded, Group2 collapsed, Group3 header hidden, Group3 detail row visible.

I never had this trouble in 2005. Is there something different about row visibility in 2008?

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Reporting Services :: Can Grow Property Is Not Working In Ssrs 2008 R2

Jan 31, 2011

Currently i am working on SSRS 2008 R2.The issue is that it is wrapping long words and not growing. I set the property can grow to True.

How to prevent the word wrapping?

For example, the column will have the word "information" in it. Instead of the column showing:


it shows:


The "n" gets wrapped to the next line. Is there a way to prevent this from happening.

How to prevent the word wrapping?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Nested IIF Inside Switch Not Working

Nov 20, 2015

Here I am trying to do switch then nested IIF in it. I dont know where i missed but this doesnt work.for first condition in switch, 'WEEKLY', WW2 and WW1 is in number form but of text/string datatype. so after cast them to integer/number datatype then those are use in iff operation.for second condition in switch, 'MONTHLY', WW2 and WW1 is month name. so the objective is to get month number from month name. After that, then WW1,WW2 are use in iff operation.

= "WEEKLY", IIF((cInt(Parameters!WW2.Value) - cInt(Parameters!WW1.Value)) > 10, Parameters!WW1.Value,IIF(cInt(Parameters!WW2.Value) < 11,1,cInt(Parameters!WW2.Value) - 10)), Parameters!date_range_type.Value = "MONTHLY", IIF((cInt(MONTH(datepart("YYYY",today())&
"-" & Parameters!WW2.Value & "-01")) - cInt(MONTH(datepart("YYYY",today())& "-" & Parameters!WW1.Value & "-01"))) > 10, MONTH(datepart("YYYY",today())& "-" &
Parameters!WW1.Value & "-01"),IIF(cInt(MONTH(datepart("YYYY",today())& "-" & Parameters!WW2.Value & "-01")) < 11,1,cInt(MONTH(datepart("YYYY",today())& "-" & Parameters!WW2.Value
& "-01")) - 10)) )

if i run report for 'WEEKLY' only, means doesnt need switch and the other iif condition, it working fine. so does when run on 'MONTHLY' only.

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Reporting Services :: Passing Multivalue Parameter In URL In SSRS 2008 Not Working

Jun 17, 2015

I am trying to test the concept of passing multi value parameters from one report using the Action Property of a textbox to open another report is a new Window with the Multi Value parameter values already passed. The test involves the following:

Report 1:

1. Multi Value Parameter @ReportParameter1 has three Values: Value1, Value2, Value3

2. Has a text box with the Action Property set to Go to URL with the following Expression:
+ JOIN(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value,"&ReportParameter1=") + "'))"

Report 2:

1. Has Two Parameters @ReportParameter1 and @ReportParameter2

2. @ReportParameter1 has Available Values as follows: Value1, Value2, Value3

Does not have any default Values.

When I click on the textbox on Report1, it does navigate to Report2 but none of the Values are being set.

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Reporting Services :: Drop Down Or Additional Options Are Not Working In Report Manager

Aug 27, 2015

I am facing the following issue that i am unable to select additional options from drop down.

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Reporting Services :: Setting Data From Custom Library Not Working In SSRS

Sep 22, 2015

I have a SSRS report that uses a custom library. The custom library returns a string values, and I have tested this with a windows application.In the SSRS report. I have set the expression value for a text box as  =CodeReportingLibrary.CodeReportingFunctions.GetImage(1232)

However, when i preview the report the text box value shows as #ERROR. I checked the error list and I get a warning message : Warning 1 [rsRuntime ErrorIn Expression] The Value expression for the textrun ‘Textbox5.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ contains an error: Attempt by security transparent method 'CodeReportingLibrary.CodeReportingFunctions.GetReferenceImage(Int32)' to access security critical method 'Microsoft. TeamFoundation. Client. TfsTeamProjectCollection..ctor(System.Uri)' failed.  Assembly 'CodeReportingLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is partially trusted, which causes the CLR to make it entirely security transparent regardless of any transparency annotations in the assembly itself.  In order to access security critical code, this assembly must be fully trusted.

I have updated the rssrvpolicy.config in ReportServer folder, to include my custom dll.

Description="CoDe Magazine Sample. ">


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Windows Integrated Not Working To DNS Name / Works With Server Name

Aug 12, 2015

I have an acctest server (XX-ATS-ASSHP102) running SSRS, SQL DB Engine & SSAS. I'm trying to configure NATIVE SQL Reporting Services to use a data source with Windows Integrated mode towards a SSAS cube on the same server. When I use the servername (or it works perfectly. But when I use the DNS name bidb.acctest.internal it fails with the error "The connection either timed out or was lost.". The profiler on SSAS says "anonymous login" so the Kerberos login is broken at some point.The weird thing is that this works perfectly in production environment, but I've missed something in the ACCTEST environment.The SPN for the serviceaccount running SSAS has correctect SPN:s:


The SSRS account has delegation with "any service". No account has the "sensitive" flag.DNS names are A-records, except the hostname for the SSRS site which is a c-name, but it's identical in production.The "impersonate client after login" and "replace token" permissions are correct in the policy.The rsreportserver.config says:


both in production and in acctest env..

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Reporting Services :: Report Subscriptions Not Working With A Particular Domain Service Account?

Aug 13, 2015

I have an instance of SSRS that will not run my report subscriptions if it is using a dedicated domain account I made for the express purpose of using it to run this service.

If I have SSRS use my personal domain account as the service account, my subscriptions run correctly. If I have SSRS use this other domain account, the subscriptions do not run.

What else do I have to configure to make this run correctly not on my personal account?

Error message below.

"ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: AuthzInitializeContextFromSid: Win32 error: 5; possible reason - service account doesn't have rights to check domain user SIDs., Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. ;"

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - Chart Report Is Not Working After Deployment

Sep 23, 2015

We developed some of the chart reports. It is working fine when we preview the reports in the solution itself. After deployment to reportserver, when we access the same report, It is showing empty rectangle box (border of chart body). We have already checked data source/ Dataset mapping for the report.

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A Curious Error Message, Local Temp Vs. Global Temp Tables?!?!?

Nov 17, 2004

Hi all,

Looking at BOL for temp tables help, I discover that a local temp table (I want to only have life within my stored proc) SHOULD be visible to all (child) stored procs called by the papa stored proc.

However, the following code works just peachy when I use a GLOBAL temp table (i.e., ##MyTempTbl) but fails when I use a local temp table (i.e., #MyTempTable). Through trial and error, and careful weeding efforts, I know that the error I get on the local version is coming from the xp_sendmail call. The error I get is: ODBC error 208 (42S02) Invalid object name '#MyTempTbl'.

Here is the code that works:SET NOCOUNT ON

CREATE TABLE ##MyTempTbl (SeqNo int identity, MyWords varchar(1000))
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your second long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('put your really, really LONG message (yeah, every guy says his message is the longest...whatever!')
DECLARE @cmd varchar(256)
DECLARE @LargestEventSize int
DECLARE @Width int, @Msg varchar(128)
SELECT @LargestEventSize = Max(Len(MyWords))
FROM ##MyTempTbl

SET @cmd = 'SELECT Cast(MyWords AS varchar(' +
CONVERT(varchar(5), @LargestEventSize) +
')) FROM ##MyTempTbl order by SeqNo'
SET @Width = @LargestEventSize + 1
SET @Msg = 'Here is the junk you asked about' + CHAR(13) + '----------------------------'
EXECUTE Master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@query = @cmd,
@no_header= 'TRUE',
@width = @Width,
@dbuse = 'MyDB',
@subject='none of your darn business',
@message= @Msg

The only thing I change to make it fail is the table name, change it from ##MyTempTbl to #MyTempTbl, and it dashes the email hopes of the stored procedure upon the jagged rocks of electronic despair.

Any insight anyone? Or is BOL just full of...well..."stuff"?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2005 Custom Report Rendering Format Not Working?

Jun 3, 2015

I'm trying to add a custom report format to ssrs 2005 as per this [URL] I've added the code snippets in the example to three different ssrs 2005 server RSReportServer.config files but it does not work i.e do not show up in the export drop down when rendering report.

I've tried starting and stopping reporting services and it still does not works.

I've also modified the existing csv extension  with different options to see if it works but to no avail.However it works with SSRS2008 R2 . In fact it works right after I saved the config file, no restart needed.For SSRS2005 the file is in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServer. I checked the registry setting  just to make sure I'm looking at the correct installation 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsClientSetup', 'SQLPath' The three ssrs2005 instances are in three different physical servers and the problem is with all of them so it is not an isolated incident. I've dbowner rights to all three servers. The server versions are 9.0.4060, 9.0.4035 and 9.0.4053

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2008 - Report Builder Download To Domain Level Clients Not Working

Feb 5, 2010

I have created a new SSRS Server and done all of the basic security setup for the site but I am having trouble with client machine access...At first I had an issue with being able to access report manager from any client and ended up having to shut off windows authentication on the client IE settings to get it to work.  Now I am trying to run Report Builder from a client machine and it will not download. The client machine is on the same domain and my user id is set as an administrator within SSRS and as a local admin on the 2008 server. 

I had the thought that without windows auth in the browser maybe it can't permit me access to the application but if I turn it on I can't get to it to download it.  I have set Full Control rights to the folder as well. Most of the info out there is for 2005 and that uses IIS to host the pages where as 2008 does not. Here is the details of the error:

PLATFORM VERSION INFO Windows    : 6.1.7600.0 (Win32NT) Common Language Runtime  : 2.0.50727.4927 System.Deployment.dll   : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900) mscorwks.dll    : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900) dfdll.dll    : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900) dfshim.dll    : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900)

[URL] ....

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